• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 573 Views, 7 Comments

The Fourth Star. - Golden Paw

It is nearing the time of the summer sun celebration. The prophesied time of Nightmare moon's return to Equestaria. Tales tell that the stars will aid in her escape, but could there more to this tale than first thought? What dose this really mea

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Walking in Dreams

Time was irrelevant, It could have been weeks or minutes as they travelled, Foresight just couldn't tell. All she could do was follow the flow of magic as it carried her along with Star Glow. The phantom pony seemed more real here, in contrast Foresight seemed more pale and less solid when she looked down at herself.

They didn't trot or gallop but they didn't quite float along either, It was a strange combination of both and neither. Like trying to run in a nightmare but never travelling at the speed you should. To Foresight's surprise it didn't trouble her now, with Star Glow leading the way, sure hoofed and showing a radiating presence of calm assurance.

The impression of vast distances being crossed was felt as the pair made their way and before long Foresight began to have the inklings that this journey would never end. Suddenly they found themselves touching down on a grey dusty vista. The stars twinkled overhead and the place felt utterly empty. Foresight had the impression that this place was incredibly cold, but she didn't feel cold. In fact she didn't feel warm, or anything at all, she just was.

Turning her searching eyes around the cold landscape, Foresight felt loneliness and a void of the soul that pulled at her heart. It was so empty, no colours, no sound, no breeze, Just the cold and still. The grey dust stretched out before the pair as far as the ponies could see and the whole scene was cast in long shadows. The hints of sunlight peeking out just over the distant horizon the only source of light. Foresight turned to look at Star Glow with a question forming on her lips, but the yellow mare simply held up a hoof for silence before raising it to her ear almost theatrically.

Foresight Listened carefully, her own ears moving around to focus more closely. It was only then she caught the tiniest of sounds, the faintest sound of a pony wailing. The sound was a vocal expression of this barren place and it turned Foresight's heart to ice. How could any pony give voice to such a sound of utter hopelessness?

Star Glow nodded, her calm smile was gone and replaced with one of concern and worry. Without saying a word, she motioned for Foresight to follow and they both began to trot towards the source of the wailing. As Foresight kept pace with Star she noticed something else odd:

Neither of the ponies disturbed the ground at their passage, they left no hoof prints in the grey dust, not any sign they had been there at all. Star Glow lead her around high mounds and deep craters of grey as the ponies headed towards the only sound in this barren place.

The sounds of crying became more distinct as Foresight and Star glow followed the noise to a deep crater where the feeble light had yet to reach. They carefully crossed over the lip of the massive impression and began to stumble their way down the steep surface. This crater larger than any they had passed and Foresight finally saw the source of the wailing, there was a pony huddled at the base of the crater, it's wings and horn marking it out as an alicorn.

The distraught filly, wings limp at her sides looked completely pitiful, its muzzle buried deeply in its cyan mane. The pony didn't look much larger than Star Glow or Foresight, its mane and tail were limp and solid. The pale blues and purples of her coat, mane and tail all confirmed Foresight's suspicions:

"Princess Luna?" She asked Star Glow who nodded in reply, "But she looks so young, isn't she over a thousand years old?" The pony before them didn't look much past foalhood.

"What is 'old' when dealing with ponies who are timeless?" Star said levelly, "But yes she is young here," She finished cryptically.

"Where is 'here' then?" Foresight asked, confusion lacing her words. Star Glow's young face held eyes heavy with knowledge and she smiled sadly still looking down at Luna's huddled form.

"Well that's a little harder to explain, we're inside Nightmare Moon's prison which covers a lot of different places, but this is the part of that prison where Luna hides," Star Glow said in a reserved tone.

"We're on the moon!" Foresight gasped in shock, the sense of dislocation nearly caused her to lose her footing and she slid a little further down the steep incline.

"Yes and no, the 'when' is also a little bit complicated, but the important part is we are here and Luna needs our help," Foresight recognised the same determination she had felt burn within Star Glow's eyes now.

"What do we do then?" Foresight asked, not taking her focus off the sad filly alicorn still sobbing at the base of the crater.

Star Glow didn't answer right away, but turned her head upwards and focused on a distant dark shape that was just cresting the horizon, "We stand by her," Star Glow announced in a level voice. Storm clouds and an even deeper darkness which blotted out the stars followed behind the approaching form of Nightmare Moon.

The majestic but terrible form of the corrupted alicorn circled once before landing, her four hooves casting up grey dust that hung in the air. The creature glared at the assembled ponies as lightning danced about the sky, causing the already scared Luna to curl up into an even tighter ball. Nightmare Moon sneered at the trembling filly before turning her condescending gaze upon the two intruders.

