CMC's NiGHTS into Dreams

by Amereep

First published

Applebloom, Sweetiebelle, and Scootaloo have done many attempts at getting their cutie marks, but failed everytime. They fail to realize that this isn't about talent, it's about knowing yourself, and the best way to know is by dreaming.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo have done many attempts at getting their cutie marks, but failed every time. They fail to realize that this isn't about talent, it's about knowing yourself, and the best way to know that is through your dreams. With the help of a pony named Nights, they'll surely find the last key to getting their cutie marks.

We'll spend some time inside each filly's dream in each chapter.

A NiGHTS and MLP:FIM crossover.

Image by kaizerin

First Night

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Applebloom was playing in the school yard with all of her friends. They were all playing various games with each other and everypony didn't have a cutie mark on them. She was having a wonderful time with them while she smiled and laughed with the others.

But... out of no where, a cutie mark appeared on one of her fellow classmates. Everypony was staring at it proclaiming at how neat and cool it was. Then another one got their cutie mark, then another, and another, and another until everypony had a cutie mark on them, except for one, Applebloom. They all stared at her in a deadpan look, expecting her to summon one up on her hip as well. She didn't know what to do; she started to scrunch up as they started taunting her.

Blank flank, blank flank they mocked her, the world around them started to fade in color. Applebloom looked at the faces that were mocking her and saw their faces starting to look more horrifying each second she looked at them, until...


The ponies turned into black mist creatures and charged at her. Applebloom turned and ran from the creatures as they were hot on her hooves. She didn't dare look back, she was galloping as fast as her little legs could take her. Hope seemed to shine as a bright light appeared in front, giving comfort from the monsters as she entered into it.

Before Applebloom knew it, she found herself in the central circle of Ponyville. It was a night sky that shined above as she noticed no pony was around. She started to walk through town, but instead of finding anypony, she was found by a pony instead.

"Looking for something?"

Applebloom turned around to find the voice, but she couldn't find anypony. "Not really. Just wondering how I got here."

"I assume you got here by dreaming it up."

"Dreaming? But I'm in Ponyville, I can't be dreaming" she responded, still searching for the source of the pony.

"Maybe your dreaming Ponyville up."

Applebloom was now getting tired of her search for the source "Where are ya?"

"Up" the country mare looked up to see a pegasus pony watching her from a banner pole. It was wearing a purple outfit that was funny looking and it made it roughly impossible to tell in gender, but despite the appearance it was giving her a friendly face. "This is Nightopia. Anything you imagine can come into existence here."

A bit confused at the statement, she decided to start from square one, identifying "Who are ya?"

The pony flies up and does aerial maneuvers as it makes its way to the ground. "My names Nights, I live here in Nightopia." s/he responded with a welcoming smile "so what's your name?"

"Uh, I'm Applebloom" she answered, not sure what to make out of the strange pony "so what do ya mean 'anything I imagine can come into existence here?'"

"Well, if you want to be at a circus, just imagine that you're at a circus and it will appear around here."

She gave it some thought "So, if I can imagine that I could fly, then I'll be able to."

Nights gave a smile to that "It's difficult to do it here, but I know of another way to help you fly here." Applebloom gave an interesting look at Nights, who responded by extending its hoof "Grab on."

The filly stared both at Nights and its hoof. She was a bit couscous at grabbing on with her own hoof, but when she did a bright light suddenly shined from the connection.

Scootaloo was hanging out with her hero, Rainbow Dash, as they soar through the sky. Dash was caring Scootaloo on her back, as they did tricks and somersaults. This was a joy to Scoot, nothing could make her happier.

Without notice, the young pegasus found herself on a cloud. She looked on to see Rainbow Dash gesturing on to her to come follow. Scootaloo was on a small cloud with no way to chase after Dash, except by flying. Scoot started to flap her wings as hard as she could, but she got nowhere. There were clouds now surrounding her; calling her a chicken and a flightless loser.

Before Scootaloo could feel ashamed, the clouds started to turn black with red eyes looking at her. The world around her changed into a dark endless-plain world. The scared orange filly galloped as fast as she could away from the monsters. Those creatures wouldn't let her escape, and gave chase. She was scared as she ran through the darkness; it felt like she would surly not make it through. She needed help, she needed support, she needed a guide; and that's what she got. A strong light shined within the darkness, guiding her through. Scootaloo dashed to the brightness with all her might as the light started to engulf her.

Scootaloo looked around to only see white spaces everywhere. It suddenly changed around her as it started to form a night sky within Ponyville. She began to walk around trying to figure out at what was happening around here. She looked at the houses then glanced at the bridge, then something else caught her eye. It looks like a pegasus flying around high above. Despite its unique appearance, she noticed that it wasn't flapping its wings. S/he was using them as gliders, giving it a better advantage at turning and the sorts.

The pony noticed the little filly on the ground looking at it "Come on up, the weather's great."

Scootaloo looked down in disappointment "I can't fly."

The pony flown closer to her "No worries" it stretches out a hoof "grab on."

The filly looked at the pony, it was wearing a weird outfit that seemed like it was meant for a jester, the pony was giving a friendly smile to her. She felt like she could trust this pony and grabbed its hoof. Without any warning, a light shined at the point where the hooves touched each other and caused Scootaloo to shut her eyes. She slowly opened them up again and saw that she was alone. Despite the fact that she was the only pony there, she swore that things were smaller now.

"Well, let's go" said the strange pony from out of nowhere and Scootaloo noticed that she was flying into the air.

"I... I'm flying!" the orange filly said in astonishment.

"We're flying" the other pony corrected her.

Scootaloo noticed that her appearance was changed as she flown over the river. She looked just like that pony that was with her only a moment ago "Wha, what happen to me?"

"We dualized," the strange pony told her in a calm manner "This allows us to share the same mind and body, so don't freak out if things you can do seem unnatural."

Scootaloo started to feel more at ease at this unique situation. She started to feel her senses sharpening as she was flying through the sky of Ponyville. As she flew through the air, she noticed that there were doors within the center of town that lead to nowhere. She couldn't help but to question at what purpose those doors were for.

Sweetie Belle was enjoying a wonderful time with her sister, Rarity. They were fooling around with various activities within the Carousel Boutique; working with arts and crafts, speaking through fans (giving them silly voices), dressing up. The girls were enjoying each others company, but life had to intervene.

