• Published 5th May 2013
  • 567 Views, 6 Comments

More Than I Could Ever Dream Of - PegasisterStrobelight

I'm Allyson. This is the story of how I went to Equestria.

  • ...

The Beginning of a Trippy Dream

“What the hell, Jaime?!”


“Oh yeah.” I lowered my voice. I crouched down and looked under the stalls to see if there was anybody else in the bathroom. Nobody- again.

“Ally, I know you’re mad but-“

“Stop,” I cut her off as I stood up again. It was lunchtime on a Friday at school, and my friend Jaime and I had made our way into our usual place of gossip after we ate- the bathroom. “I’m not mad at you, you know that I’m not mad. Of course I’m upset, but I’m not mad.” I looked at the ground as the news sunk into my mind and Jaime played with her dark brown tangled hair.

She had done it again… after I begged her to stop… after she told me she’d stop.

See, the thing about Jaime is that she is worse than I was when I was in middle school. Jaime’s parents yelled at her a lot and told her everything was her fault, so she did the only thing she thought she had to.

She cut herself. On many occasions.

Every time she told me she did it, it made me cry when I got home. I felt like I was a horrible friend because I couldn’t stop her.

I put my head in my hands and felt her soft brown eyes lift to my face. All of a sudden I felt her arms around me and heard her mumbling how sorry she was.

“Are you kidding me?” I looked up at her and she let go with a confused look on her face. “I’m supposed to be comforting you, not vice versa.”

She started to smile, but then frowned in a look of concentration.

I sighed. “It means ‘not the other way around.’” Jaime wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and after all she was in basic classes, had ADHD, ADD, and dyslexia.

“Ah,” she said and she smiled again. The bell rang all of a sudden and we both started.
“Damn it,” I muttered. “Well I guess I’ll text you after school, because we definitely aren’t done talking about this.”
She pouted as we exited the bathroom and turned the corner right to start heading to our 6th period classes.

“I’ll see you later okay?” I called as I started walking down the stairs and she kept walking by.
“See ya!” she lifted her hand up to wave, but didn’t turn her head.
“Little bitch…” I chuckled to myself.


I got home that afternoon around 4, half asleep from the bus ride. I grabbed a can of pop and a nutty bar and texted Jaime real quick.

To: J-Shizzle
Hey, you feeling ok? text me back asap whore

I giggled as set my phone down next to me as I grabbed my laptop. Fridays were my favorite because that meant I could read as many pony stories as I wanted. After about 5 minutes though I heard my phone ding.

From: J-Shizzle
I’m fine you slut! Lol what, you think im gonna kill myself?

I smiled and replied.

Fuck off lol im just concerned for u ok? and no, I know u wont kill urself. U promised, remember?


Haha yes I remember just stop being so… woried.

I groaned and replied immediately.



Fuck you.

I laugh at this, thinking about how much she misspelled words. I set my phone down and spent the next couple of hours reading ponies.

You know, maybe I could tell Jaime about My Little Pony…

It’s not the first time I thought about it. The show and community had helped me out of my problems, maybe it could help her too. But I always stop myself. She’s not that type of person. Jaime is a tom-boy that loves sports and hates dresses. Not much room for a little girl’s show in there.

Well, there are guys that watch the show…

I threw the jumbled thoughts out of my head and keep reading until dinner time and then got back to reading. At around 1, when the rest of my family was fast asleep, I decided to go to bed.

As I lay in the dark, the same dream comes to mind, never really going into too much depth. Just the basics: going to Equestria as a cute brown mare with light blue mane (or whatever, I didn't really care) and the mane 6 loved me and I met the Princesses and I lived happily with no worries and no regrets. Nothing special, just best friends and no stress.


I sigh a lot… I thought.
And then I lost consciousness…


How strange… I thought as I looked around me. I seemed to have been floating in some bright gold light. It wasn’t bright in the sense that it hurt one’s eyes, but that it surrounded everything and everywhere.

Woah, this is the trippiest dream I've ever had heh.

The light seemed like it shone everywhere- all around me, and even through me. It felt… calm. That’s the only way I can describe it as. Just as if nothing else mattered but that golden light that filled me and made everything peaceful.

I don’t understand… I thought. I started to hear strange voices…

All of a sudden, I noticed a little black circle to my left. It seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, its diameter growing in size. I realized then that I was moving, floating somewhere. And, to my horror, I found that I was floating towards the large black circle. The circle had gotten about 8 feet tall now, and I could see that it had turned into a sort of tunnel. I had floated nearly a foot before I started panicking- although I’m not sure why. For some reason, the closer I got the dark tunnel, the less calm I felt and the more adrenaline ran through me.

