• Published 29th Apr 2013
  • 870 Views, 16 Comments

The mission of Buzzbot - Golden Paw

The land of Equestria has flourished under the rule of the princesses with the help of prominent minds and inspired creations. Unhappy with his lot, a pony called Tinker Track makes a scheme to change this using time traveling pony-bot called Buzzbot

  • ...

From history, to the Now and Beyond

The last few days of Buzz's stay were mostly taken up with finalising loose ends. For one thing there was the time gate. Twilight had insisted that it be moved to T.C.A.P's experimental wing to be stored along with some of the other more exotic creations. It would not do to have something like that left unprotected, plus its technology was still ahead of its time.

The other main event which Pinkie Pie insisted on was of course the 'Tinker's got his job back' party. The celebration was held at Sweet Apple Acres, one of the last 'All Natural' farms about these days and the food produced there was now a household name. Their success meant that the farm was far larger, allowing the Apple family to comfortably host the event among the flourishing trees.

Buzz therefore found herself swept along one of the lantern lit paths by throng of guests, ponies of all shades, colours and breeds made their way towards a massive pavilion. Buzz looked about at the other merry makers and admired the minor dynasty that had resulted.

The Element Bearers had been busy in the years Buzz had been away. Life had moved apace and each had found love and companionship, all but Twilight it seemed. The invitations had said friends and family, that had been the plan but that simple phrase encompassed a staggering number of ponies.

Buzz caught sight of Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom. All had grown into fine mares and had finally gotten their cutie marks. The image of those three little foals was still fresh in her mind and it took a quick double take to recognise them all grown up.

Buzz found herself absentmindedly humming one of Sweetie Belle’s tunes. Now a highly regarded singer, Sweetie’s talents on the stage were recognised across the all the major cities of Equestria. Even now Sweetie was showing off a dazzling frock, no doubt one of Rarity's sought after designs.

By her side was a nondescript stallion called ‘Smooth Plane’, a humble builder and construction pony with a tanned coat and darker mane. He was tucked into a snappy suit and wore a lost expression on his gentle face, much like a fish out of water and Buzz suspected he wasn’t used to such ‘high society’ gatherings.

Rumor was they’d first met during a charity build. Smooth Plane using his talents to put up a new schoolhouse. It was all over Canterlot gossip circles for months how they thought Sweetie had married beneath her status. It was generally believed Sweetie Belle could have had her pick of the crowd and had left many confusedly muttering at her choice. Sweetie Belle being Sweetie Belle didn't care one bit, much to the delight of all who knew her well.

Coming up behind in no small hurry was Scootaloo. Of the three original C.M.C members she was the only one still single, claiming that to get tied down would only hold her in back stated goal to climb the ranks of the Wonderbolts. She had turned down more than a few stallions that had shown an serious interest in her.

A talented stunt performer in her own right, Scootaloo pursued her dreams with even more vigour than Rainbow Dash had shown to get into the Wonderbolts and her ambition didn’t end there: She aimed to be their team captain. Buzzbot wasn't alone in hoping she would find the right stallion some day and there was time yet. If Rainbow could settle down then there was definite hope for Scootaloo.

Oh and here was Applebloom, Striding forward with assurance and purpose. Buzz smiled to see the confident mare she’d become. Her creative talents had led Applebloom firmly into the hooves of T.C.A.P. Engineer and all around tinkerer she’d helped lay the foundations for the new institute, making several of the first magic driven machines for the ‘new science’. Precursors to some of the components that made up Buzz herself were Appebloom’s work.

Applebloom had her sister's stubborn streak though so despite her looks and talents, Applebloom had found it hard to find a suitable stallion to settle down with. In the end it had been the little 'Pipsqueak' (well not so little now) who had finally won her heart over.

Buzz watched the mottled white and brown stallion deep in conversation with his wife, no doubt talking about some project or another. ‘Pip’ was bit of odd job pony himself and they complimented each other well. Various high minded theoretical science projects would never have become a reality without the down to earth practicality and hard work of these two.

It still shocked Buzz to be reminded of such changes, seeing them all grown up themselves, with foals of their own, made Buzz feel uneasy. They had become something more, still running the C.M.C which had now matured along with its founders into a charity organisation: Helping any filly or colt to find their special talent and also offer advice to overcome bullies and problems at school.