Rarity had to get back to work and left Sweetie Belle to her playtime. Belle watched as her sister went to work. Scissors, cloths, and threads start floating around Rarity as she worked, using her magic. Belle focused on her sister's magic, and started to look around. She saw a crayon from across the room and decided to make it levitate towards her. Sweetie Belle's horn starts to glow softly as she tries to grab the drawing tool, but it seems that she just couldn't muster up enough magic to grab it.

The filly looks down in frustration at the lack of magic she possessed. She soon noticed that her surroundings were getting darker and started to feel cramped. Soon, she saw the drawings she made with her sister looking quite vicious. She noticed the dresses she wore with her sister make an aggressive stance at her. Those creative creations she helped make only moments ago started to charge at her. Sweetie Belle turned and fled from the objects with no second thought. She didn't know where she was running, she just knew she had to escape from the materials; and with a miracle of hope, a bright shinning light appeared in front of her path. Her fears started to settle down the closer she got the the light. As she got closer to it, the light started to shine brighter causing Sweetie Belle to shun her eyes from it.

The light started to fade from Belle's vision, giving a glimpse at where she ended up. It was Ponyville, the center part of Ponyville to be precise. It was a starry night out with no pony in sight, but a sound could be heard. It sounded like a whistle, perhaps a flute, and was causing the young unicorn to start looking for the source. As she searched for the sound, she started to make out a rhythm to the tune. Sweetie Belle couldn't help but to try and add lyrics to the melody.

"♫ Hmm... mmm...

La la nights... Dream da da...

Dum de see hmm smile again.

In the nights... Dream delight...

You're the one I've waited for.♪"

After searching for a while, she eventually found the source coming from a pegasus playing... an invisible flute? It was hard to tell the gender of the pony, and its choice in wardrobe is something Rarity would love. The only thing Rarity would probably change would be the hat, it looked too silly for a fetching outfit. The look was unique, but what really stood out was the fact it was hovering in place (no wings involved). Despite its appearance, Sweetie Belle didn't focus too much attention to it, she was more interested in the song it was playing as she continued to sing words to it.

This went on for about a minute before the song finally ended. The musician looked over to Sweetie Belle "Your a pretty good singer" it said.

She rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment "No, it was your flute playing that was good."

"My flute playing may be good, but you have a perfect harmony." Belle blushed at that comment "My names Nights, whats yours?"

"Sweetie Belle."

"Well Sweetie Belle, I think you'll be a great singer someday."

The filly shook her head "No way, I can't sing. I might be able to sing a melody or two, but I can't sing like professionals."

Nights gave a confused look before it smiled "Let me show you something." It flew over to a door that was on the middle of the road. It didn't lead anywhere, it was just there. "This door represents you" Nights began "Inside, you'll find out about who you really are."

Sweetie Belle gave a sad look, feeling she was insulted "But, there's nothing on the other side."

"It's not the other side you need to worry about, it's the inside." Nights gestured her over "Go on, open it."

The unicorn was thinking that opening the door would be a bit silly, but just to amuse Nights, she did it anyway. To her shock, she found that inside was an entirely new world. She walks in with Nights following behind her as the door shuts behind the two.

Second Night

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Scootaloo is now entering into a new world as she walks through the door she asked Nights about. In the new world she finds warm grassy plains spread across the land, gigantic mountains and hills that were acres away from each other and flowing rivers from fast and furious to calm and smoothing. This new world seemed like it would attract thrill seeking and adventurous ponies alike, and it was. Scootaloo ran up to the closest hill she could find and got a better view of the land. Fields of grass with a few trees here and there as she looked on, and there were just as many clouds as there were trees in the blue sky. She started to feel the grass with her hoof and began to smell the scent of the grass, it was hard to believe that this was all a dream.

Nights flown up to her as she gazed on "This represents me? This seems like a place Rainbow Dash would like" Scootaloo said onto Nights.

"Rainbow Dash? Is she a friend of yours?" it asked.

"Well sorta, she's like a big sister to me. She's helping me learn how to fly and is always looking out for me. She's the coolest pony ever."

"She certainly sounds like it!" Nights humored her.

Speaking about flying, Scootaloo remembered a fact she noticed earlier and had to ask. "Say Nights, how are you able to fly? I noticed that you never flap your wings, so how do you stay airborne?"

Nights looks at its wings "You noticed that, huh? I never actually did learn how to fly with my wings. Their really wasn't any much point of learning since I already learned how to fly without them."


"All right, all right, settle down" it told the over-excited filly. "I would recommend learning the traditional way because you can fly my way if your a Nightopian or if your in Nightopia."

"I'm okay with that, just please, tell me."

"Well..." Nights took a pause, trying to find the right word " need to know yourself."

Scootaloo was dumbstrucked, "Know myself? I know myself better then anypony!"

It just smiled "You seem to be confused that this place represents you, even though you say 'you know yourself'." A light suddenly flickered in the orange filly's mind. Nights was right, just moments ago she couldn't believe that this place was part of who she is.

"Perhaps there is more to me?"

Applebloom walks with Nights flying, into a world holding a HUGE forest and not just any kind of forest, an apple tree forest. She was standing next to the largest tree of the forest. Bloom looks up at it, the tree was at least five hundred feet tall, covering the sun from shining through its leaves, only a few beams of light made it through. As she looked on, the trees around it were smaller in comparison and were even more smaller as it proceeded down. Clearly this tree she was under was the mother of all of the trees that made up this forest.

"Good golly" the country gal said "You could never find apple trees this big back at the farm."

"Farm?" Nights had to ask.

"Yup, I live on the farm of Sweet Apple Acres with my big Sis, Brother, and Granny."

"Just the four of you? That must be hard work for all of you to tend to."

"Yeah, but everypony there helps support each other. That's what family does, right?"

"I guess so" Nights said taking a reclining pose.

"'I guess so?' What kind of answer is that?" Bloom pondered on that statement "Don't you got a family?"

It puts a hoof to its mouth, thinking about something "I guess you could call them that."

"You guess?" the filly questioned further "How can you guess? Don't they mean anything to you?"

Nights looks at Applebloom with a serious expression "Of course they do, its just... we don't really... see eye to eye."

Bloom looked down thinking about what it would be like if it was like that with her family "I can't even imagine what it would be like if me and Applejack didn't like each other."

