• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 1,896 Views, 123 Comments

What have I done? - St Jimmy

Rainbow Dash was dead. None of the elements took it well, But worst of all was Twilight, living secluded in her room, never uttering a word to anyone, as she studied a forbidden art that could change everything forever. That was the case, but now...

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Twilight looked up at the clock on the shelf to her right. It was 2:51 a.m., nopony would be awake at this hour.

‘At long last, everything is ready She looked down at the locket on her neck “Here goes everything,”
She stood on the symbol for “spellcaster” and closed her eyes, she exhaled, and her horn began to glow

Rainbow Dash was lying on a hospital bed in the emergency room. She had bandages on her chest, head, and right wing. Twilight was sitting on the floor, next to the aforementioned bed, despite repetitive offers from the pegasus, Twilight refused to use one of the pillows from Rainbow’s bed to make the tiles more comfortable. Rainbow had been in the hospital since Wednesday, the events that placed her there were quite easy to dismiss, and she probably would have dismissed them had she not lived through them. She had just been flying through Ghastly Gorge, when suddenly, there was a rock slide. this was no ordinary rock slide either, there had been no warning, no randomized thuds and clunks of falling rocks, but lastly, and most interestingly. It was the first rockslide since the pet race in which Rainbow got her pet turtle tank. In other words, it was the first rockslide in almost 2 years.

Still, it had happened, and she had been severely injured, and there was no denying any of it. It was just so unbelievable, so extraordinary, that it could be denied by somepony who didn’t believe in bad luck. She was just glad she had somepony like Twilight. The unicorn was, if you were to ask Rainbow Dash, the most devoted mare-friend anypony could ask for. She spent every moment of free time she had at the side of the pony she loved.

“So, Twilight,” began Rainbow as an attempt to start a conversation. “How are your studies coming along?”

“Great! I just learned a spell that can treat minor cases of food poisoning!”

“Really? That’s awesome! I didn’t even know-,” Rainbow was interrupted by a sudden cough rising in throat.

“Easy Rainbow, you’re still recovering,”

“Right, forgot about that,” Rainbow Dash looked around the small hospital room, analyzing it to ensure that she hadn’t forgotten anything else. Convinced that she hadn’t, she looked at the clock to her left, the time was 8:36, then she consulted the calendar next to it, it was Friday, May 23. “Hey Twilight?”


“How long ago was it?”

“Hmm?” Twilight cocked her head to the right, Rainbow thought it was so cute the way she did that.

“How long has it been since our first kiss?”

“Oh, right. Let’s see…One year, five months, twenty-three days,”

Almost a year and a half then,”

“Yeah, almost,”

“You’re still just as beautiful in the moonlight,”

Twilight blushed “And you’re still just as cute,’”

Had it been anypony else who had just said that to her, they would have had one very angry cyan pegasus yelling her lungs out at them, but it was Twilight so she accepted the compliment, and blushed a bit as well.

Rainbow Dash was a very complicated pony. Her emotions had many levels to them. The first level she and Twilight called her “armor”, many ponies never got the chance to see what she was like underneath, but Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie were able to. Beneath that, there was her “first layer”, all the ponies she considered her friends stopped here. Then there was her “second layer’, this is where her closest friends stopped. There was only one pony who could reach her “final layer” and that was Twilight. That meant that Twilight was the only pony who could call Rainbow cute, who could get Rainbow to have serious emotional talks, and lastly, kiss her.

“So, excluding the cough, how are you feeling?” asked Twilight

“Okay, I guess, but no better than I felt yesterday,”

“I just hope that you feel better by next Saturday. It may be your last chance to become a Wonderbolt,”

“I know, and we must have spent hours filling out that application, I’d hate to see it go to waste,”

“Me too,”

“So when did the doc say I was getting out of here?”

“He didn’t, he just said ‘Only time will tell’,”

“So basically we just wait,”


“I hate waiting,”


“So anything interesting happening with anypony else?”

“Not really…oh, right! Pinkie Pie is running Sugar Cube Corner for the next few weeks,”

“Really? That’s a huge responsibility, do you think she can handle it?”

