• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 873 Views, 16 Comments

The mission of Buzzbot - Golden Paw

The land of Equestria has flourished under the rule of the princesses with the help of prominent minds and inspired creations. Unhappy with his lot, a pony called Tinker Track makes a scheme to change this using time traveling pony-bot called Buzzbot

  • ...

That most elusive Element: Magic

“So, what you going to do now Stage?”

Buzz was shaken away from watching scenery zipping past the train window by the question. After taking a moment to come back to the here and now she smiled back at Pinkie Pie. Buzz had hardly registered their short journey back to the Canterlot train station, her head full of possibilities.

Time was more stable than Tinker had guessed and Buzz felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She could stay in the past and do it just for fun. She could watch history unfold and be there for it to happen. It was liberating in the extreme and Buzz could hardly believe the sense of peace now flooding her systems.

She looked at Pinkie with new eyes, all of those enigmas and contradictions wrapped up in a harmless looking soft pink body and saw her as if for the first time. Buzz tried to put it into words, but as Discord had warned it was just unexplainable. Like trying to describe colours to those without eyes or the flavour of sugar to a pony without taste. Buzz understood Pinkie now, but try as she might the words just wouldn’t come.

Snapping back Buzz realised she’d been grinning at Pinkie in a distant manner and still hadn’t answered her question, “I think I’d like to visit some of the sights, chat with ponies and generally be a tourist for once.” Buzz smiled in a knowing way and felt her mind firing in new and pleasant ways.

Pinkie simply nodded in response, “I understand.”

“Now, now, Stage. You still have a job to do remember,” Twilight whispered eyeing the batpony guard who had accompanied them on the return journey. Remembering herself Buzz nodded, this was now a working vacation. She still needed data on Twilight, nor was she completely free of supervision either.

Buzz wasn’t surprised that the Princesses would send someone to keep tabs on things, but looking at the roughed up stallion in question she began to have second thoughts. Shadow Guard had slunk onto the train with a gloomy air, the protective shades he wore failing to hide a nasty shiner that looked suspiciously like the shape one of Applejack’s sturdy hooves, raising several eyebrows.

If he was truly meant to be her minder then he was doing a terrible job of it, curling up in the darkest corner of the carriage before drifting off to sleep. Buzz looked through her own accounts on Applejack and grinned. Ah, a story for another time.

“I still have lots of tests to run on you as well,” Twilight’s enthusiasm cutting through Buzz’s revery again and she felt a slight pang of unease. Ah yes that, still have to be somewhat careful.

“Well it seems only fair that if I learn about you then you get to know a few things about me,” Buzz murmured half heartedly. “But nothing too um...futurey alright. Best not push our luck huh?”

“Of course,” Twilight added with a look that Buzz didn’t like one bit.

Once the train arrived at Ponyville station the group were greeted by Spike, whose young slitted eyes lit up when he saw them, "Twilight your back, how did it go in Canterlot?" the baby dragon asked as he gave Twilight a big hug.

Buzz had to do a double take when she saw the little purple dragon, his green eyes aglow with youth. He was tiny. Buzz could hardly believe that this little ball of scales would one day darken the sky with his mighty wings, have talons the size of a pony and...and…. it was just mind boggling.

"It went fine, we saw the princesses and got everything all sorted out. Stage Cloak will be staying with us a few more days before she goes home." Twilight looked over to Buzz and shared a knowing smile. Twilight hadn’t shared the truth of Buzzbot with Spike, the smaller number of people who that knew the truth the better.

"Dash said that you had some trouble with timberwolves in the forest? But you managed to fight em off all by yourself?" Spike asked holding his little claws up to his cute little nose.

Buzz could only blink in astonishment, "Well I wouldn't say I fought them off, more held them at bay Spike." Buzz said staring wide eyed at the chubby cheeked reptile before shaking her head with tiny smile.

"Yeah but they learnt not to mess with us ponies again!" Dash said. Buzzbot was cheered by the support.

