The Left Behind.

by Prince_Nebula

First published

The civil war between The Solar Empire and The New Lunar Republic erupts, taking fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, solders, and civilians alike. But Spike never thought he would be left behind by the one he cared for most... Twilight.

It was fine until the day came along. Luna seceded from The Solar Empire and plunged Equestria into an all out civil war.... His friends took their sides... and left Spike behind.

//A little story for people, based on "Sabotage Valkyrie" by *The-Orator on DA. Probably just a short fic, nothing too major.

Happy Birthday!

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The library was filled with the usual classical music as Spike and Twilight cleaned the library for their monthly book sale. The morning sun breaching the shades on the windows releasing a spray of cream colored light across the main library's floor

"Oof..." The boy dropped some old tomes onto the desk in the center of the library.

"Thank you Spike." The librarian said as she gave a warm smile then continued dusting.

"How long is this gonna take Twilight?... My arms are getting tired." The boy stretched as he stood up straight and yawned. "And I wanna go back to bed..."

"Not to long Spike, just a few more books and we're set." She giggled. "Now, there's on last box of books in the basement under my desk. Could you go grab it please?" She gave a sheepish smile smile after turning towards him.

He gave an over dramatic sigh as he started towards the basement door. "Fine..." He left the room and down the stairs into the basement mumbling to himself. "Now... Where's this dumb box of books?...." He looks under the desk pressed against the wall and pulls the old, worn, brown box out and dusts off the top. On a small label read "Misc." he picked it up and set it on the desk. "Now, let's see what's in here."

He pulls off the top to see the old books, most of them unreadable due to the large amount of dirt grounded into the labels. "Sherlock Hooves... Anne of Green Stables.... Skeleton Mare..." He listed them as he pulled them out, and examining their condition. "Well.... Their not all ruined...." He placed the better looking ones in the box, and left the others where he took them out, then picked up the box, and headed up the stairs.

"Hey Twilight are these the books you wer- OOF!" He is tackled to the ground by the hyperactive pink haired woman, sending the box and its containments across the library..

"Happy Happy Birthday Spikey Wikey!" She smiled as she sat on him, and is surrounded by the giggling others.

"That's Pinkie for ya." Apple Jack giggled as she picked Pinkie off Spike and helped him up. "Happy Birthday Spike." She said as she tosseled his hair.

He chuckled. "Thanks AJ..." He gave a warm smile as he is punched in the arm by Rainbow. "Ouch! Is everyone going to hurt me today?" He laughs.

"Oh grow up ya big baby." The rainbow haired girl replied as she giggled. "You're what? fifteen now? 'Bout time you start taking some hits." She gets into a boxers stance and fakes a jab cross combo, ending both punches before they connect but causing Spike to flinch slightly.

Rarity gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Happy Birthday handsome~" She giggles as she watches the blood flow into his face, making it glow into a deep crimson. "Aw, my little Spikey Wikey, turning fifteen, so grown up, so mature." She pulls him into an embrace and his face into her chest. "Oooh, if only you could stay this cute forever." She giggles, releasing the close to drooling boy from her vice like grip.

"Th-Thanks R-Rarity..." The teen was dumbfounded at what just happened, not noticing Fluttershy walking up to him.

"Happy Birthday Spike." She says in her usual soft spoken manor. "I got you a gift..." She pulls a small wooden box out of her bag, roughly about 12" by 9" and covered in all sorts of designs and such. "I-It's a document box... I thought you might like it..." She blushes slightly, and hides her face behind her hair.

Spike takes the box and examines it. "Wow Fluttershy.... Where'd you buy this?" He continues to look at the skilled craftsmanship of the box.

Fluttershy smiled. "I-I... Didn't get it from somewhere... I made it... For you." She moved her hair out of the way, continuing to smile at Spike.

"Y-You made this?..." He looks up at her in amazement. "Cause... Fluttershy... Th-This is amazing!"

