• Published 24th Feb 2012
  • 1,962 Views, 33 Comments

The Equestrian Grifball League - Wind Shear

The sports of Equestria have become boring, so Princess Celestia brings back a Discord favourite

  • ...

Chapter 3: Training and Perspective

Equestrian Grifball League

Chapter 3: Training and Perspective

The Bearers of The Elements of Harmony had gathered in the emptiest and largest field, on the outskirts of Ponyville. The day was bright and sunny and the the rising sunshine warmed everypony’s faces in the early hours of the morning. Everypony was dry-eyed and weary, everypony apart from Twilight Sparkle that is. The purple pony was up hours before her friends, bright and early preparing all the necessary equipment for The Ponyville Predator’s first training session, assisted by Spike of course.

“Why are we up this early again?” Rainbow Dash yawned, her lack of sleep clearly showing by her nodding eyes. The rainbow pegasus pony was lacking her usual amount of sleep, and her first nap of the day after her morning cloud clearing routine.

“Because the League starts in two weeks, and we don’t even know our positions,” Twilight replied, her face bright-eyed and bouncy for the days training regime. “A few early morning practice sessions should help boost our chances against our first opponents.”

“If we don’t fall asleep during the match.” Rainbow said sleepily.

“Everypony put on some armour.” Twilight ordered, waving a hoof toward a selection of armour suits, varying in size and shape. The biggest looked large enough to cover a whole pony, while the smallest only covered the torso and head. Everypony began to put on the heavy armour and helmets, everyone apart from Rainbow Dash who put on the light armour suit. The helmets themselves looked similar to a Wonderbolts flight-suit headpiece, it left the mouth open so the wearer could pickup weapons and talk during the game.

“The book recommends that each team of six ponies is to have a balanced team of three heavily armoured ponies, two medium armoured, and one light armoured Runner.” Twilight implied, nodding toward the empty sets of medium and light armour.
The Ponyville Predators lined up as Twilight began to address her team;

“OK, the book states different team positions, we’ll find out what we’re best at and build on our strengths and weaknesses from there.”
“Okie Dokie Lokie!”
“You got it!”
“Of course, darling!”
“Um... ok”

“Applejack, you can handle the daily work on Sweet Apple Acres, so do you think you can be our teams lead Defender with me and Fluttershy?” Twilight asked
“Ah sure as sugar can, Twilight” The applepony replied, deactivating her visor to reveal her orange face and yellow mane, she smiled brightly knowing she would wield the Gravity Hammer in the name of Ponyville. Unable to fit her trademark hat into the helmet, Applejack wore the hat on top, its colour clashing with the neutral grey of her heavy armour.

Fluttershy squealed from behind her, she too was wearing full-body armour, desperate to stay safe as she tried to assist her friends in the field of play, she wasn’t too keen on playing in a game that revolved around violence and explosive weaponry, but her friends wanted her to be the best that she can be, if that meant defending the goal against others, Fluttershy stood up defiantly, then that’s what she would do.

Rainbow Dash seemed to perk up once she realised the potential to be better than everyone else at something new, this she had to do.

"Rainbow Dash, can you be our Runner?" Twilight asked casually, as she already knew the answer.

"Now you're talking," she exclaimed in her usual cocky tone. "But there's one problem."

"Oh...And whats that," asked Twilight sarcastically.

"The colour, if I'm ever gonna get a chance to fly with the Wonderbolts I have to stand out and look y'know cool." Everypony knew that for the young pegasus, coolness was important.

“You realise we all have to wear matching armour right?” Twilight asked. “We don’t all have our own unique colours.”

“Yeah I know but just tell whoever designs them to make ‘em look, y’know cool.” Rainbow replied giving a side glance toward the ground.

“Rainbow if y’all are gonna be our team’s runner y’all stand out pretty good I reckon.” Applejack said with a grin. “Ya realise that whoever’s got the cupcake-bomb turns bright orange so the other team know who to bring down.”

“Hah, yeah if they can catch me that is!” Rainbow said in her cocky tone, giving a flap of her wings in excitement.

