• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 572 Views, 7 Comments

The Fourth Star. - Golden Paw

It is nearing the time of the summer sun celebration. The prophesied time of Nightmare moon's return to Equestaria. Tales tell that the stars will aid in her escape, but could there more to this tale than first thought? What dose this really mea

  • ...

Time to stop Running

Sky was furious, how could they all be so blind? This was madness and would never work. He paced back and forth as the ithi organised themselves for the coming battle. Part of him did feel for the sad state the altered found themselves in, but that didn't mean they had to risk every other pony surely?

Enigma was becoming more like her old self as she slipped into the role of directing the lithi and making plans. Shakala had trotted off and seemed to be meditating and Foresight, well the young nightborn was doing her best to convince Sky Strike that they were doing the right thing.

"Sky, come on, they want to take down the ponies that destroyed your home. They want to do the right thing surely you can see that?" Foresight pleaded.

Sky glared at Foresight, she did have a point but he was too admit that. Of course he wanted payback for what the cult ponies had done, but Sky had the nagging feeling in the back of his mind that this plan was going to cost them much more than they expected.

"Do you even know what you will need to do if this even works? The lithi weren't very forthcoming on your role in this plan. Do you just need to stand there while some occult spell is cast and everything will be okay?" Sky snapped at Foresight, "Can we really trust these stone ponies? Only a little while ago they were planning to kill you Foresight."

Foresight looked at Sky Strike with her green slitted eyes and Sky wondered at how quickly their roles seemed to have changed. He was being hesitant and doubtful and now she was the one advocating conflict. Sky Strike was keenly reminded at how much Foresight had changed in the short time he'd know her. The fire of hurt still burned in Sky's heart, but.....

"Sky I know you're angry, we have all lost so much already, but if we don't do something we all stand to lose more," Foresight tried again and he had to restrain his urge to snort in annoyance.

"Sure kill them all or turn em to stone or whatever, but why this plan of letting them release Nightmare Moon as well? If she’s bad as you all say, why are you even considering it?" Sky knew he was singing the same old tune, but he was deeply troubled at the sort of manic obsession that had overcome his companion and ward.

The change had been one Sky had fostered if he was honest. He had done his best to toughen Foresight up, to help her survive and part of the his heart dearly wished she was that scared innocent filly again. It had been a refreshing change from the jaded life he had led before she came.

Sky hated the idea that they were all just pieces in a game being played by other creatures. He really hated the idea that his destiny was being mapped out regardless of his own feelings and all this talk of prophecy and fates was just plain getting on his nerves. Surely a pony could make their own choices.

"I think that orb has messed with your head Foresight. A few weeks ago you would never have said anything like this," Sky Strike said quietly, "Or maybe I don't know you as well as I thought I did." He said to himself more than to Foresight.

Foresight blinked, "Oh Sky, you've been looking out for me since I met you. You're brave and strong, but sometimes you’re a real feather brain you know that?" Foresight grinned even as Sky Strike rolled his eyes..

Sky looked to Foresight and no longer recognised the scared filly he had found in the wastes all those weeks ago. She seemed to stand a little taller than before and there was a resolve in her eyes which was as solid as the ground under his hooves. Why did the world have to take the sweet and innocent and try to turn them into heroes?

Sky had once heard that tough times brought out the best and worst in ponies. With Foresight the change was profound to say the least. Here she was giving Sky Strike, a pony far older than her advice and support. The pegasus would have laughed at the idea only a few weeks ago.

"Sky I want to show you something, it would mean a little ‘head poking’, but I really think you need to see it," Foresight asked in a gentle way which put Sky Strike instantly on guard: Young as she was, Foresight was a nightborn and head magic was their specialty. If the orb and whatever 'voodoo' was in it had been playing with the mare's head then who knows what she might try.