She nodded. "Mhm... Wood work is.... One of my down time activities..." She giggled continuing to blush a bit more from the complement to her work. "A-And thank you Spike... I-It means a lot."

He chuckles. "No, thank you." He continues to examine the box smiling wide.

She giggles. "I'm glad you like it."

"Well... We have to get back to work, got no time to spare." Twilight says as she levitates a few tables outside and sets them up, bringing out some boxes of books as well and placing them on the tables.

The day goes on and Spike gets happy birthday's from everyone in town. After the sale, they had raised about 154 bits, the shadows of the setting sun made Ponyville's streets look gold from the dying rays of sun just scraping the surface of the stone steps of the library where the boy sat with his friends.

"So birthday boy, whatcha want?" Scootaloo said leaning against him.

"Yeah, Ah'm curious tah what ya want." Apple Bloom chimed in.

"Well, I got him this~" She leaned in and kissed him, causing him to blush immensely. As she pulled away the three girls giggled as they watched him sit dumbstruck.

"Wh-What's up with everyone kissing me today?" He genuinely asked, but not expecting an answer from the girls, but simply asking. The sound of the door opening caused them to look at the young woman coming from the library.

"C'mon guys, we're going over to Sugar Cube Corner." She fixes her coat and locks the library, the air making it possible to see their breath. "Well don't just sit there, we gotta go." As she walks down the stairs, she taps him on his back signifying for him to get up.

"Yep, best be gettin' yer rumps in motion before Ah make ya." Apple Jack teased, walking out as well and followed by Rarity.

"Everyone else is at Sugar Cube Corner, just dying to see us. Best not to keep them waiting." She giggled.

Spike stood up as well as the girls, and stretches a bit. "Alright then..." He follows close behind Twilight, Rarity, and Apple Jack whom of which we talking about regular girlly stuff.

The sun set as they entered the small cafe, leaving the room darker than it usually was.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled as the lights flipped on and everyone stood up around a large cake in the center of the room. "Happy Birthday Spike!" Everyone smiled as Spike's jaw dropped at the size of it.

"Well make a wish!" Big Mac said pushing him forward slightly towards the cake.

He looked at all the smiling faces of his friends then took a deep breath, and blew out the candles.

This Isn't What I Wished For.

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"WE GOT A LIVE ONE!" Lyra shouts pulling the gurney into the hospital carting a Solar Empire Private identified by the uniform, screaming at the top of his lungs and holding the stump of what was left of his leg.

"OH GOD IT HURTS! IT HURTS! I WANT MY MOM!" The soldier screamed at the top of his lungs as he bawls his eyes as Fluttershy and Bon-Bon run to his aid.

"Rumble, it'll be alright." Fluttershy tried to calm th boy down examining his leg. "We'll make the pain go away." She said trying not to cry for the boy she watched grow up.

Spike sat his room in the hospital staring up at the ceiling.

"You know Spike it's not all about you! Rarity left me here but you don't see my bitching and complaining about it!" The purple and pink haired girl screamed, tears coming to her eyes. "Look at me when I'm fucking talking to you! You.... You selfish FUCKING PRICK!" She stomped her foot.

"I NEVER FUCKING SAID IT WAS ABOUT ME!" Spike snapped at the girl as he sat up. "And don't give me this bullshit about how Rarity left you! YOU WANTED TO STAY AND PLAY NURSE!" He stood up, and walked past her.

"Where are you going?!" Sweetie yelled at him from the doorway of the room.

"The roof!" He yelled back, walking into the stairwell and up to the roof. "Fucking Sweetie... You're nothing like me so stop comparing yourself to me..." He mumbled as he stood at the edge of the hospital looking out towards what was left of Ponyville after the effects of the P.A.R.T.Y rebellion, they own it now.

"Stay here." Twilight said as she boarded The Royal Carriage.

"But Twilight! I-I can help!" Spike responded holding onto the side of the carriage looking up at his sister.

"I SAID STAY HERE!" She yelled. "How do you think you can help if you can't even follow this request!? All you are going to do is get in the way and mess things up like you always do!"

