• Published 12th Feb 2012
  • 1,395 Views, 10 Comments

Just the two of us - PonyXpress

The ESSA has put front a competition, which Pinkie Pie accepts.

  • ...

The day before

Bright blue eyes watched Fluttershy sleeping soundly from across the room with a a strange peacefulness. Pinkie was always up and out of bed rather early, regardless of the time she went to sleep. Nopony ever really quite put a hoof on how that actually worked. Eventually most ponies would come to realize that with Pinkie, almost anything was possible.

A small ray of light peeked through the windows and flooded Pinkie's smile. She reached out in front of her and pulled herself off the sofa, stretching her arms and legs as she did. A loud yawn slipped out of her mouth while her hooves trotted their way over to the sleeping pegasus.

Fluttershy's mane was rustled in a mess, strands of her pink hair curled and crumpled in her sleep. The blanket she lay under rose slowly before lowering itself back down. Pinkie had never seen Fluttershy like this, in fact, they she was probably the one pony out of all her friends that she'd spent the least amount of time with. However, she felt she was just as close to her, as she was with everypony else.

Pinkie took a deep breath, spinning herself around, heading for the door. Her mind started running through ideas for breakfast while the sound of her hooves on the wooden floor echoed through the silent house. Stepping into the kitchen, Pinkie took a look around until she noticed the single decorated cupcake. It sat separate from the rest of the 'naked' cupcakes. She lifted it up to her mouth and gave it a little nibble. It tasted just as good as the last one, even better with the icing on it.

"Good morning Pinkie"

Pinkie's body stiffened at the sudden voice. The cupcake fell from her grasp, her body kicking and flailing trying to catch the falling baked good. The cupcake landed in her hoof with a light poof sound as she toppled over.

"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy called from behind her quick rushing to Pinkie's aid "I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to startle you"

"It's fine" Pinkie giggled pulling herself up off the floor.

The pink pony shook her body trying to get some flour off that had gotten on her from the fall.

"So, do you think we should make the cupcakes now? Or tomorrow?" Pinkie asked looking her shy pegasus friend.

Fluttershy took a look around, pondering what to say.

"Uhmm..." there was a brief pause of silence before she finished "How about tomorrow? It'd be better if they were fresh...but um...whatever you think is better is fine" She said shying away.

Pinkie couldn't help but snicker.

"Silly, I asked you because i wanted to know what you think, that DOES sound better"

Fluttershy smiled, lifting her head just a little.

"So, then what do we do today?" Pinkie asked tilting her brows

"Well...I think I should probably head home to take care of some of the animals"

"Oh, ok then, I guess I'll...." Pinkie frowned, contorting her lips in thought.

"OH! I know!" She screamed, startling poor Fluttershy backwards a bit.

"I'll go tell everyone about our bake sale tomorrow! That way, we're sure to sell as many as we can!"

The pink earth pony began jumping in her spot with a cheerful grin. Fluttershy looked at her with large eyes trying to catch her breath.

"That...sounds like a good idea" She managed to say

"Great! Well you have fun with you animals, I'll go spread the news!"

Pinkie put a whole lot of emphasis on that final word, for whatever reason she had. Fluttershy gave her friend a quick smile and headed for the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow Pinkie"

"Okie Dokie Lokie!"

Pinkie stood in her place for several minutes, she wasn't even sure why, her mind had just trailed off for a few moments. Coming back to reality, she let out a giggle and made sure everything in the store was in order.

"Looks like it's clear!"

With that, Pinkie quickly dashed out the door to tell everyone about their plan.


Pinkie knocked on the front door or the library with a grin. Before long, Twilight emerged from inside the library, with a saddle bag of books.

"Oh, hey Pinkie Pie" She greeted her

"Hey Twilight!"

"So, what brings you here?"

"Oh, well you know that contest that I was going to enter?"

"That animal society one?" Twilight asked, trying to recall the name of the group as best she could.

"Yuh huh!" Pinkie's mouth formed a great big smile

"What about it?"

