• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 572 Views, 7 Comments

The Fourth Star. - Golden Paw

It is nearing the time of the summer sun celebration. The prophesied time of Nightmare moon's return to Equestaria. Tales tell that the stars will aid in her escape, but could there more to this tale than first thought? What dose this really mea

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Signs and Portents.

Six months 'B.N.R' (Before Nightmare's Return)

Outside the borders of Equestria lie lands that have different laws and ways. The peace and happiness enjoyed by Celestia's subjects is not a universal rule across the world. A small fortified mixed community found to the south of Equestria's boarders was one such place. The ponies and other creatures that lived there knew little of Celestia's realm other than what they had heard from passersby, which were few and far between.

It was a small town known simply as 'High Point' and from the outside seemed little more than a collection of stone homes built directly onto the mountain side. Supports comprising of stone cut pillars formed the foundations for most of High Points walkways and the whole place carried a cobbled together look. Most of the town was actually inside the mountain which was accessed by a fortified cave entrance. These divides were known as 'Up Town' and 'Down Town' no points for guessing which was named after what.

The place drew out casts, waifs and strays like a moth to a candle flame. Many got a little singed during their time there as it was a rough place, but most lived to tell about it assuming they didn't die in the wastes surrounding the fortified settlement.

Extract from My Journeys Southward by 'Curious Clopper'.

The new day’s sun illuminated the bedroom of 'Sky Strike'. The pegasus was a watch pony in High Point's militia (they didn't have an organised guard force, or much else organised for that matter.) The stallion was sleeping off his fifth coming of age party last night (Folks in High Point, celebrated every five years they have lived as every day still breathing was an achievement.) and grumbled as he turned over in his bed. A fancy name for a plank with some wool sheets on it. The sun was an unwelcome feeling and what made it worse was how his friend 'Gorgon' ripped the covers off him.

Sky Strike let out a moan before looking at the Gorgon with a pair of bloodshot brown eyes. The black griffon looked down with a smug look in his yellow eagle eyes before prodding Sky with a claw. Sky Strike stared at his 'roommate' and had to remind himself that they were friends: Well maybe not friends, but then again they weren't out to kill each other or get one over on their fellow so in High Point that was a good start.

"Come on Sky my turn for some rest. I've been keeping watch all night, time for your shift so shift."

Sky grumbled something before flopping out of bed and onto the floor. Gorgon chuckled to himself before he did his best to get comfy on the small cot, "Oh and I finished off the last of the rations, so you will need to grab some more while you're out, got it?" The griffon called out as Sky staggered his way out of the door.

Sky Strike stepped out of the door way and felt the warmth of the sun on his coat. The pegasus was a patchwork of colours, mostly cream with a few spots of black and white. Most ponies about here had a very mixed family trees resulting in some very strange combinations and Sky was no exception. He had gotten his cutie mark of (A yellow bolt of lightning striking the ground and causing a rock to split) just before his first coming of age. His mother had often joked with him that his aunt was a zebra and his uncle a buffalo. (She had mostly used that last point by telling him he had the thick skull of his uncle any way)

Sky began to loosen up his muscles, starting with his rear legs, working up his body and wings before finally finishing with his neck. A few joints clicked and Sky released a grunt of discomfort. That had been one crazy night. With his basic warm ups done Sky Strike dunked his head in a nearby barrel of water to get the last of the sleep out of his head.

Shaking himself dry, Sky then began dressing in his work gear: A simple white linen wrap that covered his head to kept out most of the dust when flying out in the wastes and a work harness harness including a survival pack and a few other tools. Last was a pair of sharpened wing blades. His primary means of hunting and defence. This was all topped off by a light set of woven armour made of scales and other protective skins taken from the local wildlife.

