• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 572 Views, 7 Comments

The Fourth Star. - Golden Paw

It is nearing the time of the summer sun celebration. The prophesied time of Nightmare moon's return to Equestaria. Tales tell that the stars will aid in her escape, but could there more to this tale than first thought? What dose this really mea

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The Fight for Freedom.

Sky Strike watched as the assembled ponies began to make their way out of Stone Haven. His heart felt heavy as he thought of what would have to be done, but there was also a sense of vindication. They were finally going to bring justice upon those who had taken his home and caused so much sorrow.

The attacks began with the collapsing of a number of lower chambers. The lithi had gotten very good at tunneling and digging. They made methodical use of this knowledge by undermining vital access ways along with choke points. This left the cultist's forces cut off and isolated. Even as the confusion caused by this was unfolding the main thrusts of the assault came from two points.

The mountain's halls and layout were based on the moon above, following the pattern placed on the moon since Nightmare Moon's banishment. The stronghold's layout was built as circular rooms and the first attack began at the southernmost point. The lithi began their assault by breaking into the storerooms and sleeping areas at the base of the 'neck'.

The second force came in just behind where the 'ears' would have been and drove into the workshops and craft rooms. The lithi were implacable and driven as Nightmare Moon had made them to be: They fought without weapons or armour as they didn't need them, their sharp hooves and teeth being dangerous weapons in their own right and quite sufficient to kill. The already impressive strength of an earth pony added upon by the mass of stone.

This was not to say that the cult ponies were caught unawares. They had a significant number of tricks of their own, the negasi among them could hear the digging and tunnel works and moved forces ready to counter and defend where needed. The shadow casters also bent their wills to discovering the plans of their attackers.

One of the many failings of the Mare in the Moon was that she trusted no pony. As such made the lithi, she made them to obey and follow her will and her's alone. This left them guarded from the dark unicorn's searching and beyond their power to influence. Enigma though beaten and abused by Catalyst had recovered somewhat, lending her mental skills to the fight as well. Most of all she did her best to shield Shakala, who more than any of them, feared being manipulated once more.

Foresight had her own protections from the precious cargo she bore, where Sky Strike had enough practice to keep the worst of the mental attacks out too. These were not foolproof but Enigma was good at her job and with a viscous spite that scared Foresight she fooled the defenders into trying to defend locations planned for collapse.

The initial fighting went well for the lithi and their allies, but as the element of surprise waned the cult ponies began to fight back. Bewitched unicorns tossed lithi with their magic, sending them shattering against walls. Earth ponies with vacant eyes fought alongside buffalo, griffins and other creatures: Throwing themselves into the struggle without care for their own safety, armed with hammers spears and even bits of furniture.

The lithi took special care to target dark unicorns in the fight for just this reason. When one of them went down the mind controlled defenders would be confused for a time, some even turning on their former slave masters. Yet again this wasn't out of emotion or desire to be just, but followed the cold logic the lithi lived by.

The flesh and blood attackers stuck together as best they could. Sky Strike, Shakala and Enigma holding back to safeguard Foresight. The tunnel fighting was close, brutal and unforgiving. The rooms were soon full of the smashed remains of lithi along with the dead as fatally wounded defenders slipped painfully into the next world.

The worst part were those left to be petrified and Foresight did her best not to think about that aspect of the fighting. If they laid there with just a vacant stare as they turned to stone or if their last moments were filled with panicked cries, Foresight knew these events would haunt her forever.

The tactics used by the lithi were effective as they were merciless. The 'Heralds' couldn't bring their larger numbers to bear in the confines of their own stronghold and the attackers ground forward through one room after another, all the while the number of casualties increased on both sides. Their steady advance lasted until the encroaching forces came across the first real organised resistance: Catalyst.

The cult leader was cunning and willing to throw any puppet in the path of the lithi to stall them and Foresight only caught sight of the dark unicorn as they entered a huge meeting hall where the defenders had now gathered. Here Catalyst had assembled his own personal menagerie of monsters.

Scorpni, wrattle pythons and other beasts from the waste lands roared and fought and Foresight noted; only nominally under the control of the shadow casters. The lithi finally paused as with a laugh Catalyst let the creatures off the leash and instantly the battle took on a very different aspect. The Giant snakes smashed their way into the ranks of the lithi, crushing attacker and defender alike in their efforts to vent their anger.

The stone ponies were hurled back for a time, the giant snake's thick scales proving too strong for them to pierce, but the lithi were not daunted and continued to fight even as they were ground to powder by this latest foe. Nor was this the only trick Catalyst had.

