• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 572 Views, 7 Comments

The Fourth Star. - Golden Paw

It is nearing the time of the summer sun celebration. The prophesied time of Nightmare moon's return to Equestaria. Tales tell that the stars will aid in her escape, but could there more to this tale than first thought? What dose this really mea

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Reverlations and Reserluiotions

Celestia watched Foresight carefully as she glared at her, feeling Foresight had a right to do so in Celestia’s mind. The princess had asked a lot of the young pony in such a short time. While Celestia had grown used to keeping her true feelings closed off, this time she believed Foresight was owed the truth. She seldom opened up to another pony since Luna had gone and even then never completely, even with Twilight her most trusted student.

Foresight had without complaint, until now, gone and followed Celestia's commands without question and the princess felt she owed her some answers, she'd had earned that much at least. The accusing eyes of Foresight locked with Celestia's and the alicorn reached a decision. Taking a deep breath Celestia broke contact first and began her side of the story:

"I was foalish, Dear sweet Luna please forgive me," Celestia's voice was full of guilt and pain, "I wish I could tell you that it was for some great and important reason that all this happened, but in the end it comes down to pride, my pride," Foresight was taken aback by the confession, but that didn't cool the anger burning in her heart.

"Fame, love and praise these can all be very seductive for a pony and I fell for them. It is often the ponies that do the hard work behind the scenes, out of sight of others who are the ones given the least credit." Celestia's eyes filled with tears, she had never told this to another pony, the ruler of Equestria had kept this pain bottled up inside for so long and now it was finally finding release.

"I was prideful my dear Foresight, I saw how the ponies loved my day. They laid their praises on me for being such a beneficent ruler, all the while Luna works and talents, her diligent stewardship of the night was given far less respect than it should have had. Oh how beautiful are the stars, now that I have taken the time to watch them properly."

The regent of the day looked up to the sun, its warm glow falling on her mane and face which caused it to sparkle with a regal light. Celestia looked the ideal model of what a pony should be and the effect of her tears only added to her form. Foresight could see why it was so easy to follow and obey such a ruler: Why she had followed so easily.

"I could have stepped in of course, I could have done more to remind the ponies of Luna's hard work...... but I didn't. It wasn't that I didn't realise what was happening, I...I chose not to," This last phrase was spoken so quietly that Foresight had to strain to hear it.

As Celestia turned back to Foresight, eyes were full of pleading, seeking forgiveness for what she had done. Foresight was in no mood to offer such. Through the eyes of Star Glow she had seen what Celestia had been like and wasn't sure if Celestia should be forgiven.

"Luna's malice and jealousy would never have taken root if I had been supportive and understanding as I should have been. She is such an honest and open soul and I never gave her the credit she rightly deserved. Yes Nightmare Moon was born of Luna, but I did nothing to stop it until it was too late, if anypony is to blame, its me," The trembling in Celestia's voice was enough to finally break through Foresight's own anger.

She looked at Celestia with new understanding, she had always seen the alicorns as some distant power in the world, who were so far above normal ponies they weren't affected by the normal emotions that drove the common folk of Equestria. Only now was she seeing just how wrong she was, for all their status and power the sisters were still ponies at heart. They were still open to all the drives and wants of any living creature.

It took seeing the normally unflappable Celestia breaking down like this to remove the veil of ignorance about the royal pony sisters and this truth shook Foresight to the core. They had more in common with the ponies they ruled over than she would ever have believed. Foresight felt the fire of her anger dim slightly with Celestia's honest confession.

The monarch just sat there at Foresight's bedside and wept, letting out the sorrow and loneliness which had been a thousand years in the making. Foresight didn't press Celestia further until she had gathered some semblance of composure. It took a good few uncomfortable minutes but eventually Celestia was able to look Foresight in the eye once more.

"If Luna means so much to you, then why didn't you take a more active hoof in all this? Good ponies have died, deaths that could have been avoided surely?" Foresight was amazed at her boldness, she would never have dared ask such a direct and painful question before she had headed off into the wastes all those months ago.

Celestia winced at the accusation before replying, "I would have Foresight, I really would have, but I was trapped in a prison of my own making. Equestria is only defended by constant vigilance and you've seen what the world is like outside our borders. I have other 'duties' that need my time," That excuse sounded hollow even to Celestia and she knew it wasn't the whole reason. Foresight wasn't fooled either and gave Celestia another hard look.

