• Published 24th Feb 2012
  • 1,962 Views, 33 Comments

The Equestrian Grifball League - Wind Shear

The sports of Equestria have become boring, so Princess Celestia brings back a Discord favourite

  • ...

Chapter 4: History

Equestrian Grifball League

Chapter 4: History

The sun was lowering on the day of the Ponyville Predators’ first official training session, Luna’s moon was already beginning to rise as Twilight and the rest of Predators walked into the library, hooves tired and need of a well-deserved rest. Everypony gasped as they dropped to a cushion, panting with sweat-drawn faces.

“Spike, Spike!” Twilight called, straining her voice for the dragon to be heard.

“Mmh? What?” Spike mumbled rubbing his eyes, clearly tired due to his daily chores and tasks,

“I’m sorry to ask Spike, seeing as you were asleep, but I don’t suppose you could bring us some drinks please? We’re all pretty beat.” Twilight replied apologetically, giving a smile at her number one assistant.

Spike suddenly shot up, shaking any tired feelings out of him.

“Oh yeah! The practice! How’d it go?” Spike asked enthusiastically, eager to hear everything about Ponyville’s newest sports team.

“Well, shucks Spike,” Applejack said looking as tired as Twilight, “We’ll tell yah once we’ve had a rest, we’re all plum-tuckered out after that session.”

“Yeah, I’m on it!” Spike said as he saluted and dashed off, before returning with a tray, seven glasses, a pitcher of apple juice and a plate of cookies.
“So come on! How’d it go?” Spike asked impatiently, desperate to hear the story.

The remainder of the evening was spent telling Spike of the practice session, reminiscing and laughing at memories gained not too long ago, Spike listened to every word showing a mixture of different emotions as each session was explained. Laughter at Rainbow’s reaction to the‘ no wings rule’, amazement at Rarity and Pinkie Pie’s battle and sheer awe at Rainbow’s impressive bomb-run.

“Wow that’s awesome Rainbow Dash! Although to be honest I half-expected you to be a Juggernaut hybrid, I mean sure you can run, but the speed you got can come in handy with sword-play too right?” Spike said finally, after the memories we’re told. “And Applejack, you’d be an excellent Tanking partner with Pinkie Pie, if you practice your Hammer Swings more, you can take hits like a pro!”

Everypony stared at Spike, looking shocked at his knowledge.

“Uhh, Spike. How come you know so much?” Rainbow asked.

“I’ve been following the EGL for years! I mean I’m normally a Frenzy fan but after hearing this, wow I’ll be shocked if everyone in Ponyville hasn’t heard about you guys.” Spike replied nonchalantly, then after getting more looks of confusion. “What, you don’t expect me to read in all of my spare time while you guys are out doing stuff.”

“Hey Spike,” Fluttershy peeped up, “Seeing as you know so much, why don’t you help coach the team during some practice sessions.”

“Yeah with your know-how on the sport, we’d be guaranteed a win in our first game!” Rainbow Dash said excitedly, giving a flap of her wings, raising herself to the air in excitement.

“All right then it's settled, Spike will be the assistant coach for our team throughout the season.” Rarity finished, beaming.

Spike’s eyelids drooped and his hands clasped together over his heart at the sound of Rarity’s voice, the sound of Rarity confirming his once-in-a-lifetime position for the team just sent the dragon into a perfect mindset of bliss.

“Well if y’all don't mind,” Applejack began, “I gotta get back to the farm before Big Mac locks up the place, I need to hit the hay.”

“I need to go too, I should see how Angel is doing.” Fluttershy said.

“Yeah I’m beat, see you tomorrow girls.” Rainbow Dash said with a yawn.

“Me too, I’m all partied out for once.” Pinkie said, causing everypony to mock-gasp with a giggle.
“Nah not really, still, some sleep can’t hurt.” Pinkie continued, stifling a laugh.

“I need to return to the boutique, we’ll meet up tomorrow Twilight?” Rarity said, the final pony to announce her departure.

