• Published 4th Sep 2013
  • 863 Views, 39 Comments

Amnesia and Love. - Shimmering Honor

When Shimmering Honor Found himself in free fall, without any memories, he goes on an quest to find himself and to start a new life.

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More walking...More talking

Chapter 9, More walking...More talking

“He is soo cute, so kind, I think I love him… but he doesn’t feel the same way, he never will, face it, he is a bounty hunter, you’re a crook, a criminal and murder. I am just another pay cheque to him, a way to get more bits...nothing else… OF course he has feelings, did you see the way he tried to protect you, how he carried you, fixed you up, he could have left you for dead… but he carried you for three days, without food or water… NO, he will never love me, will he? urr I don’t know, I don’t know” the mumbling continued along with the sound of a pony passing backwards and forwards.

Soon Shimmering Drifted back to sleep, he didn’t dream again that night.

Shimmering slowly opened his eyes, it was just starting to get light. He stretched his legs and wing, yawned and got up out of the sleeping bag.

The fire had died out sometime in the night, the cooking pot on top now had a very cold stew inside and the kettle had been blown off in a gentle breeze.

Shimmering looked around and found Midnight curled up on top of her sleeping bag, she was still mumbling in her sleep.

“I am sure I love him… I am sure...sure...Shimmy…” She muttered, this brought a smile to Shimmerings face…She is rather cute when she is asleep.

“Come on Midnight, time to get up!” He said with a commanding voice, trying to act as if he didn’t hear her mumbling.

“Huh?...What? oh, morning Shimmering…*YAWN* oh my...so, we still got a lot of walking today?” She asked groggily, small bags had formed under her eyes.

“Yep, so lets pack up what we need and can carry and head out...that way I think…” He looked up and down the canyon, trying to work out which way to go.

“That way” Midnight pointed a hoof out to her right.

“Okay then.”

They soon packed up the campsite, they had strapped the sleeping bags to their saddlebags, which were filled with food, water, ammo and the cooking kit. Shimmering stepped over to Midnight with a rope.

“Whats that for?” She asked, taking a step back.

“Just because you didn’t kill me in my sleep or run off last night doesn’t mean I trust you.” He tied the rope around her stomach and under her wings, then connected to other end to himself in the same manner. Midnight just looked at him with disbelief on her face, but her eyes showed pain.

“Now come on...lets go already.” He started to walk off and pulled Midnight along.

For the first few hours, neither of them spoke, they just walked in silence. When it reached midday and the sun was at its highest, they took shelter under an overhang, hiding from the suns heat.


“Yes Midnight.”

“Can we please take this rope off please? It itches and is rubbing my fur to tightly.” She gave the rope a slight tug.


“Why not?” she looked hurt again.

“Because you are still my bounty and you still have a date in court.” He said emotionlessly. Midnight just sat there.

Soon the two pegasi where walking again. They kept on walking in silence for hours, Shimmering Honor didn’t mind, he found it nice to be able to just get some time to think.

Okay, lets look at the situation.

I have no memories.

I was a Captain of the Night guard, now I am a Bounty Hunter.

And I am stuck in the middle of a dam canyon with my first bounty tied to me.

My wing is broken and so is hers. So no chance of flying out of here.

Shimmering looked across to the mare next to him.

But she is cute. WHAT. No, stop, she is a bounty...just a way to get some bits.

His face went a slight red and he snapped his gaze forward.

But she did say that she liked me...I heard her...twice...I think

He looked at me...I swear he did...then he blushed...what is that stallion thinking?

Midnight had caught Shimmering looking at her from the corner of her eye, when his head snapped back to looking forward, she gingerly turned her head slightly to look at him.

HE IS..he is blushing..ohmygoshohmygosh, he does show emotion..

She felt her heart flutter a bit, she needed to say something, the silence was killing her.

“So Shimmering…”

“So Midnight…” They both started to talk at the same time.

“Sorry…” they both apologized.

“You go first Shimmering”

“Okay, so tell me about the Marktown Train Robbers, if I am going to be a bounty hunter, I need to know about the gangs in this region.” This took Midnight by surprise.

“Well, why do you care?” she said, mocking being cross.

“Because I do...is it so wrong I wanna talk for a bit, we have been walking for hours.”

“Well, take the rope off then!” She snapped.

“Fine then, if I take of the ropes, will you speak to me?” he was starting to get annoyed, he didn’t like the idea of her being lose.

“Yes” Shimmering undid the rope. “The Marktown Train robbers are a group of ponies who only target the trains. They are all earth ponies, all stallions, and their leader hates me.”

“Why does he hate you?” Midnight looked up at the sky.

“Because I got to a train before him once, it was about two years ago…”

The train was sat in the station of Dodge City, waiting to leave for Baltimare. Midnight and her gang knew what was on the train...Gold, and lots of it. They had taken the engineers and guards out and was no masquerading as the trains crew. As it left the station, they all cheered as they had gotten away with it.

About a mile later, they stopped and got the rest of the gang onto the boxcars and the train carried on to a specific point. But as they passed Marktown, another gang started to gallop along side the train.

“Boss, we have trouble!” shouted one of Midnights gang members, she popped her head out of the trains cabin and saw the gang.

“What D’all want?!” She called out as one pony galloped next to the engine.

“This train!” he called back

“Well, sorry but we have it!”


“Names Midnight Storm...and me and MY gang got this train first!” all the boxcars opened up to reveal ponies inside with weapons drawn. The pony jumped up into the engine.

“This is my heist missy, so get!” and he punched her in the muzzle. What followed was chaos. Midnight bucked the stallion out of the engine as the rest of the gang shot at the ponies galloping along side. It was a blood bath. Another pony jumped onto the tender.

“Not so fast missy, do you know how we are?” He asked as he pulled out a sawn off shotgun.

“No, should I?” She teasingly asked, pulling out her two revolvers.

“We are the Marktown Train robbers...and this is our train.” he fired a shot at Midnight, but missed.

“What the…?”

“Up here!” The Stallion looked up, Midnight was hovering just above him, “I’ma Pegasus!” and she started to shot the coals around his hooves, making him dance.

“Dam Bi…AHHHHHHH” one of his forelegs was hit and he fell over. Midnight landed in front of him.

“Now then mister Marktown Train Robbers...get!” She bucked him off the train, the rest of the Train Robbers ran off, their tails between their legs.

“…And thats how I got into the bad books of the Marktown Train Robbers.” Midnight finished her story.

“Okay, so your turn to ask me a question.” Midnight blushed and looked down,

“Shimmering...what...what do you think about me… truthfully?” She asked, stammering through her embarrassment.

“How I feel...about...you…” Shimmering gulped. What do I say, what do I say! Just then he felt a sting in his neck, his became dizzy and the world started to spine.

“Shimmy...Shimmy...SHIMMY” Midnight cried, then he noticed a dart fly into her neck… he started to blank out as he saw her starting to sway then fall over. His world went black as felt his head hit the ground.