Twilight rolled her eyes and moved towards Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie, seeing as your the only one here who knows how to work a Gravity Hammer do you think you can be the team Tank? You’ll have to keep the enemy team under pressure while we’re on offense.”

“Sure thing Twilight!” Pinkie announced bouncing on the spot, her hammer bouncing with her as it lay in her holster on her back.

“And me, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Rarity, I want you to be a hybrid.” Twilight replied, looking more serious. “It’ll be your job to add a more well-rounded style of play to the team. You’ll probably be better off as a Samurai hybrid, you always show a great amount of precision and patience with your dress making, so using a sword instead of a hammer should work in your favour.” She continued, “Samurai’s mainly defend compared to other hybrids, but try to add balance to both offense and defence. Finally, if we don’t have possession, focus your attempts on bringing down the enemy Runner.” Twilight finished, allowing Rarity to soak up the heap of responsibility placed upon her.

“My my, that is a lot of responsibility,” Rarity looked in shock at the importance of her given position “However you said that my job is to add style to the team and adding style is my specialty.” Rarity finished with her usual charming tone of voice.

The Ponyville Predators lined up before the great plain before them, the area was large enough and far away enough from Ponyville to really disturb anypony, each member of the team stood in respective armour suits, everyone had chosen safety over mobility, bar Rainbow Dash of course, and now Twilight was beginning to lecture about the armour’s properties.

“OK, it says here in the guide,” Twilight gave the Coaches Guide to Grifball a shake, “That EGL armour works through a variety of different spell and spell matrices, The armour that’s selected will have spells put in to determine the amount of weight and protection it gives the wearer. The heavy armour we’re all wearing gives off the most weight and most health, while Rainbow’s armour will give the least protection but also allow for the most movement. Medium armour sorta meets in the middle, I think after a few practice sessions we should all find the armour we’re best suited with and register them with the League accordingly, pick the suit wisely as it’ll remain with you for a half-season.” Twilight finished her addressing, leaving some ponies to question the suits they were wearing.

“Now wait just a second here,” Applejack spoke up, “What exactly do y’all mean by ‘health’ Twilight?” she asked.

Twilight picked up the book and scanned the chapter relating to armour and protection for the correct answer, finally she answered the question. “It says here that each armour comes fitted with a health matrix that ties to the game itself, as soon as the ‘health bar’ empties, the armour will lock up causing the suit, and the pony wearing it, to fall to the ground. After 3-5 seconds a teleportation spell will activate and send the pony back to their respective team’s starting position with the health bar restored.

“Well... That makes sense... sorta.” Applejack gave her head a rub, “It’s a lot to take in for such a new sport.”

“Well now that we’ve all got our positions, I suppose we start our first practice session.” Twilight announced.

* * *

Twilight’s horn flared with signs of magical energy, as everypony watched her and her work in amazement, significant barriers arose from the ground to mark a large rectangular playing field, wide enough for six ponies per side, Twilight had placed the practice bomb in its designated place in the middle of the field.

“A lot of teams begin play by using a move called a ‘Hammer Jump’ you have face the opposite direction of where you want to go, look toward the ground and jump and swing your Gravity Hammer at the same time, the explosion from the Hammer should launch you into the air and give you more speed and distance when compared to just running from the starting position.” Twilight said, “Rainbow Dash can you start at one end of the field and try to reach the cupcake-bomb before the rest of us Hammer Jump there?”

Rainbow Dash saluted and galloped toward her end of the field, warming herself up with press-ups and stretches as she awaited Twilight’s starting whistle. ‘We’ll be practising this for a while if they wanna beat me to that bomb’ Rainbow Dash thought to herself with a grin.

Twilight spoke to the remaining members of the team;
“Remember, face away from where you want to go, that way you’ll get further distance. Now we’ll start on my whistle.”

The whistle sounded and immediately Rainbow Dash galloped forward, leaping into the air and spreading her wings wide majestically, she swooped low, her body parallel to the ground as she bolted toward the centre field, picking up the cupcake-bomb in a hoof before the rest of her team-mates had a chance to get airborne via Hammer Jump, as the rainbow pegasus returned to her side of the field, smirking, Twilight blew her whistle again.