“Yes, but before you all go, can I give you a book to go over?” Twilight replied, everypony moaned for real this time.

“Not now, just over breakfast or something, and only the part about the first game in Equestria history.”

“Fine.” Everypony replied in unison, taking a copy of Grifballing Greats from a grinning Twilight.

* * *

Rainbow Dash flopped onto her cloud bed, a look determination on her face.
“Okay, Twilight may be an egghead, and this stuff ain’t exactly Daring Do...well, here goes.”
Almost simultaneously, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the Elements of Harmony opened the cover and began to study Grifball’s history.

* * *

A single beam seemed to shine down from the moon itself through the open roof of the Capital Equestria Stadium. The beam ended at Discord’s throne, leaving the Draconequus bathed in a natural spotlight. All eyes were upon him as he looked toward the crowds, microphone in hand.

“Fillies and Gentlecolts, welcome to the first match of Equestria’s latest and greatest new sport, Grifball!”
“Tonight we see the first two teams in history, The Everfree Executioners and The Manehattan Maulers go up against one another in a grudge match that’ll leave the victors in glory!”

The crowd cheered and stomped their hooves in massive applause, below Discord, on the court of Grifball itself, two very nervous rookie teams with hardly any practice under their belts waved at the crowds with pride in their hearts, the Everfree Executioners in red armours and the Manehattan Maulers in blue.

“Grifballers!” Discord announced, silencing the applause, “Ready yourselves!”

At once the twelve founders of the newest sport in Equestria lined up at their correct positions, six members each side of the court per team, each pony began to wield their chosen weapon with hammers being the predominant choice. Tongs took his position at centre-left on the starting line-up, wielding his Gravity Hammer with new fueled confidence, staring into the eyes of his opponents.

On the opposite side of the court, Sweet Treat and Tailor stood alongside their allies in blue armour. Tailor holding an energy sword with perfect grace and poise, Sweet Treat looking like she just wanted to drop everything and charge in bare-hoofed.

“3, 2, 1... Begin!”

And the thunderous applause started in time with the charging hoofbeats.

* * *

The tip-off was a massacre for both sides. Booms from hammers echoed throughout the arena as ponies both Blue and Red were sent flying into the walls of the stadium, only to teleport back to their starting positions, fully healed and full of adrenaline, charging headstrong into the heat of sporting battle.
A chorus of slashes and stabs pierced the ever-present sound of booms and explosions from hammers, instead of flying away as an effect of the Gravity Hammers, ponies from both sides dropped to the ground defeated by the much more elegant Energy Swords.

Amidst the chaos and non-lethal killing, a pony could be seen sweeping up the cupcake with a hoof and returning back to her Manehattan Maulers, before she could even make a move to the other side of the field she was attacked by two of her enemies, who immediately dropped her with a double Energy Sword swing. The cupcake carrier had no chance as she was dispatched by this pony duo.

One of the two instantly grabbed the cupcake and threw it to his teammate, who began to run upfield, as he began to charge, a blue-suited pony was on him in an instant, guarding his goal, as the defender swung his sword, the carrier jumped back and dodged the lethal blade by mere inches, seeing his opponents guard was down, he struck out and clubbed the pony with the cupcake, eliminating him. Just then another defender was approaching from the left, before she could make the deadly charge a distinct ‘ZAP’ was heard and the cupcake carrier’s partner returned to his side again, saving him from what would have been a lethal strike.

The two ponies worked like a unit, one guarding the other in an effort to take the first goal, most other ponies were just mindlessly fighting each other, completely unaware of the group objective of the sport, all thought lost in the heat of battle except for a few ponies who were no match to this deadly duo from the Everfree Executioners. At a first glance, one might say they’ve played the sport for years, the way they moved together, fighting at one another's side in defence before attacking viciously together to keep advancing.

By the time they were at the goal plate, it was too late for the rest of the Maulers, four ponies looked shocked as to why this explosive nightmare was now being brought dangerously close to their side of the field. Meanwhile the other two ponies, Sweet Treat included, just ran off to fight their enemies again, shouting battle cries and raising weapons high.

