• Published 31st Jul 2013
  • 1,748 Views, 11 Comments

CMC's NiGHTS into Dreams - Amereep

Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, and Scootaloo have done many attempts at getting their cutie marks, but failed everytime. They fail to realize that this isn't about talent, it's about knowing yourself, and the best way to know is by dreaming.

  • ...

Second Night

Scootaloo is now entering into a new world as she walks through the door she asked Nights about. In the new world she finds warm grassy plains spread across the land, gigantic mountains and hills that were acres away from each other and flowing rivers from fast and furious to calm and smoothing. This new world seemed like it would attract thrill seeking and adventurous ponies alike, and it was. Scootaloo ran up to the closest hill she could find and got a better view of the land. Fields of grass with a few trees here and there as she looked on, and there were just as many clouds as there were trees in the blue sky. She started to feel the grass with her hoof and began to smell the scent of the grass, it was hard to believe that this was all a dream.

Nights flown up to her as she gazed on "This represents me? This seems like a place Rainbow Dash would like" Scootaloo said onto Nights.

"Rainbow Dash? Is she a friend of yours?" it asked.

"Well sorta, she's like a big sister to me. She's helping me learn how to fly and is always looking out for me. She's the coolest pony ever."

"She certainly sounds like it!" Nights humored her.

Speaking about flying, Scootaloo remembered a fact she noticed earlier and had to ask. "Say Nights, how are you able to fly? I noticed that you never flap your wings, so how do you stay airborne?"

Nights looks at its wings "You noticed that, huh? I never actually did learn how to fly with my wings. Their really wasn't any much point of learning since I already learned how to fly without them."


"All right, all right, settle down" it told the over-excited filly. "I would recommend learning the traditional way because you can fly my way if your a Nightopian or if your in Nightopia."

"I'm okay with that, just please, tell me."

"Well..." Nights took a pause, trying to find the right word "...you need to know yourself."

Scootaloo was dumbstrucked, "Know myself? I know myself better then anypony!"

It just smiled "You seem to be confused that this place represents you, even though you say 'you know yourself'." A light suddenly flickered in the orange filly's mind. Nights was right, just moments ago she couldn't believe that this place was part of who she is.

"Perhaps there is more to me?"

Applebloom walks with Nights flying, into a world holding a HUGE forest and not just any kind of forest, an apple tree forest. She was standing next to the largest tree of the forest. Bloom looks up at it, the tree was at least five hundred feet tall, covering the sun from shining through its leaves, only a few beams of light made it through. As she looked on, the trees around it were smaller in comparison and were even more smaller as it proceeded down. Clearly this tree she was under was the mother of all of the trees that made up this forest.

"Good golly" the country gal said "You could never find apple trees this big back at the farm."

"Farm?" Nights had to ask.

"Yup, I live on the farm of Sweet Apple Acres with my big Sis, Brother, and Granny."

"Just the four of you? That must be hard work for all of you to tend to."

"Yeah, but everypony there helps support each other. That's what family does, right?"

"I guess so" Nights said taking a reclining pose.

"'I guess so?' What kind of answer is that?" Bloom pondered on that statement "Don't you got a family?"

It puts a hoof to its mouth, thinking about something "I guess you could call them that."

"You guess?" the filly questioned further "How can you guess? Don't they mean anything to you?"

Nights looks at Applebloom with a serious expression "Of course they do, its just... we don't really... see eye to eye."

Bloom looked down thinking about what it would be like if it was like that with her family "I can't even imagine what it would be like if me and Applejack didn't like each other."

Nights just shook its head, forgetting about the subject. It gives a weak smile towards the filly "It's obvious that you have strong feelings towards a family connection" Nights looks up "Its just like this tree." Applebloom looks over the tree once more "It gave birth to the rest of the trees in the forest and all of those trees return the favor by protecting it. They never seem to far apart from each other, either protecting the mother tree or even protecting its fellow siblings."

Applebloom was still looking up at the tree, realizing how true the statement was. They help each other just like her family. "My family is very important to me, but isn't it like that with everypony?" She started to think why she depends on them so much. "They do help me with stuff, but no more then what other ponies help me with, right?"

"Do I count on my family for something more?"

Sweetie Belle was enjoying the water of the beach she was on. She was within a world which had clear waters, sea shells, and white sand. It had marble columns and bright pink hearts floating about. Everything had at least a light soothing tone to it, like if she was in a aqua garden.