Spike took a step back shocked at what she said. "T-Twilight.." Spike on the verge of tears.

"STAY HERE!" Twilight said as she signaled for the carriage to leave, and left Spike to watch as it did.

He looked up at Canterlot with tears streaming down his face. "Fuck you Twilight....." He whispers then sniffles. "You could have taken me with you!... Then at least I wouldn't be in this shit hole!"

He stood in silence hearing the gunshots and explosions in the distance the smoke covering the landscape that was once green, and full of life, was now barren and black with fires and scavengers searching through the rubble. The only untouched place was the Everfree Forrest which was the same as it ever was.

"Um Spike..." Lyra stood in the entryway to the roof. "It's... Um... It's dinner time... And... Well I just wanted to know if you're hungry...?"

Spike wipes the tears from his eyes and turns around nodding slightly. "... Yeah... Yeah I am..."

She motion for him to follow as she walks back down the stairs until they reach the main hall, and begin walking towards the mess hall.

{Thank you for listening to S.E.R. The Solar Empire Radio! The best station in Equestria!} A radio could be heard from inside the mess hall.

"Turn that Fuckin' bullshit off!" An older gentleman yelled.

"Hey, fuck off gramps!" Another younger gentleman replied.

A man in a N.L.R. Uniform stood up. "You will not talk to this General like that!"

A man in a S.E. uniform stood up. "And who's gonna stop me?!"

Lyra moved in between the two men. "Boys! Calm down!" She turned off the radio. "Just sit down and eat your food." She looks to the boy who turned it on. "And Snips, if you turn that on one more time I'm taking it away!" The boy nodded as he turned towards his food and began eating again.

Spike made his way into the line and saw the familiar face of Mrs. Cake, the bags under her eyes indicating she hadn't been sleeping well but seeing Spike brought a warm smile to her face. "Oh, hello Spike. How has your day been going?" She said, giving him a bowl of soup.

"It's been fine I guess..." He replies not giving a look up at her, nor returning a smile as he continued forward and back into the main mess hall taking his usual seat and eating his soup quietly.

"So! What'd you wish for?" Mr. Cake asked with a warm smile on his face.

"I wished that we will all be together, no matter what!" He smiled and chuckled as the others did as well

"Together no matter what...." He mumbles, dropping his spoon into the soup and standing up. "Together my ass..." He leaves the mess hall, and returns to his room then gets into his bed and slowly falls asleep.

The next morning he wakes up to the sounds of screams and Lyra screaming. "WE GOT A LIVE ONE!" Though he was accustomed to hearing this, it didn't make it any less harder to stay asleep after hearing it.

"Happy sixteenth birthday Spike...."

A Day To Remember

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Spike continues to sit on the bed then looks at the radio.

"It couldn't hurt..." He stands up and shuts the door to his room, hearing it click to lock as it closed. He walks back to the bed and turns on the radio.

{The P.A.R.T.Y. Rebellion struck again last night, taking out soldiers from both sides.

Pvt. Snalis, Solar Empire. Delta Squad: KIA

Ltn. Sonic Stream, N.L.R. Unit 047: KIA

Cor. Sunny Side, Solar Empire, Delta Squad: Missing

And Pvt. Snips, Solar Empire, Delta Squad: Missing

Thank you for listening to E.I.R.S. Funded by Sweet Apple Aches, have an Apple with a bullet on the side.

Please enjoy your usual classical broadcast.} The radio cuts off, and a couple seconds later classical music begins playing through the worn speakers.

Spike sits for a second with noting but classical music filling the air.

"This needs to stop." He stands up from his chair and opens the door, only to be caught off guard by Sweetie Belle.

"Spike... I-I'm sorry for last night it's.... It's just I know how much you're hurting and-" She is interrupted by Spike giving her a close hug.

"I understand.... But there's no need for you to be sorry." Spike breaks the embrace and looks at the girl. "Because it's my fault..." He looks towards the holding room. "And... I...." He looks back to her. "I'm gonna fix it... For both of us..." He turns and makes his way to the door of the room and opened it.

