• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 870 Views, 16 Comments

The mission of Buzzbot - Golden Paw

The land of Equestria has flourished under the rule of the princesses with the help of prominent minds and inspired creations. Unhappy with his lot, a pony called Tinker Track makes a scheme to change this using time traveling pony-bot called Buzzbot

  • ...

The Policy of Honesty

The three normal ponies each took turns to keep watch while the others slept. They assumed that Buzzbot would need rest and so didn't ask her to take a turn. She was grateful, didn't sleep, but was grateful nevertheless. It gave her a chance to review her thoughts in peace.

Buzz was happy that the others had stood by her, but what would happen now? Her mission was in tatters, what would the future be like now when she got back? Would she have a future to go back to?

Buzz looked to the now sleeping Twilight, she looked so odd without her wings. This younger filly didn't look all that special, though of course Buzzbot knew better. “Who knows what potential hides in every pony if given the chance?” Buzzbot chuckled to herself softly. A time travelling robot that’s seen the future I guess.

She turned her gaze to Rainbow Dash next. Dash was snoring as she slept half out of her sleeping bag, her wings out stretched either side of her. Buzz was glad to have won over Rainbow. From what Rarity and Fluttershy had told Buzz, Rainbow Dash had taken Buzz’s 'hunting' of Pinkie particularly hard.

Buzzbot assumed that was why she hadn't seen much of Rainbow Dash until tonight. Though now she thought about it she did have that sense that some pony had been following her, Buzz had put it down to always having a minder. But now she wasn't so sure.

It would make sense for Rainbow to want to keep an eye on Buzzbot after the trouble she had caused. Dash was of course renowned for her Loyalty and wouldn't let any harm come to her friends. Buzz should have counted herself lucky Rainbow hadn’t taken it into her head to do more than just watch Buzz.

Rainbow Dash was totally dedicated to the ponies she trusted, but that dedication had to be earned by action. Buzzbot chasing Pinkie Pie through the streets of Ponyville and trying to fry her with magic was a bad start to earning that trust.

Buzz would only find out later that Rainbow had been very vocal about turning Buzzbot over to the local guards. Only the tempering hooves of Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight had convinced Rainbow to give the new stranger some time to prove herself.

But there was nothing like shared adversity to bring ponies together and through the whole Trixie affair Buzz had redeemed herself in the eyes of Rainbow Dash it seemed. Buzzbot was told of how Rainbow couldn't rest until they found the lost 'Stage Cloak' once the C.M.C had told the others what had happened. Rainbow Dash could hardly be restrained once she learnt that Buzz had been zapped into the middle of the Ever Free forest.

"Can't sleep huh?" Applejack's voice carried easily over to Buzz despite it being a little over a whisper. The night almost gone now, the first hints of sunrise just peaking over the horizon. Buzz looked around and saw Applejack sitting with her back to the fire keeping a close eye on the tree line.

She saw no point in pretending so threw back her sleeping bag, trotted over to Applejack and sat down next to her. "Just not tired," Buzzbot finally replied.

Applejack nodded slightly but still didn't look away from her duty as watchpony. Buzz felt there was more to be said but wasn't sure where to start. As neither pony said anything the sounds of the forest could be heard, along with the crackling of the fire. Applejack finally did break the silence however.

"Ain't good to keep it all bottled up yer know sugar cube. I know yer got yer reasons for not telling us everything, but I can see it eating yer up from the inside." Buzzbot had feared something along the lines of a 'better out than in' talk from Applejack. Earth ponies, had that direct practical sense. It's what made them such good workers and the backbone of Equestria.

The unicorns had their horns and magic for all things mystical, the pegasus had their wings and magic over the clouds and weather. The earth ponies were the undisputed masters of tending and getting the best out of the land. It was magic at the deepest level, so natural that most ponies forgot it was actually a magic all of its own.