"I had best head over to Sugar Cube Corner," Buzz noted, "I still owe the Cakes last week’s rent."

"But ‘Stagie’, you didn't even go back there for the last week?" Pinkie asked in confusion. It was true, with all that had happened with Trixie and her short visit to the Ever Free forest, Buzz hadn't set hoof in the Cakes home for about six days.

"Yeah but they still held the room for me all that time, I wouldn't want to leave em hanging," Buzz looked at Rainbow Dash and Applejack who both nodded at the sentiment.

"Yep, gotta pay your dues," Applejack confirmed and to Buzz’s surprise looked back to the train with a pained expression. Shadow Guard was just gettin stepping onto the platform.

Buzz looked to Applejack with a curious expression only for her to blush, "I'll tell y’all later, let’s just say I’m making up fer summit." Applejack’s face shone as she saw a big red stallion and….no it couldn’t be…. that pink bow in her mane and that yellow coat. Buzz blinked, not believing that it was actually Applebloom.

She hardly noticed Applejack introducing Shadow to her siblings, Buzz’s attention riveted to the little foal who would become arguably the best….. Buzz shook her head, no not the time.

"I'll cover you Stage, you've been through enough and the outfits you helped me make were more popular than expected, consider it a pay raise," Rarity added, drawing Buzzbot's attention back to her own conversation. "Plus I think you're wanted by Twilight, she has a lot of questions she’s eager to ask you."

Rarity finished by tilting her head towards Twilight. Buzzbot couldn't say she was all that happy to fall into the clutches of Twilight's endless curiosity, but what else could she do? She owed her at least some answers.

"Thank you Rarity, but I would....." Rarity held up a hoof to Buzzbot, stalling any argument.

"I insist Stage, my duty as a lady compels me to aid those who have fallen on harder times," She added batting her mane in that way she did. With her last excuse countered, Buzz nodded thankfully before following Twilight to the Golden Oaks Library.

Twilight lead Buzzbot down into the basement while Spike went into the kitchen to start making dinner, “I don’t see why you had to leave me behind Twilight, I could have been of help,” Spike scolded and Buzz couldn’t help but smile, he’s so cute.

“I needed you to keep an eye on things here Spike,” Twilight replied with a knowing look at Buzz before she ushered her down the stairs.

“I...er that’s right!” Spike saluted and Buzz just shook her head in disbelief before Twilight closed the door and continued downwards.

The room below was full of all sorts of analytical equipment. Some Buzzbot recognized as precursors to the machines she had seen in the future. Even at this point of history Twilight was at the very pinnacle of technological advancement. It made Buzzbot smile. Oh Miss Sparkle, if you only knew.

Once they were settled in, Twilight went to work. "I hope you don't mind Buzz but I would love to get some data on you. How you were made, what you’re made of, how you even work. This is so exciting!" Buzz grimaced, afraid that this very thing would happen. Giving Twilight a little information had only increased her curiosity rather than satisfy her.

Is this where Twilight first got the idea for T.C.A.P and other machines like me? The thought was sudden and Buzz thought back to Celestia’s explanation about time travel. Was Buzz simply being here leading Equestria down a path of mechanical advancement it was never meant to have? Or was that the very thing that made the future as she knew it happen? After this I’m done with time travel, it’s too complicated.

In the end Buzzbot guessed that Twilight knew too much already and it wouldn't hurt to know a little more and therefore let Twilight take her readings. She found herself hooked up to lots of archaic devices. Well to me they’re very olden day, Twilight probably thinks they’re top notch and modern.

"Sooo, you’re made of metal and you’re powered by magic, Interesting....." Twilight cantered around the room checking dials and readouts. "I am guessing that your shape shifting powers are based on changeling concepts right?"