Her unsettled feeling continued to grow as Buzz looked to the Element Bearers themselves mingled within the throng. Dear, sweet Fluttershy had fallen for the strong but quiet Bigmac and they had three lovely foals. Their first named ‘Forest Breeze’ and was a beautiful orange pegasus mare that had turned a lot of heads. Some of the said heads quickly became ‘sore heads’ from Bigmac's sometimes overprotective nature from what Buzz could recall.

Their second was a pale brown earth stallion called ‘Tender Wood’ who took a lot after his father in both manner and size. Buzz could see him even now playing with his pet timberwolf, what was it’s name again? ‘Scratches’? Not only well know on account of his famous mother, Tender had quite the reputation for taking in exotic creatures and trying (with mixed success) to tame them.

He obviously had the talent for it as no one gave Scratches a second glance. The wolf’s fearsome reputation was somewhat dulled by the happy yipping he gave as Daisy rubbed him behind his twig-like ears. Buzz on the otherhoof still had raw memories from her own time in Ever Free to all that comfortable with the presence of the beast.

Yet while watching Fluttershy’s third child, a mare called ‘Daisy Chain’, playing with Scratches Buzz could begin to forget that memory. Daisy was an earth pony, the spitting image of Fluttershy expect lacking wings and having Bigmac's green eyes. But unlike her parents she was the life of the party and very outgoing, eagerly chatting with guests all around her with a huge grin on her muzzle.

Buzz felt that pang of unease again as yet even more foals, Fluttershy’s and Bigmac’s grandchildren came into view. She saw that everypony made way for the group as if by some unspoken command. Though none of her posterity had yet shown the power of the 'Stare', word quickly got about and woe betide anyone who got on the wrong side of her family.

Next in line was Rarity, accompanied by a small entourage of retainers and press. She strutted along the path like royalty, a handsome crystal earth pony by her side and both seemed to be enjoying the attention. ‘Honest Buck’ was from the crystal empire and Rarity was ever eager to tell how the two of them met at one of the C.M.C charity events.

Buzz’s memory called up the article from ‘Which Horse’: “Oh she’s the most precious gem this world has to offer,” Honest Buck stated at his reception today. The event was held at the opening of Rarity’s third outlet, this time in Manehatten.

“I saw his generous nature and simply couldn’t resist,” Rarity always insisted Honest was a great step up from Prince BlueBlood, a controversial proclamation that from the rising fashion star. Yet when I see these two together I can almost believe it! Both of them only finding love after a long search and we can only wish them all the best in their new lives together.

All the best huh? Buzz thought with a little melancholy. The sad discovery that Honest and Rarity couldn’t have foals of their own was the rough truth of their marriage. They didn't let this get them down though and Buzz watched as even now several adopted children scurried about the pair.

Buzz smiled, “Just like Rarity to be so giving.” She remembered the unicorn opening her home to Buzz when she was in need and could easily imagine the busy home where the sounds of children’s laughter mixed with the deep roars of 'Uncle Spike'.

Rarity and Honest Buck both had thriving businesses and could well afford to be foster parents to even more children and their home was always now full of the sound of little hooves. Through the C.M.C, Rarity and Honest came into contact with many foals that needed new homes. Although not blessed with their own children the happy couple had more than enough young ponies in their life to keep them contented and busy.

Spike, Buzz looked about but the party was tellingly devoid of any dragons. There was little chance of missing Spike these days, he towered over his pony friends and even over many of the larger buildings in Ponyville. The fact he wasn’t here was clear for all to see, no doubt on some assignment, being the envoy to the Dragon Kingdoms is bound to keep him busy.

Spike could no longer live with Twilight, his massive frame wouldn't fit into average pony made homes. His friends had rallied around him, most of all Twilight who had used her significant influence to procure a tract of land near Ponyville where they had built the dragon a home.

Buzz could see it from here, looming in the distance. The finest jewels and gemstones adorning its walls, catching the moonlight like a land-bound constellation. Spike had even helped in its construction, where his size and strength cane##me in use for once rather than holding him back as before. Spike’s home was now a well known tourist attraction of Ponyville and was often referred to as the most valuable landmark in the city.

“Time just keeps moving on”, Buzzbot told herself. So much had happened to her friends yet here she was, unchanged and feeling in many ways left behind. She was just one of those creatures that seemed to be outside the norm, “Probably why I can understand Pinkie Pie without my brain melting”, Buzz told herself with a rye little chuckle.