'Razor flocks' which looked like birds of prey made from crystal swooped down, their sharp deceptively beautiful bodies sparking as they struck the lithi, their normal method of attack doing little more than distract as the granite flesh of the attackers withstood them in turn. The cloud of 'mist webs' were used in a similar role by Catalyst, their wire like forms entangling the lithi even as they turned to stone from the wounds caused to them and leaving the attackers easy prey for the scorpni

The scorpni, now they were another aspect of horror again. Easily three times the size of a pony, Foresight had heard Sky describe the beasts but had never seen them herself. The bestial hunters were multi-limbed creatures, sported a pair of tails arching up from their backs, each tipped with stingers that dripped hissing venom. Foresight had cringed back as the monsters thrust themselves into the attacker's ranks, tails stabbing and tri-fingered claws crushing lithi with every strike.

The scorpni's yellow carapace was the same shade as the sands of the wastes and looked out of place here in the dark halls of the mountain. It did however make them easy to spot among the combatants as they broke and shattered the lithi. Their venom so potent that it began to eat away at the stone ponies as it unbound their cursed forms.

What terrified Foresight about them was the determined manner in which they closed upon Enigma and herself: These creatures fed on magical prey and they homed in the pair like a dragon on a gem hoard; battering a frenzied path through the defending lithi.

Foresight's protectors did their best to block the passage of the scorpni, throwing themselves bodily in the way and sacrificing themselves so that others could bring down the vile creatures, but despite this the giant insects made steady progress through the throng. Shakala looked on with anticipation as a particularly scarred looking scorpni tore through the last layer of lithi forming a defensive ring about the living ponies. He'd had lost his own pole arm during their capture and had now clutched a long metal spear recovered from Stone Haven, "Leave this beast to me, I shall fight to set it free."

Without another word Shakala leaped forward ducking under a swipe from it's clawed forearms before rolling aside as the scorpni brought down its one of it's tail barbs, missing him by only inches. Shakala twisted the spear around and jabbed it into a gap in the beast's armoured hide before wrenching it free and circling around for another strike from the side.

This desperate fight was lost to view as a fresh wave of cultists followed in the wake of the monsters, Sky Strike found himself grounded with all the razor flocks and mist webs, not daring to take wing in case he attracted unwanted attention. This and he had resolved to stay close to Foresight.

His focus was drawn to a darting blur above and Sky had to spread his wings defensively as a bat pony with dark red eyes and mane dove down in a surprise attack. He frantically parried and duelled with the negasi stallion who; seeing his dive had been thwarted took a few steps back.

Sky saw the bat pony had wing blades of his own and to his amazement bowed in mock salute before leaping forward to engage Sky Strike once more. This was no slack jawed puppet, this was one of the altered ponies who chose to side with the cult and he glared at him with unmasked arrogance.

All this time Enigma, with her horn glowing redirected any foe that came at her. She used her mind bending powers often forcing them to turn on one another or simply stand there with a distant look in their eyes as lithi crashed into them. Foresight watched in mounting unease at the relish Enigma took in causing harm, she didn't blame her for wanting to take vengeance but the triumph in Enigma's eyes reminded Foresight that Enigma was a very different pony from her, despite their shared heritage.

Foresight was the only creature not fighting in all this swirling violence. As she did her best not to be noticed Foresight began to wonder why she was even here. She didn't know any fighting magic and was no match for any of these fighters one on one, why hadn't she stayed behind and let those more suited to war fight on her behalf?

Foresight cringed as a unicorn mare stumbled before her, a deep gash in her side that should have flowed with blood, but instead just presented another example of the relentless spread of the lithi's curse. The 'greying' flesh steadily working it's way from the wound. The poor pony's eyes showed no fear or emotion as it lay there, remaining bereft of feeling even as the last of the life was consumed by the stone. Foresight turned away as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

It was one thing to talk brave words and stand up for what seemed right back at Stone Haven, but now here, in the middle of a battle with tragic ends all around her Foresight was trembling. She was not cut out for this, but as her mind threatened to break down a dark shape above drew her attention. Foresight looked up in time to see another negasi diving at her a spear in it's hooves.

There was no one else who could get to the night born in time and Foresight cringed backwards, doing the first thing that came to mind she flared her aura of cold and darkness. The negasi's glare turned to one of horror as it contacted with the magical barrier and the winged pony froze solid as he passed through before crashing to the ground, shattered on contact and Foresight gasped at what she had done.

