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"Excuse me." Zin said with a small grunt. I raised my head a bit, peering first at the pegasus pony, then at Zin from under the lid. "Can you tell me where I am?" he said again, grunting from his obvious discomfort.

"I found you laying on the ground not far from this pegasus. Mind telling me what it was about?" I offered, with a slight settler's drawl to my voice. Having spent some time with them, I was able to perfect their speech patterns.

"I stopped him from causing harm to another pony. I ended up using his guitar as a weapon, and kept it. Now, if I may, who are you?" he almost demanded, a hint of anxiety in his voice.

"My name is Lance, Lance Quills. And not to discredit your own story, but I'd very much like to hear his own." I grunted, nodding my head towards the pegasi. Zin's jaw hung slack, probably remembering the name from when I mentioned it in the town.

"We've met, if I recall correctly." he hissed at me, the accusation clear in his voice. I gave him a little smirk, just noticeable enough to throw him off a bit, when the pegasus moaned again, training Zin's attention from me. "Do you know what happened to him?" he demanded again, staring over the pegasus. He got up from his cot, walking over to the pony. I casually dropped a hoof to my belt, feeling for my knife. If he tries anything, I'm going to have to do something.

He looked at me then, waiting for my answer. I shrugged drawling on, "Sorry, can't say I know much about what happened." He looked askance at me, obviously not buying it. I just tipped my hat at him, a gesture he seemed to interpret as deal with it. I lean forward again in my chair, getting out of it as I stepped a pace closer so he could look at me better. Uncertain recognition was written all over his face as he looked over me.

To the side, the pegasus tried to get up using his injured arm, only to let out a small cry before falling back into the cot. I chuckled inwardly to myself, you can keep trying that all you want. You wont be able to place any true weight on that leg for a good two weeks. "Maybe we should get him to the hospital. I'm in no condition to travel, though." Zin said, looking not at all worried at the pegasus.

Gripping his side, oh you foal that's not where you were injured, he moved back over to the blanket I had spread for him and sat down, looking from me to the pegasus then around as if looking for somewhere I could leave from. I chuckled again, this time out loud, "You don't know a dugout when you see one, do you son?" I said, laying a little emphasis on the ending. He merely shrugged at me. Shaking my head, I moved over to the pegasus, getting a grip on his bad leg. "Come on there kid, you're gonna be alright." I said, pulling him up with little effort.

Still dazed from his injury, he merely grunted. I looked around the burrow, making sure the only thing I left was my writing and quill making equipment. I then turned my head to Zin saying, "I'll be back shortly. Don't touch anything whilst I'm gone, you hear? It takes me a long time to make all of this and I don't want you mucking it up." I said, enjoying this little charade. He, on the other hand, simply nodded, taking me completely seriously.

Grasping the pegasi, I got up on my back hooves and moved some of the above cover aside, making room to get him and myself up. Picking him up, I hoisted him through the hole, to hear a small thud, followed by another moan as he landed sideways on the ground above. Grinning, I hoist myself up top, placing the cover back in its place. Before I leave however, I place a few markers on the cover, so if anypony or dog for that matter, tried to get up and leave, I would know.

I looked over to the pegasus, who was getting himself up shakily. Shaking my head, I move over to him, getting a hoof around his bad leg, and helping him limp out of the forest. Once we were over the next hill, with Ponyville in site, far from anything a pony or dog could hear, I decided to ask him a question.

"So what's your name kid?" I ask, continuing with the accent I have. I really do enjoy it, maybe I should talk to Shadow like this. I chuckled, oh she would love that.

"My name," he said wincing from a slight bump in the ground, "my name is Lisp. I really do thank you for saving me out there. If that dog woke up before I did, he would have killed me."

I nodded, "Diamond Dogs are like that son," giving him a quick grin, "you have to deal with them though. You know the saying, you have to love and tolerate everypony."