The pony in question was chatting animatedly to her husband. One of Applejack's long term hired hooves, a grey stallion called Happy Harvest who was laughing out loud at Pinkie Pie's retelling of the whole 'Poisoned Joke' tale with accompanying actions and voices

He certainly had more patience than Buzz did, never tiring of his wife's voluble humor and quirky ways. Their two children ‘Sweet Cherry’, a red earth stallion and ‘Sugar Cube’ a white unicorn mare both were regarding their mother with tolerant expressions.

Both Pinkie Pie's foals had also grown up strong and healthy. Neither had as yet shown any "Pinkie Sense," but Sugar Cube had certainly inherited her mother's liking for treats and was a great cook. To the surprise of ponies, Sweet Cherry was a very serious stallion and Buzzbot had yet to see him smile at all that evening.

Buzz marvelled at how genetics worked, a white unicorn from a grey stallion and pink mare, Earth ponies both. However, if any couple were going to have unusual foal she would guess it would have been Pinkie Pie and her husband. These sorts of things were not unheard of, the Cake family being a prime example.

Stepping into the pavilion proper, Buzzbot's attention was drawn to Rainbow Dash who was exhibiting her flying skills to the foals old and new. Even with the passing of so much time and one child later Rainbow was still an amazing athlete. Now tempered with some life experience she was a much sought after coach for anypony wanting to train in sports.

Buzz grinned as she saw Dash telling exaggerated stories that Applejack had to keep bringing back down to reality, while Applejack's husband, none other than the batpony knight called Shadow Guard kept diplomatically out of things. Rainbow Dash's husband, a yellow pegasus called Lightning Strike followed Shadow’s lead. Both Stallions wisely keeping out of A.J and R.D's competition for their own safety.

Fame followed the Element Bearers and Rainbow Dash was no different. Having snagged an up and coming flight ace from Appleloosa. He being one of the few pegasi stallions to nearly beat her in a race. Though it was often said that Rainbow didn't try all that hard to win on this occasion as he was quite a good looking guy by all accounts. More importantly for Rainbow, Lighting had a huge heart with room enough for the larger than life mare that was Rainbow Dash. Never do anything by halves huh Rainbow?

Buzz saw why Scootaloo was in such a hurry now, having quickly left the others behind she raced up to Rainbow’s only child. A warm green pegasus stallion they had named ‘Wind Racer’, he shared his mother's rainbow mane and a lot of her competitive drive too. Buzz had heard talk that Wind Racer was a good bet to win during the Wonderbolt derbies and was already a strong member of the flight team.

He was also a leading contender it seemed for the Wonderbolt captaincy, a fact that clashed with Scootaloo's plans for the team and led to no end of 'friendly' competition between the two ponies. Scootaloo was even now berating him in a jovial manner and Buzz chuckled at the sight.

Rainbow Dash often joked that it was Scoot's turn to take a pony under her wing like Dash had done for her as a filly. Scootaloo clearly failed to see the funny side of that, but did her best to 'advise' Wind Racer but without helping him too much. Buzzbot laughed again, Scootaloo really wants that captain's spot.

Applejack's choice of husband had surprised almost every other pony, having only met Shadow briefly on the flight over to Canterlot, the same flight where Shadow had gotten a nasty buck from Applejack. “Guess Applejack made a much bigger impression on you than just her hoof print,” Buzzbot chuckled to herself.

Applejack’s own foals were quickly drawn into the growing debate between Scootaloo and Wind Racer. Buzz could make out the three of them, one stallion and a mare each joining separate sides while the third stallion held back .

‘Star Oak’ eagerly hovered by Scootaloo with his batlike wings, his light brown coat and teal eyes picked out in the lamp light. ‘Sky Petal’, a pale grey batpony with bleached blond mane, stubbornly stood firm beside Wind Racer.

It seemed the happy mood was about to sour before the middle foal, ‘Evening Glade’, loomed behind the escalating struggle and quickly pushed both Scootaloo and Wind Racer apart with his massive hooves. The two sides were quickly cowed by the hefty jet-black earth pony with yellow slitted eyes.

There was a tense moment before all of them began to laugh and Buzz let out a breath she’d didn’t know she was holding. All of Applejack’s foals shared the same pointed teeth of their father, clearly glinting in the lights all around and Buzz was struck by just how amazing love and family could be. To see such different ponies together and happy brought joy to her heart, but also a slight pang of longing.

Then it struck her just what was so painful for her to see: These families along with a number of others were all happily playing, having fun together. It should have made her heart glow, it was a joy to behold. Buzzbot was so happy for her friends but it did bring some sad thoughts too. They had all changed so much while she hadn't. They had each other, a promise of a future, but what did Buzz have?