It seemed that Temporal Balance's protections were more than just guarding Foresight's mind, or maybe it was the aid lent by Star Glow. Either way Foresight's magic had never been that strong before and she looked down in mounting confusion as a circle of frost spread out from her. Wincing and staggering back, Foresight dropped her spell with a cry and wept openly as she curled up into a ball.

"Well my dear if I had known you had that kind of power in you I would have spoken with a bit more respect," Enigma's sending thoughts came into Foresight's and the filly looked up through streaming eyes to see the older mare looking at her with an approving expression. Foresight shook her head, "I didn't mean to do it I.....I."

In the middle of a battle where death was being given freely, Foresight trembled, shedding frozen tears with no sign of stopping as Enigma moved in close to the distraught pony. If any inhabitant from the now destroyed High Point saw what happened next they would have not believed it as the older mare took Foresight in her hooves and gave her a motherly hug.

"I know, I know. It's hard the first time you have to kill: We wouldn't be alive if we didn't feel horror at such an act. It is not how the world was meant to be, but here we are and we must do what is needed," Enigma assured Foresight who continued to weep, her head buried in Enigma's chest.

"I just want to go home, I don't want to be here doing this," Foresight managed to get out between sobs.

"Well if you want a home to go back to, then you need to stand and fight for it," Enigma told Foresight with a stern tone. The brief show of a softer side was quickly covered by her normal manner, “Now get up and do what is needed of you Foresight, or by Luna I'll freeze you myself."

Foresight looked up into Enigma's blue eyes and saw the sadness there. No pony wants to have to fight, but sometimes there is no other way. Wiping away her tears, Foresight got back to her hooves and took a deep breath even as she still trembled from head to tail.

Enigma nodded and satisfied before turned her magic on another earth pony slave who was charging at them through the fight. He slowed, stopped and then turned about to charged back at the shadow caster who had directed the initial attack.

The altered mare just had time for her face to form an expression of surprise before the blade punched through her chest and the cultist toppled over. The earth pony just stood there blinking and looked around as if he had just awoken from a nightmare before dropping the now bloody sword to the ground with a clatter that was lost among the sounds of battle.

Foresight should be able to take care of herself now, but a small part of Enigma was sad that such a young pony was forced to do such things. The world was cruel like that, she had not been much older when she had needed to kill another. It was self defence, like Foresight's situation and it brought back memories of a hard life.

Shaking her head Enigma pressed down on the memories threatening to come to the surface and got back to the matters at hoof. One day there will be an end to all this fighting, a day that Enigma fervently hoped would be quick in it's coming.

As the numbers of Shadow caster's began to dwindle so did their collective control of the masses. More and more ponies and other creatures switched sides as they were freed from the control of the cult leaders. Very soon the monsters were totally uncontrollable and freely attacked ponies from either side indiscriminately. This left them far easier prey for the disciplined lithi as they lost all coordination and even the biggest of the wrattle pythons had finally been brought down by a calculated ploy from the stone soldiers.

The best opened it's huge fanged maw and drove its head down to crush a stone pony in its jaws. The target, a young looking lithi foal, waited until the last moment before reacting and as the beast's head closed round it. The foal struck at it's unprotected inner mouth. The wrattle python's bulk and jaws crushed the little pony to powder, but the damage was done.

The best reared up to strike again, only discovering it's lower jaw was slowly turning to stone. The death of the snake was slow and painful and it roared in confusion right up until the petrification reached its brain. Then like a tree being felled the monster toppled sideways to crush a number of combatants beneath it's 'greying' bulk. This defeat was the last straw for the cultists and they began to flee. Most of their leaders had fallen and though there were far less lithi than had started the attack there was still sufficient to carry the battle home..

Sky Strike had fought blade to blade with the bat pony for what felt like an age. The frantic slash and parry had been so intense that even though the fight had only lasted minutes he'd quickly broken into an exhausted sweat. Sky realised the bat pony was toying with him, breaking him completely before putting in a killing blow. It was only the fall of the giant snake that prevented this Negasi's play from reaching its conclusion. Sky's opponent having been so focused on the sword play that he didn't notice the falling bulk of the snake until it impacted just behind him.

This left the bat pony wrong hoofed and dazed, leading to an opening that Sky would have been fool to pass up. He winced as Sky's blade drew a cut across his neck and gasping for air the dark stallion slumped to the ground with a shocked expression in his slitted eyes. Sky panted with exertion, the sweat pouring off him as he took stock of the battle around him.

