• Member Since 12th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2022


Comments ( 60 )

when is the next chapter coming. this story is awsome

Very good story, seems a bit rushed, but good.

This is quite rushed, but the premise is good! Also, mandatory meeting with the princesses!

I agree it is rushed but has a whole lot of potential. Don't be afraid to slow down and add more details. Good job though.

I will be re writing the first two chapters. I feel as well it is terribly rushed but I wrote this as 2 am so I was pretty tired. Thanks for the feedback!:twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

O MY gherd so unnorriganlsz i fuckin hates you! Jk love the story:moustache:

Yes, while I expected him to get along with the ponies this is acceptable too. I like it!

I love resistance. nuff said:pinkiehappy:

"Creature, I know there is too entities within you, I can feel them. I know there is an evil within you and I can help you." Celestia said calmly.

"Yeah and then blow me away in one of those blasts!" It retorted as it growled.

"I ask that you forgive me, I normally am not so angered. It's just when I saw my little ponies hurt I just felt so angry." Celestia said. "I'm going to let you down now, do you promise not to run away or attack anypony?"

"You have my word." The creature responded. Celestia lowered her spell and freed the creature. Once it was free it picked up its weapon and held it to her.

Seriously? This is worst cop out ever. :pinkiesick:

Why would he trust Celestia?

2749928 you obviously did not read the next paragraph

well he doesn't really have a choice

2749947 I read it, It's still pretty cop out-ish. There is no reason not to go out wit a bang, and keeping your word to someone trying to kill you is pretty stupid.(I don't know too much about Capelli's back story taught, maybe the original writer had no imagination, an you are just trying to stay true to that character).

capelli is highly aggressive and not a sociable person during resistance 2, the reason he tried to kill himself was because he thought the ponies were chimera and he thought they were going to convert him, capelli would rather die than become a chimera, here read this it might sort things out a bit. http://resistance.wikia.com/wiki/Joseph_Capelli


Have him call bullshit on celestia capelli knows greater loyalty than they could ever understand and I dare celestia to try and put him away she broke the promise on not telling anyone whats inside his head


-The Good Doctor

This is one of the biggest misunderstandings I've ever seen....

Fuck it, go Fluttershy! I have yet to read a fan fiction with her in a relationship in this form/way/type of person.

Why don't you just have Capelli be paired with Derpy? I think she needs somepony to love her.

Let's see. From what I remember about these situations it's usually like so. (This is from my experience. I'm sure others would say differently.).

Applejack or Rainbow Dash falling for a human.

Twilight's the most used when it comes to crossover shipping.

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie aren't used as much with humans or crossover stuff. So they might be better if you're going for originality.

But personality wise, I'd say this also.

Rainbow Dash is too abrasive. Unless this is going the hate/hate until they fall for each other (not a fav thing for me) I don't think it's going to work.

Twilight....No. They personality clash too much. He's an aggressive soldier and she's bookworm. (Yes, she has a brother she looks up to who is a soldier, but Capelli isn't much like her brother.)

Applejack remind me a tad of Susan. (The blond hair helps.) Minus the southern accent of hers, they are very similar. They are extremely loyal and care for their family. (Yes she ratted out Hale, but she was looking out for her fellows. She did keep him safe and allowed him to go though.) Both stubborn and ground to their own ideals. Also, both can hold their own and dish out some. So that might work.

Fluttershy could be an interesting pick. She's weak and almost helpless while he's strong and abrasive. (By Resistance 3 he's worked past that and is a likable kind of person.) She could help ease him to be a better person and he could protect her.

Rarity...Would actually be interesting if not strange. I really have no idea how it could be done, but if done right, it would be smashing.:raritystarry:

Of course that's just the main six. If others are available, I'll lend my thoughts and try to help.

He doesn't need to learn loyalty really. He was loyal to the cause and only mistrusted Hale because he was going to turn...Yes he was a real jerk, but again, Resistance 3 proves he can change. (And he makes and excellent husband/father....Might be interesting to see if you consider a sequel.)

I almost forgot Pinkie.:pinkiesmile: Again, not sure if this one would work. She's super energetic and loves to be around people. It would take a long time for him to be comfortable to such things.

Also it's nice too see more Resistance crossovers. I know I was the first and it was so annoying when I had to explain what I was crossing over.