"Yeah well, he's not a pony. Nor should he be anywhere near ponies." he said. Boy, this one sure doesn't like Diamond Dogs, even I don't mind them as much. "All they do is cause trouble, attacking mares and stallions as they please. I also have a personal grievance with that one," he said just a small bit darkly.

"What did he do to you anyhow? I've heard his side of the story, now what's yours?" I inquired, expecting some half-truth from him.

"For starters, he barged into Ponyville acting like he belonged there and was welcome. After a few words to leave, he threatens me and humiliates me in front of everypony." he said, a bit of rage building at the memory, "then when I drove him out, three young fillies protected him for Celestia knows what reason." by this point he was fuming, but I let him continue, knowing he was most likely leaving out a few key parts to this story.

"Then, then! When I go after the pony that slept with my marefriend, Octavia, he has the nerve to stop me! He jumped me from behind, took my guitar from me, attacked me with my own guitar," so that's where he got it then, I thought. "Then walked away with it!" he gasped, his pace quickening as his adrenalin started pumping.

"Whoa there kid, settle down now. You are in no state to go that fast with this injury of yours." I said smugly, giving his leg a small shake.

He grunted, trying not to show his pain, "I don't care. That mutt stole my guitar, and stole my pride," ah pride, we meet again. "And there's nothing I can do about it! Right when I was about to get my revenge, somepony swooped in from nowhere a nearly broke my arm!"

I looked at him straight faced and said, "There really is nothing you can do kid. A few more days when he's healed and you won't be able to stop him." Lisp beamed at me, turning red about the cheeks. "Ah I didn't mean to burst your ego, but here, let me help you. If I can, I'll talk to this mutt," I chuckled, "and see if I can wrestle back your guitar from him. How does that sound?"

"Really? What makes you think he'll listen to you?" he shot back. Ungrateful curt.

"Trust me, I've been around ponies, Diamond Dogs too, for a good part of my life. I know how to deal with them."

"Pfft," he snorted, "I doubt that. You're just somepony from out west who doesn't know anything about how things work around here." he said looking at me like he had just scored a point. I gave him the warmest smile I could muster before bending his arm backwards and shoving his face in the ground.

His cry was instantly muffled, didn't need nopony hearing us this close to Ponyville, when I said in a barely audible whisper, "You listen here you ungrateful sod. I walk you all the way out here to Ponyville, when I could have stayed where I was and continued my work. I offer to get your property back AND fix your problem with the dog and this is how you repay me? With insults?" his cry was muffled again by the ground. "Now you listen right here, I'm going to get your guitar back, but if I you ever cause problems again, I'll know. And I will find you. Do ya' hear me?" Another muffled cry.

I let him back up to see a tearful face matted with dirt and grass. He whispered, trying to hold back his tears, "Yessir."

I nodded at him, "Now good. You can tell anypony you like about what I said, I'm sure they'll get some enjoyment out of it. I know just about everypony in Ponyville and Cloudsdale so go ahead and try it."

He said again, the tears starting to clear up from his face, "Yessir."

I smiled, there's hope for this kid yet. "Good now lets get you to the hospital." and we walked off to Ponyville.

It took us another half hour to get to the hospital, but it was easy enough getting him checked in. I knew the nurse that was on duty and she agreed to take him in for a few bits. Walking out of Ponyville General, I sigh happily to myself. "Such an eventful morning, I'm actually quite enjoying myself." I said aloud.

I was startled as I heard a voice from behind, it was Twilight, "Well hi there Lance! How's Gemstone doing?"

I turned around to see her coming down from the street with the ever present book in her satchel. "Oh well hey there Twilight," I call to her, making my way down Ponyville's main road, "She's doing great. It's really a great thing that happened to us. Both of us are really happy." I give her a welcoming smile.

She moves up beside me as I walk down the street, "So what brings you into Ponyville today? Need any more books or supplies?" she got that smile she always has when I need to come for a book.