"What is this now? A pair of new comers join us in our imprisonment, my my Celestia has been busy," Her voice was full of scorn and implied threat as she cast her gaze over Foresight before her eyes became cold as ice as they focused on Star Glow. "It seems that the prodigal servant returns to my side after all this time. Oh little 'Star Glow' I see you didn't keep the new powers and looks I bestowed upon you, such a pity. I really did have a soft spot for you."

Star Glow glared up at Nightmare Moon without fear and met her mocking stare with an angry one of her own. "You're not my princess and never will be."

Nightmare Moon snorted at this defiance. Her eyes glowed with power as more lightning smashed down around the group, kicking up explosions of powder where they struck. Even as Foresight shrunk back from this display of magical might she couldn't help but marvel at Star Glow's courage, who stood her ground unwavering before the storm.

"I see you have grown a backbone since we last met little filly, I remember how you squirmed and trembled when you first saw my true form. Has that meddling wizard been filling your head with foalish ideas?" Nightmare Moon asked in the same condescending tone.

Nightmare Moon finally turned her piercing eyes onto Foresight, who quickly found she couldn't hold the gaze of the Queen of Shadows: The hate and loathing radiating from the dark creature made Foresight feel physically ill, "Now there is a pony who knows her place Star Glow, see her beautiful form and how she shows me proper respect." The mad creature's turquoise eyes may have mirrored Foresight's green ones, but they held nothing but utter contempt for all they saw.

"You're not welcome here Star, leave at once before I squash you like the insect you are," Nightmare Moon announced and her eyes glowed once again, causing the storm clouds above to tremble ominously. Foresight's whimper of fear caused a smile to spread across Nightmare Moon's dark face, "This one however may remain as she amuses me, but you missed your chance to be part of something greater Star Glow," She sneered at Foresight who covered her head with her hooves and tried not vomit.

Foresight spared a glance at Star Glow, who to Foresight's amazement simply smiled, "Still the same old story Nightmare? I am not going anywhere and Foresight is free to leave when she decides to do so and not before."

"Oh is that so?" Nightmare Moon mocked once again. She summoned her power and sent a bolt of lightning arcing towards Star Glow. Foresight hid her face again, not wanting to witness the inevitable outcome.

A quiet but determined "Yes" whispered: Despite its softness it pierced the rumbling thunder from the gathered storm clouds. Mustering her courage, Foresight dared to look up and see what was left of Star Glow. To her amazement the still translucent unicorn was unharmed despite the ground around being scorched and blackened by the force of the Nightmare Moon's attack.

Behind Nightmare Moon Foresight saw another silhouette, it's eyes also glowed with power as a blue shimmer encased her horn, mirroring the shield that now surrounded Star Glow. Nightmare hissed out a curse that caused Foresight's ears to burn before swinging around at the newcomer's voice.

"I thought I taught you to stay down the last time, I see I will have to reteach you that lesson once again," Nightmare Moon called in a furious tone.

With all her focus on Nightmare Moon, Foresight had failed to notice that Luna had stopped wailing in the crater and had watched the whole event from below. She saw how Nightmare Moon was treating her friend, the one who had stood by her when all else did and forgot her own worries before leaping to her aid.

"Thou darkness, we will not let thee hurt one's friend," Luna shouted out, tears still dripping from her muzzle, "Thou may have driven all others to hate us, but thou will not take Star from us again!" The challenge rang out louder this time and Nightmare Snorted in derision.

"This is my mind and body now, you little wretch. I was the one who gained us followers, I was the one who brought Equestria to its knees in a few short weeks. You? All you did was whine about how unfair the world is and how our dear sister got all the praise for our hard work," Nightmare Moon taunted Luna.

"All that may be true, but that does not change what we have said. We will not allow thee hurt dear Star Glow, or her dark companion," Luna's younger voice was trembling, but her gaze never wavered for even a second from Nightmare Moon.

Foresight remembered a lesson her magic teachers had taught her once; "Courage isn't the lack of fear or doubt, but doing what is needed despite it's presence." Foresight recalled, remembering her first field trip to a burial site and being scared of the tails of ghosts. Her tutor had reassured Foresight that day and the black mare could see a prime example of that lesson here.

Luna was clearly terrified of Nightmare Moon, her whole frame shook as if with palsy, her voice showed how close she was to curling back into a ball of scared fear, but the princess of the night stood her ground nevertheless. It was inspiring to witness and Foresight took courage from Luna's example.

Nightmare sneered and lashed out with Lightning once again, seeking to blast Luna back down into the crater, this time with such force that she would never rise again. She didn't have time to doge the attack and it struck her with a terrible hissing sound.

Foresight's fragile courage failed as Luna was engulfed by white light, but instead of falling, burnt to ashes, Luna remained unharmed and more than a little shocked. The wonder in her eyes plain to see and Luna wasn't the only pony to be astounded. Nightmare Moon's mouth hung open as she drifted back away from Luna in sudden fear.