Nights just shook its head, forgetting about the subject. It gives a weak smile towards the filly "It's obvious that you have strong feelings towards a family connection" Nights looks up "Its just like this tree." Applebloom looks over the tree once more "It gave birth to the rest of the trees in the forest and all of those trees return the favor by protecting it. They never seem to far apart from each other, either protecting the mother tree or even protecting its fellow siblings."

Applebloom was still looking up at the tree, realizing how true the statement was. They help each other just like her family. "My family is very important to me, but isn't it like that with everypony?" She started to think why she depends on them so much. "They do help me with stuff, but no more then what other ponies help me with, right?"

"Do I count on my family for something more?"

Sweetie Belle was enjoying the water of the beach she was on. She was within a world which had clear waters, sea shells, and white sand. It had marble columns and bright pink hearts floating about. Everything had at least a light soothing tone to it, like if she was in a aqua garden.

"This place is so beautiful" Belle yelled out to Nights, who was flying above the sand, away from the water. "It's like a paradise my sister would vacation in" she continued as she galloped up to Nights.

"Really? Sounds like she has expensive taste" it replied.

"Yeah she really does. She makes clothing for a living and insists on only the best in her work."

"I'm guessing she gets a lot business, too" Nights responded with a happy chuckle.

"Yup, a lot of famous ponies go and meet her" Sweetie replied cheerfully, proud of her sister. "That's why I wanna be just like her when I grow up!"

It gave a confused look at her "That's weird. If you grow up to be just like her, where would the original you go?" Belle was now joining Nights by also giving a confused look "If you become like her, then you're only following her dreams. If that happens, what would happen to your dreams?"

Sweetie Belle started to think about what it just said "My dreams would turn into hers" She looks at the water of the sea, splashing waves upon the beach. She looks at her reflection on the water, and when another wave hits land, she sees an image of her sister in place of her reflection.

"Am I only following my sister's dream?"

Belle stared at the image rippling in the water. It suddenly made a jump up at her. She gave a shriek, falling backwards. "Something wrong?" the concerned Nights said. Before Sweetie could say anything, the world started to darken and was given a ultraviolet effect upon it. Nights was now bracing for the worst as the world around the two continued to pulse more forcefully "Sweetie Belle, quick, dualize with me" Nights extended a hoof to her.

"Dual-what-now?" she asked, grabbing Nights hoof to help her up. Before she knew it, she was now dualized with Nights "Wha? What happened?" she asked looking at her new form.

"A Nightmaren is here" Nights told her, even though that wasn't the concern she was on.

"What... What does it want?" and with a loud echoing voice, a nagging sounding reply came.


"They're creatures who were only created to steal the strength of visitors' dreams" Nights now prepared for the approaching Nightmaren.

"Created? Who crea-" was all Belle could say before Nights dodged a large hoof slamming into the ground they were on. The two ponies looked onto the Nightmaren that nearly crushed them with a wrinkly old hoof. It looked like an old grey mare that was as tall as a house and was starring at her targets with one eye open, showing her red colored iris at them. Sweetie Belle recognized this pony from a scary story she was once told by Rainbow Dash, but the 'Olden Pony' was never told to be this large. Belle now only had one thing on her mind "Let's get outta here!" and she tried to run away, but Nights had other opinions.

Nights/Belle started to fly circles around the giant pony. "And go where? The Nightmaren will only follow you. We need to confront her!"

"WHAT!? We can't stop her, she's to big and scary."

"Don't worry, as long were together. We can overcome any nightmare."

Sweetie Belle had little choice on the matter, but the fact that somepony was there with her helped calm her nerves a little. The two flew around the Olden Pony doing various loops, turns, and flips as they tried to find a way to stop her. They tried pushing her over, though sadly those old bones of her's would not budge, she only swatted at the air.

"YOU GOT MY RUSTY HORSESHOE, DON'T YOU?" The Nightmaren yelled at them as they fought.

"She just won't let up on that shoe, now will she?" Nights said aloud. Soon, Nights/Belle was hit by one of the Olden pony's hooves. The two bounce on the ground from the impact and turn to face the Nightmaren once more. They see her galloping towards them and notice a rough brown figure on the ground that she ran past.

Sweetie Belle realized what it was "Nights! Get that!"

Nights saw at what Belle wanted and refocused at the charging pony coming this way. With quick gliding, Nights avoided the trampling hooves of the Olden Pony and made its way towards the object. The object was a large rusted looking horseshoe. "Alright, I get it" Nights said, lifting up the metal object. Nights/Sweetie starts to spin around with the shoe extended "She wants her horseshoe right, so let's give it to her." They both throw the shoe like a hammer, spinning towards the Olden Pony. The shoe collides with her, sending her flying with the shoe, and vanishes in the darkness. The world around Nights/Belle started to return to the sandy beach and coral reef that it once was. "That did the trick Sweetie Belle" Nights congratulated her.

Belle was more surprised at how easy it was. She was planning on running away for the giant pony moments ago but now it seemed like it was no big deal. Sweetie starts to give a little chuckle before she goes all out at laughing.

Nights gives a chuckle at her sudden laughter before it asked "What's so funny?"

"I ha ha was s-so ho ho sca-scared." she barley replied over her laughter.

It smiled and started laughing along with her, happy she was able to get over her fear.

Third Night

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Applebloom enters into a new world filled with sand and rocks. A barren waste land that has sand blowing in the wind with roughly nothing living here, plant or creature. She walks besides Nights and finds that the location she's in is out-of-place, even for a dream.

"This place can't represent me!" Bloom said to the flying Nightopian.

"What makes you say that?" it acknowledged her.

"I live on an apple farm, full of greens and trees. This place has nothing of the sort."

Nights chuckles "Representation isn't always associated on where one lives."

"Then how does it relate?"

"Well..." it looks away at the desert "think of this place as an art painting. Looking at it, what do you feel about the place?"

"Well, this place seems really sad. Nothing is here 'cept sand and rocks. Its so... lonely."

"This place is a creation of who you are. If you think this place is lonely, then you feel lonely."

Applebloom's eyes widened at that remark "That can't be true, it must be a lie! I have friends, lots of them. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Babs Seed, and I didn't even mention my family!"

Nights puts a hoof on her shoulder "The doors I showed you don't show lies, they show what is inside one's heart. Materials and positions in one's relationships don't take form in here. The doors tell about one's dreams, one's interests, one's desires. It also portraits how one thinks of one's self, even if their are things or beings that prove them wrong."