Foresight went on, "Sky I know you're scared, but this is really important. You need to know what is at stake here." There was an element of pleading in her voice and when he looked her in the eye Sky saw tears there. Foresight was crying and the water solidified as it ran down her cheeks before finally tinkling onto the floor in little frozen drops. Sky felt the chill of her cold aura flaring in time with her emotions, "Please let us show you," Foresight pleaded.

Confused but feeling his heart moved by such an honest plea Sky finally nodded and Foresight's magic enveloped him. Sky stumbled as for a short while it felt like he was falling. When he felt solid ground under his hooves once more, the cave and its pervasive darkness were gone: Sky now stood in a grand castle hallway with rich drapes and ornate carvings much in evidence.

Sun light streamed in from the stain glass windows lining passageway and Sky thought he could hear the sounds of birds singing far off. The sounds however were all distorted in a strange ‘tinny’ way. The world also looked slightly blurred, like a lens which was out of focus.

"What's this then?" The scepticism in Sky's tone was clear and to his relief the stallion’s voice didn’t share the odd quality of the world around him.

"This is what Star Glow showed me," Foresight's voice drifted into Sky's mind.

"That doesn't answer my question," Sky replied, his annoyance flooding back again..

"Just watch and if at the end of this you don't want any part in the coming fight then I won't force you to come," Foresight's whispered answer floated into Sky's head..

Sky Strike looked around to see Foresight standing besides him and both watched as a unicorn walked slowly into view from around a distant turning in the well furnished corridor. As this new pony came closer the sounds and the sight’s became more distinct, as if the unicorn’s very presence pulled the scene into sharp clarity.

The yellow mare made her way quietly along before coming to a stop in front of a set of tall doors. After looking both ways to make sure she was alone, the pony flicked her tan coloured mane aside and pressed her ear against the doors to listen carefully. Sky noted the young mare's flank bore a cutie mark of a telescope observing a beautiful constellation.

He pricked up his ears as the unknown voices beyond the portal also came into focus. One was confident, playful and made Sky feel like he was hearing an aunt who loved him dearly and only wanted the best for him.

Of the other voice, it was subdued and fragile and held none of the presence of the first: Whoever this voice belonged to it lacked the strength and resolve of the first. Sky had a pretty good idea of who the speakers were, even though he had never met them himself.

"Well done Luna that was a wonderful effect with the shooting stars last night, Star Glow speaks highly of thy efforts whenever one sees her." Confident voice commented.

"Thank you Tia, we put a lot of work into that one; the colour blending alone was....." The other's reply was cut off abruptly.

"It put them all in the mood for the one's sunrise again seeing all those colours and sparkles. We think one will try taking some of thy ideas and incorporate them into the sunset: That will really awe them all," The first voice commented, clearly only half listening to what the second said.

"Of course Tai, we are glad that thou liked it and we would be honoured that thou would want to use some of our techniques. If you like we could present them at the next council mee...." Again the more timid of the two was cut off mid sentence.

"Yes we think that would be best, One’s subjects shall all see the sunset with a new renewed wonder. Oh we could use it as a transition for the aura borealis, thank you Luna for giving us the idea. We shall get to work right away, the next dusk is only a day away," The first voice mused.

There was a short pause before the first voice spoke again with a reprimanding tone, "Oh don't give us that face sister; we think thy work is great. Thou should really stop being so self critical, the stars tonight were wonderful and may even be a match for my displays someday if you keep at it."

Star Glow heard the sounds of approaching hoof falls and shifted aside from the doors just in time for them to dramatically thrown open and a white alicorn that could be none other than Celestia herself stepped through. Sky had never seen a princess of Equestria before; but this creature fitted his imagined idea of an alicorn. Sweeping wings and long horn along with the greater stature fitting his mental image. He also caught the angered look of the dark alicorn that could only have been Luna gave her departing sister.

Sky Strike began to panic as the Celestia headed right for them, but she stepped right through Foresight and Sky as if they weren't there.

"We’re only watching a memory of Star Glow, none of this is happening now. Don't worry you're in no danger," Foresight sent upon seeing his discomfort.

