The mission of Buzzbot

by Golden Paw

First published

The land of Equestria has flourished under the rule of the princesses with the help of prominent minds and inspired creations. Unhappy with his lot, a pony called Tinker Track makes a scheme to change this using time traveling pony-bot called Buzzbot

Many, many years after Twilight became an alicorn, Equestria has seen miraculous advancements in science and magic,
‘Twilight’s Centre for Academic Progression’ (T.C.A.P) has rejected the plans of 'Tinker Track', a robotics engineer who feels his skills and talents are being wasted. He puts a plan into action to send a robot pony back in time to study the real story behind how Twilight Sparkle became a princess and an alicorn first hoof. Then when the time is right he plans to change the past to better his own future! Buzzbot is the result, a clever amalgamation of magic and machine which can learn and can assume the image of almost any pony. Buzzbot is seeded into Ponyville’s past to accomplish Tinker Track's schemes. Will things work out as expected or has Tinker Track made his new robot servant a little too clever?

(As my first story please bear with the many pitfalls a new writer stumbles into, anyhow hope you enjoy the tale!)


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The low hum of lamps was the only sound to be heard apart from the occasional drip of water. Here, deep below the busy streets of Ponyville was a network of service tunnels. They ran throughout the foundations of the city like a nest of roots, burrowing and winding in an ever more complex weave that would leave any incautious explorer lost within minutes.

Ponies seldom came down here anymore, the lights and dazzling events up above were easily enough excitement for most of the citizens of of Ponyville. But it was far from deserted. Hoofsteps, sure and confident echoed along the passageways. They caused the scurrying rats and other dark dwells to scatter, their normal foraging interrupted.

The lights cast their weak neon glow over the approaching newcomer, picking out the pale blue coat and shocking tangle of messy white mane. As the pony drew closer, the sounds of hoofsteps mingle with an odd little tune being hummed, completely at odds with the dreary surroundings.

The stallion is carrying a small paper bag in his mouth which proudly declares its biodegradable nature under the bold title of ‘Hearties Tasty Takeaway’. The delicious smell of ‘hayfries’ follows the twitching pony who despite his happy tune occasionally glances about suspiciously.

Finding no one else around he ducks down a side passage before his demeanor shifts. No longer humming, he tiptoes his way along. He peers back and forth with his brilliant yellow eyes. Suddenly he Sidles along the wall, stepping carefully as they give way from bare stone to metal plates which have been riveted to the rock.

Wearing an almost gleeful expression the stallion ducks and jumps as if avoiding unseen assassins lurking in the darkness. His cheerful tune being replaced by a far more dramatic theme. After several moments of this odd behaviour he finally makes his way to a solid looking door of black iron and rimmed with silvery steel which glints because reflected harsh artificial lights above.

Pausing, the twitchy figure checks his surroundings once more before straightening. He stands before the portal and smiles up at the impassive metal. With some ceremony he raises a hoof as if about to conduct an orchestra and the very air seems to hold its breath before three smart knocks are heard.

A few tense seconds pass, then with a grinding squeal a small hatch slides open ponderously to reveal a glowing green screen. He waits in silence as several images flicker and disappear. A brief motif of ‘T.C.A.P’ flashes up, the acronym centered between a pair of stylised wings.

His smile falls and his brow furrows, the image clearly stirring some hidden hurt within him. The image finally fades before a series of complex symbols and numbers begins scrolling down the screen.

A previously hidden alcove snaps open and a delicate looking prob extends on a trembling spindly arm, a small green light blinking at its point, “Please submit cutie mark for authentication.” The synthesized voice is cheerful, bright and completely at odds with the grim tunnel.

The pony rolls his eyes before presenting his flank to the door, revealing a crossed wrench and screwdriver motif behind a cracked yellow light bulb. He stands still as a glowing red scan beam produced a thin line which swept up and down before winking out.

"Cutie mark authenticated, welcome user: ‘Tinker’. Could I have your password please?" The door says cheerfully, causing ‘Tinker Track’ to frown with annoyance.

He muffled something through the bag in his mouth that sounded like, "Shinker-ith-sur-ratest-finker"

"I am sorry I didn't understand that last part, could you please repeat?" The happy voice asked and Tinker’s right eye twitched

He let loose an angry snort and tried again once again, "I shed, shinker-ith-sur-ratest-finker"

Oblivious to Tinker’s rising ire the voice repeated its request again, "That's not what I have in my data stores user: Tinker. Could you please be sure to speak clearly into the microphone."

Tinker finely loses his cool and yells, "I said, Tinker is the greatest thinker!"

This has two effects. First is that the computer's voice acknowledges the password with a "Thank you user: Tinker" and door begins to cycle through its unlocking process. The second is that gravity catches up with his lunch bag and causes it drop it to the floor with a "splok".

Tinker freezes for a moment as the bag slowly turns a greasy red. His eyes shrank to small dots and Tinker grinds his teeth before stooping his head down to pick up the bag. Liquid oozes about inside the bag, no doubt promising a messy job for its removal. The door finished clanking and groaning before it and swings inwards.

"Good to have you back user: Tinker. Is there anything else I can help you with?" The door asks and Tinker's right eye twitches again.

Today has not been a good day for him and the overly cheerful voice of his door wasn't helping. He had tried a number of times to reprogram the relentless ‘nicety’ out of the computer, but it had a habit of resetting to its default ‘happy voice’. He couldn't say more with dropping his lunch again and so Tinker settles for giving the metal portal a good kick with his left hind leg as he trots past. All that gets him was a sore hoof and a perky, “You’re welcome” as the door closes behind him.

Tinker fumbles in the sudden darkness with his muzzle to find the switch. Finally locating it he pushes it and with a satisfying "click" waits for the flickering lights to bathe the revealed room.

The familiar bluish light illuminates a cramped space, picking out a number of tables arranged around the oblong space. These are covered with assorted cast off machine parts, tools and the occasional empty food carton.

The shelves which line the walls are packed with tarnished motors, servos and circuit boards. The lab a showcase for all sorts of parts and devices. These all come together to form an impressive, if haphazard strata documenting the progress made by T.C.A.P in the past few years. All this is dominated by a huge ‘Storage Unit 47’ painted in stark yellow letters across the far wall.