"You forget who's mind you're in Nightmare Moon, Luna has faith in her friends with feelings deeper and stronger than you could ever know. Now it's your turn to leave, you have no more power here," Star Glow's form glowed brighter than Foresight had ever seen it.

Luna's faith in her friend, her faith and friendship was more powerful in this place than Luna's darker alter ego could ever be. It was so strong that it caused Star Glow to shine and forced Foresight to shield her eyes from the glare.

Nightmare Moon called out more defiance and hurled more lightning, but every bolt simply fizzled to nothing before it could strike home. Star's faith and friendship reciprocated with Luna's: The magical power charging both ponies and causing them to glow from within.

Nightmare Moon glared at the three ponies before snarling. She wrapped the storm clouds about herself and fled, not looking back while cursing all the way until her dark form was well beyond the horizon. Star Glow and Foresight looked to Luna who was still hovering with soft wing beats above the crater she had hidden in for so long.

Foresight couldn't believe it, Nightmare Moon had run away! Not only this, but now she stood before the real Princess Luna. "Wha....how?" was all Foresight could stammer out before Star Glow collapsed to the ground and Luna dived down to catch her.

"That was a brave thing thou did my dear Star Glow, how art thou art even here?" Luna cradled Star Glow's head in her fore hooves as Foresight looked on in wonder as the yellow pony lay on her back. The unicorn's glow diminished and she looked pale from the effort of confronting Nightmare Moon.

"I couldn't leave you to face her alone princess, I just couldn't," Star Glow mumbled in a daze.

Luna's face was awash with conflicting emotions, one moment she was happy, sad and then scared. All these sought to show the turmoil inside her heart at this turn of events. Luna's eyes took on a stern expression, "Thou should not have come here Star, thou could have been hurt."

To Foresight's dismay she realised that Luna was avoiding looking directly at her. The few times Foresight caught Luna's eyes dart her way they were full of pain and guilt. It wasn't hard to guess why and Foresight, not wanting to make things more awkward she began to back away.

"Don't go Foresight, it's okay and I want to introduce princess Luna to you," Star Glow called out, her voice growing in strength even as she spoke.

Foresight hesitated before coming back as Luna looked to Star Glow who nodded with encouragement, "Princess Luna, this is my good friend Foresight, she's the one who brought me here," Star said with a touch of emotion in her voice.

Luna finally looked straight up at Foresight, who bowed at once. Luna winced at the action before speaking, "Thou shalt not bow to us, we who have failed thee so badly," Luna's eyes were full of grief once again, "Thou brought our friend and servant back to us, we cannot thank thee enough for such an act, but how can thou have done this thing?"

"I can explain that," Star Glow said as she raised herself into a sitting position and began to tell Luna of all the events leading to this point. Luna looked to Foresight with wonder in her eyes as Star told her of Foresight’s part in the tale, Foresight blushed with embarrassment with the praise being placed upon her.

By the end of the story Luna's eyes were filled with tears as she spoke, "So much death and sadness. What hast one unleashed upon Equestria and how can we ever set things right again?"

For once it seemed that Star Glow didn't know the answer to that, she looked to Foresight who was just at a loss, "I do not know princess, but I know that your sister Celestia has a plan of some kind. That's why she sent me out to find the orb and, well everything....." Foresight said in a hopeful tone before her eyes took on a distant look as she began to speak once again, "I think......I think we are here to make sure that there is still a princess to be saved: Nightmare Moon shall return to Equestria and it will be up to others to finish what we have begun here Luna."

Luna looked at Foresight in a confused way before she continued, "I think that Star Glow is here to keep you safe Luna, until the time you can be set free again. While she remains in your mind Nightmare Moon can't touch you," Foresight said, not knowing exactly how she knew these things. Princess Luna looked to Star Glow who was beaming with joy and nodding with enthusiasm.

"Thou would stay with us until then? We would be honoured to have such a good friend to watch over us," Luna's eyes were in full flow now and the salty tears dripped down to form little craters of their own in the dust of the moon, "But what then? Will we have to go back and face all those we have wronged and Star Glow, what will become of you?" Luna's lip trembled.

"Oh Luna, don't worry I will be fine," There was a brittle tone to that sentence and Foresight looked to Star Glow. She may not have seen the mare in the flesh as it were, but sharing a head with Star Glow had given Foresight some insight into the unicorn.

She felt the hesitancy in Star’s voice. In that moment Foresight realised that Star Glow didn't know what would become of her when Luna was freed. She'd known there would be risks to herself and had come despite that threat.

Star Glow gave Foresight a look that told her not to press the point any further. After looking into the hope now filling Luna's eyes Foresight knew she didn't have the heart to trouble Luna with her own worries, "She will be fine Luna, and we can talk with the other ponies when I get back, speaking of which I should really be getting back". Foresight forced a smile and looked expectantly at Star Glow.

