• Published 5th May 2013
  • 567 Views, 6 Comments

More Than I Could Ever Dream Of - PegasisterStrobelight

I'm Allyson. This is the story of how I went to Equestria.

  • ...

Pain and New Discoveries

After we ate lunch, - which involved a lot of effort to do- Twilight started teaching me to walk.

“Okay now move your front right leg forward. Good! Now move your back left one- yes! Now move them back and now try to do it at the same time.”

Ugh I thought with frustration.I never had to learn to walk in any of my other dreams.

I did as Twilight told me, carefully and slowly moving my front right hoof at the same time as my back left one. Twilight cheered for me as I did everything she told me to do, only messing up a few times. I noticed that Rainbow had lost interest and was now sitting in the red chair I had been in earlier, reading a Daring Doo novel.

“Okay, I’m gonna try it myself this time,” I stated confidently. “Okay, so left arm forward…” I was mumbling to myself as Twilight looked on, nodding her head instead of giving me directions on how to move. I walked halfway across the library before I got the wrong footing, stopped to balance myself again, and then continued.

Only one mess-up I thought happily to myself as I made it to the other side of the library. I grinned as Twilight smiled wide and clapped her hooves together.

“Yay!” She cheered, and I started jumping up and down in excitement like Pinkie Pie. My jumping started to cease, however, and my grin got smaller and smaller. I felt as if a headache was starting to form.

“Hey, um, Twilight, I-” I was cut off as all of a sudden as pain engulfed my body. It was so unbearable I fell to the ground, writhing in pain. I lay on the ground, my hooves holding my head, and screamed as loud as I could. I could vaguely make out my name being yelled before the pain left my body and all I saw was blackness.

Then I saw a picture forming, as if I was watching a movie. It looked like a dark cave-like hallway, with torches lining the walls every once in a while for light. I heard footsteps in the distance, and I tried moving before realizing I wasn’t actually there.

Strange… I thought. Maybe it’s some sort of dream inside a dream...

I watched quietly as all I saw were burgundy hooves and legs walk by. The picture lifted slowly, and I saw that the pony was wearing a hooded black cape, so I couldn’t see their face or mane or tail. I looked on as the figure walked by me, or at least my point of view, and kept walking until they reached a right turn. My perspective followed the mysterious pony, until we both reached a big, open room that looked to be underground somewhere. The figure stopped, and so did I, in front of what seemed to be a huge statue. I was shocked at what the statue was.

Discord? I thought, a little surprised.

The pony set a little burlap sack down next to many others at the foot of the statue. Then I heard a deep voice say gently, “Soon.”

I blinked. The world was a dark, black void again. I blinked again and closed my eyes tightly. I opened them again and felt out of breath for some reason as I looked up at 3 faces. I raised my hooves to rub my aching head.

“Woah, what happened…?” I started to say, but a thermometer was thrust into my mouth. I looked at the object now in my mouth, then looked up to see Twilight looking worriedly at me.

“Are you okay?!” Twilight asked me loudly. I opened my mouth as she ripped the thermometer from it. She checked the temperature and shook her head. “Your temperature seems fine…”

“Woah, that was, like, crazy weird,” Rainbow sad from next to Twilight.

I wasn’t breathing as heavy as before, and my mind started to run properly again. “What just happened? It looked like I was watching a strange, short movie….”

Twilight stopped and looked at me curiously. “Wait, what do you mean?”

“First I had excruciating pain, you saw. Then all I saw was blackness,” I explained to her. I told her about the mysterious pony and the cape he wore and the statue of Discord and the strange, small sack. “Then I woke up and I felt out of breath… it was really strange.”

Twilight thought for a second, and I wondered if she was going to tell me what she saw happen. Just as I was about to ask, she spoke up. “Well, I was over there cheering for you when I heard you scream. I ran over to you and saw you rolling on the ground, screaming and clutching your head. Rainbow Dash, Spike and I didn’t know what to do, but you stopped screaming after only about 10 seconds. Then you just lay there, relaxed, with your eyes open. And your eyes! They weren’t purple and pink anymore, they were just dark violet, like all the pink left and the purple darkened remarkably. You sat there for about 30 seconds, then you blinked and you know the rest.”

As she explained, I thought about how she said I was only screaming for 10 seconds. If felt like so much longer than that…

“Well, what was I seeing? Do you know what just happened to me?” I asked Twilight. I mean, I knew she was smart and she probably knew all about it…

“I haven’t the slightest idea!” She almost yelled. “But I need to know!”

“Well, why don’t you ask the princess when you see her tomorrow?” Spike inquired.

“Oh yeah,” Twilight looked calmer. “Good idea, Spike.”