The princess shook her head, unable to meet the young pony’s eyes once again, "Sorry, I owe you the truth Foresight, but it's hard to admit to one's faults. That isn't the only reason of course. I was afraid to see Luna again and I felt any direct action on my part would only make Nightmare Moon stronger. That monster hates me and I was afraid it would drive what was left of my sister away. I needed a pony who she could trust, one who had stood by her when I didn't. She didn't need me, she needed a friend," Celestia managed to confess, just keeping her trembling voice under control.

"You don't know how that hurt, the one thing I wanted more to do was to be there for Luna for once. Desperate to make up for my mistakes, but prevented by them too. So I had to send others into danger for her sake and my own," Celestia let out a grim chuckle, "The mighty Celestia, ruler of the sun who is adored by her subjects and is so perfect, needs the common pony folk to save her sister," Celestia mocked herself.

"I had to swallow my pride, grind it deep and let others take the burden for me for a time. I am so sorry that you were forced to do this for me Foresight, but I needed help," Celestia explained. "I may be able to move the sun, but its the sun that gives life to the world, I remembered too late that I wasn't the centre of the universe, but only a cog in the way it ran."

Celestia looked up once again with pleading, "Please Foresight, don't hold this against me, I couldn't see another way."

It was such an odd moment, this powerful and majestic creature asking for understanding and forgiveness from a small black coated pony from a cursed lineage. The absurdity of it would have made Foresight laugh if it hadn't cost her so much. She remembered all the trials she had needed to go through, not just in this journey but as a descendant of those first cursed ponies.

Her life had been shaped by the actions of this alicorn and her sister, even before Foresight was born. Celestia was admitting that she was behind a large amount of the pains and struggles that Foresight had needed to go through. Countless lives had been darkened because these two powerful creatures had fallen out. It made Foresight's head spin to think that Celestia was asking Foresight to forgive her, as if that simple act would make it up to all those who had suffered.

Foresight could clearly see how the dream warning she had shared with Sky back in the lithi's cave could come true. Celestia was tearing herself apart inside over what happened with Luna and Nightmare Moon. If left uncorrected Celestia would pound herself on the anvil of guilt until she destroyed herself.

It didn't take long for Foresight to decide this wasn't her responsibility and let Celestia know it, "Your 'highness', I can't speak for every pony, it wouldn't be right of me. I can't speak for all those who you need to ask forgiveness from," Celestia's face fell from one of hope to despair once again, but Foresight wasn't finished.

"I 'can' speak for myself though. I honestly don't know how I would have acted in your place, but I can see how much Luna means to you. I can't say that I am happy to have gone through all I have for your sake, but if it brings balance and harmony back to Equestria then you have my support. If it brings Luna back then you can ask her for the forgiveness you crave, but I can't be the one to give you it."

Celestia sat as still as stone for a short while, her expression one of hurt and outrage. The room began to fill with heat, but then Celestia saw the truth in Foresight's words and slowly nodded. The building inferno receded and the free flow of emotion was barred once more as Celestia closed the gate on her heart. The princess that spoke this time was the regal ruler Foresight had come to know, "Thank you for your honesty Foresight, was there anything else you would ask of me before this talk concludes?"

Foresight thought for a time before asking in a level tone, "How did I get back from the moon?" It was a safer topic and to Foresight's relief Celestia answered at once.

"I may not have been able to go to see Luna myself, but I could bring you back. I wasn't ignorant of the spell being cast in the Everfree forest and soon arrived with my soldiers to aid the lithi. I found the zebra along with your other companions in the ruins of my old home and once he explained what had occurred I was able to return you," Celestia explained in an even tone.

Foresight nodded at this, it made sense. A sudden worry gripped Foresight and her voice took on a panicked tone, "What about my friends are they safe?"

Celestia's face was impassive, "The mare Enigma is in critical condition in Canterlot hospital, she suffered much internal damage and the zebra Shakala hasn't left her side since we brought her in. As for Sky Strike, well I fear I may need to call on your help again," Foresight's ears flattened against her head.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked with a deepening sense of dread.

"You had best see for yourself" Celestia replied.

Sky Strike was asleep a few rooms down. Now that Foresight was up and about she took in more of her surroundings. Foresight had been kept in the private wing of Canterlot hospital under Celestia's instructions. As the pair trotted down the white marble corridors Foresight looked anxiously to Celestia, but she had done giving answers it seemed. Celestia and Foresight advanced up the corridor to Sky Strike's room in an uncomfortable silence.

