• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 871 Views, 16 Comments

The mission of Buzzbot - Golden Paw

The land of Equestria has flourished under the rule of the princesses with the help of prominent minds and inspired creations. Unhappy with his lot, a pony called Tinker Track makes a scheme to change this using time traveling pony-bot called Buzzbot

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Learning to Laugh

"What do you mean I can't come with you? It's bad enough that you insist on following me everywhere, always looking over my flank and not trusting me to go out on my own. Now you’re saying that I can't even use the time gate I built!?" Tinker Track fumed but Buzz simply stood before the gateway and watched him sadly.

"As I said before, I was created with this mission in mind Tinker. I have the skills and tools to get the job done properly," Buzzbot said. Was Tinker Track really this hot headed and foalish when he was young? No wonder future Tinker had warned me about his younger self.

"Please stop and think about this Tinker, I understand that you want to see past Ponyville and that having to stay behind feels like you're missing out. But we need a pony to keep an eye on the time gate so that once I have secured all the data, you can pull me back to this time." Why couldn’t he be logical?

Tinker Track sank to his haunches and pouted and Buzz tried a different approach, "Also it would cause a large amount of unwanted questions if you were seen in the past Tinker. What if somepony remembered you being there?”

Tinker just folded his arms and Buzz still couldn’t believe her creator was ever so young, “Well you said that everything I do has already been done, so what harm is there?”

Buzz paused for a moment, that was kind of true. Still she knew that Tinker had stayed behind, “Tinker please..” Buzz switched to a consoling voice.

Finally Tinker nodded but still looked put out, "Seems you get to have all the fun and I end up doing all the hard work," He grumbled. But the fire had gone out of his words and he sounded resigned to his role in all of this.

"Now to go over the plan one last time, I shall integrate myself into the past Ponyville, once I have acquired enough data on the Element Bearers, I'll need retrieval by you. I will send the collection signal at which point you will need to reopen the time gate so that I may return." Buzzbot explained to Tinker Track for what was now the third time.

"Yeah, yeah I got it Buzz. You'll let me know when you're ready to come back and I’ll open the portal for you, it's not that complicated, I do have some idea about how things work here." Tinker answered with a hint of impatience.

If only you knew what was ahead of you silly foal. Buzzbot mused, but that was a thought for another time, on with the mission.

Buzzbot gave the control panel a firm buck and mercifully it responded. The pair watched as the distortion field formed into a hazy image that shimmered like ripples in a pond. Through it Buzz could recognise a forest clearing with a star speckled night sky hanging over head.

Buzzbot cantered over to a monitoring machine and with a flick of her cable-tail, plugged into an output socket. She felt the target jump-point information flood into her, assuring Buzz that all was in order.

"Looks like you’ll be appearing just outside Ever Free Forest," Tinker commented with another frown. "Are you sure that's such a good landing spot? There are any number of creatures that would eat a pony in one bite in there."

"Your concern is touching Tinker but I shall be fine," Buzzbot said in what she hoped was a friendly tone. She didn’t want to push Tinker too hard and it was probable that he would perform better thinking she was actually grateful.

"Don't get all sentimental on me now Buzz, I have put a lot of time and work into you and I don't want this plan to go wrong," Tinker snipped back.

Buzz looked for all the signs: The slight frown, the quick catch of breath and mild tremble in Tinker’s limbs. He was lying, though he didn’t even know it himself. Her Tinker had explained his lonely younger days and Buzz had no doubt she was probably the closest thing to friend he had. For now.

"Of course," Buzzbot nodded as she replied "Well then I had best be on my way, expect my report soon." With that the pony-bot walked up to the distortion field, paused for a moment, stepped into image and then disappeared with a flash. The portal shrunk to a point of light before winking out.

Tinker Track let out the breath he didn't know he had been holding. Well that's it, time to wait..... his train of thought was cut off by a glowing red light on the control panel. Confused the leaned in closer, it was the recall alarm. Tinker's eyes widened, something must have gone wrong and began initiating the recall with frantic haste.

She... it had only been here a few days, yet despite how it got his hackles up over the smallest thing and talked to him like he was a total idiot, Buzz had been some of the best company Tinker had enjoyed for what felt like months. Not that he was going to let the tin can know that.

Tinker entered in the sequence to bring Buzzbot back and waited, but nothing happened. Tinker Track once again adjusted the controls and with a rising sense of panic stared at the inert time gate with mounting frustration before suddenly the answer hit him.