The now shocked defenders began to gang up on the Executioners, pushing them back into a retreat with wave after wave of Hammer strikes, none were meeting their target, but the number of them didn’t allow any more advancing, meanwhile at the other end of the field, the remaining Executioners were being beaten into submission by Sweet Treat and her newest friend, who were taking turns to see who could clear out their enemies fastest, laughing all the while.

“Ah buck this.” One of the duo equipped his hammer and leaped forward, swinging it with all his might and unleashing the shockwave that instantly took out two ponies, in return, one of the defenders took him out with a sword. The remaining Executioner sprang up, charged forward and rolled to the side to avoid a slash coming from a defender, using a burst of speed he ran to the defender who eliminated his teammate and punched the mare clean across the side of her helmet, dropping her instantly. Using the last of his energy, he rolled under the blade of a re-spawning defender and dropped the cupcake on to the goal plate.


The cupcake exploded sending everypony nearby flying into the stadium walls, covering everything in chocolate icing. The Everfree Executioners jumped for joy, as did their fans. Everypony wearing red in the arena screaming at the top of their lungs for the all-important first score. After he teleported back to his team, the goal scorer was met by hoof bumps and hugs from everyone.

“Buck yeah, Jet Wave!” said his partner, who he advanced up the field with. “I told you, if we stick together nopony is gonna stop us! You and me!”

Jet Wave removed his helmet, revealing his white fur and blue-and-black mane, he grinned and hoof-pumped the air, enticing the crowds cheers. “Couldn’t have done it without you bro!”

“Jet Wave! Firerunner! Stay focused!” Tongs called over, bruised and battered from the onslaught of Sweet Treat and her friend. “We got a goal, yeah all well and good. Don’t forget its three goals for the win, and try to shut down that hyper one from the bakery, she’s driving me crazy!”

On the other side of the field, Tailor was trying to rally her teammates, while Sweet Treat was doing...something.

“Alright fillies and gentlecolts, we got our flanks handed to us out there, the only reason it wasn’t over quicker is because Sweetie and Stripe crushed their team while you all took a break! I know its hard out there, I know its kinda dangerous too, either way we’re gonna win this. I want everypony keeping an eye on that cupcake, keep on fighting them out on the field, but make sure you all know where it is. Guard it if we got it, push them back until we get it from them. Got it?”

Instead of replying the rest of the Maulers just stood still, trying to contain laughter as Sweet Treat and her zebra friend Zebra Stripe, simultaneously moon-trotted past Tailor during the whole speech.

Tailor sighed. “What am I going to do with you two?”

After the two ‘rallying’ speeches from both teams, the game got underway again and was pretty even. The cupcake was passed back and forth amongst players, possession was won and lost amongst both teams, and the battle started to turn into more of a sport. Carriers were guarded by other players, leaving a destructive path on their way to goal plates, only to be stopped along the way and lose possession. Defenders timed their swings perfectly, taking out all who oppose the goal plate and tried to claim it for their team. Instead of being a chaotic mish-mash of explosions and makeshift weapons, Grifball turned into something Discord didn’t expect, a success. Teams were formed all within a few hours, roles were created along with plays and play styles all within the first match in history.

On the other hand, although Grifball had turned into a successful sport, it did hold the element of chaos Discord wanted, instead of being tackled to the ground in a simpler sport like Hoofball, ponies were flung across the arena, or dispatched by a pointed blade. Discord just wanted an afternoon of fresh chaos, now he went and created a successful sport which more ponies looked forward too.
‘My word at this rate ponies will form their own teams.’ Discord thought to himself, observing his unintentional method to madness.

The match progressed slowly, plays being trialled and tested by both teams, the crowd cheering every play onwards, excited and restless, filling the entire arena with noise.
Eventually as the game went on, the score read 2-1 to the Everfree Executioners, in this round the Executioners held possession, Jet Wave passed the cupcake to Firerunner who passed it to Tongs who then gave it back to Jet Wave, he moved up along the left side of the field before being stopped by Tailor, who seemed to have come out of nowhere.