Tinker glances about the detritus of fifty years worth of invention. From basic brass cogs, to the latest arcane circuit boards and finally lets himself relax. Among the scrap nestle, pamphlets and magazines showing the smiling face of a purple pony that Tinker knew only too well.

‘Princess Twilight Sparkle’ looks up at Tinker from almost every glossy surface, her happy expression mixed with pride as she showed off her latest inventions. Tinker had read through the booklets until he knew them inside out. He’d poured over explanations of ‘Magical Technology’ so often that he could see them in his sleep.

They normally cheered up Tinker no end, but today was different. He drops his now rather soggy lunch bag onto the central table of his workshop and glares at the manuals with almost explosive anger, “I’ll show her…”

With a sudden flurry of motion Tinker sweeps the booklets across the room, scattering the pages before ripping up the grinning smile of Twilight, all the while snorting and stamping in his rage.

His fury spent, Tinker pants for a while as the scraps of paper settled all around him. The silence grows before with a deep breath Tinker gets to his hooves and heads with renewed purpose towards a coat stand.

With great solemnity Tinker puts on a tattered lab coat before affixing a pair of welding goggles about his head. Waving a hoof at the ceiling as if in supplication Tinker yells to the world, “I’ll show them all! I’ll show them what a true genius can do and by Celestia if they try to stop me I’ll….”

Tinkers rant is cut off by a sudden pounding upon his door. He jumps half a pony's length into the air, before with a foalish ‘squeak’ shuffles under the table he had been standing at, covering his eyes with his hooves.

“They’ve found me,” Tinker whispered, “All my careful planning and they still found me!”

He trembles under his desk for what feels like an age, but after a few minutes of his workshop's door not being magically blown off its hinges, Tinker uncovers his eyes and looks sheepishly at the entrance. Despite his earlier worries there’s a distinct lack of flying flashbangs and guards rushing in to place him under arrest.

Tinker begins to crawl out from under cover, feeling far more confident before to shout his defiance at the world again. It was somewhat dampened when Tinker in his enthusiasm bangs the back of his head on the desk.

With a yelp he clutchs his now aching skull before with trembling with and trepidation felt back of his neck with a hoof. As Tinker brings it back round before his eyes he saw to his horror there was a dark red liquid smeared there and his stomach lurches at the sight.

He’s just about to panic when he feels something drip onto his neck. Looking around Tinker sees that a small amount of sauce has dripped down from his battered lunch bag. With a great sigh of released tension Tinker and licks his hoof.

The 'Hearties Hay Fries Takeaway' secret sauce didn't taste too bad even after the battering it has received and the familiar flavour brings a smile to Tinker's lips. The highly strung repair stallion begins to calm down, fairly sure now that no pony was coming to arrest him.

“If it isn’t Twilight’s goons, then who is it?” His relief fades as Tinker turns his attention back to his front door. “If no one knows I’m here then….” Advancing with some caution he makes his way to the monitor built into the wall just before the entrance. Using his hoof, rotates the hidden camera around. The green tinged display showed no pony outside his door.

Putting forth his hoof (leaving sticky patch of sauce on the control knob) he turns the view this way and that. Still no sign of any pony up or down the tunnel either. With further adjustment Tinker turned the image down to the floor and is startled to see a large box on the ground outside.

The hairs on the back of Tinker’s neck begin to rise and butterflies begin to dance in his stomach. Was it a trap?

Tinker frantically reviews his options. “Okay Tinker, there’s a strange box outside your secret workshop. So….” With a hesitant hoof Tinker opens the door, the grinding and sliding of bolts giving him plenty of time to second guess himself.

He cautiously pokes his head out to double check that the screens were accurate. No, still no pony about and the strange container was really there. Suspiciously he leans down to get a closer look.

The box appears to be a basic storage crate, a rounded white cube that was designed to open in the manner of a briefcase, once the securing bolts are undone. Hefting it Tinker finds it surprisingly lightweight, far lighter than its size would suggest. Frowning, he runs a hoof over the embossed T.C.A.P logo on its lid.

Suspicion mounting Tinker peers around and studied the odd offering, further exploration revealed a strange hoof written note, "For Tinker Track: This will help".

Tinker stares at the note for a time, feeling at a loss. Who would be sending him mail? Who even knew he was here to receive mail? More and more questions come to his mind but after another check Tinker finds himself still completely alone.

He trots around the crate but found no other indications of who sent it. Tinker feels his innate paranoia warring with his sudden curiosity. The crate was nothing like Tinker had ever seen, the metal covering it looked odd. Tinker can’t place his hoof on what was odd about it, only that he’s certainly never seen any material like it. Eventually Tinker’s interest got the better of him and with a final glance up and down the passage he pushes the crate into the workshop.

Tinker still isn’t sure if he should open it, after all there could be anything in there. He reasons that the T.C.A.P security forces wouldn't use anything so clandestine, it wasn't their style. Still it paid to be careful so with a puzzled expression Tinker spends a significant time donning a gas mask and strapping a few bits of metal plating onto himself for extra protection.

Double checking his protective gear, Tinker carefully lowers the goggles over his eyes and feels a little more confident about tackling the task at hoof. He hadn't told anypony about his work shop or what he was planning to do, so it was unlikely that the crate contained any sort of tracing spell. Plus who ever sent it already knew where to find him so what would be the point in that?

Feeling as ready as he can be, Tinker grabs a power tool and begins to undo the crate. Holding his breath he undoes one locking bolt after another until with a final tinkle the last bolt bounces across hard stone floor.

Still half expecting an explosion of some kind, Tinker sidles about the crate and with a darting motion pulls the lid from behind. When the crate fails to explode or vent a toxic gas Tinker is almost disappointed.

Carefully peering around the upright lid he sees a collection of parts that resemble a robotic pony. Further cautious delving reveals a few books with titles such as 'Time Travel and You, Things You Need to Know' and 'Building a Gateway to the Past, Do's and Don’ts'.

Tinker Track's eyes grow wide behind his goggles at the sight of the last book in the crate, 'How to Assemble Your Very Own Infiltration Pony-Bot”. The thing that makes his mind boggle is when he glances at the author, Tinker sees it is….himself.