Upon reaching their destination Celestia gently pushed open the door and Foresight entered the pegasus' room, trembling with nervous anticipation. The sight that greeted her far was better than she had been imagining, Sky Strike resting in a comfy bed much like the one Foresight had just left. The sun was high in the sky and its warmth seeped in through the window and shone on the sleeping pony's face.

It was then that Foresight saw what was wrong. Even though his body was at rest, the expression on Sky's face was one of utter anguish. He looked like he was experiencing a nightmare, one that tormented him, but he couldn't awake from. Foresight glared at Celestia, annoyed that she was still keeping her in the dark.

"His body is fine, but we can't rouse him," Celestia told Foresight in a solemn tone. "Mind magic was never my talent, Luna was more into that kind of thing, but here we are fortunate in that regard," She announced in meaningful way. Foresight moved to the side of the sleeping Sky Strike, feeling the abyssal despair pouring off him; whatever he was seeing, it was tearing him apart.

"I will leave you two alone," Celestia said in a quiet way, but as she turned to go Foresight had one more question to ask her:

"Did it work, is Luna free?" Foresight asked in a flat voice, she'd been so wrapped up in her own troubles that Foresight didn't think to ask if this had all gone to plan.

The princess stopped at the doors to Sky's room but didn't turn to look at Foresight, "We will have to see, I have others who are about that task. It will be soon, the summer sun celebration is only a few hours away and I have things to attend to," Celestia was cold in her final response. Foresight had never felt easy around Celestia, now all she felt was passive hostility from the monarch.

Shaking her head to focus herself, Foresight turned her magic on the Sleeping Sky Strike who still wore a mask of turmoil, Foresight had no formal training in these problems, Catalyst had been right about that, all the power and tricks used to overcome him had not come from Foresight at all, she just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Now she was on her own again and wasn't sure what to do, still she had to try. Foresight tried to remember some of the advice Enigma had given her about working in a pony's mind and so Foresight started off gently. She carefully brushed her thoughts against Sky's and experienced a shocking jolt. His mind was tormented and flailing in desperation, if Foresight was to have any chance of being helpful then she would need all her concentration.

Foresight closed her eyes and took a number of deep breaths, "Sky, it's me Foresight, I want to help." She called to the pony before her in a gentle manner, "Please let me in, I just want to talk to you." There was the tiniest pause in the roiling pain in Sky Strike's mind and for a moment Foresight dared to hope she had gotten through. Foresight had and in a terrible flood of pain Sky's mind reached out and dragged Foresight into his own personal nightmare.

The clean white walls crumbled around Foresight only to be replaced by fire blackened rough stone. The pleasant sunshine turned from a golden yellow to a blood like red and Foresight heard the sad cries of ponies in distress. It all hit her in an instant and she struggled to keep her mind from breaking away and fleeing in horror.

Foresight first thought she had been banished to Tartarus, but then the scene before her took on a familiar cast. As she looked about she found herself upon a raised plateau, overlooking a burning town. Sky Strike just sat there, his back to Foresight as the buildings and lands below burned.

The details were hazy but the image of High Point in its final moments was laid before Foresight. The death screams of the ponies falling in the rubble and the mad laughter of Catalyst ringing in the her ears. The fall of the city seemed to go on forever, far longer than the true town had taken to topple down and to Foresight's realisation she knew that this scene had been being replayed in Sky's head for days on end now.

Foresight listened more closely she could hear that every cry was blaming Sky Strike, as if this whole event was his fault. If he had been stronger, faster or cleverer then he could have stopped this tragedy, the very air was pointing scorn at him as a final parting gift from Catalyst. Even with the tyrant dead, he still found a way of causing pain.

Foresight took a few hesitant steps towards Sky and went to raise a hoof to his shoulder. The filly was surprised to feel coldness as her hoof touched Sky, the stallion was like ice. That scared Foresight more than anything else in the hellish landscape she had seen. The Pegasus was freezing cold to the touch and for the first time in her life Foresight felt some pony colder than her.

"Sky, can you hear me?" She asked in a quiet way.

Sky mumbled something Foresight struggled to make out over the sounds of fire and terror from below. She leaned in closer and asked again, "What Sky, what did you say?"

"Leave me alone, you have done enough harm already," Sky Strike whispered in a voice full of hate.

Foresight blinked and fear welled up in her heart, not for herself, but for Sky. "You don't really mean that Sky, this is all just a bad dream, Catalyst....."

It was so sudden that Foresight didn't have time to move, one moment she was upright, the next she was pinned to the gritty floor, a wing blade at her throat and Sky's eyes glaring down at her in utter contempt. They were not the normal brown eyes Foresight had come to know, but two pits of blackness with dark smoke drifting up from them. Foresight had seen that kind of emptiness, but only in the eyes of the lithi.

