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Practice and A Mission

I flew slowly, trying to break through the wind currents so they would whip him around less, although something still seemed to be bothering him. He was squirming around in my hoofs, way to fidgety for my to fly without accidentally dropping him. "What's wrong down there?" I called to him over the wind.

"We've have to land. Now! Somethings wrong, my whole body feels like its on fire!" he shouted back, his squirming increasing. I sighed, we were still a few kilometers from Canterlot and Ponyville, so letting him down here wouldn't be all that much trouble. I flew in lazy circles to the ground as his movements became more erratic to the point where two meters from the ground I just had to drop him.

He landed with a dull thud, quickly recovering and dashing over to a small outcropping of nearby rocks. Hey you gotta go, you gotta go, I thought to myself, laughing quietly out loud. I landed about a ten meters away from him, flipping a rock back and forth between my hooves to pass some time.

Over from where he went, I heard a few grunts and painful moans as well as some dust coming up from where he was. Maybe he isn't doing his business, I thought kicking the rock aside and trotting over to where the rocks where. "Y'all okay over there?" I called over to him.

I didn't get an intelligible response, only a few muffled grunts and moans. "What's all this racket about?" I said, moving up through the rocks on the other side. Zin was laying on his back on the ground, trashing and kicking up dirt. I rushed over to him, trying to calm him down, "What in the hay is wrong with you?"

He responded with a slight growl as his thrashings ceased. The dog I saw was slightly altered from the one before. Crisscrossing across his hole body were strange blue lines that looked liked native tribal markings. All this seemed to be spewing from the necklace around his neck, all of the lines either tracing from there, or branching off from the ones around his neck. His fur had darkened considerably and he looked a tad bit larger, not in height, but in mass.

His fangs were barred in a feral snarl, his eyes shut in agony. "Well this certainly is different," I said allowed. His eyes snapped opened at me, instead of the normal red they were a deep blue. Bloodshot lines streaked his eyes like he had indulged in to much alcohol. His eyes also had a more feral look, like that of a true Diamond Dog. So he's turning fully into one of them, I thought, if not a bit better.

He leaped to his feet, snarling at me. "Who are you, how did I get here?" he growled at me, fangs still barred. His instincts must have taken over, I've got to be on my guard.

I threw up a hoof in a friendly gesture, I went to brush my knife as I did so, only to find it wasn't there but clenched in Zin's paw. Aw hay, I forgot I gave you that. I'm going to need a replacement for now. "Just a friend helping you on your way." I said giving him a small smile.

"Why are we here? Where are you taking me?" he growled again.

"I'm taking you to see the princess remember? We're going to get that bullet out of your chest." His eyes went blank and he collapsed to the ground with a thud. His features had loosened when he hit the ground. He's passed out, I thought incredulously to myself. "Oh well, nothing can be done. I can't bring him to Celestia like this." I said, as I picked him up and placed him across my back. "Let's get you someplace more comfortable."

I walked into the middle of the field, placing him back on the ground I went around gathering small rocks and twigs for a fire. No telling how long he'll be out. Once I had gathered everything I began making setting them up in a makeshift firepit. Settling down, I pulled two blankets from my backpack, setting them down on the ground and placing Zin on top of one, while I sat on the other, reaching into my backpack again and pulling out one of my ration boxes.

"Might as well get some chow while I wait for you," I said, opening up the box and inspecting its contents. Some hay with a flower or two for desert. Boy do I hate field rations. The hay is as processed as it gets and the flowers taste like sawdust. I thought long ago about finding the person who made these and giving a good hoof in the ass but I quickly got as used to them as I could.

Munching on the hay, I thought more about the report I would make to Celestia and about home. I rarely let my thoughts drift of home, but I had some free time with nothing happening. I sat there for a good two hours thinking, before Zin stirred. He wasn't awake but at least he was still breathing. It was about midday and there were no signs of him waking up so I decide to get a little practice.