After giving a final check that all his equipment was in order, Sky Strike made his way to the watch station a couple of buildings along the walkway and reported in. the walkway was built into the town's wall and you could see the drop off to the wastes below if you looked over the guard rail. Upon entering the tower, Strike felt the air grow chilled as he came in out of the sun and not just because he was in the shade: 'Enigma' liked things cold and dark, being a nightborn after all. The guard post was darker than the normal absence of light would suggest.

Sky recalled the words his trainer had said; You didn't cross Enigma. She was a fully black mare, with dark purple mane and tail. Enigma's slitted eyes were a piercing blue and always held a condescending look. It always unnerved Sky the way Enigma practically vanished into the darkness she took everywhere with her and could fully believe that her sharp teeth were almost as dangerous as her temper. Enigma was in charge of security and protection in High Point and everyone in the militia: Even the biggest meanest diamond dog would treat her with respect.

"I see Gorgon found and woke you then?" Her voice was only just a whisper, but it hit you like a knife in the mind. Enigma didn't tend to use spoken words and placed her meanings right into your head. It had freaked out the pegasus the first time he had met one of the nightborn. Most felt it rude to use their magic in such a way, but everyone knew what happened to the last pony that complained about Enigma's methods: They hadn’t slept well for weeks.

"Yes mam, ready to sign out," Strike replied crisply before saluting. (It paid to keep on Enigma's good side)

Enigma nodded before handing a scrap of paper to the waiting pegasus who looked with his orders; It was further out than usual Sky noted but wisely kept his curiosity to himself, or at least thought he did as Enigma chuckled.

"Yes I'm sending you deeper into the wastes this time: We've had some news that the locals are getting restless again. I want you to check it out." The silken quiet voice of Enigma flowed into Sky Strike's Brain.

Strike saluted and trotted his way out, thankful to be out of the nightborn's cold aura. He trotted a little way to the edge of the tower, spread his wings and after a short pause dropped off the edge of the town wall. Sky watched the gangways and bridges of High Point teeming of buffalo, earth ponies and even a few zebra, no doubt on errands of their own pass him by at he dropped.

As the ground raced up to meet him, Sky angled his descent so that his fall took him out over the wastes and towards the rising sun. he flew for several minutes, leaving High Point in the swirling dust clouds behind and soon could see nothing for miles in any direction.

Hovering briefly, Sky checked the map he had been given and angled himself in the direction indicated. Sure he had his course correct he flew off to see what had gotten the 'locals' so spooked up. Sky chuckled to himself: When a High Pointer called something a 'local' they were talking about the normal wild life. This land had any number of unpleasant creatures ready to eat an incautious explorer.

Giant ‘rattle pythons’, ‘scorpani’ were just a few of the of land bound monsters that sprung to mind as Sky soared over the empty expanse. Then there were razor flocks and mist webs Sky recalled more lessons from his trainer: For your basic air rider they can strip you of meat in less than a minute. Sky felt his nerves twanging; if these beasts were getting restless then the inhabitants of High Point needed to know why.

Coming to the first watch post Sky Strike circled once to check things over. To his dismay the shutters were down and he could only see a small plume of smoke coming from the chimney. That was odd, you normally only hunkered down if there was a heavy dust storm coming in and the horizons looked clear to Strike. There hadn't been any in the last few days either and Sky cursed.

It wasn't the first time some pony on duty had taken the chance to have a little nap and Sky hoped it was just that, the alternative was not something he wanted to contemplate. Sky Strike had heard the stories; of watch posts found simply empty or worse, with only 'left overs' remaining.

feeling his skin prickle, Sky Strike flew down to the entrance and paused before working the lock. It was open, another bad sign. Heart thumping in chest, Sky slowly pried open the door and looked inside: The shaded room within was quiet and looked deserted. Still tense, Sky took a few step forward, keeping his eyes peeled for anything more out of place as his ear frantically swiveled. The dingy room before him was silent apart from the wrattling shutters and as Sky examined further he saw there was half eaten food on the table. Sniffing it cautiously, Sky decided it could only have been there a few hours at most.