"Well Applejack I would tell you all the whole truth if I could, I really want to. But the truth can be hard and very dangerous. Some things are better not known," Buzzbot said, though she only half believed it herself now. There weren’t many secrets left to keep.

Applejack still didn't turn around but there was a flicker of her green eyes that told Buzz that she wanted to look her in the face for what she was going to say next, "Yer know, a huge part of friendship is trust n while you're keepin secrets from yer fiends they’re gonna find it mighty hard ta keep that trust with yer. We have so far, but that won't last forever," Applejack's voice was not accusatory, she wasn't trying to tell Buzzbot off.

It was just stating the facts as she saw them, "Mark ma words 'Iron Filly' ya will need ter lean on us some time n trying ta go it alone won’t help any pony in the end," Applejack laughed softly, "I reckon I knows about that."

Buzzbot laughed too, when doing her research on past Ponyville she had come across the 'baking-bad's' story. The hard won lessons that still hadn't been taken on by Buzzbot it seemed, but the point was made.

She’d been so worried about blowing her cover in the past that she had been trying to carry this whole mission by herself. True, Tinker Track was counting on her and the potential chaos for the future if she messed up could be catastrophic.

"Yer know when yer see Princess Celestia it's all gonna come out anyway right?" Applejack put in finally. Buzzbot knew she had a point there. Buzz had done a fine job so far of pulling the wool over the eyes of the Element Bearers, however she certainly had no chance fooling the Princesses.

"Yeah I know Applejack, but I've been keeping this inside so long. I don't know how to let it go, or if I even should? That's kind of why I thought I should just leave and let everypony forget I was here." Buzz said, trying to cry without tears, it was all getting too much again. The past couple of weeks were a bigger strain on Buzzbot than she could have imagined when she first accepted Tinker Track's assignment.

"Now just cause you've burnt yer muzzle on a hot pot don't mean y'all should keep doin it ta make sure yer learnt the lesson good," Applejack finally turned to look Buzz right in the eye to reinforce the point. Reading the confusion on a metal face with no expression was a hard feat, but the element of honesty seemed to manage it, "In other words stop beatin ya self up sugar cube, it ain't gonna help nothin." Applejack clarified.

Buzzbot laughed again, it was quiet yet still genuine, “To think I was so scared of meeting you Applejack, why didn't I come to you first I could have saved myself a whole lot of trouble.”

Buzz shook her head, "Well I think I will have to keep hold of my secrets until I’m forced to say them Applejack. Right words in the wrong place can do more harm than good.” She paused as she mulled the idea over, "Plus it's only right I tell you all the truth at once since I lied to you all."

Applejack had resumed her watch of the tree line, "Well I reckon yer know yer own business best of the hows and whens, but glad yer came to the right decision Iron Filly. Trust trust the princesses, they've been at this whole job of livin a lot longer than us n may have the right idea of what ter do."

"Thanks Applejack, I think I will, we all saw how well I managed trying to go it alone worked." Applejack put a hoof around Buzzbot's metal shoulders before replying:

"Ain't no biggie Stage, it will all work out in the end, things do when ya are honest with yerself n others." Buzzbot nodded at this sage counsel from Applejack.

"Okay....hey Applejack?" Buzz asked timidly.

A.J gave a simple, "mhm?"

"My real name is Buzzbot, but my friends call me Buzz." It felt good to her to say her real name after hiding it for so long.

"Grand ter meet yer Buzz," Applejack said with a wink, "I'm sure there's a story behind that'un huh?"

The pair’s laughter woke the other two who looked about blearily. Annoyed they had been woken and missed the joke they rolled over and drifted back off with the sounds of Buzz and Applejack chatting through what was left of the night.

The group set off before sun up and the journey out of the forest was much less eventful. The presence of four ponies put off all but the most determined beasts. The worst they encountered were some distant howls and rustling in the bracken.