"Weeeell, I was trying to come up with some new cupcakes yesterday when Fluttershy came over to get some flour and she asked me what I was doing and then I said that I was making cupcakes for that contest and then she was like 'oh my gosh I'm entering that too' so I thought it would be a super fantastic idea for us to work as a team and then Fluttershy helped me make some really really yummy cupcakes that look really good and then she slept over at my place because it was too dark and then she went to go look after her animals not long ago while I go and tell everyone that we're gonna be selling the cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner tomorrow!"

Pinkie's actions as she spoke were almost as fast as the speed at which she spoke. Twilight stood at the open door in shock, not knowing what exactly had happened.

"Right" was all she could muster.

"Well yeah, just tell as many ponies as you can about the sale tomorrow, okay! I promise they're really really yummy!"

Pinkie quickly waved good bye to her lavender coated friend and headed off to her next target.


Rarity's boutique was an incredible building, probably one of the more notable of the town. Fine details decorated almost every square inch of the structures surface.

Pinkie burst through the front door, feeling knocking was unnecessary.

"Rarity!" She called

"She's not here" A familiar voice called

Pinkie spun around, Sweetie Belle was standing over by the entrance to the kitchen.

"Oh...umm, I guess I'll tell you then!" Pinkie said bounding over to the little unicorn.

"Tell me what?"

"Fluttershy and I are gonna be making some really super awesome cupcakes tomorrow to raise money for that animal society"

Pinkie jumped in her place with a smile that could only be rivaled with that of unbridled joy.

"Ohhhh, cupcakes, I love cupcakes!"

Pinkie's body locked up as she came to a stop on the ground, her mouth let out a gasp.

"Oh my gosh! So do I!" Her face quickly returned to a smile as she headed for the front door "Well I better go tell everypony else! Don't forget to tell Rarity for me!"

"Okay!" Sweetie called from behind

The pink earth pony quickly left Sweetie Belle's view rather fast. The little unicorn was left standing at the front door of the botique before she closed the door and headed about her day.


Pinkie bounced happily through Ponyville pondering on where to head next. The town seemed rather busy today, busier than usual at least. There were ponies running around picking supplies up, conversations going on in almost every possible direction and ponies selling various things at stand scattered through the area. She wondered how many other ponies were going to enter the contest, it was Equestria wide so there would be a good chance that ponies from Trottingham and Fillydelphia would be competing too. Would any of them be able to out do their cupcakes? She shrugged it off and headed to the first place she could think of.

She took a sharp turn to her right only to be greeted with a thud. Both ponies fell to the ground quick and hard. Pinkie shook her head, peering over her slumped body.

"Applejack! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Pinkie quickly sprung up on all fours and gathered all the fallen apples as fast as she could.

Applejack struggled to pull herself up, still dazed from the fall.

"Oh, hey Pinkie Pie" She muttered

Pinkie put all the apples in the bag Applejack had dropped and placed them in front of the orange farm pony.

"Are you okay? I didn't see you there"

"I'm fine sugarcube, thanks" Applejack smiled "What's got ya'll in a rush like that?"

"Oh well I was going to see if Rainbow Dash was home to tell her about the cupcakes Fluttershy and I are gonna be selling tomorrow" Pinkie's body hopped up and down yet again.


"Yeah we're gonna be raising money for the the Equestrian Society for....uhh, something about animals" Pinkie's hopping stopped as her face formed a frown. "Well anyway, I was going around spreading the news so we could get as many customers as possible!"

"Sounds like a plan ya got goin there! Well goodluck! I better get back to the apple stand"

Applejack left Pinkie with a nod.

"Okie Dokie Lokie!"


Pinkie approached Rainbow's cloud home, wondering if she was even home. The sun was almost down, the orange sky looked brilliant against the white clouds of the blue pegasus' home. Almost like some kind of heavenly gate, unreachable by Pinkie as she was. Secretly she'd always wanted to have wings, being able to fly would be awesome fun!

"Hey! Rainbow Daaaash!" She called out at the distant cloud home.

"You home!?"

