> Comments in the Melody of Love > by The Cellist > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “How are you this fine day my good sir?” Octavia typed furiously. “Fine, how's Vinyl,” typed Tiviyl. “How's Vinyl? She comes home drunk all the time, never studies, blasts her music when I'm trying to sleep, just to annoy me, so I'd say she's doing pretty good. : ( Myself on the other hoof not so great.” “Now I'm sure it's not all that bad. I heard that she is quite the sweet heart to you at times.” “You're kidding right? She's the worst pony I've ever met!” “Have you even tried getting to know her I hear she has an awesome personality like you. I ought to know I have a mix of the both of you.” “Yes multiple times I've sat down and tried to talk to her, but she never wants to talk to me.” “Maybe she's just hiding something from you like she's shy about something, like feelings or maybe you should try something oh like I don’t know how about you offer to go to the clubs with her one night. Then ask her to come with you somewhere that you both would like maybe a mixed music convention. That might build some friendship between you two and she can't be all that bad I've seen some of the posts she has made on your ponybook” “Those were her drunken ramblings, but I suppose I shall try it your way.” “Hey you never know it could be fun, and you may learn that you to aren’t that different.” “Do you suppose there are some clubs around Baltimare that are open earlier in the night?” “I don’t know really maybe, wait I thought you lived in Ponyville and doesn't Vinyl work at a club? Maybe you can go to that one?” “I'm from Trottingham and at the moment we both live in Baltimare. She probably does work at a club since she comes home drunk every night.” “Well keep my idea in mind; you never know you may end up liking it.” “I may end up liking the music but I shall never like the culture. I can't condone the things I have heard that go on at those night clubs. I'm going to try it, although I'm going to feel quite out of place because it isn't quite my cup of tea.” “Well it's good to get out of your comfort zone every now and again. Plus Vinyl would have to go do something fancy with you. I can see Vinyl in a bowtie.” “I don't see that ever happening.” “Still it's a funny thought.” “It would be kind of funny to see her taken out of her comfort zone for a change.” “You may even find her cute. Well at least kind of cute maybe.” “I guess so. What if she says she agrees with it and then I go to the club but she dodges my thing?” “Then offer her something like if you don't like it than I owe you something or something like that than she can't refuse.” “I don’t want to imagine the horror she would come up with if I told her that.” “Come on what's the worse she's going to do a remix a song of yours. Plus the same applies to her if you don't like something she takes you to.” “You've never seen how playful she can get when she's drunk. Even when she's not drunk sometimes I wonder if she's ever had a coltfriend. I tend to think she's a fillyfooler.” “Has she ever done that around you or to you?” “Have you looked at the status updates that she puts on my account she needs to make her own account and stop using mine! I'm glad my mother and father don't use this ponybook. Otherwise they would disown me if they ever saw the status’s that Vinyl has put on my account thanks to her drunken ways.” “You know when somepony "likes" you they tend to embarrass you and stuff to get a reaction out of you because they think it’s cute.” “I suppose so, but still it isn't right.” “You have to admit. You have probably blushed and or smiled at some of the stuff she has put on there or done for you.” “I laughed really hard when she tripped me down the stairs then started laughing her flank off although she did offer me a hoof up which it was rather kind of her to do that. I think that that thing is being lost in our society today.” “No doubt it is.” “I guess there may be hope for her yet.” “Hmm it sounds like you kind of like her. There has to be some reason why you always forgive her maybe because you find her kind of cute or pretty in some way shape or form.” “No that is only time she has ever been kind to me.” “I doubt that, but there has to be some reason you keep forgiving here. Maybe it's because you find it hard to be mad at that pretty face of hers.” “Well there was that time when she rescued me from that fire in our dorm room on the first day of college.” “See she's not all that bad, she can be nice and I'm sure she has her moments that make you blush and look at her and go wow she's pretty or something.” “She told me the only reason she came in there was to save her records she just happened to see me on the floor almost dead because of smoke inhalation.” “You and I both know that's bull crap.” “Oh yeah she's really cute when she eats my pancakes that I made for my breakfast and she even makes noises while she eats them like it's some sort of game to her.” “Oh you know what I mean no need to be sarcastic. Be honest with me now.” “She just got home from the clubs ask her yourself.” "Hey Vinyl come here my friend wants to talk to you." said Octavia to Vinyl. Octavia got up and headed to bed. Vinyl sat down at the computer and scrolled through the comments. “Sup, Vinyl Scratch here.” “Octavia was telling the truth. I did only go in there for my records but when I saw Tavi hiding under my mixing table almost dead. I told myself I have to save her so I grabbed her and my records but the fire was to close so I had to ditch my records. Man I had some good songs on some of those records and my mixing table got destroyed. Anyway I ran down the back steps because the front ones were engulfed in fire and other debris. I set Tavi down and I don't know what came over me but I thought she was the most beautiful mare I'd ever seen so I kissed her and she still doesn't know I did. : )” “Ah ha I knew you were hiding something to be honest I think Octi is too.” “I hated her at first because she reminded me of my parents always wanting to buy me stuff when I wanted to buy it myself. Until my dad lost his job and started to drink and beat my mom and I every night and my mother didn't do anything about him she didn’t try to get a divorce, but to be completely honest I don't blame her.” “Now you have feelings for her funny how life works out huh.” “Yep.” “Don't worry; I'm sure Octi will come around eventually.” “If she doesn't I've still got my wubstep to give me wubs.” “Try acting cute around her or try flirting with her that may just do it.” “I've tried that like this one time I went into her room and laid out all sexy like for her and she kicked me out and she said she'd hit me with her special metal cello if I ever did that again. Speaking of that, why does she even have that metal cello of hers oh well? To be honest I think she's hiding something.” “Me too, how about you try something like offering to go to an event with her like a concert and when she's not looking or paying attention make a move like put your hoof over hers or something like that or something that’s cutie and romantic at the same time ought to work.” “Okay I'll take her to see Deathmare 6-Deathmare in space! She'll love it.” “No I mean something that you'll know she’ll like. Maybe something romantic for her and also a bit of horror for you, fun for you both.” “Awe man I really want to see that too. Hmm. Oh I know we could have a nice dinner at Hay Burger and then I can give her my alicorn toy she'll totally love that!” Vinyl squees when she types it. “Do some fancy for her. I mean FANCY like dinner at a nice restaurant and a nice romantic-horror movie it will start out as a friend night but will end as a date.” “So you're saying I should go to some place fancy like Fluer de Galti, and for the movie umm maybe “My love to you is eternal?” “Yes and take Tavi and it could be like a date.” “Okay you’ve talked me into it. I’m going to ask her and while I’m at it I’ll also ask her why she has a metal cello. Aren't they usually made out of some sort of cheap wood or something?” “Yeah usually they are made of wood. When you’re at the movies just do something subtle like put your hoof over or under hers while you’re watching the movie.” “I'll do that.” “You'd be surprised I think she'll like it.” “I hope so I haven't felt this way in a long time about anypony.” “I'm pretty sure it will work if you pull it off at the right time.” “What if I ask for her hoof in marriage after but her parents say no?” “Now… Now that can wait. Try it after a few dates. Go and ask her if she would like to go to a fancy dinner and a movie with you.” “Aww man but I wanted to make wub wub in the tub with her. : (“ “Ask her on a dinner and movie date first.” “Okay… Okay… I'll do it your way.” “Trust me it just might work, now go and ask her quit stalling or you’ll never get your chance.” Vinyl walks away from the computer and into Octavia's room where the sleeping mare rests. Tiviyl turns on his webcam. "Tavi I've got to ask you something!" Vinyl yelled into Octavia's ear. “Real smooth I would have been sweeter and nicer about it. Well are you going to ask her?” "What is it Vinyl?" she said frustrated and drowsy. "Umm I was just wondering if you wanted to do something this weekend like maybe go to a movie and to dinner I'll buy. What do you say?" "You aren't going to take me to see Deathpony 6 and Hay King are you?" "Umm no I was thinking about My Love to you is Eternal and Fluer de Galti." Octavia opened her eyes a bit more when she heard what Vinyl had suggested. "Umm yeah sure, but I kind of wanted to go to a club with you if you don't mind taking me along with you sometime." "Umm yeah sure we can do that after." "May I ask who put you up to this?" "Umm it was your friend on Ponyhoof." “I did no such thing! I just told her what would have been a better night out for you two is all.” He types on the computer and waits for a response. "I'll be right back okay I’ve got to go complain to somepony and go brush your teeth Vinyl!" "I don't brush my teeth I clean them with wubs, Tavi." "That's why your breath smells like plot Vinyl and nopony with high standards wants to be around you." Tiviyl turns off his camera. Octavia climbs out of bed, and walks to the computer. She sits down and begins to type. “I take it Vinyl and you have been talking?” “Yes.” “So that's why she came in and woke me up when I was having the best dream ever. I was playing at the Grand Galloping Gala.” “Well… At least you woke up to something good right.” “Her screaming in my ear, hey Tavi isn't quiet the wake up call I wanted, but she asked me to go to the movies and dinner. I took your advice and she said yes. Then I asked her if I could accompany her to a club this Friday and she said yes.” “Hey what did I tell you? It all worked out didn’t it? I must say that was odd of her almost romantic in a way.” “To scream in my ear, I don't really think so.” “I meant the whole dinner and movie thing.” “Yes I know what you meant, and it was kind of romantic but I'm not into mares.” “Hmm sure… The way you look at Vinyl at times says differently.” “I really don't look at her like that. She's my roommate nothing more nothing less. Why did you say the way I look at Vinyl sometimes? Are you a Spy!” “No I just have a theory and your aggression proves my point. You do look at her like that.” “I do not and how would you know anyway if I did.” “There’s your defensive aggression again.” “It's not defensive aggression. I'm just asking you how you would know that.” “I told you how and I just know is all I can say you'll know of me soon enough in the future.” “I take it you go to Baltimare College, or did my parents send you to spy on me.” “No. No. I just know these things. Just know I'm related to both you and Vinyl and you'll both know me soon enough.” Octavia was too exhausted to even remember what had just been type in front of her. "Hey Tavi I'm done brushing my teeth want to make out now." "Eww Vinyl no I’ll never do that with you! I'm going back to bed. You talk to him some more." “Eh no need to fear I’ll stay and talk to mom. I have your talent Octavia’s personality and I share your looks. Who am I?” “You're a clone of Tavi and I made by a doctor from another universe.” “No, my name is Tiviyl.” “Well that's a weird name. Who the buck would name somepony that.” “Tavi and you should know.” “Huh? I don’t understand.” Vinyl said scratching her head confused “I just gave you a BIG hint there.” “Wait I got it you're a time traveler, who was sent back to make me brainwash Tavi into loving me, so we can make sweet sweet wubs all night long, then one of us gets pregnant somehow, and one of us gives birth to a baby colt.” “Something like that, only with a name like mine Tiviyl Scratch you think that you both would have figured it out by now.” “Wait I’ll be right back. “ Vinyl jumps up from the computer runs into the kitchen gets some of her secret vodka and runs back to the computer and sits down drinks a bit of the vodka and spits the rest out in surprise. "What did you say!" “My name is Tiviyl Scratch.” “I know that's why I spit my Vodka out.” “I have your mane color, Tavi’s eyes, your talent, and a mix of both your personalities.” “Rock on!” “Who or what am I?” “You're obviously a griffin pony hybrid cause I'm part griffin of course and because they're wicked awesome, or are you the mythical creature called a human which some ponies believe lived here but were banished because Princess Celestia didn’t want them around.” Tiviyl facehoofs himself, and turns on camera again. It show a white stallion that looks like some mare’s mane done up in a fin the color of Vinyl’s and the shimmering eye color of Octavia's with a fedora lying next to him. He holds up a picture in his hoof of two mares and a little colt. Vinyl screams and dies of shock. “Who am I? Whoops I didn't mean to do that.” "Damn it Vinyl!" Octavia said as she got up from her bed. She storms into the room and doesn't see Tiviyl on cam. All her focus is on the mare laying there in the tipped over chair. "Vinyl... Vinyl... Vinyl!" Octavia says. She pokes Vinyl's face with her hoof. She doesn't respond. Octavia rushes to the phone and calls 911. Tiviyl calls out from the computer screen, “kiss her it’s the only thing that will wake her.” "What who said that?" said Octavia looking around for the voice. “Me… The pony on the computer screen, don't look around for me just kiss her quick.” He shouts. "Ugh okay." Octavia bends down and gently places her lips upon Vinyl’s own. The screen falls off of the desk showing Tiviyl’s face and the picture toward Octavia for a short moment as she kisses Vinyl. Suddenly the white mare’s eyes flip open and she grabs Octavia and pushes harder onto her friends lips trying to slide her tongue into her friends mouth. Octavia stops kissing Vinyl and throws her to the ground. "You were just pretending to be dead weren't you?” Octavia yells. "No... Tavi I was dead I swear. I saw angels and they all looked like you." Vinyl protested. Tiviyl looks at both of them and sighs “Whew. I thought I nearly killed one of my mother’s there for a second. See you do like her Octi or should I say.” He says but audio cuts out. "Damn it Vinyl you broke the computer I have to buy another one that's the third one this week." The audio comes back on the computer. “You did it mom.” His camera falls over and shows the picture of Octavia, Vinyl, and him on the computer screen. Octavia doesn't see Tiviyl’s picture because she's too busy scolding Vinyl about how computers or bits don't come from the ground or trees. Vinyl try's to protest saying that they technically do come from the ground, but Octavia doesn't want to hear it. She storms off going