After Twilight let me stand up again, I did a few more laps around the room to make sure I could still walk. I turned to Rainbow.

“I know it’s silly Rainbow Dash, but will you still fly me around Ponyville? I know I have wings, but I don’t think I can use them quite yet.”

Rainbow grinned, then she flew over behind me, and wrapped her forehooves under what would be my armpits. She lifted me off the ground, and looked down past my dangling legs. I stared in awe as I got butterflies in my stomach.

“Be right back!” She called to Twilight as she flew out the opened door. She flew against the wind, and I smiled. Rainbow turned upwards all of a sudden, and I gasped as my body jerked down against the force. She tightened her grip on me, and I pushed my back against her stomach. I could feel her breathing and the steady beat of her heart. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply through my nose, feeling the wind tear through my hair. My eyes opened, and I looked into the cyan face above me. I couldn’t see her eyes all too well, but I knew that they were a deep magenta color. I watched as her rainbow-colored mane flew behind her. She was wearing a smile, looking up into the clouds.

She looks so… natural, I thought as I looked at her. Then a thought struck me, a weird desire. I wish I was as graceful as Rainbow.

I shook my head and stopped staring at her. I instead turned my head down, and looked past my dangling body. My eyes widened as I saw how high up we were. We soared higher and higher, until all I saw was white fluffiness beneath me.

“Uh, hey Rainbow?” I looked up at her again. She looked down at me and cocked an eyebrow. “Can we fly a little lower? You know, so I can see the city?”

“Oh yeah, sure,” she grinned and swooped lower, and I watched as we burst through the layer of clouds.

“Woah,” I mumbled as I stared at the beautiful city beneath me. I could see almost every house and building. “This is amazing.”

All of a sudden, Rainbow swooped downward, then up again and did a loopdy-loop. I couldn’t help but squeal in excitement. I could feel Rainbow looking down at me, and I saw that she was grinning as I wiggled around in her grasp and giggled.

I laughed some more before I looked back up at her. “Careful Dash! You might drop me!” I giggled, and she flew upwards again. I barely had time to speak before I felt her arms slip out from underneath me. I looked down in horror as the cloud beneath me rushed upwards.

“AHHHH! I’M FALLING!” I looked up and saw Rainbow looking down, smiling at me. “ARE YOU CRA-” I landed with a soft thump. “Huh?” I looked down and saw that I landed softly and safely on the layer of clouds. They felt soft and squishy beneath my hooves. “What in God’s name…” I mumbled before Rainbow landed gently beside me. “Rainbow Dash!” I yelled. I turned and glared at her.

“What?” She asked, obviously amused. She tried to hide her smile and tried to act dumb.

“You nearly KILLED ME!” I screamed. “And even if you knew I would be safe, I didn’t! I nearly peed my pants!”
She chuckled, and tried covering it up with her hoof.

“You’re not wearing any pants,” she forced through her smile and on-coming laughter.

After several failed attempts of calming herself down, she removed her hoof and started laughing. Tears had started to roll down her cheeks as she laughed harder and harder. I started chuckling myself, then tackled her playfully. We rolled around on the clouds, laughing and pretending to fight. I was on top of her at one point, and I looked down grinning. My smile started to fade though, and I got off of her. She looked confused at my sudden change in attitude.

“What’s wrong?” I heard her ask me. I was turned away from her, my face buried in my hooves.

This isn’t fair. I thought as I was on the verge of tears. I wish I could stay here forever and never go back to being a human. Please, I never want to wake up. I sat there for a silent minute, as Rainbow waited patiently behind me for my answer. I turned to her, and she frowned when she saw my tear-covered face.

“It’s just that…” I started, then sighed. “It’s just that I’m not sure if this is a dream or not… like I know it is, but I keep trying to convince myself that it’s not. I don’t know, I just never want to go back to my old life, you know? And I’ve already been here for so long, like longer than all my other dreams, and this one is just so real I feel like I’m already so close to you guys, I almost wish I could wake up right now so it won’t hurt me as much later when I wake up. I’m just… confused and sad and happy at the same time.”

She stared at me, confused. “You still think you’re dreaming? Ally, think about this logically. First of all, when you’re dreaming, you can’t yell or scream, and just a few minutes ago you were screaming like a madpony! Secondly, feel these clouds.” She leaned back all of a sudden, laying down on the clouds. “If you were dreaming, you really wouldn’t feel how comfy these clouds were.” I did as she had, and laid down next to her. The clouds were really comfy. “Thirdly,” She continued, “you don’t have to learn how do stuff in dreams! Like, you had to learn to walk and you can’t fly and stuff. And lastly,” She rolled over and punched me in my shoulder.