Wait! I tried to yell, but no words came out. It was like one of those nightmares where you try to scream, but just a whisper comes out no matter how hard you yell.

Please! What’s going on?! I kept trying to plead, although I’m not sure who with. I was about 3 feet away from the opening of the tunnel now.

I felt like the golden light was starting to leave me. Like somehow it was being torn away from my soul as I tried my hardest to cling to it. The best way I can describe it as is like your whole life and its meaning was somehow leaving your memory, as if you were forgetting it. Imagine you believed in God, then somehow someway somebody all of a sudden proved to you that He never existed.

Yeah, it hurt my heart to say the least.

I had now found myself inside the tunnel. I reached my hand out and tried to grab the golden light one last time, but all I felt was nothing. I was now drifting through the tunnel, and I looked to the other side to see if there was anything half as blissful as the golden light waiting for me. I couldn’t find the end, however, for there was a right turn up ahead and all I could see was the vague shape of the rushing tunnel. What I heard, however, were voices.

They must be the voices I heard earlier, I thought as I started to turn the corner. I took one last look at the gorgeous golden light I had just been engorged in.

The voices sounded as if they were talking, but the volume in the tunnel was turned down and I could barely hear. I heard one voice laughing, then another shouting, then a baby crying, then a man whispering. It was all molded together, but I could hear the distinct voices of different people, talking about different things. All of a sudden I whooshed downward and saw another light beneath me. I seemed to be falling into it. This light wasn’t gold like the first one though. It was more of a bright white. It seemed more cold than comforting…

My speed picked up, and started looking around frantically as I fell quickly towards the light.


The next thing I knew, I was engulfed by the bright light. Everything was sore all of a sudden, and I realized I didn’t really feel my body before then. I closed my eyes against the blinding light and everything was bright and calm for one second then the world went black.


“Ugggh,” I groaned as I felt the sunlight press against my eyelids.

What a strange dream… I thought as I started to clench my eyes together to get the sleep out of them. I opened my eyes into a squint- and noticed that I wasn’t in my bedroom anymore. My eyes instantly widened as I took in my surroundings. I lifted my hands to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn’t not seeing things-

“AHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed as loud as I could as I looked down at what should have been my hands but were now blue hooves. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!”

Over the sound of my panicking, I heard a couple of faint noises.

“Hehehe well I guess she’s awake.” More giggling.

My breathing was coming in heavy pants at this point, and my thoughts were coming in quick, jumbled waves.


Oh my sweet mother of God, what’s happening!?

Wait, maybe it’s a dream…

Oh my Lord Jesus, this is not a dream!

“What the- SHIT!” I was cut off as I tried to roll out of the bed and stand up, but ultimately failed and fell on the hard wooden floor. I groaned as my head lay on the floor and I could hear more muffled talking from downstairs.

“Huh! Oh dear, darling, you should probably go check on her.”

Giggles. “I’m sure she’ll find her way down alright.”

“Uggghh,” I tried to stand up but I found that I now had 4 legs instead of 2. I managed to awkwardly stand on all 4 and found myself standing right in front of the door to the small room. I saw that the door was partially open, so I carefully and slowly lifted a han- a hoof- and pushed the door open all of the way. However, when I tried to put the hoof back on the ground, I put it in the wrong spot and fell forward, realizing that there was steps on either side of me. If I were to turn left immediately, I would be walking upstairs. If I turned right, I would be going downstairs. That was all I could make out as my body twisted to the right- of course- and I flailed helplessly down the stairs.

“AH-AH-AH-AH-UGH-MY-HOLY-SHIT-“I mumbled incoherently until I landed on my back, my tongue hanging of the side of my mouth and my eyes rolling around in my head.

“Ugh…” I moaned. I closed my eyes and reached up to rub my aching head.

“Hello!” I heard. My eyes shot open and I saw an upside-down purple face about 3 inches from mine.

“AHHHHHHHH!” I screamed again. I rolled onto my stomach, using a lot of effort, and awkwardly scooted backward away from the familiar mare. I threw my head back and screamed as I tried rubbing and feeling my face for any indication that this was a dream. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING-“

I stopped talking as one of the purple hooves had made its way to my mouth.

“It’s okay, you can calm down. We’re not going to hurt you.” She said in a soothing voice.

I stopped screaming and stared at her wide-eyed.

“Mm-m-mm-m-m,” I tried saying.

“Oh, sorry,” She said, then she giggled and removed her hoof. “Okay now what were you saying?”