to bed for the third time that night. Vinyl picks up the computer and see's that it is still working and begins to talk with Tiviyl again. “So hey where do you like to eat? What's your favorite movie and will I ever get to see Deadpony 6! How many movies did they make of deadpony before it jumped the dragon? Ten or eleven maybe some people say it jumped it after the third one.” Tiviyl picks the camera back up and places it so it won’t fall off again as he begins to type. “We have more pressing matters at hoof, seems like we did it again mom. Why did you faint?” “The reason I fainted was because I'm going to get to be with the mare that makes me the happiest and we're going to have one rad son, although I do wish you could have been part griffin. : (“ “Hey I have an idea whenever mom got mad at us. We would make it up to her by putting a rose on her nightstand when she slept and we would softly sing her, her favorite song then we would lie next to her and say we were sorry and kiss her on the cheek and that’s how we would fix everything.” “I'll let her sleep for right now okay hun. I’ll put a rose next to her though. Hold on let me go get one.” Vinyl gallops and grabs a rose from the university’s rose garden and sets it on Octavia’s nightstand. She floats a pen over and writes sorry about earlier Tavi. Will you please go look in the kitchen. On to a piece of paper? She goes into the kitchen and starts to make Octavia, her favorite strawberry pancakes. She cuts them up and then places them so that they spell out hope this makes up for earlier. Vinyl then sits back down at the computer. “Nice touch mom and I think that will make up for it. I want to know why you forced that kiss earlier . What came over you?” “She’s a bucking good kisser and I kind of lost control. I mean I've kissed plenty of stallions before but her kiss puts all of theirs to shame. It was a million times better than any of theirs were. I swear her parents must have hired somepony to teach her the art of kissing or something.” “Wow mom now I know where I get my game from so are you going to try and do another smooth move like that. It may actually end in you two kissing again.” “Maybe after our second date. I might try a little something. I don't want to press my luck though and lose her.” “Just do a simple kiss, unless mom presses for more okay.” “If you say so.” “I think I hear her?” “There or do you mean here?” “I think she's waking up there, quick act like you're asleep at the kitchen table.” Vinyl runs to the kitchen and pretends she's sleeping. Octavia walks in and see what Vinyl has done for her as she holds the rose in her hoof. She walks over to Vinyl and gently lifts her on to her own back so that she's now carrying her friend and slowly starts to walk to Vinyl's room. All the while Vinyl is trying not to die from the joy of being so close to Octavia. They enter Vinyl's room and she sets Vinyl down on her bed and covers her up. “Goodnight Vinyl,” she says softly and gives her a little hug. She walks into the kitchen and sees the pancakes Vinyl made for her. She sits down and starts eating them. After she finishes she washes off the plate and sets it in the dishwasher. She stops by Vinyl's room one more time and puts the note that Vinyl had put on her nightstand, but she had added to it. "Thanks for the rose and breakfast this morning Vinyl I loved it. I'll have to make it up to you when I get out of class today. Don't forget you have class at 2.” She started to trot out of the room but stopped. She turned and looked for a split second and gave a brief smile toward Vinyl then walked out. End of Chapter 1 > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vinyl woke me up three times last night. I really wasn't a happy mare when I woke up in the morning, but Vinyl had set a rose and a not by my bed telling me she was sorry and to walk in to the kitchen. She had made strawberry pancakes and cut them up to say I'm sorry she was also passed out in the chair, so I guess i couldn't really be mad at her after she went through all that time to make me those. — feeling Wonderful and happy that I have a roommate who cares about me. : ).” Octavia typed on her computer. “Well sounds like you’re happy, so how was that kiss. Are you going to get Vinyl back for it that?” “I hated it. I'm just lucky to have such a nice roommate is all?” Octavia blushed slightly “Sure you hated it that's why you’re blushing. You can't fool me Tavi. You actually liked it” "Wha... Whatever do you mean?" “You liked it when you kissed her and she kissed back passionately.” "I did not somepony told me to so I did. She just happened to wake up, and besides her breath still smelled like plot so why would I enjoy it." “I don’t know. Maybe there was just something about it that you liked.” “There was not a single thing that I liked about it. She put you up to this didn't she?” “No she didn't. This is purely me. By the way where is Vinyl?” “She’s probably out getting drunk at a bar or something?” Octavia rubs her nose in annoyance. "That mare I swear, she needs to grow up." Vinyl walks in and looks dead tired. She looks a Tavi and says "Today was a long day for class and studying… I took your advice Tavi and studied for the test. I think I passed it too. Do we have any coffee?” Vinyl falls into her friends arms. Vinyl doesn't smell like booze or a club, instead she smells of old books. She looks at Vinyl and smiles and thinks to herself "You actually listened to me for once?" She picks up her roommate up and carries her to her room. "You know when I said apply yourself I didn't mean kill yourself with it." Vinyl reaches a hoof over into her drawer and gets a tiny flask. She opens it with her magical aura and takes a few sips. "Awe yeah that's the good stuff. I needed some of Baltimare's non-alcoholic cider." Octavia trotted back into the living room and sat down at the computer and gently put a hoof to her face. "D-do I really like Vinyl?" she asked herself. "No I don't I can't like her she's a mare. She's just my friend?" She argued with herself. "I'm going to ask her if she thinks we're going on a date Friday night and if she says it's not a date then that means she doesn't like me right… Right." Vinyl overheard Octavia in the living room and saw her through the crack she had left in the door. "Tavi you’re kind of cute when you freak out about things." Octavia had a concerned look on her face that had made her her face take on a reddish pink color. "B-but what if it is?" Her face had gotten a small smile on it" Vinyl had crept out of her room seeing her friend still in deep thought there in the living room. She trotted over and stood beside her for a few moments. "How's it going trebleclef?" Vinyl said with a tiny smile "Okay I-I guess" "Well that's good; I hope you’re ready for Friday." Octavia looked at Vinyl with a puzzled smile on her face. "Uh Vinyl… Friday is that going to be like a date?" Vinyl looked her with a smile. "W-well yes I guess you could say that it's a date." Octavia’s face instantly turned a bright pink. She tried to hide a tiny smile from Vinyl, but her friend played it off and trotted into the living room and landed with a thud on the couch. "Hey Tavi you want to watch a movie with me?" Octavia trotted into the room and sat down beside her. “Sure, just nothing to scary." "You got it Tavi." Vinyl began to flip through the channels on television, until she stopped on Deathpony 3 Froggy Bottom Bog Massacre. She squeed with delight, but looked over at Octavia to get approval The grey mare had her hooves plastered to her face. "Vinyl, c-could you please change the channel to something less gory and scary." “Aww but Tavi it's almost to the best part." I-I hate these kinds of movies." Vinyl sighed. "Okay trebleclef. Do you want to watch a movie with butterflies and rainbows instead?" Vinyl asked teasingly. "W-well no, I don’t want something like that." "Then what do you want to watch?" "Let's watch a romance movie okay." "As you wish Tavi my queen," Vinyl said. She leapt up from the couch and did an elegant bow toward Octavia. This made Octi blush a bit. "S-stop kidding around and change the channel." "Okay okay." She sat back down next to her friend and started flipping through channels again until she found one that her friend would be able to uncover her eyes. When she saw what was on the television she covered her face with her hooves again. Vinyl saw this and let a sigh out. "Tavi what's wrong with this movie? I thought you would like it?" "Will you just change the channel again." "Why? What's wrong with this movie?" "Nothing is wrong with it. I-it's just I don't want to watch it." “Oh come on Tavi I don't even know what it is." "Okay let's watch it." Octavia didn't even last ten minutes she fell asleep. Vinyl continued to watch the movie which she figured out was called "My Royal Trottingham Wedding Fiasco." Vinyl was continually drawn to the main character a grey alicorn pony named Royal Beauty, she couldn't quite put her hoof on it but she had seen that ponies face somewhere before. Vinyl thought about it for a minute but was interrupted by Octavia unconsciously putting her hooves around vinyl and resting her head on her shoulder. Vinyl began to turn pink and smiled "man if only Tavi was more like this when she was awake." The computer suddenly kicked on and an image of Tiviyl flashed on the screen. "Man if I had a bit for every time I saw that sight." Vinyl smiled. "I hope this lasts for a while I like it." "Don't worry mom it will, you seem tired." Tiviyl said from his cam. Vinyl big yawned . "I am but not as much as your mom is" Vinyl said from the couch. Vinyl used her magic and floated a blanket into the room as she did Octi held Vinyl tighter and smiled blushing slightly. Vinyl almost turned into a fine apple red from Octi’s sleeping actions. Vinyl levitated the blanket over the two of them and then laid it over them and put her hoof over Octavia's shoulder and then began to fall asleep. As her eyes closed though she could have sworn she had heard Octavia mummer out "oh vinyl" in a calm and almost loving voice far from what she was use to and saw her face turn a fine shade of reddish pink, all the while Vinyl thought "I wonder what she's dreaming about" and then fell asleep crafting a dream of her own. Octavia awoke to Vinyl hugging her tightly and breathing in her face. Vinyl started to say something in her sleep, "I love you Royal Beauty." Octavia cringed at what Vinyl had said. She looked at the television and she assumed it was the same time she woke up every morning which was seven thirty. She didn't have class until twelve she got up from the couch and put the blanket back over Vinyl. She walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast for herself, but she got to many eggs so she decided to make Vinyl a little something too. "I wonder what Vinyl would want for breakfast. I guess fried eggs with fruit will have to do." she said. Vinyl awoke a short time later to an Octavia-less couch she began to panic, until she smelled eggs cooking. She trotted silently to the kitchen and had snuck up on Octavia in the kitchen. Octavia was too busy to realize Vinyl was right behind her. "Hey Tavi whatcha making," She screamed in her friend's ear. "Vinyl don't sneak up on ponies," Octavia scolded. "Sorry Tavi." "It is fine and I'm making fried eggs with fruit for you information." "Well it smells good. I wish I could cook as good as you Tavi." "Maybe I'll teach you sometime." "Hey Tavi can I ask you something, it's bothered me since the end of the movie." -Octavia didn't turn around. "Yes what is it Vinyl." "The credits didn't have the name of the main character of the romance movie we watched last night." "Yeah so?" "I know that I've seen the sexy face and flank somewhere before." Vinyl said putting a hoof to her chin. "I didn't think you'd watch the entire movie." "I kind of recorded it because I liked it so much." "R-really w-why," Octavia fumbled over her words a bit. "Tavi why didn't you like the movie," Vinyl asked. Vinyl looked at Octavia with a smile "Even if the wings and horn were fake they still looked good but I think you look sexier the way you are" "You really want to know don't you; fine I'll tell you why I don't like that movie Vinyl, because I'm the main character." Vinyl's jaw dropped. "You're kidding. She was an alicorn and you're an earth pony." "Fake horn and fake wings Vinyl," she said like it was common knowledge. Octavia blushed at Vinyl's comment. "W-well thank you." "So how'd you sleep last night trebleclef?” "I slept good last night although it got quite hot towards the end of the night but all in all it was pretty nice." "I guess I make pillow, eh Tavi "Yes, Vinyl you do make a good pillow. but you're too warm to be a summer pillow." "Are you saying I'm hot Tavi?" "Yes but not in the way I think you're suggesting it." Octavia said a slight blush spreading across her face. "You're very warm Vinyl." "Yes I know I'm hot good to know you think so to trebleclef" Vinyl said with a wink. Octavia ignored her roommates comment and scooped the eggs onto a plate and grabbed some slice strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and kiwi from the bowl sitting off to the side of the stove on the marble counter top. "Anyway here's your breakfast Vinyl." She extended a hoof out to Vinyl. Vinyl's heart fluttered a bit when Octavia extended her hoof. Vinyl put her hoof over Octavia's "Thank you beautiful" said vinyl with flirtish grin. "Oh and I must say Tavi you make quite the teddy bear and blanket too" When Vinyl said that she about dropped Vinyl's plate on to the floor. "W-will you stop saying such disgusting things at breakfast Vinyl and stop suggesting stuff that isn't true. I'm not beautiful." "Says who?" "Says me Vinyl, j-just eat your breakfast." "You have amazing eyes but with them you sometimes miss some of the most beautiful things Tavi even when looking in a mirror at yourself. Just remember this treble clef there's nothing more beautiful than yourself" vinyl said to Octavia with her hoof over her friend's. "You know don't you Tavi?" She shook Vinyl's hoof off of her own. "I told you eat your breakfast before it gets cold." she said looking down at her food trying to hide her reddish face. "B-but you're right about me not knowing myself. I was basically a robot of my mother’s creation. She told me what to do and I followed her without question, because I thought that was what I was supposed to do." "Tavi Tavi Tavi. You and I both know that you’re beautiful. I know it in more ways than one, but that's just me." "Thanks Vinyl. How's your breakfast?" "It’s pretty good, how about yours Tavi?" "The fruit could have been better if it had had some sugar on it." "Don't we have sugar?" "No I think somepony forgot to get some after they used it up to make that sugarcano that exploded all over the kitchen. I'm still cleaning it up and it's been four months since you did it Vinyl!" "Tavi how many times do I have to tell I'm sorry, but hey at least the kitchen looked sweet that day" She said with a squee. "This is the first time actually and yeah the day after that and the day after that." Octavia said with a bored expression on her face. "Oh Tivi; you know what today's my day off from classes right? Ill clean up my sweet mess and you can relax today" "I've got class today, so I can't relax." "Oh you know what I mean Tavi you'll come home to a clean house" "Right or I'll come home to one that is on fire." Vinyl had smile on her face "You know I can clean house Tivi don't worry about it. "Maybe when your back and I'm done maybe we can go do something" "Okay but promise me no fires." "There won't be any Tavi. I promise now let me get started let me do the breakfast dishes and then I’ll get started on the house" "You don't have to clean the whole house up Vinyl." "Well I feel like I kind of owe you and plus you get see my flank running around the house" "I've got to get ready remember. So, I won't get to actually see you doing work around the house." Octavia frowned at what she had just said. "I would have loved to see you actually work." "Are you sure you'd be watching me work or just watching my flank," said vinyl with a smirk. "I'd be telling you what to do and you'd probably be complaining," Octavia shot back. "Depend what you order me to do, what are you orders general troubleclef" vinyl said with a smile and a salute. Octavia facehoofed herself. "Just clean this up. I'm going to go shower now." With that Octavia walked out of the kitchen leaving Vinyl to her thoughts. Vinyl began to clean up the mess in the kitchen and drifted out into her thoughts as she cleaned. End of Chapter 2. