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8000 soldiers!

Comments ( 239 )

So much fun writing this story! Can't wait to keep on writing with you! :raritywink:

Comment posted by MrTarven deleted Jun 22nd, 2013

This ought be good...

~Skeeter The Lurker

Comment posted by MrTarven deleted Jun 22nd, 2013

2761542 Aye, it has Queen Chrysalis in it so it ought to be good.

*eats popcorn* Want some?

well...i...i don't even.


Popcorn? I LOVE popcorn. Yes please!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Left our chat and the productivity of yourself jumped. I'm not surprised.

Lovin' it so far!

~Skeeter The Lurker

The love of a mother will see her through

Really? Part 3 already?

What, did you have all of this done before hand? Not a complaint, mind you.

~Skeeter The Lurker

You on a motherfucking ROLL.

Trying for feature? I bet you are.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Jeez, "sad"? This is flat out tragic. A merciless, non-stop curb stomping of Chrysalis and the entire changeling race with no hope or justice anywhere in sight.

Another Crysalis isn't so bad fic? Sure, why not? Can't say I'm not a sucker for them. And it's not bad overall, but it needs another once-over. Normally I would make specific suggestions, but there are many things that I feel need fixing in in each chapter.

There are numerous spelling/grammatical errors.

Thanks to food depravity...

...to slowly starve to death as their hunken corpses...

She swaggered to the right...

There are also quite a few awkwardly worded sentences.

This is what happens when the beings known as changelings become so famished the way she and her kin did.

The children didn’t need to die such disgruntling deaths that day...

Tears still fell fast from the ridiculously bothersome pain...

The dialogue also doesn't flow very well in many cases, and Celestia herself feels VERY out of character when she talks. She's thoughtful and eloquent, but she isn't reading that way here.

It’s that putrid stench," ... "She must be close!”

You came to our home, took many of us captive, harmed the princess, almost caused a destabilization on our way of life, and you want to simply say sorry and leave?”

Why don’t you help yourself to some grade A cider within the palace.

If you make a run for it, you die.

These are just a couple examples. There are more in each chapter.

Hm. 10 bits says this is a ploy by Sunbutt to get Chryssy away from the murderous psychopaths. At least I hope it is.

It's only going to get worse for Chrysalis as long as there's physical and emotional trauma either it be on her or ponies I don't really care just keep up the good work.


*joins in the conversation*

*bites on a donut*

Want some Krispy Kreme?

Looks like trying has worked- feature ahoy!


Krispy Kreme? FUCK YES.


I saw that as well. Go figure.

~Skeeter The Lurker




[Restart system?] [Y/N]

Comment posted by Sonic Derpboom deleted Jun 23rd, 2013

Another Chrysalis/changelings whitewashing fic, joy.

Watch the episode, people. Chrysalis is having the time of her life from beginning to end (well, almost to the end). She's loving every second of it, and the sheer triumph and gloating she shows once she reveals herself speaks volumes about how she really feels. There is not a trace of regret or guilt for what she's doing. She does not care one bit she's victimizing innocent beings who are guilty of nothing but having a resource she needs.


The way she says it however is that the feeding is almost an Afterthought to her conquest.

Thankfully, the comic makes this fic completely non-canon.

If you don't hurry up I'll find your house and light it on fire.

I reckon they typed this out at their leisure and published it when they were done. I also noticed the chapters are done around no more than 1.2k words give or take, so this should be one quick fic if they keep up at this pace.

Gratz on getting featured.


Chrysalis at least has the excuse of needing to accommodate her people, but I know a textbook sociopath when I see one. Ironic, seeing as she feeds on emotions.

She's batshit insane and utterly, unrepentantly evil, guys. She also murdered a kitten just to scare the CMC into submission.

Guys, she slaughtered a fluffy baby animal in front of a bunch of children. No, she's not redeemable shut up


THANK YOU. I hereby rechristen thee That_one_guy_who_gets_it. Is that kitten thing from the comic btw? I've only seen bits of that. Sounds a mite less kid-friendly than the series.