"Naw', just dropping off a pony I found in the hospital. He had gotten into a bit of trouble and I helped him out of it. He's not hurt to bad but he'll have to stay in bed for a few days."

She looked at me with a slightly worried expression, "You sure he's alright? What was his name?"

I shrug at her, "His names Lisp. He was roughing it up with a Diamond Dog when I spotted them while I was looking for a special species of bird I found in one of your books."

She stopped dead in her tracks, "Lisp? Diamond Dog? Oh no oh no oh no. That must be Zin. Lance, tell me what happened, can you take me to Zin, is he alright?"

I glance over at her, tipping my hat. "He's mighty fine Twilight, they got into a bit of a scuffle but I found them both unconscious on the floor. Took him in to where I was staying."

"Oh Lance, thank goodness you got there in time. Those two are always fighting. Would you mind if I came with you to check on him?" she said, trotting a bit to catch up with my longer strides.

I tipped my hat at her again, "Not at all Twilight. I think you showing up will cheer him right up. He was seeming a little blue when he came to, so I'm sure a visit from a friend will make him right as rain." I said smiling at her.

"Oh yes, I've been worried about him ever since he left the hospital, he's still got that piece of tile lodged in him and maybe you with your knowledge of medicine and me with my magic could help get it out." she said, perking up a bit.

"Sounds mighty fine Twilight, follow me and I'll take you to where I've been staying." I said, trotting out of Ponyville with Twilight on my heel.

After around ten minutes of walking, we reached the edge of the Ever Free Forest which made Twilight a bit uncomfortable. "Oh Twilight, its fine. All around here is clear, I made sure of it personally." I said, giving her a reassuring smile. Quickly returning it, she followed close behind me as I moved aside some brush to let her through.

She continued walking for a few steps before I called out, "Stop! Don't go any further!" she froze instantly with fear, looking all around as if she had done something. "You almost fell right into our little hideout." I said walking up to her and brushing aside some of the cover with my hoof. It hadn't been moved since I left, so Zin was still in there. She looked at me amazed.

"Wow Lance, you did all of this?" I nodded.

"That book you lent me about different plant life really helped." she smiled at this. Climbing through the hole, I give her a way to get in, helping her get through without falling. Once she was in, I moved the cover back to its normal spot. Turning then, I see Zin beginning to wake up. Raising his head, he stared surprised at Twilight, and just a bit angrily at me.

“Oh, hey. Didn’t expect to see you here.” he said addressing Twilight, giving her a weak smile. He had something in his hand, some sort of device which he quickly tried to hid, although Twilight didn't seem to notice.

“Lance told me that he found you two unconscious. What happened?” she said with a worried edge to her voice.

Looking down, Zin scratched the back of his neck as he said, “That is a good question...” Let's see what story you can come up with Zin. Impress me. He finally said after a minute, "I was walking when I heard Lisp shout at me. Tried to plead with him, but you know him. Hot headed and thinks with his flank. This tile in my chest limits me, so I can’t fight back. I blacked out before I could really do anything.” He looked up to her, searching her expression. Not bad, I thought, not bad at all.

She trotted over to where he sat, staring at the center of his chest. “I can’t believe you would do something as crazy as sacrifice yourself to buy us time...” by this time she sounded chocked up. She wanted to do this, I realized. She wanted to thank him with hardly anypony else around. “Can I ask you a question? I want an honest answer.” she said again. I knew what was coming next when she said, “Why did you help us?” There it is. Now what will he say?

“If you knew where I came from, you’d understand. Life wasn’t easy, Twi.” he said, looking into her face. Oh I know where you come from, if only she did as well.... He began to tear up but quickly controlled himself as he said, “I don’t take kindly to those who fight for evil or the wrong reasons.” they stared at each other for a full minute before Zin snapped back to reality and turned to me.

“Would you have anything to add? You’re being very quiet, old friend.” Now that caught me off guard. My hat hid any expression of surprise my face might have given away. Calmly I replied like I had been shrugging, Twilight looked shocked, looking at me then at Zin.