"Oh Sky, what has he done to you?" Was all Foresight could gasp, the sharp blade drew a small trickle of blood from her throat and she winced in pain.

"What has 'he' done?" Sky laughed at that, there was no humour to it though, "You and all your dark ways, the lithi, negasi, nightborn, you're a dark stain on this world. Fear death and horror is all you’re good for. Worst of all I trusted you, making me think things could be better, but it was all a lie, everything is gone and we Failed!" Sky was screaming at Foresight by the end of sentence, spittle flying from his mouth to pepper Foresight face.

The blade sunk a little deeper and Foresight cried out in pain, "Sky, this isn't you!" Foresight dared not swallow, dared not move at all, Sky's wing blade was moments from opening her throat. Even if this was just a nightmare Foresight didn't dare think what would happen if she died here. Frantically she thrust out a sending, trying to break through the black madness that had claimed Sky Strike; "Catalyst is gone, we've freed Luna, and it will all be alright!["

"You call 'this' alright, my home is gone and a mad Goddess is coming to cover the land in eternal night! I should have never believed in you, I should have never let you talk me into this!" Sky raged at Foresight and with a final cry of despair drove his other blade down towards Foresight's forehead..

Foresight cried out in horror and screwed her eyes tightly shut. She didn't want the last thing she saw to be of Sky's face so full of hate for her. She braced herself for the pain, but to Foresight's confusion it never came. She opened one eye slowly and saw the second blade buried deeply in the dirt next to her head and to her utter amazement its twin was in the same state.

In confusion Foresight looked up to see Sky's eyes still full of the blackness as before, but his face mirrored the same puzzlement as hers. Only then did Foresight see the shimmering yellow barrier that had deflected the killing blows.

"I told you I was sorry Foresight and that I would make it up to you," A voice that just couldn't have been there carried across the scene, which Foresight realised had gone deathly quiet. The wind had gone, along with the cries of sadness and pain. Sky looked up and his eyes went wide with amazement.

"And who are you, some trick to save her worthless hide?" Sky snarled. Not believing her own ears Foresight craned her now free head to look up and behind her. Star Glow was there horn aglow. The still translucent pony gave Foresight a little smile.

"Star.....how, what about Luna?" Foresight asked in dumbfounded awe.

"She will be alright now, others have her in good hooves. You carried me and kept me safe, now it's my turn to repay the favour," Star Glow replied in a determined voice.

With another flick of her horn the pair of wing blades detached from Sky's wings and flew over the edge of the rocky outcrop. Sky Still snarled in anger and this time lunged at Star Glow as if to strangle her with his bare hooves. The unicorn's horn glowed once again and Sky found himself pinned to the ground his face pressed against the dirt. His teeth gnashing in a frenzy.

"Where did you learn to do all that?" Foresight asked in amazement.

"Lots....and....lots of practice, keeping an alicorn company for nearly a thousand years has its plus sides." Star Glow said in a confident way even as sweat poured from her translucent form.

"But how can you be here?" Foresight was still confused at this astonishing turn of events.

"Foresight, you carried me and held me safe in your heart, oh I could find you anywhere," Star Glow explained, it was all too mythic for Foresight to understand, but right now she was only too pleased for the help. Foresight looked down at the struggling Sky who was still fighting to stand again while uttering every curse he could think of.

"How do we snap him out of this?" Foresight asked.

"By showing him you care, the only cure for darkness in one's soul is the healing balm of another, Luna taught me that Now go to him," Star Glow told foresight..

She nodded and cautiously approached Sky Strike who glared up at her, "Oh Sky, I am so sorry, please forgive me. I never wanted any hurt to come to you," Foresight muzzled the pinned pegasus and soon tears were falling from her eyes to splash on his face, "I'm so sorry," Foresight repeated and the memory of Celestia's face full of misery floated back to her, oh how poetic the world was sometimes.

"We have all done things we wished we hadn't and if we don't forgive each other the cycle of hate and hurt will never end, it has to stop somewhere and the best place is within our own hearts," Foresight said in an almost dream like way as the tears continued to fall. Her sobs came out freely now and she hugged Sky tightly, burying her muzzle in his shoulder despite his angered struggles.

Slowly Sky's muscles began to relax as he was forced to blink away the water falling on his eye. The tears of Foresight continued to wash into them and after opening and closing them a few times the darkness dissolved and the natural brown colour could be seen once again.

