• Published 8th Sep 2013
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Comments in the Melody of Love - The Cellist

This is what happens when Vinyl and Octavia add their future son on ponybook. This wasn't supposed to be a story, but we decided to make it into one just for fun. Co-author Anthony Girtman aka Tiviyl Scratch.

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Chapter 5

“I actually think that I like that mare more than just a friend.” Octavia typed slowly on the keyboard letting each word that she typed sink fully into her mind.

Octavia and Vinyl awoke that very next morning, both of the mares just lying there in the tranquil air of their rooms. Vinyl’s heart cringed with a nervous fear as she looked around for her clothes from the night before to see if that amazing dream had in fact been a reality. She smiled as she saw them.

"It actually happened…" she said as she fell back asleep.

Octavia ran a hoof slowly across her mouth trying to keep the taste of Vinyl's lips upon hers.

"What an amazing night. I should do something to thank her for everything,” she said softly.

Octavia slowly got up and crept out of her room. She moved silently toward the kitchen stopping only once to look in Vinyl's open door she saw that the mare was asleep.

"Last night must have really worn you out. Please stay asleep long enough for me to make you breakfast."

She started moving again swiftly dodging the yellow beams of light that shone through the blinds. She was going to make Vinyl pancakes this morning. She quickly made the batter and began to put the pancakes on the pan, as they were cooking she started to slice up fruit for the both of them. She put the pancakes on a plate and covered them with a cover then proceeded to put some of the fruit in a bowl next to the silver cover, then put them on a tray and headed towards unsuspecting white mare’s room. Vinyl was lying on her bed hugging her pillow making kissing faces and mumbling something.

"Vinyl wake up. I've got something for you."

The white mare slowly sat up in her bed still drowsy from her sleep.

"Wha... Tavi! What are you doing in my room?" she said as she tried to grab her friend.

She sat the breakfast on to Vinyl's lap.

"Surprise, happy breakfast in bed day." she said as she slightly chuckled.

"Awe thanks, you know you really didn’t have to do this Tavi." Vinyl said as she tightly hugged her friend.

"You're welcome Vinyl. Can't... Breath..."

Vinyl loosened her grip a bit and said "Sorry."

"It's fine."

She looked at her friend with puzzled grin "Vinyl might I ask what you were dreaming about?"

Vinyl started to choke on her the fruit because of the question her friend had just asked.

She blushed and said "U-umm I'd rather not say."

"Are you sure Vinyl?"

"Yes I'm sure."

Octavia laughed with a blush on her face.

"I do know one thing though. You’re going to have to wash that pillow Vinyl?"

"No! I don't want to wash it."

Octavia smiled.

“Why's that Vinyl."

“I just like my pillow how it is. All wet with my saliva"

"Ewww, well you should finish eating Vinyl"

"Okay if you really want me to Tavi I'll wash it."

"It’s your favorite…” She said as she lifted the silver cover off of the plate.

"Pancakes oh you know me to well."

Vinyl looked at the pancakes that sat her lap with a puzzled look on her face, "so Octi what's all this for anyway?"

"I... Umm..." She stopped and was quiet for a while and then continued again. "I just felt like making them. H-how are they?"

"They’re great Tavi! This wouldn't have anything to with last night w-would it?" Vinyl said with a smile and slight blush.

"N-no… I-is there enough butter on your pancakes. Here let me go and get you more butter. I know how you like buttery pancakes." she said as she darted out the door reentering a few seconds later with a stick of butter on a small saucer plate.
"Hey Tavi what's wrong, did you have a bad dream or something?"

"N-no I had quite the good dream." she blushed as she said it.

"Oh like what, come and sit down and tell auntie Vinyl all about it," she said.

"No Vinyl and just because you're a year older than me doesn't mean you're my auntie." Octavia walked out of the room to put the butter back in the kitchen.

Vinyl got up off the bed and brought the dishes with her to the kitchen. As she walked to the sink she passed Octavia and laughed.

"Tavi you know I'm just messing with you and I'm not that much older than you… It’s like what a few months or something," said Vinyl as she began to wash the dishes that she had just put into the sink.

"Y-yeah but..." she paused, "Can we just forget about it for right now Vinyl."