“I don’t have the slightest idea, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if she could,”

“I dunno, remember when she was taking care of the baby cakes?”

“I understand your point, but you have to give her credit, she had no lack of determination,”

“That’s the problem though, she was so determined to handle it herself that she didn’t get any help until the last minute, which was almost too late. I’m worried that this time it will be too late,”

“Hmmm, that is a valid point, but that’s nothing to worry about, I will be able to help her, I promise,”

“Don’t make an injured mare a promise that you can’t keep Twi’, I’d hate to see your streak be broken,”

“I don’t make a promise if I doubt I can keep it, you know that,”

“Yeah, but you’re making a promise that relies on the choices of another pony. That’s not a very sound plan Twi’,”

“As true as that may be, we have to give her a chance. Otherwise we may never know if she can,”

“I guess…,”

“Anyway, did you see the news this morning?”

Rainbow Dash sat up quickly. “Yeah, of course I did! I can’t believe *cough* that somepony would *cough* dare to *cough* break into *cough* Canterlot *cough* Castle *cough*,” Rainbow reflexively put her hoof u; to her mouth to suppress her coughing. When she pulled her hoof away and examined it, she saw something far worse than the saliva and mucus that she had been seeing all day. “Oh no *cough*,”

Her normally cyan-colored fur had been stained dark red.

“What is it? Should I get the doctor?”

“Call him *cough* in,” She was starting to notice a metallic taste in her mouth, slowly increasing along with her cough. “But don’t *cough* leave me, please *cough*,” Her cough began to increase in frequency, making it harder and harder to breathe.

“Somepony get a doctor, quick!” Twilight shouted into the hall. Almost immediately afterwards, hoofsteps could be heard from the hallway headed in the direction of the offices. “Okay, somepony’s going to get a doctor,” She embraced the coughing pegasus. “Just hold on,”

“Damn *cough*, it just *cough* keeps *cough* getting worse *cough*,” Rainbow Dash leaned back, and immediately regretted it, as she was treated with a piercing pain in her stomach region, provoking an agonized scream from the pegasus.

“Raibow? Are you all right?”

“Twilight *cough* go into *cough* the drawers *cough* and get *cough* out the *cough* thing in the *cough* second one,”

Twilight did so, to discover the drawer was empty save for a silver locket. “What’s this?” asked Twilight, holding up the piece of jewelry.

“Open *cough* it,” Twilight did, and saw exactly what it was.

The locket had two pictures in it, the left picture was Rainbow Dash and her cuddling in front of the lake where they had shared their first kiss, the right one was a pink and purple notecard that read, “For Twilight Sparkle, with all my heart,” Twilight’s eyes began to water.

“Now you can’t give in,”

“Sorry *cough* Twi’, *cough* but I *cough* just don’t have *cough* as much *cough* practice as *cough* my opponent *cough*,” Rainbow was beginning to convulse along with her coughing, and her voice was becoming strained. “I wanted *cough* to give that *cough* to you for *cough* our two year *cough* anniversary, *cough* but I’m not gonna *cough* be there,”

“Don’t talk like that, Rainbow. Of course you’ll be there,”

“Twilight *cough*,” Rainbow looked directly into Twilight’s eyes with the most serious look Twilight had ever seen her make. “Don’t be *cough* irrational, *cough* it doesn’t *cough* suit you *cough*,”

At that moment, the door burst open as the doctor dashed in, followed by a nurse. Twilight stepped back to make room for them, and the doctor immediately felt at Rainbow’s ribcage.

“Dammit, I thought maybe we could have a stroke of luck, but…,” He backed away and looked toward Twilight “Her broken rib has dug into her lung, there’s nothing we can do,”

Twilight was frozen with shock “No…,” She looked toward her convulsing mare-friend. “No!” She ran forward and held the cyan pegasus in her forelegs. “Rainbow, don’t leave me!”

“It’s okay Twilight *cough*, I’m not in pain *cough*,” Her voice was only a raspy whisper at this point.


“Listen, just do me *cough* one favor *cough*,”


“Don’t…forget…me…,” The pegasus fell limp in Twilight’s hooves, her eyes closed, her chest no longer rising or falling.