“Shoot, forgot to mention girls, no wings or magic allowed.” she stated apologetically.

“WHAT!?” Rainbow Dash shouted, “You mean I can’t even use my wings to get up to full speed?”

“Nope,” Twilight replied, “EGL rules state that Magic and Wingpower are banned to give all ponies equal chance, levitation would give unicorns the ability to use weapons anywhere, and wingpower would give pegasi too much speed... as you’ve clearly demonstrated.”

Rainbow Dash grumbled and walked back to her place on the field, performing her warming-up routine for running alone, sure she was still one of the fastest runners around but her wings would make her unstoppable.

Twilight blew her whistle again and Rainbow Dash galloped toward the bomb, Twilight’s hammer jump had failed and only sent her half-way toward centre court, she could have made it there quicker by running alone.
Rarity had forgot to turn around at the start of her jump, leaving her stranded in the air and not catching enough distance to make it to centre court. Her eyes opened wide in alarm as she realised how high up she was, she screamed and flailed her legs, landing in a thud on the ground.

Pinkie Pie had mistimed her launch and threw herself to the left side of the playing field, hitting the barrier with a splat and leaving her there in a starfish-like position, without any further sounds she slowly slid down the wall before landing on her flank and falling backward, leaving a small scratch in her visor.

Applejack’s launch had been quite effective, she made to the bomb, but not before Rainbow Dash, the cyan pony stuck her tongue out playfully as she gripped the cupcake bomb just as Applejack was inches from snatching it away.

“Ah horseapples,” Applejack said angrily as she gave the ground a kick, “Ah’ll get ya next time RD.” she added with a smile.

Fluttershy had remained at the starting position, her eyes closed tight in terror as she tried to block out the sounds of the many Gravity Hammers, she whimpered slightly but soon realised that the sounds had stopped. She opened an eye and deactivated her visor to see Applejack’s concerned face, she held out a hoof and was lifted up off the ground and pulled into an embrace form the Applepony.

“Now ah know its scary sugarcube,” Applejack said with reassurance, “But we all need to do our best for the team, if ya don’t like hammer jumpin’ why don’t you hang back in case the other team try to make a quick go for goal?”
Fluttershy frowned and nodded.

The remainder of the morning was spent practising hammer jumps, Applejack and Pinkie Pie we’re clearly the best, both beating Rainbow Dash to the bomb respectively, followed by Rainbow Dash herself, whose lack of hammer jump distance was made up for in blazing speed. Rarity was best afterward who would have been great if not for her trouble landing. Try as she might, Twilight Sparkle could not perfect hammer jumping and so elected herself to remain at the goal with Fluttershy in case possession was lost early.

* * *

Next up on the team’s training agenda was live-weapon training, Pinkie Pie handled the use of Gravity Hammers, while everypony was new to the concept of Energy Swords. Pinkie Pie began her training with swing timing and range.

“Now, the idea is not to swing at the pony in front of you, but swing in when theres a teeny weenie itsy bit away, not too close but close enough, roughly around about 120 noses maybe.” Pinkie instructed, looking happy at her explanation. Everypony glanced at each other, giving confused expressions. After much consideration Twilight took over from Pinkie and instructed everypony to practice swing range.

Applejack was partnered with Twilight, while Rainbow Dash was partnered with the Hammer veteran Pinkie Pie, true enough to Pinkie’s very confusing words it was better to swing to make contact with the air in front of a pony rather than the pony herself. Soon the sounds of the air around the field were filled with the Hammer’s echo, the four ponies were constantly returning to the respawn area due to the Respawn Spell Matrix. Pinkie Pie respawned the least and defeated Rainbow Dash on near enough all occasions, at times only being bested by her speed. Pinkie also often defeated her friends in 2v1 or even 3v1 match-ups.