Sky had stopped struggling now and lay there listening to the sounds of Foresight crying above him. He could now see how much hurt he had been holding onto, burying it deep in his core until Catalyst had released it and given the pain free reign over his soul. Whoever was to blame for all that had gone wrong in the world, Sky knew that Foresight wasn't them.

"Foresight, I’m sorry too, can you ever forgive me?" Sky asked in a quiet voice. Foresight nodded still unable to raise her head from his shoulder and squeezed him even tighter than before.

Foresight finally looked up through streaming eyes to Star Glow who was smiling at the pair. She had grown fainter and continued to dwindle even as Foresight watched with mounting concern, "Thank you Star, you really are an amazing pony." Foresight called out, but Star Glow simply smiled and shook her head at this praise.

"I was just trying to do what's right and to be a good pony. We all have such potential if we would be but kind to each other and any pony can be a great pony if they just do their best along with forgiving each other," Star's voice was waning along with her form and Foresight had the terrible impression this was going to be the last time she saw the brave unicorn.

"Wait, will we see you again?" She called out. Star Glow could barely be seen any more, but a whisper carried straight to Foresight's heart, "Not for a time yet, but you will again, remember to forgive and forget and don't carry the burdens of hate or revenge. The only pony they weigh down is their bearer." Star Glow was almost entirely gone now, but the spectral pony's horn glowed once more before Star Glow’s magic stuck Foresight in the chest and she felt a strange warmth spread throughout her body.

“What was that?” was all she could ask before the form of Star Glow vanished with a whisper:

“Find out next sunrise,” floated through the air before the last traces of Star Glow vanished completely.

Foresight felt Sky staring at her, the hug still pinning him to the floor. She reached out and felt the hurt and rage begin to cool and though it would be hard to forget it, with time and help Sky believed it would fade completely.

"Come on Sky, let’s get out of here, I have had enough of other pony's head's for a lifetime," Foresight said before Sky nodded in agreement. "Plus I have a very angry alicorn to apologise to," She finished up. Sky looked at Foresight in a worried way before the world flashed brightly and they went back to the real world.

Enigma laid painfully in the bed, thankful that the room was darkened so that only the minimal amount of light crept in. Shakala was the only other occupant here and had been Enigma’s constant companion since the band had left the ruins. The he’d taken great cares to make sure Enigma was treated with all respect and glared at any pony he thought wasn't giving her the best of care.

Shakala looked up ready to defend his charge as the door opened softly until seeing who entered. Foresight motioned for a very timid looking Sky Strike enter first and Enigma's face broke into a smile. Enigma would have laughed to see Sky so humbled if she didn’t hurt so much.

I see she snapped you out of it then?, I felt your hot head from over here you stupid colt,” Enigma sent as the smile broadened on her muzzle.

“You don’t look so good yourself you know,” Sky whispered, grinning back at his fellow refugee. Foresight joined in quickly followed by Shakala before a thoughtful quiet fell on the room.

“You would think the princesses would want to give us a reward for all we went through,” Sky added, nodding his head.

“That’s why we’re here, Celestia and Luna want us to attend them soon,” Foresight explained in a tone that didn’t sound all that confident.

“You do not wish to be rewarded for a task well done? Surely there are great honours that we have all won?” Shakala had picked up on Foresight’s hesitance.

Foresight looked troubled before glancing over to Enigma who was studying her with curious eyes, “You don’t want to see her do you?” The sending came into Foresight’s mind with a questioning tone.

I may have said some things I shouldn’t have,” Foresight admitted without speech so that only Enigma heard the words of confession.

“Well I for one want to have a word with Luna about things and no amount of ‘needing to rest and recuperate’ is going to stop me,” Enigma announced in a quiet voice that shocked the three onlookers as she stared at Shakala, “Well don’t just stand there, help me up, I have royalty to talk to,” Shakala felt himself moving to assist the battered mare without question.

“The healers insisted you do not leave your bed, you need time to heal and not rush ahead,” Shakala pleaded, but it was no use. Enigma just glared at him who visibly wilted before her gaze softened before she spoke again, “Your concern is touching, but I am going and that’s that.”

Sky was frantically shaking his head trying to indicate to Shakala not to argue and this brought a small smile to Foresight’s face as Enigma staggered upright, stumbled and was finally forced to lean heavily on Shakala.

“Well then let me carry you there, if nothing else I can show that I care,” Shakala responded and Foresight was sure she caught the look of fondness in his eyes. Foresight turned, raising an eyebrow at Sky who in turn nodded, having seen that look before. After all that had happened Foresight thought anything was possible, so why not Shakala and Enigma?