Moving back over to the rocks, I took out my spotting scope from my backpack, setting up on a piece of flat rock next to me as I unslung my rifle. Attaching a bi-pod, I flicked it down and set up. I unloaded the rifle and put a tracer magazine in. Pulling the bolt back and loading a round, I gave myself two magazines to play around with. I was going to be refilling soon so I could expend some ammunition.

First I used just the holo sight, giving myself targets up to half a kilometer to a kilometer. From rocks to small trees. Taking aim, I checked each shot with the spotting scope, doing the math of the wind-age and other factors. In about twenty minutes, giving one minute between targets, I expended my first magazine.

As I reached for the other I heard the sound of a rock shifting from behind. I turned quickly around, rifle at the ready for whoever it was. I sighed when I saw it was Zin. "Dear Celestia kid, never sneak up on me. Had I only seen a part of you you may have lost it."

He put a hand behind his neck, rubbing it apologetically, "Sorry about that. I just heard some noises from over here and decided to see what was up." he said, eyeing everything I had setup.

I sighed again, "Well don't just stand there like an idiot. If you want to help me, come on over." He smiled wide, bounding over in a few leaps. Moving over to the scope, I left the rifle open for him. "The more experience shooter is usually the spotter, so go ahead and take the rifle."

He gleefully moved next to me, laying down in a somewhat awkward firing position as he tried to grip the rifle. His fingers to big to fit comfortably around it, he resented to using a claw to pull the trigger. "Grab the magazine to your right and load it in." he did so, fumbling around with it a little before getting it in. "Pull the bolt back and load a round into the chamber. Once you do that, wait for me to call out targets. The scope is zeroed in for two kilometers so just use the holographic sight for now.

Once he had done all that he said joyfully, "Okay, now what?"

"I'll call out targets for you, you find and do your best to hit them." I said looking through the scope, "Alright, first target, one hundred meters, spruce tree next to a large boulder." he took aim, and after a second fired. The first shot landed just short of the tree. "Miss," I called, "increase your aim a bit." He fired again, this time the round glancing the left of the tree. "Take one more shot, a little more to the right." On the third shot he hit it in the center. "Good hit," I called over to him.

We proceed this process, the targets getting progressively further until about 250m when he ran out of ammo. By this time he was extremely excited and when the bolt jammed back in the locked position he frowned. "Over already?"

"Yeah kid, done already. Not bad for you're first time. Certainly not an ace shot," I said giving him a smirk. When he had finished, an hour had already passed.
He gave me a smirk, "I said I was a good shot with a pistol, not a rifle.” he looked up at the sky, before turning his head back to me saying, “So, time to hit Canterlot.” I nodded at him, spreading my wings and flapping a few times to gain altitude. Once at a good height, I circled and swooped back down, grabbing Zin from under the arms.

Lifting us off the ground, I flapped furiously to gain a height that would put us on level with the palace in Canterlot. Turning towards that direction, I flew slowly, unsure of my companions endurance after what just happened and made my way towards Canterlot.

After a twenty minute flight, we finally made it over Canterlot. I turned, headed for the palace where Princess Celestia was sure the be waiting. Luna had recovered not long after she had been out, and had returned to the palace where she was staying now. Although she was still in recovery as her strength returned to her.

Near the entrance to the palace I circled lazily, slowly loosing altitude as I dropped Zin the last two meters to the gate. Almost immediately two Royal Guards stopped their hooves, ready to charge at Zin. Swooping down in front of them, I land between the two groups. “He’s with me.” They looked at me and nodded, as I lost the accent

We entered through the doors to the palace and began making our way to the throne room. The halls were slightly furnished, with a few rugs and over hanging chandeliers every few meters or so. The spaces between each section of rug were filled with torches that basked the area around them in a copper light.

