• Published 24th Aug 2013
  • 936 Views, 6 Comments

Three Apple Ponies Puff - Grenazers

A diamond dog living under a bridge is going to get a visit from three ponies.

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Today was a bright and happy day for the ponies of Ponyville. The yellow sun is up high in the sky, shining its bright rays on the world below. The skies are clear of clouds, animals are frolicking, and the ponies are outside enjoying the day.

However, there is one being that is not enjoying the day. On the outskirts of the town, there is an old bridge over a river. There is someone living under the bridge and he's not a friendly person. Sleeping under the old bridge is tall hairy canine like creature. His fur is gray and he wears a raggedy old red vest.

To put it simply, this bipedal canine creature is a diamond dog. This particular dog goes by the name Angus. It was only recently that Angus moved under the bridge and took up residents. The gray fur diamond dog's plan was to enforce a toll on this bridge. He demanded that anyone who wants to cross his bridge must pay the price, one gem or else.

Sadly Angus didn't think this more thoroughly, his brilliant scheme has already failed as soon as it began. After all when one-third of the town's population can simply fly over his bridge, while the other one-third can just teleport over it. Plus it also doesn't help the fact that the river is shallow, therefore easily traversable for the earth ponies.

With the lack of ponies going to his bridge, Angus did basically nothing under his home. He either slept, ate, or thought of ways when dealing with a pony. The gray stayed under the bridge, hoping that a pony would one day come.

Days turns into weeks and weeks turned into a month. Angus was growing more frustrated every day, if a pony doesn't come to his bridge today, he'll have to give up this plan and return home. Fortunately for him, a certain yellow filly was making her way to his bridge.

Applebloom, member of the apple family, has two other siblings, and is the youngest. This little filly was making her way home to Sweet Apple Acres, and the only way to do so is to cross the old bridge. Unknown to her, a pair of yellow eyes was watching her from from under the bridge.

"Yes, finally" Angus whispered so that his prey wouldn't hear him. "Alright Angus, what is the plan?" he said to himself. "Hmm lets see, should I demand a gem from her for passage on my bridge? No, I waited too long for this to be wasted on one gem!"

The dog then when into a deep thought. "Perhaps I should kidnap the filly. Yes, that's it and make a ransom." With his plan clear, the diamond dog waits patiently for his oblivious prey.

Applebloom, trotted on the dirt road leading to the bridge. But, before she could set her hooves on the stone bridge, she saw two long furry paws grabbed her and brought her under the bridge.

"Quiet little pony" Angus muttered into her ears. "Or else Angus will have to harm you," he said the last part threateningly. Applebloom stood quiet as the gray dog ties her hooves together and gag her mouth. Once done Angus placed the captive pony across him, so that he can keep an eye on her.

The two sat silently for an hour, Applebloom was just staring in fear of her kidnapper, while he returns the stare and occasionally look outside. This eerie silence was bothering her, so with a lot of courage the little filly spoke up. Her attempt only resulted in her making a mumbling sound.

Luckily for her Angus, heard her mumbling and removed the gag from her mouth. "What you want, pony?" he asked, still holding the gag in his paw.

"I just wanna know what we're waitin' for?" she replied.

"Angus is waiting for the ponies to come and bring the ransom."


"Yes little pony, once they bring Angus the gems you'll be set free."

The yellow filly just stared in confusion over his explanation. "Um Mr. Angus" she said softly, earning the dog's attention. "I'm just wondering, how do you intend to get the ransom?"

The gray diamond dog eye the little filly in confusion."What you mean?" he questioned. "It's simple Angus capture pony and pony will come with ransom."

"Well the thing Mr. Angus is that if want a ransom, you have inform to somepony in order to get your ransom" the yellow filly stated.

Angus soaked in the information his captive just gave him, he then proceeds to facepalm himself. "Erg Angus, you freakin idiot." he grumbled to himself.

"Alright Angus lets rethink this," he said, and went into thinking a new plan. While he was doing that, Applebloom suddenly thought of a brilliant plan herself.

"Mr. Angus." she said to get his attention. "I got a proposition for you."

Angus tilted his head. "What?"

"I mean lets make a deal," she corrected.

The dog eyed her suspiciously. "And what deal is that?"