Buzz had told him that he would need to change the power cell after the first jump, but the suddenness of her recall signal had driven the thought clean out of Tinker's mind. He galloped back to the crate and with slightly trembling hooves carefully removed the second cylinder. Could a pack of timberwolves been waiting for her, or may be a hydra just happened across Buzz?

Tinker forced himself calm once again as he focused on the task at hoof. Carefully using his teeth, the sweating stallion removed the now spent power cell from the control panel and noted that it's green glow was gone, while the liquid inside had turned a nasty brown colour.

With as much caution as he could muster in his shaking hooves, Tinker slotted the new vial in its place and breathed a sigh of relief. Double checking all the settings were correct, Tinker turned and gave the panel a buck. He was rewarded by the time gate whining into action again. Tinker just had time to think of another ‘what if’ before the portal opened again with a "Vrumph".

Heart pounding Tinker watched as all of a sudden an orange and cream coloured blur galloped out of the portal. The blur resolved itself into a mare who took one look around with her brown eyes. He just had time to note the strange pony was a unicorn before mare grinned and embraced the shocked Tinker in a crushing hug.

"Oh Tinker it's great to see you again, I have so much to tell you about my time in Ponyville!" The voice was familiar, but this couldn’t be the same pony…. Tinker Track's vision began to grey out and he wondered if this was how his life would end, crushed in a hug by a strange pony from another time.

Finally his captor seemed to notice Tinker was turning a dangerous shade of purple and finally let him go. As Tinker began to revive he stared at the unicorn in utter confusion, "Um buzz? Is that you?" Tinker asked taking huge gasps of air.

"Well dur, of course it's me you silly colt. Who else were you expecting, Nightmare Moon?" Buzzbot rolled her eyes and only smiled wider. "I sent my recall code ahead as planned, so you should know it was me. I have come to give my report. You really need to pay more attention to your time theory studies Tinker". He looked at the new comer in total bemusement.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my pony-bot?" This was all getting away from Tinker as he stammered back to the bundle of energy in front of him. Peering past her shining brown eyes TInker saw Buzz’s cutie mark was still a mask, only now it was the thin black type that only covered a pony's eye line. The kind normally used by the hero's in old films like 'Mask of Sorian the wonderbolt avenger!'

Buzzbot had a confused look on her face, then gave herself a face hoof. With a little giggle a yellow glow surrounded her and with that flash of magic Buzz was back to her robot self. Tinker instantly saw how battered and worn the machine was. She had scuff marks, scratches and what looked like a set of claw marks on her flank. A couple of the cables from her tail ended in a frayed mess as if they had been bitten off.

Tinker just looked on in wonder as Buzzbot went on as if nothing was the matter, her damaged appearance of no consequence. "Oh don't be like that Tinker. I'd forgotten how silly you are when you’re confused. No matter, I need to get you up to speed," Buzzbot went on, still in her cheery voice. No hint of the robotic monotone from earlier. "Now there's a lot to tell you, so you had best sit yourself down and we can get started. We haven't got much time."

Buzzbot detected the movement of the time tunnel in a distant way, but then again she wasn't a normal pony. The machine's senses were not the same as living ponies. This was the first time the robot had been online when it had travelled this way.

The last time Buzz had been through a time portal was as a collection of parts. The future Tinker had assured her that she would get a warmer welcome as a ‘kit’ to be built.

A robot that was as independent as Buzz would have made past Tinker Track only more suspicious. Despite her reservations Buzz had gone along with the plan. She trusted her Tinker and things seemed to be working out as predicted.

Buzz didn't need to move or propel herself along the glowing tunnel before her, the robot was just pulled along by the flow of energy. It was difficult to describe how it felt, but Buzz reckoned it was how Tinker had described dreams. The rules of the world didn’t really ‘fit’. You could run for hours yet not get anywhere, or just be at your destination in an instant without moving at all.

In that strange manner Buzz came to exit to her journey, a shimmering hole cut into the world that floated a few feet above the ground. Passing through the opening Buzz felt gravity take hold of her and she half leaped, half floated down onto the wavering grass below.

She watched in fascination as waves of magical force buffeted the surrounding grass, bending it down in a wide ring like a crop circle. Now safely through, the portal vanished with a crack that sounded like thunder and Buzz simply enjoyed the night time sounds that drifted in from all around. I’m actually here, in the past where ‘it’ all happened!