(On a side note, would it be possible if I could get your assistance? I"m trying to go back and rework my story so I can finish it.)

Hmmm, Big Mac's reaction was understandable, if a bit over the top. (I do believe trying to crush someone's skull is pushing it.)
Of course, this pretty much puts another dent between Capelli and Applejack. It's one thing to attack her, it's another to attack her friends, it's a whole new ballpark to attack her family. {Though she might not hate him as much when she learns that Big Mac attacked first.} Applebloom could have helped, but if she hears about what he did, not a chance. It's going to be rough sailing for him in those waters.

Pinkie Pie....Nothing the Chimera could ever throw at you is anything like an angry Pinkie. The Four Gods of chaos themselves would tremble in fear. {Although, if he tells her that the foals brought up bad memories and he apologizes, he'll be okay.}

As for pairing....Hmmm, I've already listed possibilities for the main six already so I can't really say anything new. I'll just wait to see how it goes from here on out.

Whelp, R.I.P. Capelli

Comment posted by Jman796 deleted Sep 9th, 2013

I would have made his mark the [url=]symbol from Retribution

The universe must hate him :(

Yeah man, when they see hell and back, they better check themselves before they wreck themselves.

Yes capelli show them...show them your PAIN!
Wow..that sounds really weird out loud....

Damnit, I hate cliffhangers.....

Huh. Out of everyone, I'd only excuse Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy cause she didn't do anything and it was Capelli's fault for making her feel bad.
And Rainbow Dash for defending her friend.

The rest...{Applejack I can excuse too. From her point of her view she didn't know. Her brother though should have known better.}

Pinkie went a little too overboard.

Twilight was not even trying to gain all the facts before making an accusation. {For a scientific character, she has the habit of doing that quite often.:facehoof:}

And Rarity....Okay, I'm a writer. If someone deleted, or wrecked a story I was working on, accident or not, I'd be really angry. So I can forgive her too.

So While I find it really odd that the ponies seem to be looking for a reason to be antagonist. (They do kind of have reasons for it though.)

What I really like about this though is that Celestia is pretty much the only one trying to give him a chance. {Fluttershy too, but we haven't seen a lot of her.} Quite a few fanfics get her character wrong and make her an antagonist. (Because they like Luna better:twilightangry2:) Here Celestia has been trying to reason with Capelli and see the error of his ways. Even after he had attacked the Elements of Harmony, including her prized student (kind of a daughter too) and her own soldiers, she still saved his life and sought to see the 'magic of friendship'. Even now she doesn't just blast him. No, she waits to see all the facts before coming to a verdict.

*clapping* That's how you write Celestia. Good job.

Can't wait to see more.

Great chapter. Can't wait to see more.

{Interesting to see Capelli's view on the events.}

Motherfuckin Chimera, being mutherfuckin motherfuckers.

Awww, that was so sweet.:pinkiesad2: Nice to see Fluttershy helping out. Hopefully she can help out some more in the future. {The Stare is sure to come in handy.}

Also Chimera are quick aren't they. I dare say, they'd be a threat to any universe, even Warhammer 40k. CHIMERA FOREVER! {Figuratively of course. They are a cool race, but I'd still fight for humanity.}

Okay. That settles it. I think he should go with Fluttershy. Of the six, I'd think she'd help him the most. (And I wonder what their foal would look like....Well, Capelli does save the Earth remember. Interested in what you plan on doing for the sequel.:ajsmug:)

LOL! The chimera took pity on him and saved him from Lyra's hand-related-rape!

3097436 your comment is fucking funny! XD

okay please tell me your not going to have Capelli turn into one of those friendship loving pansys :ajbemused:

The chimara is gonna make this happy moment fubar right?
And who beats up vets let alone the elderly? How fuckin low do you have to be?

3097823 of course not, he is still gonna be an asshole. Too many crossovers always turn the badass characters into pussies, well not this one!

What if Capelli tried to be a teacher...

3107976 What if Capelli was phone?


When are you updating? WHEN??!! Please I need my fix!

If capelli tried to be a teacher, a lot of parents would have complaints about there kids saying fuck and shit a lot.3107976

A Resistance crossover? TAKE MY LIKE AND A THOUSAND YESSES!!

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