• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 1,089 Views, 14 Comments

The Left Behind. - Prince_Nebula

The civil war between The Solar Empire and The New Lunar Republic erupts, taking fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, solders, and civilians alike. But Spike never thought he would be left behind by the one he cared for most... Twilight.

  • ...

This Isn't What I Wished For.

"WE GOT A LIVE ONE!" Lyra shouts pulling the gurney into the hospital carting a Solar Empire Private identified by the uniform, screaming at the top of his lungs and holding the stump of what was left of his leg.

"OH GOD IT HURTS! IT HURTS! I WANT MY MOM!" The soldier screamed at the top of his lungs as he bawls his eyes as Fluttershy and Bon-Bon run to his aid.

"Rumble, it'll be alright." Fluttershy tried to calm th boy down examining his leg. "We'll make the pain go away." She said trying not to cry for the boy she watched grow up.

Spike sat his room in the hospital staring up at the ceiling.

"You know Spike it's not all about you! Rarity left me here but you don't see my bitching and complaining about it!" The purple and pink haired girl screamed, tears coming to her eyes. "Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you! You.... You selfish FUCKING PRICK!" She stomped her foot.

"I NEVER FUCKING SAID IT WAS ABOUT ME!" Spike snapped at the girl as he sat up. "And don't give me this bullshit about how Rarity left you! YOU WANTED TO STAY AND PLAY NURSE!" He stood up, and walked past her.

"Where are you going?!" Sweetie yelled at him from the doorway of the room.

"The roof!" He yelled back, walking into the stairwell and up to the roof. "Fucking Sweetie... You're nothing like me so stop comparing yourself to me..." He mumbled as he stood at the edge of the hospital looking out towards what was left of Ponyville after the effects of the P.A.R.T.Y rebellion, they own it now.

"Stay here." Twilight said as she boarded The Royal Carriage.

"But Twilight! I-I can help!" Spike responded holding onto the side of the carriage looking up at his sister.

"I SAID STAY HERE!" She yelled. "How do you think you can help if you can't even follow this request!? All you are going to do is get in the way and mess things up like you always do!"

Spike took a step back shocked at what she said. "T-Twilight.." Spike on the verge of tears.

"STAY HERE!" Twilight said as she signaled for the carriage to leave, and left Spike to watch as it did.

He looked up at Canterlot with tears streaming down his face. "Fuck you Twilight....." He whispers then sniffles. "You could have taken me with you!... Then at least I wouldn't be in this shit hole!"

He stood in silence hearing the gunshots and explosions in the distance the smoke covering the landscape that was once green, and full of life, was now barren and black with fires and scavengers searching through the rubble. The only untouched place was the Everfree Forrest which was the same as it ever was.

"Um Spike..." Lyra stood in the entryway to the roof. "It's... Um... It's dinner time... And... Well I just wanted to know if you're hungry...?"

Spike wipes the tears from his eyes and turns around nodding slightly. "... Yeah... Yeah I am..."

She motion for him to follow as she walks back down the stairs until they reach the main hall, and begin walking towards the mess hall.

{Thank you for listening to S.E.R. The Solar Empire Radio! The best station in Equestria!} A radio could be heard from inside the mess hall.

"Turn that Fuckin' bullshit off!" An older gentleman yelled.

"Hey, fuck off gramps!" Another younger gentleman replied.

A man in a N.L.R. Uniform stood up. "You will not talk to this General like that!"

A man in a S.E. uniform stood up. "And who's gonna stop me?!"

Lyra moved in between the two men. "Boys! Calm down!" She turned off the radio. "Just sit down and eat your food." She looks to the boy who turned it on. "And Snips, if you turn that on one more time I'm taking it away!" The boy nodded as he turned towards his food and began eating again.

Spike made his way into the line and saw the familiar face of Mrs. Cake, the bags under her eyes indicating she hadn't been sleeping well but seeing Spike brought a warm smile to her face. "Oh, hello Spike. How has your day been going?" She said, giving him a bowl of soup.

"It's been fine I guess..." He replies not giving a look up at her, nor returning a smile as he continued forward and back into the main mess hall taking his usual seat and eating his soup quietly.

"So! What'd you wish for?" Mr. Cake asked with a warm smile on his face.

"I wished that we will all be together, no matter what!" He smiled and chuckled as the others did as well

"Together no matter what...." He mumbles, dropping his spoon into the soup and standing up. "Together my ass..." He leaves the mess hall, and returns to his room then gets into his bed and slowly falls asleep.

The next morning he wakes up to the sounds of screams and Lyra screaming. "WE GOT A LIVE ONE!" Though he was accustomed to hearing this, it didn't make it any less harder to stay asleep after hearing it.

"Happy sixteenth birthday Spike...."