Construction and questions

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Tinker was dumbfounded, a book written by him? He hadn't written anything, let alone had something published. He turned the book over with his hooves and read on: 'Welcome to the wonderful world of pony robots, if you have this book then you’re planning to build an infiltration pony-bot.

‘This will aid you in building a mechanical assistant that will be perfect for all your covert needs. This unit, once built, is able to take on the form of a multitude of ponies and has been supplied with adaptive programming. You will soon see that the infiltration pony robot is a must-have for any covert action!'

Still struggling to take all this in Tinker checked the publication date and saw the first edition was printed in five years time. A chill ran down his back, this had to be some kind of joke, somepony was pulling his hind leg.

He carefully put 'his' book on the table and before double-checking the other two titles. To Tinker’s growing amazement he discovered they were also first editions, the future dates of their publication emblazoned proudly upon their covers.

Breathing heavily, Tinker’s world reverberated within his gas mask, while he blinked in confusion. Suppressing a slight tremble he shifted the impossible books and peered deeper into the crate. Under the layers of foam packing was the unmistakeable shape of a robotic pony leg.

Eyes now wide, Tinker tore off the mask and with growing excitement began removing various components and pieces. Another leg, half a face and almost endless reams of cabling were all revealed, a mixture of dark metal interposed with smooth white plates.

Tinker took several more breaths, staring down at the marvel before him. It looked sleeker than any machines currently being tested now, even the most advanced mechanisms from the upper levels of T.C.A.P looked like rough framework dolls compared to the kit before him.

“That would make sense, if this box really did come from the future?” Tinker mumbled, holding up an impressive looking camera lense which trailed lengths of wiring in its wake.

Moving as if in a daze, Tinker began to clear space on a number of tables and started setting out all the parts, neatly spreading them out like and exploded diagram. The rounded metal plates that made up the outer casing were clean and clinical white, while the working parts were of black metal or polished chrome.

The finely worked circuit boards, delicate connectors and complex devices that Tinker had never seen before all called to something deep within his soul, “Simply beautiful.”

He began to smile, “No not simple! Advanced!” The grin grew as with fevered haste Tinker grabbed components, studying them with a little chuckle. With the eagerness of a foal with a new toy set he began connecting pins, screwing nuts onto bolts and admiring the workponyship with a giddy glee.

After several minutes of busy assembly Tinker held up a smooth plated face, no bigger than adolescent pony’s. He regarded the pair of yellow glass eye holes set into the otherwise bare ponykin-like visage and only then noticed the faint green glimmer within.

Suddenly nervous, Tinker leaned back as if it were about to bit him. Letting out a frightened squeak Tinker fought to keep his hoof steady. The mask tilted and the glow vanished as if it had never been, leaving him dumbfounded for a moment.

Panting, he stood there in the suddenly chilly workshop and slowly tilted the face back and forth carefully. Soon the green glow returned and Tinker smiled with relief as he understood the truth.

Looking behind himself and back to the crate Tinker saw a faint shimmer from within the now empty container, almost empty. Sidling closer he saw the glow was coming from a concealed compartment hidden in the depths of the matt black innards of the crate.

Cautiously Tinker, still holding the faceplate, undid the revealed section and smiled as another little note was found. 'Be very careful with these, they cannot be replaced', The cylinders gave off a green glow which lit the lower half of his face, but still didn't shine as brightly as Tinker Track's eyes did now. Even as an earth pony, he could feel the power coming from the little cylinders and made a mental note to investigate them later.

Returning to the table, Tinker carefully put down the mask and turned again to the instruction manual. His enthusiasm for the task had simmered down and Tinker was now ready to give the book his full attention. Many of the parts now spread out across the table baffled even his technical mind.

“The theory and application all appears to be in order,” Tinker said, rubbing his chin, Well what bits he could understand anyhow. The basic theories of magical construction and application flowed well.

The more complex details, though over Tinker’s head right now, did at least have sensible instructions behind them. “It should work,” Tinker thought out loud. And why couldn’t it? Tinker had written the book himself hadn't he? (or at least soon would have). He wouldn't put it past his future self to have designed such a fantastic pony-bot! Oh the things he could do with such a machine!

Turning back to the as yet unbuilt pony on the table, Tinker's yellow eyes sparkled. He raised his left front hoof to the sky with a dramatic flourish while simultaneously slamming his other hoof down on the table in triumph, "Nothing will stop me now!"

The whole dramatic effect was slightly spoiled by the fact that Tinker had slammed his hoof right down on his hay fries and the bag, which had gone through so much abuse already, finally gave out. Soggy hay-fries along source coated Tinkers face, the red goo now slowly dribbling towards the floor.

After a brief left eye twitch he saw that the majority of the parts upon the table were now looking very sticky and reddish. Tinker dropped back down into a sitting position and in an absent minded way began licking his right hoof. “Could be worse. They really do make good food at Hearties Hay Fries Takeaway.”

After substantial cleaning and several curses, Tinker Track was once again prepared to commence the building process. Chewing the last few remnants of his food he poured over the technical marvel before him.

If there was one thing that could really bring out Tinker's obsessive side it was when he was working on machines. His world narrowed to one of welding sparks and power tools singing their song and the machine in front of him began to take shape.

The worries of the day faded as he saw how servos matched with sockets and wires plugged into connectors. Part by well crafted part the pony-bot came together. Tinker only had to check the instructions (now stained a reddish brown) when he came across an unfamiliar gizmo that he assumed must have not been invented yet.

“Wouldn’t want to damage something as beautiful as you,” Tinker chatted away to the disembodied head now staring at him. The camera’s hidden behind the yellow eye covers reflecting Tinkers distorted, besotted smile as he worked long into the night followed by a generous amount of the next day.

Finally, as the clock flashed three twenty seven, Tinker attached the last metal plate and stood back to admire the wonder. Shorter than an adult, but by no means a foal, the thin pony gleamed in the cold light.

It was hard to tell if the pony-bot was meant to be male or female but as Tinker walked around it he felt the vague impression of a ‘girl’ about ‘her’. The way the up-link and power cables ‘tail’ flowed from her rear had a feminine hint to them.. A series of sensor spines, little probes and antennae flowed back across the head and neck hinting at the notion of a short cut mane.

