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Once Gone

A sudden commotion from outside caught my attention, several voices were yelling and I noticed several bodies rush past the makeshift screen of the office. With a nervous look at Shadow, we both got up and rushed out of the office, just in time to see Jake sprinting down the stairs, chasing after Zin. "Scott, Scott wait! I'm sorry!" He cried desperately, running straight to the door of the library before stopping and shouting one last time, "Scott!" Slumping against the door frame, he looked at the ground, mumbling to himself. Coming down from the balcony was a shocked looking SilverClaw, who upon seeing us turned angry.

"Did you know about this?!" She growled, barring her fangs. What had caused her to anger so; to cause Scott to leave? It took me a moment to piece it together, but as soon as I remembered Jake I knew he must have told him.

"Yes, I did. There's nothing I can do about it though." I replied, trying to keep my voice even. She pounced at me, only to be stopped by a burst of magic from Shadow.

"Enough!" She shrieked, "Fighting will get us no closer to finding him!" She put SilverClaw back down gently, a few meters from where she had been. "Now do you have any idea where he might have gone?"

"No," She spat, "He just ran off. You had better find him too, otherwise...."

My own anger began to rise. "I will not have threats from a guest to Ponyville, especially one who normally wouldn't be allowed here. Now you can rest assured, I'll go out and find him." I turned to Shadow. "Can you calm things down here? I can't leave with things in the chaos they are now in."

"Leave it up to me." She said. I turned and started quickly trotting down the stairs. Her voice caught me mid-way down, "Bring him back, yeah?"

I turned and gave her a smile. "Yeah" I replied, finishing my way down the stairs. With a quick flap of my wings, I rushed towards the door, stopping briefly by the crooked figure of Jake. "You. I'll have a talk with you later." I hissed, restraining my temper. He merely looked up, staring past me into the distance, tears soaking his eyes and streaming down his cheeks.

"Just... find him... please...." He choked through the tears, his voice barely louder than a whisper. Without acknowledging him, I merely brushed past him, none to gently, spreading my wings and casting my magic outwards, quickly picking up on the trail he had left when he hastily teleported away. Instead of teleporting myself, I decided it would be best to give him some time alone; flapping hard, I began following the trail he had left, heading south-west towards the Ever Free Forest. Wherever he was, it would be someplace nopony would ever think to find him.

I had followed his trail all the way into the forest, well past my own cabin into the deep recesses of the unnatural forest. I had an idea of where he was going, but my suspicions couldn't be confirmed until his trail stopped. I continued at a fast pace, restraining myself from flying at full speed for where he was; jumping in on him wasn't what he needed right now, so I restrained myself to a brisk flight.

My suspicions were confirmed, however, when I came upon a rotting and decayed rope bridge across a deep chasm. This was the only way on the ground to get to the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters. I let out an inward sigh. There is nothing good that will come of this, I thought, and it is quite ironic that it would happen here. Slowing my pace, I flew over the bridge, the abandoned castle already in sight. I reached over my shoulder for my rifle, only to curse under my breath, realizing that most of my equipment was back in Ponyville, the only thing I had with me was my battle belt. With another curse at my foolishness, I paused in the air and did a quick equipment check. I had my sidearm, the Colt .45, with two spare magazines to go along with the one already loaded. Twenty-one rounds... not a lot; quickly pulling it out, I pulled the slide back partway, making sure a round was in the chamber before slamming it back in its holster. Grumbling to myself, I brushed a hoof over my knife, making sure it was still there, while checking the small pouch on my back; a few odd medical supplies and other survival tools were contained within.

Sighing to myself yet again, I lowered my hooves, not at all happy with my forgetfulness. Come on old boy, you're better than this, I thought, remember what happened when Nightmare Moon returned? I continued to chastise myself for a moment before I realized that I was on a tight schedule. "Right. Find Zin now, scrutinize my actions later." I whisper to myself, returning one hoof to the holster, returning back to flying.

Slowly I approached the abandoned castle, my whole body tense. The place felt of death and despair; suddenly, as I passed onto the grounds, the air temperature dropped drastically. I cast a small protection spell against the cold, no need to have my blood freeze up on me, I mussed. Flying high above the main courtyard, I spotted two figures down below, absorbed in some sort of conversation. Neither of them seemed to register my presence, but I quickly recognized one of the figures to be Zin, while the other resembled another Diamond Dog I hadn't seen before. The strange dog must be the 'she-wolf' Zin was always going on about, I thought grimly.

Suddenly, the bent over figure of Zin rose to his feet as the she-wolf cast a dark portal behind them. The magic she used was malicious; tendrils of black magic sprouting from the portal she had created. The magic she used seem to have an immediate affect on the surrounding area, as vines and weeds that had previously been thriving wilted and died. Remnants of the spell manage to reach even me at the height I was at, sending a shiver down my spine. No, that's definitely not natural.