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I'm cleaning the house for general Trebleclef, for she has given me orders to clean the house and clean I shall.” Vinyl typed on Octavia’s computer. Vinyl went back and forth through the house trying to make sure that she was getting every spot. "Okay, cleaned the counter and underneath the counter and the flo…" Vinyl was cut off. She slipped and fell to the floor with a thud. "Ouch! I really need to learn to keep all the water in the sink for washing the pans… Don't I." Octavia had just gotten out of the shower and she heard a thud come from the kitchen. She facehoofed herself "She said no fires that's a good thing right. If she does do this then I won't have to do it and I’ll have some more time to study." She finished putting her bow tie on and grabbed her cello from her room and on her way out she left Vinyl a note. “To Vinyl, thank you for offering to clean the house up, if you don't get it all done I can help you with it after class a bit okay. Don't forget that we're going to do something tonight. Well I should be going. I guess I'll be off then. See you later. Ps- Don't use any explosives to clean. I don't trust you with fire or explosives. Tavi” Vinyl saw the note and laughed. "Tavi you know I wouldn't do that again." She turned toward the kitchen a huge grin started to spread across her face. "You never said anything about the dishwasher though. Dishes are ready for these WUBS OF DESTRUCTION!?!" Octavia’s dishes seemed to dim at the Dj’s words of being put in to the wubstep dishwasher. She grabbed all the dishes she could find and put them into the machine and turned it on and left to finish cleaning the rest of the house. It took her only an hour to clean the house but it felt like a millennia to her. She had a few slips and falls but she managed. "Whew… Finally that's over…" She gazed up at the clock only a short two hours before Tavi gets home from her classes. "Well better get ready or my da…" her face turned a reddish pink at the fact as she chocked on her own words, then continued "My date with T-Tavi." She trotted off to her room and noticed something there was an old fedora in her room lying on her bed and a sudden thought hit her. "That hat I've seen it before..." An image of her son popped in her head and then a thought came to her "You know I bet I know why Tiviyl looked so good with this hat was because it goes amazingly well with his eyes… Tavi's amazing eyes." A sudden spark entered her head "Tavi would look amazing in this hat" She took the old hat and examined it. It was a charcoal gray with a lighter white grey rapping of fabric at the base separating the rim from the rest of it. It was a little dusty but was in amazing shape for its age and where it has been lying around. "Tavi will love this" she said as she squeed once. She cleaned it off and then put in into a nice box with a purple bow and then left to get ready for the nights adventure. Octavia arrived home earlier than Vinyl expected her too about two hours earlier in fact. The teacher had ended up being sick and the school couldn't get a replacement in time, so the students all had to go home. Octavia was a little furious at this, because she had lugged her cello all the way to the college grounds that were five miles away. Normally this wouldn’t have bothered her but she was the only non-unicorn student in her class. Octavia kicked the door open to her room sat her cello down and headed to the bathroom to shower off her sweat. Octavia headed to the bathroom. Vinyl was just getting out of the bath. Octavia walked in she saw Vinyl just getting out of the bath. "Tavi! You’re home!" Vinyl rushed up and gave her friend a big wet hug. "Vinyl cut it out. I'll get you dirty again." "Well then we could bath together." Vinyl said with a wink. "N-no!" Octavia blurted out. "You're no fun Tavi." "I'll wait to take a shower until you're done in here." "I'm almost done I just have to shake my hair." Vinyl shook her hair and it instantly popped into its usual form. "There I'm done." Octavia stood there dumbfounded. "H-how did she do that I spend an hour brushing mine." "Well I’ll leave you to it Tivi" Vinyl said "Then we can go out and do something." After Octavia had finished showering, Vinyl knocked on the door. "Hey Tavi where are we going to go on our d-date tonight," she asked. "Vinyl it's not a date. We're just going out to get some fresh air." "Can we go to Hay King? They have the new transforming pony toys. One even transforms into a dragon!" Octavia snickered a bit at Vinyl’s fillyness. It was funny to her because she hadn't really gotten to have a fillyhood her parents were always forcing her to be proper and respectable and she was either filming a movie or composing her own music in front of three hundred or so ponies at the Trottingham Music Hall. She wondered what Vinyl's fillyhood had been like. She really hadn't even tried to get to know her at all and for that she felt guilty. "Tavi hello... Tavi... Are you ok in there?" Vinyl said with a hint of worry in her voice. "Huh... Oh yeah I'm quite alright, t-thanks for asking Vinyl." Octavia stammered. "So Tavi can we please go to Hay King." "Sure Vinyl we'll do that first and then we can go and do my activity. How does that sound?" "It sounds great, but what's your activity going to be?" "You'll just have to wait and see." Octavia and Vinyl slowly walked down the streets of Baltimare heading toward Hay King to do Vinyl's activity, when a cold gust of autumn air blew and hit Octavia directly in the face messing her hair up. "This is just great I brushed my mane for an hour and it ended up being all for nothing." "Don't worry I've got this Tavi." Within a second Vinyl's horn flicked to life with a cool white aura and in an instant Octavia's hair looked like Vinyl’s did." Vinyl couldn't help but start laughing at the sight of Octavia's hair. "What did you do to my hair? Vinyl get me my mirror this instant." Vinyl grabbed Octavia's mirror out of a small saddlebag that was now lying next to Octavia’s hind hooves. "I think you look cute Octi." Vinyl said as she began to blush a little bit. "Change it back now." "Okay, give me a second." Vinyl tried again and got it perfectly this time. "Now it should stay the same even if the wind blows." The two friends began walking again. "Thanks Vinyl. You know I'm kind of jealous of you unicorns, because your life must be so much easier than us earth ponies." Vinyl frowned at that remark. "Octavia you shouldn't be jealous of us, to be honest we unicorns should be jealous of you earth ponies and pegasus' that play instruments cause it's a lot harder cause you don't use magic." Octavia hugged Vinyl for saying that. “Thanks Vinyl that meant a lot." They finally reached Hay King. Octavia looked up at the building. "Are you sure this is the right place Vinyl." "Can't you read the sign Tavi? You have to try there hayburgers they're absolutely the best things ever!" Vinyl held the door open for Octavia. "Thank you Vinyl that was very nice of you." "No problem Trebleclef." Vinyl rushed over to the toys and began oohing and awing at them. Octavia looked at the menu. There wasn't really anything that caught her interest. She finally decided on a salad. She turned around to tell Vinyl to come here and order when a hoof smacked her in the face by accident or so she thought. She stepped back a few feet and began rubbing her nose. "That's what you get for cutting in line." "I-I didn't mean to cut in line sir. I'm sorry." "Just get back there,” said the red earth pony with a black mane and a construction cutiemark. Octavia stepped back to the right place in line. "Vinyl get over here what do you want to eat." "I'll have a Big filly meal with a colt toy don’t forget a colt toy not the dumb filly toyTavi. I'm going to go get us a table." After about thirty minutes of waiting in line Octavia finally got to order and it took another fifteen minutes their food come up. She picked the tray up with her mouth and looked for Vinyl. Her friend was all the way at the very back table. She started to make her way to her friend when a filly ran into her causing her to drop her tray and spill most of her salad. She picked the tray back up and continued to the table her nose still hurt from the stallion that had punched her and now her front legs hurt. She sat the tray down on the table and Vinyl grabbed her filly meal and dumped the contents all over the table. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Tavi! Tavi! I got the one the transforms into a dragon!" she said as she squeed with delight. Then she saw Octavia's meal. "Gee Tavi they really cheated you on your salad." "Well Vinyl I kind of fell something hit me and caused me to fall." "Oh well why not go up there and ask for another one." "I don't want to wait another hour to order Vinyl." "Okay here you can have my fried daisy fries if you want." "No thanks I'm good." Octavia ate her meal in peace while Vinyl really didn't even eat hers she just played with her toy and tried to figure out how it transformed into the awesome dragon. Octavia started to get up when some ice cream came and landed all over her hair and began to run down her face. The parents of the colt the Octavia presumed threw it started laughing with their colt. Vinyl saw this and motioned to leave. Octavia and Vinyl walked out of there silently. "Tavi I'm sorry about that." "It's fine! That was my first and last time ever going to such an establishment." "But Tavi... I like going there." Vinyl pleaded. "I never said you couldn't go there Vinyl. I'm never going back there." "That usually never happens it was a fluke." "I get to choose what we do next right." "Umm yeah Tavi, I guess you do, so what are we going to do now." “Well I was thinking we could take a walk in the park." "That sounds nice. Let's go." As they trotted to the park passing a mint green unicorn with a lyre for her cutiemark and a yellow earth pony with blue and pink hair and three candies for her cutiemark. The couple stopped talking and stared at them then continued to talk after they had passed. "But Bon Bon I'm telling you humans exist and they don't have hooves they have HANDS! It's so amazing I wish I could be a human and have hands. It would be awesome." "Lyra you're crazy!" "You still love me right." “Yes of..." They're chattering becoming more and more distant as Vinyl and Octavia walked deeper and deeper into the park. The lights flicked on and Octavia looked over at Vinyl. She seemed to be mesmerized by the lights. "Hey Vinyl." "Yeah," she said but didn't take her eyes off of the lights. "How do you like it so far? Is it fun for you?" Vinyl looked at Octavia and said, "Yeah Tavi this is a really beautiful place thanks for taking me here." Vinyl now couldn't take her eyes off of Octavia the darkening night sky and the lights mixed perfectly with Octavia's violet eyes and ash grey coat stood out. It sucked Vinyl right in and wouldn't let her escape. "Vinyl you might..." Octavia's sentence was cut short as Vinyl hit the side of the fountain she fell in head first. "Help me Tavi I can't swim! I'm going to die!" she screamed as she flailed around in the fountain. Passerby's stared at the scene in disbelief some even laughing a bit. Octavia extended a hoof to Vinyl to help get her out. Vinyl pulled her in pure a panic. "Tavi... Blurb... Blurb... Save blurb..." Vinyl said as she continued to flail in the fountain. The couple from earlier walked by and looked at the couple in the fountain, the mint green one got a huge smile on her face. "Bon Bon can we swim in the fountain too.” Lyra said wide-eyed. "No there is obviously something wrong with the white one." she said in a different voice from before this time with an accent more like Octavia’s. "There's no need to change your voice to sound disgusted Bon Bon. I think it looked kind of fun." “Lyra I told you it’s a condition.” She said as her voice once again changed this time to one with a thick russian accent. “I know Bon Bon. I like it because it fits you perfectly.” Octavia stood up in the fountain to show Vinyl how fillyish she looked failing around in the fountain. Vinyl stopped splashing around after that and stood up also. "This is just great Vinyl you got me all wet." "I seriously could have died in there Tavi and you didn't even try to save me." Vinyl said with a childish panic. Octavia threw a bit into the fountain and closed her eyes. "Tavi! What are you doing?" "I'm wishing for something. This is a wishing fountain after all." "Oh okay." Vinyl threw a bit in and wished that the rest of the day would be mishap free and that Tavi's mood would improve before Friday. They walked a little further and sat on a bench and just stared at the night sky. "You know something Vinyl this is really beautiful." "Yeah Tavi it sure is." Vinyl said staring directly at Tavi. She put her right hoof close to Octavia's left one and slowly started to inch closer. "Come on Vinyl you can do it you've done this kind of thing with so many stallions before, so why not a mare, why not this mare?" That question hung in Vinyl's mind for quite some time. "What if I do it but because of how her nights been she decides to move out and then I'm left all by myself. I don't want that I don't want to lose the mare that drives me crazy." She starts to move her hoof back a bit, but stops when she feels another ponies hoof on hers squeezing it gently Vinyl looks up and sees Octavia looking at her a single tear running down her face. "Vinyl even though tonight hasn't been the greatest night there still isn't anypony that I would have liked to spend it with more then you." Octavia said cheerfully. "Octavia..." Vinyl began. Octavia put her other hoof on Vinyl's face and they both just stared at the stars silently. End of Chapter 3 > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thursday has been just an average day. I'm going to the movies with Vinyl tomorrow that should be interesting and dinner and then to the clubs to see why Vinyl enjoys them so,” typed Octavia on her computer. Vinyl awoke that morning questioning the events with Octavia Wednesday were just an amazing dream that had started out as nightmare or if it was true. She walked into the dim living room where the only source of light came from the yellow beams protruding through the blinds covering the windows. She silently trotted to Octavia's room and snuck a peek inside only to see Octavia resting in her bed. Vinyl smiled at the sight of that beautiful mare sleeping and slowly left the room and headed to the kitchen. She levitated two bowls and a few assorted items onto the counter and then began to mix all the ingredients together to make two bowls of fruit salad. Octavia crept out of her room and vinyl standing