Trotting around the slight figure Tinker checked and rechecked all the connections. Tested servos and leg movements, smiling as they moved easily with little whirrs. Though still unpowered, the pony-bot held an air of alertness and Tinker couldn’t shake the feeling that it was already watching him.

Shrugging off this absurd notion Tinker chuckled to himself, he’d installed the power crystals himself and knew they were dry of magic. Shaking his head Tinker attached the android’s tail to the power outlet nestled in the nearby wall, before stifling a yawn.

With a final glance at his his new ‘toy’, Tinker performed his ablutions in the small sink tucked into a corner, before stumbling over to his makeshift bed. The small sleeping bag was stuffed under a workbench, along with a simple lamp for when Tinker couldn’t pull himself away from work.

Yawning again Tinker laid his head down and blinked sleepily, “You my dear are going to be my ticket to a brighter future, I just know it.” Reaching up and turning off the lamp Tinker snuggled down and dreamt of his revenge.

“Yes I’m happy to accept the award on behalf of Tinker’s Center for amazing ponies, Princess Celestia…..” Tinker blinked away the fading dreams of a future ascendant, the cheers of the crowd morphing into the shrill whine of an alarm.

The digital clock next to his head showed seven thirty and Tinker Track groaned. Glaring at the offending timepiece he yanked the clock upwards, ripping it’s plug out of the wall before throwing it clattering across the cluttered floor.

“We’re putting you on leave Mr Track,” Tinker grumbled in a mocking voice as he shuffled around inside the warm sleeping bag. “Give you time to consider your position within the organisation,” He continued on in the same mimicking manner.

Kicking his sleeping bag off Tinker stumbled upright and rolled his stiff shoulders before shaking his head, “Thanks for the unpleasant reminder,” The venom in his voice directed at the now scuffed clock which lay among other castoffs.

Tinker stopped as the memory of last night’s events returned and a grin blossomed on his muzzle, there still in the centre of the room was the pony-bot, “Oh they will see, just you wait. I’ll show them what a real pony machinist can do.”

Feeling better already Tinker quickly grabbed some breakfast from battered fridge. Hefting a bowl, milk, cereal and a worn apple in one tottering motion Tinker staggered over to a vaguely clear table. Soon he was happily tucking into his food and with growing excitement turned to the next book from the stash.

“Building a Gateway to the Past, the Do's and Don'ts',” Tinker proudly announced, his mouth full of food. This book was much more complicated than the last one. All theoretical ideas about time and its nature.

Shoveling another helping into his mouth Tinker skipped past arcane diagrams and instead focused on the hardware displayed within. Far more familiar things such as metal tolerances, torsion strengths and power flow charts greeted Tinker and he felt his confidence increasing. He may not know all the ‘hows’, but Tinker was pretty sure that he could build the machine laid out within except...

"What's a 'temporal displacement inhibitor' when it's at home?" He asked out loud, checking down the list of more exotic items listed and frowning.

"It is a component that prevents the time portal from being removed from its own time and being lost, similar to an anchor for a ship," A cold voice came from over Tinker track's shoulder.

That seemed sensible. If you were going to have a machine that could move things through time then it was a good plan to make sure that it would be stable.

"What about an ‘energy portal line stabilizer'? Tinker went on popping a slice of apple in his mouth before crunching it with enthusiasm.

"That is the magical/techno device that prevents the time portal's corridor from collapsing under the significant pressures of forcing a stable path from one time to another, or in simpler terms: Keeps the time portal open under the pressure of reality trying to close it again," The synthesized voice answered once more. Tinker Track nodded again, then after a few seconds sat very, very still.

"How would I go about 'attuning the temporal guide network'?"

"That is automatically achieved when a first temporal portal is initiated. The gate registers a fixed time point where it is located and uses that reference point to begin mapping out locations. Or more simply it takes a good look around to see where and when it is the first time you turn it on."

Although the voice was still without modulation or emotion and certainly synthetic it still managed to somehow sound smug. Tinker Track froze, chills running up and down his spine before finally mustering the courage to turn his head around. He stared at the pony-bot which was focusing on him with its camera-like eyes.

Tinker’s own pupils went wide as he took a deep breath of surprise, well he tried to. What he actually got was a deep breath of mostly chewed apple and oats. Spluttering and choking, Tinker discovered as many foals had before him that ponies can't breathe apples.

Eyes bulging and his face turned red, Tinker could only watch as without haste the pony-bot walked about behind him and gave Tinker a sharp buck in the back. Half eaten foodstuffs flew out of his mouth and splattered on the floor where the pony-bot had originally been standing.

"It is unwise to attempt to take in nourishment that way," The robot pressed on in the same monotone voice, yet still managing to convey smugness. Tinker Track winced at the impact of the pony-bot's buck, but happily drank in the stuffy air nevertheless.

"When did you start up?" He managed between hiking gasps.

The pony-bot was trotting around to look more closely at the food on the floor before, in a slightly disconcerting manner, shifted one of its camera eyes to focus on the bemused Tinker.

"Approximately six hours ago, my power cells were fully charged and I saw no point in wasting surplus time with inaction."

"You mean you have been roving around my workshop for about five hours while I was sleeping!"

Shivers danced across his skin, this thing could have done anything to him while he was catching up with his rest. The pony-bot shifted again and Tinker, not wanting to be caught off guard, hefted his bowl and held it threateningly.

If his ‘guest’ took any offence it didn’t show it, calmly looking up from the floor and bringing both its camera eyes around to focus in on Tinker.

Tinker shook like a foal hearing his first ghost story, "What were you doing all that time then?" Tinker let loose, "Stealing my master plans? Looting my safe?" The engineer continued to tremble, the images of all the terrifying things the machine could have done flashing through his mind.

The pony-bot shifted its head to one side as if thinking about how to answer the accusation before going on with its normal level of speech. "I was merely enhancing my vocabulary along with my understanding of temporal physics. I also discovered a number of interesting facts about myself and just to pass the time I learnt how to build a temporal travel engine." The mechanical pony stated

"Ur...." Tinker blinked at this as his brain worked through what he had just heard.