Before Buzz could respond Twilight's questions took off on another tangent, "How do you keep yourself charged? How do you even think for yourself?" Buzz could only begin to answer some of these questions before Twilight rammed a head monitor on her that looked suspiciously like a colander with blinking multi-coloured lights attached.

"Hmmm you don't have a brain like other ponies, well that's to be expected too I guess." Twilight mused as she read the results. She was taking notes at such a pace that Buzz feared the paper might smoulder then catch fire from the friction.

The next probing found Buzz being subjected to the tender attention of a large set of callipers, which Twilight used to measure Buzzbot's head size, width of her eyes and the length of her jaw. It went on and on. After her initial burst of enthusiasm Twilight finally calmed down somewhat.

“Remembered I’m a pony and not just a test subject huh?” Buzz asked a little harsher than she’d intended.

Twilight gave a little cough before continuing, "So this Tinker Track, he sounds like a very skilled pony. I mean you told us he made you so he must be well versed in engineering?" Ah, another hard question, Buzzbot shook her head a little thankful that Twilight was too engrossed in her notes to see Buzz’s dismay.

"The Tinker Track that made me is a very good pony, probably the best worker of his age when it comes to ponies like me. But the last Tinker Track I last saw had a few more lessons to learn," Buzz finished diplomatically.

Twilight scribbled down the last few details before unhooking Buzz’s head gear. Buzzbot had to admit Twilight lived up to her reputation for magical power. The whole laboratory was sizzling with arcane might and Twilight was at the centre of it all, moving things about with almost no effort it seemed.

"So um, just what exactly did Tinker expect you to do in the past? Surely you could have just talked to us in the future and saved yourself a whole lot of trouble?" Twilight pointed out.

"Things haven't been all that good between Tinker and yourselves in the future; a few disagreements over policy and..." Buzz trailed off as she had come dangerously close to revealing some ‘spoilers’ about the future.

"He thought the subtle approach would be best, and if I am being honest he was desperate to try out his time machine," Buzz finished with a little laugh. If Twilight was aware of this small deflection onto firmer ground by Buzz then she didn't show it.

"I've had a little practice at time travel, it was hard and didn't last anywhere near as long as you have been here. I would love to know how you managed it," Twilight asked longingly.

Buzzbot had to call it there. "Sorry Twilight that's a big spoiler. I told you I can't go around telling ponies all about the future."

She saw Twilight’s lip tremble but Buzz was sure it was for the best. "All good things come to those who wait," She smiled in return. "But I can assure you it isn't dull," Buzz concluded. Twilight simply frowned.

Buzzbot changed the topic before Twilight could have a chance to question her again, "So you have an adapted version of your memory spell right? You’re willing teach it to me?"

Twilight looked more than a little put out that she didn't get told what she wanted and now Buzz was asking for information from her in turn. Seeing her face fall Buzz chuckled, "Aww don't be like that, I let you have your scans and tests didn't I? Fair's fair?"

"Yeah you're right, I just really don't like not being able to understand something." Twilight agreed with a little smile.

"You and I both, but I promise that you will do in time," Buzz assured Twilight who glanced suspiciously at Buzzbot again.

"Right...." Twilight replied, but her eyes told Buzzbot her mind was turning over all Buzz had said. No doubt trying to decipher the clues she’d been able to wring out of Buzz’s guarded answers.

After dinner was finished Spike disappeared upstairs with a simple, “Good night,” and left Buzz and Twilight practising the memory spell. Twilight was a good, if a little impatient, teacher. Even though Buzz was put together differently the process by which she applied her magical talent was similar to that of unicorns.

Once Buzzbot had the basic concept they trained by using flash cards. Each pony, one alive and one machine, would write down a number on a card then try to give that knowledge to the other by magic. Not by words but by taking the memory from their own mind and showing it to the other.

It was hard work for Twilight, even with more practice in this kind of magic. The memories would often come through only partially or not at all. Buzzbot had it worse, but for very different reasons. The idea of moving data from one 'mind' to another wasn't new for her.