"Thanks for the heads up," Sky grumbled.

Foresight motioned for him to watch what happened next: Star Glow made her way around the door that she'd been trapped behind in the wake of Celestia’s passage. "Well your highness, it seems Celestia recognised the efforts you put in tonight; She said your work was wonderful," Star Glow called with a forced cheerfulness.

"Only showing that Celestia thinks she’s better than us, our sister will steal your ideas and leave you in the background 'again'" The icy thought dripping with resentment slithered into Sky’s mind and he shivered. It was clear Star Glow had heard it also as her kind face formed an expression of confused fear. The mysterious voice caused Sky’s ears to flatten and he looked about wearily.

"What was that?" He asked in a nervous voice.

"The echoes of what was to come," Foresight placed into his head with a sad tone. "Luna was always eager to please, to help and support her sister. She found herself being pushed to the side at every turn as Celestia always seemed to 'out shine' Luna on every level. Though she tried to be kind to Luna, she failed to see how unhappy her younger sister was becoming. Being the centre of attention can do that to a pony. The lime light dazzles you so much all you can see is your own reflection."

"Well that white one did seem to have her head stuck right up her own....." Sky began.

"She was young and foalish, even alicorns need to grow up and learn," Foresight sent in reply, "The Celestia I know, is wise and gentle; she's learnt a lot since those days past. Losing Luna shook her terribly, enough to make Celestia curb her prideful ways and fly straight once again."

"If you say so," Sky Strike still didn't trust all he was being shown. Foresight was talking in such a wise 'I know everything' kind of way. A far cry from the scared mare he'd had saved from a giant snake, Foresight didn't seem completely like Foresight any more and Sky didn't know if that was a good thing.

The scene unfolding before them was still going on and Sky forced himself back to what he was seeing. Luna, now alone with her maid, lost all sense of composure and broke down. She wept uncontrollably as she lay forlorn on a richly decorated chair, her mane all tangled and her eyes screwed tightly shut.

"One tries so hard Star, we really do. It took us weeks to gather all the colour plans and 'she' took it all and will use it for her own gain," Luna sobbed. "She thinks she is better than you, she's wrong and you know you're better than her. Half of the things she does you came up with in the first place." The dark undertone had a slight delay to it as it overlaid Luna’s words.

Sky now understood what Foresight was getting at, two voices but only one pony. The first a sad pony pouring out her heart to a friend, while the other a dangerous undercurrent of hate mixed with spite that echoed in the mind and caused Star Glow to grimace.

"One's work is being overlooked at every turn, all the ponies love Celestia and her day: They care not for us or our night," Luna buried her head in the cushions of the chair, tears running freely. "I will make them love me, I'll show the whole world what I can do." followed closely behind, but the delay shorter than before.

Star Glow went pale and her eyes went wide in fear, "Your highness, please don't do anything rash. I can go get Temporal Balance he will know what to do: Please Luna you're overly tired and making yourself ill," Star pleaded, backing away slowly.

The Princess' eyes looked up into Star Glows and for the tiniest moment they weren’t the gentle pupils of Luna, they were those of a dragon's. "We do not need your help!" This time there was no echo, the words were Luna's own and they blended with the dark whisper, becoming one and the same. The moment passed and Luna's rounded pupils were back, but that one glimpse terrified Star Glow and with tears of her own she turned and fled.

"Nay wait! Star Glow we are sorry, we didn't mean anything of the kind!" Luna called out but it was too late. Star Glow galloped away, tears of her own lining her cheeks and showed no sign of stopping. "See even she leaves you in the end. So much for her 'friendship'." Came the thought. Luna with her lip trembling cried out in anguish, "Silence thou cur, one will not listen to you!"

As Star Glow galloped away the scene began to dissolve once more, but Sky caught the impression of furniture being lifted in a magical glow and hurled about the room to shatter against the walls. The tinny sounds of splintering wood chased Star Glow all the way up the distorting passageway.

