• Published 24th Jun 2013
  • 617 Views, 5 Comments

Daisy Do - HiTherePuppet

A Dramatic, Adreneline-filled, romantic adventure hosted by human, Daisy Jacobs. A lonely teenager who finds herself lost and alone in the world. However, after one big decision and a mysterious stallion, her life changes forever.

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This is it. I'm finally doing what I've been dreaming about doing for years. The sense of excitement was buzzing through my limbs and I could feel the adrenaline pumping within my neck and behind my ears, I was actually doing it! While I was collecting a few last bits and bobs that I may need for wherever I was going, I hadn't realised I was actually dancing around my room. Anybody would think I was crazy. Did I literally just say that? I'm mental! Out of my head! But this is what I had to do to ever get what everyone else seems to get out of life. Happiness, excitement, a sense of belonging... and It was starting now. Jumping up onto my bedside table, I scoped out my bedroom for one last time. I might actually miss this, one day. Not the memories I had made, sandwiched between these walls, but the room itself. It'd been hell, but also heaven. My safety and my solitude. My kingdom that was ruled by me, and only me. Man, that was dorky. "SHIT!" I suddenly burst out loud, with my hands grabbing the end of my words as if I was trying to shove them back behind my teeth before they even had time to melt into the air. I almost forgot I wasn't alone yet. Silence overtook the house while I stood and listened for a moment, but only the eerie creaks of the old house interrupted my quiet surroundings. Phew. I jumped off my bedside cabinet and dived into the bottom of my wardrobe, flinging old shoes and worn out clothes over my shoulders as I searched for the one thing I had forgotten. AHA! Grabbing onto the soft and fluffy texture of a cuddly toys leg, I yank my little bear out from under all the shit I don't need any more with a sigh of relief. I couldn't have left without Barry. He's my only memory of my REAL parents from when we lived in southern England. A small smile twitched onto my cheeks and faded again in one movement before I snapped back into my situation. Damn, I really need to get going. I quickly zip open my backpack to make sure I had everything. Spare clothes, check. Toothbrush, check. Sleeping bag, check. Bank card, check. I was pretty much good to go. Letting out a brief chuckle, I grasped a mini Fluttershy plushie I had purchased for my birthday a few months ago. Man, I love those damn ponies. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is literally one of the only things that keeps me sane. If, of course, for a 17 year old girl, you can count that as sane. With no friends and all, who's watching a programme made for little girls gonna hurt? Anyway! Enough procrastination, I have to get moving!

Scooping up my small backpack I had prepared and filled with necessary belongings I would need for my adventure, I launched myself over my bed and managed to plummet head-first into the wall. Smooooth... Being clumsy probably wont come in handy when I'm outta here. But, what the heck. Getting up carefully, I took a moment to steady myself again and listen out in case I had woken anybody. Again, phew. I slid myself up onto my windowsill and craned my head out into the fresh air and checked the pavement for any passers-by. Even though it was about 2:30 am, people walking past could definitely be a danger to me. Even if they were drunk off their faces, there's still a chance they'd make a scene about a 17 year old girl climbing out of a window in the middle of the night. The thought brought an immediate smile across my face, that sounded BADASS. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Flinging my drainpipe legs out of the window to dangle over the porch roof, I assessed my plan on how to reach flat ground without snapping a bone or losing my face or something crazy like that. Easy enough, right?

I hopped down soundlessly onto the thin porch shelter that covered the opening to my house and stood motionless, to, again, ensure no one was aware of my escape. How was I even getting away with this? I was already about 2 minutes away from freedom. I'm so excited, I could just scream! I laughed internally at my My Little Pony reference, and lowered myself onto my knees at the edge of the roof. This could go two ways. One, I could swing down in one swift movement, land silently and run off into the world without anybody noticing or giving a crap. Two, I slip, fail miserably, brake my face, wake the house, get grounded for the millionth time and probably banned from everything forever. Sweet. I turn to face the house and position my feet so they are just hooking off the side, and prepare myself for either of the two extremes that was just about to happen. Throwing myself backwards, I flew round the side of the roof and grabbed the edge before my feet met the floor. I was just about to hop down the last meter to the patio in front of my house, but I froze. My eyes locked on another pair of eyes staring back at me and i felt my heart rise to my throat. I felt sick. I was busted. All of this, for nothing. After a moment of silence, the figure still doesn't move, but it just stares at me. Who is it? It can't be Jo, she would've just flipped out already. That's when I see a glint of liquid materialise in the figures eye, and drip gently down it's cheek. Then I realise who it must be.

"Abigail?" I whisper, flinching at the sound of my voice breaking the piercing silence. The figure doesn't answer, but just sniffs. What the hell is she doing out here at this time? Actually, she's probably thinking the same thing about me. I let myself gently fall onto the patio and land flat footedly in front of her. Abigail is my evil step mother Jo's maid, who cleans the house and cooks the food. I may even call her a friend of mine, maybe. If 'service' count as friends. She's like, my 2nd cousin or some distant relation like that. She couldn't get a job after her parent's business went bust, so she came to Jo for a job. I guess she's kind of trapped with her, like I was. She isn't allowed to leave. That's when I notice the glint of the street lamps reflecting off of something grasped tightly in her hand. I squint, reading the label on the side and then meet her sorrowful gaze. It's a bottle of straight vodka, which is almost empty. Misery washes across my body and a slight shiver runs down my spine. She isn't happy either. I can't believe I'd never seen it before, she always seemed distant from us, but I thought she was just doing her job. She's stuck, like me. W-wait, wasn't I escaping?! I reached out my arm and took her wrist in my chilled fingers and squeezed her comfortingly, which was returned with a smile smothered in tears. I had to go. Part of me wanted to stay and comfort Abigail, but this was my only chance. She obviously knew what I was doing, and was maybe proud of me for doing what she wanted to do so very much. I backed away. Her eyes didn't leave me as I turned and walked down the drive. When I reached the end, we held one last stare. Sudden excitement leaked into my blood stream as I took one last look at the house. Seeing as I had an audience, I might as well make this memorable and heroic. Swinging my arm forward, I proudly give the house the finger, and held it for a few, long seconds. I could say a lot to the person who owns this house, but at this moment, this seems more appropriate. Letting my hand fall back to my side, I bring my gaze back to Abigail, who is still staring at me, but this time with a smirk on her face. I hope one day she shoves her middle finger into that old woman's face, too. I wink at her, then sprint off down the street, unaware of where I was actually going. Adrenaline greeted my body again, and happiness surged through my veins. As I ran away from the house, I think I even heard Abigail laugh. This is perfect.

Author's Note:

Okay, I know this doesn't have too much to do with Ponies yet but in the next chapter everything falls into place, Just needed to get a back story for Daisy.
Also, this is my first story ever so I'm just getting used to things, please enjoy!

-Bron xo