• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 565 Views, 6 Comments

Learning Curve - Tidicuses

What started as one pony's mission will blossom to something greater

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Chp 8 The "L" Word

I stretched out my wings and took to the sky again as I had done so many times before. I could feel the wind tugging softly at my feathers, while it forced my fur flat against me. I did a small loop in the sky, causing the basket I carried to rock around, shaking it's contents inside. I leveled out and made a note to not do more stunts so long as I had the basket in tow. I couldn't shake up the contents to much.

Inside the basket was some food, a blanket, and a bottle of sweet apple acres cider. (Not the hard stuff just some cider.) There was also one very special item inside of the basket, tucked into the blanket. It was a small special gift for my special somepony. Today was a very special day and called for the gift. For exactly one year ago today was when I had first bumped into that pony I now hold so close. The first time I saw her, first time I had ever really talked to anyone for that matter. (Besides a simple 'hey nice day bye.') I'll admit back when I first met her I had completely different intentions then what I have now. Back then I wanted to break her out of her normal life and force my onto her.

But back then I also hadn't known what a powerful tool friendship was. Today I know what friendship can do to somepony, and how it can make their lives so much better, and how and bring two ponies together. Today I know what it's like to actually have somepony who you can hold close when they need it and who can hold you close when you need it. I know what it's like to have a best friend who still means more then anything else at the same time.

Albeit my special somepony and I didn't reach this point without a few ups and downs. Some outside forces coming into play, unforeseen events, and sometimes each other. But that was something that made what we had truly special, it's not that we had not battles, but that what we had was worth the battles. Together we had seen good times as well as bad. And that's what made us special.

As I approached the familiar clearing that I knew like the back of my hoof I knew the time to spend with my special pony was here. And I was going to enjoy every minute we had together today. I landed near the beautiful yellow mare and quickly trotted up to her and gave her a soft kiss, it still felt as warm and passionate as the first time. She brushed her pink mane aside as she looked at me with joy.

"Did you bring the stuff?" She questioned my as she tapped the basket clenched in my teeth.

"Well of course." I set the basket down and gave a small smile. "Can't be much of a one year anniversary if I didn't now would it?" I gave a smirk as I nuzzled her check.

She returned the tender motion and stepped back, allowing my to get out the items. I took out the blanket careful to not reveal her gift, then spread it out on the ground inviting her to sit. When she came and sat next to me I pulled out the next items, two simple meals. Nothing over the top, but not as simple as a sandwich either. I placed out the plates with some orzo salad with buttermilk dressing. For the finishing touch I poured some of the cider into the two wine glasses I brought.

"I have a touch of my own." Fluttershy reached into a small shoulder pouch she had brought with her and pulled out two small candles and a fire starter. She lit the candle as the last of the suns light kissed the sky goodnight to let the stars play. "Thought they would help set the mood you know?" She looked at me with a small smile and a hint of blush.

"Perfect." With that we began eating and drinking, sharing small talk, and enjoying each other's company.

Once the sun had set and the candles provided the only real light source left I had pulled out a second blanket. I put the candle to the side so as to not catch fire to anything and ruin the date. Fluttershy had snuggled in close to me as I drew the blanket over us. We lied back and stared at the sky.

"The stars look amazing tonight." She held her transfixed gaze at the stars as their twinkling danced in the reflection of her eyes. She looked like an angel.

"Yeah. Not as beautiful as you though." She turned her head and looked at me with her soft and kind gaze. The stars light still reflected softly in her eyes, though not as clearly. But even without the light reflecting her her light blue eyes, I still found my self getting lost in the two gems before me. Her yellow fur made her eyes seem even more alluring as her muzzle rested inches from my own.

I simply continued to stare at her as she blushed and began to hide her face in her long pink mane. But the moment I saw her eyes disappear behind the lock I leaned my muzzle in and rubbed it against her gently, feeling the soft fur rub my own. When she finally drew her face out of hiding I leaned in and embraced her lips with my own holding the passionate lock. The feelings of the kisses had never dulled over the course of time. Every kiss still held the softness of her lips pressed to mine and the warmth of her emotions flowing through her and into me. I cherished each kiss.

But sadly every kiss ended eventually. And when our lips left each other I felt the slight sadness that it ended return, but their would be more.

We had spent almost an hour in silence just staring at each other and kissing each other. It may have not been much for some, but for me these gentle, tender, heart touching moments were the best of my life. They were moments where our actions spoke all we needed to say and out souls could lay intertwined with each other. They were all i could ask for, they were my freedom. But of course there was still one more thing that needed to happen before the night ended and as I clasped her small present I knew now was the time.

I looked into her eyes again before starting. "I have something for you." I smiled a little knowing her response.

"Oh Static you said not to get anything. I don't have anything." She seemed to get a bit upset and worried, so I chose to stop all those with a short sweet kiss.

"You did get me something." I held up the small pendent she had given me for my birthday a year ago, the pendent that never left my neck. "And now I'm returning the favor." I held her gift up to her.

It wasn't much, but I knew it would be perfect for her. She stared at the small silver chain in my hand. Her eyes traced down until she reached the little pendent at the end. A small silver heart with a single yellow feather design running across it. She took the heart in her hand and hit the small button on the top as the heart opened and greeted her with a picture of two ponies sharing a sweet embrace, one yellow and one gray. It was a picture of us, three months ago on one of our dates where we had a photographer take it. It was the same picture sitting on my stand next to my bed at home

Her eyes began to water a little as she slipped the necklace over her head, the heart resting in the center of her chest. She looked back a me a bit teary eyed.

"It's perfect." A few small tears ran down her check as she smiled, letting my know the tears were of joy. She quickly lunged at me wrapping me in her wings and pulling me tightly to her and embracing me with a kiss. "I love it. I..I" She paused looking deeply into my eyes and kissing me once again, this time even better the the first, with so much passion and overwhelming emotion flowing through her. "I love you." She nuzzled into my shoulder as I hugged her back.

She loved me. It was a truly new thing for me. No pony had ever really loved me before. Even Fluttershy had never said the words before. But somehow, someway, when she had said those words my heart had melted for her. and I knew that I felt the same.

"I love you to Fluttershy." The words flowed so naturally for me, yet they were words never before utter from my lips. But they still felt right. "I love you" I said it again as if not believing I had said it the first time. I loved her and I wanted her to know it. Again she lifted her head and gave me a soft yet passionate kiss with the same emotion as before. But this time it didn't just flow from her it came from me. She loved me, and I loved her. We were just two love struck ponies, sharing a passionate night together. And i knew that finally, after all those years, I had found the my place in life. My place to stay, forever.

Author's Note:

Well here it is guys. The LOVE chapter. I really hope you guys like it even though it's pretty short. Tell me what you think. Big thanks to everyone who has been reading. This was my first (and still only so far) stor on here. But it's also the first that i've managed to stick with soooo yeah. I really hope you all enjoyed. And thanks a lot for all the fave's and views. Thank you all again.