• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 1,896 Views, 123 Comments

What have I done? - St Jimmy

Rainbow Dash was dead. None of the elements took it well, But worst of all was Twilight, living secluded in her room, never uttering a word to anyone, as she studied a forbidden art that could change everything forever. That was the case, but now...

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Onward and Upward

Papers flew around the library as Twilight rummaged through papers, books, and anything else she could find sitting around.

“You did give me a picture of your parents, didn’t you?” She asked.

“I thought I did,” Replied Rainbow, looking as best she could. However, when you can’t pick anything up, you have a difficult time properly searching. Luckily, she quickly discovered that she didn’t have to search very much. “Perhaps it’s in the binder labeled ‘Rainbow Dash’?”

Twilight facehooved. “Of course it is,” She trotted over to her desk, and opened the binder up. She flipped through about twenty pages before finding the picture in the top right-hoof corner. It featured a rainbow-maned, grey stallion with green eyes, and a yellow-maned, cyan mare with magenta eyes. In between the two was a filly with a scruffy, rainbow colored mane, magenta eyes, and cyan fur.

“Wow…you look like such a happy family,” Commented Twilight.

“We were, but I wanted to come live in Ponyville. I gotta tell ya, I never doubt my decision, no matter how much I miss my parents,”

“Aww…,” Twilight attempted to kiss her mare-friend on the cheek, but ended up passing through and landing on her face. “Ow,”

Rainbow stifled her laughter. “You know, no matter how many times you do that, it’s still funny,”

“You try landing-face first on the floor, then tell me it’s funny,”

“Okay, point taken,”

“Anyway, are they still living in Cloudsdale?”

“Actually, last I checked, dad got a new job in Trottingham, and they moved there,”

“Oh good! I’ve always wanted to go to Trottingham,”

“Convenient,” Said Rainbow, monotonously.

“Oh, don’t be so melancholy. You should be looking forward to seeing your parents again!”

“And yet, I’m not,”

Twilight turned to her mare-friend. “Why is it you don’t want your parents to know that we were dating?”

“Well…I guess it’s just because…,” Rainbow Dash turned away from Twilight. “My parents are really old fashioned. And I guess…this-,” She made a general gesture that suggested herself and Twilight. “-is something completely new to them. I just don’t know how they’d react,”

“I promise you, on my ability to use magic, that if your parents were to be told that this-,” Twilight reciprocated Rainbow’s earlier gesture. “-was what made you happy, they wouldn’t care what it meant in the ‘old days’. All they would need to know is that it’s a part of you, and they would accept it,”

Rainbow smiled. She spent a bit of life energy to add a blush on her face, but Twilight didn’t care. Besides, ponies did a lot of things by habit, and they can’t be blamed for it.

“So, we should probably go somewhere less conspicuous to cast a spell that creates more light than an average star, don’t you think?”


“Oh! And will need a map!”

“We can find one easy”

Twilight normally would have corrected the incorrect grammar, but she had become more tolerant over the last two years. That tends to happen when you carry out regular conversation with Rainbow Dash.

And don’t even get her started on Applejack.

The two ponies stood up (Well, Rainbow Dash sort of floated up, but you get the gist), collected what they decided they needed, and left. After, of course, Twilight reassumed the name and form of Studded Dust.

So the two ponies left the library, and headed for the Everfree Forest.

Most of the ponies in the town took no notice of this. Lots of ponies came to Twilight’s library to look around. She was a sort of celebrity, after all. But more to the point, there was one pony that took special notice of the two ponies departing the library. He hid his face with a hooded cloak, blue with grey trim, and he sat on the far side of the street.

“Trottingham, huh?” He got up, and began to walk towards the train station. “Interesting,”


Princess Luna sighed. She had been in charge of Celestia’s duties all day, and to be perfectly honest, she really understood the amount of stress that her sister had undergone in the years Luna had been on the moon. She had to raise the sun and lower the moon simultaneously, regularly use energy spells to keep herself from falling asleep, oversee several ongoing investigations, including the one that had been tracking Twilight Sparkle, decide if many others should be initiated, and, just as she was doing now, raise the moon and lower the sun simultaneously.

She had been awake for 26 hours, 42 minutes, 50 seconds, 12 milliseconds and counting. She had dark circles under her eyes, partially hidden by her fur, her fur was matted in several places, her eyes constantly found themselves drooping down, and she didn’t have the energy to cast an energy spell.

“Now that’s irony for you,” She said, weakly. She sat back in her sister’s throne, and relaxed.

After a few moments, a Celestial Court Guard officer came strolling into the throne room.

“Oh, it is only you, Splinterhorn. What is it that you require from me?”

“Nothing, I just need to report my findings,” Said Splinterhorn, kneeling in front of the throne.

“Oh? Please do, then,”

“Well, I did not receive any confirmation that Twilight Sparkle contacted her friends. If anypony was to know where she is though, I’d have to say it would either be Applejack or Rarity,”

“Well, that in itself is helpful,” Luna paused. “Perhaps it is time that we tailed the two of them, and ensured that they were not meeting with anypony who they should not be properly acquainted with,”

“It shall be done, Princess. Give Princess Celestia my regards,”

“I shall, Splinterhorn,” The guard-pony left the throne room, and the door slowly swung shut behind him.