Rarity who had opted out of the practice due to the Hammer’s appearance and style (much to the annoyance of her friends,) was looking over the traits of EGL armour. The armour’s colour changes due to what was a called a Chameleon Colour Spell, the armour would change colour from its grey base to red if the team we’re playing at a home venue, blue if playing away from home. It would also change anypony’s armour from red or blue to a vibrant orange if the cupcake-bomb was picked up. Just as Applejack had stated. The helmets we’re fitted with a translator and radio system, if anypony were to speak with a weapon in their mouth, their mumbles would be formed into a coherent sentence and broadcast to the rest of their team.

Pinkie was naturally the best at Hammer combat, followed by Rainbow Dash, Twilight was third due to her studies of the hand-guide, followed by Applejack who surprisingly found it difficult to grasp the idea of swing before the pony and not at her. Fluttershy, surprisingly was better than Rarity at using the loud devices, Rarity’s skill was based more on appearance and she couldn’t grasp hold of the Hammer properly in order to use it as a weapon. Fluttershy, on the other hand had range perfected, but the noises left her dropping the Hammer with a squeal and shuddering for a minute or two.

* * *

The third item of training was the use of Energy Swords and the art of Bomb Stops.
Twilight took over the training again.

Holding the copy of A Coaches Guide to Grifball by H2O Camper in front of her, Twilight began to read;
“Energy Swords are often used by Samurai hybrids as a form of cupcake-bomb defence, although a skilled swordspony can use the elegant tool as an offensive weapon. In an event of Hammer vs Sword the Sword carrier must bait the Hammer user into range and allow their opponent to swing the Hammer without lethal effect.” Fluttershy winced at the word ‘lethal’. “After the Hammer user strikes ineffectively the Sword user must leap in with a lunge attack before their opponent has time to recover and strike again. Pick baits carefully and effectively and strike only when available to bring down your opponent successfully.” Twilight had finished, slapping the book shut with her magic.

Each pony activated the sword with an electrified ‘Zap!’ and the dual-pronged blades sprung into life, Fluttershy stood up defiantly and awoke herself from her earlier fears and frights. She had known to herself that she had not contributed enough to the day’s practice and therefore would play her part with her full strength during the use of Swords.

The Ponyville Predators once again partnered up to practice baiting and sword strikes.
Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had teamed up; starting with Fluttershy attempting to bait then switching,
Pinkie and Rarity did the same as well as Twilight and Applejack.

Rainbow Dash’s obnoxious attitude hindered her ability to bait, and if she was partnered with another she would found herself respawning an awful lot more. Fluttershy still had a fear of the Hammer’s effects and noise, something that would have to be overcome with time. Eventually.

Applejack doubled Dash’s attitude and left herself at the mercy of Twilight’s hammer on many more than one occasion, the two respawned often looking at each other with scowls, both acknowledging the other with a ‘need for improvement’ stare.

Pinkie clearly favoured a Hammer as she was defeated more often than not by Rarity, (although she still hated the brutish things.) Her timing was off due to her hyperactive persona, Pinkie was a pony who ran up to other ponies, not the other way around!

After scores of each pony respawning, rubbing heads and legs in pain and exhaustion, the positions switched and now Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity were wielding Swords against Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie who opposed them with Hammers.

Fluttershy could bait quite effectively, a mixture of her shy attitude and Rainbow Dash’s enthusiasm often left her with her back against the wall, this was the only thing stopping her as she could have taken Rainbow down on more than one occasion, but due to the rainbow pony spamming Hammer attacks and frightening her, she left herself cornered and pummeled more often than not.

Twilight was equally good with a Sword as she was with a Hammer. She baited evenly as Applejack tried to use the Hammer’s shock-wave effect to deplete her health bar. Twilight used the change in gravity to her advantage, riding the shock-wave to bounce high above Applejack, tipping her body forwards she landed in a roll behind Applejack before swiping at her back and thrusting the blade through her body, performing what was known as an Assassination.

Applejack respawned at the correct area;
“Well shucks Twilight,” Applejack said, “I don’t know what ya just did but it was mighty stylish.”