Remember I know what you’re thinking” Enigma jibed at Foresight’s mind and the filly coughed before leading the way to the Sister’s audience chambers.

The news was all over Equestria, after a thousand years Nightmare Moon had returned to Equestria, Celestia was nowhere to be found and darkness had covered the land. Many ponies quailed in fear, but these tidings were soon overshadowed by much happier news.

Nightmare Moon had been vanquished by six brave ponies that had used the Elements of Harmony to bring Luna back! Celebrations flooded the streets and parties held in every inn or hotel to commemorate the happy event. It was a great and time and all wondered how such a fantastic event had occurred in their lifetime.

Unknown to the cheering crowds and celebrating ponies, the last few threads which had been a thousand years in the weaving were being drawn together. Foresight and the other adventurers stood before Celestia and the recently freed Luna as the princess of the Day watched the four equines with a guarded manner.

Sky Strike was fidgeting unsure what to do with himself, Shakala stood tall and was doing his best to support Enigma who was trembling with effort. Celestia's manner was impossible to read having many years to perfect her poker face. Nevertheless the tension was felt in the air as the guards lining the walls shuffled uneasily.

Celestia finally broke the silence, "We owe you our thanks, because of your actions along with many other ponies I have my sister back," Luna's eyes were rimmed with tears as her older sister spoke. Celestia was far from finished though, "But I fear that things are not well between us still and I would have all bad feelings out and resolved on this happy day," Foresight's ears were pressed back in fear at this announcement.

Celestia's voice had a coldness and was only matched by the rise in temperature in the room and Foresight worried that what she may do next.

Celestia continued on, "I have let you ask any questions you desired before Foresight, but after talking things over with Luna we feel you have earned more reward than this I think," Celestia's eyes never wavered from Foresight's, while Luna wept openly as she finished up Celestia's explanation, "Ask what thou would of us and we will do our best to accommodate thee," Foresight stared at the Royal Pony Sisters and knew what she had to ask for. It may not be what she wanted, but it was what was needed to be said.

"Princess I have but one request, though I cannot speak for every pony," She looked to Luna as she said the next sentence, "But all I ask is that you will let me forgive you, both of you," Both royal sisters looked blank for a moment and the guards muttered in confusion before Foresight explained further.

"I more than most ponies have a right to be angry with the pair of you, my whole life has been turned upside down because of your history," Foresight continued to stare at Luna, "I have a curse of blood and body from your madness, a darkness of form that you say you cannot change?"

Luna shook her head, "It was never we who cursed you to a life of darkness, that power was Nightmare Moon's alone. If we could restore thee we would, but it has settled too deep in thy blood line now. Were we to undo the altering now, thy very being would be destroyed," Luna told Foresight sadly, hanging her head in shame. Enigma seemed to deflate a little at this reply, her hopes of a normal life dashed.

Foresight turned to address Celestia, who still held the outward shell of calm over a raging heat of hurt pride, "Your highness, you freely admit that Luna's fall was in no small part your own. I have seen how badly you treated Luna and forced her down the path of madness she fell too. You tried to hide this truth from your subjects and have caused me sore trials to help fix your past mistakes."

Celestia looked for a moment like she might explode and the room felt like an oven for a brief instant, before she turned to Luna and nodded her head sadly. However Foresight wasn’t finished, "Might I suggest we all take a lesson from a pony who gave her all to forgive and help us all. Star Glow was caught up in this whole event and stayed true to the basics of Harmony throughout. In her memory I want to forgive you both for all that has happened and may we all come closer together as a result. Her sacrifices and many others made this happy ending possible."

Foresight struggled to keep her voice even as emotion sought to unbalance her and she finished what she needed to say, "So if I can forgive, forget and look to the future with hope then surely we all can?" Foresight looked to Enigma whose face had been full of anger only a moment before. Closing her eyes, Enigma took a deep breath before nodding, but failed to hide the disappointment on her face.

"Well spoken Foresight," Celestia's words laced with a good kind of pride.

"To see such noble sentiments from the altered gives us all hope indeed," Luna agreed wholeheartedly.

Celestia continued on, "In that spirit of unity, Equestria will once again open its borders to any who have been displaced by wars or conflicts in this regard. All those altered who wish for another chance to live in Equestria are free to do so once again and not just that; Many creatures of all kinds have already fled far from High Point and other settlements ruined by Catalyst and his followers. We decree that if any seek safety in our lands and are willing to live in peace we shall grant it."