The way I see it, either they have to go about gathering food the way they do in the episode, or they have other ways of doing it. If they have other options, they're evil for victimizing innocents when they didn't have to. If they don't have other options, coexistance is impossible, and self-preservation dictates they all be wiped out.

“So, you think it best if we let you get away with this? You came to our home, took many of us captive, harmed the princess, almost caused a destabilization on our way of life, and you want to simply say sorry and leave?”

Wow, the ponies have killed off all but 4 Changelings, that would be one of the most thorough genocides in existence, and yet the ponies still think that isn't enough punishment for some Changelings who were willing to fight for survival :twilightangry2:


The mlp comics were never officially canon...


Maybe that's just because Chrysalis doesn't want to show weakness to the ponies. She's enjoying it because she think's Changelings will finally get enough love.

They're the ones who started this war. And now that it's not going so well for them, they're suddenly so sad and pitiable? Screw that. Fight for survival? So are the ponies.

If there was such a thing as changelings in real life, I'd certainly want them wiped out. I'm not sure which is worse, the thought that my loved ones might be bugs in disguise feeding off my feelings, or that I could be replaced and they become food. Either way terrifies me. Nothing is better calculated to drive me to an incandescent rage than someone who threatens my nearest and dearest. Kill em with fire.

Not even close. She's shoving it in their faces with a malicious glee worthy of a saturday morning cartoon villain. Which she is.

Can't wait for more.

"IS IT CANON? The comic is set within show continuity, and is done in cooperation with the show staff. This is as close to the show as it gets without having it animated. I personally say yes, but it is really up to the individual to decide."

It's up to the individual, and I say it's not canon, given that since a large population didn't watch the comics, so a large group wouldn't be fully informed on all the happening in Equestria. That, and I hate the we the comics portray Changelings. :P

2767375 :rainbowlaugh: You hate how the Changelings are portrayed the way they're meant to be? The way they were intended?

This is as close to the show as it gets without having it animated.

By that logic, I can say that 'Keep Calm and Flutter On' never happened. See how flawed and stupid this is?

Tell me, what are YOUR interpretations on the Changelings?


No, you can't say 'Keep Calm and Flutter On' never happened, because it was an official episodes and animated. The comics weren't. As for my interpretations, well I would like to see the changelings as more of a hive-like society.

2767409>>2767409 I could totally say that. As the interviewee said, the comics were as close to the show as they were gonna get without being animated. So, yeah. That pretty much makes it canon.

And what are you talking about? Hive society? They are!

There as close as they get to being canon without being animated, so what? There still a fair ways away from being canon. How are they a hive society? The comics showed them having a more conventional house or castle, not at all like a hive.

2767576 You gotta work on your terminology, son.

A "hive society" is with workers, drones, a queen and they work in swarms and reproduce via eggs. That's what the Changelings are.

You're thinking of them living in an actual hive, like a beehive.

One minor nick pick. Supposedly they fired an arrow to take her in alive but... You probably should have gone with the ball of fire over the arrow.

Arrows, especially aimed at the torso, are pretty damn lethal. There's a reason we had been using them for so long, they kill people. If you wanted to take someone in alive shooting an arrow directly into their hide is literally the last thing they should do, if the arrow had gone into the wing instead it probably would have been a more believable maneuver.

Regardless, I'm liking this story thus far. Keep it up.


As far as I know, the comics didn't go into any detail about changing reproduction or labor techniques, but yes, I misused the term "hive-like society". I imagined changelings living in a more spartan, hive-like environment, maybe a system of underground caves.

Like this one:



Also... Poor (Pfffft) Chrysalis... Heh... Hahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

~Skeeter The Lurker

Chrysalis I feel bad for in this fic. .... Celestia I feel worse for. :pinkiesad2:

Holy shit, this is actually starting to irritate me. I mean, I caught myself thinking: "Everypony giving in to their hate and thirst for blood to punish someone who already paid the price and their loss is now incomparable to the victims'? Very naughty!", "Becoming a simpering shell of her former self, giving in to a guilt complex and accepting any punishment believing that she deserves it? Exactly as naughty!"

Good grief.

Not only is equestria gonna muder someone, there gonna commit genocide! This will drive equestria to war with the rest.

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