"I read your books," The machine announced and when it seemed that Tinker wasn't catching up fast enough pointed a robotic hoof at the pile of books on the table. "As for the other implied acts, understand that I am your master plan. So it would be hard for me to steal myself. Furthermore I don't think that you even have a safe in this room," The pony-bot stated levely.

" Why did you read my.....?" Tinker trailed off as his brain processed the last piece of information he had heard. 'I am your master plan' the pony-bot had said. His eyes went wide as his pupils shrunk to dots. "I sent myself that crate?" The whole idea seemed insane. Then he thought of the book titles and things began to fall into place in his mind.

"This is gonna get very complicated isn't it?" He looked at the other 'pony' in the room who gave an understanding nod, as if to a foal.

To make a time Portal

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"So let me see if I have gotten this right?" Tinker Track asked the pony-bot in front of him, "The future Tinker Track sent you to myself? As in 'me' and this is all part of my master plan to fix things with the T.C.A.P board of directors?" Tinker rubbed his forehead in an effort to ease the headache brewing there.

There were so many new concepts to get his head around, the robot pony unblinking gaze was wearing on Tinker’s nerves. Pacing back and forth Tinker tried to ignore the low sound as it turned it’s head to follow him.

"That is my directive: Given to me by the future Tinker Track. I am to make sure your ideas are approved by T.C.A.P" The machine confirmed coldy.

"So you're programmed to help me? Does that mean you will obey my orders then?" Tinker's mouth slid into a little grin and he raised an eyebrow. The android didn't answer right away and Tinker was just about to ask again when it finally replied.

"Future Tinker informed me that he didn't trust you enough to be able to give me direct orders. I am however to ensure that your ideas will get approved, so I will of course act in your best interests." The pony-bot said levelly and Tinker’s grin vanished.

"My future self doesn’t trust me?" Tinker said, his brow furrowed at the idea. "Have I gotten paranoid in my old age or something?" The pony-bot hesitated again.

"He remembers well your youthful manner and wants me to curb some of your more flamboyant actions," The pony-bot answered flatly.

Great, even my older self is telling me what to do and how to do it. Tinker ground his teeth, “It's bad enough that the T.C.A.P council keeps poking their muzzles in. Now I have a robot foal sitter too. One sent by my future self no less, does any pony trust me at all?”

Tinker scrunched up his muzzle in annoyance before growling a reply, "So if I’m gonna be working with you I need know what to call you, I can't just keep shouting hey you! Did old Grandpa Tinker give you a name?" Tinker Track pressed petulantly. If the robot was put out by this it didn't show it.

"My designation is ‘Buzzbot. From what I understand it is part of some inside joke of Grandpa Tinker's. As to why I am called that? He never explained to me what that joke was." Buzzbot retorted without a hint of malice.

“Well at least I can call you something now,” Tinker grumbled. He also mentally filed away the 'inside joke' reference to find out about later. On the plus side, I do have probably the most advanced piece of technology in Equestria right now, could be worse.

Tinker thought back to the harsh words he had spat at the board of directors only a few days before, more directly at Princess Twilight Sparkle. He felt in his bones that she had a personal grudge against him. True, his latest designs hadn't been as safe to the ecology as council would have liked.

The small side effect of magical radiation coming off the new power units wasn't all that much of a problem was it? It had never caused any short term problems (Well those walking trees aside). He just hadn't had the time to perfect his designs. Coming back to the here and now, Tinker mentally shook himself.

"Well ‘Buzz’, what’s my next step then?" Tinker asked.

Buzzbot didn’t reply, but trotted over to Tinker’s blackboard where he’d dream up his designs. Buzz paused for a moment before levitating a piece of chalk in a yellow glow, "I didn't know pony-bots could do unicorn magic."

Tinker looked on in wonder as Buzzbot began writing a number of steps down on the black board. They looked suspiciously like the patronising style a teacher would use to explain basics to a foal.

Buzz revolved its head right around in an unnatural manner before speaking, "The current line of tech units are unable to make use of magic as anything more than a power supply. The means and methods of doing actual spells will be discovered in a few years time." Buzzbot instructed Tinker in the same voice it always used. This piece of information imparted, the it continued.

"The first goal is to get your ‘time gate’ in working order, the second is to begin gathering data on the bearers of the Elements of Harmony so that we can learn how to best approach the T.C.A.P council. By learning about how Twilight thinks and who she is friends with, we should be able to discover how to get on her good side. Thus greatly increasing your chances of having your designs accepted."

"Wait a minute, my time gate? I thought Grandpa had the time gate, can't we just use his?" Tinker countered.

"To answer that question, I will need to enlighten you on time theory.” Buzz said and Tinker almost thought he caught the hint of impatience there. “One important point of time travel is when going back in time you inevitably change the future.”

"Well of course, surely that's the point?" Tinker muttered in a disgruntled way, but Buzzbot ignored this and went on.

"Any new entity entering the past disrupts history just by being there. This will lead to changes that echo through time beyond that point, even if it's only in tiny ways. Thus what is changed in the past will already have affected the future. In effect the alterations caused will have already happened in the said future."

Tinker Track winced as he tried to follow the reasoning Buzz was trying to teach him. Unconcerned with Tinker's slow uptake Buzzbot pressed on.

"For example: In the future I came from it is you are the Tinker Track who builds the time gate, not Grandpa Tinker. The gate you will build is the same gate I use in the future to come to you here in my past. You will build the gate in my past, which is to say your present."

Tinker Track held his head in his hooves and whimpered softly. He felt like his brain was going to melt. But Buzzbot wasn't finished.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle shows this effect in her book 'My Tuesday Disaster Incident' where she accidentally forms her very own time loop. In which she causes her past self to become obsessed over an event in her future. By the very act of her future self attempting to warn her past self, she causes the very problem she is trying to avoid. Thus we see a self fulfilling time loop. We find ourselves in such a situation now Tinker Track."