"Oh o-ok Tavi,” she looked at the floor with a sad look irradiating from her eyes. "Well anyway what's on the agenda for today my beautiful," she said with a small smile.

"I don't really quite know. We both don't have class today, so it's up to you."

"Well let’s see, we could just sit around at watch movie all day and order a pizza…” “

Kind of like a lazy day"

"Come on Tavi, first one to the couch picks the first movie" said Vinyl as she bolted for the couch

"Okay I guess." as she walked into the living room

"I'm gunna beat you Tavi"

"Yeah I know Vinyl."

“Don't you want to watch something like I don't know romantic and cheesy?

“Kind of of but I'm sure you won't pick that.”

“You know what I think I just might.”

"You wouldn't it's not in your character."

"Oh yeah… Try me beat me to the couch and I will sit there and watch all the cheesy movies you want till we fall asleep" said Vinyl cockily.

“You're two steps away from the couch." Octavia said with a deadpan expression on her face.

Vinyl tripped just a step away from the couch.

"Oops… Ouch!"

Octavia walked by Vinyl and sat down on the couch. "I know you did that on purpose."

"You’re smiling aren’t you?"

"No why would I be."

"You won and now you get to pick what we watch," she said as she got up and sat on the couch next to Octavia.

"I want to watch..." she stopped and thought for a second putting a hoof to her chin. ”Hmm what would be the thing to torture Vinyl the most with hmm, oh I know the news!"

"Let's watch Manhattan News' hour long special on what is in hay burgers and how damaging they are to ponies’ insides."

Vinyl looked at Octavia shocked but then thought of something to get back at Octavia for torturing her "Fine Treble clef, we'll watch that I get to hold your hoof while we do..." said Vinyl with a squee

"That wasn't part of the deal Vinyl."

"So no you don't get too."

"Hey can’t blame a mare for trying" Vinyl said blushing looking away from Octavia with a disappointed look.

Octavia grabbed Vinyl's hoof and said with a sigh "the things I do for wubs."

Vinyl blushed heavily "I-I-I… Ummmm…. Never would have expected something like that to come out of your mouth treble clef."

"Don't get used to it. Ok."

"Why shouldn’t I, you seem to enjoy it," Vinyl said with a grin.

Octavia grabbed her hoof and crossed her front legs together so Vinyl couldn't hold them. "This is what you get for saying that."
"No fare Tavi thats chea…" Vinyl stopped herself then a small voice inside of her head that sounded like Tiviyl’s said "mom don’t make her mad stop before you go too far"

She turned and faced forward.

"O-ok Tavi, you don’t to if you don’t want to" said vinyl in a nerves voice as she put her hooves to her side and looked at the TV.

Octavia shivered a bit and said "Umm Vinyl. W-would you?" She blushed heavily, and couldn't say the rest of it.

"What is it Tavi?

"Would you get me a blanket?"

"Sure Tavi."

She got up and headed into Octavia's room and got the warmest and biggest looking one she could find. It was an oldish looking blanket that was a pleasing cream white.

"Here Tavi" she said as the blanket was spread over Octavia.

"You know that I was only kidding about the news. How about you pick something instead?"

"No… No it's fine Tavi, I was going to pick something you liked anyway."

"What was it?"

"You know something romantic and stuff" Vinyl said with a slight shiver and chill in her breath.

"If you don't like those kinds of movies then why are you so lovey dovey with me?"

Octavia changed the channel to a movie that had just started.

"I don't know..... There's just something about you I guess...." Vinyl said shivering "D-did somepony forget to pay the heat bill?"

"I paid it last month so it wasn't me."

"I know Tavi but its freezing in here"

“Maybe the heater is broken?”

"Would you be so kind as to share the cover with me Tavi. I'm freezing my flank off." She shivered while putting small smile on her face. "I mean that is if you don't mind of course…"

Octavia hugged the blanket tighter. "It's my blanket. Why should I share?"

"Because I'm cold Tavi and I think you still owe me from last night" Vinyl said blushing.

Octavia blushes when Vinyl says that. She hands some of the blanket over to her friend. Vinyl puts the cover over herself and snuggles up to Octavia.

"Do you mind Tavi?"

Octavia doesn't say anything and lets Vinyl snuggle with her.

Vinyl turns her head toward the TV and then back to Octavia "Hey sorry about you know making you mad Tavi."

