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A Premonition

I looked all around me to see darkness, the usually beginnings of one of my premonitions. As I slipped into the dream, I looked all around me. I was back in my cottage with Shadow and... Our new born foal! She had a red coat with a green mane, a mix between me and Shadow. Not only that but she was an alicorn just like the two of us. So I guess this is what Celestia wanted after all, not just a group to keep the piece, but to also bring back the alicorns.

I was separate from this dream, floating in the air above myself and my family. They seemed happy, like I've never seen myself or Shadow before. This dream lasted for a few minutes as I watched them, before I was pulled away from the image to something completely different. And much much worse.

I was looking over Ponyville, although it was different. Fire spewed from the hay on some of the houses while I heard ponies screaming in the streets and homes. I was helpless to do anything as I was rooted in the spot overlooking the village. What I saw running around the streets I almost couldn't believe, Diamond Dogs, hundreds of them running through the streets of Ponyville, crashing through doors and killing ponies left and right.

I looked on with horror as the ponies were slaughtered on the streets or in their homes. Suddenly I heard a burst of gunfire coming from the air as several alicorns flew through the skies. Diamond Dog after Diamond Dog fell prey to the bullets. This continued for several minutes while the dogs continued to filter into the city, their numbers left mostly unmolested.

I was left with that image as I was pulled out of the dream, awakening back in the burrow, back to reality. I was breathing heavily and my body was drenched in sweat. I heard movement off to my front and I resisted the urge to shake the sweat from my body. Peering out from under my hat, I spotted Zin as he was crawling away from the cot, towards the edge of the burrow. Reaching up he slowly began to move away some of the canopy from the roof, looking over his shoulder at me every few seconds.

He began to hasten his work, making a little more noise as he cleared a few more branches out of the way. When finally there was a hole big enough for him, he began to climb through. I heard a soft thump from above as he landed. He didn't bother placing the cover back in place as he began to take off, slowly making his way out of the the treeline. Grabbing my rifle from where it lay hidden, I flew out of the hole without a sound, flying up into the trees where I watched his progress.

He was slowly making his way out of the forest, attempting to be careful with his steps, but not enough that he didn't break a twig every few seconds. Pulling out my pistol, I remove the magazine and eject the loaded cartridge only to replace it with a single, magically enhanced tracking dart that would give me his location so long as it stayed buried in him. Loading it in, I attached a suppressor to the pistol before loading the round.

The dart would embed itself into the muscle, or bone if I shot right of the victim, emitting a continuous magical aura that would give me his position at any distance or location. It was also made to feel more like a sharp prick than a dart going in you so as to not over-alert the victim.

Taking aim then, I sighted for the one place he wouldn't be able to remove it without permanently injuring himself, his spine. Taking aim, I waited for him to get out in the open. Right before he took off, I fired the dart, watching as it flew straight and true, right into the middle of his spine. He let out a muffled yelp, quickly moving a paw up to his mouth and turning towards where the burrow was. He sat there for five minutes, looking into the forest, seeing if I had heard him. He at last turned around, breaking out in a fast dog sprint across the field, heading somewhere south of Ponyville.

I flew up high into the cloud layer, beyond sight of anything on the ground as I followed him. Unslinging my rifle, I reach into my utility pouch, producing several items. The first of which being a suppressor which I attached to the end of the gun. Next was a closer range holographic sight for if I need to get close on the ground. The third was a longer range magnifier that went behind the sight built in with a side clip, that when touched would force it to the side of the rifle. Lastly was a small thermal imaging plate that I placed onto the scope, allowing me to, if necessary, see heat signatures and through walls.

Once my preparations with that were done, I loaded a magazine into the rifle, pulling the charging handle back before slinging it back across my back. Then taking out my pistol, I reload the magazine and cartridge, making sure that was loaded before shoving it back into its holster.

After everything was done, I honed back in on Zin's signal, he was moving fast out in the open plains, still heading somewhere south of Ponyville. He continued his run for several more minutes, giving me time to do some more preparations. Making sure everything was secure on my vest, I began counting how many magazines I had. Twelve. Four with holo-point ammunition. That translated to about two hundred and forty rounds. If things got tough, I would only be able to operate for a short period of time before I ran out of ammunition.

