• Published 8th Sep 2013
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Comments in the Melody of Love - The Cellist

This is what happens when Vinyl and Octavia add their future son on ponybook. This wasn't supposed to be a story, but we decided to make it into one just for fun. Co-author Anthony Girtman aka Tiviyl Scratch.

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Chapter 2

Vinyl woke me up three times last night. I really wasn't a happy mare when I woke up in the morning, but Vinyl had set a rose and a not by my bed telling me she was sorry and to walk in to the kitchen. She had made strawberry pancakes and cut them up to say I'm sorry she was also passed out in the chair, so I guess i couldn't really be mad at her after she went through all that time to make me those. — feeling Wonderful and happy that I have a roommate who cares about me. : ).” Octavia typed on her computer.

“Well sounds like you’re happy, so how was that kiss. Are you going to get Vinyl back for it that?”

“I hated it. I'm just lucky to have such a nice roommate is all?”

Octavia blushed slightly

“Sure you hated it that's why you’re blushing. You can't fool me Tavi. You actually liked it”

"Wha... Whatever do you mean?"

“You liked it when you kissed her and she kissed back passionately.”

"I did not somepony told me to so I did. She just happened to wake up, and besides her breath still smelled like plot so why would I enjoy it."

“I don’t know. Maybe there was just something about it that you liked.”

“There was not a single thing that I liked about it. She put you up to this didn't she?”

“No she didn't. This is purely me. By the way where is Vinyl?”

“She’s probably out getting drunk at a bar or something?”
Octavia rubs her nose in annoyance.

"That mare I swear, she needs to grow up."

Vinyl walks in and looks dead tired. She looks a Tavi and says "Today was a long day for class and studying… I took your advice Tavi and studied for the test. I think I passed it too. Do we have any coffee?”

Vinyl falls into her friends arms.

Vinyl doesn't smell like booze or a club, instead she smells of old books.
She looks at Vinyl and smiles and thinks to herself "You actually listened to me for once?"
She picks up her roommate up and carries her to her room.

"You know when I said apply yourself I didn't mean kill yourself with it."

Vinyl reaches a hoof over into her drawer and gets a tiny flask. She opens it with her magical aura and takes a few sips.

"Awe yeah that's the good stuff. I needed some of Baltimare's non-alcoholic cider."

Octavia trotted back into the living room and sat down at the computer and gently put a hoof to her face.

"D-do I really like Vinyl?" she asked herself.

"No I don't I can't like her she's a mare. She's just my friend?" She argued with herself.

"I'm going to ask her if she thinks we're going on a date Friday night and if she says it's not a date then that means she doesn't like me right… Right."

Vinyl overheard Octavia in the living room and saw her through the crack she had left in the door.

"Tavi you’re kind of cute when you freak out about things."

Octavia had a concerned look on her face that had made her her face take on a reddish pink color. "B-but what if it is?" Her face had gotten a small smile on it"

Vinyl had crept out of her room seeing her friend still in deep thought there in the living room. She trotted over and stood beside her for a few moments.

"How's it going trebleclef?" Vinyl said with a tiny smile

"Okay I-I guess"

"Well that's good; I hope you’re ready for Friday."

Octavia looked at Vinyl with a puzzled smile on her face.

"Uh Vinyl… Friday is that going to be like a date?" Vinyl looked her with a smile.

"W-well yes I guess you could say that it's a date."

Octavia’s face instantly turned a bright pink. She tried to hide a tiny smile from Vinyl, but her friend played it off and trotted into the living room and landed with a thud on the couch.

"Hey Tavi you want to watch a movie with me?"

Octavia trotted into the room and sat down beside her.

“Sure, just nothing to scary."

"You got it Tavi."

Vinyl began to flip through the channels on television, until she stopped on Deathpony 3 Froggy Bottom Bog Massacre. She squeed with delight, but looked over at Octavia to get approval The grey mare had her hooves plastered to her face.

"Vinyl, c-could you please change the channel to something less gory and scary."

“Aww but Tavi it's almost to the best part." I-I hate these kinds of movies."

Vinyl sighed.

"Okay trebleclef. Do you want to watch a movie with butterflies and rainbows instead?" Vinyl asked teasingly.