Buzz looked back and forth scanning the landscape. Her camera eyes looking in different directions. All the data pointed to Buzz being in the right place and time. So far so good. She trotted about getting her bearings and reviewing her internal maps before orientating herself towards Ponyville.

The forest was as dark as it had been described to Buzz. But the historical records just didn’t compare to the real thing. They couldn’t capture the sights or the sounds, how the small critters darted away as Buzz approached. Nothing could replace the feeling of actually being there.

She doubted anything would want to make a meal of a metal pony, but it still paid to be careful. Buzz had to negotiate around trees, avoid patches of thick bracken and soon found herself within sight of the target village. Ponyville, the tiny hamlet of little thatched cottages where so much had occurred. Even compared to the town she’d seen with Tinker this place was tiny.

Stay focused Buzz. If she was any judge then Buzz had arrived in the early hours of the morning, the moon was waning in the sky above. Most of the ponies would be asleep right now so not a bad time to be sneaking around.

Double checking that no pony was about, Buzz changed herself. Taking on the form of a well travelled grey pony stallion with a map for a cutie mark. Satisfied that all was in order, Buzz threaded her way through the last of the trees and approached the village.

She took her time getting to know her way around. She made mental notes of key buildings, where the target ponies were know to have lived and the most likely places for her to stay. She did have old maps and data on old Ponyville, but it paid to be thorough. I’m just being efficient, it not that I don’t want to waste a single moment of this exciting trip.

Meanwhile in her room up at Sugar Cube Corner Pinkie Pie was awoken from a dream about Gummy tap dancing on a candy floss cloud. A new ‘shudder’ went through her, it lifted her off her bed and dumped her on the floor.

"Ooooh, never felt that combo before," Something new is gonna happen, something that had never happened before. The insistent feeling bounced around Pinkie’s muscles and she felt that odd tingle deep in her gut.

Mrs Cake was just unlocking the door to Sugar Cube Corner for the morning when she saw a cream coloured unicorn mare with orange well kept mane waiting outside, "Oh hello deary, it’s nice to see some pony up and eager at this time in the morning. The first batch of the day will be ready soon," With that Mrs Cake stepped aside to let the newcomer in.

"Thank you very much," Buzz said sweetly. "I have only just gotten into town today and was wondering if you would know where the best place to stay is?" The Unicorn asked with bright brown eyes aglow with enthusiasm. Buzz sniffed the air (more for effect than to enjoy the smell of freshly baked goods) and put on a big smile. "Plus that smells great, I haven't had breakfast yet so I hoped to solve both my problems in one go."

"Well you've come to the right place, we can help you with both of those," Mrs cake smiled. After a short time Buzz was chatting happily with the friendly baker and munching on some fresh bread.

"So, you have a room to rent? That's wonderful news," Buzz asked in the gaps when she wasn't chewing.

"Twenty bits a week, but that includes breakfast which is served at seven," Mrs Cake replied warmly. Buzz smiled and proffered her payment for the first week. Tinker would be a little annoyed that Buzz had borrowed his last few bits, but she would help him get more after this was done. Buzz had promised herself that, it was only to be right and proper. Not because she felt guilty, she couldn’t feel guilty she was just….

"I should be able to pay for the next weeks rent once I have started my new job." Buzz assured her new landmare, banishing the uneasy thoughts.

As this business was concluding there was an odd thudding sound from the upper rooms and both Buzz and Mrs Cake looked up to see the connecting door was open. There before them, in a pale pink coat, wearing her balloons cutie mark and topped off with a bubbly pink main was ‘Pinkie PIe’. The actual Pinkie Pie! Buzz felt elation well up in her chest.

The filly was struggling it seemed though. Her elbows and knees didn’t seem to want to obey, every so often they would just lock up and force Pinkie Pie to wobble stiffly down the stairs.

This strange behaviour bounced back and forth, alternating between her so limbs suddenly that Buzz was amazed that Pinkie didn’t just fall down the flight and land in a tumbled heap.

After several long, tense moments Pinkie finally reached the base of the stairs and to the surprise of every pony in the room (including her it seemed) she reared up on her back legs. Her fore legs had locked at right angles again. They were taking turns to move up and down in a way that could only be described as 'mechanical' and Buzz registered a sudden warning. She knows….

"Good morning Mrs Cake. I seem to have found a new combo-nation, I am still trying to discover what it means though," Pinkie said in a very un-Pinkie tone. The cold inflections and synthesized monotone wasn’t lost on Buzz.

