• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 565 Views, 6 Comments

Learning Curve - Tidicuses

What started as one pony's mission will blossom to something greater

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Chp. 6 A First for Everything

"Soooo you're ARE going to let me throw him a party?" The pink pony was literally jumping from one object to the next throughout my cottage as I scrambled catching things as they fell. "Yes finally. You know I've made some tweaks to my party cannon and I think it's got the BANG for the party." Pinkie pie jumped, throwing her hooves in the air when she screamed bang.

"Oh no no no no. That won't be necessary. In fact I think he would prefer it to be quieter. I was thinking maybe some simple decorations and just the girls? To get him started on the friends thing. Oh and Big Mac needs to be there. If that's okay." Pinkie pie seemed to look defeated, puzzled, and lost in thought all at once.

"But why not a big party so he can make tons of friends? Why not have lots of noise and show him what it's like to have a Pinkie Pie party? why Big Mac?" She spat out the questions so fast that I barely caught them. I could feel my thoughts swirling in my mind trying to process the three questions at once. Finally when I sorted it all out I prepared my answers.

"Well he's not quite the type who does well socially." It was true. even though it had been a few weeks since that tender moment in the clearing he was still very socially awkward and shy, but improving. "And I don't think that loud noise and lots of ponies will help him. And Big Mac had a lot to do with him opening up and making him realize he needed friends. he hasn't really talked to him that I know of and I think it would be a good opportunity for him to thank him." Pinkie just sat there thinking. After a while she looked to have solved the puzzle.

"I've got it. I'll make sure the girls and Big Mac come along without anypony else. We can have a small party here with a few streamers, maybe some punch and cake. Yeah definitely cake. Maybe you can have the animals hop around freely and I'll get the girls to bring their pets to make it a bit less social as ponies but still having plenty of other living things running around to be a Party and not a simple event." I looked at her a little shocked that the crazy and spontaneous pink pony of energy had managed such a great plan.

"Oh that would be perfect Pinkie." I threw my hooves around her and squeezed. "Umm sorry." I said letting go. "But that will work out great. Do you think you can do all that in three days?"

"I wouldn't be Pinkie Pie, master party pony pinkness of supreme party powers otherwise now would I silly?" She gave me an inquisitive look then bounded out the door.

Everything went better then I had expected. Static was in for a treat to have a Pinkie Pie, mater party pony pinkness of whatever she had said level of party for his birthday party.

I couldn't believe how the past three days had played out. After spending a few weeks with Fluttershy and learning more about friendship I thought that I had come up with a way to repay her for that time in the clearing, I was going to be a ponyville resident. On the first of the three days I had gone and spoke with the mayor about job openings in the town, it was hard having no previous experience with work or really anything related to it. She had in formed me that a opening on the weather patrol had been open for a while after somepony named Derpy Hooves left to be a mail-pony.

On the second day I had gone and spoke with the leader of the ponyville weather patrol, a very sporty light blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane and tail. She had asked me to run a few trials like clearing the sky and cloud manipulation. (All those years with building houses actually played a role in my society life. Who would've guessed?) After running the trials I was told that I had got the job and would start in one weeks time.

Then on the third day, today, Fluttershy had come to me this morning and asked that I come over to her house around dusk. I couldn't think of why she would ask me to go but I didn't really mind that much, it gave me a chance to tell her the news. Hopefully she would be happy to know I was going to stay, after all she had suggested it last week.

And all these things had happened in just three days. I was officially a resident in a town with a friend and job and everything. Something about it all had just seemed so surreal to me. Just a little more then a month ago I was a freedom obsessed Pegasus who refused anyone the right to reach out to his heart. Now I was a tethered town pony and happy. (though I still live away some and take regular flights far from the town line.) But perhaps the biggest change was in that fact that I WAS happy. I had been content before and enjoyed my life but now that I had my change of heart I could say that I was happy, I was free again. And it was all thanks to the pony whose house I was gliding towards now. (Well Big Mac to, but mostly Fluttershy.)