Applebloom starts thinking about her past if it was true. She remembers times when she was having fun with her sister, she thinks about how great it was hanging out with Babs, and of course she recalls on all of the adventures she has had with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Nights doesn't know what s/he's talking about. I never felt lonely, me and the Cutie Mark Crusaders have always had a fun time with each other at getting our cu... CUTIE MARKS!" The info finally hit her. She did have great times with her friends, but without a cutie mark, she felt like an outcast. She did felt comfort that their were others like her, but she felt like she wouldn't be accepted by society because of her empty flank.

"I'm lonely."

Sweetie Belle finds herself with Nights in a new land that could once be considered as a cave. Many of the rocks that made up the walls and ceilings have long been broken off, showing the sunlight into the once darken chambers. Surrounded everywhere were crystals and shards of various colors and sizes, shinning sparkles from the sun.

"So, does this place look like somewhere your sister would like?" Nights asked.

"Maybe," Belle replied, looking at the ground "she would like the crystals, but she would have a tough time with the dirt."

"She hates getting dirty, huh?"

"Yeah, but for some reason, she loves to take mud-baths all the time when she's at the spa."

They both share a laugh together.

Sweetie Belle started a new topic "I wonder if the Crystal Empire looks anything like this?"

"I don't think it would be inside a cave" Nights noted the surroundings.

"What happened to it anyway?"

"You opened up to others" it said, catching Sweetie off guard. "The cave was once hollow, leaving only small connection with others, like your sister. When you started making friends with other ponies, the cave started to crumble; allowing you to be more open to them."

Sweetie Belle started to rub the back of her head in embarrassment. Glancing over a shine glimmered within her view "What about the crystals?"

"Those crystal are what symbolizes you. Who you are, what your like. The ones that are in the open are the ones that you are willing to share."

Belle looks around at the shards, their were quite a few of them. She spots a mulberry rose color crystal and trots on over to it "Its so beautiful" she puts a hoof on it and the crystal suddenly cracks "yeesh, it sure is fragile." She looks at the crack the crystal formed, her eyes refocus, seeing a reflection. Her reflection. She stares at herself and a sudden thought crosses her mind. The more she fumbled around with the idea, the more true it actually was.

"I'm fragile."

Scootaloo has trotted around for awhile now within this slanted world. She was in a world where everything was laying on something or another. Buildings looking like they would fall at any moment, trees bent as if they were raised in a windy plain, everything seemed to be slouching in one way or bending the other way. Scootaloo was walking with Nights floating beside along the dirt road, the only thing that wasn't bending.

"Alright, at first this place looked kinda cool, but now I'm starting to have second thoughts about it" the filly said looking at the crooked buildings.

"And they are?" Nights asked.

"Well, everything is bent so much it makes the 'Leaning Tower of Haysa' look straight. I get the weird feeling that these things will fall on me any second."

Nights smiles, getting an idea to question Scootaloo's character, "If they do, do you think you could keep them up?"

"These buildings? No way, they need a support beam or somepony that's strong."

"Like Rainbow Dash?"

"Yeah" she said in admiration "she's the strongest pony I know. She can push them straight no sweat."

Nights glanced over to a building "You know, I've always been told that buildings are like ponies. They're both made of various parts to create one single entity. Bricks and fur, roof and mane, windows and eyes, they both form something great.

"That's a strange comparison" "Who told you that?"

Nights wasn't expecting this question. It quickly thought of a reasonable answer Scootaloo might except. "M-my mother told me. A-anyway these buildings, I see them as ponies that need support to get them standing tall once more."

She seemed confused "Ponies? So why..." she stopped realizing that Nights was trying to get her to see something. "S/he's trying to say that these buildings represent me, isn't s/he? Well to bad, I don't need support" she boastfully thought.

Scootaloo continues through the town, staring up at the buildings overshadowing her. "Why would Nights think I need support, really? It's obvious that these buildings mean... mean... um... okay they show that... ah... is that?" she glimpses at a rainbow out to the distance. The vibrant colors start to remind her about her idle "Rainbow Dash is always at the forefront of my mind. I always try to impress her, wanting to get her appreciation" Scootaloo's back legs give way while looking at the rainbow. "It really is true, isn't it?"

"I look up to others for support."

"Say Nights" Scootaloo called out "how are rainbows made?"

Nights prepares itself for a lecture "You know how water gets up to the sky right?"

She nods "When pegasi form a tornado to shoot water into the sky."

"Yes and then they turn into clouds. From there the clouds range from being heavy with water to being a white puffy cloud. Sometimes the big heavy ones have trouble releasing the water it holds, so it goes through a special process. It's placed close to the sun and after awhile of taking in the sunlight, it breaks down. It returns to it's liquid state, but with the light it gained from the sun, it is given a rainbow effect to it."

Scootaloo give a small smile at the outcome "It takes a little bit of support for clouds to make something so pretty. Maybe it's time for me..."

The rainbow in the distance soon faded, as well as everything around Scootaloo and Nights. The world turned dark and barren with a dirty road and red sky. Nights reacted "Come on Scootaloo" and quickly dualized with her.

Scootaloo broke out of her thoughts and focused on whats happening "Another Nightmaren?" Nights nodded.

*clop clop clop clop*

*clop clop clop clop*

*clop clop clop clop*

The two braced themselves.

*clop clop clop clop*

*clop clop clop clop*

*clop clop clop clop*

Their was nopony in sight.




Only the sound of hoof steps echoing around them.




Finally, a figure was spotted making its way over a hill. It was on four legs for a moment before it got on its hind legs and kicking its front leg in the air. It didn't make a cry, though its expression was truly to be feared. This beast was a horse, a headless horse.

It lands its front legs back to the ground and drags its right hoof in a revving up style before it charges at the two. The speed of the headless horse seemed to have increased since the last time Scootaloo dealt with it. The dualized ponies avoided the Nightmaren by a thread of their mane.

"WHOA!" Scootaloo said to the shock "Its just as fast as Rainbow Dash."

"Watch out! Its coming back!" Nights warned. It took to the air, narrowly avoiding the decapitated horse. "Now lets think of a way to~ STOP IT?!?!" Even though the horse was wingless, it had powerful legs; legs that could kick itself into the air and straight at them. Nights kept on avoiding each and every attempt "It won't give us a chance to retaliate."