She shook her head then grinned, "Hehehe, my voice went all silly did you hear it?" With that she trotted over to the counter as if nothing had happened. "I was woken by it last night and this new combo has been going on and off since then".

Pinkie Pie froze when she saw Buzz, she took a huge gasp and then spoke so fast it was hard to make out the words: "Are-you-new-and-when-did-you-get-here? I've-never-seen-you-before, that-means-you’re-new.Do-you-know-what-that-means?"

Buzz was about to answer when a shudder ran through Pinkie Pie again and her voice took on that odd quality again. Both Buzz and Mrs Cake watched as Pinkie reared up and looked to be performing some kind of stiff dance.

"Ah that combo is back and though I am still pleased to meet you new pony, however I do not know your name. Could you please tell me it," All this time Pinkie's blue eyes were still brimming with joy, completely at odds with her actions and Buzz wasn’t entirely certain that Pinkie wasn’t looking through her.

"Oh er, this is Pinkie Pie, she's our other tenant. She's a wonderful filly once you get to know her," Mrs Cake said with a little edge in her voice,

"Great to meet you Pinkie, I’m Stage Cloak," Buzz lied smoothly.

As if seeing the new pony for the first time Pinkie Pie snapped out of her strange movements and gave the unicorn a steely look that could have nailed Buzz to the wall, "That's really odd because I am getting such a Buzz off you, I was sure you would be called something else. I dunno. Stage Cloak just doesn’t seem to fit you at all."

Her face morphed into a big grin again, "Well I guess you should know your own name." Pinkie went on happily. "Anyway I’m sure were going to be great friends once I’ve welcomed you to Ponyville, in the proper manner of course." Pinkie babbled as her speech sped up once more, "Oh-this-is-gonna-be-so-much-fun!" With that she rushed off without another word.

"My, my, you took that better than the last pony who came to stay," Mrs Cake sounded impressed as she looked at 'Stage Cloak', but Buzz just smiled calmly despite the alarms going off in her head.

"Oh I’ve have heard of Pinkie Pie, news of ponies like her gets around," Buzz said with a brittle smile.

"That doesn't surprise me in the least deary," Mrs Cake replied as she dusted herself down, "So you were telling me why you came to Ponyville?"

"Well I want to make costumes you see, for the theatre. I used to be apprenticed to some of the fashion shops in Canterlot, but it was all a bit too 'rigid' for me. Then I heard of Miss ‘Rarity’, she has done some very interesting work and she sounded like just the pony to show me what to do. I heard all about the first fashion show she put on.”

Though ‘Hoity Toity’ declared the dressed were terrible, I said to myself, "Stage, that's the kind of bravery and innovative thinking you need to learn from!" Buzzbot's eyes twinkled with eagerness as she talked about the hopes and dreams of Stage Cloak, doing her utmost to ignore the strange thumps and rhythmic clunks coming from upstairs.

"Well I must admit I have never been in need of hired help before darling, but you certainly do have a very respectable resume for one so young," The white unicorn gave Buzzbot a searching look. Buzz had smartened herself up for the first introduction to Rarity, putting her hair into a more upright style to be in line with the upcoming trends.

"Thank you Miss Rarity, it's wonderful to finally meet you in person. Ever since I read what Hoity Toity wrote about your fashion show for your friend's Gala dresses I just had to come and meet you."

Rarity winced, pain evident in her blue eyes, but Buzzbot's eager smile never faltered, "Any pony that can pull off such a magnificent turn around with Hoity Toity must be a true fashion diva. All I ask is a chance to learn from you and I can be a great help around the shop." Buzz pressed on with a hopeful look in big round eyes. Be eager, but not overbearing. Flatter her just a little, that’s it.

Rarity tapped her hoof to her jaw in thought, “You’re certainly eager, I can work with that. You’re also willing to work for a far lower wage than most ponies would ask for.” Rarity’s face was a mix of expressions, but then she batted her purple/blue mane in just that way and Buzz knew she was in. “Well it couldn't hurt to give you a chance, I can’t go turning away such a well styled and passionate young artist now can I?”

Smile just a tiny bit, look oh so grateful… "Very well miss Stage Cloak, you're hired, but on a trial basis mind you." Rarity then added as a final note. "You may begin tomorrow, we open at nine and I expect to see you fifteen minutes before then. Is that understood?"

"Of course Miss Rarity, thank you so much for your generosity. I won't let you down," Buzz did a little curtsy just to sweeten the deal and saw Rarity’s nod of approval.