Sky Strike, Enigma and Skakala made to kneel, only to have the Princess of the Day raise a hoof instantly. "You have earned the right to stand tall and though not of my....our kingdom I would be glad to welcome you all to stay in Equestria as long as you will." Celestia smiled as she looked to Luna once more.

The first to speak was Shakala, "Oh royal sister's fare, thank you for the offer, but I will stay wherever is to be found this beautiful mare."

Shakala looked in a rapt way at Enigma, who rolled her eyes, “If I had known saving him from Catalyst would cause this much trouble I think I would have been better off leaving it,” Enigma joked with Foresight whose smiled only widened.

Enigma took the time to speak her mind. "Thank you your highness, I would be honoured to stay here and learn of 'civilisation' from Foresight and others. I have had my fill of the dark lands outside your borders," The pony said this all in a quiet way, all the time using her own mouth in respect even as she winked to Foresight.

Foresight now turned to Sky Strike who had not raised his gaze from the floor despite Celestia's encouragement. She looked at her sad and beaten friend, his mottled coat and brown mane were a mess. He looked so lost and alone and was a far cry from the confident outspoken pony Foresight had first met.

"Come now brave warrior of High Point, let not thy countenance be so full of gloom, we owe thee much that cannot be repaid. Without thy help our sister's envoy would never have completed her task," Luna announced in a determined way.

Sky Strike finally looked up he gave a huge sigh, "I just want to go home." It was heartfelt and a simple desire, all the more painful for being beyond the power of any pony there to grant.

Shakala shook his head in sympathetic way, "Come now Sky, this land is open and free, a perfect place for you to fly".

Foresight stepped towards Sky Strike and gave him a hug, "You ‘have’ a home, 'here' with us. I won't let you wander off into the wastes alone again," She told the stallion in a no-nonsense tone.

Sky's face showed just the hint of hope once again, "Even after all I said and tried to do to you, you would take an old stallion like me in?"

Foresight smiled as she reassured him, "Of course Sky."

The happy mood in the room lifted the spirits of all those present. Hard times had been overcome and old wounds, though not fully healed were well on the way to being cured. Celestia smiled a genuine smile for what felt like centuries as the four ponies chatted happily as they were lead from the council chamber in the palace.

Soon the two sisters were alone apart from their guards and soon even these were dismissed by a simple command of Celestia who wanted some time alone with her estranged sibling. As the guards filed out Luna looked to Celestia with apprehension. This would be the first time they had truly been alone together in over a thousand years. There was so much to say, so much to catch up on and so much to do.

"Sister I..." Luna began, but Celestia held up a hoof to forstall any comment.

"Please Luna, let me say this first. I have been a terrible sister and I deserve anything you think I should be punished with. I am sorry, I shouldn't have been so proud and ignored your plight. These last thousand years have been a torture for me and......" Celestia said in a brittle voice. Old habits die hard it seemed, Celestia had cut her younger sibling off once again, "Sorry Luna I did it again didn't I?"

Luna smiled weakly before responding, "Yes thou did, but thou noticed it and tried to fix it. We hold thee no grudge." The younger princess' stature was still far from returned, her mane and tail were limp and blue, but her eyes carried an age and wisdom born from living far longer than her frame would suggest, "We hope things can be like they were before we...no I turned against you my sister, I missed you so much".

Celestia shook her head and Luna looked ashamed before she spoke again, "We knew that would be too much to ask of thee. We will be thy servant, we will make up to thee and the ponies of our lands for all that we took from them. It is all we deserve."

To Luna's surprise and confusion Celestia raised her chin with a hoof and smiled warmly once again, "Oh Luna things can never again be as they once were, nor would I have it as such. No they are to be better and much improved! We have so much to catch up on and I would not have you even one step behind me, we were meant to rule together."

Celestia gave her younger sister a huge hug using both her massive wings along with her fore hooves and Luna muzzled in close to Celestia's chest as she looked up at her. "It will all be okay won't it Tia?" Celestia nodded but in the back of her mind she knew that it was only half true. So much hurt didn't disappear overnight, "Of course Lulu, it will all be fine, in the end."

Foresight and Sky Strike were just leaving Enigma at the hospital, her brave show had cost Enigma and she had needed to submit once more the medical forces of Canterlot hospital once more. With this visit concluded Foresight decided to take a gentle walk through Canterlot with Sky Strike by her side, confident her other friends were in the best care Celestia’s personal doctors could provide.