As I touched down a little ways off and thought up exactly how I was going to say that I was staying to her I couldn't help but notice something different about her house this time then the others when I had visited. For starters all the lights were off, everyone of them, as if no one was home. I though that maybe I had heard her wrong and was supposed to meet her elsewhere. But the windows were all shut. She always left a window open in case some animal needed a place to rest. What was going on?

I had time to think it over and forgot about exactly how I would tell her the news. I hovered over to the window and tried to peek inside, to dark to see. I gave a few windows a push to see if maybe the wind had almost closed one, none of them moved. Finally I hovered back to the door and knocked, no answer. Another knock, silence. I was growing worried so I simply opened the door and hovered in to see what was up.

I was assaulted by a blinding flash as the lights came on and a bang as something closed behind me, followed by the soft rustling of animals scurrying around. The sudden light and bang had startled me so much I felt my wings snap close (it's a natural Pegasus reaction okay) And I landed face down on the floor as a small choir of voices shouted surprise.

"Oh Pinkie I think the door slam was to much. We scared him." I heard the soft familiar voice of Fluttershy.

"Hey you said no party cannon so I improvised." I heard that voice again from nearly a month ago. But certain word caught my attention, party.

Finally it clicked. I had been so caught up in trying to become a resident in secret I had forgotten my own birthday.

After I had finally regained my senses I stood up and looked around. The cottage had been decorated with streamers of gray, red, and blue. There were a few small balloons floating around with a few more drifting across the ground. There was also and small cake sitting upon her table. Other then that there weren't many other decorations, but there were all the animals that Fluttershy owned and a few new ones.

As I continued to look around I saw six mares standing in a line with happy expressions on there faces. Fluttershy was in the middle of the line with Pinkie Pie to her left. On her right was Applejack, followed by a familiar mare with a blue coat and seven colored mane, my new boss. On Pinkie's left stood a white unicorn with a very pampered and yet refined grace about her, beside her stood a lavender alicorn, a princess.

"Wh-wha-what do you think Static? Pinkie and I put it together for you." Fluttershy had stepped forward and motioned with a wing around the cottage.

"It's great. When did you get the time for this and how did you know it was my birthday?" I was still just a little in awe of it all, so new to me.

"Well you told me it was today a week ago remember? And I've been doing it for the past three days. And I'm sorry about not seeing you those days." She had started to tuck her head but looked like she had to try and stop herself.

"It's okay I was a little occupied those days." Well this explains why it was so easy to hide from her. "Still all this in three day?"

"Well duh silly. We had three days before you're birthday so it was done in three day." Pinkie Pie chimed in jumping up beside Fluttershy. "And Fluttershy here was a huge help. It's hard to get those high areas without my party cannon." She threw her arms around Fluttershy's neck and drew her into a hug as Fluttershy started blushing a little.

"Yes well you still did all the planning and most everything else." She tucked her head into her mane again trying to take attention off of her.

"Don't sell yer'self sugarcube, none of us knew when his birthday was or how he might react to a party." Applejack stepped up and nudged Pinkie Pie off of Fluttershy. "Anyways why don't we take some time to introduce ya to the gang. Come on girls let's be friendly here."

"I'll start he already knows me." My boss trotted up and struck a pose

"What do you mean he knows you?" Fluttershy looked up a little confused and looked over at my boss.

"Well he came and got interviewed yesterday. He's ponyville's newest weather pony." The Light blue mare also looked a little confused as both turned to me, though Fluttershy's expression looked different. I've never seen that look before, but the first word describing it that I could think of was hopeful.

"Is this true Static?"

"Yes it is. I was hoping for time to explain but I got a job. I'm staying in ponyville." Fluttershy's face lit up as she burst forward and wrapped in a tight hug.

"Oh that's great. I'm so glad you chose to stay." She tightened her hug some more bringing me as close as she could.

"Well that means we have to party twice as hard then." Pinkie Pie cheered. Fluttershy let go and backed off as she blushed again.

"Now Pinkie darling not everyone has been introduced. Static here only knows you, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash."

"So that' your name." I spoke up once I learned my bosses name. "You never mentioned your name at the interview."