“They’re called assassinations,” Twilight replied “They’re more for show than anything. A lengthy, time consuming kill that embarrasses the opponent. It can only be performed from behind.”

“Well ah guess ah would be embarrassed if somepony just pulled what you did on me in front of thousands of screaming fans.”

“Oh Applejack, they’re quite difficult to do, just show nopony your back while we’re on the field and it won’t happen. I’m sure that if we watch what we-” Twilight was cut off by a loud commotion in centre court.

“GIVE UP!” Rarity screamed, swinging the Energy Sword with pinpoint accuracy, Pinkie ducked under her blade.

“No! You give up!” Pinkie’s hammer clashed against the ground, flinging Rarity back. Rarity was low on health but not about to give up quickly. Neither of the Predators had been defeated during the practice with their favoured weapons. Tempers had escalated and now the sparring session turned into a shouting match with weapons.

Both ponies had doubled back, taking a moment to breath in the middle of battle.
Pinkie readied her Hammer, tapping it twice against the ground giving off sparks of magical gravity energy. Rarity’s Sword had deactivated in the blast Pinkie gave her, she bit hard on the handle and instantly the blade sprung and crackled, energy pulsed through the sword as both mares were panting and breathing heavily, fatigued by one long battle.

Both ponies let out a weak war-cry and charged with weapons raised, Pinkie aimed for Rarity instead of the air in front of her, while Rarity charged and leaped into the air with her Sword pointed for Pinkie’s chest. Both Hammer and Sword connected against one another and the effects combined , unleashing a dazzling explosion cackling with magical energy, the two Ponyville Predators were thrown back and lay on the ground. Five seconds later they teleported to the team’s start area and fell to the ground, resting.

“Whoa! You guys were awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, grinning widely.

“Hoo-yeah! If y’all play like that we’re bound to win our first game no matter who the other guys are.” Applejack said.

“Wow that was amazing!.. Did you guys hear my cheering?” Fluttershy chimed in.

“Wow girls, you two will be unstoppable together in the League if you play anything like that.” Twilight finished.

Rarity and Pinkie looked up and smiled at the rest of the team, then at each other, with tired hooves they embraced each other in a hug and all the anger that previously took over them was gone.

* * *

“OK so that’s Hammers, check.” Twilight said going over a clipboard she had brought with her to practice.
“Hammer Jumps, check. And Swords, check.”
“There’s just one final thing for Rainbow Dash.” She finished looking towards her pegasus friend.

“Huh? Me?” Rainbow shot up from her position on the grass, lazing in the afternoon sun without even bothering to remove her armour. Her visor now deactivated revealing her face as she looked at Twilight quizzically.

“Yes. Seeing as you’re the team runner, we need to go over stiff-arming.” Twilight replied.

“Stiff-arming? What in the hay does that have to do with me being a runner?” Now Rainbow Dash looked more confused than before.

“Yes, it’s when whoever is holding the bomb takes somepony out by hitting them with it.” Twilight replied, again consulting the book.

Rainbow stood up and took a solo place on one end of the field with the cupcake-bomb held in her front hoof. Twilight blew her whistle and practice began. Rainbow was tasked with either avoiding the remaining members of the Predators or stiff-arming until she reached the goal at the opposite side.

Rainbow had felt empowered as soon as play began with the bomb in her hoof, each set of armour had been fitted with additional matrices to give runners and carriers an advantage due to their lack of weaponry. An Overshield matrix gave the pony an additional shield which would take the force of attacks before her health bar did. Additionally, a Lightweight spell was added to remove all additional weight from the pony’s armour choice. The pony was burdened by no weight other than her own, running entirely on hoofpower.

Pinkie charged in first using her customized pink Hammer, the pink pony swung too early and left herself open to be bonked on the head by a rapid-moving Rainbow Dash. Pinkie respawned rubbing her head and marked her place defending the goal.

Using the added speed from the lightweight spell, Rainbow side-stepped Twilight’s Sword attempt and delivered a punch to the side of the pony’s head, dropping her instantly. Rainbow liked this, the uneven odds, the speed, the feeling of letting nothing stand in her way as she reaches ultimate victory.