“I said I know you’re not going to hurt me.” I said simply. She gave me a confused look, so I explained a bit more. Sigh. “Twilight, I’m not scared because I think you’re going to hurt me, I’m scared because I have no idea why I’m here and it’s impossible for me to be here and I am not supposed to be here!” I almost screamed at the end because I got so worked up. My breathing was heavy at this point as I tried to calm down.

Oh my gosh, I should be fangirling at this point. You know, this is probably just a dream… I thought to myself. Yeah! This has to be a dream! There’s no way it’s real. So I’ll just go along with everything like I do in every other dream about ponies I’ve had.

I had noticeably calmed down at that point. I even started a hysterical laugh.

“Wait, how did you know my name?” Twilight asked.

Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “Oh um… I… Wait let me ask you a question. Do you know who I am? Or why I’m here? Or where I came from?” I could answer 2 of the questions I had just asked, but the other one, I was hoping she knew the answer…

“Well, I’ll just tell you what I know. The Princess had asked me and my friends to take care of a new, strange pony. She said that you were from a very different place, and that you might know about some things, but you would have to learn others. But other than that, I don’t know your name, why you’re here, or where you came from.” She had one hoof on her chin as she thought and told me what had happened. “Oh yeah!” She yelled and I jumped a little in surprise. “She also told me that when you woke up, we were to answer any and all questions you had, and for you to explain some things to us. Also, there’s a chariot coming tomorrow to take us to the castle to talk to the Princess.” She smiled big and closed her eyes as she finished. When she opened her eyes she looked deep into my eyes and stopped for a second.

“What?” I asked her as she just looked into my eyes.

“Oh uh… your… uh your eyes… they’re different than they were earlier,” she stuttered. She sighed, then she went over to a little dresser and opened a drawer. While she was rummaging around in there, I had the chance to look around the room. It was the library from the show, and the rest of the Mane 6 were all sitting down, staring intently at me, sipping tea. I almost grinned in excitement.

This is the most realistic dream I have ever had! I thought with excitement. All of a sudden a mirror had been shoved in my face and I heard Twilight exclaim “Look!”

Woah… I examined my eyes in the mirror, and Twilight was right. They were strange. They looked a light purple color. But there were spots of pink that seemed to float through. Almost like a lava lamp… but with purple and ever-changing pink.

“Woah…” This time I said it out loud. “Those are… pretty awesome!” I said and I grinned.

“Wait wait wait,” I heard from behind Twilight and the mirror. “Let me see.”

A familiar cyan pegasus came flying around Twilight and got in my face, staring intently into my eyes. “Sweet,” she said and she smiled.

My eyes widened as the one and only Rainbow Dash was this close to me.

“What?” she asked, looking confused.

“You’re Rainbow Dash!” I almost yelled. “Oh my gosh it's like you're really here in front of me! Eeeee! Best. Dream. EVER!” Why was I so excited? I thought. I met her in all my other dreams...

Rainbow, at this point, was just happy that somebody had heard of her. “So you’ve heard of me?!” then she stopped gloating. “So wait, how did you hear of me?”

“Yeah!” said Twilight. “You never told me how you knew my name.”

I thought about whether or not it would be a good idea to tell them about the show.

“Okay, so I guess I’m explaining.” I was sitting down on the hardwood floors, so I thought I would try and make my way over to the empty red chair closest to me. I planted my fore hooves in front of me. Then I, with great effort, tried to lift my back legs up. I had succeeded, but I was standing rather awkwardly with my front hooves too far to the left. I tried to move them over, but failed, and fell onto my side.

“Stupid no good…” I mumbled under my breath as I tried again to stand up. Before I could try, however, I saw a purple light had surrounded me.

“Woa- ahh!” I had lifted off the ground and was set gently into the red, comfy chair.

“Heh, thanks,” I said, looking over to Twilight. She smiled and gave me a nod.

“So where to begin…”

I thought about what I should tell them and what I should start with. When I looked up to begin, I saw 12 eyes looking right at me, and I felt nervous all of a sudden.

“I uh…” Fluttershy noticed my hesitation, and flew over to my side.

“It’s okay,” she said quietly. “We won’t rush you.”

I looked into her sweet face. “Thanks, Fluttershy. I think I’m calm now.” She started at hearing her name from a stranger, and I realized what I had mean to tell them. She flew back over to the couch she was sitting on as I began.

“Oh yeah. Alright so my name is Allyson, but my friends call me Ally. I’m form this place called Earth. And I’m a- I mean I was something called a human.” Before I could continue, Twilight had gasped and ran over to a bookshelf and pulled out a red book with gold binding and black lettering.