Sky felt the world lurch as the image changed. The sun seemed to fly across the sky, the shadows following their normal progression, but at a far greater speed. Soon the castle was in the grip of night and the moon rose into the sky before falling again. The simple cycle of night to day danced for a time before slowing and finally coming to rest upon a night time vista of the corridor.

Once again Star Glow was outside the doors to Luna’s apartments, hoof raised to knock. She hesitated with fear in her eyes which now had dark circles under them, evidently Star Glow hadn’t slept well for some time. After taking a moment to muster her courage she rapped on the wood.

There was a tense moment before Luna's voice replied with a simple, "Enter." Star Glow carefully pulled the door open and stepped inside. Sky and Foresight found themselves being drawn into the room also as Star's memories moved them with her. Luna was sitting in darkness looking out the window to the stars beyond.

"Your highness, I came to apologize, I..I should not have run from you so," Star Glow bowed submissively before looking up in apprehension at the silhouetted figure of Luna.

"It is alright my faithful servant, one was not behaving like one's self. As thou has said before we have been working ourselves too hard, but we have resolved the problem and are much calmer now." Luna didn’t turn to look at Star Glow, the moon light from outside casting her in a silhouette.

"What is your command Luna? I am eager to serve," There was a look of hope on Star Glow's face now. Sky could almost feel Star's earnest joy that Luna had indeed improved. Luna's voice was her own and there was no sign of the distressing echo from before.

"Do you trust me Star Glow?" Luna asked.

Star was taken aback by this, "Why of course your highness."

"Will you follow my orders, even if you don't fully understand them?" Luna asked again, now there was the tiniest hint of a tremble there.

"I will do all I can to serve the crowns my princess," Star Glow replied uncertainly.

Luna was silent for a moment before going on. "I have a plan that should make everything better my dear Star Glow and I want your help with it," Luna hadn't moved as she studied the night sky beyond the window.

"If it is in my power my princess I will aid you," Star Glow said with conviction.

"Very good Star Glow, you can be of great help to me. Now just stand still, sadly this may hurt just a little," Luna's voice had taken on a cold quality and before Star Glow could reply she became wrapped in Luna's magic. She tried to struggle but the was far beyond Star Glow’s power to break, "You will be my first, dearest friend, an example for others to follow. A new breed of pony, perfectly suited to the new Equestria."

Star Glow tried to cry out for Luna to stop, but her mouth only let out a little sound of terror as she felt the magic force it's way into her. In that moment she knew and felt all the pain along with the resentment that Luna felt. Star Glow was forced to share the madding need to prove herself in the eyes of a sister and people who failed to appreciate the Princess of the Night. She felt it drive through her body and left it changed, smothering what had gone before and replacing it with something darker.

Star Glow would have screamed with fear and pain, but her body was not under her control. All she could do was burrow back to what she knew was right, her love for her home, her friends , her family and despite what was happening to Star Glow her feelings for Luna. She was Star Glow’s dearest friend and the darkness sweeping her body couldn't fight past that barrier no matter how hard it tried.

Just when Star Glow felt she could take no more the power released it's clawed grip and Star fell to the floor panting. As the pain had washed through her, she'd been forced to screw her eyes tightly shut, but when she finally got the courage up to open them the world around her had changed. Sky looked on in dismay, where there had been only darkness, the room was now alive with hundreds of shades of shadow, he could see the beauty in the darkness and the room was as clear as day to now.

Sky Strike shared Star Glow's horror as she saw the spreading ring of frost spread out from under her, the ice crystals sparkling coldly in the moon light. Star Glow rose unsteadily to her hooves and looked at Luna, fearing what she would see. She sat there with her head tilted back and her eyes shut, a little smile on her lips.

Star Glow tried to ask Luna what had happened, but it came out strangely, "My princess what.....?"