Tailor retrieved the cupcake and threw it to Sweet Treat, she dashed forward taking a defender by surprise and clobbered him, she spun round to the left and punched another pony who was having a Hammer fight with an Mauler, moving up in a platoon of three, Tailor and the other Mauler, Shock Effect, leading to allow Sweet Treat time to move and retreat if they were removed from play.

Shock Effect was eventually pounded by an enemy Executioner and Sweet Treat got impatient and charged on ahead, unprotected. She ducked and rolled under enemy blades and even landed a good punch or two, but eventually she was stopped by Tongs, inches away from the goal plate.

Unseen by anypony, Zebra Stripe jumped out of nowhere, being hidden in the back lines of the Executioners, he was ignored or unseen. Now being behind everypony, it was easy to take out Tongs from behind before making an easy steal and a score to tie up the game.


The Executioners turned around in shock, seeing their side of the field covered in chocolate icing, signalling the score.

“Okay... Can somepony explain how that just happened?” Jet Wave said in awe.

Zebra Stripe emerged from the wreckage covered head to hoof in icing. Sweet Treat tried but couldn’t contain her laughter, falling over onto her back and bursting into a fit of giggles, Tailor took one look at Sweet Treat and did the same, two ponies and a zebra laughing in hysterics at how being sneaky actually worked.

* * *

So this was it, the final round, all or nothing, winner take all. The tip-off was crazy, everypony flying as an effect of Hammers or just dropping due to Swords, Jet Wave hung back until the carnage was over before leaping in to take the cupcake.

Jet Wave threw it to Tongs, who charged forward alone, thinking this was an easy steal, Maulers then ran to meet Tongs, at the last second he dropped the cupcake and slammed his Hammer down, toppling two ponies before throwing it to Firerunner. The play looked brilliant, like it was co-ordinated and practiced again and again, moving as a team the Executioners began to clear house, moving steadily toward the final score. The Maulers, rallying their defences tried to beat them back, and the teams were locked in a stalemate of an occasional teammate going down and returning to the fray before any movement happened.

Suddenly, the Maulers went all out, moving as one they began to beat the Executioners, forcing a hasty retreat from Firerunner, who was holding the cupcake at the time. Tailor charged forward, dashing and piercing Firerunner’s front, removing him from play, she quickly snatched the cupcake and brought it back to her team before passing it to Sweet Treat with a wink. Sweet Treat made a quick hoof signal and the Maulers retreated, seeing this as an opportunity every Executioner sprinted forward to keep the pressure on.

“Stripey!” Sweet Treat called playfully, “Any time now will be fine~”

Zebra Stripe moved out alone and turned his back to the Executioners, seeing this as an easy elimination, the Executioners turned up the speed. Suddenly, Sweet Treat sprinted forward toward Zebra Stripe and leaped into the air, clutching the cupcake in a hoof. As she passed by Zebra Stripe, mid-air in her leap, he slammed the ground with his Gravity Hammer, the shockwave effect launching the pink pony high into the air, the crowds watched with open mouths as the blue-suited pony soared over the heads of the Executioners, landing with a roll on their empty undefended side of the field. She casually walked toward the goal plate, the Executioners galloping with every ounce of strength to catch her, but they were too far up the field to even have a chance of stopping her.

Sweet Treat stood over the goal plate, waved at the crowds, enticing cheer after cheer, before moon-trotting
and placing the cupcake down for the final score.


Sweet Treat was flung into the wall, any Executioner close enough was blown backwards by the blast. The Maulers jumped in victory whereas the Executioners sighed and frowned in defeat. Sweet Treat rose from the floor, dazed and confused, yet victorious all the same, before jumping around with her teammates as if she hadn’t been forcefully thrown into a wall by an explosion.