"What are you doing? We're not allowed to go in there!" Sweetie Belle followed behind him as he entered. "If we get caught in here, Lyra will tan our hides!"

"Not if I'm gone before she can get me." He pulls out a pair of S.E. Combat Leggings from the rack and checked them to see if they would fit.

Sweetie Belle grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. "You're not doing what I think you're going to do are you?" She looked into his eyes with fearful ones.

He draped the pants over his shoulder and moved on, checking each pair of clothing that could fit on him until he had a full Solar Empire Private Uniform. "I'm going to stop this. And I'm going to make this better." He locked eyes with her. "Trust me."

She returned his gaze tears coming to her eyes. "Spike.... I... I don't want to lose anyone else..." She sniffled.

Spike walked up to her and kissed her on her forehead then looked into her eyes once more with a reassuring gaze. "You won't." He walked past her and grabbed a rifle, a pistol, and some ammo then returned to his room.


"Where do you think you're going?!" Lyra yelled as she sprinted at Spike from down the hallway as he walked towards the entrance of the hospital dressed in the full S.E. garb. "You're not leaving this building!" She said as she stood in front of the door, blocking Spike's way of leaving.

"Get out of the way Lyra..." He said as he moved a hand towards the door, only to be slapped out of the way by the panting woman in front of him.

"No! You are not leaving!" She continued to keep her ground as Fluttershy and Bon-Bon ran up as well.

"Spike wh-where are you going?" Fluttershy said as she stood next to him.

"To fix this..." He said continuing to look at Lyra.

Fluttershy grabbed onto his arm and looked up at him with pleading eyes. "P-Please Spike... Don't go..."

Spike teared up slightly then took off the helmet and looked at her. "But I need to do this..."

"I know you think you do." She pulled him slightly away from the door. "But you need to stay safe... So... Let's put this uniform back... And get something to eat.... How does that sound?" She gave a loving smile.

Spike sighed as he nodded. "That... That sounds nice..." He said as they began walking back to the holding room.

Fluttershy kept hold of his arm, loosening her grip slightly. "What you're doing is the right choice."

Spike chuckled as he saw Lyra move away from the door from the door. "Th-That's what Twilight said... When I stopped taking acting lessons!" He broke out of her hold and bolted to the door, almost tearing it off the hinges as he ran through it and down the path as Lyra chased after him but was unable to keep up.

Fluttershy stood still dumbfounded at the boys actions then is broken from it when she hears Bon-Bon call for her.

She enters Spike's room where Bon-Bon was calling from. "Y-Yes Bon-Bon?"

"Take a look at this..." She picked up the radio and showed her the top of it, and engraved on the top of it was.

'Listen everyday, Never hear my name'

Not So Alone

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Spike slows down and catches his breath after losing sight of the hospital, then looks at his surroundings.

"Whe... Where am I?" He says between breaths and after a few seconds silence is all that is around him, then he's pulled into a nearby trench.

"What the hell are you doing solder!?" A hushed yell comes from a rather large man holding him down. "Do you wanna get yourself killed?" He looked at him, a stern look on his face. "What's your squad Private!?"

Spike looks at him a bit frightened from the sudden action. "M-My Squad?... U-Uh... O-Om-mega M-My squad is Omega...."

.The man sighs. "Damn rookie..." He stands slightly staying low and motions for him to follow. "Follow me Shiny." He makes his way through the trench. "The name's Broad Stroke. General Broad Stroke." They approach a bunker where the sound of jazz music spilled out. As they entered there were three soldiers in it, two playing cards and the third laying in a nook, helmet over his eyes, and tapping his foot in the air to the tempo of the song.

"What the hell do you think you privates think you're doing!" The mans voice boomed within the small room causing the boys to jump into attention though the two playing cards got up easily, the boy in the nook fumbled out and landed straight on his face. "PRIVATE PIPSQUEEK! STAND AT ATTENTION!"