“Ow!” I yelled, and I started rubbing my shoulder with my hoof. “What was that for!?”

She laughed, then kept talking. “As I was saying, lastly, that wouldn’t have hurt, cuz you would have woken up!” She grinned, and I assumed she was finished.

I thought about this, and I finally realized something. She’s right. I thought. Everything she said was true. Then that means…

“I’m not really dreaming!” I exclaimed. “This has to be really happening! But… That’s impossible! How is this possible?” I turned and watched Rainbow shrug. “Well, I guess I’ll ask the Princess tomorrow…” I was so happy that I started jumping up and down on the soft clouds. Tears of joy rolled down my cheeks as I laughed and grinned and said things like “I can’t believe it!” and “It’s really true!”

“Okay, okay, calm down now,” Rainbow said despite the large smile on her face.

I ignored her and kept jumping around on the clouds. I wasn't paying attention, however, and I had jumped too close to the edge- close enough to fall off.

“OH SHIT!” I screamed as I plummeted to the ground. I saw a grey blur to my right, and before I knew it, I was on top of what looked to be a grey pegasus.

The unknown pony had landed on the ground, in what looked to be a large grassy field with nothing but trees in the distance, and I just sat there awkwardly before I heard a male voice say, “Thank you for choosing Hunter airlines, we hope you had a great flight,” he said in a mock pleasant voice. Then he returned to his normal voice. “But you can get off now.” I heard him chuckle, and I realized I was still sitting on his back.

“Heh, uh sorry,” I grumbled as I climbed off and tried to land on all 4 hooves. “Gah!” I exclaimed as I put the wrong hooves down and started to fall. The grey stallion reached his hoof out though, rather quickly, and grabbed my hoof, stopping my fall.

“Woah, what’s with you and falling today,” he said, helping me steady myself.

“Dammit to hell…” I muttered. “I’m so sorry, I’m not normally this clumsy…” I said as I looked up at him. I stopped, though, as soon as my eyes fell upon his head. There, as clear as day, sat a long grey horn.

Wait, he has wings… Oh shit he’s an alicorn! I thought to myself. Then I said it out loud.

“You’re a… you have… you’re an alicorn?” I was clearly very shocked. “I don’t remember this one from the show…” I mumbled. He had opened his mouth to say something, but stopped as he heard my last sentence. I paid no attention to it, realizing I had to bow because alicorns were royalty. I lowered my head, only to feel a hoof on my face, pulling it gently back up.

“I’m not royal. But what was that last thing you said?” he looked at me curiously before removing his hoof from my face.

I realized I had messed up. The ponies here didn’t know about the show. “Uh... I um…” I stammered before I looked at him and saw him smiling.

“It’s okay, I understand now. The reason you don’t recognize me is because I’m not from the show. I’m Hunter,” he said casually, as he lifted his hoof out.

“You mean… you’re… you know…” I stammered again.

“Yes,” he said, grinning again. “I was also once human.”

“Oh,” I said. “How cool! I’m Allyson!” I raised my hoof to his and he shook my hoof. “Call me Ally though.” I set my hoof back down and took a better look at this this Hunter character. He was a grey alicorn with a bright blonde mane and tail with white streaks running through them. His eyes were a bright, emerald green color, and his cutie mark was 3 oak trees.

Rainbow Dash landed beside me just then. “Hey Hunter,” she said casually.

“Hey Rainbow,” he said before he smiled. “How are you?”

Rainbow glanced at me and grinned before turning back to Hunter and said “Peachy.”

I glared at her before looking down, embarrassed. I felt she said that in a sarcastic tone, one that meant I’m doing great! Actually I’m not cuz Doofus over here almost killed herself. I mumbled something incoherent, something insulting I think. Rainbow and Hunter started laughing, and I looked up to see that they were laughing at me. I growled and put my head back down.

“I don’t think it’s that funny…” I grumbled. For the second time that day, a grey hoof guided my head back up. I turned my head so his hoof fell from my face then turned back to him and narrowed my eyes.

“You’re adorable, Miss Allyson,” he told me. My cheeks turned a slight pink to this, as I’ve never even been complimented by a guy before, and my frown turned into a slight smile, but I kept my eyes narrowed. “Anyway,” he continued, “I got to go get Jordan for band practice. It was nice meeting you Ally, and see you later Dash!” he said before he jumped into the air and flew off toward town.

“See ya!” Dash waved before turning away from me and walking. I realized I should probably follow and jogged to catch up to her so we were now walking side-by-side.

