• Published 8th Sep 2013
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Comments in the Melody of Love - The Cellist

This is what happens when Vinyl and Octavia add their future son on ponybook. This wasn't supposed to be a story, but we decided to make it into one just for fun. Co-author Anthony Girtman aka Tiviyl Scratch.

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Chapter 3

“I'm cleaning the house for general Trebleclef, for she has given me orders to clean the house and clean I shall.” Vinyl typed on Octavia’s computer.

Vinyl went back and forth through the house trying to make sure that she was getting every spot.

"Okay, cleaned the counter and underneath the counter and the flo…" Vinyl was cut off. She slipped and fell to the floor with a thud.

"Ouch! I really need to learn to keep all the water in the sink for washing the pans… Don't I."

Octavia had just gotten out of the shower and she heard a thud come from the kitchen. She facehoofed herself

"She said no fires that's a good thing right. If she does do this then I won't have to do it and I’ll have some more time to study."

She finished putting her bow tie on and grabbed her cello from her room and on her way out she left Vinyl a note.

“To Vinyl, thank you for offering to clean the house up, if you don't get it all done I can help you with it after class a bit okay. Don't forget that we're going to do something tonight. Well I should be going. I guess I'll be off then. See you later.

Ps- Don't use any explosives to clean. I don't trust you with fire or explosives.


Vinyl saw the note and laughed.

"Tavi you know I wouldn't do that again."

She turned toward the kitchen a huge grin started to spread across her face.

"You never said anything about the dishwasher though. Dishes are ready for these WUBS OF DESTRUCTION!?!"

Octavia’s dishes seemed to dim at the Dj’s words of being put in to the wubstep dishwasher. She grabbed all the dishes she could find and put them into the machine and turned it on and left to finish cleaning the rest of the house.

It took her only an hour to clean the house but it felt like a millennia to her. She had a few slips and falls but she managed.

"Whew… Finally that's over…"

She gazed up at the clock only a short two hours before Tavi gets home from her classes.

"Well better get ready or my da…" her face turned a reddish pink at the fact as she chocked on her own words, then continued "My date with T-Tavi."

She trotted off to her room and noticed something there was an old fedora in her room lying on her bed and a sudden thought hit her.

"That hat I've seen it before..."

An image of her son popped in her head and then a thought came to her

"You know I bet I know why Tiviyl looked so good with this hat was because it goes amazingly well with his eyes… Tavi's amazing eyes."

A sudden spark entered her head "Tavi would look amazing in this hat"

She took the old hat and examined it. It was a charcoal gray with a lighter white grey rapping of fabric at the base separating the rim from the rest of it. It was a little dusty but was in amazing shape for its age and where it has been lying around.

"Tavi will love this" she said as she squeed once.

She cleaned it off and then put in into a nice box with a purple bow and then left to get ready for the nights adventure.
Octavia arrived home earlier than Vinyl expected her too about two hours earlier in fact. The teacher had ended up being sick and the school couldn't get a replacement in time, so the students all had to go home. Octavia was a little furious at this, because she had lugged her cello all the way to the college grounds that were five miles away. Normally this wouldn’t have bothered her but she was the only non-unicorn student in her class. Octavia kicked the door open to her room sat her cello down and headed to the bathroom to shower off her sweat. Octavia headed to the bathroom. Vinyl was just getting out of the bath. Octavia walked in she saw Vinyl just getting out of the bath.

"Tavi! You’re home!"

Vinyl rushed up and gave her friend a big wet hug.

"Vinyl cut it out. I'll get you dirty again."

"Well then we could bath together." Vinyl said with a wink.

"N-no!" Octavia blurted out.

"You're no fun Tavi."

"I'll wait to take a shower until you're done in here."

"I'm almost done I just have to shake my hair."

Vinyl shook her hair and it instantly popped into its usual form.

"There I'm done."

Octavia stood there dumbfounded.

"H-how did she do that I spend an hour brushing mine."

"Well I’ll leave you to it Tivi" Vinyl said "Then we can go out and do something."

After Octavia had finished showering, Vinyl knocked on the door.

"Hey Tavi where are we going to go on our d-date tonight," she asked.

"Vinyl it's not a date. We're just going out to get some fresh air."

"Can we go to Hay King? They have the new transforming pony toys. One even transforms into a dragon!"