To Scootaloo's extent, she was letting Nights control their movements since the Dualization. Each dodge, each close encounter made her want to take action, to strike back. "Nights, let me take control for awhile."

"Are you sure - wah - you can deal with - whoa - this, Scootaloo?" Nights hesitantly asked, still avoiding each strikes.

Scootaloo was having second thoughts about this. If see was in control, she would be shaking her feathers off. "Wi-wi-will this work? Can I st-st-st-stand a chance against th-that thing?" She watched the Headless Horse make strike after strike, and she was ready to decline.

*pant pant*

Scootaloo started hearing a sound coming from right below her. It was Nights, it was exhausted from avoiding each attack. "Rainbow Dash would be ashamed of me, she would never let another pony fight alone" Scootaloo started to feel more confident "I can't Nights go through this alone!"

"I CAN DO IT NIGHTS!" She insisted. She was soon able to move the hooves and wings of her body. Just as soon as Scootaloo took control, she started to fall to the ground and avoided another charge of the Nightmaren.

Scootaloo landed on her hooves and bucked them, preparing another attack coming right at her. The Headless Horse was in front of her and was galloping this way. Scootaloo had to think quick, one wrong move and she could be considered a 'Headless Chicken'. It was about to collide with her with an instinct took over her. She leaped forward and used the charging horse as a leap frog player. When doing this, she wind up her back legs and kicked the horse down, having it spin and slid uncontrollably on the ground until it faded away.

With the Nightmaren now gone, the world started to return back into the way it once was. "That was amazing Scootaloo!" Nights said, ending their Dualizing "You were able to stop that thing all on your own."

Scootaloo started to smile but quickly hide it in a cool expression "Oh pff, it was a pushover." She starts trotting away from Nights with a grin on her face "I could've taken that thing with one leg tide up."

Nights follows after her, leaving a few buildings that started to straighten up.

Fourth Night

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Sweetie Belle was laying on a big soft pillow, to comfort and relaxed to move from the spot. She was in a world full of fabrics and threads that could make one feel that they're in a decoration store. On all of the cloths was a symbol or pattern that related to music in one manner or another. One had a note sheet, another had a flute, and others had a mike sowed on it. The pillow Belle was on had a huge G Clef in the center. Nights is resting as well while floating in the air.

"This place is so comfy, this is definitely my version of a spa day. It's like magic" Sweetie Belle cooed.

Nights nodded in agreement "Say, I never did see you use magic before." Sweetie broke from her trance with panic "Do you know how to use your magic yet Sweetie Belle?"

"A-a little" she said, hoping that it would end the conversation.

Nights looked around and flew away. Grabbing something, it flew back to the pillow Belle was on and it placed an item a foot or two away. It was a button, Nights floated back giving a friendly smile "Let's see you levitate this."

She was scared. She wasn't that good at magic, but she didn't wanted to be looked at as a failure. She started to focus on the button before and stood up to plant her hooves to the pillow. Her horn lit up with an aura as well as the button. She channeled all of her thoughts on lifting the plastic material up into the air, but sadly the closes thing she could do is to shake it around a little. The aura fades from her horn and she begins to pant at her overworked, under-payed results. She glanced at Nights, then looks away in disappointment "I can't use magic, alright."

Nights rubbed its chin for a moment in thought "What do you like to think when your passing time?" Sweetie looked at Nights for more clarification "Like when your working or helping your sister out."

She glances away from it "I... well..." she didn't really wanted to say, but Nights' eyes were drilling for an answer from her. "I, I like to sing a song."

"Alright, do that while focusing on levitating the button" Belle gave a confused expression. "Have faith and try it" Nights encouraged her.

Sweetie Belle was starting to blush when taking her stance again, finding that singing would be embarrassing. She begins to think of a song, remembering how the notes were presented and began to hum. Her horn lights up again and the button follows. She starts to think about it levitating... and it starts rising. Belle breaks the connection from the surprise. The button falls back on the pillow with Sweetie Belle in denial at what she saw. She starts the process again, going a little bit faster this time, and the button starts flying into the air. "It's worked" she gives a relieved chuckle at the situation "I did it!"

Nights nods at the results "When you use magic on something, you need to have a connection. What you seem to be doing is focusing all of your energy on the object, leaving nothing that ties you to it. It's like grabbing an egg; put to much pressure on it and it will break, but put to little pressure on it and it will drop."

Sweetie Belle broke the connection again after she realized that a pegasus knew how magic worked, but how? "How do you know so much about magic."

Now Nights was the one panicking "Um, I know of a pony that can use it and she told me one night on how it's used. Ahem, what I'm getting at is that you need to be yourself. You need to put a little bit of yourself into the channeling if you want a strong connection."

Sweetie Belle looked over to the button she dropped and trotted over to it, proud of her accomplishment. She started to repeat what Nights said over and over in her head, making sure to keep one thing in mind.

"I need to be myself!"

Scootaloo was running around on cloud nine, then ten, eleven, and lastly cloud twelve. She was up in the clouds that could be best described as another version of Cloudsdale. There was houses, bridges, columns, all of it was made out of clouds. Nights was flying right beside Scootaloo, in all of her bliss.

"This is so cool!" she exclaimed "I always wanted to visit a place like Cloudsdale"

"Is it because you can't fly up to one?" Nights spoke.

Sheepishly, Scootaloo nodded before hanging her head down "I'm always training my wings, but I just can't fly."

"Let me see you performance, maybe I could give you some advise" Nights reassured her.

She looks up at Nights. S/he was giving a warm smile that made Scootaloo feel more at ease. She raises her wings up and starts flapping them in an extreme fashion that resembled that of a humming bird's wing flapping. She jumps in the air and stay air born for less than a second before dropping back onto the cushion of the cloud. She looks at Nights in hope for any advice it can give her.

Nights was looking up in thought, having a hoof over its mouth "I got an idea! I'll start clopping my hooves together and I want you to flap your wings to the sound of it." Scootaloo didn't really see where this was going "On one, I want you to retract your wings then lift them up. And on two, I want you to cup your wings and flap them down, getting as much air as you can." But she really wanted to fly, so she decided to wing it.

"Are ya ready? One... two... one... two..." Nights starts clopping its hooves together at each number. Scootaloo does as she was instructed and moves her wings to the sound of the beat. She closes her eyes listening only to Nights coaching her on.

"One, two, one, two" Nights starts to speed up. The air around Scootaloo is starting to become stronger and begins to shake the surface of the cloud she was on.