I knew I was going to regret what I was going to do next, but I couldn't think of anything else to do. With an intake of breath, I rushed down from the sky, diving towards the ground; my wings closed. Right before I impacted, my wings snapped open and with a silent rush of air, I landed without a sound in front of the two of them, keeping my right foreleg brushed against the holster. The air dropped a few more degrees; despite the spell I had cast I could feel a chill edging around me.

“Why am I not surprised you’d be the one to find me?” He said almost sarcastically, the she-wolf looking impassive at my appearance.

"Zin... what exactly are you doing?" I asked cautiously, an edge to my voice. I didn't like where I was, facing off against these two. The whole area reeked of an ambush, plenty of cover; none of it near me.

Retracting her arm from him, the she-wolf to the portal and started towards it. “Finish whatever business you have. We’ll be waiting.” She cooed, before walking into the black energy and disappearing from sight.

Zin turned his head back to me, a contempt look on his face. “What does it look like I am doing?”

"It looks like you're about to betray all of your friends by siding with that harlot and her army." I snapped, pushing the down on the clasp that held the pistol in place.

Bemused, he crossed his arms, staring at me with that same look of self-righteousness I remember from when I first met him. “Having friends never turned out right for me. Look where I am now. Either getting killed, or sent away. What do you care?”

I choked on my words. "I didn't want it to happen like this kid... I never did. Come back and we'll work something out... I'm sure if we get enough ponies to help out your case, it won't be as serious."

He unfolded his arms and let them drop to his side before continuing. “Who exactly could we get? Celestia was so eager to forget all the good I have done, all because of mistakes in the past. We both know once her mind is made up, you can’t change it.”

I looked at him angrily. "You weren't there, kid. Doing this hurt her as much as it did me or anypony else. She hasn't forgotten the good you have done, but YOU can't simply forget all of the other things you have done."

He brought a hand up to his chin, holding it there, pondering what he would do next. He sat like that, lost in thought for a few moments before finally dropping his hand back down to his side. “I’ll give her a chance. If nothing has changed, we’ll see which side I die on." He said, moving away from the black portal.

"Let's see if she give, you, a chance, and let's hope it's on the right one." I sighed, happy that I didn't have to draw my weapon. Easing it back into the holster, a small click sounded to let me know it was once again secured. Waving him over, I said, "It would be best if we teleport back. Walking wouldn't exactly be the best way back at this moment."

“Agreed.” He said, walking over to me. Once he was close enough, I cast the transportation spell, a small orb of copper magic forming around us and closing back again just as fast. Suddenly, we were back in Ponyville, standing outside the command center; Jake standing outside, his fists curled into balls as he anxiously awaited our return. As soon as he saw us he ran straight past me and at Zin.

"Scott! What happened to you? Why'd you just run off like that?!" He gasped, obviously restraining himself from outright hugging the kid.

“Hold your tongue, brother. I will answer your questions at a later time. But here’s a clue: How would you react if you were told you were either going to be sent away or killed? Ponder that for a bit while I attend to business.” He scoffed, his voice tight. Jake reeled back as if struck, the verbal blow hitting home.

Jake took a couple steps back, coming up next to my flank. He looked like he was barely holding back tears as he said, his voice coming out in a gasp. "Yeah... sure thing... brother. I guess I'll see you later...." Without waiting a second longer, he turned and fled, running around the library and headed somewhere behind it. As he retreated I noted a few stray drops of liquid flying through the air. I turned around and faced Zin.

"That's exactly what's going to stop Princess Celestia from changing her mind. You have to show her you've changed and that wasn't it." I said, shaking my head at him.

I turned back and I heard him sigh from behind me. “I’m aware of this. It’s just hard for me to cool off.”

"Well you're going to have to learn how to, and fast. What you showed me just now is that when it comes to it, you let your temper and inner angers get the best of you." I called back. "Come now, we have to meet Princess Celestia." He said nothing as I heard him shift from behind, obviously ready to follow. Without hesitating, I started trotting towards the princess' temporary residences on the side of the library, Zin following close behind.

As I approached Princess Celestia's temporary home, I noticed two different guards on duty, the shift having changed since I was last here a few hours prior. As we approached, they crossed their spears, denying us entrance. "State your business." The one on the left barked, more to Zin than myself.

I sighed, suddenly not in the mood for these procedures, but continued nonetheless. "Spade, with the Celestian Special Forces, requests an audience with the princess to discuss matters of grave importance."