After I finished checking all of my gear, I cleared my mind of all thoughts, readying myself for whatever awaited me ahead as I idly flew from cloud to cloud. Finally after another few minutes of running, he appeared at the entrance to some sort of large cave that lead deep into the ground.

Launching himself into the cave, Zin began his journey in it while I stayed outside. I couldn't follow him in there as there would be to high a risk of being detected. So I simply waited atop the cloud, already composing my report to the princess. As a last thought, I put a small box on the end of my rifle that projects an infrared laser when activated, also with the option of projecting a high energy beam of light to blind targets or see in the dark.

I sat their, composing my report, idly moving some clouds around for better cover for about half an hour before I noticed any movement at the mouth to the cave. Grabbing my rifle off of my back, I sight in using the normal scope, spotting Zin who was flanked by two other Diamond Dogs, one having a dark green fur color whilst the others was a deep purple. Who those two are, I have no idea. But Zin will sure as hell have some explaining to do if I ever catch up to him.

The two other dogs said their farewells, traveling back into the recesses of the cave while Zin continued on his journey, headed back in the direction we had come from. He had learned something in his time down there and was probably on his way to confront me on it. He also moved, normally for a Diamond Dog. No more halting with his steps, running at full speed, if not a bit faster. Whatever happened in there had changed him, although what it changed didn't worry me.

I flew after him, continuing my hopping from cloud to cloud the whole while. No need to let him know I was here before the time was right. With his increased speed the trip took us a fourth of the time as before when he finally got to the edge of the forest. He broke through the bush, still trying to be quiet as he made his way back to the burrow.

He plans on coming back as if nothing ever happened. I smirked, thinking of the differences he would have made in the top of the canopy if I were still there. I followed him, staying slightly above the trees until he was just at the burrow. He placed his steps carefully, looking around for its exact location.

Deciding to end it, I land without a sound several meters behind him, pointing a hoof I said, "If y'all are looking for it, it's right there." He turned quickly to face me, fangs barred in an intense look. He eased up a bit when he saw it was me, but not completely.

"Thanks, I almost couldn't find it. How long have you been up there." he said glancing up at the trees.

"Oh about a half hour or so. I had seen you'd left but you had a good head start on me and I didn't reckon I would have the time to look through the plains for your trail." I said, fixing my hat so it sat squarely on my head. "So what were y'all doing out there?"

He shrugged, obviously not the least bit worried that he'd been caught. "Just going for a little walk. Clearing my thoughts as it were." he said grinning in that goofy dog way of his, more so in fact now.

"Really? Mind telling me why you were sneaking round here like a snake?" I said idly, lifting my hoof up and checking to see if I'd stepped in something, as the answer didn't really matter.

"Oh just didn't want you to get worried about me being gone is all. I would think you would have come after me or something," he said, throwing the accusation at me.

"Naw," I said, finding my hoof very interesting, "I reckon you can be out and about on your own without me having to look over you." I looked up then, to see him fuming a bit, obviously upset I found far more interest in my hoof than him.

"Ah, I see. Why'd you wait out here then?" he said, still fuming a bit.

"I figured I'd wait up here for y'all to get back. I usually get up this early anyway, reminds me of when I was a young colt out west." I said, smiling at him. I really did wake up this early in the morning, it felt amazing as the chilled morning air flew through ones mane. I noticed he had some sort of necklace with a blue gemstone set into a gold inlay. Must have been some gift from those other Diamond Dogs. I wonder if it's connected to his new attributes. It has to be. You can't change that much in a half hour without some magic.

“You can drop the act, Lance. Or should I say Spade?” I stared at him. So you've figured it out. The spells been broken. I now knew for sure the necklace had something to do with this change. Whatever I don't know, the princess is sure to at least have an idea about. "How’s Shadow doing?” my eye twitched in annoyance. Go ahead kid, keep your little game going. “That’s right. I know it all. The bullet in my chest, which hurts like hell. Yet I know something about you, too..”

“I told you, I don’t know anypony by those names. That’s crazy talk.” I think I was enjoying this game more than him. He knew what was going on, yet he seemed determined to get a straight answer out of me, good luck with that kid.

“There’s two parts. Here is a freebie. I know there are a total of ten of you. The other part I can tell you later.” Ah he knows of the others then. That certainly is news. I can't stay here for much longer, this report has to go out now. He froze then, motionless as he stared with sightless eyes. A few seconds later, he snapped back to his sense. Someone's talking to you, I mused to myself. “By the way, your rifle is hanging out.”

