• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 565 Views, 6 Comments

Learning Curve - Tidicuses

What started as one pony's mission will blossom to something greater

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Chp 2 Ruffling Feathers

I didn't know exactly where Sugarcube corner was (or where any building was for that matter). Luckily everypony turned out to be friendly enough to point to where I was heading tomorrow. And after a quick survey of the area I located the literally candy coated building everypony had described for me. It seemed to be a small restaurant or store of some kind with ponies flowing in in out, entering with nothing then leaving with treats or happy smiles. Seemed a little strange for flying lessons but it was the building Fluttershy said.

I quickly Took to the air and flew home so I could prepare for my next day of flight lessons. It was exciting to get to show another Pegasus freedom and cut the rope holding them done. I had never done something like this before and couldn't wait to try it. I just knew I could break the tether holding her her, not a good flyer was not going to hold back any Pegasus if I could help it. Yet something about her seemed different from most Pegasus, something I just couldn't quite figure out what. But no matters as I walked inside and settled on my bed I let my mind roam free as I dreamed of the Fields of blue with the white puffs dotting the sky.

As I returned to my cottage after a long day I couldn't help but ponder today's events. Everything seemed completely normal, I woke up and fed the animals, went into to town and talked with my friends then when the butterflies flew off I went to go get them. Then I bumped (well more of a crash) into a rather...unique... Pegasus, Static. He was a little strange to be honest, with his insistence on 'teaching me to fly'. He was also very assertive, and it kinda startled me. I felt a little foalish for my reaction, but I did the same thing when I first met twilight.

I was rather tired after the long day and weird turn of events. I was still wondering why I had agreed to met again for these 'lessons', but I had and I couldn't just walk away, Rainbow dash wouldn't.

"I have be more like my friends I can't just back down because I'm scared." To be honest I had no idea why I said that out loud. I guess my nerves got the better off me again, it was getting dark, very very dark. I quickly raced back home.

As soon as i got into my cottage and closed the door I let out a gasp of breath I hadn't realized I had been holding. A few of the animals stirred and looked at the sound I had made before turning back and sleeping again. Angel was the only one who actually came over to me and looked curious at what was wrong. I simply smiled then head upstairs for my bed. If I was to go met this guy for flying lesson I should get some sleep. Angel came over and crossed his arms tapping his foot lightly to not wake anyone but me up and pointed at the fridge when I saw him.

"Oh no angel bunny. Not tonight, it's already late and mommy needs some sleep." Angel looked a little annoyed but went back to his bed. Finally I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning rolling in my new cloud bed for a bit before finally rolling to my feet and managing to get my dead flank to the shower. When I got out I decided to do a quick lap around the house to fully wake up and dry off before setting out for town to meet Fluttershy. It wasn't too long a flight before I was by the colorful candy building I saw yesterday, not wanting to draw attention to myself I gathered up a small cloud and rested upon it, waiting for her to show.

A few hours passed and I began to wonder if she had skipped out. Oh well if she couldn't see the chance at freedom before her then who was I to force it upon her. Just as I got up to fly home she came trotting up to the store. I left my cloud behind and floated my way down to her. When I landed she let out a little startled gasp and jumped into the bushes. What was with this pony?

"You'll have to forgive her she scares easy." A new voice spoke up as a pink mare with puffy mane came bouncing over. Wait, bouncing? How was she doing that? as soon as all four of her hooves hit the ground they sprang back up again and she went back into the air. What kinda of a strange pony was she?

"Umm..yeah. Ho-How exactly are you doing that?" I stammered a bit still shocked by the whole bouncing thing.

"Doing what?" she responded as though the fact her legs were springs was normal.

"That bouncing.. thing.?"

"What bouncing thing?" She stopped and looked a bit confused.

"Umm nothing. never mind. I take it your friends with her?"

"Oh yeah Flutters and I are good friends. Can you believe as shy as she is she used to be a model, even though it was only for a little bit. Or that she stood up to a dragon. She also helped save ponyville a few time, and turned meanie discord nice. Oh an-"

"Umm.. Pinkie pie.. could you stop..I think you might be scaring him." Fluttershy emerged from the bushes and timidly hid her face when she spoke.

"Okay. Any who Mr. and Mrs. Cake need me back in the store. Busy day. By Static." Just as I was finally composing my self again from the rush of slightly odd information about the timid mare I was shell shocked at the last part.

"How exactly did she know my name? I never said it. Did you tell her?"

"No.. but that's just pinkie." She still was trying to hid and very timid but at least she was opening up some.

"Well then without distractions, you ready?" I looked at her as I flapped my wings then held them out to show my point.

"I guess.." she timidly flapped her own wings lifting off the ground a bit. "Can we just start slow?"

"Umm sure I guess.How about we fly out to the forest before we really take off?" She simply nodded her head as I began to liftoff and fly at a rather slow pace. My mane wasn't even being tugged at this speed but I'd play along so I could really show her the gift of flight.

As we glided along to a small clearing at the edge of town I decided this would be a good spot to touchdown and rest in case she needed it. Looking back I could see her as she fluttered along not flying fast or anything as some birds flew nearby that seemed to follow her.

"Hey let's take a break here okay?" She simply nodded again as we descended to the ground. We landed and I took a moment to stretch out my wings again before laying down in the grass. She landed and I could tell the birds had definitely followed her as she landed and the birds fluttered around her before taking off.

"Oh I love this place. It's so peaceful. I come here all the time." She smiled and closed her cyan eyes, for once speaking without hiding her face.

"Yes I'll probably be coming here often for the spring. Plenty of food around here to eat as well."

"Well why would the food and spring matter?" She looked puzzled, as though she didn't understand why a pony would need to live off the land.

"Well I need the spring for the water and the food to eat of course. How else would I eat?"

"Buy it from a store like everypony else."

"I don't have any bits or a job" She just looked shocked at this revelation.

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. How could anypony not have job. How did he pay for his house, or electricity, or well anything.

"How do you survive? How do you pay for a house? Or electricity?"

"I build my houses and I can generate my own electricity, it's my talent." He turned and showed me his cutie mark, a bolt of blue lightning with a red outline. "And if something happens to one house I have more set up all over equestria I never stay more then a few weeks at a time."

"What about friends and family? How do you stay in touch."

"Well I don't really have any friends." I gasped out loud at this fact. But what shocked me more was that he seemed to be fine with that fact. How could he be so cool about having no friends.

"And family?"

"I..don't really talk about that." Now he was the one hiding himself.

Without friends and family no wonder he drifted so much. Well if he was going to strive to teach her to fly then she would teach him the magic of friends. (hehe I felt cheesy for quoting twilight).

"Well if you are going to teach me about flying better then I guess you'll have to stick around and I'll be your friend. And if you insisted then so will I!.. If that's okay?" I couldn't believe it, not only did I get through a full conversation with someone I barley knew but I even INSISTED. I was so proud. I was more like my friends now.

"Bu-but I-I.. ok" He looked startled then a little defeated but that would mean that I had a new friend, one I could teach what it was like to have them. "Well I guess we better get going if we are going to beat sunset." He suddenly lifted up into the air picking up the pace. I was afraid to go so fast but I though of rainbow and her sonic rainboom.

"More like my friends." I muttered a pledge and began to follow Static.

Author's Note:

New chapter came easy for me. Let me know what you think in the comment. Tell me if i should keep the Fluttershy perspective.