Sky Looked about the high towers and wide roadways of Canterlot and his jaw dropped open in wonder, There were so many ponies and every one of them was smiling. They chatted by stalls in the market, sat on benches in parks and none of them seemed to have a care in the world.

The occasional guard treated the pair with a polite nod of respect and some ponies even saluted them. Even if Canterlot as a whole didn't know of the roles they had played in Luna's return it seemed the guards did and were keen to show it. Sky saw foals playing in the streets, simple games of chase or looptie hoop. He stared as a random stranger galloped up to him and placed a wreath of flowers over his neck and Foresight chuckled to see his unease.

"They are all excited that's all, princess Luna is back and the Elements of Harmony are in use once again after so long in hiding. You're safe here and you finally have a chance to be happy Sky. No more running from giant snakes or spiders that would eat you as soon as look at you," Foresight chatted away in a nonstop tirade about how good things were here.

Sky couldn't blame her either, this land was paradise compared to High Point. Every pony looked so genuine and friendly. He soon found himself very jealous of Foresight and all she had been given. This was such an easy life compared to the one he knew and what was more startling to him was she wanted to share it.

Sky Strike couldn't help but feel there was some big catch to this whole place. Things just seemed too good to be true, but no matter how hard Sky looked he could find no evidence to support that idea. This land really did seem to be a place of love, tolerance and harmony.

He suddenly felt terribly out of place and it must have shown on his face as he found Foresight looking at him in a concerned way from under a delicate parasol, which she acquired before they had headed out into the streets and sunshine.

Foresight didn't mind the light so much now and Sky recalled the parting words of Star Glow; “Find out next sunrise.” and she had. Sky waited up for dawn with Foresight and as the light from the sun crept over the horizon Foresight squealed with joy as for the first time in her life she didn't have to shade her eyes from the daylight. They soon discovered that even with this boon the heat of the day was still troubling for Foresight and hence the parasol, but nevertheless her newfound tolerance was a happy marvel.

Sky realised Foresight was still watching him in a worried way, "Sky what's the matter?" She asked in a disbelieving tone, probably wondering how could any pony not be happy on a day like this?

He looked up and down the street seeing all the smiling faces, not sure how to phrase what was troubling him. "I guess it all just looks 'too' perfect, I keep waiting for the catch."

Foresight looked about herself as if seeing Canterlot for the first time and Sky could see it dawning on his young friend. Now she had been out of the 'bubble' and seen the world outside, the filly could understand what Sky Strike meant. "I know it all seems too good to be true, but this is what all the hard work of ponies that protect us goes towards. This is a land where we can walk freely, knowing that Celestia and now Luna and her soldiers will keep the bad things at bay."

"Bad things like the folk of High Point you mean?" Sky asked in a sullen manner.

"Of course not Sky," Foresight said in a horrified way. "There are decent folk wherever you go, well not counting that first zebra I bumped into.”

Foresight tapped Sky Strike playfully on his shoulder."You lived there didn't you along with, Enigma and you’re both good ponies deep down?"

Sky Strike nodded vaguely at the compliment. He couldn't help but focus on the 'deep down' comment, as if Foresight was saying he was bad on the outside somehow. He wondered if Enigma or any of the other refugees were feeling like he was at the idyllic place they found themselves in?

Foresight hooked her hoof around his arm and walked Sky quickly forward, "We're in sight of my house now. Mum and Dad are going to be so pleased to see us," There was a looming sense of dread in Sky's stomach at this pronouncement.

All the buildings here looked like something out of a fairy tale to Sky, but he would later find out that this part of Canterlot was actually considered modest by the cities standards. Foresight knocked on the door and waited with barely contained excitement.

As the door opened after a brief pause Sky felt the wash of cold flow over him and darkness completely at odds with the bright day beyond the entrance. Sky was met by two pairs of slitted eyes which watched him with distrust, but this soon turned to joy as they recognised Foresight.

A stallion's voice called from the shadows within, "Foresight you're home and my, my, who is your guest?"

"Father this is Sky Strike he is a very good friend of mine and I have so much to tell you!" Foresight replied happily.

Sky followed Foresight as she led him into vaguely familiar world of darkness and strange manners, not to far from the home he had lost before and far less alien than the busy happy streets outside. Since coming to Equestria Sky felt more at home here than anywhere else in Canterlot and mused that maybe it was because these nightborn were just as out of place in the cheery land?

He later came to understand it was the good feeling that came when a home was full of love, no matter what shade of coat or breed of a pony within. Sky may have lost his former home, but in time and to his delight he had found a new one to replace that here in Equestria.