He carefully made his way up the stairs inside to the only other floor in this wooden shack on tall stilts, inwardly cursing at the way his hooves made the wooden panel’s creek. Sky poked his head above the parapet of the staircase and he saw a shadowy form in the observation chair; It wasn't moving. Preparing himself for the worst, Strike sidled up to the chair and looked at the body contained within.

Sky was met by a smell of bad breath and hog swill, Literally. The sleeping boar had chosen that precise moment to belch into noisily into Sky Strike's face and he reared back, eyes stinging, coughing the whole while. The recumbent boar opened its eyes at the sound and gave a little squeal.

"Caw 'Hogstrot', that was disgusting," Strike said covering his muzzle with a hoof, "You know what Enigma would do to you if she caught you asleep on the job again."

The boar shook his head and yawned, "Now see here I wasn't asleep, I was just on a scheduled break that's all."

Sky Strike folded his fore hooves and lent against a support strut while raising an eye brow, "That's what you said last time too."

"Well it was true then as well, an old swine like me needs his rest, plus you know nothing ever happens out here Sky," Hogstrot said with a grumble.

Sky Strike pushed open the shutters and let the light from outside stream in. Hogstrot released a bemused squeal before Sky rounded on his fellow, "Yeah like the last supply caravan that came this way. It was eaten by a python? Or the time the razor flocks came early and someone forgot to tell anyone?"

The untidy boar had the good sense to at least look embarrassed, "Well almost nothing happens out here," Hogstrot said looking in a sorry way at Sky Strike. "I...... he began, before noticing a small flash in the distance. "Did you see that?" Hogstrot asked.

Sky Strike looked around to where the pig was now pointing: There about a mile, maybe two from the tower was another purple flash, "That was a magic discharge, I'd bet my bonus on it." Hogstrot commented.

"Yeah safe bet, we don't get a bonus Hogstrot, but I think you're right," Strike commented as they both watched as a number of further flashes followed one after another.

Hogstrot whistled to himself, "Well whoever they are they are throwin magic about like it was a pack of playin cards. Gonna have a swarm of scorpani on them in no time acting like that." It took him a few moments to realize that he was alone again and after shrugging he picked up a bottle hidden under his chair. "Leave the fighting and saving to the proper fighters," Hogstrot told himself as he settled down to watch the show.

Sky Strike was flying and could see the plume of dust rising from the fight that was happening up ahead: By the looks of things there were maybe two or three ponies trying to hold off an enraged rattle python. The huge snake was ploughing through the sands after its prey and Sky cursed even as his trainer's voice echoed in his mind: A rattle python is a massive creature that can grow to easily five times the size of a pony; they hunted by following the vibrations in the ground or air and the distinctive rumbling sound of a charging rattle python as they move through the earth was how they have earned their name.

Good old 'Tumble Horn', Sky Strike missed his trainer who'd met a sticky end in the maw of a Python a few years back. There wasn't a day that went by where Sky didn't use something the buffalo had taught him.

Shaking his head, Sky Strike dove closer only to see the snake catch the rearmost of the fleeing equines. With a crunch the animal chomped down on its prey; snapped the hapless pony's spine before tossing it into the air and catching it in its jaws. Strike winced but consoled himself that this had bought the others some time at least.

The pegasus flew past and calling out in frustration, "Stop running it can't see you! It tracks you by your hoof falls!". The two ponies were a pair of unicorns, no Sky corrected himself. One unicorn and one nightborn. The dark unicorn was less obvious because it wore a shaded cloak and hood which covered it. The pale green unicorn stallion called up for help, but kept running despite Sky's warning.

Sky could only watch as the rattle python, having finished its meal, shook its head left and right searching for its next meal. Either the nightborn was a better listener, or just too scared to move because it mercifully flopped down in a scared huddle and lay there. The fleeing unicorn just kept on going as he galloped at full speed, leaving the nightborn to their fate.