The same guard gave a brisk nod, and called over his shoulder, his voice projecting to the inside of the building. "Spade and guest are here to see you, my princess. They come to discuss matters of importance."

A moment passed of silence before the princess' voice called out from the house. "You may admit them, Captain." At her command the two Royal Guards raised their spears, once again standing at brisk attention.

I motioned for Zin to follow, walking past the guards and giving the duty captain a smile before walking through the door. I immediately spotted the princess surveying the map that dominated the room, she turned towards us just as Zin closed the door behind him. At the noise, she turned towards us, her expression hardening at the sight of Zin; her voice tight as she spoke. "Spade, I'm glad to see you managed to bring him back." As she addressed me, I dropped into a bow.

"Of course Princess. I couldn't have left him where he was." I said, hoping to avoid the question that was coming, but I knew better than to think it wouldn't.

She began addressing Zin. "Where, pray tell, did you go?" I stiffened at the question, knowing that this wouldn't go over well if he didn't play it right.

“Someplace to clear my head.” He said, still his old arrogant self.

"That doesn't answer my question. Now where exactly did you go, Zin?" She asked again, her tone still holding on to its regal inflections.

“I was roaming the forest in an effort to process some recent events.” He said plainly, obviously not about to go into any details.

She scrutinized him for a moment before letting out a sigh. "You must be completely honest with me Zin, I can't have you hiding any details."

He let out a heavy sight before speaking, “Silver and I were sitting on the balcony of the library when the she-wolf appeared. Trying to convert us to her side, to no avail. Some of her words, as well as anothers, hung in my head and I needed to be alone to think.”

She nodded. "I had felt her presence; there was nothing that I could have done however. Continue, if you will. What happened during your time in the forest?"

“Her, again. Although she attempted to get sympathy out of me from both of your pasts. That’s pretty much all that leads up to now.”

The princess nodded. "I would assume as much. What exactly did she say though, and how exactly did you react?"

“She told me of how because they followed Discord, they were treated as a threat. A misguided spirit who was never given a chance to learn, using the same terminology to compare him to me. It took a reminder to make me remember where my loyalties lie.” He finished, his expression softening.

As he finished, Princess Celestia's brow furrowed in thought, although a small smile crossed spread across her face at the conclusion of his story. "I'm glad you were able to overcome your own desires, in spite of the circumstances, and remember the friendships you have forged here." She paused, surveying us both, a pleased smile on her face. "With this new courage you have shown, I can, with pleasure, lessen the sentence that had previously been predetermined against you."
“Thank you. I don’t think my friends would like the alternatives.” He replied, every notion in his body grateful. The princess returned his thanks with a dip of her head.

"Yes, I myself wouldn't have enjoyed enacting such harsh punishments on you... especially what with all you've done in service of the Equestrian nation." She said, the air in the room lightening considerably. I couldn't help the smile that broke across my face.

"Thank you, my princess. It would have pained all of us to see him go." I said cheerily, before a thought crossed my mind. "What will current punishment be?"

"Something, as I said, not as...erroneous as his previous one. It is something Princess Luna and I will have to discuss... alone." She finished, the command obvious. I dipped into another small bow.

"Of course, Princess." I replied, turning towards Zin. "Let's take our leave." He acknowledged me with a nod and I turned away, heading out through the door as one of the guards were called into the room.

I heard the faint voice of the princess as Zin and I walked away. "...bring me Princess Luna...," her voice trailed off as we walked further away. As we returned to the front of the library I turned to him.

"Go after him," I said bluntly, staring him down.

“He probably went back to his quarters. Know where those are?”
I let out a sigh. "Follow me, they're not far." Without waiting for a response, I went off down the main road of town, only to quickly turn the corner at the first building; a small alleyway in-front of me. I heard Zin following from behind so I pressed on, venturing down the alleyway until it opened up into a large clearing set in-between a row of houses. Set around the field were three makeshift barracks to which held a few of the Royal Guards stationed in Ponyville. Set some distance apart from the barracks was yet another makeshift building, this one a small shack that could fit two ponies, or humans.

Trotting up to the building, I gave a quick rasp on the door with a hoof, backing up a step after I had done so. Zin was beside me by this point, looking eagerly at the door. Not soon after the knock, a disheveled looking Sofia answered the door, casting an angry glance at Zin before looking to me. "Hi Spade. What's up?" I heard more movement inside, indicating that Jake was in there.

"Hello Sofia. I was wondering, is Jake here at the moment?" I asked as politely as possible.

She cast a shifting glance between Zin and I before looking back into the room. A second later she shifted her head back. "Yeah, he's here. Although I really don't think he feels like talking right now."