"Everypony takes their own path, we’re all different so it’s not surprising that we all travel differently," Buzz was pulled out of her musings and was startled to see Twilight standing beside her. She was watching the others with an impassive face and Buzz found it hard to read her.

Twilight, now there was the pony who (despite her fame and recorded deeds) Buzz suddenly realised she knew very little about. She’d spent some time with past Twilight, even caught up a bit with her as a princess now. But deep down Buzz realised she didn’t know much about the pony Twilight had become. Tinker didn’t talk about her all.

"You’ve got extra sneaky along with that pair of wings I see," Buzzbot said, trying to put some humour into the sudden blossoming of unease she felt. Twilight simply continued to watch the unfolding mayhem of ponies at play.

The moment drew out, not uncomfortably but just like a pause before a curtain goes up. Finally Buzz tried to put into words what she was feeling now, "How do Celestia and Luna stand it?" She turned to look right at Twilight and watched as her mouth twitched to form a small melancholy smile.

“I don’t know why I should be asking you, you’re not a full royal alicorn so you didn't share the same timeless nature that Celestia and Luna do, but I guess you’d have some insight,” Buzz struggled to voice what was really bothering her.

Twilight finally replied, looking at Buzz for the first time since she’d arrived, "Well the Princesses know a few things we don't. For one thing, they know what happens after our time in this life and it's always cheered them up from what I hear. If they’re not worried about it, then I think we can safely say it's something good and can keep doing our best here."

Twilight paused again with and with a calculating look in her eyes said, “But that’s not what you’re really asking is it?”

Buzz shuffled her hooves before trying again,"I just think they must miss their friends? There must be ponies they have a soft spot for, even love, all those ponies who have been before and those that will be?" Buzzbot pressed on, “I guess what I’m asking is….”

Twilight put a wing around Buzz’s shoulders, "Well I am sure they do. With their lives, they must have seen numberless ponies who have come and gone." Twilight looked up to the stars, "They tell me to think of it this way, those ponies have died have moved to another land where you can't be with them right now, but one day you will go and see them again yourself." She smiled , “You’re wondering if you will be able to cope with the world passing by aren’t you?”

Buzz paused, it felt strangely better to hear somepony else put it that way, “Yeah I don’t know how long I’ll ‘live’ for. With proper repairs and maintenance I could last, well I don’t know how long.”

Twilight nodded, "Timeless or temporary, Celestia and Luna have always told me it's nothing to worry about. We should be working on the here and now and if we do what’s right today, tomorrow will take care of itself."

Buzz scrunched up her nose at this, "It's not like you to be vague about things Twilight." Buzz found her gaze going over Twilight again. If Buzz didn’t know better she’d never have guessed that fifty years had passed for Twilight at all.

"But….” Buzz tried again, the question yawning huge in her soul.

"Buzz, I don’t have all the answers. As for Luna and Celestia? From what I understand of it, which isn't all that much by the way, for beings such as they it isn't such a long journey for them. They can visit their friends, go see them where ever it is they go. They can see and be with all those ponies they miss before returning to their duties here."

That just left one last problem for Buzz, "But where do I fit in that? I’m not real am I?" It was a situation that Buzz had never truly considered until this point. How would things all turn out for her?

"Well Buzz I....." Twilight was cut off by a bellowing cry.

"Stage Cloak! Trixie would know that pony anywhere! The Great and Totally Humble Trixie still has a bone to pick with you!" Both Twilight and Buzz turned about to see Trixie glaring at Buzzbot from up the path leading to Sweet Apple Acres. Nor was she alone, several others, no doubt family had just arrived.

Buzz caught sight of Tinker Track was with his parents, a grey earth pony called ‘Cog Works’ and Trixie's pale daughter, a unicorn ‘Great Display’ who both stood by cringing. Trixie's husband the long suffering dark purple unicorn called ‘Focal Balance’ suddenly found the stars very interesting (even whilst blocked by the pavilion's ceiling).Buzz was on firmer ground with Tinker’s family, she knew Trixie had met ‘Balance’ not long after the whole ‘Alicorn Amulet’ incident.

"Now my dear remember your manners, this is Tinker's party and this is one of his friends," Balance tried his best to calm Trixie down, she was having none of it. Trixie marched right up to Buzzbot with little flashes of magic sparking dangerously from her horn.