“Rainbow? Rainbow!” Twilight’s eyes began to water, and her lip began to quiver, until finally she gave in and broke into a sob. She buried her head in her mare-friend’s neck, her shoulders shuddering in perfect sync with the stutters in her sorrowful moaning. Rainbow Dash was dead, her mare-friend, whom she had loved for many more years than she cared to admit, was dead.

Twilight thought to herself as her tears dripped down her cheeks, and onto the motionless pegasus. Don’t worry Rainbow, I won’t forget.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes. At first, all she could see was white, bet then, her eyes adjusted and her vision cleared, and she could see a series of swirling purple beams all around her. She looked herself over, and couldn’t believe her eyes. She was there, but somehow, simultaneously not there. She could see her basic form, her legs, hooves, stomach, tail and such, but it was all, translucent, almost like when she turned into a crystal pony, but more so. She looked forward, and saw a figure through the beams. She couldn’t be certain, but it sort of looked like-


Suddenly, the purple beams began to spin more rapidly, and darken until they had become pitch black. A few moments later, she heard a voice, as though it was her thoughts.

You have the components for the body, and the sentiment for the soul, but no link! I thought you’d be a bit more competent than this Twilight Sparkle. So it was Twilight! The thought of seeing her mare-friend again filled the pegasus with joy. But, since I’ve gone to the trouble of bringing the soul here, I may as well put it somewhere. Let’s see…Aha! This seems to have some link to it. Now if I use some of this. There was a piercing scream of agony from Twilight. I can bond the soul here instead. Suddenly, Rainbow felt an extreme burning sensation from her entire body, eliciting an immense scream of pain from her as well. Shortly after, she was pulled towards Twilight with an incredible force, and blacked out.

Once again, Rainbow opened her eyes. There was very little light, and the beams that were present earlier seemed to have disappeared. She couldn’t make out the features of the small room perfectly, but it was still easily recognizable as Twilight’s basement. Then she remembered, Twilight! She looked around frantically for her mare-friend, if that earlier scream was anything to go by, she would be in severe pain, and probably be injured. Then she saw the unicorn lying a few feet to her right, in a pool of her own blood.

“Twilight!” She flew over to her mare-friend, but when she attempted to pick up the injured unicorn, her hooves passed right through her. “What the hay?”

“Rainbow?” asked Twilight, her voice raspy, and followed by a few short coughs. “Is that you?”

“Yes!” said Rainbow, her voice choked by either sadness or happiness, but she had yet to figure out which. “Yes, it’s me!”

“What’s wrong with your *cough* body? Why can *cough* I see through you?”

Rainbow Dash looked herself over, Twilight was right! She was still transparent! “I can’t touch you either,”

“You can’t?” Rainbow shook her head ‘no’. “Well buck,”

Rainbow was startled “Twilight, I’ve never heard you curse before,”

“A lot has changed in the last week. Anyways, if you’re transparent, and you can’t touch me, then…,” Twilight’s eyes gazed past Rainbow for a brief moment, suggesting that she was in deep thought. “Then it really couldn’t make the link,”

“What do you mean? What’s ‘it’?”

“‘It’ is the guardian of the portal to Tartarus, and I messed up my equations a bit, I figured out what I needed for the body, and obtained enough objects of sentiment to bring back your soul, but I couldn’t forge a link between the two, so that means that you don’t have a body,” She stood up in a deliberate manner, suggesting that she was both frustrated and disappointed. “But wait! A soul can’t be in the world of the living without a carrier, so how…,”


“The locket,”


“The locket you gave me on the day you died! There was a large sentimental link between you and this locket, so it connected your soul to it!” Twilight seemed satisfied for about another half second before she continued on. “But wait! The only way that could happen is if there was a pathway of some sort to morph the soul’s compatability to-” Twilight doubled over coughing.

“Twilight! Are you okay?” asked Rainbow

“So that’s it *cough*,”

“What do you mean?”

“It took some of my organs to build a pathway that would change the compatability of your soul, so that it *cough* could link it *cough* to the locket,”

“Hey, you didn’t answer my previous question,”


“Are you alright?”