Tinker was sat on the floor, his eyes had crossed with his hooves pressed over his ears in an effort of stopping his mind from oozing them. This was worse than the lecture he had heard on "The strange anomaly that is Pinkie Pie". At least the final point of that lesson was that there are just some things in Equestria we cannot explain. Whereas what Buzzbot was trying to say apparently was intended to make some sort of sense.

"To put as simply as possible, we need to build a time gate here and now so it will be ready to use later," Buzzbot finally concluded. As it turned around Tinker saw the board was now covered in complex lines, numbers and an intricate diagram detailing time/space theory.

The floor rose up to meet Tinker and he finished up on his back, splayed hooves twitching. Looking up he saw Buzzbot studying him with it’s head tilted to one side, "Any questions?”

"Just one, are you sure Twilight didn't program you to destroy my brain?" Tinker asked weakly as the swoon overcame him.

Tinker nursed a small cup of herbal tea while he watched Buzzbot going about the business of preparation, “Surely I should go alone? I mean I’ve sifted the spoil heaps before and well, you would draw lots of attention.”

"You did read my instruction manual, correct?" Buzzbot asked with just a hint of annoyance creeping into its voice before Tinker nodded.

"Then you know how foalish that line of reasoning is Tinker," Buzzbot said, the frustrated inflections gone again. "I am an infiltration model and so have come prepared, the method is roughly based on what ponies have learnt about changeling magic and how to effectively counter them."

Before Tinker’s eyes the machine was enveloped by a magical yellow glow, quickly followed by a small 'vumph' sound. Now in front of him was a completely monochrome mare, her coat, mane and tail all slightly different shades of grey. Buzz’s eyes were no different, black pupils each with a dark grey iris and she was clearly a blank flank.

"Well...." Tinker Track began, "That's sort of an improvement, but I still don't think you will pass as a normal pony," He went on with a little smile. To Tinker’s surprise Buzzbot actually rolled her eyes.

"This is just default settings Tinker," Her voice had lost its synthesized quality but was still said without expression or modulation. With another 'vumph' Buzz became a unicorn, before with a final flash Tinker was looking at a himself.

"I have some basic templates to work from, but once I have observed a pony for long enough I can recreate a passable imitation of them. I can however customize," With another flash of magic Buzzbot was a blue pegasus Tinker track.

"Now that's just showing off," Tinker Track moaned, "Along with being very creepy, don't do me again."

Buzzbot nodded and reverted back to the monochrome earth pony mare, "It's important to know that even though I can have the image of a pegasus pony I am still unable to fly. I Don’t tend to use a pegasus form. A pegasus who can’t fly? That would cause more questions than it's usually worth."

With a final adjustment Buzzbot became a different mare again, this time with a warm cream coloured coat and a pale orange brushed mane and tail. She had a cutie mark too, a dark red pair of stage faces, one laughing and one crying.

Tinker snorted, “Well that’s appropriate I suppose.”

"Now we’ve resolved that, it's time we got those components that we need," Buzz said with finality, all trace of the ‘machine’ now gone.

Tinker and Buzzbot wound their way up and out of the service tunnels of T.C.A.P and into the bright sunshine. All around the thronged trader levels surrounded the pair.

The sun shone through the large windows and fell upon a decorative plaza that was almost buried under the masses of people going back and forth with errands of their own. Packed tightly around a central silvery pillar were stalls and market vendors which had gravitated to T.C.A.P from across all the lands.

Tinker and Buzz were instantly enveloped by the crowds, buffalo, zebra and other more exotic creatures. The noise hit them like a solid wall. Voices raised as ponies offered their wares to passers bye while the air was full of winged patrons.

Tinker glanced at the huge dome above, the metal framework around the windows forming a grid and frowned. It always made him feel like they were in a giant glass lined birdcage. He turned to Buzz and saw to his astonishment that she was looking at the scene with wide eyed wonder.

A smile, grew on her face as she looked at the flowers, trees and grass that were encouraged to grow in assigned spaces within the dome. “Don’t know what you’re so impressed with,” Tinker muttered darkly, “It’s nothing compared to what you’ve seen I bet.”

Buzz started before giving a cough, “I er of course…”

Tinker looked out through the windows to the bustling town beyond and still failed to see what had gotten Buzz so excited. Equestria stretched out in all its beauty. The fine day was pretty average, blue sky with few clouds and the sun a little past its peak. The Ever Free forest quiet and untouched, T.C.A.P had turned it into a nature reserve, putting up barriers to keep the less welcome creatures out of Ponyville but leaving the land beyond untamed.

In the distance Cloudsdale floated and further still the shining aura of the Crystal Fiefdom danced in the sky showing off its bright colours. The white towers of Canterlot were clearly visible reaching out of the eastern mountains. The land was still just as wonderful as ever, but Buzz was acting like she’d never seen it before.

“It’s so small…” Buzz finally said and Tinker treated her to a raised eyebrow.

“Well it’s bigger than before T.C.A.P was set up,” Tinker mumbled, yet Buzz only seemed to half hear him.

“Such a little town, I never would have….” Buzz suddenly darted her way through the throng and pressed her hooves up against the glass.

Tinker was forced to weave and stumble his way through the heaving crowds to reach her side again in time for Buzz to squeal like a little filly, “And there’s the original cottages of Ponyville!”

“We’re here for parts remember?” Tinker tried in vain to drag Buzz’s attention back to the task at hoof.

“I mean I’ve seen the preserved examples of classic buildings, but they just don’t…” Buzz caught Tinker watching her and suddenly the old impassive expression was back, “See I can fool you easily enough, simulated emotions and actions that are so real no one can tell the difference.”

Tinker wasn’t so sure…. “Yeah, whatever you say Buzz.”

Without another word Buzzbot led Tinker back through the crowds to the ordered stalls of the market and began checking for the correct items. He studied the her carefully, not sure weather to be impressed or suspicious.

If he didn't know that she, no it, was a machine pretending to be a pony then Tinker would never suspected the truth. Buzzbot chatted with the store owners about the weather, gossip and Tinker was sure the robot even flirted with one old stallion, No one can tell the difference huh? Does that apply even to you Buzz?

By the time the sun was getting ready to set and the last of the stalls had shut, Buzz and Tinker had gotten almost all the parts they needed. Some of the more exotic materials would need to be picked up later, but they had sufficient components to start building the time gate at least.