"How dare you disappear like that without giving the Great and Totally Humble Trixie a chance to apologize!" Before Buzz could respond Trixie knelt down before her and pleaded for her forgiveness. After all it had been the power crazed Trixie wearing the Alicorn Amulet that had sent Buzzbot into the middle of the Everfree forest with most of her systems shot. Not sure what else to do 'Stage Cloak' reached out a hoof and patted Trixie on the head gently.

"Um it’s fine really, in fact it all worked out for the best," Buzz tried to reassure Trixie who’s tears were now streaming down her face and her distraught wails were drawing attention. Trixie looked up to her with hopeful eyes and just as Buzz was about to say something more Trixie leaped up again.

"Oh Trixie is so happy that she has been forgiven, I really am the most humble equine that has ever lived!" She proceeded to shoot off a few fireworks from her horn and gave Buzz a huge hug. With her apology accomplished Trixie released Buzzbot and the whole family moved off to join the rest of the party goers, sheepish smiles on their faces.

"Now there is a pony that takes narcissism to an impressive level, one of my greatest achievements of rehabilitation if I do say so myself. Still has a few kinks to work out, but we have come miles," Discord, tall and terrible appeared in a flash of lightning.

Both Twilight and Buzz turned to see the draconequus standing there with a 'mile-ometer', the numbers counting up and up. Next to him was Screwball all dressed up for a night out, Buzz saw that unsurprisingly she had grown up too and was every inch the refined lady.

Screwball was wearing one of Rarity's famous evening gowns for the occasion, dark blue and heavy on the sequins. What impressed Buzz the most was that Screwball looked positively normal. Her well kept mane and even managed to make the little propeller hat she wore somehow work with the whole ensemble. She came across as, striking in some uneasy way and Buzz felt just the tiniest of shivers run down her spine.

But then again why should I be surprised with Discord as her guardian? Well I guess there is somepony for everypony out there Buzzbot reasoned. Discord was decked out in full tux and multi-coloured bowtie, which was of course spinning and he completed the outfit with cane and top hat.

"Charmed to see you both again," Screwball said with a kind smile. Her voice was mature and steady with that slightly singsong quality which had only improved with her age. She was like a one of those deceptive paintings that look perfectly harmless until you realise the dimensions or scale is all wrong. There, in the eyes. Not bad per say but just, off.

"You too Screwball, still working hard for Discord?" Buzz asked, shaking the underlying sense of unease.

"Best job in all of Equestria, where else would I want to work?" Screwball said in a totally serious manner, " Oh and thank you for the fifty bits by the way, I knew you would be all right," Buzz wasn't sure how to reply to that so settled on something simple.

"Urm, you're welcome Screwball?" Ponies betting on how long Buzz would remain sane was something that she was obviously going to have to learn to live with.

Screwball smiled and at that pulled Discord's arm, "Come father you said you were so looking forward to seeing Fluttershy once again and giving your predictions on her next grandfoal," Discord was lead away with a little wave of his lion's paw and began to mingle.

Godfather to Fluttershy’s little ones, Discord certainly knew how to keep the colts and fillies laughing. Buzzbot heard a great cheer come from the children (young and old) when they saw him and not just from Fluttershy and Bigmac's family either. Discord really did have an army of fans now it seemed.

"You know I wonder if Screwball actually wants to be cured?" Twilight asked out loud. "She seems happy enough the way she is. She hasn't made the progress the other ponies being treated have and she's never seen without her little hat." Twilight said with a slight shake of her head, "I think she now understands that Discord isn't really her father you know, but she loves him as such and Discord dotes on her like a daughter all the same."

Twilight shook her head before turning a consolatory face to Buzz, "Buzzbot you're something special, despite of all the magic I have come across I have never found anything that can fully explain you. We can make pony robots that follow commands and even have some very good programming. Making an independent self thinking robot, that's just within the world of reality.”

"But one that feels and has emotions like you do? It's beyond me," Twilight paused for breath, "Celestia and Luna have seen some very odd things, but even they appear to be in the dark about you. What would happen to you if you were to eventually 'die' I can't say, but what I can promise you is that I’ll do all I can to find out."

Although not a complete answer it was at least comforting for Buzz. There would be answers out there somewhere and until then Buzz would have to keep on going the best she could. It didn't change what she had to do now. With these thoughts moved aside for another time she followed Twilight into the party proper. Once there Buzzbot had the time of her life, welcomed in by friends new and old and loving every moment of it.

