• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 863 Views, 39 Comments

Amnesia and Love. - Shimmering Honor

When Shimmering Honor Found himself in free fall, without any memories, he goes on an quest to find himself and to start a new life.

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Call for Zecora

Chapter 2, Call for Zecora
The young Pegasus, Shimmering Honor was impressed by the little yellow filly named Apple Bloom. She had been teaching him about Equestria and the different types of pony while Big Macintosh carried him to the hospital, he was still in a lot of pain from the fall which all three of them suspected broke a leg or two. At times little bits of his memories came back with certain words that Apple Bloom said.

"So whats a Death Certificate any way?" Asked Apple Bloom, before Shimmering could answer, Big Mac spoke.

"Nothing for you to worry about." the stallion was clearly upset by something.

"Yeah, but what does it mean?"

"Don't ask"


"NO!" shouted the Big Stallion, Apple Blooms ear's dropped, Shimmering looked between to two, realizing that Big Mac was very touch about this subject.

"Sorry Bic Mac" said a very upset Apple Bloom, the rest of the walk was very quiet. they reached the Hospital where a nurse came out.

"Whats the matter with him?" she asked.

"Hefelloutofatreeand..." Apple Bloom Started when Big Mac coughed, motioning to his little sister to slow down.

"He fell out of the sky, hit some trees and we believe he has broken his leg." Apple bloom said a lot slower. the nursed called back into the hospital and a porter pony came out wheeling a bed with his magic, Shimmering Felt the tingling of the nurse lifting him off the back of Big Mac using her own magic and gently placing him down on the bed, he was soon rushed into the hospital.

After a while it was conformed he had broken both legs on his left side and his left wing. he was being questioned by a Doctor.

"What colour is this?" the doctor asked holding up a yellow card

"Don't know"

"What object is this?" holding up a card with a apple pictured on it.

"Don't know" replied Shimmering getting increasingly angry with himself

"Whats your name?"

"Shimmering Honor"

"Okay, you have amnesia Mr Honor, what is most interesting is that there is evidence that you had a Cutie Mark and that it has disappeared, I have never seen this happen before" said the doctor.

"How did you know I had a Cutie Mark" asked Shimmering.

"Well where your cutie Mark was there is scarring beneath your fur as if it has been cut off, also there is a picture of you with a cutie mark in your saddle back" the doctor replied, dropping the picture on the bed. Shimmering picked up the picture, he was posing for the shot, but who ever had taken the picture wasn't very good or the picture was meant to be mostly burred, the only thing in focus was his face, but he could make out two distinct colours on his flank, an obvious sign of a cutie mark.

"Well, is there a way of getting it back?" he asked.

"Well I have never seen this before, I wouldn't know, but I bet..." he didn't finish his sentence, he just walked out muttering about potions and some mare would know what to do.

After a long wait a strange looking pony walked in, she had black and white strips and a Mohawk for a mane, she walked over to Shimmering Honor.

"Are you the one good sir, that has been causing a stir?" she asked in rhyme.

"Err, yes" Shimmering simply answered. the Pony then got out a bottle from her saddle bag.

"Drink this and you will see, that the memories will flow free" Shimmering took the bottle and drank the content. Nothing happened for a while, then his eyes shrank and started to dart about, looking all over the room, Shimmering could feel the liquids in his stomach bubble and he let out a massive burp, along with a puff of smoke.

"How do you feel, did that break the seal" asked the strange pony. Shimmering Honor closed his eyes, trying to remember as much as he could before the fall.

"No, sorry" he said handing the bottle back to the pony. She looked shocked,

"What went wrong, that potion was very strong" she claimed and walked out as a doctor walked in.

"Who was that?" asked Shimmering.

"Oh that's Zecora, she is a Zebra". Over the next few days Zecora kept coming back with different potions, all of which did nothing to Shimmering or his memory, one even made him forget more, one made his fur go rainbow coloured, and another made his voice high pitched. then Zecora stopped coming. Shimmering Honor was confused now more than ever. Zecora had been pouring all kinds of liquids down his throat to try and get his memories back, and now she just stopped coming.

After a couple of days the hospital couldn't do anymore for Shimmering, so they kindly kicked him out, saying just keep of the wings and take it easy. Shimmering decided to wander around town, it was a nice place, very pretty, houses with straw roofs where everywhere, there seemed to be no organisation in how the building where placed. He noticed one place looked like a carousel, even though he didn't know what one of those was, another was a hollowed out tree. And as he rounded a corner, he saw one building that looked like a ginger bread house, he got very hungry at the sight of it and decided to walk in. As he stepped over the threshold of the building, he was hit by a wall of confetti, he was incomplete shock as a pink mare screamed some form of welcome, then burst into song

"your new here, I see
so let me say hi,
your new here, i see
so lets not go ye"

"Er, what was that" Shimmering asked.

"Oh, don't mind her, darling, Pinkie is always this energetic when she meets somepony new" said a white furred unicorn with purple mane, sat next to her was an orange pony with a stetson hat, a purple unicorn with dark mane with a pink strip and of course the overly energetic pink mare.

"Okay, I was just looking around, I am Shimmering Honot, you are?" he asked.

"Well, I am Rarity" said the white unicorn.

"Applejack" the orange pony introduced herself, lifting her hat and giving a small bow.

"I am Twilight Sparkle" continued the other Unicorn.

"And I am Pinkie Pie" the pink mare almost shouted while getting right up close to Honor's face. Then the mare took in a big breath.

"Your new aren't you, we need to PARTY!" and she ran off.

"I suggest you run, darling" Said Rarity. Shimmering did just that, he kept running and running. He noticed something shot across the sky, it was a rainbow streak, this jolted his memory. He ran after the streak, then his winks started to flap and he took off, he chased the rainbow till it slowed down and landed on a cloud. It was a Pegasus, he came up next to a cyan mare with rainbow colored mane and tail.

"I know those colors" he said, the mare turned around and looked at him.

"Of course you would, I am the best flyer in Pegasus, how did you miss my sonic rainboom the other week" she stated.

"Was that a rainbow colored shockwave?" asked Shimmering.

"Well yeah" the mare said with an arrogant tone.

"THEN YOU WHERE THE ONE THAT KNOCKED ME OUT AND GAVE ME AMNESIA!" shouted Shimmering Honor. Anger building up in side him.

"your mane isn't going to set on fire is it?" asked the mare.