Tinker was also greatly impressed by Buzzbot's bartering skills, they had been able to purchase a number of items for far fewer bits than he would normally have expected to pay. Not that it seemed to matter, Buzz almost seemed to produce money out of the very air. I wonder if she can? Tinker mused as they stepped back down into the awaiting calm of the service tunnels again.

Almost more shocking than the outbursts above was the way Buzz’s cheerful and carefree manner vanished as they left the trade levels. Still looking the part of a flesh and blood mare, it nevertheless shifted into the monotone way of speaking it used. Shame, all business as usual again I guess.

When Tinker and Buzzbot came back to the metal pressure door he suddenly felt a pang of embarrassment. With two ponies sharing the load they could fit all their purchases into the saddlebags with no need to carry things in their mouths, but that did mean….

"Welcome back User: Tinker, please tell me the password," came the gratingly cheery voice of his door. Tinker gave Buzz a pained look before mumbling it into the speaker grill.

While the door thanked him and began to unlock, Tinker felt his cheeks redden and out of the corner of his eye he was sure that Buzz had a little smile on her face. When he looked properly, Buzzbot still had a blank expression on her muzzle.

The door finished its cycle and Buzz motioned for Tinker to go in ahead, “After you oh greatest thinker.”Tinker quickly turned back and gave Buzzbot a suspicious look.

"There's a little pony prankster under all that metal isn't there? The whole 'I am just a robot and don't feel anything', it's all an act isn't it?" Tinker saw a slight twitch of her lips. Got-cha.

Finally replying in a fully synthesized and cold manner, "I am just very efficient at playing my assigned role Tinker Track".

There, deep in her eyes, a certain spark. Tinker didn’t know if Buzz was just that good at acting, but deep down he doubted it.

A smile played about his muzzle as, with a wink, he trotted past the utterly still Buzzbot and into the workshop proper.

“Could you pass me th….” Tinker called and to his mounting astonishment the welding torch was placed into his waiting hoof. Buzz had pre-empted him yet again.

He tried to focus on the panel before him and ignore the way Buzz had bent it into shape with a simple flex of its metal hooves. She’d dropped the outward disguise of a mare the moment they’d crossed the threshold of his workshop, putting even more effort into being ‘just a machine,’ and what a machine she was turning out to be.

Buzz was everywhere, performing several tasks all at once, screwing bolts while levitating heavy objects with her magic all the while reading out instructions from Do’s and Don’ts. Tinker estimated Buzz was doing the work of at least three ponies all at once and couldn’t help but be excited.

On the other hoof, Tinker was having trouble squaring the different ‘states’ Buzz would go through. After the last few days together he’d seen her swing wildly from cold machine to giggly filly at a moment’s notice. Nor did it seem to be linked to whether it was disguised or not.

She could be cold and mechanical as a mare to chirpy and bubbly as a pony-bot, when she thought he wasn’t paying attention anyhow. Buzz seemed to go to great lengths to dissuade Tinker that it could possibly be anything other than purely logical.

Tinker simply didn’t know what to think or quite what to say. Buzz was currently in a mechanical ‘mood’, only giving one or sometimes two word answers and then only in direct response to a question from Tinker. She’d been like that ever since Tinker had discovered that Buzz had raided his life savings to pay for the materials. If Tinker didn’t know better he would have guessed Buzz was being...

Instead of assuring Tinker that Buzz was ‘just a clever android’ it only stoked his suspicion that Buzz was far more than it pretended to be. Or maybe he was just getting used to how it acted? He sighed and refocused on his work, no doubt the answers would come.

He wasn’t all that bothered about the money to honest, he was in a roundabout sort of way spending it on himself, so as the last few bits were handed over, Tinker Track and Buzzbot were able to get the final components for the time gate. But Buzz had certainly acted like it felt guilty for taking the money without asking.

Then again it was money well spent. Tinker and Buzz had achieved the impossible, finishing the new time gate off with only two days left before Tinker's board review. True they hadn’t started it up yet, but Tinker had began to trust in Buzz’s abilities, if not fully its motives.

Tinker now found himself kitted out in lab coat, goggles and a slightly manic grin on his face. Whatever happened next was no doubt going to be impressive. He was standing over the crate that began this journey and withdrew one of the glowing cylinders, gently cradling the flask in a pair of gloves.

Buzzbot carefully took it in her magic, floated it across the room and delicately slotted it into the receptacle at the base of the gate’s control panel. Nothing happened for a moment then the power began to flow outwards. It traveled along power cables, sparked off etheric couplings before flowing into the gate itself.

The gate was a heavily circular ring set up against one wall, large enough for one pony to step through. It was almost drowned in wires and cables, that snaked and coiled across the portal like an iridescent spider web.

Heavy duty cables cluttered the floor, linking the command console, the gate and also the local T.C.A.P power grid. Where once workbenches had filled Tinker’s workshop, now there were clusters of glowing consoles and other more unfathomable machines.

Tinker Track looked about his much changed workshop and felt his own heart swell with pride. Gone were the tatty little projects, wayward components and dead-end inventions. The room now thrummed with purpose and direction.

“The power grid is supplementing the power cell sufficiently, we should be able to overcome the temporal resistance any moment now,” Buzz called out and Tinker held his breath. The charge continued to build, sending sparks flying off his coat and teeth.

“And you’re sure just testing the gate won’t drain the power cell?” Tinker shouted over the rising din.

“The grid should take the strain until we actually use the portal. Don’t worry I’ve done the maths, we should have enough power for three jumps: One there, one back and one to take me home,” Buzz yelled as paper scraps, old food boxes and other detritus were swept up by the sudden gale.

Reassured, Tinker went back to checking knobs and dials. He rushed up to a display screen to check that all was in order and before nodded to himself. As far as Tinker could tell all was ready.

“We’re as ready as we’re going to be Buzz,” Tinker paused before striking a suitably dramatic pose. "Throw the switch!"

He failed to see Buzzbot roll its camera eyes at his antics before she pulled the main lever on the other side of the room. The lights flickered once and then the background hum became a ear splitting whine.