Sky Strike cursed and realising he wouldn't get there in time looked away; not wishing to see the previous event repeated. He headed back to the final pony, trying to ignore the grisly sounds of the python eating behind him.

The nightborn hadn't moved from where he had left them and Strike looped back around so that he was above the prone pony again, "Stay there and don't move," he shouted once again. The pony seemed to nod but it was hard for Sky to tell with their hood up.

Keeping an eye on the large snake Sky let himself drop a few feet, it was going to be close, but Sky reckoned he could carry one pony to safety. keeping one eye on the rattle python, who was now turning its head this way and that searching for a clue as to its next prey, Strike dropped a little closer and felt the cold air. The nightborn was holding it's cold night shield about it, that was bad.

"Listen I know you ain't gonna like this, but you're gonna have to drop your aura, it's gonna draw worse things to you." Sky called out as loudly as he dared and to his dismay the rattle python snapped it's head around like a wolf catching the scent.

"Are you crazy? I'll fry alive in this heat!" The nightborn who turned out to be a mare under all those dark robes shouted back even as the python hurled itself forward, picking up speed and shaking ground all around in its efforts to catch its prey.

"It's that or get eaten alive by our big friend over there; You will freeze me if I try to pick you up like that," Sky dared to drop lower, the python bearing down on them the whole while, "Even if you could outrun the rattler you would be chased and torn apart by scorpani, they just love magic users and can track you by your spells. Up to you but best be quick." Sky Strike called back in a matter of fact tone.

The pony below him seemed to way up her options and then with obvious hesitation let her cold barrier drop. The warmth of the wastes was a only slightly uncomfortable for Sky, but he was like stepping into an oven for the nightborn. He heard the mare gasp and saw the sweat pouring off her.

Sky Strike dived, the beast was only a few hoof steps away now and there was a good chance the stallion along with the mare could be its next meal. Sky grabbed the streaming mare and pounded his wings in an effort to get them both air borne. The python lunged catching the hem of the mare's robe; yanking her and Sky back down toward the ground.

The pony below him screamed as the hood was pulled away and her sensitive eyes caught a full burst of sunlight. She closed them tightly as tears fell down her cheeks. Sky grunted as the python, hearing its prey above, flipped about and snapped up in the air. It was rewarded with a number of dark blue tail hairs for its trouble and to Sky's further dismay his passenger instinctively began to raise her aura again.

Sky felt the frosty cold spreading up his hooves as the mare below him began to call on her magic, "No! Do that and were both dead! Just hang on and I’ll get us to the watch post." There was further sobbing from below, but mercifully the icy chill began to fall back again. Sky Strike released a relieved breath as the rattle python below began thrashing around trying to catch it's meal that was now thankfully out of its reach.

Sky flew as fast as he could, but it was clear that this was an agonizing few minutes for the nightborn. She was gasping trembling by the time Sky finally made it to the watch tower. With a final grunt of effort Sky dropped the overheating mare and felt his last night catching up with him as his fore legs burned: Shouldn't have tried to beat Gorgon in a hoof wrestle.

The nightborn with an effort now raised her aura of cold and took deep breaths that left clouds of steam in the air. Without further encouragement she made her way inside the tower and Sky watched as she savoured the blissful haven from the outside sun. The mare wrinkled her nose and Sky could easily guess why, the whole place smelt like a pig's sty.

"Fine flying there Strike, didn't think you would have pulled any of em out with that big old snake bearing down on yer," Hogstrot clambered down the stairs.

"Thanks Hogs but if I knew nightborn were so heavy I may have just left her there," Sky replied, a weary humour in his tone.

"What! I'll have you know I am very aesthetically built!" The pair of slitted green eyes glared at Sky who just laughed, quickly followed by Hogstort. The mare's eyes filled with tears, Star Blast says....Star Blast said so. She began to tremble and both the male occupants in the room stopped laughing at once.

"Now come on miss, it was only a joke," Hogstrot said in a consoling way.