there. Octavia looked down at her hoof and smiled and turn a slight shade of pinkish red. She snuck up behind Vinyl. "Hey Vinyl what are doing?" She shouted in her friend’s ear. Vinyl jumped with a yelp. Octavia fell to the floor laughing, "I got you back Vinyl!" Vinyl just stood there smiling and said "Hey to you to Tavi… I hope your hungry I fix plenty for us both." Octavia blushed and said "Thanks for making breakfast Vinyl." They grabbed their plates and began their breakfast. Both of the mares looked at each other while they were eating. "So Vinyl did you have a good time Wednesday night?" Vinyl blushed and gave a small smile as the memories from a few nights before danced in her head. "Yeah I had a great time, what about you," Vinyl said as she reached a hoof over to Octavia's under the table. Octavia blushed heavily and said "y-yes Vinyl I did. It was one of the best nights I’ve had in a long while." Vinyl put her hoof around Octavia's as she said "glad to hear it trebleclef." Both of the mares just sat there staring until the clock on the wall broke the silence with a light but ominous count of seven chimes. "It’s almost time for your classes. We'd better get ready." Vinyl leapt up from the table and ran to her room to get ready, so did Octavia but in a much more polite and graceful manor. Vinyl finished before Octavia and came out of her room with her gift for Octavia. The grey mare came out of her room to a blushing and smiling Vinyl "Hey Tavi I got you something. You can wear t-tonight to our date." Octavia blushed and began to take the bow off of the box. She gasped. "Vinyl I love it I-I…Thank you vinyl this means a lot to me" said Octavia with her face now a fine shade of pink as she put the hat on and hugged Vinyl. "Thank you." Vinyl turned a bright pink and struggled to get the words out. "Y-your welcome Tavi" "My my Vinyl you turn a lovely shade of pink" Octavia said chuckling. "Well we'd better get going or we'll be late for our classes." Vinyl and Octavia left the house as they walked to school neither of them spoke to the other. They were lost in their thoughts. As they approached the college grounds Vinyl looked at her friend and said. "See you tonight trebleclef." Then the two mares went their separate ways to their classes. Vinyl walked slowly to her classroom. She couldn't get the idea of going on a date with Octavia out of her head, she squeed with anticipation of tonight. "Ahh why do I have to go to class today, why can’t something happen to the classroom or the teacher.” Vinyl suddenly got an idea. She galloped up the six flights of stairs to her classroom as quickly as she could and started to buck the air conditioning unit as hard as she could. Then she snuck into the eco classrooms and grabbed two things of hornets and opened them in the classroom and closed the door. She ran down the hall just as the teacher came down the hall. She saw him open the door to the room and he instantly galloped out of there with several angry hornets chasing after him. A few moments later an announcement t came over the hallway speakers. "Attention all students of class two twenty-four you class has been canceled today, due to wild hornets being in your classroom." With that Vinyl headed to the back to withdraw some bits from the bank to pay for the evening and to get something a little fancier to wear on the date. She walked into the store and they had quite the selection of what Vinyl thought were fancy clothes. She looked at a few dress shirts and some coats but she didn't really like any of them, until she found an ash grey dress shirt that was almost identical to Octavia's coat color, she also found a jacket that was a lighter black color. She bought them. "Now all I need is a fedora and some shades then my outfit will be complete." She went to the hate shop and found the perfect one it was beat up a little bit but other than that it was in pretty good shape so she bought it and a nice pair of sunglasses. She stopped by the flower shop on her way home and pick Octavia up a rose. Vinyl walked into the house with a big smile on her face "well I'd better get ready" as she said that the computer screen flipped on. A video chat screen popped up on the screen and a white pony popped up on the screen "Hey mom, are you going on a date tonight?" Tiviyl said. Yes, I am. I'm a bit nervous though.” "It is okay mom. Are you going on a date with mother tonght?" “Yes I am, I hope everything goes alright.” She began to feel butterfly's in her stomach and had a huge rush of over excitement and joy came over her "I can’t believe it I'm going out on a date with Tavi." Tiviyl look at his mom and smiled, "this will be a night to remember. Can I tell you something?" "Yeah Tiviyl why couldn't you?" Tiviyl had a concerned look on his face. "When you do go out on your date with mother please just remember this be sure it should end at the park no matter what." Vinyl had a puzzled look on her face as she said, "why's that?" "Just trust me you'll thank me later" the stallion on the screen looked straight at his mom with a small smile on his face "I bet this will the best night for you." “If you say so, but I am doing things right, though right Tiviyl.” “Yes mom, so don't worry," Tiviyl said with a reassuring look. “Okay... Good…” She said with a smile. “You're from the future so can you give me some stock advice.” Tiviyl looked puzzled "umm I stay away from that stuff you and mother always told me that," he laughed with a laugh that kind of sounded like Vinyl’s but yet still had the grace and elegance of Octavia's. “Awe, and I wanted to become richer. There are so many things that I want to ask you right now and I know that we don’t have enough time to talk but still. Can I ask you a few?” “Like what mom? I can't say much of anything it would ruin things o come and other this to say the least.” “How old are you? What school did you go too. Basic things I guess really.” “I can't tell you any of that it would unset balances I'm lucky enough I can talk to and tell you what you can and should do but age wise I'm younger than both you and mother that's all I can say.” Tiviyl said with a sad look upon, what already looked like a troubled face. “Well horse-apples. Hey are you alright kiddo? Then what do you suggest we talk about? “I’m fine you don’t have worry about me. Well what about the plans for your date or we could talk about I don’t know. How has your day been or we could talk about how Wednesday night went for the both of you.” “It's been interesting I kind of went back to my old middle school days. Wednesday night was just so amazing.” “How so and that’s nice to hear.” “Well I let some wasps go in my classroom.” “Oh my Celestia, now I know where I get my crazy ideas from" said Tiviyl with a smile and a laugh. “What exactly happened on your night out with mother Wednesday?” “Oh umm..”She stopped and blushed slightly, then began again. “Well your Octavia put a hoof on my hoof and she just held it there and we looked up at the night sky…” Tiviyl laughed and squeed once, "you guys do that around me a lot I think it's the best thing ever." “Oh, do we now.” Vinyl said grinning slightly. “Yes you do.” "Hey shouldn't you be getting ready for your date.” Tiviyl said with a grin. “Oh crap! Did Tavi get home yet. Buck me! Buck me!" Vinyl yelled. “No she hasn't you have time you'd just better hurry” “Whew. I thought I lost track of time.” “Mom you need to get ready.” “I'll be right back.” Vinyl walked to her room. Put on the dress shirt, the jacket, and the sunglasses on then she walked out of her room. She walked over to the computer and began to model a bit for Tiviyl. "So how do I look?" “Amazing mom, but don't forget be yourself though.” "Thanks. I'm always myself when I'm around Tavi." "That scares me at times," said Tiviyl with a huge smile. Vinyl heard hoof steps coming up to the door; she rushed over to see if it was her friend. Sadly it wasn't, it was just the old mailmare Vinyl frowned and said. "Why am I getting so worked up over this date?" She pondered it a bit. Then it hit her. "It's because of worked up over this date." she pondered it a bit. Then it hit her. "It's because of what Octavia said." she said rather loudly. "What did I say Vinyl?" Vinyl jumped as Octavia's voice scared her. "T-Tavi... I-it's nothing..." she began to blush and turn a slight redish pink. "I'm sorry if I scared you Vinyl I thought you knew I was home." "It's fine Tavi." Octavia notices that Vinyl is dressed up. "You look nice in that outfit Vinyl." she blushes as she said that. "I'm sure you'll look better in whatever you decide to wear even if it's just your bow tie which you always wear." "Well then I suppose I should go and clean up and get dressed. See you in a bit." she said as she stumbled out of the room clearly just as nervous and on edge as Vinyl was. As the time drew nearer and nearer, Vinyl was beginning to become more and more and more nervous. "What if it's not fancy enough for her? What if everything goes terribly wrong and it's just a complete disaster and I lose her forever. No! Tiviyl is still there so I'm still doing it right everything is fine." Octavia entered the shower and stood there letting the warm water run over and down her body. "Vinyl what will my parents think when they find out that I've been going around on activities with a mare. Will they still accept me or will I become the blackpony of the family just like cousin fiddlesticks, but this dwarfs that incident fifty-fold, me with a mare and not a stallion like normal, but a mare!" She finished her shower and got out and started to brush her mane. "I know I'll call fiddles tomorrow and ask her what I should do." She finished brushing her mane and then got a few dresses out of her closet and laid them on the bed. "Hmm I wonder which one she'd like." she thought to herself. "Forget it I'll just try to match Vinyl the best I can." She chose the black dress. A few moments later she stepped out from her room with the dress on and the fedora resting atop her nicely groomed mane. She walked into the living room where Vinyl was talking to Tiviyl some more. "So mom what’s your big end of the date plan?" Tiviyl said nervously. "It's a walk in the park like you suggested." Vinyl quickly typed. "Vinyl, does this look alright for tonight?" The white mare spun around in the chair and stopped when she saw her friend standing there in her black dress and fedora. Her jaw dropped and she was at a loss for words which was strange for the dj. "Yes she does look amazing doesn't she m… Vinyl.” “Y-yeah y-you look amazing Tavi." she stuttered. Vinyl had never felt so awestruck as she did right then. The most beautiful mare, no the most beautiful pony she had ever seen was standing right in front of her. Her heart began to beat faster and faster. There was a knock at the door. Octavia started to go see who it was but Vinyl stopped her. "Wait here okay Tavi. I'll go see who it is." Vinyl walked to the door. A stallion yellow stallion was standing at the door from what Octavia could see Vinyl had handed him what was a pretty large amount of bits. Vinyl walked back toward Octavia. "Are you ready to go Tavi?" "Umm y-yeah I guess so." They both waved goodbye to Tiviyl Tiviyl could only smile and say have a great time as he saw them leave. Vinyl walked out side with Octavia the stallion leading the way. "Hey Octavia could you wait for just a second, I kind of got you something else today." "Yeah Vinyl what is it." Vinyl floated the rose out from behind her back. Here you go Octavia I bought this for you." "Oh Vinyl you shouldn't have really." Vinyl placed the rose on Octavia's fedora and cast spell so that rose would last forever, then they both boarded the carriage and were off on their date as they rode off they sat next to each other their nervousness and anticipation for the night kept building and building with every block that passed. Vinyl looked over at the mare sitting next to her looking out the window. She smiled then turned to look out her window. Not realizing it, Vinyl’s hoof had put itself right next to Octavia's. The carriage hit on a bump in the road causing the mares hooves to touch. They looked at each other with a hint of blush on both of their faces. The rest of the ride there they kept their hooves touching. The carriage pulled to a slow but abruptly stopped Vinyl looked at her date. "You ready Tivi?" she said as pushed the door to the carriage open. "Y-yes vinyl I am." They stepped out of the carriage and headed toward the large golden yellow door that was adorned with red and gold curtains. The sign above the door read "Shae La Hoof" in bright blue neon against a golden yellow sign. The mares trotted inside and were greeted by a stallion with an ever so comedic yet quizzical mustache. "Name please," said the stallion. “Reservation for Scratch,” Vinyl said. "Awe yes here we are a reservation for two." said the stallion. The two mares were lead to their table. "A waiter will be with you momentarily" Vinyl gazed in awe at their new surroundings. A giant crystal chandelier hung above their table, which sat in the middle of the dining room. It was covered in a fine red silk cloth. "So Tavi… What do you think," said Vinyl in a very nervous tone that sounded forced rather than relaxed. "It's wonderful Vinyl. I've never been here before. This restaurant is quite beautiful." "Just like you Tavi," thought Vinyl blushing as she looking at her friend that sat across the table from her. The waiter had finally come. Vinyl ordered the "soupe au pistou" and a bottle of Canterlot Gardens a fine but yet still affordable wine. She was not entirely sure what it was she had ordered to eat. Octavia ordered the same. The waiter shuffled away to the kitchen in a way that made Vinyl laughed. "Hey Tivi." "Yes Vinyl?" "You look beautiful" Octavia blushed and smiled at what Vinyl had said. "Thank you Vinyl, you look." Octavia tried to think of a word that would fit Vinyl. "You look rather dashing yourself." Vinyl smiled, "thanks." The waiter returned with their meal in tow. "Madams you dinner is served" he said as he laid down their dished and shuffled off once more. Vinyl looked at Octavia, "poor guy, he walks like he's got a crab up his flank." Octavia chuckled trying to hold in how much she wanted to laugh. The two mares began their eating their dinner, as they did though they couldn't really keep their eyes off of one another particularly at the eyes. "Vinyl does look rather beautiful in her own way I must say" she thought to herself. "You know I've never really noticed it but Vinyl’s eyes shimmer in a way that is actually kind of beautiful." Octavia blushed as she this thought rushed through her head. She then had two thoughts run through her head, fighting one another. "Octavia what are you thinking she's a mare it would be unethical, what would your parents think?" "Wow s-she looks amazing. I never would have thought I’d have said that about Vinyl but I actually kind of do have feelings for her." The two thoughts fought it out in her head, as they finished their meal. "Ready to go Tivi?" "Yes vinyl, thank you that was wonderful" "That night has only just begun." Vinyl said as they left for the door and then off to the carriage. As they got in Vinyl gave Octavia a hoof to help her into the carriage. She took Vinyl’s hoof and got into the carriage. As she sat down, she still had Vinyl’s hoof in her hoof. They both started blushing and smiling. They looked each other and then quickly out the window. "Vinyl why are you still so nervous you’ve done this plenty of times with stallions, so there's no reason to be a-afraid," she thought as a small smile crept across her face. "Off to the next stop driver," Vinyl called