They had agreed to take Buzzbot to Fluttershy's cottage instead of Ponyville, to keep a low profile. They approached the cottage just as the sun was starting to rise, the early sounds of bird song greeted them as they arrived at door. Twilight knocked smartly and after a few moments Fluttershy called out. "Just a minute!" After some sounds of movement the Fluttershy opened the door.

"Morning Fluttershy, I hope we didn't wake you?" Twilight asked with a smile.

"Oh its okay, I was already up Twilight. I thought you’d gone to look for Stage Cloak, did you find her?" Fluttershy looked hopeful.

"Yep, she was a little roughed up but we found her," With that Twilight stepped aside to show Buzzbot while saying: "Now I know she doesn't....." But before she could finish Fluttershy took one look at the robot gave out a startled 'squeak'.

"Wha....." Fluttershy trembled even as Buzzbot waved a hoof in an embarrassed but friendly fashion. Their unwilling host tried to shut the door, but Twilight was too fast for her and put a hoof in the way.

"This is Stage Cloak Fluttershy, she normally looks like that. She's still the same pony." Twilight assured

"Yeah Fluttershy, I've seen you stare down a dragon and nuzzle a raging manticore," Now you’re telling me you scared of a little metal Stage Cloak?" Rainbow Dash added helpfully.

Buzzbot rubbed her hoof on the ground feeling the blush wanting to form. This was the kind of reaction she was afraid of if she’d gone to Ponyville. To see Fluttershy, who only a few days ago was trying to nurse Buzzbot back to health, being so scared of her like this was heart breaking. Buzz wasn't sure if she should say something.

Fluttershy's manner changed instantly and she got up the courage to look properly at Buzz. "Oh Stage Cloak, what happened to you?"

Fluttershy stared at the claw marks on Buzz's flank and gasped. "What did that? Oh no Stage, does it hurt?" Fluttershy flew out of the door, all previous hesitancy gone with a pony in need of care.

"It’s fine Fluttershy really, it looks far worse than it is," Buzz spoke up for the first time since she’d arrived and Fluttershy’s face became a mask of confusion.

"Is that how you really sound?" She asked.

"Sorry f I startled you, it's really me. I just need a place to stay while Twilight sorts out a few things on my behalf," Buzz explained. She looked right at Fluttershy, "Also, my name isn't Stage Cloak. I'm so sorry I lied to you, my real name is Buzzbot. I hope you can forgive me for not telling you the truth."

"But of course you’re welcome Stage, er... Buzzbot, it’s okay, I’m sure there was a good reason why you didn't tell us all." Buzzbot felt the worry and hurt melt away at Fluttershy's kind words and would have smiled if her face could have showed it.

"Now you had best come in, would you like any food? I have some breakfast left over if you like." Buzz thanked Fluttershy for the offer of food even though she had to turn it down. With that the whole group entered the cottage. The animals that lived with Fluttershy looked up at the guests both strange and familiar before resuming their morning feed.

The only one that gave Buzzbot a second glance was Angel Bunny who seemed to recognize her opponent from the ‘prank war’ at Rarity's home despite the lack of Buzz's disguise. But the small rabbit didn't cause any trouble, no doubt still smarting from the last run in with his mistress.

The other three visitors had some breakfast too, eating quietly whilst every so often casting Buzz thoughtful glances. The meal was ‘uncomfortable’, yet Buzz felt genuine support from the ponies present.

Soon enough Rainbow and Applejack made their goodbyes, leaving Twilight to linger on and bring Fluttershy up to speed. She gasped and ‘oooed’ as Twilight told the story, frequently smiling sadly at Buzz.

All too soon however, it was time for business and Twilight got down to the job of writing to Celestia. This completed she bid them both a good day and headed off, leaving Buzz and Fluttershy alone in the cottage.

“I….er should finish my chores,” Fluttershy announced uncertainly.

“I’ll help, it’s the least I can do, “Buzz replied awkwardly.