"It's fine."

"You sure......prove it than"

"I'd rather not, but if you insist." Octavia said as she leaned in closer toward Vinyl.

Vinyl blushed heavily and a nervous smile spread across on her face.

"Umm Tavi never mind forget it…" She said as she looked away her cheeks flushed.

Suddenly the phone rings.

"You'd better go get the phone actually. I'll get it you just sit there and stay warm.” Vinyl said as she got up to get the phone

"No I'll get it."

"Ok Tavi" said Vinyl as she got back under the cover.

"Philharmonica and Scratch residents, may I ask who is calling."

"Well howdy there cous. How ya doin?" said the voice on the other line.

"Fiddles?! Just the mare I wanted to talk too."

"What do ya need help with Tavi?"

"Um... Could you hold on just a second?"

"Okie Doki."

"Hey Vinyl I'm sorry I'm going to be a while just start the movie without me okay."

Vinyl sighed. "Awe but Tavi!"

"Vinyl I’ll be back in a minute go ahead and start I don't mind."

"So cous. What did ya want ta talk ta me about?"

Octavia walked a bit further away from the living room so Vinyl couldn't hear what she was about to say.

"Fiddles I'm sorry to bring this up, but you know how you're parents disowned you because you wanted to sing country duet with your husband whom they strongly disapproved of instead of playing classical.

“Yeah, so what’s wrong are ya in the same boat as I was. Ya know I’m here for ya cous. If ya need a place ta stay ya can move in with us until yall get your hooves on the ground."

"I don't want to bother you and Braeburn any besides we kind of have a place already."

"We? Ya mean yall are already living together with him."

"Well for about a year now actually."

"Wait didn't ya parent's come visit ya over the holidays, so would they not have seen your stallion friend?"

"Yes my parents did come visit but my friend wasn’t at our house they were at their friends house the entire time because let's just say that they don't get along really well with their family."

"Oh okay anyway tell me a bit about him. Is he handsome? What does he do for a livin?"

"Well Fiddles this is the reason I called you because if I tell my parent's about this then they'll disown me on the spot and destroy any record of me existing, at least your mother and sisters still kind of keep in contact with you."

"I'm sure they wouldn't do that cous. Come on tell me who is he?"

"Well." she paused for long while.

"Cous... Are ya still there? Hello?"

"Yeah I'm still here Fiddles. The pony I'm in love with isn't a stallion... It's a mare."

Fiddles was silent for a time as she thought of the best thing to say. "Octavia... What's her name?"

"Her name is Vinyl Scratch she's a disk jockey at a local club but she's also attending college. I tried to keep telling myself that it's wrong and that I shouldn't like a mare, but after what happened last night. I can't deny my feelings any longer."

"Hmm... Cous. no matter what your parent's do if ya really feel like ya love her then stay with her through the thick and thin."

"But. What if..." Octavia started to say but was cut off by Fiddlesticks.

"No, Octavia ya have ta stay with her no matter what. It's your life live it the way ya want ta. Your parents shouldn't have a say in whom ya fall in love with."

"Fiddles… Thanks, you've been a lot of help and you've made me feel a bit less worried about where to go in this relationship."

"Anytime Octavia and I'm glad that ya found somepony who makes ya happy. Love ya cous."

"Love you to Fiddlesticks."

Vinyl just had gotten up to get some popcorn and she over-heard the last bit of Octavia's conversation.

"Hey Tavi who was that?" Said Vinyl with a curious look on her face

"Oh that was just my cousin Fiddlesticks. She was just calling to see how I was doing."

"Oh in that case" Vinyl shrugged and headed to the living room "hey Tavi you coming, I bet the movies half over by now."

"Hey what did you mean by oh in that case?" she said to Vinyl as she walked back to the couch and put the blanket over herself

"Well there's no need for me to be nosy or jealous than" replied vinyl as she sat next to octavia.

"Umm okay, if you say so."

Vinyl looked at Octavia, once more the cold hit her from no longer being under the warmth of the blanket "hey Tavi can I join you under the cover again I'm freezing."

"You may."

Vinyl crept back under the cover of the blanket and gently snuggled up to Octavia but in such a small way it would be hard to notice

The movie ended a short time later. "Well Vinyl it's time for your pick."