Sky just shook his head, they were used to life being so fragile here, and this mare was evidently from somewhere else with different rules. The nightborn broke down fully, burying her head in her hooves and Sky Strike gave a big sigh, before going on:

"Listen, this is the wastes. Things are rough here and we have all lost some pony, but if we broke down and cried every time, we would never survive. Now I know you're new here, otherwise you wouldn't have had that beast on your tail or been flinging spells about like a foal's entertainer. You have got to toughen up or this place will gobble you up and spit your bones out for the razor flocks to finish," Sky Strike said in a level tone.

The mare looked up at the stallion in complete shock.”What a terrible thing to say to somepony who had just lost two friends and nearly been eaten herself. How dare you! You.....you feather brain!" To her surprise Sky Strike just grinned.

"That's better, keep up that way of talking and you might just last a few days out here," Sky Strike added. "Now what the hey were you doing out in the wastes anyhow?" Sky asked still keeping an impassive tone.

"First of all you are going to tell me your name; I can't just keep calling you pegasus, or ruffian." The mystery mare demanded.

Strike grinned again. "Well since you asked so nicely, my name is Sky Strike, Miss?

"My name is 'Foresight', my friends call me Foresight and you can call me...." Foresight began only to be cut off by Hogstrot.

"Lemme guess Foresight?" The hog kin said trying to keep a straight face.

Foresight glared at the boar and stuck her nose up in the air. with a 'hmph'. Now that her hood was down Sky Strike managed to get a good look at the pony before him. She was the typical jet black form of a dark unicorn. Her young eyes were slitted green, while her tail and mane were dark blue with a lighter blue stripe running its length.

"Okay Miss Foresight, what the hay were you doing wandering in the wastes?" Sky Strike pressed yet again.

"Look not to sound ungrateful but I don't see much of what business it is of yours," Foresight said with a slight tremble in her voice.

"Well you're in High Point territory now and that makes it our business, so unless you want us to toss you out with your former friends then I would start talking." Strike's hard gaze showed how serious he was and Foresight wilted under his piercing brown eyes.

She took a steadying breath and closed her eyes, "Have you heard of the Summer Sun Celebration?"

Both Hogstrot and Sky shook their heads, it was all news to them, "You're telling me you went for a walk in the most dangerous place we know to go to a party?" Strike asked in an incredulous voice.

"Of course not." Foresight snapped back. "It's the longest day of the year, a thousand years since Nightmare Moon was defeated. Don't you know anything?"

The two males looked at each other with confusion and annoyance, "Get to the point Foresight, my patience is wearing thin," Strike added.

Foresight let out an exasperated noise, "Look there is this big prophecy right, and Nightmare Moon is going to come back to Equestria and take over again."

"So what’s that got to do with us? We're not Equestrians. If some power mad alicorn monster wants Equestria that's not our problem," Hogstrot said with a snort.

"It will be when she covers the whole world in an eternal night: Once she has finished remaking Equestria into a realm of shadows and nightmares where do you think she will head next hmm?" Foresight asked as if she was talking to a pair of little foals.

"So you're running away from Equestria then? To get as far as possible from the threat?" Sky Strike asked, "Why would you be so bothered? I mean, aren't your kind descended from her loyal what ever's?" Hogstrot shook his head in confusion.

Foresight face hoofed. "Look most of the ponies she 'altered' were her slaves, I don't want to be that and I may be the only one that can stop her okay. Epic quest, lots of danger and so forth." The pair burst out laughing and Foresight fumed angrily.

There was a sudden chill in the air and to Sky's surprise it wasn't coming from Foresight. He felt the voice echo in his mind, "Strike bring her to me I want to talk to her."

Foresight looked around in shock, "Who in the hey was that?"

"Enigma, she's using the focus at the tower's peak to call us. I guess you have got permission to come into our lands then," Strike explained, eyeing Foresight in a suspicious manner, "Well that's it then, you're coming with me."