Caring for all these animals was a daunting task and that was just Fluttershy’s own pets. Buzz quickly discovered her little home was an ad-hoc veterinarians, with ponies bringing her their troubled animals throughout the the day.

Hiding in the back, Buzz would have to wait while Fluttershy talked with the owners, only coming out when they were gone. The animals themselves were a little hesitant at first but were soon hopping around Buzz in excitement. One squirrel even offered Buzz an acorn which made her chuckle sadly.

"Thanks little guy, but you keep it. Unfortunately I can't eat acorns," Buzz told the small critter who looked crestfallen, before it gave Buzz a little hug instead and scampered off once more. Fluttershy smiled at this heartwarming scene but didn't say anything.

Fluttershy’s smile only grew as slowly but surely the collective group accepted the strange pony in their midsts. The rest of the morning passed in a pleasant way, both ponies not saying much but simply enjoying each other’s company.

Twilight came back around lunch time, and informed Buzzbot and Fluttershy that the Princesses would be sending somepony to pick up Buzzbot soon. She could see that Twilight had so many questions she wanted to ask her, but Buzz insisted that she would only reveal all when the time was right. Twilight was practically bursting with suppressed curiosity when the collection party arrived in the early evening.

Fluttershy answered the knock on the door which turned out to be a pair of bat ponies. Buzz peeked out to see Luna's guards with their bat wings and cat like eyes. Both had the dark grey coats typical of their breed and more surprisingly wore protective goggles on their foreheads.

Buzz’s memory leapt to the fore again: Negasi don't care for sun light so when out and about during daylight hours they wore protective eye gear. They both smiled uncertainly, revealing their sharp fanged teeth.

"Miss Flutter-Shy is it? We’re here for the one called Buzzbot?" Fluttershy ‘mewped’ before moving aside to fully reveal the two guards who then stepped smartly into the suddenly crowded cottage.

“I’m Sergeant ‘Night Blade’ and this is corporal Shadow Guard,” The older of the two dark ponies announced, his deep blue mane showing a little grey at it’s roots. Night Blade smiled, "Ah Miss Sparkle you're here also, that's good the princesses were hoping you could come along as well, you and all the Element Bearers."

Their smiles faded when they caught sight of Buzzbot however, "You must be the stranger Miss Sparkle mentioned in her letter." Night Blade confirmed and Buzz nodded, becoming almost as timid as Fluttershy.

"Yes sir that's me" Buzz affirmed and Night Blade cocked an eyebrow.

"Very good, the princesses extend their warmest greetings to you and ask if you will accompany us to the palace. There are things that need to be discussed in a more private setting," Shadow Guard added in a formal tone.

Without further ado the two guards led Buzz and Twilight out of the cottage with Fluttershy following close behind. Buzz was shocked to see Princess Luna herself was waiting for them, standing before two large chariots. Both were decorated in a gothic style, with bat wing carvings along with several crescent moons showing to whom they belonged.

Luna herself was tall, a darker blue against the night sky and to Buzz’s surprise was fidgeting with, excitement. She looked so young. Her wings ruffled even as she regarded Buzz with intense turquoise eyes. She had a big grin lighting up her face while a faint glow emanated from her horn. Seeing them arrive, Luna waved and the ponies bowed at the sight of her. Luna quickly motioned for them to rise.

"Ah Miss Sparkle and dear Fluttershy, it pleases me to see you again! It hath been too long!” Luna’s eyes narrowed, this must be our visitor?" The alicorn finished with a more serious tone.

"We see thou didn't embellish on the details Miss Sparkle, a most strange creature." The Princess caught herself. "I mean Buzz is really as you said she was Twilight, that's um really interesting?" Luna looked to her guards for approval and they all nodded.

"I would like you to ride with me Buzzbot, I have much to ask thee...er, you." Luna requested in a polite way and Buzzbot nodded.

"I would like that too Princess Luna, but I don't want to answer any questions until I can tell everypony at once, if that is okay?" Buzzbot asked. Luna raised an eyebrow but nodded at this.