After a few of these hallways we finally reached the doors to the throne room. At the door, I paused and looked at Zin. I sure hope you're ready for this kid. I've really grown on calling that, I think I'll keep doing it I mused to myself. He didn't fully understand my message when he nodded, but I simply opened up the door.

There was a brief pause as he entered through the door, to which I followed standing slightly apart from Zin. As I entered the room, the Princess looked at me and her features immediately relaxed. “What brings you here?” she said projecting her voice across the hall, addressing Zin.

“Silver Claw says hi.” he said, referring to one of the Diamond Dogs he had met earlier.

Celestia paused for a moment before she said, “You must be the other leader she mentioned.” Looking over at Zin, I saw him shake his head at her to which she replied, “Then who are you?”

“Here’s a hint. A bullet to the chest.” he said smugly. Wow, I was right when I said he wouldn't change. He still has his arrogant overtone when he talks to ponies.

“How do you remember?” she responded with hesitation. He was trying to play some mental game of wits with the Princess, one I doubt he will lose.

“Celestia, I am the third. Magic has no effect on me anymore, nor the others I think.” he said with a smirk, crossing his arms and lifting his head up a bit. “That’s not why we are here, though. We both have discovered something that could upset the balance of Equestria.” he turned his head towards me, obviously wanting me to continue.

With a sigh, I stepped forward, passing him and bowed to Celestia. "What we have learned," I said, "Was that the nomadic clans of the Diamond Dogs are rising in power and quickly building a force in which to attack Ponyville and the surrounding countryside." she looked shocked, but no surprised to here this news.

I continued, "by my estimates, they're going to be done with their preparations in a years time. After which they will release their forces into first Ponyville, then moving down the countryside and attacking the other cities and towns across Equestria. Also by that time their numbers will be in the thousands, enough to do just that."

She nodded, standing from her throne and moving forward to address us both, "Thank you Aces, and thank you Zin for bringing this news to me. It has come over my attention that there has been increased activity by the clans, but I never thought they would try something like this." she said, pacing around back and forth. "It will take us some time to prepare, almost the entire years grace that you two have given us. But by then we should be well enough defended to withstand the brunt of their forces here in Ponyville. If we can stop them right from the start, they won't be able to attempt something like this ever again."

She stopped in front of Zin, "For your services, I and my sister will aid you in removing the of the projectile in your chest." Zin nodded, a look of joy on his face. She moved over to me then, "As for you, I will discuss your mission in further detail once we are alone." I nodded, already having a hint at what I would be doing. She looked towards Zin again, addressing him, "Now if you could follow me, we will attend to you first."

He nodded, preforming a curt bow, "Thank you Celestia." She began to depart through the room from a side door, flanked by her two Guards in which Zin followed. As they left through the door, I went another side door, one to the Imperial Gardens. Instead of heading to the Old Oak tree in which the CSF training center was, I instead went down a path that lead somewhere behind it.

What I came up to was a smaller oak tree, a few years through its growth, not nearly the size of the other one. Kneeling beside it, I look at the words inscribed. 'To those who have been lost in the line of duty in the service of Equestria, we will Never Forget.' The tree was planted a few years ago, after the death of #2. Using his ashes the members of the CSF had planted this tree, embedded with all of our magics to forever live here. After that day, any of the Royal Guards who had died in their duty have had their ashes planted under this tree as well as tribute.

"Hey there old guy," I said out loud, "Just paying my respects to you and the others. Its been a while since I last came here, I've been pretty busy lately." I laughed, I really had. "Anyway, thanks for all you've done in training and raising me. I wouldn't be where I was without you." I said the last, an odd feeling in my chest and tears stinging my eyes. After a few minutes of quiet silence I got up, placing a hoof on the tree for a moment, I left, heading for the Old Oak.

As soon as I approached the 'doors' opened and I stepped inside, stepping quickly down the steps. As I reached the bottom I looked around, dust covered the walls and floors. No one had been here in years. There hadn't been a reason or time to come down here.

