• Published 4th Jul 2013
  • 565 Views, 6 Comments

Learning Curve - Tidicuses

What started as one pony's mission will blossom to something greater

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Chp 3 The Other Half of Lessons

Flight lessons took a bit longer then I first thought, Fluttershy proved to be a bit more observant of the animals then the Freedom flight. She constantly got sidetracked on our flight and on some occasions she actually TALKED to the animals. I thought she was crazy at first, but they actually LISTENED to her! I had heard of a few Pegasus having a gift with animals but never one who could talk to them and understand them like her. Though her cutie mark made a bit more sense now with the three butterflies.

But sometimes she would get sidetracked looking lost in thought almost. I wasn't entirely sure what she was thinking of but it was certainly something.

"Well I'd say that's about enough for today. I need to go get some food and grab a little water. Umm good lesson, see you tomorrow?" It was an okay lesson and I did need to go find some provisions for myself. Hopefully she would agree to meet again, she seemed to start to lighten up and grow on the idea of flying. I think I could really get here to realize how much freedom there is in the air, with the whole friend thing aside. I never had one for more then a simple hey and maybe to talk to while I was getting food, so I could try one, to entertain the idea.

"Wait static, I was thinking since you gave me a flying lesson I could buy some food for today. You know... if you don't mind.." The sudden outburst was surprising but the timid ending was not new. Of course the whole thing about someone compensating for something I did was new. Again I decided that I might as well entertain that idea.

"Umm o..kay.. I guess... But I don't really know your town or anything so... yeah" A raised a hoof and rubbed the back of my head admitting my lack of knowledge.

"Oh no it's okay just follow me.." I was still surprised by how open she had become within two days. She no longer hid her face every time she spoke to me (more so just at the end of her sentences). Though she still wasn't as open with me as those animals she finds, It's like she's known them for ever. Then of course there were the other five ponies she was always with, including that pink..pinkie.. Pinkie Pie I think it was..? She was more then happy to hang out with them.

Oh well not my problem.

"Okay then shall we go then?"

"Okay." was all she spoke before walking off.

I Began leading Static through the town. I had to go through the market place for a few supplies for my animals, I was running low on some of my herbs. He was definitely not used to being in an actual town, he kept a distance from everyone only following me from a short ways back, never looked off at any one else just kept his eyes glued three paces in front of him on the ground. Even knowing he had never really made any friends or was in town it was still startling how new the experience was.

I knew I just had to show him what it was like to have friends, even discord just wanted a friend in the end. But what about his family? What exactly had happened to them? I knew I been more open lately but I couldn't ask him something so personal, even if it was something Rainbow and AJ would do.

"So where exactly are we going?" I heard him finally say something from nearby. As I turned around I saw he was no longer behind me and I felt feathers brush my shoulder and immediately squealed and fell over stiff. "Is this a normal occurrence?" He walked back and offered a hoof to help.

"sorry... I.. get scared easy." I couldn't help my self as I tucked my head away from him and standing back on my hooves. Why do I have to be such a scared y cat? Rainbow Dash wouldn't have freaked out, AppleJack wouldn't either. none of my friends would. I have to overcome this obstacle.

"I'm sorry next time I'll say something." He gave me a weak smile as he began walking beside me again. "So where are we going?"

"I need to pick up a few things for my animals then I thought we could see AppleJack. Is that okay?" I still couldn't believe I managed to get him into town with me. Maybe introducing him to my friends will help. After all who knew more about friendship then them, the bearer of the elements of harmony?

"Alright" He looked back to the ground and fell back again. Why did he keep doing that? No matter he was in town and AJ was working the stands today. Things would work out great, I was certain, I hoped things would work. They would, maybe.
I needed a distraction, something else to think about other then the meeting.

The flight lesson was the only other thing that happened today. It was nice though, It felt good to finally feel like I was flying right. I hadn't flown so freely since I had to help my friends catch Rainbow Dash when discord had changed her. (I was tied to a balloon but I actually flew, at a fast pace for me.) Having Somepony else Telling me to focus on flying helped. Static was a pretty good flight instructor. He looked like he really enjoy his flight and he was good at flying, yet his feathers I felt a while ago were deceptively soft.

After walking for a little under an hour we were in the market place. I had never really been in the towns I stayed at, except for a few small ones, and ponyville was larger then I first thought, and the crowded markets didn't help.

But Fluttershy seemed to know exactly what she needed, only stopping a a few stops and purchasing a few things from each then moving on. Eventually we came to another small wooden table loaded down with baskets of apples and various apple treats.

"Howdy Fluttershy! What brings ya tah town?" The cowpony looking mare behind the counter Greeted Fluttershy warmly with a smile from one friend to another. I know I had seen them hangout with the others so I wasn't to shocked that the greeted each other, but how friendly they seemed was new to me.

"Oh I was just in town for some supplies and thought I'd stop by." I couldn't believe how open she was with this orange mare

"Alright sugarcube. You want something to eat?" She lifted her stetson a bit with her hoof, brushing a bit of blonde mane aside showing her green eyes and freckles. "Maybe an apple pie for you to take home?"

"Oh no, I'll eat when I get home. What would you like?" Fluttershy turned to me, taking me buy surprise with the question.

