• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 1,896 Views, 123 Comments

What have I done? - St Jimmy

Rainbow Dash was dead. None of the elements took it well, But worst of all was Twilight, living secluded in her room, never uttering a word to anyone, as she studied a forbidden art that could change everything forever. That was the case, but now...

  • ...


Twilight, or Navy Pure, stepped off of the train and walked straight to the information desk.

“Excuse me? When does the next train to Ponyville depart?”

“Ponyville?” parroted the stallion at the desk. “Let me see. Ah, yes. There is a train leaving at nine tomorrow morning,”

“Thank you,” Navy walked toward the exit, and stepped out into the sun. The sign to her right read “Welcome to Crateria”. She wished she knew what it meant, but she didn’t.

“Well then, I guess I’ll just have to do some research,” She remarked to herself, with a smile.

“Maybe you could turn the pages for me on a Daring Do,” said Rainbow, through their telepathic link. Ever since Rainbow lost her body, their reading sessions had become fairly one-sided. Dash couldn’t turn the pages herself, so she had to have Twilight do it for her.

“Sure. I suppose we haven’t sat down and read in a while. It sounds like fun,” She looked around what appeared to be the center of town for a library, but instead discovered a group of ponies gathered around a stage at which another pony was talking, in a very matter-of-fact tone.

“Celestia and Luna have lied to all of you! The sun and moon move themselves, and the weather can control itself! Our entire society is built upon lies!”

Navy rolled her eyes and was about to walk away, when she heard something incredible.

“Down with Celestia!”

That was not the same voice as the earlier one. Which meant that ponies were actually buying this.

“I can’t believe this,” said Rainbow’s voice.

“Neither can I. We should clear out, this is likely to cause a ruckus, and if it does the guard will show up. And If they take us and start de-camouflaging ponies, we’ll be caught,”



It had taken a little while, but they eventually found the library, and when they did, Twilight’s fears were confirmed. The guard had apprehended anypony in the area, and made sure nopony was camouflaged. One thing she made note of, was the fact that the stallion who caused the situation was missing. Plus, he had been an earth pony, meaning he couldn’t have camouflaged himself without changing his race. Which meant he was either elusive, or a very skilled unicorn. She opted for the former.

“Page turn,” said Rainbow. Twilight reached over to the Daring Do book on her right, and turned it to the next page. Since they had decided that there weren’t any ponies in this library with the sight, Rainbow had uncondensed herself, and “sat” down next to Twilight. But, since she couldn’t turn the pages herself, she had to have Twilight do it for her. Therefore every minute or so, Rainbow would say “Page turn” and Twilight would reach over and turn the page.

Whereas Rainbow was reading for recreational purposes, Twilight was reading legends tied to the Sapphire of Ancients. According to legend, it wasn’t always a sapphire. It was originally a ruby, but then it changed into an emerald, and then ultimately into a sapphire. Nopony really knew why. The book also supplied an exact measurement of how much amplification your magic would receive.

The equation was (M1)2=M2, meaning that the magical output was the square of the magical input. She stopped reading, and did some quick calculations.

She had measured her magical abilities just before her ritual, and scored a 32 (As a frame of reference, average is 20). Meaning that the stone would amplify her magic to above her “god mode” output, at 1,024. And if she used it in her maximum output state, it would score an immense 9,216.

She whistled a monotonous tone. She then turned the page, and froze at what she saw. ,” “Hey Rainbow?”

“Huh?” The pegasus didn’t look up from the action novel in front of her.

“You should read this,” Twilight used her magic to move the book in front of her towards Dash. She read it aloud.

“It is believed that the stone changes forms based on what it is destined to be used for next. It was a ruby, until after a ritual in which somepony attempted to make themselves immortal. It was an emerald until it was used to relieve somepony of their amnesia. Since it is supposedly a sapphire, historians and researchers agree that the next spell it will be used for is related to…souls,”

Twilight smiled. “I don’t know about you but I think that’s a pretty good sign,”

Rainbow nodded her head.

“So then, How about we find a hotel of some sort, get some rest, head back to ponyville, catch up, and then see if we can track this down, hmm?”

“Sounds like a great plan,”

“Alright then,” Twilight used her levitation spell to put both books back on their respective shelves, and then walked outside. “Let’s see, I think there was a hotel towards this direction,” said Twilight, gesturing towards her right.

“I think you’re right,”

“Then that’s the way we’ll go,”

Navy stepped into room 253, and examined it. One bed, one bathroom, one window, and a screened projector.

“I still can’t believe you took us in the exact opposite direction of the hotel,” said Dash.

“S-Shut up!” Navy replied, blushing. “You’re the one who told me it was the right direction!”

“Hey now, I can tease my mare-friend, can’t I?” Rainbow said, playfully

Navy smiled. “Yeah, I guess,” She walked over to the bed, and dropped down on the nearest side.

Rainbow flew over to the other side, and set herself down next to her mare-friend. “Hey,”


“You’re still in disguise,”

Navy looked at her hoof. “Oh, sorry,” A bluish purple aura enveloped her, and then vanished, revealing a purple unicorn with a magenta-highlighted, indigo mane.

“There’s the face I love,” Rainbow smiled. If she could, she’d be blushing a little. Unfortunately, that was just another one of the many things she lost along with her body.

However, Twilight was able to blush, so she did. “I love you, Rainbow,”

“I love you too,” After a moment, both ponies leaned into each other, until they remembered they couldn’t kiss anymore.

Twilight blushed. “Damn. I can’t wait until we get you your body back,”

Rainbow lost herself in Twilight’s purple eyes. “It won’t be long now,”

“You’re right,” She turned over onto her back. “Good night Rainbow Dash,”

“Good night Twilight Sparkle,”

Author's Note:

Alright, sorry about the wait, but here it is. This chapter is mainly to provide some entrance and introduction to the next set of occurances in the storyline. Also, in a few weeks or so I will have a new cover photo and a new chapter.