She had linked up with stand alone vessels of knowledge before, now the trouble was knowing when to stop and only give what was intended. The fact that Twilight was 'more curious than a cat' as Applejack would put it for the knowledge of the future didn't help. Twilight’s mind practically screamed for the information.

Buzzbot was thinking she had gotten the hang of the spell when a call from up the stairs of "Whooo!" announced the arrival of Owlowiscious, Twilight’s pet owl. Buzz's concentration slipped and she gave Twilight more memory than intended. Gah hayseed, what has she let slip? She checked through the lines of code and her mind froze.

Oh no not that. It was only a little image, but Twilight's mind had caught it and pulled it in like a timber wolf with a free meal. It was a simple drawing of the four famous alicorns of Equestria. It was only the silhouette, each pony in a different colours, white, dark blue, pink and of course purple. But the implication of that picture was clear, at the moment there were only three well known alicorns in the land. This image showed there were four.

Twilight blinked and fell back on her haunches with her mouth open, "Whu....what?" Buzzbot glared at Owlowiscious even though she knew it wasn't his fault. The owl just watched the pair of ponies without comment.

"I think that's enough for today," Buzz announced quickly before Twilight could ask about the information now in her mind. Buzz then made a fast move towards the stairs up to the main floor of Golden Oaks.

Buzz wasn't going to get away that easily, "Oh no, you can't let me see something like that and then just go!" Twilight almost shouted with a mix of shock and confusion once she had recovered.

With a flash of magic she had placed herself between the door and Buzzbot. "Four! Four alicorns, what aren't you telling me!" Her raised voice caused Owlowiscious to take off from his perch to fly around the room in agitation.

"Twilight what’s going on down there?" Spike's worried call came.

Buzzbot face hoofe,. "Twilight you weren't meant to see that, best you just forget about it." Buzz needed to stop this before it got out of hoof. "It's just a little foal's drawing that I came across and isn't important." The robot half lied, but she could see that it wasn't working on Twilight.

"Oh no you’re not worming your way outta this one Buzz, that's something really big you’re not telling me, and I want to know!" Twilight just wasn’t giving up.

Both Twilight and Buzz heard a knock on the door upstairs and Twilight's attention wavered. "Spike get the door!" Twilight shouted and Buzzbot seized her chance. Before Twilight could complete any spell or bar her further Buzz was out and had closed the door.

"I can't Twilight I’m in the bath!" Spike called back as Buzzbot quickly looked about for a way out. There was a window open above Twilight's bed (Probably how Owlowiscious came in). Using her now restored magic Buzzbot took just a moment to wedge the door with a handy chair before racing up stairs. The knocking on the door came louder this time and mixed with Twilight's battering hooves on own her workshop's door.

Thinking quickly Buzz dismissed the window and instead headed for the front door. Wrenching it open she quickly barged past the awaiting mail pony and tore off into the night. So intent was she to get away that Buzz didn’t give a second thought to why a message was being delivered to Twilight at this late hour.

She therfore didn’t see an angry Twilight appear before the startled delivery pony and practically snatch the packet from his surprised hooves. Nor the book and letter that were revealed and the instant effect it had on Twilight.

Dear Twilight,

The spell contained on the last page of this book is Star Swirl The Bearded's unfinished masterpiece.......”

Buzzbot galloped as fast she could to Sugar Cube Corner. That was too close, thankfully Mrs Cake was only just locking up when Buzz came into view.

"Ah deary I heard you were back in town, my is something the matter?" She asked but Buzz shook her head before smiling. The happy mask back in place and all the worry gone from her brown eyes.

"No Mrs Cake, I was just worried I wouldn't have gotten back in time before you closed up," Buzz cringed inside at the ease with which she slipped back into lying. Not the lie itself, but more that it was required, just how natural it was to do again. It had been so good to be truthful for the last few days and it hurt to revert to covert methods once more.