Ah I did that on purpose you foal. I knew something was up, no point trying to hid this much anymore. Grabbing it from behind my back, I idly look down the sights, pulling the bolt half back, checking to see if the cartridge was loaded, which I knew it was. "You mean this old thing? I've had this for ages. Don't let her sleek furniture fool you, we're old friends." I say playing with the last, smiling at how I brought that around.

"Old friends..." he said, grinning, "it seems like a lot of 'old friends' have been getting back together these past few days."

I tipped my hat at him, "Aye, that they have. Although I've been with this girl for a while now. While you and I, have seemingly just met."

He nodded at this, moving from his tree to stand face to face with me on the trail, only a few meters apart. "So what now?" he said with that same arrogance he's always had.

I smirk at him, "Nothing changes who you really are kid. Not some injury, not a necklace you happen to find while walking. You're still the same person at heart, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, ya hear?"

He got the sightless stare again, this time I though, for another reason. The words I had said were true, nothing can change who you really are. But they seemed to have a greater impact on him as his muscles loosened and his eyes softened. Still on my guard however, I idly lifted my rifle, inspecting each of its sides.

"You know the worst place to get shot kid?" I paused as he snapped back to reality, "It's the stomach. No matter what anypony tells you, that's it. Not only can you not recover from it, you're last few moments will be spent in utter agony as the acids in your stomach hit your other organs." I paused for dramatic effect. "Sure ponies say getting cut say, in the chest hurts more, but none of them have had to deal with slowly dying from the inside."

Zin appeared a bit shaken by this, a hand idly drifting over to his stomach. I grinned, gotcha. "So since we're here all on our lonesome, do you have anything y'all want to ask me before I gather my things and leave?" I ask, leaning against a tree, placing my right hoof in front of the other.

“Spade...I need to talk to both you and Shadow. It’s about the future, and I don’t mean just between you two. Please, the fate of Ponyville rests on it.” Sorry kid, that won't happen. And I have pretty good idea what your Diamond Dog friends told you about the 'fate of Ponyville.' “I know it’s likely against your orders, but I need to make sure you both know. Plus, I think she wanted to tell me take care in person.”

Ah I remember that. No, not in person kid. Both of us know better than that. She was happier to tell you like she did. "I still don't know who this Spade character is. Nor Shadow. What I do know is what the fate of Ponyville rests on." he jumped at this, surprise written all over his face.

"What?!" he shouted, glaring at me, "You were there, at the cave! You were even in there with me!" he shouted, rage filling his voice.

"Naw kid”, but now I know the truth about where you went." I said as he stopped, caught in his lie. "You see, there's a few things you don't know about me, despite the things you claim to know about me." I said looking him over as his fur stood on end, "I know about the Diamond Dogs and their uprising. About what the fate of Ponyville is. You see, I saw it all happen."

"But... How did you see?" he said utterly confused.

"Ah now that I will keep to myself kid." I said with a grin. "As for what I'll do about it, as soon as you stop from keeping me here, I'm off to see the Princess and tell her all I know about the Diamond Dogs," I paused, "and you."

He flinched, stopping himself from jumping at me. The position I was in he wouldn't have gotten far either. He let out his anger in one sigh, saying “You can tell her, no doubt she will believe you and try to wipe out every Diamond Dog...Even the innocent ones.” Oh no, you misjudge us. We won't merely wipe out the Diamond Dogs. We'll find out which ones will be responsible and put a stop to them, not the all of them, just those who wish to cause harm to others.

He turned his head then, looking back at me. “Wish you luck with your foal. I hope they take after you." I nearly jumped out of my skin. How did he know about that?

He was walking in some random direction when I called out to him, "If you ever get back to Sofia, tell her a friendly pegasus pony said hello." he froze in his tracks, his shoulders tensed.

He turned towards me them, pure hatred in his eyes. "It WAS you that I saw in my dream. You." he said hissing at me, taking a step towards me. "You," he was shouting now, "How much do you really know about me?" Ah the shoe has turned the other hoof now.