“Oh, yeah. I’m fine *cough*. Although *cough*, We should probably *cough* go get help *cough*,”

“Good idea, let’s head to Fluttershy’s,”

“Oh yeah, I forgot that you have a lot to catch up on. I’ll tell you about it on the way to Rarity’s,”

Twilight knocked three times on the door to Rarity’s boutique.

“Wow, I never knew I was so important to so many ponies,” said Rainbow Dash, shocked.

“You know, you don’t give yourself enough credit anymore. You’re the fastest flyer in all of Equestria, the only pony who can perform a Sonic Rainboom,” the door opened “And the Element of Loyalty, that kind of- Oh, hello Scootaloo, what are you doing here?”

“Ummm, I live here,” said the filly, puzzled.

“Scootaloo!” shouted Rainbow Dash, excitedly. “It’s me! I’m back!”

“Do ya wanna to come inside?”

“Yes, please,” Twilight walked forward, stepping through the doorway and into the boutique, followed closely by a slightly frustrated Rainbow Dash.

Scootaloo looked out into the night, to where Twilight had been standing moments before. “Hey Twilight?”


“Who were you just talking to?”

“Oh…Dear, right,” Twilight placed her hoof on her forehead, closed her eyes, and sighed. “Just…just close the door and go get Rarity, please,”

“Okay…,” The young pegasus headed for the stairs, leaving Twilight and Rainbow Dash to themselves.

“Twilight? I don’t understand, why was she acting like she couldn’t see me?”

Twilight sat down and opened her eyes. “Because she can’t see you, and she can’t hear you either,”

“Why not?”

Twilight sighed and turned toward her mare-friend. “Okay, as a soul without a corporeal body you communicate and contact using life energy and spirit force, respectively. In addition, your entire form is practically just those two forms of energy. Since normal ponies can’t make use of either of these without the assistance of magic, most ponies won’t be able to*cough* see, hear, or *cough* touch you*cough*,” Twilight collapsed once again, coughing repeatedly. Rainbow Dash flew over to comfort her, only to be reminded of her current lack of a body.

Luckily, Rarity came down the stairs at that moment, and began to run once she saw Twilight’s current condition. “Twilight! Are you alright?” Asked the unicorn, frantically.

“Yes Rarity *cough*, I’m fine *cough*,” replied Twilight, hoarsely.

“You most certainly don’t sound it. Scootaloo?”

“Yes, Rarity?”

“Could you get Twilight some water?”

“Sure!” the filly went into the kitchen, and audibly shuffled about, opening and closing cupboards.

“Ummm, Twilight? Can I ask you something?”


“What have you been studying?”

Twilight paused for a moment. “I’ve been studying the research of a unicorn named Lost Shadow. He was an expert on the link between the living and the dead,”

“Then that means…No! You couldn’t! You wouldn’t!”

“I did,”

“Twilight! How could you! That’s strictly forbidden!”

Twilight thought for a very short moment as to how to put it into words. “You tell me,” Her horn glowed, and a beam transferred to Rarity, seemingly targeting her eyes and ears. It dissipated quickly, and when it did, her eyes were wide.


“Wait, you can see me? Oh thank Celestia!” Rainbow was so relieved to know that somepony else could see her.

“I-I can’t believe it, it’s actually possible,”

“Apparently so,”

“So why couldn’t I see her a moment ago?”

“Let’s just say I made a calculation error,”

“What are you guys talkin’ about?” Scootaloo was walking out of the kitchen, a glass of water in her left hoof

“Thank you for the water Scootaloo, but I won’t be needing it. I have to go. Oh! Before I forget, do you have some kind of cloak? Preferably one with a hood? The court guard is going to be searching all over Equestria for me, especially if they see my basement,”

“Yeah,” Rarity opened her wardrobe, and pulled out a black cloak with a gold chain. “Somepony ordered this a few weeks ago, but never came to get it,”

“Thank you. And one last thing, when they come looking for me, I wasn’t here,"

Author's Note:

Alright, well the reveal has happened. This was the longest chapter yet in the story as it included both a flashback and present occurance as the focus. now all that remains is to wonder where Twilight plans to go. Also, congratulations to all you clever readers who guessed what happened. as promised, i will be PM-ing you the password for early access to content on this story.