"W-well no, I don’t want something like that."

"Then what do you want to watch?"

"Let's watch a romance movie okay."

"As you wish Tavi my queen," Vinyl said.

She leapt up from the couch and did an elegant bow toward Octavia. This made Octi blush a bit.

"S-stop kidding around and change the channel."

"Okay okay."

She sat back down next to her friend and started flipping through channels again until she found one that her friend would be able to uncover her eyes. When she saw what was on the television she covered her face with her hooves again. Vinyl saw this and let a sigh out.

"Tavi what's wrong with this movie? I thought you would like it?" "Will you just change the channel again."

"Why? What's wrong with this movie?"

"Nothing is wrong with it. I-it's just I don't want to watch it." “Oh come on Tavi I don't even know what it is."

"Okay let's watch it."

Octavia didn't even last ten minutes she fell asleep. Vinyl continued to watch the movie which she figured out was called
"My Royal Trottingham Wedding Fiasco." Vinyl was continually drawn to the main character a grey alicorn pony named Royal Beauty, she couldn't quite put her hoof on it but she had seen that ponies face somewhere before.
Vinyl thought about it for a minute but was interrupted by Octavia unconsciously putting her hooves around vinyl and resting her head on her shoulder. Vinyl began to turn pink and smiled "man if only Tavi was more like this when she was awake." The computer suddenly kicked on and an image of Tiviyl flashed on the screen.

"Man if I had a bit for every time I saw that sight." Vinyl smiled.

"I hope this lasts for a while I like it."

"Don't worry mom it will, you seem tired." Tiviyl said from his cam.

Vinyl big yawned .

"I am but not as much as your mom is" Vinyl said from the couch.

Vinyl used her magic and floated a blanket into the room as she did Octi held Vinyl tighter and smiled blushing slightly. Vinyl almost turned into a fine apple red from Octi’s sleeping actions. Vinyl levitated the blanket over the two of them and then laid it over them and put her hoof over Octavia's shoulder and then began to fall asleep. As her eyes closed though she could have sworn she had heard Octavia mummer out "oh vinyl" in a calm and almost loving voice far from what she was use to and saw her face turn a fine shade of reddish pink, all the while Vinyl thought "I wonder what she's dreaming about" and then fell asleep crafting a dream of her own.

Octavia awoke to Vinyl hugging her tightly and breathing in her face.

Vinyl started to say something in her sleep, "I love you Royal Beauty."

Octavia cringed at what Vinyl had said. She looked at the television and she assumed it was the same time she woke up every morning which was seven thirty. She didn't have class until twelve she got up from the couch and put the blanket back over Vinyl. She walked into the kitchen and started making breakfast for herself, but she got to many eggs so she decided to make Vinyl a little something too.

"I wonder what Vinyl would want for breakfast. I guess fried eggs with fruit will have to do." she said.

Vinyl awoke a short time later to an Octavia-less couch she began to panic, until she smelled eggs cooking. She trotted silently to the kitchen and had snuck up on Octavia in the kitchen. Octavia was too busy to realize Vinyl was right behind her.

"Hey Tavi whatcha making," She screamed in her friend's ear.

"Vinyl don't sneak up on ponies," Octavia scolded.

"Sorry Tavi."

"It is fine and I'm making fried eggs with fruit for you information."

"Well it smells good. I wish I could cook as good as you Tavi."

"Maybe I'll teach you sometime."

"Hey Tavi can I ask you something, it's bothered me since the end of the movie." -Octavia didn't turn around.

"Yes what is it Vinyl."

"The credits didn't have the name of the main character of the romance movie we watched last night."

"Yeah so?"

"I know that I've seen the sexy face and flank somewhere before." Vinyl said putting a hoof to her chin.

"I didn't think you'd watch the entire movie."

"I kind of recorded it because I liked it so much."

"R-really w-why," Octavia fumbled over her words a bit.

"Tavi why didn't you like the movie," Vinyl asked.

Vinyl looked at Octavia with a smile "Even if the wings and horn were fake they still looked good but I think you look sexier the way you are"

"You really want to know don't you; fine I'll tell you why I don't like that movie Vinyl, because I'm the main character."
Vinyl's jaw dropped.