Buzz was halfway out the door when she stopped, "Oh and miss Rarity, Pinkie Pie is throwing me a welcome to Ponyville party this evening at about six, it would be an honour if you would be able to come." Buzzbot called back as she turned her head around to face Rarity again. It’s not that important, let her know she is welcome.

"Ah, you’re the new pony Pinkie was talking about in her invite. Well a celebration hosted by Pinkie Pie for my new student? But of course my dear I would be delighted to attend." Rarity assured and Buzz made a mental tick.

Nodding happily she made her way out of the shop and into the pleasant sunshine outside. Everything is falling into place. Pinkie was ahead of Buzzbot, having invited Rarity already and it was a good bet that she’d sent invitations to the other Element Bearers too. If you want to get every pony in one place and in a good mood, look no further Pinkamena Diane Pie.

Buzz's welcome to Ponyville party was in full swing and Buzzbot was only realising just how many ponies were focused on her. It was thrilling know she was fooling them so easily. Buzz couldn’t let up though, Pinkie Pie was swinging wildly from bouncy ‘party pony’ to ‘machine’ shudder all the time now. Surely somepony is suspicious?

But they weren’t, Buzz could hardly believe the way all the ponies about didn’t even give Pinkie Pie a second glance. In Buzz’s time if Pinkie was shaking everypony took note. It was more effective than precognition spells and Buzzbot was keenly reminded just how famous the Element Bearers were compared to here and now.

Shaking this off, Buzzbot focused on the mission; gathering the data needed from all of the ‘Elements’ at once. See how they act, their needs and weaknesses. Things that could be… Her study was interrupted as a large blindfold was placed over Buzzbot’s eyes.

Recovering quickly Buzz heard the cheerful encouragement of Pinkie Pie in her ear, “Time to pin the tail on the pony Stage Cloak!” It seemed data collection would have to wait. Buzz felt herself being spun round and round. Before long all the ponies in the room were roaring their support.

Spinning Buzz was pointless, her internal compass kept her perfectly orientated, also the blindfold wasn't truly up to the task. But she needed to play the role given her, so Buzz made a great show of stumbling into a chair before correcting her course and pinning the tail about mid way up the picture’s back. The ponies all cheered her 'valiant' effort before she was whisked away to another game.

Time and time again Buzz attempted to begin her studies of the six legends of Equestria's history, but then another aspect of the party would carry her off. This was fine, Buzz could simply… Then to her surprise Buzzbot found she was actually having fun.

Buzz couldn’t put a hoof on the exact moment, they had played a few more party games, danced and pretended she’d to eat the food. (A much more complex act for an equine that didn't really have a mouth than you would first have thought.) But despite this ‘setback’ Buzzbot was actually having fun. As the party began to wind down she pondered this strange effect.

She had all the programming to imitate laughter, a convincing smile or a cheerful pair of eyes. Yet this was different, this was coming from within her and Buzzbot wasn't aware of any lines of code that would cause her to feel anything.

She, she was having fun and she felt like laughing for real. Before Buzz knew what she was doing she felt herself laughing, it started small but grew in volume as she watched the crazy antics of Pinkie Pie entertaining Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake, her new landmare's twin foals.

It was ridiculous, Pinkie Pie wasn’t even being that funny if Buzz was any judge. But the bubbling need to express the feelings welling up inside her wouldn’t be stopped. It had nothing to do with programming, nor did it fit into Buzz’s plan. She simply had to Laugh.

All of a sudden Buzzbot realized what she was doing and she froze. Buzz glanced about to see if anypony had noticed her odd behaviour, but the rest of the ponies in the party hadn't given her merriment a second thought. What is happening to me? All of her existence Buzz had been in full control of her thoughts and actions. It was the way she was programmed.

The emotions the robot had portrayed were just that, a portrayal and definitely not genuine. She could mimic pony emotions so well that it was second nature to her. But she had never felt for real. Had she?

Reasserting her control, Buzz looked about the room and the courtyard before her. All the ponies were having fun and enjoying themselves. Buzzbot had been so caught up in these new thoughts that she hadn't even realized that most of the Element Bearers of had already left the party.

Only Pinkie Pie remained and Buzz had missed a big chance. She hadn't even noticed. Another sensation began to well up from her core, one that was not pleasant. She understood it by the reactions she was programmed to imitate: The furrowed brow, the slight frown and she could put a name to the feeling with those actions. It was doubt.