"Old friend?" she said nervously.

Looking at Zin I say, "Nothing to really say I guess. It seems like the two of you were having a good connection at that moment." I said, smiling beneath my hat. You won't catch me in your game. Then turning to Twilight I said, "I've met him before. On what was dubiously called, 'Nightmare Night' I happen to be in town getting the months supplies for the house when I saw this guy right here," I tipped my head at Zin, "In the midst of a group of ponies with a Guard about to get up in his hackles."

"So being the pony I am, I went up and gave the fellow a hand. It's quite the tale actually, you should have seen the look on that old Guards face," laughing genuinely at the memory . "He told me he was off on a mission to find the lost Elements Of Harmony and he needed a pony or two to help him. I right off agreed with him, as Nightmare Moon wasn't no friend of mine." I paused, looking at Zin who's look had turned from smug to confusion to a small amount of anger.

"So we set off then, looking all round Ponyville and the area around it for them. We found the first one atop the Nightmare Moon statue outside of Ponyville, that girl and her ego." I said, pausing for a short breath. Twilight was eating up this story and so was Zin for that matter. It looked as if he almost completely bought it, but still had some nagging suspicion.

"He went off then, sure that he knew where one of them was. I parted from him then, being told to meet him at your Library when I finished my own search. Now the only place I hadn't thought to look was by Cloudsdale, so going with my gut instinct I flew over to check out what all the fuss was about, supposedly some battle between Nightmare Moon and Princess Luna." Twilight nodded at this, having heard the same thing.

"Now what I didn't expect to see was, flying up to Cloudsdale, I spotted in a clearing not far under it, a small crater with two ponies inside. When I flew down, I couldn't right believe my eyes. It was the Princess and Rainbow Dash lying in the crater. Rushing to help, I pulled both of them out of the crater. Not wanting to waste any time, I brought the Princess back to my home where my dear Gemstone was. She took care of her whilst I headed back to the library with Rainbow Dash."

By then Zin was looking intently at me, looking for any hint that my story was false, but I gave none. For to me, it was true. "From there I flew the two of them up to Canterlot to see Celestia and fight of Nightmare Moon. Now, I'm not one to run from a fight, but I had my own worries down below and I couldn't be staying any longer. So baring my farewells, I left them in the courtyard, flying back down to my cottage to help Gemstone with Luna."

Sighing, I take a short breath, regaining my breath from the long story. By the end, Twilight was tearing up again, while Zin sat there nodding to several of the things he knew. "Oh thank you Lance, for all you've helped us with." Twilight said, breaking the silence and came and gave me a hug. Hugging her back, a tear running down my cheek, I thought, oh if only you knew the real story Twilight.

Pulling back, Twilight smiled, first at me, then at Zin. "It seems like you two are old friends after all."

I nodded, "Sure as rain we are Twilight. Hay, we might not be here now if it weren't for old Zin over there."

Twilight and I turned towards Zin to see him deep in some thought. He gripped his head in pain, looking towards the floor. He's going over the story I just told, trying to figure out was is true and what wasn't. He sat like that for a few seconds before Twilight again broke the silence, “Zin, are you alright?” an edge of worry in her voice.

“Y-Yeah...Just caught in the past...” he sighed, sitting back heavily against the wall behind him. The look on his face was one of pure puzzlement. He obviously wasn't sure what to believe and what not to believe. I would have to revise the memory spell to his human characteristics soon, otherwise more pieces of the past may come back to him. I made a mental note to send a dispatch to Celestia to help me with the spell.

We sat there awkwardly for a minute before I said, "Twilight its starting to get dark out here. You should probably be headed back to Ponyville." She nodded at me moving over to where we entered.

"I can make it back on my own, thank you." she said as I pushed aside the canopy and began crawling through. As she said that I simply dropped back into the burrow. "Are you sure you and Zin will be alright here alone?" she said, worried again.