"This place is so beautiful" Belle yelled out to Nights, who was flying above the sand, away from the water. "It's like a paradise my sister would vacation in" she continued as she galloped up to Nights.

"Really? Sounds like she has expensive taste" it replied.

"Yeah she really does. She makes clothing for a living and insists on only the best in her work."

"I'm guessing she gets a lot business, too" Nights responded with a happy chuckle.

"Yup, a lot of famous ponies go and meet her" Sweetie replied cheerfully, proud of her sister. "That's why I wanna be just like her when I grow up!"

It gave a confused look at her "That's weird. If you grow up to be just like her, where would the original you go?" Belle was now joining Nights by also giving a confused look "If you become like her, then you're only following her dreams. If that happens, what would happen to your dreams?"

Sweetie Belle started to think about what it just said "My dreams would turn into hers" She looks at the water of the sea, splashing waves upon the beach. She looks at her reflection on the water, and when another wave hits land, she sees an image of her sister in place of her reflection.

"Am I only following my sister's dream?"

Belle stared at the image rippling in the water. It suddenly made a jump up at her. She gave a shriek, falling backwards. "Something wrong?" the concerned Nights said. Before Sweetie could say anything, the world started to darken and was given a ultraviolet effect upon it. Nights was now bracing for the worst as the world around the two continued to pulse more forcefully "Sweetie Belle, quick, dualize with me" Nights extended a hoof to her.

"Dual-what-now?" she asked, grabbing Nights hoof to help her up. Before she knew it, she was now dualized with Nights "Wha? What happened?" she asked looking at her new form.

"A Nightmaren is here" Nights told her, even though that wasn't the concern she was on.

"What... What does it want?" and with a loud echoing voice, a nagging sounding reply came.


"They're creatures who were only created to steal the strength of visitors' dreams" Nights now prepared for the approaching Nightmaren.

"Created? Who crea-" was all Belle could say before Nights dodged a large hoof slamming into the ground they were on. The two ponies looked onto the Nightmaren that nearly crushed them with a wrinkly old hoof. It looked like an old grey mare that was as tall as a house and was starring at her targets with one eye open, showing her red colored iris at them. Sweetie Belle recognized this pony from a scary story she was once told by Rainbow Dash, but the 'Olden Pony' was never told to be this large. Belle now only had one thing on her mind "Let's get outta here!" and she tried to run away, but Nights had other opinions.

Nights/Belle started to fly circles around the giant pony. "And go where? The Nightmaren will only follow you. We need to confront her!"

"WHAT!? We can't stop her, she's to big and scary."

"Don't worry, as long were together. We can overcome any nightmare."

Sweetie Belle had little choice on the matter, but the fact that somepony was there with her helped calm her nerves a little. The two flew around the Olden Pony doing various loops, turns, and flips as they tried to find a way to stop her. They tried pushing her over, though sadly those old bones of her's would not budge, she only swatted at the air.

"YOU GOT MY RUSTY HORSESHOE, DON'T YOU?" The Nightmaren yelled at them as they fought.

"She just won't let up on that shoe, now will she?" Nights said aloud. Soon, Nights/Belle was hit by one of the Olden pony's hooves. The two bounce on the ground from the impact and turn to face the Nightmaren once more. They see her galloping towards them and notice a rough brown figure on the ground that she ran past.

Sweetie Belle realized what it was "Nights! Get that!"

Nights saw at what Belle wanted and refocused at the charging pony coming this way. With quick gliding, Nights avoided the trampling hooves of the Olden Pony and made its way towards the object. The object was a large rusted looking horseshoe. "Alright, I get it" Nights said, lifting up the metal object. Nights/Sweetie starts to spin around with the shoe extended "She wants her horseshoe right, so let's give it to her." They both throw the shoe like a hammer, spinning towards the Olden Pony. The shoe collides with her, sending her flying with the shoe, and vanishes in the darkness. The world around Nights/Belle started to return to the sandy beach and coral reef that it once was. "That did the trick Sweetie Belle" Nights congratulated her.

Belle was more surprised at how easy it was. She was planning on running away for the giant pony moments ago but now it seemed like it was no big deal. Sweetie starts to give a little chuckle before she goes all out at laughing.

Nights gives a chuckle at her sudden laughter before it asked "What's so funny?"

"I ha ha was s-so ho ho sca-scared." she barley replied over her laughter.

It smiled and started laughing along with her, happy she was able to get over her fear.

Author's Note:

I put in a link in case anyone didn't know what a hammer was (I always thought it was a iron ball, or a throwing ball).