“I thought humans were an old pony’s tale!” she pronounced humans with a soft u, so it sounded like the beginning of humus almost. “Oh I mean- wait how did you pronounce it?” She asked me.

“Humans, with a long u sound.” I told her and she continued.

“I’ve researched humans before. They are some weird creatures…” her head snapped up and she started to stutter. “I… I mean not that you’re weird… I didn’t mean…”

“It’s okay Twilight.” I giggled. When she saw my reaction, she got calmer and chuckled a bit herself.

“Well, um anyway there’s pictures of a male and a female version of humans. Wow, you looked uh... different to say the least.” She showed her friends the picture, and I watched their reactions.

“Oh darling, no wonder it’s hard for you to walk,” Rarity said as she looked at the picture.

While the book was facing away from me, I got a glimpse of the title. The Biology of Non-Pony Creatures and Strange Animals. Awesome. Now I'm a strange animal.

“But that doesn’t explain how you know our names,” Rainbow said.

“Oh right, well I was getting to that. Twilight you might want to listen,” I stated. Twilight had gone to the corner to start reading the part on humans.

“Hm? Oh right,” she said and she came back over to listen.

“So anyway there’s this thing called a T.V. and you can watch whatever show you want on it. One of these shows is called My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. The show basically follows you all as you learn your lessons about friendship and all of the adventures you have as the Elements of Harmony. The show has been a real hit. It is meant for young girls- er like young mares, but older teens like myself also watch it. And so do some guys- um like colts. We all love the show, and so there’s a whole community of people that watch it. The guys call themselves bronies, and the girls call themselves pegasisters. To others, we’re very stupid and gay and whatnot, but we love the show and honestly if I’m explaining it all, it’s impossible for me to be here and I’m pretty sure I’m dreaming.” I had kind of started zoning out, and I snapped out of it when I realized that they were all looking at me with strange looks on their faces. “I mean uh… What I meant was it’s my dream to be here, so obviously this is a dream. I just can’t believe I’m here, that’s all.” I looked down in embarrassment.

“So we’re famous!?” I heard Rainbow Dash exclaim. I chuckled and looked back up at her.

“Haha yeah I guess,” I told her.

“Well, Allyson, I can tell you that you’re not dreaming. You’re here for a reason, and I’m sure the Princess will explain it all tomorrow.” Twilight told me.

“Well if this isn’t a dream then I need to do everything I’ve always wanted to do here! Heh, but I know it’s a dream…” I mumbled the last part so she wouldn’t argue anymore. “So where’s Spike? Because meeting everybody- everypony- is one of the things I have to do.”

“SPIKE!” Twilight yelled all of a sudden. I heard a noise from upstairs and saw a sleepy-looking dragon make his way down the stairs. He sighed and grumbled and yawned before he said anything coherent.

“Yes, Twilight?” he opened his eyes and saw me. “Oh she’s awake!” Spike smiled a sleepy smile and made his way over to me. He raised his clawed hand to me and I slowly reached out until he grabbed my hoof and shook it. “I’m Spike!” he said. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Ally,” I said, and I smiled. “It’s really nice to meet you, Spike. I wish I could take you home with me.” I lifted the hoof he had let go of and rubbed the top of his head. He looked confused for a second then laughed as I noogied his head.

“Well now that I met everypony-“

“WAIT!” Pinkie pie had bounded up to me and yelled. “You haven’t met me yet!”

I laughed. “Oh Pinkie, I know who you are!” Since Pinkie is my favorite, I jumped off of the chair and managed to land on all 4 hooves. I jumped up and wrapped my hooves around her neck and squeezed her in a big hug. I giggled as she stood there shocked before she returned he embrace. I let go and giggled again. “Sorry Pinkie, I just love you and your smiles so much!”

Pinkie grinned widely then. “Don’t worry, there’s plenty where that came from! OOOOOOO what about your Welcome to Ponyville party!”

“Pinkie Pie, I don’t think-” I heard Twilight start to say.

“That would be amazing!” I told her. “I LOVE to party.”

“Huh?” Twilight looked as confused as ever.

“Yay!” Pinkie cried.

“Okay,” I said, mostly to myself. “Meet the mane 6 and Spike- check. Have Pinkie throw me a party- check. Okay I think the next is- Rainbow Dash?” I turned to look at her. “Will you do me a favor? I’ve always wanted to fly over Equestria. Could you fly me over Ponyville?”

She stared at me, very confused. Then she laughed. I stood there, as everybody else chimed in, laughing their tails off.