The first victory was celebrated and the first defeat regretted, congratulations were exchanged followed by hoofshakes from both teams. The crowd loved every minute, stomping their hooves in applause and cheering the name of their team.
So Discord had found his chaotic sport, but he also found one of his greatest successes, the sport of Grifball became an annual event, then bi-monthly, before the first ever Equestrian Grifball League was created and matches were played every week, season after season new champions were crowned and old champions defended their title. No two matches were ever the same, ponies trying new tactics, plays, formations, it was always original at every single game.

Discord had found a unique way to keep new Chaos flowing, and even better, ponies everywhere loved it.

* * *

Rainbow Dash was fast asleep with the book over her face, sure it was awesome reading about two ponies who took everyone on, ducking under swords, dodging hammers and putting in a great fight. After that it was all...boring, just tactics and formations. Yawn. Well, there’s always tomorrow.

Keep Scrolling... There’s another bit down here... There you go.

Author’s Note: Where do I begin? Well guys I’d like to thank you all for your massive support on this story, this is my first time ever putting pen to paper (Errr...Keyboard to...Screen?) and actually trying to be creative and productive. Except I haven’t exactly been productive have I?

The reason this chapter took ‘X’ amount of months is only partially due to what I said in the comments, that whole thing about studying for exams. While yes, I was studying for my exams, around about the same time people who I consider my friends went onto this page and started typing out random crap just to mess with the people who visit here, and to mess with, what I consider my ‘work’.

So days went by, I got the occasional insult about my fanfic, and eventually I started thinking
‘If I can’t get my own friends to, at the very least, acknowledge that I’m doing something productive, what hope do I have in getting a bunch of strangers to actually LIKE what I’m writing.’

So in short, I gave up, because I got made fun of, normally this kind of stuff wouldn’t bother me, I’d ask for criticism, move on. But seeing as these are my friends and I can’t get them to accept I write pony fanfiction I thought why should I bother trying?

So afterwards I thought about Dramatic Readings, asked a people around this site and did it to the best of my ability, everything is going fine except for when my friends catch wind of it again, so I gave up... again.

(Because when I’m just hanging around I play Halo or something, not mess with what my friends consider fun, entertaining and productive.)

Eventually, when I was just lying around, I thought to myself;
‘Who gives a flying **** what they think? If I get even one person to enjoy reading my stuff online, why should I stop?’ And yeah, I now know I should’ve thought this months ago.

So if you’re reading this, and you’ve been patiently waiting for the next chapter because you enjoy this story, thank you, you’re the people I’m writing for.
If you’re reading this and I promised you a Dramatic Reading of your story, I’ll get around to it soon, because forget what those guys think.

Thank you everyone for your support when this was initially released, and I’m sorry I’ve been a fool and took so long to write this out.

Expect more, because there’s no doubt it's coming.


(Oh yeah one last thing, I did the first half of this before I wrote the comment about my exams, so I came back and I had no clue what the hell I was on about. Re-read the old chapters. Didn’t get a thing, anyways I just rolled with it and this is the result. Criticism is welcomed, because this could probably do with a re-write. Thanks again.)
(Another thing, is this like... action-y? Because when I'm writing it, it looks dull to me, anyone else getting that?)

Comments ( 9 )

Please, continue! I love a good RVB-MLP crossover, and you are one of the best!


I think it's a case of RVB/MLP:FiM/BloodBowl cross with a few unique elements thrown in for good measure

ur welcome im really enjoying this story hope to see more


Man I have been hoping and waiting for months that this would be picked up. I love this fic so much. Keep on truckin man!:rainbowdetermined2:

We will be watching.

I'm sorry Director, this story is dead.

5064536 Nothing is ever truly dead, as long as someone remembers it, it's never truly gone.
That's why this story is marked as incomplete instead of cancelled, because by not marking it as such, the author has allowed for us to make our own memories with it.
Never say goodbye.

Nobody's supposed to say goodbyes, they always mean that you're gone.

correct, if one doesnt say goodbye, then they arnt really gone...theyre just not here right now

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