"Very well Buzz. But don't hold out on us too long or we may lose our patience, remember you are a guest in our land and you'd do well to remember who rules here." Luna said not unkindly but with authority. The emphasis she’d put on guest implied that the word could easily be replaced with a harsher one if Buzz proved to be a threat.

"Thank you for your understanding Princess, I promise I will tell you everything as soon as I can," Buzzbot replied as she mounted the chariot beside Luna. Yet again, Buzz was amazed at how Luna looked, she was a much younger princess than in Buzz's time.

In the future Luna looked far more like Celestia, taller, powerful and regal. A star strewn mane that showed the night sky on a clear evening. The Princess now before Buzz, though impressive was but a shadow of her future self. The Luna Buzz remembered certainly didn't need to look to her guards to make sure she was using appropriate language.

Night Blade and Shadow Guard hitched themselves up to the Princess's chariot while Twilight and Fluttershy climbed aboard its fellow. Their chariot was pulled by a bat pony and normal pegasus, mares both. With a flourish Luna signaled their departure.

Buzzbot had never travelled this way before and she could instantly see the appeal as the chariots got airborne. The sun was sinking smoothly and cast the whole seen in a warm glow, the long shadows of trees and buildings stretching out below.

"Princess Luna, thank you for coming to collect me yourself, though I didn't think I would merit a royal escort," Buzz commented in a polite tone. Luna smiled a knowing smile before answering.

"Well Miss Buzz, I must admit that I didn't need to come, but by the way Twilight described you I was fascinated. A totally metal pony with independent thought who could change her appearance. You sounded like a statue come to life or like one of the golems I remember before I.....came back.” Luna’s face creased up for a moment, “I wanted a good look at you before we decide how to proceed. If all goes to plan we will arrive during dusk where both Celestia and I will be available."

Buzzbot could see the thinking behind that choice, but also felt a flutter of unease at, "Decide how to proceed?." She was under no illusion that if the Princesses deemed Buzz a real threat to their kingdom or their ponies then her stay would not end well. But these feelings quickly died down as Luna smiled again.

"Plus I love a good mystery and you Buzzbot, are the best I have seen in over a thousand years," Luna chuckled and Buzz joined in, more for the look of the thing.

"I'll er..do my best not to disappoint your highness,” faint spasms of unease rearing their ugly head at Luna’s tone.

Buzz’s concerns were unfounded it seemed. Past Equestria was a much simpler place. She marvelled at the changes that had yet to occur to bring it to the state as she knew it. There were far more fields and open spaces here as the population of ponies was smaller. Luna saw Buzz's focus on the lands below and grinned.

"It is something magical, is it not? To see the land from above like this. Celestia has done such a wonderful job of keeping the kingdom safe and united. I am very proud of her and grateful that now we can share it together," Luna informed Buzzbot with vigor, "Ah, we now come to the palace!"

As if racing up to meet them Buzz saw the glittering towers of Canterlot drawing ever nearer. Their tall spires and decorated turrets breathtakingly impressive in the starlight. What struck Buzz was just how quiet it looked. Not dull, just far more ‘mundane’ than she was used to.

Her attention was drawn back to Luna and she felt happiness welling up again. Luna, had presented Canterlot with such a dramatic flourish and enthusiasm that it made Tinker Track's displays seem half-hearted. Luna really loved her home and was eager to show it. A thousand years away certainly helped you see what was really important.

As the group landed in the castle grounds it was clear they had arrived during the shift change. Ponies of both the ‘Day Guard’ and ‘Night Guard’ filled the castle with activity.

"Now my dear friends I must attend to my duties, but will meet you in the throne room once the moon is up, I wouldn't miss this tale for the whole of Equestria,” Luna almost gabled, “Don’t you dare start it without me!" She unfurled her wings and soared up to a distant tower without another word.

