• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 1,089 Views, 14 Comments

The Left Behind. - Prince_Nebula

The civil war between The Solar Empire and The New Lunar Republic erupts, taking fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, solders, and civilians alike. But Spike never thought he would be left behind by the one he cared for most... Twilight.

  • ...

Happy Birthday!

The library was filled with the usual classical music as Spike and Twilight cleaned the library for their monthly book sale. The morning sun breaching the shades on the windows releasing a spray of cream colored light across the main library's floor

"Oof..." The boy dropped some old tomes onto the desk in the center of the library.

"Thank you Spike." The librarian said as she gave a warm smile then continued dusting.

"How long is this gonna take Twilight?... My arms are getting tired." The boy stretched as he stood up straight and yawned. "And I wanna go back to bed..."

"Not to long Spike, just a few more books and we're set." She giggled. "Now, there's on last box of books in the basement under my desk. Could you go grab it please?" She gave a sheepish smile smile after turning towards him.

He gave an over dramatic sigh as he started towards the basement door. "Fine..." He left the room and down the stairs into the basement mumbling to himself. "Now... Where's this dumb box of books?...." He looks under the desk pressed against the wall and pulls the old, worn, brown box out and dusts off the top. On a small label read "Misc." he picked it up and set it on the desk. "Now, let's see what's in here."

He pulls off the top to see the old books, most of them unreadable due to the large amount of dirt grounded into the labels. "Sherlock Hooves... Anne of Green Stables.... Skeleton Mare..." He listed them as he pulled them out, and examining their condition. "Well.... Their not all ruined...." He placed the better looking ones in the box, and left the others where he took them out, then picked up the box, and headed up the stairs.

"Hey Twilight are these the books you wer- OOF!" He is tackled to the ground by the hyperactive pink haired woman, sending the box and its containments across the library..

"Happy Happy Birthday Spikey Wikey!" She smiled as she sat on him, and is surrounded by the giggling others.

"That's Pinkie for ya." Apple Jack giggled as she picked Pinkie off Spike and helped him up. "Happy Birthday Spike." She said as she tosseled his hair.

He chuckled. "Thanks AJ..." He gave a warm smile as he is punched in the arm by Rainbow. "Ouch! Is everyone going to hurt me today?" He laughs.

"Oh grow up ya big baby." The rainbow haired girl replied as she giggled. "You're what? fifteen now? 'Bout time you start taking some hits." She gets into a boxers stance and fakes a jab cross combo, ending both punches before they connect but causing Spike to flinch slightly.

Rarity gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Happy Birthday handsome~" She giggles as she watches the blood flow into his face, making it glow into a deep crimson. "Aw, my little Spikey Wikey, turning fifteen, so grown up, so mature." She pulls him into an embrace and his face into her chest. "Oooh, if only you could stay this cute forever." She giggles, releasing the close to drooling boy from her vice like grip.

"Th-Thanks R-Rarity..." The teen was dumbfounded at what just happened, not noticing Fluttershy walking up to him.

"Happy Birthday Spike." She says in her usual soft spoken manor. "I got you a gift..." She pulls a small wooden box out of her bag, roughly about 12" by 9" and covered in all sorts of designs and such. "I-It's a document box... I thought you might like it..." She blushes slightly, and hides her face behind her hair.

Spike takes the box and examines it. "Wow Fluttershy.... Where'd you buy this?" He continues to look at the skilled craftsmanship of the box.

Fluttershy smiled. "I-I... Didn't get it from somewhere... I made it... For you." She moved her hair out of the way, continuing to smile at Spike.

"Y-You made this?..." He looks up at her in amazement. "Cause... Fluttershy... Th-This is amazing!"

She nodded. "Mhm... Wood work is.... One of my down time activities..." She giggled continuing to blush a bit more from the complement to her work. "A-And thank you Spike... I-It means a lot."

He chuckles. "No, thank you." He continues to examine the box smiling wide.

She giggles. "I'm glad you like it."

"Well... We have to get back to work, got no time to spare." Twilight says as she levitates a few tables outside and sets them up, bringing out some boxes of books as well and placing them on the tables.

The day goes on and Spike gets happy birthday's from everyone in town. After the sale, they had raised about 154 bits, the shadows of the setting sun made Ponyville's streets look gold from the dying rays of sun just scraping the surface of the stone steps of the library where the boy sat with his friends.

"So birthday boy, whatcha want?" Scootaloo said leaning against him.

"Yeah, Ah'm curious tah what ya want." Apple Bloom chimed in.

"Well, I got him this~" She leaned in and kissed him, causing him to blush immensely. As she pulled away the three girls giggled as they watched him sit dumbstruck.

"Wh-What's up with everyone kissing me today?" He genuinely asked, but not expecting an answer from the girls, but simply asking. The sound of the door opening caused them to look at the young woman coming from the library.

"C'mon guys, we're going over to Sugar Cube Corner." She fixes her coat and locks the library, the air making it possible to see their breath. "Well don't just sit there, we gotta go." As she walks down the stairs, she taps him on his back signifying for him to get up.

"Yep, best be gettin' yer rumps in motion before Ah make ya." Apple Jack teased, walking out as well and followed by Rarity.

"Everyone else is at Sugar Cube Corner, just dying to see us. Best not to keep them waiting." She giggled.

Spike stood up as well as the girls, and stretches a bit. "Alright then..." He follows close behind Twilight, Rarity, and Apple Jack whom of which we talking about regular girlly stuff.

The sun set as they entered the small cafe, leaving the room darker than it usually was.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled as the lights flipped on and everyone stood up around a large cake in the center of the room. "Happy Birthday Spike!" Everyone smiled as Spike's jaw dropped at the size of it.

"Well make a wish!" Big Mac said pushing him forward slightly towards the cake.

He looked at all the smiling faces of his friends then took a deep breath, and blew out the candles.