"Ah that's alright then deary, you're in plenty of time Stage and there's even some cakes left over from today if you'd like," She smiled warmly as Buzzbot trotted through the door. "Oh and miss Rarity came by and paid the rent, I would give her a big thank you if I were you Stage."

"Thank you Mrs Cake, I’ll sort it tomorrow," Buzz answered in a tired voice, before heading off to her room. She threw herself on the bed and covered her head with her pillow before letting out a short scream of frustration. Just when things were going so well!

Buzzbot turned over and stared at the wall as she reviewed the latest slip up. Time is tougher than you think Celestia had told her. "I really hope she's right, I may have just let slip one of the biggest events in Equestrian history," Buzz told the wall in frustration, all she could do now was wait and see.

Only a few doors down Pinkie Pie didn't sleep well, her mind was full of the sounds of chickens, cows and the images of drain pipes that needed fixing. There was a tiny flash from her flank that had become uncovered by her tossing and turning. Where she had previously had three party balloons there were now three red apples.

Buzzbot was feeling more at ease by the morning, Twilight thankfully hadn't tried to force her way into Sugar Cube Corner. Buzz was just beginning to hope she’d gotten away with her last slip up. Making sure her disguise was properly in place Buzz opened her door to find Pinkie Pie was already up and about. This surprised Buzz as it was very early and the sun was only just coming up.

"Morning Pinkie Pie, sleep well?" Buzzbot asked.

Pinkie gave her a bemused look before answering, "Well I reckon I did, but I think I slept in. My chores will be needing doing"

Buzzbot blinked, that was Pinkie's voice and Pinkie's face, but the words didn't match up. "Um Pinkie, what chores?" Buzz also noticed that the normally curly mane of her friend was straight and missing its fuzziness, not a good sign at all.

"Well dur," Pinkie said as if that was a silly question. "On the farm of course, chickens need feeding and trees bucking you know?" Buzzbot's eyes went wide and her pupils grew to fill the whites of her eyes. What happened to Pinkie Pie? Surely if I had messed up that badly the effects wouldn’t be felt this soon?

"Pinkie you don't work on a farm, you’re a baker and a party pony?" Buzz corrected quietly.

"Since when?" It was Pinkie's turn to look confused, "I've been working on Sweet Apple Acres since my cutie mark appeared Buzz, you're such a silly filly sometimes." With that Pinkie Pie turned and began trotting down the stairs, but not before Buzzbot caught sight of her cutie mark.

Buzz was stunned for a few moments before it sunk in. That's today?! She had totally lost track of what day it was. Well even if she had let slip about the impending fact that a new alicorn was soon to be found in Equestria, it seemed time had pre-empted her once again.

Feeling a huge surge of relief she followed Pinkie Pie down the stairs. Today was going to be a little crazy and having caused enough trouble already Buzzbot decided it was best to wait this event out.

It was interesting to see some of the mayhem caused by switching the roles of major ponies of Ponyville, even if only for a day. She sat in Sugar Cube Corner as Fluttershy, now showing Pinkie's balloons cutie mark tried to make the crowd laugh with no success.

It melted Buzz's heart to see her struggle so, but she mustn't involve herself. A pony couldn't step outside and not see what the weather was doing either. A checkerboard pattern covered the sky as Rarity did her best to arrange the clouds in a pretty pattern. It was very odd to be hit by snow and blazing sunshine at the same time.

Buzzbot looked in on Applejack trying to make dresses. it was a sight to move the heart all but the most hardened pony. Though she longed to help, once again Buzz had to take a back seat. Twilight needed to solve this problem herself. She waited in the bushes near Carousel Boutique until Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash came to save the day.

Making sure she was hidden from sight Buzz then followed a safe distance behind the growing group. By the time they had come to 'fix' Pinkie Pie, Buzzbot had mixed in with the crowds so she could see the feats the future princess pulled off.