"You're kidding. She was an alicorn and you're an earth pony."

"Fake horn and fake wings Vinyl," she said like it was common knowledge.

Octavia blushed at Vinyl's comment. "W-well thank you."

"So how'd you sleep last night trebleclef?”

"I slept good last night although it got quite hot towards the end of the night but all in all it was pretty nice."

"I guess I make pillow, eh Tavi

"Yes, Vinyl you do make a good pillow. but you're too warm to be a summer pillow."

"Are you saying I'm hot Tavi?"

"Yes but not in the way I think you're suggesting it." Octavia said a slight blush spreading across her face.

"You're very warm Vinyl."

"Yes I know I'm hot good to know you think so to trebleclef" Vinyl said with a wink.

Octavia ignored her roommates comment and scooped the eggs onto a plate and grabbed some slice strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and kiwi from the bowl sitting off to the side of the stove on the marble counter top. "Anyway here's your breakfast Vinyl." She extended a hoof out to Vinyl. Vinyl's heart fluttered a bit when Octavia extended her hoof.

Vinyl put her hoof over Octavia's "Thank you beautiful" said vinyl with flirtish grin. "Oh and I must say Tavi you make quite the teddy bear and blanket too"

When Vinyl said that she about dropped Vinyl's plate on to the floor.

"W-will you stop saying such disgusting things at breakfast Vinyl and stop suggesting stuff that isn't true. I'm not beautiful."

"Says who?"

"Says me Vinyl, j-just eat your breakfast."

"You have amazing eyes but with them you sometimes miss some of the most beautiful things Tavi even when looking in a mirror at yourself. Just remember this treble clef there's nothing more beautiful than yourself" vinyl said to Octavia with her hoof over her friend's. "You know don't you Tavi?"

She shook Vinyl's hoof off of her own.

"I told you eat your breakfast before it gets cold." she said looking down at her food trying to hide her reddish face.

"B-but you're right about me not knowing myself. I was basically a robot of my mother’s creation. She told me what to do and I followed her without question, because I thought that was what I was supposed to do."

"Tavi Tavi Tavi. You and I both know that you’re beautiful. I know it in more ways than one, but that's just me."

"Thanks Vinyl. How's your breakfast?"

"It’s pretty good, how about yours Tavi?"

"The fruit could have been better if it had had some sugar on it."

"Don't we have sugar?"

"No I think somepony forgot to get some after they used it up to make that sugarcano that exploded all over the kitchen. I'm still cleaning it up and it's been four months since you did it Vinyl!"

"Tavi how many times do I have to tell I'm sorry, but hey at least the kitchen looked sweet that day" She said with a squee.

"This is the first time actually and yeah the day after that and the day after that." Octavia said with a bored expression on her face.

"Oh Tivi; you know what today's my day off from classes right? Ill clean up my sweet mess and you can relax today"

"I've got class today, so I can't relax."

"Oh you know what I mean Tavi you'll come home to a clean house"

"Right or I'll come home to one that is on fire."

Vinyl had smile on her face "You know I can clean house Tivi don't worry about it.

"Maybe when your back and I'm done maybe we can go do something"

"Okay but promise me no fires."

"There won't be any Tavi. I promise now let me get started let me do the breakfast dishes and then I’ll get started on the house"

"You don't have to clean the whole house up Vinyl."

"Well I feel like I kind of owe you and plus you get see my flank running around the house"

"I've got to get ready remember. So, I won't get to actually see you doing work around the house." Octavia frowned at what she had just said. "I would have loved to see you actually work."

"Are you sure you'd be watching me work or just watching my flank," said vinyl with a smirk.

"I'd be telling you what to do and you'd probably be complaining," Octavia shot back.

"Depend what you order me to do, what are you orders general troubleclef" vinyl said with a smile and a salute.

Octavia facehoofed herself.

"Just clean this up. I'm going to go shower now."

With that Octavia walked out of the kitchen leaving Vinyl to her thoughts.

Vinyl began to clean up the mess in the kitchen and drifted out into her thoughts as she cleaned.

End of Chapter 2.