“Wait- did I say something wrong? Could somebody please explain the joke to me?!” I was getting very frustrated as I tried to yell through their laughter.

Still laughing, Twilight walked over to me. “Come with me,” she told me, and she made her way into a room next to the stairs. I took a step forward- only to fall on my face again.

“Dammit to hell,” I cursed as I tried to stand up again. The purple light surrounded me and I was floating for the second time that day. I was now in the room that Twilight had walked into, and I found that it was a bathroom. Twilight set me down and I stood on my hooves in front of a long, floor-length mirror.

Oh… I thought as I looked at myself. That’s why they were laughing. Haha I get it now.

What I saw in the mirror was a cornflower blue pegasus with a long, pink flowing mane and tail. There were very faint stripes of purple running through various places in my mane and tail. I was actually… not that bad looking. I smiled and saw I still had my dimple on the right side of my face.

“Oh, so that’s why everybody was laughing,” I said to Twilight as my smile started to fade. I mean I could take a joke, but I realized how much of a fool I had just made of myself.

Twilight looked at me. “Oh Ally, we didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

All of a sudden a felt arms thrown around my neck from behind me. I turned and saw that it was Applejack, and she had come into the bathroom.

“Ah’m sorry, Sugarcube. We thought you were kiddin’. We’re awfully sorry,” She told me. I lifted my hooves and returned the hug.

“It’s fine, Applejack. It’s actually pretty funny,” I replied and I released her and smiled.

“Then ah reckon we’re good,” she said as she returned the smile.

AJ and Twilight had started to make their way out of the bathroom where Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and RD were still sitting and smiling.

“Wait Twilight!” I yelled. I wasn’t going to try to walk and fall again.

“Oh yeah,” I heard her say and she brought me back into the library with her magic. “So I guess the next lesson is walking?”

“I’m gonna try to fly first,” I said. I stood there for a minute as Twilight looked at me, then she nodded. I tried concentrating on my back muscles, and I felt my wings extend after several tries. “Sweet,” I said to myself. Then I focused on the wings themselves, trying to find the right muscles. I tried thinking about moving them up and down. I felt them twitch, then I felt the right one flop down then come back up again. I was sweating by then, my eyes clenched close and my teeth biting down on my lip. I grunted as I felt them both move down then up again at the same time. Then again. Over and over they went until I felt my hooves leave the ground. I opened my eyes in surprise and looked down- I was about 2 inches off the ground. “I did it!” I yelled, only to find that my wings stopped and I dropped to the ground again. “Dammit,” I said. “Well looks like I’m learning to walk first,” I told Twilight.

“Twilight, darling, I need to get back to my shop now. I told you before that I would wait to meet the mare then leave. I’m afraid now is that time,” Rarity said to Twilight.

“Oh okay you’re right,” Twilight agreed. “I’ll see you tomorrow then when we leave.”

“Alright, see you then. Goodbye Allyson, it was very nice meeting you,” Rarity called as she opened the door.

“Bye Rarity, see you tomorrow!” I yelled.

“Oh Twilight, I think I have to leave also,” Fluttershy said barely above a whisper. “Angel needs me home soon.”

“Ah need to get goin too,” said AJ. “Ah'm supposed to help Big Mac buck the south field today.”

“Oh oh oh and I need to get back to Sugarcube Corner!”

“Alright girls I’ll see you tomorrow then!” Twilight called. We all said our goodbyes until there was only me, Twilight, Spike, and Rainbow Dash.

All of a sudden, before Twilight could speak, we heard a low rumbling. Twilight looked down at her stomach, giggled, and looked back up again. “I think I forgot to eat breakfast. Maybe we can eat an early lunch.”

Twilight turned and invited Rainbow to stay for lunch, which she accepted, and headed into the kitchen to make some food. Rainbow followed, and I just stood there, smiling.

“Why are you so happy?” I looked to my left and saw Spike looking up at me with confused eyes.

“Because, Spike,” I told him, “I wish this wasn’t just a dream. I need to be pinched to make sure it’s not.”

He reached up to pinch my arm but I swatted it away.

“Not for real,” I told him as he rubbed his arm.

“Well, why not? Then you’ll know it’s real.”

“Because,” I paused, as I smiled a very sad smile. “Because if it is a dream, I don’t want to ever wake up.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for all of the foul language- I wasn't sure if I should have made the story mature or teen for the language, but hey it's whatever. Anyway, chapters won't come as fast as this and the prologue from now on. Also, this is my first story so please criticize as much as you would like.
Hope you enjoy! :)