Pinkie waited for a few minutes with no response. She lowered her rump down and took a seat on the grass. Time ticked on, the sun crept further down the sky. She figured maybe Dashie didn't hear her, either that or she wasn't home.

"Hellooooooo~!" her voice echoed through the air and off into the distant mountains

A familiar pegasus poked her head out from one of open windows of the cloud home. Pinkie's face lit up at Rainbow's sudden appearance. Rainbow leaped out of her window and and glided down to Pinkie, landing with a soft pat on the grass. She took a few steps towards Pinkie with a welcoming smile on her face.

"Hey, Pinkie, what's up?"

"I just came to let you know that Fluttershy and I are gonna be selling some special cupcakes tomorrow, it's for a contest!" She replied as she stood herself back up.


Dash knew that any kind of special cupcake was worth every bit. The last time Pinkie had made anything like this was when Applejack had helped her, those weren't so good. But since Fluttershy was her helper this time, they had to be good.


"Special how?"

"You'll see tomorrow" Pinkie gave her friend a mischievous grin followed by a wink. "I promise they're good!"

"Sounds awesome to me, I'll be there, don't you worry."


"I'll see you tomorrow then Pinkie"

Rainbow shot of back to her cloud before Pinkie could even respond.

"Okie dokie then!"

Pinkie stood in her place just looking at the sky for a while, she had no idea why. It was getting dark, maybe the darkness was hypnotic, those bright shades of purple slowly consumed the orange in the sky as the sun disappeared from view completely. She shook her head to get a grip on herself before heading off back to town.


Pinkie knocked on the red cottage door lightly. The sun had gone, the stars and moon shone brightly in the night sky. the sound of various nocturnal animals could be heard here and there. Fluttershy's cottage was like a safe haven in the midst of the night. Her house was surrounded by trees, bushes, and sat on the edge of the Everfree Forrest. The cottage gave off a sort of, soothing, welcoming light, anyone lost nearby would most likely be drawn straight to it.

"I'm coming! Please don't leave!"

Fluttershy pulled the door open her panicked look quickly turned to a smile.

"Oh hello Pinkie"

"Hey Fluttershy! i just came to let you know, that me and Flutter..." her voice trailed off to nothing but a mere mumble "Oh wait...never mind!"

Pinkie let out a sheepish giggle. Fluttershy did nothing but give Pinkie a funny look.

"Umm...ok...would you like to come in?" The kind pony offered


Fluttershy stood to the side and pulled the door open wider to allow her in. Pinkie happily took a few steps into the cozy cottage looking around at the interior. She'd never really taken the time to come in Fluttershy's house much.

"Is everything alright Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked closing the door behind her.

Pinkie turned her head to look at her new conversational partner.

"Oh, yeah!" She replied abruptly "You ready for tomorrow?"

"Mhmm" Fluttershy gave a heart warming smile "It should be lots of fun"

Pinkie nodded in agreement.

"I like your place Fluttershy, it's different from mine...but cozy" she complimented

Fluttershy's face tinted itself with a faint pink "Oh..uhh, thanks, Pinkie"

There was a brief moment of silence between the two. The pair stood in their places, Pinkie carefully examining her surroundings and Fluttershy examining her friend. Nothing could be heard beside the tick of Fluttershy clock.

"So...um...would you like something...to drink?" Fluttershy's voice struck the silence rather well, piercing it like an arrow though an apple.

"No thanks, I'm fine"

"Well...ok then"

The butter pegasus pony headed for her seat.

"I guess I better leave you alone" the pink earth pony said

Pinkie made her way back to the door.

"Oh...ok then" Fluttershy said slumping herself on her sofa.

"I'll see you tomorrow at my place, ok?" Pinkie gave a sincere smile

She was greeted by a nod of her yellow coated friend. Pinkie left the cottage closing the door behind her.

Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day indeed.

Comments ( 5 )

This is very good:pinkiehappy:

I don't have much to say, so seconded.

Special cupcakes. I know what Rainbow's thinkin'. Hehehe.

Lol, my thread actually spawned a FlutterPie fic. Gotta read it now XD

Y DEAD FICS!?!!!?!!?!?!?!?:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

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