Going down the center door, I trotted through the halls, headed down to the communications room. It was built after we had all graduated so that if there was ever a time we all needed to be brought together, there would be a simple and effective way of contacting us all.

As I entered the room, I sat down in the sole chair occupying the room in front of a grey looking console filled with knobs and screens. Its purpose would have escaped anyone who didn't know how to use it. Picking up a headset and putting it on, I put a hoof over a few knobs and buttons, turning them to the desired settings.

After a few moments the equipment whirred to life. As soon as it was started, I pushed a button and the receiver on the headset came to life. I called into it, speaking my words surely and calmly. "This is a message to all CSF members from Aces. In a years time the outlying clans of Diamond Dogs will rebel against Celestia's rule, bringing with them chaos and death for all ponies. We have been tasked with safeguarding our home and our families. In one years time, we all will meet back at the Old Oak and prepare for their assault on Ponyville. I know all of you will understand this and I expect no less from you. Those of you who are currently trying to start a family, I know this hurts but I must ask you to stop for the time being as nothing right now is more important than the lives of all the ponies in Equestria. All of you should make preparations in the coming year, enhancing your abilities and training. Again, this is a message to all CSF members..."

I repeated the message once more, making sure all had been heard. It would take a few minutes to reach all the members, but after five minutes I one by one heard clicks through the headset, nine in total that meant that everyone had received the message. Once everyone had checked in, I took the headset off and deactivated the machine.

I got out of the chair, placing it back where it had been and exited the Complex, headed back to the throne room. When I got back, Celestia was still out with Zin so I moved over to one of the pillars and leaned against it. Might as well get some sleep before they get back. With that I closed my eyes and entered my half sleep.

I was startled awake by the sounds of hoofsteps echoing through the halls behind the throne room and closing. I stayed where I was against the pillar, curious to see who would be entering the room. When only Princess Celestia and her two unicorn Guards entered the room, I was a little surprised to not see Zin there. I quickly recovered however, he’s been keeping his own secrets and she must have sent him somewhere to discuss just those with him.

She walked back up the stairs and sat down in her throne, the two Guards moved to their positions on both her flanks, standing and looking straight ahead, their eyes hard and uncaring. Walking up to the princess, I bowed once more before asking, "So things with Zin went well?"
She nodded saying, "Yes. The bullet has been removed from his chest and he's recovering now. I have him secured for further questioning once I am finished here with you."

I nodded, "So what is it that you wish of me my Princess?" I said getting straight to the point.

Her magic glowing, she projected a small sphere around us and her guards that would prevent unwanted ears from listening in on our conversation. Speaking clearly she said, "I sensed that you have placed a tracer into Zin, is that correct?" I nodded at her. "Good. Once I am finished with him and you are finished with your other assignment, I want you to track him and find out what he is up to."

I nodded again, it was sensible. No matter what he had told us, there was no telling what he was hiding. "Understood. What is my other assignment?" I asked.

"You are tasked to infiltrate some of the outlying clan and gather intelligence on their movements. Also if the opportunity presents itself, you must use any means necessary to disrupt their hierarchy. Take down targets of opportunity at your discretion."

I nodded again, this was standard procedure. "Understood. Is there anything else you'd have me do?" I asked, not sure if there was something she was holding back on.

"Yes, there is one more thing," she said, "I assume you already notified the others?" I nodded, "Good. Then all I need of you further is this." she paused, "If your friend Zin proves to become a problem, I'm sorry for asking this of you but you must take him down."

I hesitated for a moment. I would have no problem with doing it, but he had done so much for us... I sighed, "Are you sure that would be necessary Celestia? He's done so much for Shadow and I..."

She smiled understandingly, "No, it isn't required at all. But you know what has to be done if it puts ponies lives at stake?"

I nodded again. Nothing was more important than the safety of all Equestrians. "Understood, Princess." I said, giving a low bow. She ended her spell then, normal sounds floating back into my ears.