"S-Sir yes sir!' He stood up quickly fixing his helmet then standing in as salute.

"What in the fuck were you shit heads doing! Lounging around during a fucking war! If you wanted to lounge you should've signed up for the N.L.R.!" He glared at the three boys. "This is the new member of our platoon! Private..." He looks to Spike realizing his tag was gone. "Where's you're tag Private?!"

Spike looked up at the general, then to his shirt. "Oh!... S-Sorry sir... It must have gotten lost on the way here..."

Broad Stroke stared at him. "Stand at attention when you're talking to a higher ranked officer! Now, what's you're name Private?"

"S-Spike sir! M-My name is Spike." He stood at attention like the others to address him correctly.

He nodded and turned to the others. "Well, there you have it. Now I'd like for you little fuckers to show Spike here the ropes. And if I see you screwing off again! I'm gonna take that radio, break it, and shove the pieces up you're asses! Do I make myself clean maggots!"

"Sir yes sir!" The three responded in unison still standing at attention.

"Good." He began to leave the room. "At ease ladies." He opened the door and stopped. "Supper's in 0200 hours. Cya then." He left the room, leaving the boys to themselves.

As soon as he left the two boys sat down, and Pipsqueek immediately ran up to Spike and grabed him by the shoulders. "Spike what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the hospital?"

Spike stepped back a bit. "No. I left that place behind, and I'm never going back..."

Pipsqueek opened his eyes slightly and looked at the other two then back to Spike. "Well.... Why are you here.... It's a lot safer there." He chuckles nervously. "I mean... Here... We don't always have a warm bed, or a fresh meal or eve-" He's stopped by a hand in front of his face.

"I'm not gonna be here for long. I'm going to Sweet Apple Acres to see it I can't get a quick transport up to Canterlot..." He sets his things down and looks at the other two. "Hey Featherweight. Hey Chip."

"Hey Spike..." Featherweight said as he pushed his cards to Chip and began tinkering with his camera as Chips smiled and nodded.

"Good to see you Spike." He picked up the cards and put them away, then turned off the radio.

"Are you nuts?!" Pipsqueek said standing in front of Spike again. "We're at war, and you wanna waltz down to Sweet Apple Acres, and ask Applejack, or Apple Bloom, or Big Mac to get a ride up to Canterlot?" He looked at him like he was crazy.

. Spike nods. "Yup." He looks into Pipsqueeks eyes. "That's the plan."

He shakes his head. "Okay... One. Applejack is one of the people who objected to the idea of the war, and would completely disagree with you going up to Canterlot, because it's a major WAR ZONE! Two! Apple Bloom won't do it because she's not old enough to even LOOK at the machinery, and Lastly, BIG MAC HATES THE SOLAR EMPIRE!" He shook Spike. "There is no way you're getting up there with a transport!"

Spike stared down the boy. "I'm still going."

Pipsqueek chuckled slightly. "Good." He picked up his things and handed Spike his. "I thought you would wimp out."

Spike looked a bit surprised at the boy. "W-Wait... What?" He raised a brow in confusion.

"Well... Yeah, I was just wondering if you were serious about it." He chuckles again. "And now that I know you are, I finally have someone I can leave with." He smiles.

"You really want to leave?" Spike still seemed a bit confused at the new information.

He nodded. "These jerks won't leave with me. And I've been dieing to get out of here and see some real action."

"Well.... Alright then." He snickered. "Think you can keep up?" Issuing a challenge.

"You're talking to the fastest running back on the Ponyville Titans here, I think I should be asking you that question." He chuckled opening the door to the bunker.

He chuckles and follows behind, feeling the nips of the cold and damp night air. "Lead the way."

They begin to leave, hiding in certain places so they don't get caught and remaining low and quiet. "Alright. Now, the best way to get to Sweet Apple Acres from here would be through the Everfree." Pipsqueek said sliding behind a rock.

"You up for a little hike?" Spike snickered.