"You were the first to hear me Star, to 'truly' hear me. You listened to me when all others didn't and as a reward I call upon you to stand by me once more as I begin a time of justice, where I am seen in the 'light' I was meant to be. My dear friend this will be the beginning of a new age." Luna's voice echoed in Star Glow's head, but it had lost all the gentleness and warmth Star was use to.

Luna finally opened her eyes and looked to Star Glow, her eyes were her own, but there was a darkness that lingered there that had not been present before. Star Glow looked down to ponder the words the princess had spoken and was shocked to see her normally yellow coat was now jet black. In panic she looked about and saw a mirror on the wall. the mare looking back at her was not Star Glow, it was somepony else....

Sky Strike reeled at the emotions that went through his head, it was as if he had a direct link to both Luna and the terrified Star Glow. He wanted it to cease, to stop the pain and hurt but it just kept coming. He felt a gentle hoof on his shoulder and looked around to see Foresight giving him a hug.

"Why show me that? By the heavens that was terrible," Sky gasped.

"I needed to show you that Luna was not always Nightmare Moon. That hidden deeply within the monster is a good pony that Equestria needs," Foresight sent in a comforting tone, "But there is more you need to see," She explained.

A cloudy image of six fillies confronting Nightmare moon floated before Sky’s vision: Sky saw them, battered, hurt and bleeding from deep wounds. “They will pass through terrible trials to this final confrontation. These six friends will overcome horrors they should never needed to face. Without Luna’s influence to hold Nightmare Moon in check the future element bearer’s will be exposed to the full wrath of darkness.”

Sky watched as the purple unicorn leading the group stood up bravely to the Nightmare Queen in a ruined throne room. A blinding flash lit up the area and to Sky’s surprise Nightmare Moon flinched. Hope rose in his heart as the six ponies were lifted into the air and powerful light healed their wounds.

“They will win this time, but their victory will be a hollow one,” Foresight cautioned.

The glowing aura surrounding the six ponies merged to form a glittering rainbow that enveloped the screaming figure of Nightmare Moon before the brightness grew too intense to watch. Sky covered his eyes but heard the last terrible curses from Nightmare Moon before the light winked out.

Once he could see again Sky looked to see that Nightmare Moon had gone and there was just a haze of smoke left behind. The six fillies picked themselves up and began to hug each other in warmth and affection. Beyond the broken castle windows Sky saw that the image of the Mare in the Moon was still present.

The image danced and another scene greeted Sky Strike. He recognised Celestia from before, but as he looked closer he saw how worn and old the princess now looked. Her feathered wings were a mess and then there were her eyes: They were so tired, so weary. Celestia looked like she had aged centuries, but from what Sky knew of the royal princesses they were nigh immortal, barring death in battle they would effectively live forever, but the Celestia before Sky looked ancient and decrepit.

She let out a deep sigh and watched as a dark cloud drifted down to settle on the ground. The seething mist rose up and into the vague image of an alicorn, over time it became more distinct and formed a pony who could only be Nightmare Moon. Her black coat was pristine and those same slitted dragon eyes that had scared Star Glow all those years ago watched Celestia with contempt. The sharp canine teeth present in her mouth were revealed as the corrupted alicorn sneered.

Celestia looked to the revealed Nightmare Moon and began to beg, "Queen of Shadows I cannot cage you any longer, I have borne the weight of the sun and the moon for too long now. You know that I am sorrier than I can ever say for what I did to Luna, that if I could change the past I would do." Celestia's voice trembled, its frailty heart breaking, "But please, all I can ask is that you will please spare the ponies that are left."

Celestia sounded so thoroughly beaten that it brought tears to Sky's eyes, whatever she had done in the past surely this pony deserved some mercy, if not for her then for the innocent ponies she had cared for, they were all but blameless for the feud between these two powers.

Gone was the proud mare who had talked to Luna in such a dismissive way, Celestia didn't look like she could even hold up her own weight any more, let alone move the sun. The creature that had been Luna just kept on sneering in derision.