Vinyl got up and walked to the small stack of movies that sat next to the TV on a shelf.

"Well let’s see" she quickly thought to herself, "pick something she’ll like"

Vinyl looked through the movies and fined one that suited her mare friend.

A small voice rang in her head "Try Star Light" Vinyl shook her head "there's that voice again."

Vinyl looked once more at the stack of movies and saw the movie that the voice suggested. It was an old movie, a romantic yet sad movie but from what she saw might be interesting.

"Hey how about this one Tavi it seems good to me"

"Umm Vinyl you recorded over that one remember."

"No I didn't I recorded over one of my old robot war movies"

"You did too."

"Did not look" Vinyl popped in the movie and the menu for Star Light came up.

"See told you."

"Okay I was wrong."

Vinyl pressed play and then ran back an dived on to the couch

"I haven't seen this one for quite some time."

"Really?" Vinyl said as she crept back under the blanket and snuggled up to Octavia.

"Is it any good?"

"I like it."

"Well I odd to like it than" said vinyl trying to sound enthusiastic as the movie began to play

"Umm hey Vinyl I know this might be random but, what is it you like about me?"

"What do mean Tavi?" Vinyl looked puzzled and nervous at the same time and turned a slight pink

"I-I mean like what qualities do you find good."

"Oh… Uhhh well I like the fact that you’re a great cook and you’re always honest with me even if well… The truth hurts and you have the occasion to be funny" Vinyl paused for a second and looked at Octavia's eyes "and well I think that…" She struggled to get the words out. "I think your eyes are the most beautiful colors I have ever seen."

Octavia smiled and her heart skipped a few beats when Vinyl said that. "Y-you really think they're beautiful."

"Well yes I do" Vinyl nerves skyrocketed, her face turned pink and she looked towards the ground trying to hide the flushness in her face.

Octavia leaned in to give her friend a big hug but she lost her balance causing her to fall on top of Vinyl. Their muzzles just inches apart.

"You're quite bold Tavi." Vinyl said with a smirk while blushing profusely.

"I... I... I'm..." Octavia started to say but was cut off as Vinyl kissed Octavia.

Both their minds went blank with the kiss.
Vinyl’s hooves slowly wrapped themselves around Octavia's neck, while Octavia placed hers onto Vinyl’s blushing cheeks. The two mares sat there in the kiss enjoying every second of it. The two mares lips separated and both just sat there staring into the other’s eyes.

"Tavi I swear I could lost in those eyes of yours."

Octavia blushed and could only stare back into the mare sitting next to her.

"You know your eyes are quite lovely too Vinyl" She said.

The white mare’s cheeks turned a mixture of pink and red as her heart skipped a beat.

"Hey Tavi what is it you like a-about me?" Vinyl said nervously.

"Well I like how you speak your mind. Your strawberry pancakes are to die for and you're a great kisser, but you've probably been told that a lot oh and I also sometimes like your childish attitude, I find it quite cute."

Vinyl looked Octavia and smiled "I'm an amazing kisser eh Tavi"

"I think so; because you're the only pony I've ever kissed, so I really don't know what kissing another pony is even like."

Vinyl blushed.

"I-I am?" she said.

"Y-yes..." Octavia said while still blushing.

They looked at each other and smiled. Vinyl said. "W-well I must say you are an amazing kisser"

"I-I am..." Octavia sat up and began to fiddle with her hooves nervously.

"Y-yes you are" she said as she also sat up on the couch.

"Well thanks Vinyl."

Vinyl picked the blanket back up and put it over the both of them.

"Here Tavi… Even though we’re still a bit cold even with this blanket it still helps.

"Thanks..." Octavia scooted a bit closer to Vinyl.

She laid her head on Vinyl's shoulder. "Can we stay like this for a while?"

Vinyl put a hoof around Octavia's shoulder "if you want Tavi."

The movie ended soon after. Vinyl was about to close her eyes and pass out. Whether it was from boredom or if it was from the fact that it was so calm and quiet in the house it would send the mare off into dreams from the sounds of the room. Vinyl looked down and saw Octavia lying there asleep still wrapped in her hooves.

She laid her head gently on Octavia's head. "Sleep well my love." she said as she quickly fell asleep on Octavia.

End of Chapter 5.