"You betcha." A voice came from behind them, as they turned they saw Featherweight and Chip Mint crouched behind them.

"I thought you guys didn't wanna leave?" Pipsqueek seemed surprised.

"We wouldn't make it anywhere if we didn't have anywhere to go." Chip chuckled slightly nudging Spike slightly. "Well let's go before the general catches us."

They nod and move into the Everfree forest, going one at a time so that they didn't attract attention then moved through keeping an ear open to hear any natural threats within.

She's Quite the Busy Bee

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The Everfree forest was damp and humid, but unlike the surrounding area, it was colder, cold enough to see your own breath as if it were super heated steam. As they trekked through the forest they came to a small opening, a familiar path to Spike, but something was wrong, the small tree hut that used to stand at the end of the path reduced to nothing but ash, but small embers still smoldering in the mound of black powder that covered the ground.

"This is a place you should not see...." A voice rang out in the darkness, seeming to hold back tears. "Exit now... And leave me be..."

"Zecora?" Spike's voice rang out and called. "Zecora.... What... What happened?"

As their eyes adjusted they could see the dark skinned woman on her knees in front of the ash pile and they exited the trees and moved towards her, hearing the sound of a pistol click into place and seeing the woman spin and pointing it at them with tears in her eyes. "Heed my warning and hear it once! Leave now or end up a Manricore's lunch!"

The four boys take a step back and put their hands in the air.. "Z-Zecora! I-It's me! Spike!"

"Who you are I do not care! For the Solar Empire outfits you four wear!" She continues to point the pistol at them showing that she wished to be alone. "The heathen Twilight and her cronies of Solar descent, told me I was the one to repent. They burned my home and sent it asunder, so leave now for I will not answer any more questions you wonder."

"Zecora... Please. we don't mean any ha-" Pipsqueek was cut off by the sound of a gun shot.

"Leave!" The woman cocked the gun once again and pointed it at them.

Spike took a look at the ash pile, then back to her before turning and heading down the path. "It would be best if we did what she said..." The three others looked at him then followed behind so they didn't lose him.

They remained quiet as they walked through the path and seeing the opening to the dirt path and as they exited they could see the smog coming from the orchard of dead trees, and knew they were close.As they made their way down the path they could hear the explosions of bombs off in the distance, and seeing the flashing of the fire spraying across the land.

"Hello boys~" A feminine voice sounded as a figure appeared into their vision.

The boys raised their guns and pointed at the figure in front of them. "Who are you!" Pipsqueek barked at the figure visibly shaking.

"Oh, no one special." The figure walked towards them, throwing a rather large object onto her shoulder, a very large object with a small, but visible flame at the outer end of it. "Just a girl looking for a party~" She gigglesnorted. "Know any I could go to around here?"

"P-Pinkie?" Spike lowered his gun and looked at the girl who was close to his, at least withing arms length. "Pinkie is that... Is that you?"

The pink haired woman bent over slightly so that she was eye to eye with Spike. "Sure is Spikey-Wikey~" Her blue eyes seemed to glow, and pierce through the darkness. "What brings you this far away from home hm?" She locked eyes with him, seeming to put him in a trance.

"I.... I'm on my way to Sweet Apple Acres...." He stuttered slightly, a bit from nervousness, and a bit from fear.

"Oh? Well, what's up with the Soldier get up?"

"I-It's.... It's for pro-protection..."

Pinkie didn't break the gaze, staring into his eyes before standing up straight and moving out of the way. "Alright. You can go~" She gigglesnoted again. "Oh, and happy birthday~" She leaned down and gave him ha kiss on the cheek while simultaneously slipped something into his back pocket.

"Spike? SPIKE!" Pipsqueek shook Spike and seemed to wake him up from his trance.

Spike shook his head. "Huh? What?"

"You alright?" Pipsqueek raised a brow.

Spike nodded. "Y-Yeah... I'm fine..." He continued down the path completely disregarding what had just happened.