"To think that you once thought yourself the greatest alicorn that ever lived. That you thought me just a puny side note in your history sister. Well now you see that I can out last you, even when banished to the moon for time uncounted. You wanted all the power and responsibility well, now you can see where all that ambition got you," Nightmare Moon laughed at that cruel irony.

"They have done nothing to you, I am the one to blame for this, please don't take their sun away. Neither Equestria nor the world will survive without the warmth and light it brings," Celestia pleaded, tears running down her sunken cheeks from her bloodshot eyes..

"Ah but that's where you’re wrong sister I have made it so that those left can survive. You know I was always the clever one, I have made those who will embrace the eternal night." Nightmare Moon studied a hoof absently, "The others, well they will be gone soon enough if they don’t want to move with the times." She said with no pity in her heart.

"But what of food? what of life, flowers and fruit?" Without the sun the world will become a ball of ice and barren wastes?" Celestia was putting up one final argument to try and appease Nightmare Moon. Repentance had come too late however and her words fell on deaf ears. It was Nightmare Moons turn not to listen.

"I am in charge now and it is no longer your concern Celestia. I can make the world how I want and there is nothing you can do to stop me. You can just fade away like a good little mortal and leave everything to me now," Nightmare Moon said in feigning kindness. "Everything you held dear will be gone and only my world will be left. I want you to know that sister as you go to your grave, but don't worry I won’t have to do things alone: I'm not going to burn myself out as you did."

The sun sank, it's rim just touching the horizon now and Celestia turned in confusion at Nightmare Moons words. She saw the image of another pony standing by Nightmare Moon, She was Nightmare Moon doppelganger save without wings and a pair of purple slitted eyes that drew Celestia’s attention and broke her heart for what felt the hundredth time.

Celestia had watched those eyes; once round and full of love, grow in wisdom and learning as the filly aged too. They used to look to her with wonder and awe, but now watched Celestia with unmasked hatred in them. "You are not the only one who saw potential in your 'faithful' student. Once I showed her who you really were Celestia, Twilight was only too happy to aid me in fixing your mistakes."

The princess of the day's heart, already broken in pieces, felt the last fragments ground to dust by Nightmare Moon’s final mockery. Twilight, the unicorn had such potential and now was a slave to darkness too. Celestia's plans were all in ruins, the Elements of Harmony no longer heeded her. She had broken their trust too often and squandered the chances to make things right once again. The most powerful magic she knew of was silent and dead.

Sky didn't know this other unicorn, but Foresight stared at her with wonder and anguish in equal measure. "These are events that will happen if we do not allow the prophecy to follow it's correct course. Celestia will try to bear the weight of the world by herself, something no pony, not even a royal alicorn can do. She will tire herself to the point where the prison of the moon will no longer hold Nightmare Moon and further wars and horrors will fall on the world."

Foresight looked sadly into Sky Strike's eyes before going on, "I don't want to see the world die or everything I hold dear to crumble away. That's why I am doing this, not because some strange orb has messed with my head. It is my curse and duty to bear sight and knowledge of things that have been and some things which are to come. I have seen the testimonials of Star Glow, Temporal Balance and Celestia as to what will happen should we fail here."

Sky saw Foresight's eyes full of pleading again, now looking small and timid, "Sky we have this one chance to save Luna, so that when other stronger ponies come there will still be a true Princess of the Night to save. I don't want to do this alone.... I can't do this alone and I trust you. Please help me."

Sky Strike now understood what was driving this all forward and what was really at stake. When cast in the light of revelation the choices made were the only sane ones to make. After a long moment he nodded slowly, "Okay Foresight you have convinced me, time to stand up and save the world just as you said huh?" There was some forced levity in his words and Sky hoped Foresight appreciated them never the less.

The visions of past and future faded and the ponies found themselves back in the caves of Stone Haven. Foresight moved forward and hugged Sky, her cold body sent a shiver through him, but he didn’t break the embrace.

“Thank you Sky, I knew I could count on you.”