to the driver. "Where are we going now Vinyl?" "Tavi some please I'm sure you'll like…" The carriage came to a stop at a rather big building. Vinyl stepped out first and she then extended a hoof to help Octavia down from the carriage. "Thanks Vinyl," she said. "It's no problem." Octavia looked at the place they had stopped at. She read the sign that was lit up by lights from the bottom.. "Baltimare Britenight Theater, what movie are we going to see." “Yeah Tavi it is called “My love to you is Eternal” I thought you'd like it since I know that you wouldn't have liked the other movie I wanted to see.” "Let me guess the other choice was Deathmare 6 wasn't it." Octavia said with a deadpan expression. Vinyl started to laugh at Octavia's expression. Then the ash grey mare began to laugh a bit. "It wasn't that hard to figure out considering you kept bugging me for the past two weeks to go see it." “Yeah I know. I'm sorry Tavi, but shall we proceed into the theater." Vinyl stepped ahead of her friend a few steps. The door handle became covered in a soft white aura and began to open. "Mares first." Vinyl said in a polite manner. Octavia stopped and put a hoof to her chin. "But Vinyl we're both mares, so which one of us goes first?" "You're right, but just go silly." Octavia accepted the offer and walked into the theater and stopped to let Vinyl catch up. The two mares slowly trotted up to the counter where a light pink pony with a dark blue mane stood. "May I help you," the mare asked. "Two tickets to My love to you is eternal?” Vinyl handed her thirty bits. "Theater twelve, can I get you any refreshments." she asked as she handed them their tickets. "Umm yeah could I get one large back of popcorn and a High Voltage soda." "For you ma'am" she asked Octavia. "I'll just have a bottle of water." Vinyl grabbed the popcorn and their drinks with her magic and they proceeded toward the theater. "Come on Tavi we're going to miss the previews." “You go on ahead I'll catch up I've got to use the little filliesroom.” Vinyl pretended to keep walking once Octavia was inside she walked back and waited for her. Vinyl just couldn't resist she had to get her friend back for the two times she scared her today. As Octavia came out of the filliesroom Vinyl jumped out from behind the bench. "Hi Tavi!" "Ahh!" said Octavia as she jumped back in fright. "Damn it Vinyl! You scared me!" "I had to get you back for earlier. I'm sorry Tavi I promise I won't do it again on this date." "It's fine, I guess since I did scare you twice today." "A-anyway thanks for waiting for me, but you missed the previews." "Tonight they aren't important to me. Y-you're the only thing that is important to me tonight." Vinyl said as they both began to blush after what had just been said. "W-well t-thanks." Octavia stammered. "No problem." They sat down in the theater just as the movie began. Octavia put a hoof in the popcorn and started to get some out, but Vinyl's hoof touched hers and she dropped the pieces instantly. Vinyl looked over in embarrassment. "S-sorry Tavi." "It's fine Vinyl by all means you go first Vinyl." "No you go ahead." "No I insist." Finally Vinyl got an idea. Vinyl's horn flickered to life and she picked some popcorn up with it and proceeded to move it close to Octavia's mouth. "Here Tavi s-so you don't get your h-hooves greasy." "Thanks." Octavia opened her mouth and the popcorn floated in and landed. They both blushed hard but the dimly lit theater masked it. Eventually the movie ended. Vinyl didn't really care much for it but Octavia seemed to like it a lot so she was happy that her date liked it. "That was a pretty good movie wasn't it Vinyl." "Yeah I'd give it two hooves up." she lied. "N-now we're going to the club you own right." "You know that I don't own a club Tavi. I just perform there a lot." They got in the carriage and headed to the club. The carriage stopped at a rather rough looking part of town. The couple got out and walked toward the building. There was a brown colt, with a propeller hat, a fake mustache, and no cutiemark guarding the club. "Is that colt supposed to be here?" "Relax Tavi, he's only here for a few more days. It's his summer job." "Hey Pon-3 how are you. I thought you weren't working tonight." he asked Vinyl. "Hey Stache, where's snowflake at and yeah I'm not I'm just..." she said and pointed to the mare next to her. "He's getting something for the manager really quickly he should be back anytime." Vinyl and Octavia started to walk in the club when the stache jumped into Octavia's path blocking it. "Where do you think you're going little miss music flank you have to pay just like everybody else.” "B-but Vinyl didn't." she said as she pointed a hoof at her friend who was halfway in the door. "Hey Stache just let her in okay." she said as she threw ten bits on the ground towards him. "Whatever you say Pony-3. Oh my gosh, now I have enough for my new video game system." he said as he squeed with joy. He stepped aside letting Octavia through and into the club, just as Snowflake walked through the door. "Hey Flake you never saw that okay." Vinyl again tossed a few coins his way. She knew he didn't need them or would even care for that matter, she just felt generous. "Well shall we head to the dance floor or do you want to get something to drink." Vinyl asked. "I suppose to the dance floor, I'd rather not drink tonight." Vinyl took Octavia's hoof and guided her towards the sound of the beats. As they got closer the vibration from the speakers could be felt through the walls and Octavia couldn't tell if it was that or her heart beating faster and faster because Vinyl was holding her hoof. Vinyl opened the door with her magic and headed in and onto the dance floor. "Sweet Neon is playing. Come on Tavi!" she yelled. "Are you all ready for the dance competition?" Neon yelled over the mic. The crowd roared with anticipation. "Come on Lyra it's almost time for the competition to start," a yellow mare with pink and blue hair yelled to her friend in a Mexican accent. "Coming Bon Bon darling." said a mint green unicorn. Bon Bon wasn't watching where she was going and stepped on Vinyl's hoof. Vinyl yelped in pain. "What the buck, watch where you're going you parasprite!" Vinyl yelled. "I was walking here," she said now in a Swedish voice. "Bon Bon can we enter the competition please." Lyra asked loudly. "Fine, Lyra if you want too." she now said with a Chinese accent. "Octavia we're entering too, we have to show them who’s boss," Vinyl yelled toward Octavia. "S-sure Vinyl" she said hesitantly "Hmm only two pairs are participating that's kind of a letdown. Oh well. Here are the rules. Each team has one song to dance to and can only do one dance. The winner will be determined by the crowd’s reaction. First up is Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon Drops and the dance they're going to be doing is called locking.” The music started playing it was a hip hopish kind of music. The mares began to dance to it and then stopped for a few seconds staying in the pose they had taken then continued with the dance and did it again. There song came to an end and they walked off the stage. With the crowd still cheering. "Goodluck beating that, thank you and come again." Bon Bon said toward Vinyl with and Indian accent "Next up is Dj... Umm… I mean Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Philharmonica the dance they're going to be doing is called the balboa.” Classical music started playing; Octavia was confused as to why they were doing this dance and not some sort of ballroom dance. Vinyl had picked the dance because she'd get to be close to Octavia as they danced. As the song ended the crowd was silent. Octavia and Vinyl left the dance floor and then the crowd erupted in applause for the two mares. "It looks like we have ourselves a winner. The winner is Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon Drops!" said Neon Lights. The crowd erupted in applause for the winners. "Oh well Tavi we gave it our best shot." "It was fun though." "Yeah, it was." "You looked really good when you were dancing." They both said at the same time and began to blush. "Shall we call it a night Vinyl." "There is one more place I want to go you don't mind do you." "U-umm certainly why not Vinyl, I can’t wait to see where we’re going to go." The mares began walking down the hallway to leave the building still pulsating with the beat of the music even after the contest had ended. Vinyl pushed the door open for her date. Octavia walked outside and up to the carriage with Vinyl all the way. She was deep in thought. "That was actually really great, I never would have guessed that Vinyl’s kind of music or version of “fun” would have ever been that well, fun." The two mares came to a stop at the street corner. "Hey Tavi if it’s alright with you can we walk to our next stop it’s not too far from here and only a hop skip and a jump from our house?" Vinyl said as she motioned out her words. Octavia chuckled, "oh why not besides after all that popcorn you could stand a long walk Vinyl" Vinyl blushed and then motioned to the carriage driver that his work for the night was done. The two mares finally reach their destination after what felt like hours from the nervous tensions building as they walked next to each other. Vinyl turned to her date. "We're here Tavi." Vinyl pointed a hoof in the direction of an old small park that sat in between two old houses. Granted they were old but were still eloquent. They were designed like those Octavia had grown up seeing in Trottingham and were both even built with the same aged pail brick. The park between them had a brick barrier around it made out of the same materials as the houses were. The wall was about as tall as the two mares. The grass was slightly overgrown with a few plants but that gave it a bit of character. Vinyl opened the old iron gate leading into the park. Octavia walked inside to an old cracked brick path that lead to an old wooden bench that sat under a rose filled flower arch and a large weeping willow tree, on one side of an old fountain sat next to the arch piercing the air around it with a smoothing ambiance. "Vinyl this place is beautiful," Octavia said with a glow in her eyes. Vinyl look at Octavia with a smile and held out her hoof for Octavia "Hey Octi come on I want to show you something," Octavia put her hoof around Vinyl's and they began down the path. The two mares came to a stop at the old bench and sat there next to each other looking up at the stars. "Vinyl, where did you ever find this place?" "I found it coming home from the club one day.” "I found it by accident, but I'm glad I did. I come here occasionally to clear my mind or to think about things." Octavia look at Vinyl and smiled as she said "Well I must say, even if it was an accident, it helped you find this beautiful place" "You know, funny thing Tavi the same day I found this place was the same day I met you. I guess when I found this place this place I found a bit of luck to" said vinyl slowly putting a hoof around Octavia's. Octavia could only blush and smile at what Vinyl had said. Her mind rushed with thoughts like "Did she really just say that? Am I really here? Is this really happening right now?" Vinyl turned to look at her, "You know trebleclef; I don't think I told you earlier tonight so I’ll say it now. You look beautiful tonight Tavi." She blushed and got a rather large smile on her face and said "Thank you Vinyl, you look quite good yourself." They just sat there looking at each other neither realizing the other was looking into the others eyes as they sat with one of their hooves around the others. As they sat there, whether it was by the age of it or vinyl pulling a trick with her magic, the bench leg on Vinyls side broke sending her to ground and bringing Octavia with it. Vinyl landed on the soft grass that surrounded the bench. Octavia landed on top of her. Their lips met one another and a huge rush of thoughts went through their heads. Octavia's head was filled a rush of disbelief as her face blushed. For that very instant any and all doubts, vanished for Octavia. At that moment she realized what her head was thinking. It had been blocking what her heart had really wanted. She closed her eyes and embraced the meeting of Vinyl’s lips against her own. Vinyl couldn’t think straight as she saw her new found love close her eyes and embrace the accidental kiss. Vinyl then closed her own eyes and kissed back embracing her friend’s new found feelings for her. She wrapped her hooves around Octavia. Their lips separated causing them to look at the others blushing face. They could only smile, as they sat there and stared into the others eyes. A gentle sprinkle of rain slowly began to fall but neither of them cared; they were stuck in that one moment. Vinyl regrettably broke the kiss. "Octavia we'd better start to head home before we get soaked, I wouldn't want you to ruin your dress." Vinyl got up helping her friend up, as they began their walk home; they were walking closer than they had earlier in the night, now almost tripping over the others steps. The two mares reached their home and headed to their rooms. Vinyl took one last look at Octavia as she closed the door behind her still smiling at what had just happened only a few minutes before. Octavia lay down after getting ready for bed. Her body still feeling the weightlessness she had gained after the kiss. Her face was still a slight shade of pink. Two thoughts ran through her head. "Octavia what have you done and this was one of the most amazing nights I have ever had." Vinyl dove onto her bed still in her cloths in typical Vinyl fashion. She lay there having the same thoughts as Octavia. They both fell asleep that night smiling and the new found feelings for the other singing in their heads and hearts. As Octavia laid there under her charcoal covers her mind raced through thousands of thoughts not a one of them was negative, in fact it was almost as if her heart was finally speaking the truth of what she truly felt on the inside instead of her mind trying to subdue those thoughts she had once had. Octavia smiled as she laid there thinking "You know, it goes against what my parents have taught me, but yet it still feels right." She then fell into a peaceful sleep just like her friend. Both of them still blushing and whispering goodnight to each other through the walls before both falling into deep sleep. End of Chapter 4. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I actually think that I like that mare more than just a friend.” Octavia typed slowly on the keyboard letting each word that she typed sink fully into her mind. Octavia and Vinyl awoke that very next morning, both of the mares just lying there in the tranquil air of their rooms. Vinyl’s heart cringed with a nervous fear as she looked around for her clothes from the night before to see if that amazing dream had in fact been a reality. She smiled as she saw them. "It actually happened…" she said as she fell back asleep. Octavia ran a hoof slowly across her mouth trying to keep the taste of Vinyl's lips upon hers. "What an amazing night. I should do something to thank her for everything,” she said softly. Octavia slowly got up and crept out of her room. She moved silently toward the kitchen stopping only once to look in Vinyl's open door she saw that the mare was asleep. "Last night must have really worn you out. Please stay asleep long enough for me to make you breakfast." She started moving again swiftly dodging the yellow beams of light that shone through the blinds. She was going to make Vinyl pancakes this morning. She quickly made the batter and began to put the pancakes on the pan, as they were cooking she started to slice up fruit for the both of them. She put the pancakes on a plate and covered them with a cover then proceeded to put some of the fruit in a bowl next to the silver cover, then put them on a tray and headed towards unsuspecting white mare’s room. Vinyl was lying on her bed hugging her pillow making kissing faces and mumbling something. "Vinyl wake up. I've got something for you." The white mare slowly sat up in her bed still drowsy from her sleep. "Wha... Tavi! What are you doing in my room?" she said as she tried to grab her friend. She sat the breakfast on to Vinyl's lap. "Surprise, happy breakfast in bed day." she said as she slightly chuckled. "Awe thanks, you know you really didn’t have to do this Tavi." Vinyl said as she tightly hugged her friend. "You're welcome Vinyl. Can't... Breath..." Vinyl loosened her grip a bit and said "Sorry." "It's fine." She looked at her friend with puzzled grin "Vinyl might I ask what you were dreaming about?" Vinyl started to choke on her the fruit because of the question her friend had just asked. She blushed and said "U-umm I'd rather not say." "Are you sure Vinyl?" "Yes I'm sure." Octavia laughed with a blush on her face. "I do know one thing though. You’re going to have to wash that pillow Vinyl?" "No! I don't want to wash it." Octavia smiled. “Why's that Vinyl." “I just like my pillow how it is. All wet with my saliva" "Ewww, well you should finish eating Vinyl" "Okay if you really want me to Tavi I'll wash it." "It’s your favorite…” She said as she lifted the silver cover off of the plate. "Pancakes oh you know me to well." Vinyl looked at the pancakes that sat her lap with a puzzled look on her face, "so Octi what's all this for anyway?" "I... Umm..." She stopped and was quiet for a while and then continued again. "I just felt like making them. H-how are they?" "They’re great Tavi! This wouldn't have anything to with last night w-would it?" Vinyl said with a smile and slight blush. "N-no… I-is there enough butter on your pancakes. Here let me go and get you more butter. I know how you like buttery pancakes." she said as she darted out the door reentering a few seconds later with a stick of butter on a small saucer plate. "Hey Tavi what's wrong, did you have a bad dream or something?" "N-no I had quite the good dream." she blushed as she said it. "Oh like what, come and sit down and tell auntie Vinyl all about it," she said. "No Vinyl and just because you're a year older than me doesn't mean you're my auntie." Octavia walked out of the room to put the butter back in the kitchen. Vinyl got up off the bed and brought the dishes with her to the kitchen. As she walked to the sink she passed Octavia and laughed. "Tavi you know I'm just messing with you and I'm not that much older than you… It’s like what a few months or something," said Vinyl as she began to wash the dishes that she had just put into the sink. "Y-yeah but..." she paused, "Can we just forget about it for right now Vinyl." "Oh o-ok Tavi,” she looked at the floor with a sad look irradiating from her eyes. "Well anyway what's on the agenda for today my beautiful," she said with a small smile. "I don't really quite know. We both don't have class today, so it's up to you." "Well let’s see, we could just sit around at watch movie all day and order a pizza…” “ Kind of like a lazy day" "Come on Tavi, first one to the couch picks the first movie" said Vinyl as she bolted for the couch "Okay I guess." as she walked into the living room "I'm gunna beat you Tavi" "Yeah I know Vinyl." “Don't you want to watch something like I don't know romantic and cheesy? “Kind of of but I'm sure you won't pick that.” “You know what I think I just might.” "You wouldn't it's not in your character." "Oh yeah… Try me beat me to the couch and I will sit there and watch all the cheesy movies you want till we fall asleep" said Vinyl cockily. “You're two steps away from the couch." Octavia said with a deadpan expression on her face. Vinyl tripped just a step away from the couch. "Oops… Ouch!" Octavia walked by Vinyl and sat down on the couch. "I know you did that on purpose." "You’re smiling aren’t you?" "No why would I be." "You won and now you get to pick what we watch," she said as she got up and sat on the couch next to Octavia. "I want to watch..." she stopped and thought for a second putting a hoof to her chin. ”Hmm what would be the thing to torture Vinyl the most with hmm, oh I know the news!" "Let's watch Manhattan News' hour long special on what is in hay burgers and how damaging they are to ponies’ insides." Vinyl looked at Octavia shocked but then thought of something to get back at Octavia for torturing her "Fine Treble clef, we'll watch that I get to hold your hoof while we do..." said Vinyl with a squee "That wasn't part of the deal Vinyl." "So no you don't get too." "Hey can’t blame a mare for trying" Vinyl said blushing looking away from Octavia with a disappointed look. Octavia grabbed Vinyl's hoof and said with a sigh "the things I do for wubs." Vinyl blushed heavily "I-I-I… Ummmm…. Never would have expected something like that to come out of your mouth treble clef." "Don't get used to it. Ok." "Why shouldn’t I, you seem to enjoy it," Vinyl said with a grin. Octavia grabbed her hoof and crossed her front legs together so Vinyl couldn't hold them. "This is what you get for saying that." "No fare Tavi thats chea…" Vinyl stopped herself then a small voice inside of her head that sounded like Tiviyl’s said "mom don’t make her mad stop before you go too far" She turned and faced forward. "O-ok Tavi, you don’t to if you don’t want to" said vinyl in a nerves voice as she put her hooves to her side and looked at the TV. Octavia shivered a bit and said "Umm Vinyl. W-would you?" She blushed heavily, and couldn't say the rest of it. "What is it Tavi? "Would you get me a blanket?" "Sure Tavi." She got up and headed into Octavia's room and got the warmest and biggest looking one she could find. It was an oldish looking blanket that was a pleasing cream white. "Here Tavi" she said as the blanket was spread over Octavia. "You know that I was only kidding about the news. How about you pick something instead?" "No… No it's fine Tavi, I was going to pick something you liked anyway." "What was it?" "You know something romantic and stuff" Vinyl said with a slight shiver and chill in her breath. "If you don't like those kinds of movies then why are you so lovey dovey with me?" Octavia changed the channel to a movie that had just started. "I don't know..... There's just something about you I guess...." Vinyl said shivering "D-did somepony forget to pay the heat bill?" "I paid it last month so it wasn't me." "I know Tavi but its freezing in here" “Maybe the heater is broken?” "Would you be so kind as to share the cover with me Tavi. I'm freezing my flank off." She shivered while putting small smile on her face. "I mean that is if you don't mind of course…" Octavia hugged the blanket tighter. "It's my blanket. Why should I share?" "Because I'm cold Tavi and I think you still owe me from last night" Vinyl said blushing. Octavia blushes when Vinyl says that. She hands some of the blanket over to her friend. Vinyl puts the cover over herself and snuggles up to Octavia. "Do you mind Tavi?" Octavia doesn't say anything and lets Vinyl snuggle with her. Vinyl turns her head toward the TV and then back to Octavia "Hey sorry about you know making you mad Tavi." "It's fine." "You sure......prove it than" "I'd rather not, but if you insist." Octavia said as she leaned in closer toward Vinyl. Vinyl blushed heavily and a nervous smile spread across on her face. "Umm Tavi never mind forget it…" She said as she looked away her cheeks flushed. Suddenly the phone rings. "You'd better go get the phone actually. I'll get it you just sit there and stay warm.” Vinyl said as she got up to get the phone "No I'll get it." "Ok Tavi" said Vinyl as she got back under the cover. "Philharmonica and Scratch residents, may I ask who is calling." "Well howdy there cous. How ya doin?" said the voice on the other line. "Fiddles?! Just the mare I wanted to talk too." "What do ya need help with Tavi?" "Um... Could you hold on just a second?" "Okie Doki." "Hey Vinyl I'm sorry I'm going to be a while just start the movie without me okay." Vinyl sighed. "Awe but Tavi!" "Vinyl I’ll be back in a minute go ahead and start I don't mind." "So cous. What did ya want ta talk ta me about?" Octavia walked a bit further away from the living room so Vinyl couldn't hear what she was about to say. "Fiddles I'm sorry to bring this up, but you know how you're parents disowned you because you wanted to sing country duet with your husband whom they strongly disapproved of instead of playing classical. “Yeah, so what’s wrong are ya in the same boat as I was. Ya know I’m here for ya cous. If ya need a place ta stay ya can move in with us until yall get your hooves on the ground." "I don't want to bother you and Braeburn any besides we kind of have a place already." "We? Ya mean yall are already living together with him." "Well for about a year now actually." "Wait didn't ya parent's come visit ya over the holidays, so would they not have seen your stallion friend?" "Yes my parents did come visit but my friend wasn’t at our house they were at their friends house the entire time because let's just say that they don't get along really well with their family." "Oh okay anyway tell me a bit about him. Is he handsome? What does he do for a livin?" "Well Fiddles this is the reason I called you because if I tell my parent's about this then they'll disown me on the spot and destroy any record of me existing, at least your mother and sisters still kind of keep in contact with you." "I'm sure they wouldn't do that cous. Come on tell me who is he?" "Well." she paused for long while. "Cous... Are ya still there? Hello?" "Yeah I'm still here Fiddles. The pony I'm in love with isn't a stallion... It's a mare." Fiddles was silent for a time as she thought of the best thing to say. "Octavia... What's her name?" "Her name is Vinyl Scratch she's a disk jockey at a local club but she's also attending college. I tried to keep telling myself that it's wrong and that I shouldn't like a mare, but after what happened last night. I can't deny my feelings any longer." "Hmm... Cous. no matter what your parent's do if ya really feel like ya love her then stay with her through the thick and thin." "But. What if..." Octavia started to say but was cut off by Fiddlesticks. "No, Octavia ya have ta stay with her no matter what. It's your life live it the way ya want ta. Your parents shouldn't have a say in whom ya fall in love with." "Fiddles… Thanks, you've been a lot of help and you've made me feel a bit less worried about where to go in this relationship." "Anytime Octavia and I'm glad that ya found somepony who makes ya happy. Love ya cous." "Love you to Fiddlesticks." Vinyl just had gotten up to get some popcorn and she over-heard the last bit of Octavia's conversation. "Hey Tavi who was that?" Said Vinyl with a curious look on her face "Oh that was just my cousin Fiddlesticks. She was just calling to see how I was doing." "Oh in that case" Vinyl shrugged and headed to the living room "hey Tavi you coming, I bet the movies half over by now." "Hey what did you mean by oh in that case?" she said to Vinyl as she walked back to the couch and put the blanket over herself "Well there's no need for me to be nosy or jealous than" replied vinyl as she sat next to octavia. "Umm okay, if you say so." Vinyl looked at Octavia, once more the cold hit her from no longer being under the warmth of the blanket "hey Tavi can I join you under the cover again I'm freezing." "You may." Vinyl crept back under the cover of the blanket and gently snuggled up to Octavia but in such a small way it would be hard to notice The movie ended a short time later. "Well Vinyl it's time for your pick." Vinyl got up and walked to the small stack of movies that sat next to the TV on a shelf. "Well let’s see" she quickly thought to herself, "pick something she’ll like" Vinyl looked through the movies and fined one that suited her mare friend. A small voice rang in her head "Try Star Light" Vinyl shook her head "there's that voice again." Vinyl looked once more at the stack of movies and saw the movie that the voice suggested. It was an old movie, a romantic yet sad movie but from what she saw might be interesting. "Hey how about this one Tavi it seems good to me" "Umm Vinyl you recorded over that one remember." "No I didn't I recorded over one of my old robot war movies" "You did too." "Did not look" Vinyl popped in the movie and the menu for Star Light came up. "See told you." "Okay I was wrong." Vinyl pressed play and then ran back an dived on to the couch "I haven't seen this one for quite some time." "Really?" Vinyl said as she crept back under the blanket and snuggled up to Octavia. "Is it any good?" "I like it." "Well I odd to like it than" said vinyl trying to sound enthusiastic as the movie began to play "Umm hey Vinyl I know this might be random but, what is it you like about me?" "What do mean Tavi?" Vinyl looked puzzled and nervous at the same time and turned a slight pink "I-I mean like what qualities do you find good." "Oh… Uhhh well I like the fact that you’re a great cook and you’re always honest with me even if well… The truth hurts and you have the occasion to be funny" Vinyl paused for a second and looked at Octavia's eyes "and well I think that…" She struggled to get the words out. "I think your eyes are the most beautiful colors I have ever seen." Octavia smiled and her heart skipped a few beats when Vinyl said that. "Y-you really think they're beautiful." "Well yes I do" Vinyl nerves skyrocketed, her face turned pink and she looked towards the ground trying to hide the flushness in her face. Octavia leaned in to give her friend a big hug but she lost her balance causing her to fall on top of Vinyl. Their muzzles just inches apart. "You're quite bold Tavi." Vinyl said with a smirk while blushing profusely. "I... I... I'm..." Octavia started to say but was cut off as Vinyl kissed Octavia. Both their minds went blank with the kiss. Vinyl’s hooves slowly wrapped themselves around Octavia's neck, while Octavia placed hers onto Vinyl’s blushing cheeks. The two mares sat there in the kiss enjoying every second of it. The two mares lips separated and both just sat there staring into the other’s eyes. "Tavi I swear I could lost in those eyes of yours." Octavia blushed and could only stare back into the mare sitting next to her. "You know your eyes are quite lovely too Vinyl" She said. The white mare’s cheeks turned a mixture of pink and red as her heart skipped a beat. "Hey Tavi what is it you like a-about me?" Vinyl said nervously. "Well I like how you speak your mind. Your strawberry pancakes are to die for and you're a great kisser, but you've probably been told that a lot oh and I also sometimes like your childish attitude, I find it quite cute." Vinyl looked Octavia and smiled "I'm an amazing kisser eh Tavi" "I think so; because you're the only pony I've ever kissed, so I really don't know what kissing another pony is even like." Vinyl blushed. "I-I am?" she said. "Y-yes..." Octavia said while still blushing. They looked at each other and smiled. Vinyl said. "W-well I must say you are an amazing kisser" "I-I am..." Octavia sat up and began to fiddle with her hooves nervously. "Y-yes you are" she said as she also sat up on the couch. "Well thanks Vinyl." Vinyl picked the blanket back up and put it over the both of them. "Here Tavi… Even though we’re still a bit cold even with this blanket it still helps. "Thanks..." Octavia scooted a bit closer to Vinyl. She laid her head on Vinyl's shoulder. "Can we stay like this for a while?" Vinyl put a hoof around Octavia's shoulder "if you want Tavi." The movie ended soon after. Vinyl was about to close her eyes and pass out. Whether it was from boredom or if it was from the fact that it was so calm and quiet in the house it would send the mare off into dreams from the sounds of the room. Vinyl looked down and saw Octavia lying there asleep still wrapped in her hooves. She laid her head gently on Octavia's head. "Sleep well my love." she said as she quickly fell asleep on Octavia. End of Chapter 5. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had a movie day today with Vinyl. It was interesting to say the least, but it was quite enjoyable. Octavia quickly typed on her computer. The two mares lay on the couch passing the day away letting it slip and tic by as they slept in each other’s embrace. The pitter patter of rain against the window did not make them move nor even twitch. Instead it seemed as though the gentle rain on the window panes rocked them even further into a deeper slumber. Octavia's eyes finally slowly opened to the sight of her in Vinyl’s hooves and the white mare’s head resting on her own. Her hooves wrapped around the dj’s neck in a tight loving embrace, she gazed at the clock as she hugged Vinyl. The clock on the wall read 5 o'clock. "Vinyl and I must have fallen asleep…" She turned a lovely shade of pink and red as the thought patterned in her head like a filly that had eating too much chocolate. The room was still as cold as the heart of ice and Octavia did not want to leave the warmth of the blanket or her friend’s hooves, but her stomach began to churn. She had realized that they had not only fallen asleep but they had slept through lunch as well. The mare slowly and very regretfully began to slowly creep out from under her friend’s hooves and off of the couch. She finally got up and headed toward the kitchen leaving what seemed like the only warm room in the house. She went to the stove and turned on the oven in the hopes that the ovens output of heat would warm the igloo that she called home, to her delight and surprise it did. Octavia rummaged through the cabinets and pantries to find something. She found a few boxes of instant hay pasta and a jar of diced tomatoes with spices and some salsa. "It’s not much nor is it what I call a meal but I guess it will have to do," Octavia said to herself setting a pot of water on top of the stove. She waited for the pot to boil and then added in the noodles to the water. "Instant noodles? They really are amazing." She thought to herself chuckling, "no matter how high the heat is it never takes less than a half an hour for these things to cook." Once the noodles had finished cooking, Octavia put them into a blue serving bowl. She then walked back towards Vinyl. "Wake up Vinyl it's time to eat" she shouted in her friend’s ear. Vinyl fell onto the floor and then quickly stood up with a salute. "I'm sorry did I awake you from one of your heroic dreams privet Vinyl," Octavia said with a smile. Vinyl blushed and then started to speak. "What's up Tavi, why did you wake me up I was having the best dream." "Oh what was the dream about?" Octavia said with a slight smile and puzzled. "Yeah you were there and we were...." Vinyl stopped in the middle of her sentence and looked at Octavia's slightly blushing face. "Anyway Vinyl we've been asleep most of the day and we need to eat something," she said as she turned and motioned towards the kitchen with a hoof. "I fixed us up something but I need to run towards the store afterwards." Vinyl and Octavia headed in the kitchen and began their quick fix of a meal; it light and not quite filling the two mares enjoyed it none the less. "Vinyl I'm going to have to make a run to the store. We've seemed to have emptied our pantry." Octavia said with a slight hint of annoyance in her tone. "Ok Tavi, be sure to remember to get plenty of ice cream this time, we always seem to run out quite quickly around here" Vinyl said with a slight chuckle. Octavia could only role her eyes and laugh. "You know I don't eat that much ice cream Vinyl." "Sure Tavi. You know those two empty gallon cartons in the trash don't help your case" Vinyl said as she cleaned up the dishes. "You know I only eat that when I'm stressed and annoyed by you Vinyl." "Oh come on Tavi," Vinyl said extending a hoof to Octavia and then pulling her towards her but in a way that made her twirl. "Do I really stress you out that much?" "Yes... Yes you do." Octavia said as she wrote stuff down on her shopping list. "Well I'm sorry, but maybe I like a little meat on my lovers flank." "What did you just say Vinyl." “Nothing Tavi," Vinyl said with a smile as a pair of angel wings and a halo popped up above her head. "Sure Vinyl and you I'm not the only one in this house who eats when their stressed out you know" Octavia said with a playful laugh her eyes falling upon Vinyl’s flank. "Why my dearest Tavi do you by chance happen to like my fat flank." Vinyl said as she wiggled her flank playfully a bit. Octavia turned red and her gazed instantly shifted back to her list on the table "Ummmm. No comment Vinyl." "Tavi likes fat flanks." Vinyl teased poking Tavi's flank a bit. Octavia slapped Vinyl's hoof off of her flank. "Stop that." "Stop what Trebleclef" She said poking Octavia again "Stop poking my flank!" Octavia said as she slapped Vinyl's hoof off of her flank again. "I'd say you like flanks Vinyl since you can't seem to keep your hands off mine!" "Well not really but there is somepony’s in particular though that I like." Vinyl said blushing. "And who’s would that be." Octavia said prodding a bit further. Vinyl only continued cleaning the dishes. "Take a small…" Vinyl cut herself off not wanting to push Octavia too far. "Maybe I over did it a bit," thought Tavi as she began to frown a bit, as she continued her list. "Over did what Tavi?" "Can you read minds Vinyl," she asked? "No, Tavi I can just tell by the look on your face you thought you did something wrong… You didn't do anything wrong I was just afraid I pushed you too far "Vinyl you're a real softy you know that." "Yeah yeah… I know,” Vinyl said with a small smirk growing on her face. A voice chimed into Vinyl’s head once again. "Mom I keep telling you don't push mom to far, please listen to me." Vinyl stopped in her tracks and then began to turn and got back to cleaning. "Okay Tavi you win I’ll stop." "Well I'm going to get ready to go to the store do you want to come with." "No I’ll stay here and clean… Hey don't I get anything before you go?" Vinyl said playfully with a huge smile on her face Octavia walked up to Vinyl stood in front of the white mare. "Yeah close your eyes." Vinyl closed her eyes. Her friend grabbed a cup of water that was sitting on the counter and threw it in Vinyl's face. "What was that for?" "Shhh close your eyes again." She closed them again and she kissed Vinyl. Her kiss made Vinyl go numb all over and her mind went blank. As the kiss came to an end Vinyl collapsed onto the floor and blushed furiously. "Are you alright Vinyl I didn't make you slip with the little prank I pulled did I?" "I'm fine Tavi." Octavia uttered a small laugh and then helped Vinyl up. "I'd better get going… I don't want to be at the market all day" "Ok Tavi" Vinyl replied still numb from the kiss and soaked from Octavia's little prank. "I'll finish cleaning and dry off while you’re gone" she said with a playful laugh. Octavia grabbed some bits and then headed for the door. "Ok Tavi... Remember the ice cream..." she replied with a small grin. Octavia blushed and head out the door calling out "be back soon" as the door shut behind her. Vinyl continued to clean up the mess from her lunch with Octavia. Suddenly she heard a voice calling her name but calling out mom in between Vinyl’s. She trotted out of the kitchen and into the living room she saw the computer’s monitor kick on, displaying a worried and fearful image of her unborn son's face. "Mom...... W-we have a problem..... A big problem....." The cold fall air was upon her in an instant. She slowly began to slowly trot down the street. "Awe this is such a nice day today maybe I'll ask her to take a walk with me later tonight." A ways down the street she started to step off the curb of the sidewalk just as a carriage rushed passed almost hitting her. "Woah that was close. I wonder where and why that person is in such a hurry." She said as she continued toward the store. The carriage stopped in front of the modest looking house. The door slowly swung open and out stepped an ash grey mare with a charcoal colored mane put up in an elegant manner. Everything about the mare screamed sophistication and high class. She began to walk up to the house. She seemed to be inspecting every little detail of the house. She walked around the entire house. "It's not quite what I would want her living in, but she made the choice. I shall now make my appearance known to my daughter," the grey mare said with a Trottingham accent. She walked up to the door and knocked gracefully. Vinyl’s face turned a paler white from both pure terror and sorrow for her son. "Tiviyl what happened what's wrong...?" His face was scratched up and his ears where chipped and bleeding. "Mom... I think I know what happened between you and mom and who caused it..." Another voice rang out over the camera in a slight British accent and tone. "It's only a theory, Tiviyl we have no idea if they both or just he caused it..." "Still you said it yourself he had all to gain from this" "I know but still..." "Still what Doc..?" She could only watch and stare in utter shock at the screen. "Tiviyl we still don't truly don't know what happened who did it..." "I've known that stallion my entire life and he has never liked anything about my mothers or me..." "Mom please listen to me…," he started but was cut off as the screen began to be overcome with a static. A small explosion could be seen behind Tiviyl. A small but familiar mare’s voice could be heard right after. "Uhh... Doctor that didn't sound good..." "No it didn't Derpy, cut off all unnecessary power usage including communications...” Tiviyl called out “but I'm not done I need to warn her!" "It's only a theory it can wait…" Tiviyl turned back to his mother who was now crying out of worry. "Don't worry mom I’ll be ok just be careful for right now I love you..." She looked at the screen muttering through her tears. "I love you too." The screen became nothing more than static. Her head fell into her hooves as began to cry out of both worry for her son and fear for what he didn't have time to say. Then she heard a gentle nock on the door. She wiped her tears away and headed toward the door. She slowly opened the door, when she saw the gray mare standing in front of her she stared at her a bit confused. "Excuse me miss, but I am I do not know of who you speak. My name is Viola Melody. It's nice to meet you?" Viola paused for a moment trying to recall the name of the electric blue maned mare in front of her. "Oh I'm sorry my name is Vinyl Scratch. Sorry for not realizing it sooner ma’am. I'm kinda new with this sophisticated stuff." "Is there a mare here named Octavia Melody here at the moment?" "There is an Octavia that lives here, but her last name isn't Melody it is Philharmonica, and she currently isn't here, she went to get some groceries for the both of us. I'm sure she'll be back in a bit though. You're welcome to come in if you'd like to wait for a bit ma'am." "I wouldn't be a bother would I?" "Not at all ma'am come on in. Can I get you anything to drink?" "I'd like some white grape wine please." "Oh I'm sorry Tavi doesn't like alcohol in the house." Viola chuckled a bit and whispered to herself, "that's just like her. "We have water, orange juice or I could make you a fruit smoothie." "Water is fine." Octavia trotted into the store. She got a shopping cart and went down her list of items that they needed. She turned the corner to the dairy aisle. Bam! "Oh I'm sorry miss." "Oh joy it's you where's your stupid unicorn friend." Said the pink and blue maned mare turned around. "She's at the house and she's not that stupid." “Oh that's a bummer I kinda wanted to see her face again after we beat you guys last night." "You got lucky is all?" Octavia challenged. "Is that a challenge?" "It most certainly is." "Okay Lyra get over here." "Yes Bon Bon." the mint green unicorn called from the next aisle. "Let's play Baltimare Sweep." "May I ask what it is that you do in Baltimare Sweep?" "It's simple really. You have 10 minutes to get as many items in your cart and into the checkout aisle. You can only have five of the same type of items in the cart. Whoever has the highest total wins. Do you understand?” "Okay I got it." "On your mark get set go." said Lyra. "Go Bon Bon go!" Octavia threw 5 things of ham, diapers, cheese, and quite a few other things into her cart and raced to the checkout line. Bon Bon was already through the line and was waiting on Octavia to finish checking out. "Bon Bon I know you're going to win just look at all this food you have!" "I do, don't I. Thank you for cheering me on Lyra." Octavia finally got finished checking out she trotted over to the two awaiting mares. "Shall we compare our receipts. To see who won this contest." They both handed Lyra the receipts. "The winner is Octavia by 3 bits." "You got lucky this time. Lyra and I will beat you and your stupid unicorn friend next time,” said Bon Bon before walking off with her friend and leaving Octavia standing there looking at her receipt. "Oh man I spent way too much money and on stuff we don't even need and I can't believe it but I forgot the ice cream." "What do you do for a living?" asked Viola. "I'm currently studying modern music theory and I'm a disk jockey on the side to help Octavia pay some of the bills. What about yourself?" "Oh how nice of you to help Octavia pay the bills. At the current moment I'm the first chair Violinist in the Royal Canterlot Orchestra which preforms exclusively in Canterlot." "What's it like being in the Royal Canterlot Orchestra?" "I like it but the only problem is that I usually always have to play every night and so I don't get to see Octavia very much." Octavia turned the corner to her house and stopped instantly when she saw the carriage. "What is that doing here?" She walked up to her house and knocked on the door. "I hope she didn't let them in. Please Celestia don't let her have met my father and or mother." Vinyl answered the door. "Oh hey Tavi I was just talking to your mom." Viola walked up to Vinyl and hugged her and pretended to be in a drunken state. "Come here you sexy mare you let us have a kiss." She began to back away a bit and looked at Octavia. “Vinyl, did you give my mother alcohol!" “N-no no Tavi I swear I didn't!" Viola smiled and walked over to her daughter and wrapped a hoof around her. “I love you dear. I hope I’m not intruding any but your father and I talked about having Christmas over here again this year if that is okay with Vinyl and you." "Y-yes mother that's f-fine. I enjoy having your company." “Will her parents be here as well?” “I doubt it very much mother.” Viola walked outside and gave one more glace back at the house and softly said “Those two are going to be perfect for each other." Octavia began to put the food and stuff away and stopped and headed into the living room where Vinyl was. “Hey Vinyl will you put the rest of the food and stuff away." "Yeah sure are you feeling alright." "I've just got some things," she stopped and then continued again. "I'm fine." End of Chapter 6 > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Days passed, then