“Well that dude was nice,” I said to her, before I glanced over to see her face. I could have sworn I saw her lip twitch upward before she replied.

“Yeah, Hunter is a nice stallion,” she spoke softly.

Oh shit! Rainbow’s got a cruuuuuush! I almost giggled. “So you two are close then?” I asked as innocently as I could.
Rainbow’s cheeks reddened slightly before she answered. “I mean, yeah we’re pretty good friends…”

“Ohhhh okay,” I said sarcastically with a very large smile before I turned away again to look where we were heading. We were walking towards the trees, and I saw the beginning of a path start to form that led into the trees.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked me, clearly annoyed.

“Oh nothing,” I said innocently. She glared at me. We were on the path now, walking through a bunch of trees. “Is this the Everfree forest?” I asked Rainbow, kind of worried.

“No way,” she said without hesitation. “The Everfree is on the other side of Ponyville. Like, say Ponyville is right ahead of us through these trees. Well if we kept walking to the other side, we’d reach the Everfree. This is just a little forest.”

We turned a corner, then another, and we kept walking until the trees stopped and the path continued. The worn, grassy path we had been walking on lead to another path, which was more like a road. We could either go left or right. Rainbow turned right, and I looked left before I followed her. I wondered what the left lead to.

“The other direction leads to Sweet Apple Acres,” Rainbow said, almost reading my thoughts. We walked for another minute or so before we came into what looked to be the main part of town. Rainbow went right and I saw the library in the distance. I also saw the sun was getting pretty low in the sky. It wasn’t quite a sunset, but it was evening. We got to the library and before we walked in I turned to Rainbow.

“Thanks again, Rainbow Dash. I really appreciate it,” I said to her and I smiled.

“Like I said, no problem,” she said.

“And one more thing. Could you teach me to fly?” I asked her.

“Of course I’ll teach you. But not tonight,” She said before let out a big yawn. “I’m too tired.”

“Thanks Rainbow!” I cried before I threw my hooves around her neck in a big hug. “Tomorrow morning.” I let go of her and opened the door. We walked in and I saw Twilight sitting on the couch next to the red chair. She looked up from the book she was reading.

“Well look who decided to come back,” she said sarcastically before she smiled. She set her book down and walked over to us. “So, who’s hungry?” Rainbow’s stomach rumbled in response. We all laughed before walked into the kitchen and sat down before Spike set a plate in front of each of us. I saw a sandwich sitting on each plate, and I looked inside to see daffodils. I made a face.

“What’s wrong Ally? You don’t like daffodil sandwiches?” Twilight asked me after taking a bite, seeing my face.

“Well, I don’t know. I’ve never tasted one… it just seems so unappealing,” I told her truthfully. I looked at Rainbow to find that she was already half way done with hers. I thought back to lunch this morning. We had apple and cinnamon pancakes, which are pretty normal back in the human world.

“Well, I guess I should at least try it,” I grumbled. I put my hooves on either side of the sandwich and lifted it to my mouth. I sniffed it, then leaned forward and took a bite. It tasted… pretty good actually. I swallowed and took another, then another. When I finished, I looked up to see that Twilight was sitting there, done with hers, and watching me.

“What?” I asked her.

“Nothing,” she said, smiling. “You’re just a really slow eater.”

I laughed. Everybody always said I was a slow eater. I laughed again, and Twilight and Rainbow and Spike laughed too. I was about to speak before I let out a large yawn. Twilight giggled.

“Looks like somebody is tired,” she said. She stood up and started to walk out of the kitchen. Rainbow followed and walked to the door.

“Well I’m gonna go now,” Rainbow said. Twilight opened the door for her. Then she called to me in the kitchen. “Remember our lesson tomorrow Ally! See ya!” With that, she flew out the door.

I finally made my way out of the chair and into the main room where Twilight was waiting at the bottom of the steps I had fallen down earlier today. She started to climb the stairs and I followed, slowly and carefully. We made it to the room on the left that I had been in earlier. She opened the door and I walked inside.

“I’ll still be downstairs for a few more hours if you need anything,” Twilight told me. “Goodnight,” she said before she closed the door.

I made my way over to the bed. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter took so long. I've been finishing up school and exams and whatnot. Anyway, if you want to read the story of the grey alicorn that made an appearance in this chapter, check out MasterHunter55 and his story Time to Go. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Comments ( 3 )

Passing out, black voids, despondent voices saying creepy things to the main character! Are you sure Ally isn't Jason. :derpytongue2:

Comment posted by PegasisterStrobelight deleted Jun 12th, 2013

Heh yeah now that I look back, she does experience similar things as Jason. :twilightblush: Except I think they're for different reasons. :raritywink:

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