"Oh you don't have to worry about us Twi, Zin and I will be just cozy in here. This place really does keep the heat well and I have a few candles with me for just that purpose." she nodded at me smiling. I moved over to her and helping up through the hole, I wave my goodbye as she walks from sight. I once again shift the cover back into its place, hiding us once again from sight.

Shaking my head, I turn back to Zin, only to see him standing fully erect only a foot away from me. I almost laughed out loud, gee, he really does think he's hot hay. "Alright Lance," he said hissing my name, "I buy most of your story, but I think you had a much larger role in the hole thing than just helping me." he said, looking smug as if that was his big reveal.

Shaking my head, I move back over to my chair, leaning back against the wall as he looked on me, a little embarrassed that I simply ignored him. "I said," he growled, taking a step towards me, "What else were you apart of that night?"

I sighed to myself, well his memory has all but returned. He can't remember who I really am or what I really did though, so no matter how angry he gets with me he won't find out anything else. So all I did was shrug at him saying, "I can't say I did much really. Sure I helped you and the others with getting the Elements, but really what could a normal pegasus pony do against Nightmare Moon?" I shrugged again, adjusting myself in my chair.

Zin was angry now, I was denying him what he sought and he knew he wasn't likely to get far with me. So doing the only thing he could, he tried to force it out of me. Taking two leaps towards me, he hoisted me up with some effort out of my chair by my vest before pinning me against the wall. "Now I don't want to hurt you, but if I have to I will. You will tell me right now the truth, all of it."

I lowered my head so only my mouth showed and I grinned at him, an evil grin of someone who knew he was in complete control. He seemed to sense this as he said a bit haltingly, "What are you grinning about?"

"You," I said coldly in my accent, "You think that a little force will change the mind of anypony. I can see why Lisp attacked you. You think you own the world and everypony will just be fine with it. Well let me tell you son, today you just messed with the wrong pony." I looked up then, a trace of fear in his eyes, but still defiant.

Before he could respond, I pulled out my knife from its sheath and rammed the hilt into his lower jaw, causing his head to jerk up. A small crunch came from the impact and Zin howled in pain, holding his snout as he back up a few paces. I moved to him then, before he could recover and jammed the hilt into his gut causing him to cough up a small amount of blood and fly back into the cot.

"You listen here dog," I said shaking him, preventing him from slipping back into unconsciousness, "I've been mighty kind helping you out, going out of my way to bring you here after your fight with the pegasus. I could have left you there and nopony would have known, but I didn't. Now I'd like it if you started showing me a hint of respect." I released him, moving back to my chair to sit down again.

"So what do you say? I am who I say I am, and what I told you was the truth. You can either accept that, or I can be on my way." I said, shielding his view of most of my face with my hat. Facial expressions can give a pony away and as good as I am with controlling them, it never hurts to have a little extra protection.

“Look, I don’t have to explain my past to you right now,” he said, wiping away the blood from around his mouth. “But one thing gets me is this...Do you know anypony by the name of Spade or Shadow?” Ah so it's out at last. I had been expecting him to ask this at one point and I had prepared myself for it.

Without a single hair out of place I replied coolly, "I don't reckon I've heard those names before," I said staring at his eyes. "Why, are they some friends of yours?"

He grinned, "I don't know. I can't quite remember. I feel like I've heard their names before but I can't place them..."

I shrugged at him. "Nopony I know, that's for certain. I've been in this neck of the woods for a good deal of time now and those two names haven't crossed my ears." He stared blankly at me, trying to work through something in his head. "Well I reckon it's time you and I hit the proverbial hay." I laughed a bit.

He tilted his head, his jaw still bothering him. "You're right." he said before laying back down on the cot. Relaxing back in my chair, I pulled my hat over my eyes, slipping into a half-sleep. Any noise he might make would wake me up. If he got it into his head to make his leave, I would know.