Buzz cheered with all her voice along with the rest of the ponies when Pinkie got up with silly nose and glasses on. The happy mood was back in Ponyville and celebrations were in order. But that was just the start.

As the six element bearers made their way back to the Golden Oaks library dusk was falling. Buzzbot was outside peeking in through a window as Twilight finished a journey she had started so long ago and vanished in a sphere of light.

Buzz felt privileged to be able to see such history in action, but this was a moment for these ponies and not her. Soon the good news would be all over Equestria and with a slightly sad feeling Buzzbot realized her own time in the past was fast coming to an end.

The coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle taught in history books was a pale shadow in comparison to attending it in person. Buzz found a place near the back of the main palace state room where such events as Shining Armour's wedding had taken place.

However this event was for the youngest Sparkle family member this time. Once Princess Celestia had finished her announcement, Buzzbot watched with delight as Twilight, her new wings and all came in escorted by guards and banner bearers. Now that's more like the Princess that I know. Everypony was so proud of Twilight, she really had earned this reward and Buzzbot knew it was only the start of many great and beautiful things in store for Equestria.

As the royal party moved out onto the balcony Buzzbot let the enthusiastic ponies follow their new princess, herself hanging back. She was contented with all she’d gotten to see, if a little melancholy.

"Well she does make a fine sight with those wings and all, should have known the unicorn had great things ahead of her after defeating me," Buzzbot turned around and to her amusement saw Discord's head poking around a pillar. He stepped out along with a lilac filly with a cheery expression. Buzz didn't recognise her at first and it took seeing the little propeller hat to let the penny drop.

It was Screwball, but the madness was mostly absent from the ponies pale blue eyes and her mane was well kept. Discord continued with his musings, "Well I may have guessed it after restoring Luna to her lovely, if much duller self, but you never can tell with ponies like Twilight now can you."

"I'm surprised the Princesses let you out Discy," Buzzbot commented still watching the events resolving on the castle balcony ahead.

Discord actually looked hurt by that, "My dear Buzzbot, I’m now a reformed member of Equestrian society. I am allowed all the privileges of any other pony while in the Royal Sister's lands." Discord grinned to himself before dropping the pained expression before and going on, "Plus I am actually here in an official capacity, events like this bring out the best and how should I say it, most ‘mischievous’ side of ponies."

Buzzbot grinned back. "Well I can't wait to hear what fun you have planned, all above board of course?"

It was Screwball who answered this time. Her voice abnormally well toned with a slightly musical quality, "Yes Buzz, there are a number of 'after the main celebration' parties that we're catering for."

Buzzbot nodded, and was pleased to see that Discord’s way of helping mentally disturbed ponies seemed to be working for Screwball. There was only a tiny hint in the way she looked at you, otherwise you would never know she was Discord's number one assistant at his clinic. A job she was very proud of it seemed.

Screwball beamed with a happy grin as Discord picked up the conversation again, "So how's it all working out with Pinkie Pie having a permanent place in your head my dear Buzz? I couldn't miss the chance to see you and check up on your progress."

Discord then sighed and with a flick of his eagle's claw produced five bits which he handed to Screwball, "Well my dear Screwball seems you’ve won this round". Buzzbot raised an inquisitive eyebrow at this.

"I was betting with daddy Discord that you would be fine, he reckoned you would have melted by now, or at least been joining us at work. Shame really I think you would make a great addition to the team," Screwball informed Buzzbot with a slight frown. Buzz laughed in an uncertain way, not sure if she was happy about the idea.

"Don't take it too hard Discy there is still time huh?" Buzzbot consoled, trying to cover the worry in her mind.

"Indeed, and speaking of time when are you heading back to your own my dear?" Discord asked. Buzz didn't ask how the creature knew of her plans, but he'd had ample opportunity to rummage in her brain so his knowledge didn't surprise her all that much.

"Once the main coronation is done," Buzz told the pair, "I only really have my 'farewells' to make, and to get the Element Bearers promise that they won’t breathe a word of me being here to anypony."

