• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 1,896 Views, 123 Comments

What have I done? - St Jimmy

Rainbow Dash was dead. None of the elements took it well, But worst of all was Twilight, living secluded in her room, never uttering a word to anyone, as she studied a forbidden art that could change everything forever. That was the case, but now...

  • ...

Seeking Help

The desert sand kicked up in the blistering winds, seemingly bringing the sand dunes to life in the moving dust. A lone pony walked through this sandstorm, a black cloak covering their body and face from the miniscule rocks and dust particles. To any other pony, they would have seemed insane, or suicidal, or perhaps both. But those ponies would have been wrong, for this pony was just determined. They had to reach this city by nightfall, even if it meant trekking through a sandstorm just past noon.

They were trying to reach the desert city of Dusaan, which, in the ancient language of the area, meant “from dust”. Supposedly there was a unicorn there who could help them with their quest. However, this pony had not eaten in a full ten and a half hours, and hadn’t slept in 12. Their vision was beginning to blacken at the edges, and their legs began to weaken at the knees.

“D-dammit,” stuttered the pony, as their knees buckled and their body collapsed into the sand.

“How is she holding up?” The mare woke with a start, her tired eyes darting around the room, attempting to place a name to it. But the most she could gather was that it was some kind of hospital room.

“She seems fine, she just needs to eat something and get some rest, that’s all,” the voices seemed to be coming from the hallway, and she assumed that the two voices belonged to two doctors, and that they were talking about her. “But it’s strange, I did a physical examination, and if I noted correctly, she’s missing a portion of her diaphragm, as well as some of her lungs,”

“That’s impossible,” But it isn’t. Thought the mare, as she grabbed her cloak and silver necklace from the table next to her bed. “You’ll have to check her again, but this time wait until she wakes up, I don’t want somepony reporting us for violating their privacy,”

“C’mon,” She whispered. “Let’s get out of here,” She put on her cloak and necklace, opened the window, slipped out, and closed it behind her, making almost no noise as she had practiced. “Now then, let’s go find this ‘Shining Bolt’,” She dropped down into the grass and walked toward the street. “Maybe he can help us get you back in the flesh,”

The necklace shimmered blue as a translucent pegasus began to form next to the mare. “I dunno Twilight, that’s what you said about Azure Grass when we were in Kayru, and that was yet another dead end,”

“This one’s different,” said Twilight. “He’s supposed to be an expert on the manipulation of life energy and spirit force. He should at least be able to point us in the right direction,”

“I guess…,”

“Just trust me Rainbow,”

“Well…alright, but only because it’s you, and you usually aren’t wrong. So where does this guy live?”

“Tall building, town square,”

“I sure hope that isn’t an address,”

Twilight laughed a bit. “No, it’s just a general description,”

“Cool, I’ll just stay in here, just in case,”

“Good idea,” There was a small flash of light as Rainbow Dash condensed herself, and returned to the locket, a little trick she had learned a few months ago. The streets of Dusaan were active, and never knew who had the sight, So Rainbow would stay hidden to prevent drawing attention. Twilight pulled up her hood, she was lucky that the doctors hadn’t recognized her, or else the court guard would have been all over them, and then they would never get to talk with Shining Bolt.

Twilight had been gone for nearly six months now, and Celestia was getting desperate. Twilight was her star student after all, and as far as the princesses knew, she had just up and disappeared literally overnight. As far as Celestia knew, she could have been kidnapped, or even killed.

But as much as Twilight wanted to reassure her mentor of her safety, there was no way to do that without revealing her location, and supposing the court guard saw her basement, she would know what had happened, and would be forced to punish Twilight, and most likely would end up placing her on house arrest, meaning she couldn’t fix the mistake she made six months ago. Twilight had promised Rainbow Dash that she would have a body again before their fourth anniversary. Their third was coming up soon, and she felt as though they weren’t any closer.

But, if her sources were correct, as they usually were, then Shining Bolt was her best option.

She walked into Shining Bolt’s academy for young unicorns. There was a gray earth-pony at the desk a feet from the entrance. She had blue eyes and a golden mane, and appeared to be filing paperwork.

“Stay down Rainbow, we shouldn’t risk anypony seeing you,” Whispered Twilight.


Twilight walked up to the desk. “Excuse me,” The pony at the desk glanced up at Twilight, returned to her work for a second, and then, as if she had only just realized the change in her surrounding, suddenly sat upright.

“Oh, terribly sorry, umm…how may I help you?”

“I would like to speak with Shining Bolt. I heard he is an extremely talented unicorn, and I would be quite happy to meet him,”

“Well, I’m sorry but he’s teaching a class right now. But I bet if you wait here for a few minutes you can catch him on his break,”

“In a class, huh…You know what? I think I’d like to sit in on this class, Is that permitted?”

“Uh, I don’t know if-,”

“You said that he was almost finished, and besides-,” Her horn glowed, and Twilight disappeared from sight for an instant before reappearing on the opposite side of the pony. “I doubt I’d be learning anything new,”

“Well…I guess that’s okay. Just don’t disrupt his class, there’s nothing he hates more than somepony disrupting his class,”

“No problem. Which way?”

