• Published 31st Jul 2013
  • 1,748 Views, 11 Comments

CMC's NiGHTS into Dreams - Amereep

Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, and Scootaloo have done many attempts at getting their cutie marks, but failed everytime. They fail to realize that this isn't about talent, it's about knowing yourself, and the best way to know is by dreaming.

  • ...

Good Morning

On the farm of Sweet Apple Acres, the sun rises as a rooster cries out for it. Sunlight was cast over the apple trees, the barn, and the main house. It creeps through the bedroom window of Applebloom's to wake her up, something else woke her up first. Her tears. She was crying in her sleep and the emotion she was experiencing disturbed her sleep. Applebloom sits up and wipes the tears away before reminiscing on the dream she was having.

It felt so real to her but it wasn't. It may have been a dream but to her; she just lost a very dear friend. Applebloom reaches around to grab her pillow and hugs it for support. "Nights" she faintly said "thank you."

Applebloom drags her feet on the grass as she makes her way to the clubhouse. Her head was hanging low, trying to cope with the reality of Nights.

She goes up a few ramps and pushes the door to the clubhouse open. She sees Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sitting at the table, giving the furniture a gloomy, sad look. They glanced up to see Applebloom giving the same expression and all of them exchanged a 'hey' with each other. Applebloom treads over to the table and joins her friends at staring down.

The three of them were silent for minutes upon minutes, still looking at their table. Sweetie Belle suddenly makes a small chuckle and gives a sad, weak smile. She closes her eyes and starts humming a tune that she learned from a friend.

Scootaloo starts lifting her head and slowly makes another sad smile. She trots over to a drawer and grabs some materials before she returns to the table. She places a piece of paper down on the table, takes some crayons, and begins to draw something.

A minute later, Applebloom speaks up and interrupts everypony. "You know, I've been thinking. Maybe we have been going the wrong way at getting our cutie marks."

Sweetie Belle stopped humming and returned to her previous pose "Yeah, I think so too."

And Scootaloo does the same "Me too."

"Maybe, if we start working on things that we like to do" Applebloom looked at the two "then we could probably get our cutie marks."

"Like, being ourselves?" asked Sweetie Belle getting a nod and 'hmhmm' from Applebloom. "I've thought about that, but when I start thinking about what I'm like, I start to remembering a friend I've lost."

"You know, I've thought about the same thing" Applebloom noted. "I had a friend I've lost when I think about who I am, but I know that pegasus would want me to carry on and to be myself."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's heads shot up to look at Applebloom. "Wait a second" Scootaloo said "you lost somepony that was a pegasus?"

"Did it have a weird purple outfit on?" Sweetie questioned.

The southern bell leaned back a little "How'd ya know?"

The Sweetie Belle stood up "That's the friend I start remembering."

"You lost..." Applebloom said as she started to think that it was no dream. "Scootaloo?" she asked and Scootaloo responded by sliding the picture she was making out for everypony to see.

"NIGHTS!!!" Applebloom and Sweetie Belle yelled simultaneously.

"I thought I only dreamed you guys there" Scootaloo retracted the drawing.

"Me too" Applebloom acknowledge "how did we all share the same dream?"

Sweetie put a hoof to her chin "I don't know, do you think Nightmare Moon had something to do with it?"

Scootaloo just brushed the idea aside "Maybe... hey wait! I thought Nightmare Moon was defeated by Rainbow Dash and the others, how come she was in our dream?"

Applebloom started to think and replied with an answer she got once from Nights "Maybe we dreamed her up. Nights never did say Nightmare Moon was its mom, we all assumed she was and dreamt her up."

The two other fillies began to look down in sorrow at the mention of Nights' name. "Hey, don't be sad" Applebloom tried to lighten them up "don't you remember what Nights said? As long as we keep following our dreams, Nights will be there. Maybe not there physically, but always there to support us."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked back up at Applebloom with a relieving smile. "Come on gals," Applebloom began "I got an idea that should help us all at getting our cutie marks!" With that said, the three determined fillies stood up and started charging out the door.

The moon was high in the air at Canterlot's castle. There, Luna could be seen on a balcony laying her head and forelegs on the rails. She looks down at Ponyville, smiling at the little fun she had with three little girls. "I wonder if they got their cutie marks yet?" she pondered, hoping her little plan helped them out.

Luna sighs giving a smile, knowing full well that this couldn't have been possible if it wasn't for her 'child' playing along. She glances back at the tower and looks high to the top to see it playing its invisible flute, with a full moon shinning behind it.

Comments ( 5 )

Da feels man, da feels :'(

With the help of a pony named Nights

...and this is when I understood that once I'm be able to, I have to read this story.

Surprise Twist Ending: It turns out that NiGHTS was in actuality Screwball in disguise the whole time.

Well how many other Ponies do you know that could Fly without the need to use Wings, and be chaotic enough to pull off magical feats without the need for a Unicorn Horn?

Po-lease, Pinkie Pie is an amateur compared to Screwball.

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