Octavia snickered a bit at Vinyl’s fillyness. It was funny to her because she hadn't really gotten to have a fillyhood her
parents were always forcing her to be proper and respectable and she was either filming a movie or composing her own music in front of three hundred or so ponies at the Trottingham Music Hall. She wondered what Vinyl's fillyhood had been like. She really hadn't even tried to get to know her at all and for that she felt guilty.

"Tavi hello... Tavi... Are you ok in there?" Vinyl said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Huh... Oh yeah I'm quite alright, t-thanks for asking Vinyl." Octavia stammered.

"So Tavi can we please go to Hay King."

"Sure Vinyl we'll do that first and then we can go and do my activity. How does that sound?"

"It sounds great, but what's your activity going to be?"

"You'll just have to wait and see."

Octavia and Vinyl slowly walked down the streets of Baltimare heading toward Hay King to do Vinyl's activity, when a cold gust of autumn air blew and hit Octavia directly in the face messing her hair up.

"This is just great I brushed my mane for an hour and it ended up being all for nothing."

"Don't worry I've got this Tavi."

Within a second Vinyl's horn flicked to life with a cool white aura and in an instant Octavia's hair looked like Vinyl’s did."
Vinyl couldn't help but start laughing at the sight of Octavia's hair.

"What did you do to my hair? Vinyl get me my mirror this instant."

Vinyl grabbed Octavia's mirror out of a small saddlebag that was now lying next to Octavia’s hind hooves.

"I think you look cute Octi." Vinyl said as she began to blush a little bit.

"Change it back now."

"Okay, give me a second."

Vinyl tried again and got it perfectly this time.

"Now it should stay the same even if the wind blows."

The two friends began walking again.

"Thanks Vinyl. You know I'm kind of jealous of you unicorns, because your life must be so much easier than us earth ponies."

Vinyl frowned at that remark.

"Octavia you shouldn't be jealous of us, to be honest we unicorns should be jealous of you earth ponies and pegasus' that play instruments cause it's a lot harder cause you don't use magic."

Octavia hugged Vinyl for saying that.

“Thanks Vinyl that meant a lot."

They finally reached Hay King. Octavia looked up at the building.

"Are you sure this is the right place Vinyl."

"Can't you read the sign Tavi? You have to try there hayburgers they're absolutely the best things ever!"

Vinyl held the door open for Octavia.

"Thank you Vinyl that was very nice of you."

"No problem Trebleclef."

Vinyl rushed over to the toys and began oohing and awing at them. Octavia looked at the menu. There wasn't really anything that caught her interest. She finally decided on a salad. She turned around to tell Vinyl to come here and order when a hoof smacked her in the face by accident or so she thought. She stepped back a few feet and began rubbing her nose.

"That's what you get for cutting in line."

"I-I didn't mean to cut in line sir. I'm sorry."

"Just get back there,” said the red earth pony with a black mane and a construction cutiemark.

Octavia stepped back to the right place in line.

"Vinyl get over here what do you want to eat."

"I'll have a Big filly meal with a colt toy don’t forget a colt toy not the dumb filly toyTavi. I'm going to go get us a table."

After about thirty minutes of waiting in line Octavia finally got to order and it took another fifteen minutes their food come up. She picked the tray up with her mouth and looked for Vinyl. Her friend was all the way at the very back table. She started to make her way to her friend when a filly ran into her causing her to drop her tray and spill most of her salad. She picked the tray back up and continued to the table her nose still hurt from the stallion that had punched her and now her front legs hurt. She sat the tray down on the table and Vinyl grabbed her filly meal and dumped the contents all over the table.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Tavi! Tavi! I got the one the transforms into a dragon!" she said as she squeed with delight.

Then she saw Octavia's meal. "Gee Tavi they really cheated you on your salad."

"Well Vinyl I kind of fell something hit me and caused me to fall."

"Oh well why not go up there and ask for another one."

"I don't want to wait another hour to order Vinyl."

"Okay here you can have my fried daisy fries if you want."

"No thanks I'm good."

Octavia ate her meal in peace while Vinyl really didn't even eat hers she just played with her toy and tried to figure out how it transformed into the awesome dragon. Octavia started to get up when some ice cream came and landed all over her hair and began to run down her face. The parents of the colt the Octavia presumed threw it started laughing with their colt. Vinyl saw this and motioned to leave. Octavia and Vinyl walked out of there silently.