"I know enough. You have problems with your ma and pa. You're in love with your friend Sofia, but unable to tell her. I've also come to the conclusion that the reason you are here," he was looking intently at me now, ready to pounce at any moment, "Is because the one known as Discord sent you here. Also, that necklace you have has a strange aura around it. Some sort of keeping magic. You can't take it off on your own and it prevents you from leaving Equestria."

His look was of utter surprise as I continued, "Now if you ever want to rid yourself of it, I know a unicorn or two that could easily break that spell." I said finally. The look on his face was still a veil of anger, even after I said this.

“You know what? What I wanted to tell her is that her mother was killed right in front of me! You don’t even know the half of me. You saw me when we were just little children, and those weren’t even my real parents. You could at least be a little bit grateful that I am not as evil as other humans. Because if I was, would you and Shadow be together?” he sighed, and I couldn't help feel a bit sorry for him. I know he loves his friend, maybe that wasn't what he was going to say, but still.

“My real parents didn’t want me. Hell, those two didn’t want me either. The other students at my school tortured me to the point I nearly killed all of them. The only way they stopped me was by getting everyone on me, as well as the security. I killed my foster dad when he tried to stab me with a knife. So excuse me for being the slightest bit rude.” Ah kid, if only you knew the half of my own story.

He sank to his knees, trying to hold back the tears as a few drops landed in the dirt. I took a halting step towards him. Were he anyone else I would have been at his side, but him being who he was, I stilled had to be cautious around him.

“I have come to learn that you regret nothing. Dwelling on the past makes you weaker in the future...It doesn’t matter, though. You could care less, I bet...” he said, the tears choking up his speech, “Sometimes... I think it would be better for everyone if I was just dead...”

His story is so much like my own. Forgoing my caution, I moved up next to him, laying a hoof across his shoulders. "It's alright kid. It's alright. No matter what life throws at you, you need to keep going. I learned that the hard way, and it seems you have to." he was still holding back his tears, sobbing into his hands.

"The only person who can get you out of this yourself," I said, unclipping my knife in its sheath from my belt and placing it in his paws. "An old friend gave this to me a long time ago. It helped me through some of the hardest points of my life and it seems like you might need it more than me." I said, closing his fingers around it. "You keep it for now. I want it back, but for now you can keep it. Hold onto it until the situation is grave and when you feel as if all hope is lost."

“So far it seems that way... You ever heard of the saying ‘out of the frying pan and into the fire’?” he said looking up at me now, tears still forming in his eyes.
"Naw' kid. But I get your drift when you say it. What fire are you falling into?" I said, helping him up to his feet as he gripped the knife tightly.

“The fire of uncertainty. When I came here, I thought things would be different. Fresh start and everything. The only difference between here and Earth is I don’t have my pistol.” He smiled at me in the dog like way of his, “Was the best shot, too.” Oh you wish kid. He let out a small laugh before gaining his composure and said seriously, “There is only one issue to deal with now.”

I tilted my head at him, go on kid. “The uniting of the clans. It is what the Diamond Dogs told me...Here is a small fact I think you might find interesting, though. The two you saw me with, and don’t lie, have lived for over one thousand years. I am supposed to train to stop it, but I lack a trainer.”

I smirked at him. So that is what you're getting at. Sorry kid, my training is staying with me forever, fate of Equestria or not, that's not a secret I will divulge. “You sure?” I asked, to which he nodded. I believed him, at least for the most part. People or ponies tend to leave out the incriminating parts of any kind of story. He seemed to be hoping I would offer to train him though, although I think he knew that wasn't going to happen.

“When you noticed me leave, right before that I had been visited in my sleep by them. I went through a...Tough trial...I’ll leave the details for later, but now back to the task at hand. I think I would like to accompany you to Celestia. I have unfinished business with her.” Details I'll make sure are known to the princess and I.

I shrugged at him, I was planning on telling her about you anyway, better to get an account in person I suppose. “If that’s what y’all want.” I said after a moment. He nodded at me again, too which I sighed. I was starting to enjoy myself, although it's time to get back to work now, I thought.

“She needs to get this bullet out of my chest, or else I won’t be able to help stop the dogs advances. How do we get there?” I grinned at him, making sure my hat was secured I spread my wings and took off, disappearing above the trees. Gaining some speed, I quickly dove back into the trees, diving at him from behind. I reached down and picked him up underneath the armpits, flapping a few times as I broke through the canopy of trees and into the open morning sky.