"Onetwoonetwo" Nights' voice trailed of leaving on the sound of its hooves to follow. Scootaloo kept her eyes shut, focusing only on the sound that Nights was making.

*Clipclopclipclop* The sound too started to soften until it faded. Scootaloo kept the rhythm in her head and kept flapping, but curiosity started to get the better of her. She slowly opened one eye to see Nights was doing. Nights was laying back in front, reclining while it crossed its legs. S/he was giving a proud smile at her while it float there at the height of Scootaloo's face.

She quickly looked down to see that she was flying! As joyous as it was, her wings started to fly at the speed of the Humming bird's and dropped back to the cloud. "Wha? I had it, I was flying, what happened?" she cried out, so close victory.

"It's because you lost the tempo" Nights answered while making a decent down to the filly. "Call me crazy, but I think you're afraid to fly" the orange Pegasi's jaw dropped "when you realized that you were in the air, you panicked, and started to flap your wings uncontrollably." Scootaloo glanced at her wings with eyes that were starting to tear up "But you just shown that you can fly perfectly if you keep calm and held faith." Nights landed and placed a hoof on the filly's head "Your ready to fly at any moment, the question is 'are you ready to fly?'"

Scootaloo looked up at Nights as it gave a supporting smile to her. She wiped her tears away realizing that their was never anything wrong with her wings, this whole problem was just trying to live up to expectations. She was just like every other Pegasus and she will be if she keeps in mind what Nights said.

"I need to be calm and confident!"

Applebloom was on a farm that looked like it was meant for a future generation resident. The fences were half built, the shed didn't have a roof, the barn was in its framing stage, even the house was lacking it's furniture and part of the floors. She couldn't stand to see the work unfinished and has been working on the fence for a while now and is almost done. Nights flies done to her and sees her near finished work.

"Whoa, you did an amazing job on this!" Nights exclaimed, placing its hooves on the fence.

"Oh, that's nothing. Anypony can do that" Applebloom brushed off.

"I certainly can't. Say, why are you so interested in fixing up this place?"

"Because somepony has to. Applejack always said 'the best way to make sure things get done is to do it yourself'" the little filly then lifted another log up.

"Perhaps, but shouldn't the residents of the land do it? After all, it is their land."

"Nothing wrong with being neighborly, Big Mac and Granny Smith do it all the time so why can't I?" She then started hammering the wooden post into the ground. "There, all done" Applebloom takes a few steps back to see her work. "One structure down" she twists her body around "and a bunch more to go!"

Nights joins the sight she was looking at then back to Applebloom "*giggles* I see two finish structures." Bloom looks at Nights, confused at where the other structure it was talking about "I think your family has done a wonderful job at raising you."

Like a baseball to a window, the praise Nights gave left a shattering effect on Applebloom. "Raising me?" she wondered. It never actually occurred to her at how much of an influenced her family left on her. She looked at the unfinished structures and the supplies next to them. "These buildings, they represent me! And as for those supplies, they're my family! Even though these buildings are unfinished, they are secured by the strength of my family!"

"They helped build what I am today!"

She continued the stare down at the structures, wondering why they're unfinished before realizing "They probably have a lot more to teach me." She smiles "No matter where I go, they're always with me!"

Just as she was about to leave, the sky quickly darkens and the structures around the two suddenly fell apart bring dust into the air. "Oh no, Applebloom!" Nights issued, Bloom didn't need to be told twice and quickly dualize with Nights. Once united they looked around for the Nightmaren. They eventually found a silhouette of a pony in the dust. It seemed like a Pegasus with its wings open and floating in the air, but strangely it didn't flap those wings.

"Who are you?" Nights commanded at the figure.

It didn't response, it just float there.

"ANSWER ME!" Nights yelled and the creature responded.

"I'm not going to acknowledge you." It pulls back its wings "As far as I'm concerned," and suddenly blows all of the dust away in on powerful swoop "THERE IS NO NIGHTS."

The dust vanishes to reveal a Pegasus pony that looked a lot like Nights. Nights wore purple clothing while this Pegasus wore red. Its eyes were threatening and it lifted its hooves into the air to summon large orbs all over the place. The Nightmaren then flies to one of the orbs and throws it at the two dualized ponies.

They both dodge the impact "Who is that?" Applebloom asked.

The orb they dodged exploded and Nights sighs "It's just somepony I know that always gives me trouble wherever I go."

"It's just a big bully!" She tried to lighten the mood before another orb was heading their way. The two avoided that incoming attack as well and it also exploded but another orb was about to collide with them. Acting fast, the two held out their hooves to stop it like a goalie in soccer and threw it right back at the Nightmaren. It flies was away from the orb but gets caught in the explosion.

The Nightmaren didn't seemed tuckered out yet, it went to another orb and threw it once more at Nights and Applebloom. They in turn spiked it downwards and it missed the Nightmaren, it didn't even come close to it, but once it hit the ground it bounced up and right into the Nightmaren. The orb soon exploded and sent the Nightmaren to the ground, landing on its back.

The Dualized duo landed to the ground as well "Great job Applebloom" Nights congratulated.

She separated from Nights "Granny Smith didn't raise no pushovers."

Both of them looked over to the injured Nightmaren, who rolled over onto its stomach. It glared at Nights "N-Nights, why d-did... you be... tray... us?" it said before it faded away.

The world around Applebloom and Nights returned back to normal, even the buildings returned, but Applebloom was confused. "Nights," she began "what was it talking about?"

Nights knew their was no way out of this one, so it decided to give in. "I think it's time for me to tell all of you the truth."

"All of you? Who else is here?"

Nights didn't reply. It only gestured her to follow it, as they headed towards the door.

Fifth Night

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Nights was floating in the center of Ponyville, waiting for everypony to to arrive. Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle all arrived to meet Nights and shocked at finding that each other was here as were.

"Scootaloo! Sweetie Belle! What are you two doing here?" Applebloom questioned her friends.

"What about you? I thought I was the only pony here" Scootaloo proclaimed.

"Nights, do you know how we all got here?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Nights peered to her but looked away "Well, it's because all of you are special." The lie didn't fool anypony, the three fillies were giving irritated expressions at Nights. It tried changing the subject "Did you noticed on the lack of ponies here?"

Nights' sidetrack actually worked "Now that you mentioned it, yeah." Applebloom wondered aloud.

