• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 887 Views, 3 Comments

The Hive - Origins - CodeBrony

Long ago, in a land far to the east of Equestria, lived a changeling and her Hive.

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Dust rolled over the wastelands as Celestia’s charge hung high in the sky. The landscape was a fiery red, to match the heat that bore down upon it, and barren of all flora, except the occasional tumbleweed that would roll by after a warm gust of wind. It was a mountainous terrain, filled with valleys and plateaus. It was serene, it was peaceful, but most importantly, it was away from any of those disgusting ponies.

This desert was known far and wide as the Changeling Wastelands, but to Chrysalis, it was known only as Home. Her Hive was built under a cliff of a plateau that helped provide shelter against the wind and shade from the sun. It was a large, black, spherical formation, with many holes that would provide as either an entrance or exit to the many changelings that also resided in this Hive.

Though she had lived here her entire life, she still couldn’t help still looking upon it in awe. But her reverie was soon broken as a harsh wind began to kick up, and the tell tale signs of a sandstorm on the horizon began rearing their ugly heads. She had been enjoying a nice leisure day, relaxing in the sun in her special spot. Chrysalis had enjoyed sitting in this spot as long as she could remember. It sat the perfect distance away from her Hive that she could see the entire thing, but close enough that she could still make out all the details. But best of all, it was positioned underneath a portion of overhanging rock, which provided her a decent amount of shade during the hottest time of the day.
Irritated, she stood up from her spot and stretched, fluttering her gossamer wings to get the tightness out in case she had to make a quick dash inside. Luckily, though, time was on her side. She began her slow walk back toward the hive, mentally preparing herself for the preparations that were in store.

Chrysalis walked into the Hive, head held high, strutting past the bowing changelings, an aura of command emanating from her very being. She loved it. She made for a set of spiraling, black stairs that would lead into the upper tunnels. As she reached the top, she caught herself slowing down to admire the beautiful internal architecture of her Hive. Black stalactites hung from the ceiling, and around them were hundreds of glowing green eggs. It gave the entirety of the hive a faint green ethereal glow. It was one of Chrysalis’ favorite things about her Hive. But admiring would have to wait – she had an important message to relay!

The caverns of the upper level were similar to a labyrinth. Turns where you least expected them, and sometimes where you could hardly see them, numerous dead ends, and a thin, light green fog permeating a few inches above the ground. It was very easy to lose your footing, or your way, but not to Chrysalis. She had trekked these halls many times before, and to her it was almost like a familiar game. Almost. Before she could have any fun with it, away from the judging eyes of the rest of her Hive, she found herself face to face with the doorway to the throne room. She took a deep breath and crossed the threshold.

Queen Thorax looked upon her daughter as she entered the throne room, head held high, full of purpose, almost pompous. It was hardly any way for a 7 year old changeling to be acting, but it was cute nonetheless. After her daughter had moved far enough into the room, Queen Thorax dismissed her royal guard so that she may have a word with her daughter in private.

Princess Chrysalis bowed to her mother as the royal guards fluttered past her and out into the caverns. When she rose, she saw her mother wearing a simple, loving smile. “My daughter, what news do you have for me today?”

Chrysalis stood up, puffed out her chest, and raised her head high. “There’s a sandstorm coming, moth- I mean, Your Highness.” She reprimanded herself for almost slipping up. The future queen could not afford such simple mishaps.

Nodding at the news, Queen Thorax stood from her throne. “We must prepare!” The queen left immediately to begin preparations for the oncoming storm, while Chrysalis was left alone in the throne room.

Patience was not one of Chrysalis’ strong suits, however. After merely a few minutes of waiting for her mother to come back, the young changeling found herself quite bored. She idly began fidgeting her hooves, but that only kept her entertained for about 30 seconds. Her eyes began to drift around the room in admiration. While the rest of her Hive was beautiful, this room in particular was sculpted with extra finesse. The stalactites and stalagmites were perfectly carved, sharpened at the end, the windows were made from the greenest glass, the ebony towers stretched from floor to ceiling that were placed symmetrically around the room. Then her eyes settled on the throne. Queen Thorax’ throne sat upon a raised dais of the blackest chitin in the hive, and was made of pure emerald. Banners of the Queen were adorned on either side in a beautifully contrasting shade of lavender. Chrysalis’ eyes lit up as an idea set hold in her mind. No changeling aside from the queen, not even a princess, was allowed to sit upon the royal throne, but that didn’t stop her from being curious. The power, the respect, the elegance that came with being a queen. Chrysalis wanted it all, and she wanted it now, and without her mother or any royal guard around, now was her chance.

After a quick peek around the corner into the labyrinth of the upper caverns and neither seeing nor hearing any sign of her mother’s return any time soon, Chrysalis climbed up to the throne and took a seat right in the center. She was drastically smaller than the throne itself, but that didn’t change how big she felt. At that single moment in time, she felt like she could take on anything: ponies, diamond dogs, even dragons! Soon, she was playing through all sorts of fantasies of sending her Hive to attack a dragon’s lair to steal its treasures, or to conquer a diamond dog’s den to expand her Hive.

While reveling in these fantasies, Chrysalis failed to hear the echoing sounds of hoofsteps that were rapidly approaching the throne room. Queen Thorax rounded the corner to the throne room and froze dead in her tracks, seeing her daughter on her throne. Likewise, Chrysalis was frozen in absolute terror, knowing full well what potential repercussions could await her for disobeying one of the laws of her hive.

Terrified, Chrysalis slowly stepped down from the throne, shaking harder than she ever had before. After she fully descended the dais, she bowed as low as she could, internally cursing herself that she couldn’t bow any lower. “Forgive me, Mother, I-“

She was cut off by Queen Thorax stomping her hoof directly in front of Chrysalis’ face, the crack resounding throughout the throne room. “Such insolence! And from my daughter no less!” she bellowed as Chrysalis tried, and failed, to sink even lower.

Queen Thorax let out a heavy sigh and walked delicately around her daughter, circling her, eyeing her. Chrysalis was still frozen in fear, wild scenarios of what her mother would do to her running through her mind. Will she banish me? Will she throw me in a dungeon? Will she banish me and then throw me in a dungeon in the place she banishes me to? Her head began to reel and her stomach began to turn.

After what seemed an eternity of silence, Queen Thorax finally stopped and turned to Chrysalis and said, “Your time as queen draws closer, my daughter. Tell me, how will you rule over your subjects?”

Chrysalis thought for a moment before responding, “Um… My subjects will be treated with respect, mercy, and loyalty.” She looked up at her mother, expectantly, hoping that she had answered correctly.

To this, Queen Thorax solemnly nodded before continuing, “And what of other nations?”

This is what it all came down to – Chrysalis’ final test as a princess before earning her right to become Queen of her own Hive. Confident, she responded without missing a beat. “I’ll infiltrate their government, lull them into a false sense of security, and drain the love from their hearts ‘til they are nothin’ but lifeless husks!” she exclaimed, stamping a hoof for emphasis.

Queen Thorax’ eyes lit up in evil happiness. She was ready. “That’s my daughter,” she exclaimed in delight. “Now join me in evil laughter!”

Chrysalis laughed with her mother for what seemed like ages, with all the worries of punishment from her previous mistakes now gone. Never before in her life had she felt such joy and happiness. This day truly was perfect.

Comments ( 3 )

not bad, good job with the details

Now go to your room, you still grounded.

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