"Tavi I'm sorry about that."

"It's fine! That was my first and last time ever going to such an establishment."

"But Tavi... I like going there." Vinyl pleaded.

"I never said you couldn't go there Vinyl. I'm never going back there."

"That usually never happens it was a fluke."

"I get to choose what we do next right."

"Umm yeah Tavi, I guess you do, so what are we going to do now." “Well I was thinking we could take a walk in the park."

"That sounds nice. Let's go."

As they trotted to the park passing a mint green unicorn with a lyre for her cutiemark and a yellow earth pony with blue and pink hair and three candies for her cutiemark. The couple stopped talking and stared at them then continued to talk after they had passed.

"But Bon Bon I'm telling you humans exist and they don't have hooves they have HANDS! It's so amazing I wish I could be a human and have hands. It would be awesome."

"Lyra you're crazy!"

"You still love me right."

“Yes of..."

They're chattering becoming more and more distant as Vinyl and Octavia walked deeper and deeper into the park. The lights flicked on and Octavia looked over at Vinyl. She seemed to be mesmerized by the lights.

"Hey Vinyl."

"Yeah," she said but didn't take her eyes off of the lights.

"How do you like it so far? Is it fun for you?"

Vinyl looked at Octavia and said, "Yeah Tavi this is a really beautiful place thanks for taking me here."

Vinyl now couldn't take her eyes off of Octavia the darkening night sky and the lights mixed perfectly with Octavia's violet eyes and ash grey coat stood out. It sucked Vinyl right in and wouldn't let her escape.

"Vinyl you might..."

Octavia's sentence was cut short as Vinyl hit the side of the fountain she fell in head first.

"Help me Tavi I can't swim! I'm going to die!" she screamed as she flailed around in the fountain.

Passerby's stared at the scene in disbelief some even laughing a bit. Octavia extended a hoof to Vinyl to help get her out.
Vinyl pulled her in pure a panic.

"Tavi... Blurb... Blurb... Save blurb..." Vinyl said as she continued to flail in the fountain.

The couple from earlier walked by and looked at the couple in the fountain, the mint green one got a huge smile on her face.

"Bon Bon can we swim in the fountain too.” Lyra said wide-eyed.

"No there is obviously something wrong with the white one." she said in a different voice from before this time with an accent more like Octavia’s.

"There's no need to change your voice to sound disgusted Bon Bon. I think it looked kind of fun."

“Lyra I told you it’s a condition.” She said as her voice once again changed this time to one with a thick russian accent.

“I know Bon Bon. I like it because it fits you perfectly.”

Octavia stood up in the fountain to show Vinyl how fillyish she looked failing around in the fountain. Vinyl stopped splashing around after that and stood up also.

"This is just great Vinyl you got me all wet."

"I seriously could have died in there Tavi and you didn't even try to save me." Vinyl said with a childish panic.

Octavia threw a bit into the fountain and closed her eyes.

"Tavi! What are you doing?"

"I'm wishing for something. This is a wishing fountain after all."

"Oh okay."

Vinyl threw a bit in and wished that the rest of the day would be mishap free and that Tavi's mood would improve before Friday.

They walked a little further and sat on a bench and just stared at the night sky.

"You know something Vinyl this is really beautiful."

"Yeah Tavi it sure is." Vinyl said staring directly at Tavi.

She put her right hoof close to Octavia's left one and slowly started to inch closer.

"Come on Vinyl you can do it you've done this kind of thing with so many stallions before, so why not a mare, why not this mare?"

That question hung in Vinyl's mind for quite some time.

"What if I do it but because of how her nights been she decides to move out and then I'm left all by myself. I don't want that I don't want to lose the mare that drives me crazy."

She starts to move her hoof back a bit, but stops when she feels another ponies hoof on hers squeezing it gently Vinyl looks up and sees Octavia looking at her a single tear running down her face.

"Vinyl even though tonight hasn't been the greatest night there still isn't anypony that I would have liked to spend it with more then you." Octavia said cheerfully.

"Octavia..." Vinyl began.

Octavia put her other hoof on Vinyl's face and they both just stared at the stars silently.

End of Chapter 3