"Truth is, I'm the only pony here" Nights continued. "There is no other resident in Nightopia. Everypony else is part of... well, part of the team that I was in. Those ponies were family to me once, but I couldn't follow them on doing the wicked works they were doing."

It then hit Applebloom "Your saying, your a Nightmaren?!?!"

Nights gave a blank look at her "Yes. I started to feel guilty for the dreams I've stolen, so I ran away from my family."

"That can't be right!" Sweetie denied "You said that those things were created to steal dreams."

"Yeah!" Scootaloo added "And yet you said that you had a mo..." everypony was looking at her for a reason to the sudden silence. Scootaloo was in a state of shock at the sudden thought that crossed her mind "A... a mother."

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were now sharing the same speculation about their Nightmaren friend. A mare pony that creates creatures that are like nightmares, and she plans on concurring the dreamworld. There was no doubt about it, it has to be her. All three fillies looked at their flying friend wondering how to confront it with their question. "Nights..." Applebloom volunteered herself "...who created you?"

Silence lingered after that question for what seemed like minutes until a response was made. "So this is where I find you, among with the likes of those filthy scum." Everypony heard an echoing voice in the air from the last being they wanted to hear from "WE ARE DISAPPOINTED AT THEE, NIGHTS!"

Nights was suddenly encased in a cobalt blue bubble, and soon the caster of the bubble made herself known in sky "We should've guessed thou would degrade itself to their level."

The fillies saw the pony they were thinking of only moments ago in the sky. She was hovering in place with her horn glowing in the same color as the orb she formed. It was the Mare in the Moon herself, they were seeing Nightmare Moon flying in the sky. Nights was giving a grunt, trying to break free from the magical encasing of its creator. "Princess Luna" Applebloom grabbing the Alicorn's attention "Let go of Nights!" she pleaded.

"Luna... THOU DARE TO SPEAK OUR NAME?" Nightmare yelled at Applebloom "PATHETIC INSECTS HATH NO RIGHT TO SPEAK OUR NAME!" Moon lifted her horn and it began to shine brighter. Soon the world around the ponies started to shake and began to crack. Jagged openings started to form on the streets of Ponyville that lead to a dark abyss. The floor began to crumble beneath the fillies' hooves, and they had little time to react to it before they fell through the floor. The little girls screamed as they fell through, leaving only Nightmare Moon holding Nights who cried out to them.

Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were screaming in the darkness as they fell into nothing. Each of their voices began to fade from one another, leaving each filly hearing only themselves and the wind blowing by them. They started to free fall and began to feel their hearts climbing into their throats. Their life began to flash before their eyes.

Then they began to think...

Everypony has helped me through my struggles of finding myself.

Rainbow Dash, you were always an inspiration for me.

Rarity, you always cared for me through my troubles.

AJ, Big Mac, Granny Smith, all of you never stopped helping me.

But, I can't look up to you forever.

You won't always be there to help me through my battles.

That's why I think it's time for me to stand on my own four hooves.

I need to be brave.

I need to be strong.

But most importantly...

I need to have faith in myself!

A light shined before Applebloom. She is shot through the light and finds herself floating above the city of Canterlot. She was flying, flying just like she would if she was dualized with Nights. Applebloom's view of the city was like a giant front lawn, what with its towers surrounding the city like a fence. The 'front lawn' was filled with majestic buildings that complemented the castle quite well.

Applebloom saw Nightmare Moon flying towards Canterlot's castle, having the magical barrier Nights was encased in fly beside her. She wasted no time and started flying as fast as she could towards the nightmare pony. "LET NIGHTS GO!" the yellow filly yelled.

Nights turned in the sphere to see Applebloom coming, it then started to push against the barrier in fear for it's friend's safety. Moon just glanced her head back "Thou hath surely lost thy mind to challenge us alone."

"I'm never alone!" Applebloom barked back.

Nightmare Moon turned towards the brave filly "Allied or not, THOU IS DOOMED!" She emitted a magic pulse that send Applebloom spinning backwards.

The country gal was spinning towards a rooftop and would no doubt be slammed onto it, but an orange flash collided with her. Applebloom's vision wouldn't stop spinning, "I can't let you out of my sight for a minute, can I?" a pony close by said. Once her visioned settled, she saw that she was being carried by Scootaloo. She too was flying and heading towards Nightmare Moon to get her friend back

Nightmare starts to charge her horn for a fierce attack at the two ponies. Nights begins to yell out to its friends about the income attack and Scootaloo was prepared to dodge it at any moment, but she didn't have too. A light green magical bullet walloped Nightmare Moon's horn and broke her concentration she had on her attack and hold on Nights.

Applebloom and Scootaloo looked at the source of the bullet and saw the last pony they expected to use magic, let alone to use it offensively. They cried out Sweetie Belle's name, surprised to see her attack and flying in the air as well. She looks at the two and flies up to the two with a smile, proud at her action "What? You thought I was some kind of marshmallow?"

Nights flies over to its friends. The three girls were wearing smiles on their faces as they looked at Nights "Thank you" it said "all of you for helping me."

"What good will come from your freedom?" Nightmare Moon said, trying to regain her formidable view. "We were planning on reforming thou, but now... THY ONLY PUNISHMENT WILL BE DEATH!!!"

The three fillies flew between the 'night mare' and the Nightmaren. They were in a battle ready stance while they looked at Nightmare in the eyes "We'll stop you before you even lay a hoof on our friend" Applebloom announced bravely.

Nightmare Moon laughed mockingly "Stopping us will only destroy all that we have made." The guard the three little girls were giving was starting to look flimsy from hearing those words before Moon shattered it "NIGHTS WOULD VANISH ALONG WITH US!"

The girls now felt crushed at the idea that they were going to lose their friend. The thought that this was a bluff did cross some minds, but none were willing to risk it... except one.

"Then I guess we'll be going down together!"

Everypony look at Nights after its comment. "Nights, no! Don't do this!" Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle begged Nights to change it's mind.

Nights viewed their pleads and returned them with a smile that said 'that everything would be fine.' "We can't let her take over everypony's dreams. No matter what happens to me, we'll always be friends." The girls didn't show any motivation at following Nights' reasoning for its sacrifice.

"Hey," Nights said at a soft tone "I want all of you to do me a favor. I want all of you to have hope and never give up on your goals, if you keep those in mind then we're bound to meet each other again. We may not see each other tomorrow or even a decade later; but as long as you have a dream, you'll always have a friend."