Rarity equipped her Sword and advanced toward Rainbow Dash, who had taken out Pinkie Pie again with a quick-stepped approach to her blindside, unleashing another stiff-arm. Rainbow Dash advanced toward Rarity in turn and the two mares began to stare each other down in the goal-end of the field. Rainbow made the first move.

Rainbow moved forward with her usual cockiness and speed, trying to take Rarity by surprise. The white unicorn expected this however, she stepped backwards allowing Rainbow Dash to swing at mid-air before lunging in with a slash. Rainbow’s eyes went wide as the blade connected cleanly against the side of her armour, removing all of her overshield and health as the blade faced no opposing strike. Rainbow Dash respawned at her side of the field.

Rainbow Dash winced as she glanced where the Sword had struck, her armor had a deep scratch running down the left side, the first mark on a personal suit of armour.

The rainbow maned pegasus pony looked up with determination in her rose eyes. Picking up the bomb with her hoof she charged forward, side-stepping deftly in order to lay out both Pinkie and Twilight in a double-hoofed smack. She charged head-down at Rarity who attempted the same move as last time, instead Rainbow held back before the lunge had initiated leaving Rarity swinging at air and open. The cyan pegasus dashed forward and stiff-armed Rarity on the helmet before twirling on the spot and hitting Twilight as she tried to approach from behind.

Rainbow continued her assault on goal, Applejack and Fluttershy being the only two ponies left to oppose her from scoring. She bolted forward, taking the two remaining Predators by surprise, Applejack swung her Hammer and activated the effect. The overshield matrix protecting Rainbow from what would of been a respawn, she rode the shockwave and used its effect to rise high above the remaining defenders. Tipping her hooves forward, Rainbow Dash fell gracefully toward to goal rolling and placing the cupcake-bomb onto the goal at the same time.

Rainbow turned around and saw the destructive path of respawning ponies she left in her wake. Looking at her scored goal she spread her wings and flew in delight.

“AW, YEA-”


Everypony within radius of the goal was forced to respawn within an explosion of dazzling fire and brown cupcake icing, the field itself now covered in delicious icing, the bomb destroyed entirely and everypony looking at their armours with smiles and grins.

Everypony had gathered at the respawn area, took one look at the result of Rainbow’s goal, and doubled over laughing. Afterwards, each pony got up and cleaned their armours, (all apart from Pinkie who insisted on cleaning hers with her tongue as to not let good icing go to waste.) When their gear was finally clean and restored to working order, The Ponyville Predators gathered in centre court.

“Girls this was an excellent first practice session,” Twilight began, grin still plastered to her face. “Way to go Rainbow Dash, we knew you could defy the odds but that was incredible!”

“Aw, thanks guys, it was nothing really.” Rainbow Dash replied, her cheeks turning as rosy as her eyes.

“Heck it ain’t nothin’, the way you just made us all look like a bunch of fillies, we’ll easily win our first game if y’all run like that in the stadiums, Rainbow.” Applejack added.

“I mean yeah, you were all like ‘ZOOM!’ and then we were all like ‘Oh no she went past us’ and then you were all like ‘No I didn’t!’ and then ‘BAM!’ We all had to respawn because you popped us on the head using that delicious cupcake you had.” Pinkie continued, not pausing to even catch breath.

“You were great Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy said, her usual hint of excitement present in her voice.

“That was amazing Rainbow Dash! You even made me and my Sword look like foals.” Rarity finished, the final pony to give praise to Rainbow’s awesome run.

Rainbow Dash’s blush had intensified her face now turning red from all the appreciation,

“Nah, it was all a team effort, we all did great out there today. Like AJ said, if we play like we do out here, in a stadium we’re sure to win!” Rainbow Dash put her hoof in the middle of the circle of friends. “Come on, Predators on three!

Each pony put their hoof on top of Rainbow Dash’s and joined together in their first moment of team-work and friendship through sports.

“One-Two-Three, Predators!”