Sky saw Shakala finishing off the first scorpni. This gnarled creature was probably the leader of the brood and would keep on fighting even when the shadow caster's control broke down. Even as they tried desperately to give it mental commands, this just warred with the creature's natural drives. Every so often the monster would try to break away from the fight with Shakala to chase a magic user, which left an opening for him to strike.

Crippled and wounded from a number of telling hits the best finally stumbled and Shakala with great solemnity punched the spear head through its multi-eyed head. Having ended it's misery and servitude, the zebra bowed his head in respect for a creature whose will had not been its own. The scorpni had fought the control right until the end and Shakala saluted such a determined creature. He looked up from the finished scorpni just in time to see the defenders resolve finally break and they began to flee: The meeting hall was lost.

Catalyst, still riding on the back of his personal wrattle python, sent curses and threats at the wavering cult ponies but it was to no avail. With murder in his purple eyes the cult leader fell back with his followers as the last of the 'fallen' dying were given a quick release by their lithi attackers. He was not beaten yet; he still had one more trick to play: It was far sooner than he would have liked but this setback forced his hoof.

To Tartarus with the Prophesy, if he didn't do something to salvage the situation all would be lost; Catalyst cursed once again causing those nearby to wince at the mental lash. How had the lithi found them? There should have been spells of confusion woven by his own hoof around the stronghold of the 'Heralds of the eternal night'. That this 'Foresight' had been brought here only to be rescued soon after by the lithi and the orb's secrets lost to him could not be a coincidence. Events were slipping out of his grasp despite all of his careful planning.

Still these events were not without saving graces. If the lithi had attacked with such numbers then the borders of Equestria's underground would be stripped of their defenders. The way to bring back their Queen would now be open to them. Cooling his anger and grinning to himself in the perpetual darkness Catalyst called his most faithful followers to him.

"Black Star, Crimson Blade, attend me," Catalyst sent.

"Crimson is dead my lord, he died trying to capture the far seeing one," came the whispered reply, Black Star was Catalyst's second in command and a dark unicorn of impressive skills. There was no small hint of triumph in the reply. Rivalry for Catalyst's favour was encouraged within the order. It kept the leaders sharp and secretly Catalyst was happy that his underlings were too busy squabbling with each other to pose a threat to his authority.

With the bat pony Crimson Blade dead it left Dark Star with one less obstacle. They followed the ways that Nightmare Moon had shown them here in the 'Heralds'. The Mare in the Moon taught them that if they wanted something they were to take it. The strong survived and the weak died. Misplaced sentiment such as displayed by Celestia was to show weakness.

If Catalyst had been Celestia back then, he would have just killed Nightmare Moon, not left her banished to the moon, but that's what being kind got you. Now he could release the Queen of Shadows from her prison and the folly of such mercy would soon be for all to see, but these were matters for later, first things first.

"Indeed, gather the remaining followers Black Star and be sure to bring our special prisoner along too. we will have need of him," catalyst sent. The other 'shadow caster' failed to hide his confusion.

"But Lord, it is too soon for the ritual. What of the Prophesy? What of the long journey we will need to make? We have not supplies for such a trip now, not with the stores in the hooves of the lithi," Black Star sent back.

"The lithi's attack was badly timed, they have left the borders of Equestria unguarded by the numbers they threw at us this day. We can break through the cordon and summon her highness before anypony can stop us. Now follow my commands or Crimson Blade will not be the 'only' leader the Heralds will lose this day," Catalyst announced. His wrattle python emitting a low hiss in response to it's master's displeasure. Dark Star couldn't miss the threat and without another word bowed to Catalyst before galloping off to fulfill his instructions.

The clean up after the fight was almost as terrible as the battle itself. The liberators found evidence of torture and mistreatment everywhere. Those ponies who had been under the mind magic of the shadow casters were confused, hurt and half starved. Many were little more than automaton, their minds blasted and were merely bodies with nothing driving them other than the most basic impulses.

The lithi were still busy, their tasks not complete. The stone ponies moved through the rooms and halls, killing any remaining cult ponies that were found and leaving the freed creatures in confusion. They stopped not for thanks or heeding cries for help, they did what they were made to do and nothing more.

Foresight had become very withdrawn in the aftermath of the battle. The death of the negasi from her magic aura had affected her deeply. Sky Strike looking battered, bruised and covered in small nicks tried his best to comfort Foresight despite being exhausted himself.