"Umm I-I- Umm I don't know."

"Who's this Fluttershy?" Immediately after the question the pink mare from earlier burst her head out of a basket of apples startling everyone and causing Fluttershy to literally leap in the air and lay in the dirt covering her eyes.

"His name is Static Shock. He's new here. HHHWWUUAAHHH." Her Eyes grew wide as she gasped as though an idea hit her. "We should throw a PARTY!"

` Fluttershy composed herself again realizing who it was. "Oh no Pinkie that won't be necessary."

"Really I'll be okay."

"Awwwwwww. party poopers." And just as soon as she appeared she disappeared back into the basket knocking a few apples off.

"Boy that Pinkie sure is sumthing." AppleJack spoke up with her southern draw before turning to me. "New huh? We all been there. So how'dya meet Fluttershy?"

"Oh umm I kinda crashed into her outside of town." I began rubbing the back off my head again.

Fluttershy walked over the the stand and began talking with AppleJack again. "He's going to be here a while and I decided to show him around."

"Wow Fluttershy, Didn't think ya had it in ya tah talk with strangers let alone show 'em 'round" she turned back to me "Well if Fluttershy here talked tah ya first ya can't be bad. Tell ya what first purchase on the house."

"Really? Why? I've not done anything for it?" I was puzzled, from what I understood when someone gives you something it was because you had done something that deserved reward, or were going to do something. Why would she give me something without me doing anything.

"Consider it some ponyville hospitality. Whachya want?"

"Okay. Umm, an apple or two should do." Almost instantly AppleJack swept a pair of apples out and tossed them to me. I caught them by the stems in my mouth then did my best to thank her around the stems. I noticed the sun beginning to sink and knew I had to head home soon so I dropped one apple into my wing and cradled it as I held the other and took a bite. It was by far one of the best apples I had ever tasted with such a juicy sweetness bursting from it that I never wanted to finish the bite. But I swallowed before I spoke.

"Wow this is a delicious apple, where did you find it?'

"Oh I didn't find it. I raised that apple with the rest down home at sweet apple acres. My brother big mac, little sis AppleBloom, and I had a heck of a time during apple buck season. Heck of a harvest though. Probably some of or best apples yet."

"It is very good.Anyways Fluttershy, Applejack I must be going now. Thank you for the apples, and same place tomorrow Fluttershy?"

"Oh um yes that will do." She tucked her head away again, but I didn't have time to question it I grabbed the apples in my mouth and took off.

"So what was that about same time, sugarcube?" AppleJack looked over at me as Static left.

"Static decided he was going to teach me to fly."

"Umm hate to Pluck his feathers but ya know how to fly."

"Yes and that is how I met him was I flew to high."

"Yeah he said he crashed into ya. Did he really Crash into ya?"

I simply nodded and hung my head a bit. "Yes I flew to high and neither one of us were paying attention. While apologizing I might have slipped that I may not be the best flyer. And he kinda made it his goal to show me what flying can mean. He really has a passion for it, not like Rainbow is obsessed with speed and tricks, you can just see it on his face he really likes flying keeps saying it's true freedom."

"Well then sounds like ya found one good flyer. Whats his job? I saw the bolt on his flank but Couldn't figure out what it meant."

"That's just it. He doesn't have one! He never needed one because he would always Make his house in what ever city he stumbled into then leave after a few weeks."

"Really? Sounds like work enough just building 'em, but does he have power in 'em?"

"He said something about making his own."

"And that explains the bolt. But don't he have any friends or family?"

"No he doesn't." My friend looked truly shocked. "He never kept any because he always Lived away and choose not to have any. He seemed like they didn't matter to him. And he didn't say Anything about his family just that he didn't like talking about it. So I chose that I would be his friend and show him what friends are like. It's why I brought him here. I'm thinking if I can show him to you guys he can see what friends are for."

"Not a bad idea sugarcube. But ya gotta be careful with Pinkie. May scare him off."

"Yeah that's what I told her earlier. I still don't know where she learned his name from."

"Just a hunch." I could her Pinkie's muffled voice from the basket.

"Well tell ya what. Bring him back here tomorrow I'll see if I can't get big mac out here and see if they can't pal up. Might help if he finds another stallion instead of just mares."

I couldn't help myself as I reached over and threw my hooves around her neck in a hug. "Thank you AJ." I let go and began to walk away. "See you tomorrow."

"See ya then."

It was quite a day for me as I settled into my bed tossing the second apple core away. I did at least get Fluttershy to agree to another lesson. Maybe then I could Get her to be a bit less sidetracked. Oh well at least she had opened up so I could give her some more lessons. Even if it did come at the price of having to go to town with her. But I did get those apples from the nice cowgirl pony AppleJack I think it was. I settled in and closed my eyes falling into a dreamless sleep.

Author's Note:

Huray. Three chapters in three days. I CAN"T BE STOPPED (unless i get writers block) Any ways leave a comment of how you think it's going, maybe toss some ideas at me. If anyone reading this has some art talent any cover art would be nice (i know there isn't much to go on right now sorry.) just send any picture to Tidicuses@hotmail.com thank you for reading.