"Well I wish you a safe trip little Buzzbot, I don't think me attending your farewell would be a good plan. Plus you know how it is now, busy, busy, busy." Discord extended his lion’s paw to Buzz who took it with a little smile.

"See you in about say fifty years?" Buzzbot said and nodded to Screwball who gave a little wave good bye.

"Oh I’m not going anywhere my dear, I’m far too involved now and just can't step away. So much organised chaos to sow," Even Discord had to laugh at the absurdity of that. He went on after his chuckle died down. "So you may count on it Buzzbot, I hope to earn a few more bits next we meet so do your best to let things run wild in that little head of yours huh?" Discord gave a slight bow and with a snap of his tail the draconequus and Screwball were gone.

It was evening before all the Element Bearers and the Royal Pony sisters could get away from the busy events of the day. They met in the small council room and Buzzbot was a little sheepish when Twilight came in, they still hadn't resolved the issues from a few days ago.

It turned out Buzz needn't have worried. She bowed to the new alicorn but Twilight just gave her a big smile. Without waiting for Buzzbot to regain her hooves Twilight rushed over.

"Buzz, I was worried you had missed everything!" She closed the distance and gave Buzzbot a hug. Twilight wobbled a bit, not used to the extra weight of her wings. But with Rainbow Dash, the other princesses and a little help from Fluttershy meant she would get the hang of them in no time.

"What and miss you getting your wings? No chance." Buzz assured her, "Sorry about the other day, you know I couldn't tell you but it seems everypony knows the good news now." Buzzbot saw Celestia wink over Twilight's shoulder and Luna laughed softly. The tender moment done Twilight released Buzz. With a timid smile Twilight moved and stood alongside Luna who was the next pony to speak, this time with an official tone:

"Buzzbot, visitor to our time, we assume you have gotten all that you came for?" Buzz nodded and bowed once again to the alicorns both old and new.

"I have, your majesties thank you so much for letting me complete my assignment. I hope that I have not intruded too much upon you all." Buzzbot raised herself up and looked into the eyes of the other ponies in the chamber. Their smiles and expressions told her that she hadn’t. "You know I have one more thing to request before I leave," Princess Celestia raised a hoof, saving Buzz the trouble of asking it.

"We understand Buzzbot, the events of you coming to our time need to be kept just between us until the right moment. I have said before that time is a much more stable force than most ponies give it credit for. Still it's best not to rock the boat without good cause. Therefore we will tell no one of these events until you deem it right for us to do so."

Celestia glanced to Pinkie Pie and grinned, "Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye!" They all promised in unison. This was done with varying degrees of solemnity. From Applejack and Pinkie Pie who were totally serious to Luna and Rainbow Dash who's eyes were tearing up with the effort of not laughing.

Buzzbot let out a long, genuine laugh and moved to hug each pony in turn. "Thank you all so much, you don't know how much this means to me! I look forward to seeing you all when I get back."

With all the formal parts of the meeting concluded Buzz moved back to the centre of the room. She gave a little wave before she ignited her horn and sent the recall signal to Tinker Track. Almost instantly a distortion formed above her and Buzz was lifted into the air before with final, "Take care of yourselves!" she was gone.

The room was quiet for a few moments before Rainbow Dash piped up, "I still say we should have asked her the results for the next few Wonderbolt derbies. We could have made a fortune!" The laughter that came from the chamber startled some of the birds outside and caused the guards on the door to look at each other then shrug.

Author's Note:

Righty oh on the home straight now. This chapter was nice to write and I have to admit I am a little sad that this story is rounding up now. But don't worry still have lots of loose ends to tie up. The next chapter promises to be the biggest one yet with a lot of points resolved. Thank you all for sticking with the story this far I really appreciate people taking the time to read and hope you have liked it. As always please feel free to leave feed back/ideas and though I can't promise to answer all of them I will certainly read them and take it on board.