"I thought you would have known it." Rainbow Dash looked crestfallen as she deflated. "Come on, you sure you didn't know it? Best young flyer? The rainboom filly? Come on nothing?" She seemed to shrink more as I shook my head. "So news never got around to you about that? didn't see anything?"

"Sorry I never really lived any where where news would reach. I was very distant from society." Rainbow dash seemed to regain some of her pride once I said that.

"Anyways, I am Rarity. Charmed to meet you." The white unicorn stepped forward and made a dramatic show of her introduction.

"And I'm Twilight Sparkle. It's a pleasure to meet you." The princess didn't make any regal moves or bows or anything like I had thought she would. Even her introduction was rather casual.

"Pleased to meet both of you. You're a princess right?" Without all the regal formalities and such I was doubting my guess.

"Yes though I like to keep things more casual. Please don't bow I really don't like it when ponies start bowing to me, I mean I'm no older then anyone here." She seemed very nervous about the entire princess situation. almost like she didn't really want people know to much about it. "Besides today is your party, no reason to lower yourself."

"And now lets get this party started." Pinkie Pie ran over to a table with some strange equipment on it. She moved a small arm onto a black disk as it was spinning, immediately music started playing through the black boxes on the table.

"Yeah let's have sum fun yall." Apple jack moved out from the group as it began shifting about grabbing punch and dancing around. Pinkie let a white pony with hair much like my own only blue with lighter streaks in it at the table and joined the others.

"Am I late?" The door opened and everyone looked as a strong red stallion entered, it was Big Mac. I finally had a chance to thank him for everything.

After allowing the party to continue for some time I decided to go over and thank Big Mac for all he had done. So I walked over and got his attention.

"Hey Big Mac you got a second?"

"Of course." He walked over to the punch bowl to get something to drink. "What on your mind." He looked like he knew what I was going to say somehow.

"I wanted to thank you, and to say you were right. I was holding on to one thing, but I didn't want to realize it. Fluttershy helped me to let it go."

"I thought she would. She's pretty timid normally, but she seemed rather open with you, she was trying to be a friend."

"I know that now. Thanks to you. You opened my eyes to what friendship was and for that thanks."

"Listen, I didn't actually do much, just said a few words. Fluttershy is the one who really opened your eyes. Thank her not me." He drank some of the punch he got. "You've thanked me enough when you helped at the farm. This is your party so go have some fun, just make sure you thank Fluttershy by the end of tonight."

"I will, Thanks again." I turned and began walking to Fluttershy as Big Mac simply shook his head laughing a little.

I got about halfway over to Fluttershy when Rarity stepped up.

"Darling I've been looking for you. I wanted to talk to you a bit. What was it like roughing it all those years?" She spoke the word roughing it as though it were a curse.

"Not bad really. I had a house, several actually. The only rough part about any of it was building them and powering them."

"Still all those years with no one else. and the work of it all seems so uncivilized, so last century."

"Well it was the choice I had made and I didn't mind it at all, chose it in fact."

"I just can't think of any reason to chose that life."

"It was my choice though so you don't really have to." I was getting a little heated as some of my feathers ruffled a bit. Something about the way she spoke of it all made me mad. she acted like I was a savage or something. Luckily Fluttershy had walked over just in time.

"Rarity can I steal Static for a while?" She looked like she had guessed what was happening and came to defuse the situation.

"But of course darling, I've asked my questions. Thank you for your time Static." With that she trotted back to the floor. Her thank you was very honest and I became aware that she had no idea that I had even gotten angry. Maybe she simply wanted to know about it. Was I wrong to have become angry?

"Can we step outside for a moment?" Fluttershy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sure." I followed her as we walked out onto a small deck. The cool night air helped to clear any last remnants of the heated second, it was very relaxing.

"You'll have to forgive Rarity, she's not a fan of getting dirty. She also not quite aware of the effect of some of her questions sometimes."

"Yeah. Thanks for stopping that conversation from going to far."

"Oh it was nothing. I wanted to actually talk to you though."

"Okay what's on your mind?"

"Well first off are you enjoying your party?"

"Yes I am. It's the first I've ever had."