As he continued down the path, the sun drenched the land in a light orange glow and exposing the small barn once red, was now covered in black soot coming from the pipes above it.

A simple sign sat just a few meters from the gate reading. 'Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! Sweetest Apple's around, and not just the ones we pick!' The sound of a shotgun cocking could be heard.

Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!

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The young tan skinned girl pointed the cocked shotgun at Spike's head. "The hell do you want?" the Manehatten accent was nearly impossible to mistake.

"Babs... it's me... Spike..." He pushed the shotgun's barrel away from his face, not flinching at all at her threat.

"S-Spike?.... What are you doin here?" She looked at him completely dumbstruck.

"I need to talk to Apple Jack." He said not showing much emotion.

"Well.... Ya might wanna change... Ya just missed Twilight and she caused a bit of a stir..." She turned and headed to the gate, then pulling out a sign and holding it high above her head. "So just... Keep ya guns pointed at the ground or in their satchel." She began walking down the dirt path after tossing the sign back to the small booth at the gate.

Spike and the others placed their guns on their backs following closely behind.

"Hey AJ! We got some visitors!" Big Mac yelled up to her on the cat walk above as she pulled back from the flames busting out.

"Who is it?" She yelled back, not looking away from the furnace.

"Solar Empire boys!" He grabbed his shotgun and exited the barn, lifting his gun, and walking towards them. "What do yall want? Ya already got my sisters answer."

"B-Big Mac! Put the gun down!" Spike rose his hands in defense and taking of his helmet. "I-It's me! Spike!"

"Spike?" AJ walked past her brother, pushing his gun down. "What are yall doin here? and why are you in that uniform?" It took her a moment, but she was able to put two and two together. "Spike. You didn't."

He gave a slight sigh. "I wasn't going to sit in that hospital forever AJ. You know that."

AJ seemed a bit annoyed as she twisted her face, crinkling her grease smeared nose and placed gloved hands on her hips. "That ain't the point Spike, you we're supposed to stay put! Wait it out, survive if the Empire decided to scorch the whole damn continent!"

"If I was stuck in the fucking hospital, I doubt I would even be able to get out!" He pushed his shoulders back, and chest and chin forward, hands towards his hips.

"Watch your language sugar cube." She retorted in a stern and somewhat threatening tone as she took a step towards him, straightening her back, and standing taller than him. "The point was you were safe there, you had what you needed and you had people who care about you, what do you think is goin' through their minds right now?." She paused for a moment. "What do you think Shy thinkin' right now, knowing that yer out here with the dangers of the war? She's probably sittin' in 'er office right now, bawlin' her eyes out, all because you decided ta go play soldier boy with yer friends!"

Spike's head sank as he realized what he did, Fluttershy probably was crying over him, Sweetie too. He held back tears as he looked up at the tanned woman in front of him. "I'm not playing anything. I need to get to Canterlot, and I know you can get me there."

AJ returned the gaze. "So that's what it's all about, huh?" She lifted her hand, motioning to the crumbling city that was once the elegant city of Canterlot. "It's all fer Twilight. The girl who's caused all this pain among the people."

"She didn't cause anything."

"She started a god damned war Spike!" She threw the black stained rag to the ground as she looked him in the eyes. "She caused all this Spike!" She motioned to the wreckage and scorched earth around them. "Everything here, all because she didn't want to do what she knew was right and make sure Celestia stayed in 'er place."

Spike remained silent as AJ took his shoulder. "Look at all these people Spike." He watched as the Apple family stopped what they were doing, and looked at him. "Mah family lost everything because of this war."

"I know." Spike hid his face under his helmet. "That's why I need to get to Canterlot. To put an end to this. I need to talk to Twilight.

AJ looked at him. "So.... This isn't just cause you wanna be with Twilight again?"

He nodded and smiled up at her, letting built up tears roll down his face. "I'm doing it so no one has to go through this anymore."

She smiled and pulled him into a tight embrace, tears flowing from her as well. "It's good to see ya again Spike."