As for Buzz, Twilight and Fluttershy, they found themselves ushered into a waiting room and provided with light refreshments. Buzz noted the guards all giving her curious stares. They didn’t seem terribly surprised to see a pony-bot within the halls of Canterlot. Well with everything else they get to see here I guess I’m not that amazing.

Buzz took the chance to look around the old style decorations of Canterlot and was surprised to see they were, well the same. She’d never seen inside the palace during her own time, but from what Tinker had showed Buzz she had a fair idea of the layout.

To see that it was the same in Buzz’s past as those future pictures was impressive. The white pillars, the red and gold carpets. It leant the castle an air of the ‘eternal’. Timeless and enduring just like Celestia and Luna themselves.

A voice that could only belong to Applejack broke Buzz from her revery, “Them bat winged fools don’t know one end of a cart from the other!” A disgruntled Applejack trotted into the hall, quickly followed by a concerned looking Rarity and a chuckling Rainbow Dash.

"Oh darling you look dreadful, I know that Rainbow said you had been through the mill, but my dear!" Rarity rushed over to Buzz and gave her another huge hug before leaning back and giving the robot an appraising look "And you're beautiful mane and tail, your coat! Oh no this white, black and silver doesn't suite you at all Sta.... er Buzzbot"

"Oh Miss Rarity, I’m not at my best it's true but I’ll be okay," Buzzbot managed to look sheepish despite having fixed features.

"I-knew-it-I-knew-it-I-knew-it!" All the ponies looked around to see a juddering pink blur. Pinkie Pie was so excited that she was trembling all over. Pinkie was slipping in and out of her 'Robot combo' so fast that she was a jumble of flailing limbs and frizzy hair. "Who-would-have-thought-you-were-really-called-BUZZ!" Pinkie managed to get out through her antics.

A gentle laugh was heard from the other end of the room and Princess Celestia appeared in all her glory. Buzz saw she was trying her best to keep a regal look on her face, but Pinkie Pie's actions were putting her resolve to the test.

"Oh my little ponies, it's good to see you all again. I'm sorry I couldn't deal with this issue sooner, but I do have a whole kingdom to watch over. I was confident that my prize student and her friends could keep an eye on this ‘Buzzbot situation’ until then."

The alicorn dominated the room without even trying, a slight glow coming from white her coat and her wavering multi-hued mane wafting in it own magical breeze. Now she looks like the princess that I remember. Celestia was a constant it seemed and over fifty years was nothing to one such as her. Buzz shouldn't have been surprised by this on reflection.

"Now it’s best if we head into the main chamber where we can give this whole dilemma the proper attention it deserves," With that Princess Celestia led the way into her main audience chamber.

The fear was back and Buzz fought to keep her limbs from shaking. She found herself in Celestia's council chamber, a private audience. It seemed Princesses were honouring Buzz’s request for the smallest number of ponies to be present. There were no guards, just the Element Bearers, Celestia and a very excited Luna.

"Now Buzzbot, you have the floor and we are all eager to hear the reasons for you coming to our land," Celestia announced. "You have done many things, things that are from what we have heard very underhoofed and do not encourage our trust. But we have allowed you this chance to explain yourself, largely thanks to the reports of my loyal subjects who say that you have caused no harm to our ponies."

Celestia’s face was impossible to read, Buzz had no idea if she was angry, interested or ambivalent, "Now I want you to tell us the truth then let Luna and I decide what is to be done.”

Taking another deep breath out of habit, Buzzbot began her story. The Princesses and six ponies all sat and listened intently as Buzz recounted her mission, how she was to go back in time and learn of the Elements Bearers. She took care to avoid a large number of ‘spoilers’ on future events, but explained what she could, only that which was pertinent to her mission.

Twilight and the others went through various states, from surprise to wonder and then onto suspicion. Luna and Celestia just watched Buzz however, even Luna’s excitement had died back to be replaced by the inscrutable mask of a serious ruler.