"Really? Well I'm glad you're enjoying it. But what I really wanted to talk to you about is you staying."

"Oh that? I wanted to make it a surprise. You know to kinda repay you for the help you gave me a few weeks ago?"

"Oh that's fine. That's what friends are for." I laughed a little at that statement, she joined knowing what I was laughing about. "But I'm really glad you chose to stay. I was hoping you had already made the decision, but wanted to make sure you had something to remember ponyville by if you left."

"Oh well I would definitely remember it after this." I gave a soft laugh as I motioned to the party.

"Well I also wanted to give you this, to remember me by." Her voice lowered a little as she handed me a small box and tucked away her blushing face.

"I'll always remember my first friend." she began blushing more as she tucked her head further into her mane. "But now that I'm staying I won't need something to remember you by."

"But I want you to have it anyways." She didn't raise her voice at all keeping it a small whisper as she held the box out.

I took the box and opened it. There was a small circular pendent resting inside with a fabric band hanging from the small loop at the top. The small pendent was a silver ring with a piece of glass fitting perfectly on either side. Inside it were to feathers, one gray and one yellow, laying over each other so that both were visible on either side. The feathers were intertwined softly overlaying each other as they ran diagonally across the pendant. It took me a moment, but I figured out what they were. The gray feather had come from my wing and the yellow from Fluttershy's, and they were entwined softly, much like she and I were when she held me at the clearing as my tears fell a few weeks ago. she had made this as a reminder of that moment. She had made a perfect gift.

"Do you like it?" She still hid her face when I looked up. "It's a symbol of our friendship." I had already figured that out but hearing her say it carved it in stone.

"It's perfect." I slipped the fabric cord over my neck, it fit perfectly. "Thank you. For everything. The party, the gift, the friendship. Everything."

She looked up as her light blue eyes meet my red ones. I held her stare for a few seconds then on instinct I drew my head closer, slowly closing the gap between us. She brought hers closer as well. The seconds stretched to years as our heads came closer. The world was trapped in slow motion as the gap became smaller and smaller before finally, in a a soft moment, even more tender and gentle then the hug, our lips met.

The moment had been like a dream. Hearing Static's praise on the gift, him thanking me, all of it. It felt so surreal. Then he brought his head closer and I couldn't stop myself as I to began moving my head towards his. The our lips met in a soft and gentle motion. The connection sent shivers down my side as I felt my wings spread mere centimeters from my body. but even though my hooves were firmly on the ground and my wings still close to my side I felt as though I were flying. The soft touch of his lips on mine and the rush of warmth around me felt amazing, it felt right.

Then his lips left mine all to soon, as he turned his head away and rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me." I could see the blush as he began turning his head back. I knew the blush he was feeling, it was the same as the one I wore several times through out the night.

"No don't be it was.. nice." I felt stupid using that word. It was so much more then nice. It was fantastic, marvelous, perfect.

"Yeah... I'll just join the others again." He turned and started walking away.

"Static wait!" He turned around and I met his lips once more in another soft connection and I could fell him melt at the touch. And I knew he had felt the same about the kiss as I had. Our lips parted once more. "It was better then nice it was-"

"Perfect." We both said the word in unison, only confirming my guess. It was perfect. We stayed and talked a brief moment longer.

"Was it a first for you to?" He was the first to speak up.

"Yes." I laughed a little looking at him with a small smile. "First time for everything I guess." He simply smiled back and gave a nod, as we turned to go back to the party.

Little did either of us know at he time but a certain orange mare and red stallion had seen the entire ordeal. Both were wearing small smiles as they bumped hooves.

"Knew she liked him."The orange mare spoke.


Author's Note:

Hmmm chapter was a little hard to write. I wasn't sure how to go about the whole kiss scene at first. But i put my thinking cap on and thought, PARTY! course that still left the actual scene. AS always, thank you to everyone who has been reading. Up to 136 views :D it just blows my mind how many people have read it. Thank you all so much. Leave a comment on what you thought about the chapter or the story in whole. any cover art is welcomed from you artistic people out there. anything you make please send to tidicuses@hotmail.com thank you all again for reading.