"Now attend to your duties and good luck to you." she said, lowering her head in a small bow. I quickly turned on my hoof, heading out of the main entrance to the throne room. Closing the door behind me I thought, I might as well go see how Princess Luna is doing. It's been a while since we last talked.

Trotting at a lazy speed down the hallways, I slowly made my way to where I last remembered Luna's chambers to be. It would take me a few minutes to get to her chambers at my speed, so I thought idly about what I was tasked with.

The recon and subterfuge was easy enough. I've had to do similar with them before on several occasions so this wouldn't be any harder. On the other hand, tracking Zin might be more difficult. Once I map out where that cave is, I'll be able to tell whenever he's there and when he leaves. I flapped my wings a bit and chuckled, I do have that one great advantage over him though.

After a few minutes, I came to a large ornate door that was painted a midnight blue with the moon and several orbiting stars surround it in the middle of the door. Guarding it where two of Luna's own Guards, who unlike Princess Celestia's pegasus guards, they had dark grey coat colors and deep black manes.

Not recognizing me, they bared the way while the one on the left uttered a quick bark, "Halt! What business do you have with Princess Luna?"

I tipped my hat at him, using my normal accent constantly now I said, "An old friend who helped her in a time of need." They looked shocked to hear my voice, but quickly moved aside with mumbled apologies.

The room was lavishly furnished, fit of well, a princess. Unlike Celestia's quarters which were full of bright colors and sunshine, the room was full of deep purples and accented with black and white in some areas. The only light that entered through the room was through a skylight over a large bed in which Luna was now laying, looking quite sad and as if she had been crying.

She noticed me as I entered, and quickly wiped away her tears, getting up from her bed and turning towards me. "Hello Aces. What brings you here?" she said, her normally loud voice slightly chocked up.

"Just checking up on a good friend. How are you doing Luna?" I said stepping further into the room, a meter away from her.

She sighed heavily, siting back down on her bed. "I've been better. Come, sit," she said, motioning for me to sit next to her. I did so, looking into her face that was still puffy with tears.

"Luna, what has upset you so? Is there anything you want to talk about?" I said, a little worried about her. This isn't how she normally is.

"You're a good friend Aces, you always have been," she started unexpectedly, "And I feel I can trust you with my feelings." I nodded. We've been friends ever since Nightmare Moon had been banished from her body. "My sister has locked Zin in the dungeons until a time she can further question him. I don't think she's going to go about it nicely either." she finally said, tearing up again.

"I don't know what to do. She's my older sister and almost always knows best. But Zin had done us a great service coming here and he should be treated much better than he has." she said, looking at me for a response.

"You're sister is not evil Luna, that's the first thing I'm going to say. She always does what is best for ponies as a whole." she nodded, already knowing this. "That being said, sometimes she tries to hard and has to take extreme measures. What she's doing with Zin isn't right, but it isn't bad either. He knows things that he hasn't told us that can make a difference in the coming times."

She nodded again, "I know, but it just doesn't seem right. After being imprisoned for so long myself, I know what being locked away feels like..." she cried now, tears sliding down her cheeks. I put a hoof around her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"It's alright Luna. That times over now and you're a lot better. People look up to you as a princess now, not as someone to despise. If you don't like what your sister is doing, tell her. Try to make her see your more gentle way of dealing with things." she sniffed, her tears slowing down their flow.

She looked up at me and smiled, "Thanks Aces. You've really put a good perspective on things for me." She gave me a quick hug before she got up and moved to go to her closet. "I'll bring it up to my sister tomorrow and we'll see what happens. I'll send Shadow a message if you're not home explaining how it went.”

"Thanks Luna," I said getting up and moving towards the door. "I'm glad I could help you."

She turned and looked at me smiling, "Me too. Now go finish the task my sister has asked of you." She said before turning into her closet, looking for who knows what.