Star's face took on a guilty look, "I... I don't know how to send you back Foresight".

The words hit Foresight like a hammer, "What do you mean? I did my part, now send me back. You told Nightmare Moon I could go whenever I wanted." Her voice was edged with panic. "Why didn't you tell me that? You mean I am stuck here too!" It was Foresight's turn to start tearing up.

Star Glow look wretched, "I was scared Foresight and I-I just couldn't do it alone, the same as Luna needed a pony to help her. I am so sorry, I just assumed that when everything was done you would get back."

"That's just not good enough, you find a way to get me back. Didn't Focal Balance tell you anything?" Foresight was shouting now.

"He just said the orb bearer would be protected, I didn't ask any more than that," Star Glow said with mounting shame. Luna watched the two ponies with mounting sorrow again. "We beg thou not to be angry with Star, she didn't mean to cause this," Luna's voice took on a quiet quality once again, "It was our foolish pride and envy that brought this about, if thou art angry dear friend Foresight then let it be at us."

Foresight snorted in disbelief at this. She felt the weight of that pronouncement and her heart quailed at the thought. She could be stuck here for a thousand years! Foresight looked sadly at Luna and then with no small resignation at Star Glow. Would Foresight have acted much differently than Star in her situation? She just didn’t know the answer to that.

“I.....” Foresight began before there was another feeling of total dislocation and she felt as though a lasso had been tied about her middle and yanked backwards. Foresight's vision swam and blurred as the stars seemed to fall from their places in the heavens before she fell into darkness.

Foresight had a sudden feeling of weight about herself and light dazzled her eyes. She tried to lift her hooves but they felt so heavy. Screwing her eyes tightly shut against the encroaching brightness, Foresight felt pain for the first time since she had stepped into the magic circle conjured by Catalyst. She felt every muscle in her body aching and despite the unpleasant sensation, Foresight was reassured: Pain meant she was alive.

With a groan Foresight turned over, trying to hide her face from the light forcing it's way through her eyelids. As she did so the young mare felt the rustle of cloth, it was smooth and slid around her in a frictionless manner.

Foresight reckoned she heard birds nearby, but their song was distorted and hazy. These weren't the only sounds, Foresight was sure she could make out voices too. Rubbing the side of her head Foresight did her best to make out what was being said:

"Your highness she is still sleeping, however an hour ago we noticed she was breathing normally again. You did say that you wanted to be told as soon as anything changed with her and we sent for you when the patient began to mumble things in her sleep," This was voiced in a nervous tone, as if the the owner fought to stay calm.

"Indeed, do not worry, you have done as instructed 'Bedside Manner', thank you for informing me of her progress. I will sit with her awhile," Foresight knew that voice, she had heard it many times before and every time it made her heart jump with reverence.

This time however it made her feel angry, there were burning questions she needed to ask the owner that voice. It had been that voice which had sent Foresight off on a hard and dangerous journey, where she had lost friends and gone through horrors she would never be able to forget. That regal and well toned voice had a lot of questions to answer in Foresight's opinion and the fore most of them was "Why?"

As the sound of a door closing clicked quietly before Foresight detected measured hoof falls approaching on a hard floor. She summoned up her courage and forced open her eyes before turning back over and pushing herself up right. As suspected, there stood princess Celestia, her flowing multi-coloured mane catching the rays of sunlight from a window off to her left.

The princess smiled gently and drew the curtains closed, bringing blessed shadows back. Now able to see clearly Foresight discovered white sheets covering her. She was sitting in a hospital bed in a room picked out in pale green. It was a basic layout, a small table with a flower pot on it and a chair containing the regal form of Celestia. Foresight looked about to see where the bird's were, only to realise she was hooked up to a monitor which was beeping regularly.

Even with the curtains drawn Celestia emanated a pale glow, dampened from its normal intensity for Foresight's benefit it seemed, "I am glad to see you are awake Foresight, we were starting to worry about you." She looked up at the ruler of Equestria and her eyes narrowed.

"Why?" Was all Foresight whispered, her throat felt tight and dry, she obviously hadn't spoken for some time it seemed. Foresight wasn't sure if she was angry or relieved to see Celestia again. Her impression of the princess had changed greatly since she had last seen the monarch.

Celestia didn't seem taken aback by the abrupt question, but did pause a moment before answering, "Well that covers a lot and it will take some time to explain."

"Well I am not going anywhere it seems," Foresight pressed on, her voice gaining in strength.

Celestia nodded before continuing, "Which 'why' would you like first?"

Foresight stared at Celestia with a hurt expression, "Why didn't you do something to help Luna? She needed you all those years ago and you let her down!"