"Well, Zi- Scott, really needs to talk to him. To apologize." I said, giving him a small shove forward. He drew breath as if to speak, but was quickly stopped as Sofia grabbed him and dragged him into the building, slamming the door shut behind her. My head reeled back a bit at her abruptness, but I shrugged to myself and started whistling an old nursery rhyme to myself, as they began talking from inside the shack. After a few minutes of whistling, I noticed that the talking had stopped from inside; in fact, no noises were coming from the building at all. Trotting quickly over, I knocked quickly on the door. "Are y'all alright in there?" I called, stepping back, my gut telling me something wasn't quite right. After another moment of silence, I went to knock again when the door shot open, only to be stopped by a chain, holding it open only a few inches.

"Yes, everything's fine." Sofia called from the crack, her voice quaking as in a blatant lie. "We'll be finished soon." I took a step towards the door, whilst she closed it another inch.

"Y'all don't mind if I intrude on you? You guys are awfully quiet." I asked, taking another step forward. At the suggestion, the door closed further, remaining open by only half an inch.

"Yes, we mind! Now please go away!" She yelled, slamming the door the rest of the way, the sound of a lock clicking into place sounding from behind it. Well, I thought, if you want to play it that way, we can play it that way. Swiftly turning around on my hooves, I pulled my legs in and bucked hard against the door. Luckily for me, the door, along with the rest of the shack, was makeshift and splintered inward at the force of the buck. Unlucky for those inside, the same splinters flew inside, cutting its occupants. A high pitched yelp sounded from the building, soon followed by several groans. Instead of a fire lighting the room it was lit by an unnatural black and blue light, the likes of which I had seen earlier that day.

"NO!" I screamed, galloping into the room and pulling my pistol at the same time. Inside, Sofia and Jake lay bloodied on a couch from the wood fragments, while an unconscious Zin was being dragged into a portal similar to the one I had seen earlier by the she-wolf.

"You're too late," she jeered as she hauled Zin through the portal. With reflexes honed with years of training, I swung the pistol around and double tapped the trigger, sending two round towards the chest of the she-wolf. What happened next I still cannot explain, instead of the rounds hitting home, they were thrown off course by some field around the portal. The first round missed completely, while the second flew off and imbedded itself in her arm. With a grunt of pain, she hauled tossed Zin's limp body into the portal, only to jump in after him. Without hesitation, I galloped quickly after them, only to be stopped as the portal closed half a meter before I got to it.

"Damnit!" I cursed, turning on the two figures laying on the couch. "Damnit! What the hay happened?" I screamed, bringing the full brunt of my furry onto them.

Jake recovered and spoke first, blood smearing his face. "It was either him... or us. We chose him." He said, struggling to right himself and sit up on the couch. As he finished, I slammed my sidearm back into its holster, rage flowing through my blood as I stormed up to him.

"You, what?" I hissed vehemently, planting a hoof firmly on his chest as he tried to get up. He struggled under my hoof, but I kept him firmly in place.

Through gritted teeth he responded. "Don't you see? We had to! Do you think we'd do this if we had a choice?"

"There is always a choice." I spat, shoving him back against the couch and backing up from him. A dozen plans of action coursed through my head at once, the most obvious being to follow them. Concentrating on my magic, my horn lit up as I searched for the traces of some spell that would lead to where the portal had led to. To my dismay, some sort of disturbance blocked any trace I tried to use and I was slammed into a cold realization. He was gone. Zin was gone and there was no way to get him back. With a growl, I punched the wall in frustration, sending almost a fourth of it flying outwards.

As I hit the wall, two Royal Guards burst through the opening where the door had been. "Sir! We heard shots, what happened?" The first to enter the room, a lieutenant asked, casting his gaze across the wrecked room and its three occupants. Upon seeing the humans, he turned and look at me, his voice full of worry. "Sir! I ask again, what happened?"

"He's gone. Zin's..." I paused as the words sunk in, "Gone. Our enemy has taken him with the aid of these two." I said, waving a hoof at the two humans still sprawled on the couch. "Lieutenant, bring these two to Princess Celestia at once, tell her not of what has happened. I shall depart there myself shortly." Without reply, he gave me a quick salute, rounding on Sofia and Jake with the other guard.

"You heard him, on your feet." The lieutenant barked. Jake got shakily to his feet while Sofia, having been right in front of the door, struggled to rise. The lieutenant motioned to the other guard, who trotted to her side and none to gently lifted her onto his shoulders, which caused a groan of pain from her. The four of them quickly departed the room, leaving only myself in the shattered remains of the shack.

Comments ( 1 )

Yes! It's been a long time since the last update. I'm going to read it now. Bet the wait will be worth it.

Just in case you don't know, I'm still Prince Superfire. Just under a different name now.

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