The three fillies gave a weak smile towards Nights. It stretched out its hoof towards the three "Come on, lets make sure she never steals another dream again."

The young mares were scared of the final outcome of their friend, but the confidence Nights was giving kept telling them that their was nothing to fear. One by one, they all connected their hooves with Nights and soon a bright light shined as they Dualized with it.

When the light faded, there was not one, not two, but three Nights at ready to stop Nightmare Moon. "Does thou truly think that those foals would make much of a difference?" Moon insulted the united team.

Our heroes didn't respond to the insult as they were psyching themselves up. They weren't going to allow Nightmare Moon to push them around any more.

"Very well," Nightmare admitted that her psychological warfare wasn't working "FACE THE POWER THAT WE HOLD!"

Nightmare Moon's horn started to glow and tornadoes formed around everypony, blowing them in every direction. The dualized trio began to fly at the sorceress to the best of their ability. One of the Nights were able to collide with Moon, but she had a barrier around her to stop the dualizers in their tracks. The sudden barrier had an effect on the tornadoes; they seemed to have weakened, using two different and powerful types of magic can be hard to control. The other two Nights took this chance to charge at Nightmare to break the barrier. Now all three of them are pushing with all their strength to break through and Moon couldn't keep them at bay.

The barrier shatters and all three of the Nights ram Nightmare across the sky. She quickly vanishes and appears elsewhere in the sky and summons swarms of fire blazing meteors towards the group. They caught sight and quickly scattered to avoid the space rock, but the rocks only turned their trajectory and homed at a Nights that was closes to them. Each Nights quickly flew as fast as they could at avoiding each rock and started to get closer to Nightmare Moon. Once one of the Nights charged at her it was all over for her. She repeated the process of making a barrier to stop Nights, and soon enough, the other two come flying in to help break through the barrier.

The sound of shattering glass was heard as the Nights broke through and plunged at Nightmare Moon. She gives a curdling cry as she flies through the air, before she bursts into a white orb of light. The light began to increase in size and didn't seem like it was going to stop anytime soon. Nights separated from its friends and looks at them smiling, proud at how far they've come. The girls started to get teary eyed as they see their friend take a bow and gets engulfed into the white light.

Good Morning

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On the farm of Sweet Apple Acres, the sun rises as a rooster cries out for it. Sunlight was cast over the apple trees, the barn, and the main house. It creeps through the bedroom window of Applebloom's to wake her up, something else woke her up first. Her tears. She was crying in her sleep and the emotion she was experiencing disturbed her sleep. Applebloom sits up and wipes the tears away before reminiscing on the dream she was having.

It felt so real to her but it wasn't. It may have been a dream but to her; she just lost a very dear friend. Applebloom reaches around to grab her pillow and hugs it for support. "Nights" she faintly said "thank you."

Applebloom drags her feet on the grass as she makes her way to the clubhouse. Her head was hanging low, trying to cope with the reality of Nights.

She goes up a few ramps and pushes the door to the clubhouse open. She sees Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sitting at the table, giving the furniture a gloomy, sad look. They glanced up to see Applebloom giving the same expression and all of them exchanged a 'hey' with each other. Applebloom treads over to the table and joins her friends at staring down.

The three of them were silent for minutes upon minutes, still looking at their table. Sweetie Belle suddenly makes a small chuckle and gives a sad, weak smile. She closes her eyes and starts humming a tune that she learned from a friend.

Scootaloo starts lifting her head and slowly makes another sad smile. She trots over to a drawer and grabs some materials before she returns to the table. She places a piece of paper down on the table, takes some crayons, and begins to draw something.

A minute later, Applebloom speaks up and interrupts everypony. "You know, I've been thinking. Maybe we have been going the wrong way at getting our cutie marks."

Sweetie Belle stopped humming and returned to her previous pose "Yeah, I think so too."

And Scootaloo does the same "Me too."

"Maybe, if we start working on things that we like to do" Applebloom looked at the two "then we could probably get our cutie marks."

"Like, being ourselves?" asked Sweetie Belle getting a nod and 'hmhmm' from Applebloom. "I've thought about that, but when I start thinking about what I'm like, I start to remembering a friend I've lost."

"You know, I've thought about the same thing" Applebloom noted. "I had a friend I've lost when I think about who I am, but I know that pegasus would want me to carry on and to be myself."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's heads shot up to look at Applebloom. "Wait a second" Scootaloo said "you lost somepony that was a pegasus?"

"Did it have a weird purple outfit on?" Sweetie questioned.

The southern bell leaned back a little "How'd ya know?"

The Sweetie Belle stood up "That's the friend I start remembering."

"You lost..." Applebloom said as she started to think that it was no dream. "Scootaloo?" she asked and Scootaloo responded by sliding the picture she was making out for everypony to see.

"NIGHTS!!!" Applebloom and Sweetie Belle yelled simultaneously.

"I thought I only dreamed you guys there" Scootaloo retracted the drawing.

"Me too" Applebloom acknowledge "how did we all share the same dream?"

Sweetie put a hoof to her chin "I don't know, do you think Nightmare Moon had something to do with it?"

Scootaloo just brushed the idea aside "Maybe... hey wait! I thought Nightmare Moon was defeated by Rainbow Dash and the others, how come she was in our dream?"

Applebloom started to think and replied with an answer she got once from Nights "Maybe we dreamed her up. Nights never did say Nightmare Moon was its mom, we all assumed she was and dreamt her up."

The two other fillies began to look down in sorrow at the mention of Nights' name. "Hey, don't be sad" Applebloom tried to lighten them up "don't you remember what Nights said? As long as we keep following our dreams, Nights will be there. Maybe not there physically, but always there to support us."

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked back up at Applebloom with a relieving smile. "Come on gals," Applebloom began "I got an idea that should help us all at getting our cutie marks!" With that said, the three determined fillies stood up and started charging out the door.

The moon was high in the air at Canterlot's castle. There, Luna could be seen on a balcony laying her head and forelegs on the rails. She looks down at Ponyville, smiling at the little fun she had with three little girls. "I wonder if they got their cutie marks yet?" she pondered, hoping her little plan helped them out.

Luna sighs giving a smile, knowing full well that this couldn't have been possible if it wasn't for her 'child' playing along. She glances back at the tower and looks high to the top to see it playing its invisible flute, with a full moon shinning behind it.