All too soon it was time for Buzz to leave again. She’d accomplished all she had set out to do in regards to future Tinker Track's orders and history was resolved the way it was meant to be. Buzz had toyed with the idea of staying and seeing how they all got on.

It would only be a few years until she caught up with her own time. There would be good times and hard times, life always throws these things a pony's way. The best thing was, she could watch it all. But then the longing for her home, her time and her Tinker Track would resurface. No matter how close it was to Buzz’s own time, this still wasn’t it.

Her resolve reinforced Buzz stepped with determination, she’d come this far and needed to see it through. She was greeted by Tinker Track, the Element Bearers along with Luna and Celestia who were waiting in the very same council room Buzz had gotten to know so well.

There, centre stage as it were, was the time gate. It looked far more ‘completed’ now and Buzz realised she shouldn’t be surprised, with proper T.C.A.P support the portal could only be improved upon. The one thing that couldn’t be replaced was that final power cell, which Tinker was even now slotting into place.

Tinker was looking better than he had done in weeks. His mane was clean, though still looked like a scruffy firework. He had a cheerfulness that simply hadn’t been there before. Buzz was reminded of Discord in many ways, a reformed character that’s finally come to understand what life can be for those who have friends and are friends in turn.

Slowly but with many assurances Buzzbot took the time to give each of the Elements a hug in turn and thank them all again for what they had taught her. The lessons of friendship were now safely nestled in Buzz’s memory and more importantly in her ‘heart’.

Even knowing she’d see them again it was hard to let go each time and it only got harder as she moved to each pony in turn. Soon they all little tears in their eyes and by the time Buzz got to Pinkie Pie she her friend was gushing fountains onto the floor.

Now slightly damp, Buzz finally came to Tinker Track and instead of a hug she shook him by the hoof, “You be good alright?” Tinker nodded with only the slightest tremble on his lips before, to Buzz’s surprise, hugged her tightly anyway.

Then it was time for the Royal Pony Sisters. Now standing before Luna Buzz could see that she carried herself with much more confidence than before. She acted far more like the Luna Buzzbot knew from her time, her eye’s no longer hid a sorrow that they once did and she gave Buzz a simple nod in return for her bow.

Tall and imposing, Celestia was the final pony and Buzz felt her seemingly all knowing gaze fall upon her, “Well Buzzbot, you’ve done all that you were sent to do and so it’s time to go.”

Buzz looked up to Celestia not sure how to respond, the mere presence of these two beings was humbling and uplifting all at the same time. Power and majesty seemed to flow effortlessly from Celestia and Buzz suddenly felt the bold urge to ask just one more question, “Princess, I was….”

Celestia smiled, before with a knowing expression leaned her head down until her muzzle was level with Buzz’s ear. She whispered so quietly that Buzz struggled to hear her words, but as she understood them a joy filled her very being. Buzz felt like she could glow with happiness and by the time Celestia had finished Buzz couldn’t hold back the tears any longer.

She heard the whine of the time gate time starting up tried her to wipe away the tears running down her cheeks. I’m so happy I’m crying, well that makes no sense. Pulling herself together Buzz waited as the power built within the gate. Far smoother this time and with a lot less fanfare, although control panel still needed a good buck to finish its startup, which Tinker provided while giving her a small wink.

The tears still coming, Buzz made her way up the short ramp before turning. She saw her friends, some waving others with approving smiles but all far more composed than Buzz felt right now. She would see them all again of course and very soon by her standards but it didn't make it any easier to leave them. They would all be changed so much again.

But the whispered promise of Celestia was still in her mind and Buzz swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat. Silly filly you don't really have a throat, let alone a limp Buzzbot told herself as she turned again and with another flash stepped out of her past and into her present.

Celestia's words echoed in Buzzbot's mind as she travelled to her own time and friends: "I know you’re going to miss this time but better ones are ahead of you, mostly because you did what you needed now. If everypony would do the right thing then the future would always be bright, no matter what challenges come our way. I have looked into you my little pony and have seen what the others only guessed at. You are a real pony, even if crafted out of metal and magic, we're all just flesh and magic after all. The magic that makes up all the ponies in this land is the same as in you. Be assured that every creature that can act for itself, that can make it's own choices has a spirit or what some call a soul. They will be welcomed in the life to come and be rewarded for all the good that they do. When that time comes I will visit you as often as I can Buzzbot. Goodbye my little pony until next time."

There would be plenty of time for all that Celestia had told her to eventually happen, but until then Buzzbot would keep on doing her part to make ponies lives better wherever or whenever she was.