She gulped from his glare. "Well you see I have a bunch of gems at my place."

This gain the dog's attention. "Go on."

"Well here's the deal, in exchange for my freedom I go and get the gems for you." she continued.

"Hmm, very well pony but, I'm coming with you. That way you won't simply run away," he said.

"Well alright but, you have to untie me first."

"And why should I do that?" he questioned.

"Well if ponies see me all tied up, they will either help me of call the guards." the filly answered. "If I'm untied, that way when somepony see us and approaches us. I'll vouch for you."

Anus thought about this for a minute, he then walked up to her and release the ropes. "Very well pony, you got yourself a deal."

The two left the underside of the bridge. Once out Applebloom decides to put her plan into action. "Oh, before we go Mr. Angus, can you tell me what that is?" she pointed at something behind him.

The diamond dog then turn around and look for, what she was pointing at. All the dog saw was just grassy fields with some bushes and trees in the distance. "Angus doesn't see anything," he said out loud. "Is Angus supposed to look at bird in the tree? little pony what were pointing at?" he asked.

However, he got no response from the pony. Angus turned his head around and saw that the little pony was gone. The gray diamond dog then lets out a loud yell in frustration. How could have he been so stupid, Angus scolded himself.

That little pony was his only opportunity and now she is gone. Who knows how long another pony would come to his bridge. Suddenly he heard some voice off in the distance.

"Applebloom!" a voice of a mare was heard from afar.

Upon hearing this, Angus retreated back under the bridge and spotted the intruder. This new pony was taller then the previous one, she was orange, has a blonde mane, and she was wearing those hats he saw in Appleloosa.

As the mare got closer, Angus was able to hear her better. "Darn it Applebloom, where are you?" This mare must bee looking for that little filly, he thought to himself.

Angus allowed the orange mare to cross his bridge but, when she got on the other side, he sprung from hiding and grabbed her.

"Quiet now little pony, else Angus will harm you," he said to his new captive. Instead of saying anything the orange mare raise both her rear leg and bucked him. The sudden pain caused him to release the pony from his arm, which the mare then turned and started pummeling the diamond dog.

Angus raised his arms to shield the mare sudden assault but, her jabs were too quick for him to react. "Ack! pony stop hurting Angus!" he shouted, only to fall on deaf ears. Finally with one strong swing the orange mare knock the dog off his feet and fell to the ground.

After the beat down he received from the orange pony, Angus was on ground nursing his bruises."Ow, new pony is worser then last pony." he groaned from the pain. When the mare heard the mentioning of pony, she then pinned Angus to the ground.

"What last pony?" she demanded, while pressing her hoof down on the diamond dog. "Is is Applebloom? Cause if you lay a finger on her, so help me I'll end you!" she said menacingly.

Fearing for his life, Angus instantly responded. "Yes, this Applebloom was here but, not anymore!' he yelled out. The mare glare at him, indicating she wanted more information. "She cross the bridge and left!" he half lied, hoping it will save him from further pommeling.

The mare continued to glare at the dog for a couple of second. "Alright, you better be right or I'll be coming back," she threatened. She then let go of him and left to continue the search for Applebloom.

As the pony left Angus decided to cut his losses and prepare to leave. But, he halted and remembered why he was here. He came here because he was bragging about his scheme to his other pack mates, one of them challenge him to try out his scheme, and so he accepted. If he returns empty handed he'll be a laughing stock.

Now more determined to achieve his goal, Angus went to the side and watch for his next target. He gulped, his next prey is a large red stallion. He was bigger than the orange pony, and probably stronger too.

Now wanting to back down, Angus though of a new strategy to take down the stallion. He spotted some big rocks near his bridge, alongside the river. He then thought of a new plan.

The red stallion was trotting silently on the dirt road. He was carrying his yoke around his neck and has a piece of hay in the mouth. Unbeknownst to him a certain gray fur dog was watching him. As he got on the bridge he halted when some rocks were tossed in front of him. Then he felt pain to his head and fell down.

The plan worked! Angus said in his head. It was simple, toss some small rocks in front of him to distract him, then finish it off by chuck a bigger rock on his head. His plan was so ingenious, your head would explode trying to comprehend his complex plan.

