• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 863 Views, 39 Comments

Amnesia and Love. - Shimmering Honor

When Shimmering Honor Found himself in free fall, without any memories, he goes on an quest to find himself and to start a new life.

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Ambushed at creepy pass

Chapter 6, Ambush at creepy pass.

It was the coldest night yet, there where no clouds in the sky, just clear skies, nothing to stop the heat escaping into the sky. Shimmering Honor sat there, shivering. dam its cold he thought, but he never stopped watching, every pony had gone to sleep, or at least that what it seemed like to anypony who would enter the town now. Yet that was the plan.

A faint yellow twinkle caught Shimmering's eye, off to the left of the town, it grew bigger as it drew near, a dust cloud behind the light, they had arrived.

Shimmering Honor got as low to the roof as he could, the light and dust cloud getting closer and closer. Shimmering looked down the street and noticed the Sheriff looking in his direction. a nod of the head confirmed the Sheriff had seen the lights and headed back inside. The lights now with in a few yards of the edge of the town, Shimmering looked and noticed it was the gang he had meet earlier that day. They slowed down and soon entered the town, headed to the bank and waited outside.

"Hello everypony!" shouted the leader, a mare by the name of Midnight Storm. "I am here to make a withdraw!" she shouted, a few of the gang laughed and charged the bank, revolvers going off aimlessly into the night sky, Shimmering watched and waited...

The Sheriff and his men came out of various buildings and hid behind barrels and creates placed strategically around town.

"Give it up Midnight!" Shouted the Sheriff, Midnight turned around and laughed.

"Ha, you think you can take us?" Midnight replied raising her revolver in her specially adapted gloves. the gang ran out the bank.

"Its empty!" one shouted in shock, "There ain't no bits inside the safe, nothing!" Midnight was shocked..she looked around, realizing they where all doomed.

"IT'S A TRAP, RUN!" She shouted and galloped towards the edge of the town. The gang followed, Shimmering spread his wings and flew up, into the black abyss known as the night sky.

He followed the gang for a few miles and looked back, the Sheriff and his men where sticking to the plan, chasing after them, but not trying to catch them. Shimmering saw the railway up ahead, the bridge crossing a canyon was closed, sections removed for 'maintenance', this forced the gang to the left, a massive cliff blocking the right... one pony was a bit stupid, thought he could jump the cap between the sections of bridge, the scream confirmed he couldn't.

Shimmering still flying above the gang watched as they rounded a corner, into Creepy Pass... a few ponies had overtaken Midnight storm, and were now a few meters ahead of the main body of the gang.


Several large explosions rang out, the main body stopped, looks of horror on their faces, TNT. The Sheriff had set up another trap...the explosives had caused a rock slide...unfortunately the ponies at the front didn't stop in time...they where enveloped in a cloud of dust as rocks and dirt filled the passes exit, the ponies at the front where never seen again. Shimmering could see that the gang had started to turn around, but another explosion cut across the pass and blocked the other end, they where all trapped, waiting to be arrested by the sheriff...

Midnight looked around her, chaos had ensued once the first explosion crushed her men...They planned this, how could they...they didn't even know we where coming..

She had one advantage over her men though, she was determined not to be trapped. She span round towards the exist that had been blocked first and ran, her gang not noticing...she ran faster and faster, she spread her wings and flew up into the sky, over the rocks and dirt and onto the other side...freedom!

Midnight looked back, worthless, the lot of them, can't even get out of the pass. with that she ran, and she kept on running...

Shimmering has holding back a laugh as the ponies trapped in the pass started to panic, the deputies had caught up and where now lining the top of the walls. But Shimmering saw something else, Midnight Storm flying out of the pass...he followed her, staying as high up as possible so he couldn't be spotted. Midnight landed hesitated and carried on running...

Now was his chance, Shimmering Honor angled downwards and folded his wings, gaining speed from the drop, he angled himself to be aiming just in front of Midnight. When he got closer, he spread his wings and impacted Midnight, sending them both rolling over the ground...impacted a large rock and then fall flat on their backs...

"Who the hay are you?" Midnight asked, then she looked over and saw it was Shimmering. "Oh great taken down by the new pony in town..."

"Yep, and not only the new pony, but the new deputy as well." Shimmering said as he pulled out a pair of hang cuffs from his belt, he cuffed Midnight's hooves and then wrapped some rope around her waist, securing her wings. They headed back towards the town at a slow trot...

Luna was still following the trail left behind by her captain... it had been still for a while when it had gotten up and had moved at some speed in yet another direction..

Now she could see a sleepy little town in the distance... BANG! a loud explosion rang out from her right, she looked over to see the faint glow of an explosion. Her ears poked up and listened intently. must be miners she thought and continued to the town.

When Shimmering returned to town with the captive in tow, the streets where empty, besides a very large crowd hanging around the saloon... Shield tide Midnight to a wooden post and headed over to the saloon...

Author's Note:

notice any references in there