Shakala managed to coax Foresight out of her withdrawn state by getting the filly to aid those ponies that could be saved. The slaves were confused and many didn't know where they were or how they got there. Others were so far gone they didn't even know 'who' they were and Shakala made it his work to explain plus comfort where he could.

Foresight winced at their reaction upon seeing her and she didn't blame them. Foresight certainly wasn't surprised after the previous examples of her kind, but it was still painful to see ponies so scared of her. It was only with Shakala's encouragement and some simple acts of kindness they began to come around.

The lithi finally concluded their hunt and gathered again in the main hall where the climatic battle had taken place. Enigma found Foresight tending to an injured buffalo, informing her that the lithi wanting to speak with her again. The filly, trembling with adrenaline along with memories of the conflict, finished binding the wounds of the emaciated bull. As Foresight approached the gathered lithi she staggered to see the losses the stone ponies had suffered in the battle. Only about one third of them remained and of the survivors all bore cracks and chips from the combat.

A new lithi addressed Foresight this time, it seemed the previous one having been destroyed when the monsters attacked. This pony had the form of a middle aged mare and she studied Foresight with her black eyes; Its face impassive even with the horrendous casualties they had suffered.

"The battle is won for now. Catalyst and the last of his followers have been routed as planned. Our watchers tell us that he flees to Equestria," Foresight shuddered as the pony's voice sounded out. As part of the trust earned by her, the lithi had opened their minds to both Foresight and Enigma to better be able to direct their forces.

Foresight looked into this lithi's mind and saw what was left: She had been a singer before Nightmare Moon's coming the recalled, but now her voice was dull and gritty with all the feeling of iceberg. The new leader of the lithi didn't even remember her own name, all that was left to her was duty. Foresight caught these faint echoes of her thoughts as she addressed her felt nothing but loss, "The fallen have taken the bait and make their way to the palace of the Royal Pony Sisters"

Foresight felt her heart almost skip a beat, "They’re going to Canterlot?" The fear was evident in her voice.

The lithi mare shook her head. "The current capital of Equestria was never Luna's home. We speak of the castle in the Everfree Forest. They need to enact the ritual where Nightmare Moon was first banished. That is where Catalyst is leading them now. Our forces will delay them, but they will not stop them. If we are to reach the old palace in time we must leave soon." The words were spoken without haste and were typical of the lithi.

Foresight was tired, not just in body but in mind and spirit too. There was one more giant hurdle to climb and then this would all be over. She looked to her friends and saw the same weary feeling in their eyes too: The end game was coming close it seemed. One last push, one last struggle and then this whole nightmare would be over. Gathering reserves she didn't know she had, Foresight slowly nodded and asked what the plan was to get to Equestria.

"We will take the under way, it has been guarded by the lithi for a thousand years and we know it's ways better than Catalyst: By travelling it we should be able to get ahead of him and make ready for his arrival, but we must leave within the hour. We know that you will be in need of rest and so we will carry you." She informed the four living ponies.

Conscious that even the smallest accident could kill when involving the lithi, Foresight looked more than a little afraid at the idea of even touching one of them. Her fears were unfounded though as the pony moved aside to reveal a couple of sturdy looking carts ‘liberated’ from the Herald’s store rooms. They also presented the four ponies with armour and equipment taken from them upon their capture. Shakala's face especially lit up as the lithi presented him with his carved pole arm and bowed in thanks.

With the four now prepared the lithi hitched themselves up to the carts as the grateful freed creatures loaded supplies for their saviours. They were only too happy to assist their rescuers after it became clear that the rule of the Heralds had been ended by these lithi and their friends.

Once loading was completed Enigma searched among the survivors and found some from High Point that she felt she could trust. She organised them into groups and instructed them to leave as soon as they could, taking what supplies they could carry. It was decided they would strike out above ground and head north to Equestria once sufficiently recovered. The now freed ponies and others were more than willing to follow this plan, none wanted to spend any more time than was needed in this forsaken place.

Foresight took a moment to write a special letter for these refugees to present to the border guards of Equestria. It was only a small thing, but if it could make their passage a bit smoother then Foresight was willing to try. She felt that as a nightborn Foresight needed to do something to make up for the failings of her race to these poor folk.

With this last task done, she mounted up with her friends and bid the sad sight and memories of this dark place good bye, hoping to never have to return. Foresight crawled under a scavenged blanket as she tried to push the memories of the battle from her mind and the lithi arrayed the carts ready to start the long ride to Equestria.

Troubled sleep overcame Foresight once more and she was glad it was deep enough to avoid any dreams of what was to come, or reliving the sworded events of the past.