Buzzbot told them how she’d discovered real emotions and how she was terribly sorry for any harm she had caused while struggling to control them. Buzz looked almost pleadingly at Celestia and Luna as told them how her magic was shot, how her plans to gather the needed data and be away before anypony was an the wiser had come crashing down.

Buzzbot was careful to stress the importance that her visit couldn’t be widely known. That history needed to be preserved. She offered to help in anyway to fix the mistakes she had already made by failing in her mission so badly. This last offer got a raised eyebrow from Luna who looked to Celestia who still wore no readable expression.

Buzz felt the burden of keeping the truth in falling away as she honestly told these ponies what she had done and why. Soon enough the tale was done, it had taken less time than Buzz would have guessed, but felt longer than she would have believed.

To Buzz’s surprise neither the Royal Sisters or the Element Bearers had asked for any clarification on what she had said. Buzz finally bowed her head and asked for forgiveness for intruding into their time and to humbly ask for their aid.

After an awkward pause Buzz dared to turn her eyes up to the Royal Pony Sisters, where to her relief they had dropped their stern expressions and replaced them with small smiles.

"I have but one question," Princess Celestia declared. "Why didn't you just come right out and ask us? Why all this clandestine action? I am sure our little ponies would be happy to help you learn important lessons about how to be a better pony?"

Buzzbot was taken aback by the question, in all her plans and what Tinker Track had told her it had never once occurred to her that she could have just asked for the information.

"But the risk to history and......" Princess Celestia raised a hoof. "My little metal pony, time isn't so fragile that you can break it on a whim. Don’t get me wrong, there are many rules that must be respected, Star Swirl the Bearded studied the idea of time travel in depth even managed a few spells." At this Twilight's ears flattened and Buzz saw her cheeks redden.

Celestia continued on, "I have come to find that time has normally taken into account your efforts before you even start your journey and the little blunders you may do are already foreseen. Do you really think you’re the first to try Buzzbot? You certainly won’t be the last. I have seen many brilliant, if a little unwise ponies, try to do what you and Tinker Track have attempted."

Princess Celestia had a resigned look in her eyes now, "Do you not think if I could go back to fix or change things I would not have? Ponies will make their own choices one way or another. No matter how hard or often we try, history usually has a way of working itself out. Often not how we would want it."

Princess Celestia gave a sorrowful look to Luna who hung her head. "That is why any spells to do with time travel have been secured in my library."

Celestia had taken on a teacher's tone, "The most important thing we have learned in all our years in regard to time and ponies, is that the whole event seldom does more than only change the pony who does the time travelling. My faithful student Twilight can tell you about that. She tried so hard to change the future, but only really ended up learning important lessons for herself."

The co-rulers of Equestria chuckled gently, no doubt recalling other antics that ponies had gotten up to, before finishing the lecture. "So Buzzbot don't worry about time, it will take care of itself. Ponies must learn their own lessons and trying to change them with time travel normally changes the traveller far more than the intended target," Celestia reiterated.

She then moved to the point at hoof. "What we need to do now is work out what we are to do with you? The knowledge of your creation is not all that common in this time. Few would even know where to start in repairing you or sending you back to your own time. However we may be able to help you nevertheless."

Princess Celestia arose and trotted forward her horn aglow. Buzz didn't dare move. The power flowed into her as Celestia’s horn touched Buzz’s head. She felt hundreds of vital tiny changes take place all across her body before Celestia stood tall once more with a knowing smile on her face.

It took a few moments for Buzzbot to realize she could feel the magic at her core! It wasn't just giving her power, but she could move it too. Celestia had fixed her! As she reviewed her form, she discovered it wasn’t a complete repair, but enough for her to be able to disguise herself once more and to be able to send the collection signal back to Tinker Track. Buzz took great joy in assuming her guise of Stage Cloak again and even greater joy at being able to smile for real once again.