Angus went on top of the bridge and inspect his target, upon closer inspection the stallion was much bigger in person. With his mind busy with the idea of ransom, he fails to notice the stallion moving. Angus turned around to make sure that orange mare wasn't coming back.

Seeing that the mare wasn't returning, Angus was about to turn when he felt like someone was behind him. He turns around and came face with a very pissed off Stallion. The next thing that happens to poor Angus was intense pain and blackness.

Couple Of Hours Later

Angus's eye was slowly opening. He found himself in a room with curtains and white beds. He too was also on one, he tried to speak but, made gurgle sounds. However, this was enough to get somepony attention.

"Ah, good you're awake" said a pony doctor, appearing from the side.

"Now you might ask where you are. to answer that you're in the Ponyville hospital," he continued. "Count yourself lucky my friend, you were brought here on time before those wounds worsened.

Angus cleared his voice. "Who brought Angus here?" he queried.

"Why a pony name Big Macintosh," the doctor answered.

I wonder who he is? Angus thought. Then the door to the room opened revealing the same three ponies he met today. Upon seeing them the dog started panicking. "AHH! he screamed, "you have come to finished Angus off!" he said trying to escape with his bandaged body.

"No wait Mr. Angus!" Applebloom called out. "We're not here to hurt you."

"Eeyup," said Big Macintosh.

The orange mare stepped up. "You see, after I found Applebloom and brought her back. I saw what Big Mac did to ya, and well we couldn't leave someone like that. So Big Mac carried you to the hospital and we tagged along."

Angus was rather stunned by their kindness. "Well then, Angus thanks you ponies," he said, sounding grateful.

Before anypony could say anything the doctor budded in. "Well that's nice and all but, we still need to discuss payment." he spoke.

"Here's the bill for your recovery," he handed the bill to the diamond dog. Angus picked up the piece of paper and saw the cost. His eyes widen upon seeing the total cost. "Er Angus doesn't have this kind of money!" he yelled.

"Well Angus, guess you'll be working to pay it off. The dog just gape at his response. "Well don't you worry Angus," Applejack said. "We can get you a job working at our apple farm."

"Yeah and ponies around here can have you do various jobs for them," Applebloom added.

Angus looked at the ponies and sighs. "Just Great," he said sarcastically.


Angus returns back to his home with Applejack to accompany him, while there she found his stash of gems he was storing. When Applejack told him of the value these gems are worth, Angus was again shocked by this. Using this new found knowledge Angus not only payed of his hospital bill, but went into town and bought a bunch of stuff. He still lives under the bridge but, now it's fully furnished with a bed, table, chairs, new vest, collar, and other essentials.

Applebloom was grounded by her sister for leaving without informing her older siblings. Her punishment was staying in her room and not going to the clubhouse. Later she would sneak out and break the rules, hoping to get a cutie mark from it. She didn't and was grounded again.

Impress by the mare fighting skills, many fillies and colts went up to Applejack and asked her to teach those moves to them. AJ was more than happy obliged and taught them a few moves. She was later brought into court for teaching children how to fight and was now not allowed to teach anypony.

Despite having a concussion from that rock, Big Macintosh still continued to work on the farm every day. However, this time he started having serious philosophical thoughts in his head. He wonders what being real is and other questions that plagued many philosophers, such as the existence of god or gods. He never mentions this to anypony, less their feeble mind can comprehend such thoughts.

Comments ( 6 )
Comment posted by xd77 deleted Aug 24th, 2013

"Applebloom was grounded by his sister."

Total 404 Error

Applebloom is not a boy!

Well, it could use some work to clean it up and such (you left the g out of "Angus" once, for example), but overall it worked pretty well as a ponification of that old story, with some decently amusing moments.


Oh god dammit!:twilightangry2:

Thanks by the way :twilightsmile:

Whenever I think of big Macintosh I always consider him to think of philosophical questions.:eeyup:

There are a lot of tense problems here, switching from past tense to present tense and back, you need to just pick one and stick to it for the whole story. For example: Angus looked at the ponies and sighs. You have looked in past tense and sighs in present tense, looked should be looks, or sighs should be sighed. But this story is really cute and I love it.

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