• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 617 Views, 5 Comments

Daisy Do - HiTherePuppet

A Dramatic, Adreneline-filled, romantic adventure hosted by human, Daisy Jacobs. A lonely teenager who finds herself lost and alone in the world. However, after one big decision and a mysterious stallion, her life changes forever.

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After walking straight out of my street and through the park at the end of my road, I took a moment to asses my situation. Where to go, where to go. This feels amazing. I'm free, at last! I can do what I want! Smiling to myself, I run over to a park bench and slide onto it to plan where to go next. The map in my bag was slightly ripped from all this running, but it was still usable. If I go west, It'll take a few hours to reach the next town; but the morning would probably catch up with me and I'd get caught. I don't want to have to go back past my house, I don't want to ever have to see that house again. So, my final option is to continue through the park, jump over the fence, through the woods which will then lead me to a path and I'd follow that until the closest town and just go from there. Seems easy enough AND if the morning does come I'll be hidden by trees away from anyone who might know me. I sip from my water bottle as I look at my watch. 3:15am. It'll start getting light at about 5/6, so I better get moving. As I get up and swing my bag onto my back, I hear someone behind me and swing around, only to be greeted by yet another dark figure approaching the street lamp I was sitting under. Turning away, I begin to walk briskly through the park, hoping the figure wasn't coming towards me.

"Excuse me," the figure calls after me. No no no no no, they can't be talking to me, keep walking, keep walking.

"HEY!" it shouts behind me as it realises I'm ignoring them. Breaking into a run, I flee deeper into the park away from the light. The footsteps of my unwanted company seem to speed up a lot, but not quite breaking into a run. With me running, there's no way they can catch up. When I reach the monkey bars nearing the fence that I have to jump over, I look back to see whether my company had gotten bored yet and catch my breath. Nope... All I can see is this silhouette walking at it's own pace across the park. If they aren't urgent to catch me, then what to they want? Beats me, but I'm not willing to lose my freedom because my curiosity gets the better of me. I need to get away.

Slowing down, I wait for about a minute next to the monkey bars. As my follower gets closer, he seems to slow, realising I'm not running any more. I almost want him to hurry up and get closer, I need to get out of his sight. With his every step under my persistent glare, there's no way my plan can go wrong. The figure reaches a few meters in front of me and my moment arrives. My body takes a moment to catch up with my brain, but before I know it, I've flung around and reached the fence at the side of my park. Swinging my legs up onto the cold metal, I take a second to scope out where the figure was now. He was so far across the park, but running after me now. Why is he still trying? With one last breath of the air in my town, the trees cover my steps and I'm shielded by leaves. Free.

After walking for another hour or two, the sun starts to rise and light begins to bleed into the spaces where darkness used to be. I'm so tired, my feet are leaving deep scuffs of where they shuffle close to the ground. Looking back for the millionth time, my stalker is nowhere to seem. They probably gave up when I disappeared over the fence. I WIN! Seeing as I'm pretty much out of town, I might as well sleep now. No one walks down these paths anyway. Settling on a forgotten, moulding bench just about visible from the path, I get out my blankets, Barry and my Fluttershy plushie. I still can't believe I've actually done this, anyone would think I'm crazy. Since no one's about to make that judgement, who the hell cares? I'M FREE. I'M ALONE. Happiness starts here.. right? Ahhhh. I close my eyes. The early morning sun slowly appears, and it's rays caress my cheeks as I feel the exhaustion take over my body. I will eventually get used to being tired. Being on the move all day, living off rations and looking after myself and no one else. The only worry being where to go next. I'm the human descendant of Daring Do. Letting out a muted laugh into the silence of the empty path, my brain fades from reality and true relaxation takes over my body. Sleeping has never felt so good.

Comments ( 1 )

Nice to see you back in the saddle, and I like the new profile pic you're sporting. Not read the new chapter yet, my feed just let me know it was put up XD
Looking forward to it, so it's probably next up in my queue.

And now for something completely different... A haiku!

Five syllables here
Seven form the second line here
And once again five.


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