“Third door on your right,”

“Thank you,” Twilight slowly walked down the hallway to her right, directly following the instructions she had been given. Upon reaching the room, she read the small sign to the left of the door. “Form and Shape Shifting, hm,” She carefully opened the door, and closed it quietly. Since nopony seemed to notice, she concluded that she had not disrupted the class, just as she had promised.

Shining Bolt was in the middle of a lecture, and from the way he was talking, this was the introduction to the class.

“So if you wanted to, say, shift some leaves into the form of some cloth, you would first picture the cloth, then summon up your magical capabilities, and lastly, imagine the leaves changing into the cloth. In conclusion, to form-shift an object, you follow Product, Magic, Shift, understood?” He looked around the room, his gaze shifting from student to student. However, he failed to notice Twilight. “Good, class dismissed. Tomorrow we’ll be practicing some basic form shifts, so be prepared,”

The ponies in the room all left quickly, with the exception of a small blue unicorn with a gray mane, who was packing up noticeably slower than the other ponies had. She had golden eyes, or so it seemed until she turned to face Twilight. She had one gold eye, and one silver eye.

Two different colored eyes were not extremely rare, but rare enough that this was the first pony she had ever seen with the strange pattern. The pony walked quickly and deliberately out of the room, giving Twilight a quick smile before leaving.

Twilight then shifted her focus to the task at hoof, and walked towards Shining’s desk at the front of the room, where he was filing paperwork.

“You must be Shining Bolt,” said Twilight.

“That would be me,” He replied, without averting his gaze from the papers.

“I was wondering if we could have a little chat,”

He looked up. “Oh…Why yes! Certainly!” He got out of his desk and walked over to her. “What might a beautiful, and no doubt intelligent, unicorn such as yourself want to talk about?”

“According to rumor, you’re somewhat of an expert on Spirit Force and Life Energy. Is that correct?”

“It is,”

“I would like to know everything you know about souls,”

“And what might a charming young unicorn like you-,”

Twilight turned abruptly, interrupting the unicorn. “Before this one-sided flirting continues, I’m taken,”

“Oh…well he’s a very lucky stallion,”



“You said that my partner was a lucky stallion, and I corrected you. My partner is a mare,”

“Oh, well then she’s a very-,”

“She has said so, yes. Anyways, souls, or more specifically, souls without corporeal bodies in our world,”

“What do you need to know that for?”

“Let’s just say that I made a mistake, and that it’s imperative that I correct it,”

“What kind of-,”

Twilight slammed her hoof down violently, knocking over a few pencils. “Stop asking questions and start answering them!” She shouted.

“Right, sorry. Well, a soul can exist without a body if the soul and body have been forcibly separated, but for that soul to be in this world, it needs some sort of anchoring with a sentimental connection to the soul,”

“Yes, I know that much. But let’s say I wanted to place a soul into a new body, how would I do that,”

“Well…I guess you could- what kind of mistake did you make that requires you to do such a thing to undo it?”

“That’s none of your-,” Twilight began to see black at the edges of her vision. “Oh *cough* damn,” She laid herself down, coughing in a steady rhythm “Could I *cough* perhaps have *cough* something to eat? *cough* Anything edible would *cough* be great,”

“Uh… yeah, sure,” He went into his office, and came out with some sort of biscuit. “Here, eat this,”

“Thank you,” She ate quickly, and then stood up. “Okay, as I was saying, that’s none of your concern, you just need to worry about asking my questions,”

“Sorry miss, but I need you to answer that question,”

“Sorry Shining, but I can’t answer that. And since you don’t seem like you’re going to be of any help…,” She spun around and headed for the door, but the door slammed shut. The wind from the sudden motion knocked her hood off.


“Well I’ll be, Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, student of Celestia, and magical prodigy. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize you at first,” He teleported to the area in front of her. “So, what brings somepony like you out here? Has Celestia decided to scout out the east, or has she sent you to take down my academy? Well, no matter. I can’t have her discovering that I’m running an unauthorized paid education system, so…,” A translucent beam rose from his back and rocketed straight down towards Twilight.

There was an audible clang and a flash of blue light. When the light faded, it revealed that the beam had been stopped a few inches from Twilight’s forehead.

“What?” Shining’s eyes widened in shock.

“Thank you Rainbow,”

“No prob’ Twi’,”

“It can’t be…Rainbow Dash?” His expression of shock slowly faded into a smirk. “I get it, your physical condition has fallen in, your mare-friend has no body, you really did make a mistake you foolish mare,”

He chuckled. “You attempted to defy the ultimate law of nature itself! You broke the very first rule of magic! And your both suffering for it!,”

“You reckless mare, I thought that Celestia would’ve taught you better but apparently not, and now you’re trying to get your mare-friend back. So you came to me in a moment of desperation,”

“Yeah, I’d say that sums it up. I was reckless and desperate and I made a mistake. Now Rainbow can’t feel anything, can only communicate with a select few ponies, and I’ve lost a good portion of my physical health,” A tear began to roll down her cheek. “Such is what I have done,”

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait for this chapter. I was planning to have it on the site last week, and publish it today, that way winners of the contest would get use out of the password, but I was delayed. to make up for it, I'll post the next chapter early. Also, I'm writing two other stories at the moment which is why I'm a bit scattered. I'm also planning a third that I might do if I need a break from WHID.

FYI: I will be referring to this story as WHID from henceforth.