weeks, until it was a few days till Hearth's Warming Eve. Octavia awoke on the couch wrapped in Vinyl's hooves. She smiled at seeing Vinyl and remembering of how she had tricked Vinyl into watching one of her favorite romance movies with her. She began to rub her eyes and looked around. She saw a small tree eloquently decorated with lights and ornaments and a half empty bowl of popcorn accompanied by two mugs sitting on the table in front of them. She quietly snuck out from under Vinyl’s grasp, picked up the cups and bowl from the table and slowly walked towards the kitchen. She sat them in the sink and looked out the window above it. Snow covered the street our outside of Vinyl and her house and some was still calmly falling. "Taaavviiii comeback to the couch." yelled Vinyl from the other room. "Vinyl, did you know it's snowing." Vinyl's jumped up from the couch and ran to the nearest window, then ran to her room and got her orange hat and boots. "Tavi come on let's go for a walk." "Okay just let me finish washing these dishes and then I'll go and get ready." Octavia went back to finishing the dishes while she saw Vinyl staring out the window with a huge smile on her face. "Taaaaviiii are you almost done" Vinyl yelled in a begging tune" "Yes Vinyl I'm coming just give me a few minutes to get ready" Octavia headed towards her room passing the small tree that stood beside it. She grabbed her old snow boots, wrapped her scarf around her neck, and then put on the hat Vinyl had given her on their first date. She began to walk back out of her room looked at the calendar next to her door and sighed. "Only a few days lay in between now and a day where ill either face disownment or complete acceptance, although I know ones acceptance I will probably never get it from the one who never accepted me...." "What's taking her so long?" Vinyl thought to herself. "I hope she's ok” Vinyl thought as she walked to Octavia's room. She slowly opened the door peering inside. She saw Octavia standing there and went to stand by her.. "Tavi... are you alright..?" "Why yes Vinyl I'm quite fine." Octavia lied trying not to ruin the mood. "Okay well come on Tavi if we don't leave soon it'll be morning." "Coming Vinyl." The two mares slowly walk out the door and into the winter wonderland that awaited them. Vinyl's eyes lit up like she was a filly again. Vinyl ran and started making a snow angel. She then trots back to Octavia with a big grin on her face. "How's that Tavi, pretty amazing isn't it?" "Yeah it is." She said as she giggled a bit. They continued to walk down the street with the snow continuing to fall at a steady pace. They started to slow when they both saw lights on the houses of other ponies. "Wow Tavi look at the lights there are so many of them." “Yes there are quite a lot of them." Octavia could only look and Vinyl and smile as they walked down the street. "No matter how old that mare gets I don't think she'll ever truly grow up" Octavia smiled at the thought as she looked away from Vinyl and back at the lights and then her eyes slowly drifted back toward Vinyl. She noticed that somehow the lights seem to reflect and shine in Vinyl’s eyes almost dancing in them bringing them to life. Octavia eyes drifted back to the lights watching them with Vinyl as they walked. "Hey Vinyl, you know it's getting close to Hearth's Warming might there be anything you want for a gift." The white mare stopped and looked up at the night sky. "Nah I've got everything I want right here." A deadpan expression shone arcross the gray mare’s face. “Vinyl I'm being serious. I really want to get you something. Please think of something. Anything." "Anything." Vinyl said a sly smirk slowly growing across her face. "Okay Tavi, I want some sexy lingerie from That-Flank." Octavia stood there with a shocked look on her face. She stumbled over her words, "y-you're kidding r-right." "You said anything and that's what I want." Octavia reluctantly had to agree she did say anything. The two mares walked a ways until Vinyl stopped, "So Tavi is there anything you want for Hearth's Warming Eve?" "I just want nothing to go wrong at the Hearth's Warming Party at our house with my family." "I'll be on my best behavior, but really what do you want for a gift." "Surprise me Vinyl. Just nothing that will embarrass me in front of my family." "Awe, but Tavi don't you trust me." "No, I do not trust you." As they rounded the corner to their street; Vinyl took off dead sprint for their house. "Vinyl you shouldn't run you'll..." Octavia's words were cut off as Vinyl began to slide on ice toward a giant pile of snow. The white mare plunged head first into the snowy embankment. Her legs started to flail about as she tried to get out. Octavia walked up to her. She sighed and then gave her friend a tug and pulled her out of the embankment. "T-thanks T-tavi, I-I would have died if you hadn't been here." Vinyl said as she shivered. "Over dramatic as usual. Come along you need to warm up or you'll catch a cold." Vinyl took the blanket that had been wrapped around her and wrapped it around both Octavia and herself. "Her treble-clef... Last thing I want is my favorite mare being turned into a pony-sickle..." Vinyl said looking at Octavia giggling a bit and smiling. Octavia blushed as Vinyl giggled but tilted her head in curiosity "A pony-sickle Vinyl. Me? You’re the one who slid head first into a mound of snow." Octavia said giggling a bit as Vinyl blushed in embarrassment from the realization that Octavia was right. Vinyl leaned back on the couch sighing a bit and looked at Octavia. "H-hey Tavi, do you wanna watch a movie. I mean since we're up and all." Vinyl said looking at Octavia. Octavia looked up at the clock and sighed as she leaned back onto Vinyl laying her head on Vinyl's shoulder. "Sure, why not. But what movie should we watch; I think we’ve watched all the movies we have..." Octavia said looking a blushing red faced Vinyl. Vinyl raised a hoof rubbing the back of her head "well, we could watch A Hearts Warming Carol." Vinyl said as she used her magic to pick up the movie case and levitated over to herself and Octavia. "Why not..." Octavia said smiling as Vinyl used her magic to set up the movie and start play it. As the movie played and the two mares sat there in each other’s embrace watching the movie. Shortly into the movie the lights in the house began to flicker and dim. Octavia looked up at the lamp next to her and Vinyl as it flickered. "Vinyl.... Did you pay the electric bill?" Octavia said looking at Vinyl with a curious look on her face. "Of course Tavi... How could I forget about the thing that lets me practice my music?” Vinyl said as the lights flickered a few more times before going out completely. Octavia sat up on the couch as Vinyl cried out "Tavi I can’t see anything..." "I can’t either... I'll be right back I’m going to get a lantern from the kitchen." Octavia said as she got up and began to walk to the kitchen as the two mares heard the whistling and whirling winds outside of their home. Octavia grabbed a small lantern and walked back to Vinyl. "There, it is not very bright but at least there is a little light." Octavia said as she sat the lantern on the table in front of Vinyl. "Oh no, our movie went out to." Vinyl said as she looked at her dark reflection in the black screen. "Vinyl, you do know there are other things we can do like just take time to talk..." "About what..." "Well, you've met my parents, one of them. Tell me what your parents were like..." Octavia asked Vinyl as she sat back down next to her. "W-well...." Vinyl said as she sighed and looked at the ground with a look of mixed emotions on her face and then continued. "My parents were kinda of like yours... When I was a filly my family was kinda like a little slice of Heaven. We weren't rich by any means but we made enough to get by but we had money to spend here and there throughout the days. When I was 10 my father lost his job. He fell into a habit of trying to drink his depression away, but it never worked and at times it made him into a pony that. No pony should be, and when I was 12 I had made the choice to run. I packed some of my things and just walked out the front door. I never went back. I had to steal food from the venders around town." Vinyl sighed as she looked at the flame dancing in the lantern. “Oh my.” "I never did like doing that no matter how hungry I was, but even though I was alone I still managed to pass school barely though and after a while I had made enough money to go to college and that's my family and how I got here I guess." Octavia looked at Vinyl with compassion and sadness in her eyes as Vinyl looked at the flame dancing in the lantern and then at the ceiling. "I-I’m sorry Vinyl." Octavia said as she reached over and hugged Vinyl. Vinyl returned the hug holding Octavia tightly. Vinyl’s eyes started to tear up. She looked for an excuse to get away from her friend. “Well Tavi it’s getting late and I don’t think the power is going to comeback anytime soon, so how about we head to bed.” “I suppose so. Well night then.” Octavia said as she slowly walked away turning back once to see a melancholy white unicorn sitting and looking at the flame dancing in the lantern. The sun pierced through Vinyl's blinds she hadn't gotten very much sleep since she was freaking out over what to get Octavia for Hearth's Warming Eve. She had tried to play it off like she would get a gag gift but she really wanted to get her something nice. "What the buck should I get her, maybe a new bowtie and cello stick thingy, no that seems too cheap? She probably already has a lot of those, hmm." The phone in the kitchen started ringing Vinyl got up and walked to the kitchen. “Sup, Vinyl Scratch speaking.” “Howdy, this is Fiddlesticks. Sorry for calling so early, could I possibly speak ta Octavia.” “Yeah let me go get her.” She walked and knocked on Octavia’s door. “Tavi are you up.” No response came. She pushed Octavia’s door open and slowly walked in. “Tavi.” She whispered. She saw Octavia sleeping, slowly creeping up to her friend’s bedside. A red pen wrapped in a white aura floated over to her. She opened it and began writing and drawing all over the sleeping mare. Then she took a deep breath. “OCTAVIA, There’s a phone call for you!” The grey mare jumped and fell out of bed startled. “Vinyl you don’t have to yell! Who is it?” “It is somepony named Fiddlesticks.” “I wonder what she wants this close to Hearth’s Warming Eve.” She got up and trotted into the kitchen. “Hello, Fiddles are you there.” “Howdy, Cous. I was just wondering if you might happen ta want ta go shopping with me today.” “Yeah I was planning on sneaking out of here so Vinyl couldn’t follow me. Why? Aren’t you in Dodge City?” “Naw, not right now, I came ta Baltimare ta find a present for Braeburn.” “When and where do you want to meet?” “In an hour in the Northview Hay King.” “Okay in the Hay King.” She said with a loud sigh. “Something wrong Tavi?” Fiddles asked? “It’s just the last time I went to a Hay King it was a nightmare.” “See ya there. Love ya.” “Love you too Fiddles.” She said as she hung up the phone. She walked to the bathroom showered, brushed her hair, got dressed, wrote a note for Vinyl, and headed out the door to the bank. Vinyl walked out of her room expecting to smell pancakes being made in the kitchen, but she didn’t smell any. “Tavi, are you here?” She saw the note that Octavia had left for her. She began reading it. “Dear, Vinyl I’m going to the Hay King to meet my cousin. I’ll be back in about 3-4 hours. There are leftover pancakes in the fridge if you get hungry. P.S. I’m going to get you back for writing on me this morning it took me almost an hour to get all the ink off of me.” “Jeez Tavi you’re like my mom.” Vinyl paused for a second as she remembered what her life used to be like when her parents treated her right. “Snap out of it Vinyl.” Vinyl headed out the door. Octavia made her way to Hay King walking down the street passing house after house as she got further and further away from her and Vinyl’s. She wanted to get away as quickly as she could just incase her friend had any more crazy ideas that her friend would think up randomly. She thought to herself while she walked to meet her cousin Fiddlesticks “What am I going get Vinyl for Hearts Warming Eve. Surely nothing to simple nor anything to extravagant. Well she is a simple one.” Octavia continued to walk down the streets of Baltimare looking in shop windows as she goes. Seeing things from extravagant dresses, to shimmering jewelry, and a few old record sitting idle through inside their glass casing behind the windows along the way. Octavia could see Hay King a little farther down the road as flashes of her horrors began to flow through her mind “I will never understand what Vinyl sees in that hell hole.” Octavia thought to herself as she reached the restaurant looking for Fiddlesticks. “Now where is she?” Octavia’s gaze went from left to right as she searched until her eyes fell upon a mare inside Hay King waving at her with a heartwarming and welcoming smile on her face. She was a simple looking light yellow mare, who wore her sapphire blue mane strait but a bit of curl had started to develop at the end. She wore a grayish white cowpony hat that was adorned with mud stains all around, and a faded red handkerchief tied around her neck. Octavia smiled at the sight of this mare and walked inside Hay King. As they approached each other they both gave the other a hug, and then sat down. “Do ya want anything ta eat Tavi?” “Thanks, but I already ate.” “Oh horseapples, Tavi where’s that appetite ya used ta have when we were fillies? You used ta eat four large servings of horseshoe fries.” “You must be thinking of Octet. I never had the appetite that you think I had. I always eat until I’m not hungry anymore and then I stop.” “Awe, well okay if ya say so Cous.” Fiddlesticks said as she got up and trotted over to the counter. Octavia glanced at the other ponies sitting in the restaurant, she felt rather out of place, because all the other ponies were overweight. “Oh my Celestia, Vinyl is going to look like that if she keeps eating this every day. I’m going to have to ask her to stop eating out all the time.” Fiddlesticks walked carefully back to the table and sat down across from Octavia. “So Fiddles, what are you getting Braeburn for Hearth’s Warming?” “He always wears the same ole hat day in and day out and ya know I think he needs a new one. It’s getting kinda worn around the edges.” “Oh I bet he’ll like it.” “What are ya getting yer marefriend?” Fiddlesticks asked after she had taken a sip of her soda pop. “I-I umm… She said she wants me to get her some sexy lingerie, but I can’t possibly get that for her so, I don’t know what I am going to get her. She seems like the kind of pony who would want some stupid gag gift.” Octavia said as she rubbed her temples with her hooves furiously. “Just calm down cous, I’m sure ya’ll pick something good out fer her. What kinda things does she like? “She likes dubstep, alicorn toys, alcoholic beverages, and lame Deathpony horror movies.” “Well ya should get her the Deathpony movie collection at Movies-R-Us.” “Are you sure that’s enough? Perhaps I should get her an alicorn toy as well.” “If ya reckon she’ll want that then get her it.” The two mares headed out of the Hay King and toward the vast crowded parking lot. It was filled with carriages coming and going in a hurry. They were almost too the mall when a carriage rushed passed, it narrowly missing hitting Fiddlesticks. “Watch where the BUCK yer going! Ya’ll gonna kill somepony. They should have their license revoked.” screamed Fiddlestick at the carriage. End of Chapter 7.