Tiny arcs of magical lightning danced about the time gate and the space within its centre began to shimmer. Tinker began to laugh, a laugh which grew in volume until it was competing with the sounds coming from the generators. Bright flashes threw the room into a contrast of black and bluish light and Tinker felt a slight tremor run through the floor.

Just as the tables began to judder the shimmering in the centre of the main ring wobbled and rippled like disturbed water. The distortion grew to fill the entire inside of the time gate's ring, shining with a white glow. Tinker had to shield his eyes even through his goggles and then, and then... the power stuttered and died. The portal winked out and the noise dropped away to leave a shuddering silence.

Tinker lowered his hooves and glanced about in confusion. Buzzbot trotted over to the deflated earth pony and with a little 'tut-tut' sound gave the controls a once over. Then before Tinker Track could stop her she turned about and gave the whole panel a heaving buck.

"I don't think......." Tinker Track began before a 'Vuromf' sound wave knocked him off his hooves. Buzzbot retained its footing and seemed to watch Tinker with a smug expression again. Climbing his way back up he saw that the portal was fully formed and was rippling once more.

"Still the same problems on startup as in my time," Buzzbot said to herself. "Just needed quick and precise physical encouragement."

"That wasn't a very.....refined solution" He finally said, glancing at Buzzbot with a strange expression. He had begun to get used to it.....her acting like a robot again and then it threw another spanner in his thinking as she jumped the rails and did something unexpected.

"I can assure you Tinker Track I did all the necessary calculations before acting. I used the exact amount of force to gain the desired effect. Unrefined would not be an appropriate phrase for such an act, " Buzz replied looking right at Tinker with both its camera eyes adjusting.

"Keep telling yourself that Buzz," Tinker Track smirked, but Buzzbot didn't rise to the bait. Both pony and mechanical construct looked at the now smooth distortion floating within the time gate's ring. “It’s not terribly impressive Buzz, I would have thought after all that build up…..”

Buzzbot had regained her ‘Stage Cloak’ disguise again, “This was just the test Tinker, the real fun begins soon.

Learning to Laugh

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"What do you mean I can't come with you? It's bad enough that you insist on following me everywhere, always looking over my flank and not trusting me to go out on my own. Now you’re saying that I can't even use the time gate I built!?" Tinker Track fumed but Buzz simply stood before the gateway and watched him sadly.

"As I said before, I was created with this mission in mind Tinker. I have the skills and tools to get the job done properly," Buzzbot said. Was Tinker Track really this hot headed and foalish when he was young? No wonder future Tinker had warned me about his younger self.

"Please stop and think about this Tinker, I understand that you want to see past Ponyville and that having to stay behind feels like you're missing out. But we need a pony to keep an eye on the time gate so that once I have secured all the data, you can pull me back to this time." Why couldn’t he be logical?

Tinker Track sank to his haunches and pouted and Buzz tried a different approach, "Also it would cause a large amount of unwanted questions if you were seen in the past Tinker. What if somepony remembered you being there?”

Tinker just folded his arms and Buzz still couldn’t believe her creator was ever so young, “Well you said that everything I do has already been done, so what harm is there?”

Buzz paused for a moment, that was kind of true. Still she knew that Tinker had stayed behind, “Tinker please..” Buzz switched to a consoling voice.

Finally Tinker nodded but still looked put out, "Seems you get to have all the fun and I end up doing all the hard work," He grumbled. But the fire had gone out of his words and he sounded resigned to his role in all of this.

"Now to go over the plan one last time, I shall integrate myself into the past Ponyville, once I have acquired enough data on the Element Bearers, I'll need retrieval by you. I will send the collection signal at which point you will need to reopen the time gate so that I may return." Buzzbot explained to Tinker Track for what was now the third time.

"Yeah, yeah I got it Buzz. You'll let me know when you're ready to come back and I’ll open the portal for you, it's not that complicated, I do have some idea about how things work here." Tinker answered with a hint of impatience.

If only you knew what was ahead of you silly foal. Buzzbot mused, but that was a thought for another time, on with the mission.

Buzzbot gave the control panel a firm buck and mercifully it responded. The pair watched as the distortion field formed into a hazy image that shimmered like ripples in a pond. Through it Buzz could recognise a forest clearing with a star speckled night sky hanging over head.

Buzzbot cantered over to a monitoring machine and with a flick of her cable-tail, plugged into an output socket. She felt the target jump-point information flood into her, assuring Buzz that all was in order.

"Looks like you’ll be appearing just outside Ever Free Forest," Tinker commented with another frown. "Are you sure that's such a good landing spot? There are any number of creatures that would eat a pony in one bite in there."

"Your concern is touching Tinker but I shall be fine," Buzzbot said in what she hoped was a friendly tone. She didn’t want to push Tinker too hard and it was probable that he would perform better thinking she was actually grateful.

"Don't get all sentimental on me now Buzz, I have put a lot of time and work into you and I don't want this plan to go wrong," Tinker snipped back.

Buzz looked for all the signs: The slight frown, the quick catch of breath and mild tremble in Tinker’s limbs. He was lying, though he didn’t even know it himself. Her Tinker had explained his lonely younger days and Buzz had no doubt she was probably the closest thing to friend he had. For now.

"Of course," Buzzbot nodded as she replied "Well then I had best be on my way, expect my report soon." With that the pony-bot walked up to the distortion field, paused for a moment, stepped into image and then disappeared with a flash. The portal shrunk to a point of light before winking out.

Tinker Track let out the breath he didn't know he had been holding. Well that's it, time to wait..... his train of thought was cut off by a glowing red light on the control panel. Confused the leaned in closer, it was the recall alarm. Tinker's eyes widened, something must have gone wrong and began initiating the recall with frantic haste.

She... it had only been here a few days, yet despite how it got his hackles up over the smallest thing and talked to him like he was a total idiot, Buzz had been some of the best company Tinker had enjoyed for what felt like months. Not that he was going to let the tin can know that.

Tinker entered in the sequence to bring Buzzbot back and waited, but nothing happened. Tinker Track once again adjusted the controls and with a rising sense of panic stared at the inert time gate with mounting frustration before suddenly the answer hit him.

Buzz had told him that he would need to change the power cell after the first jump, but the suddenness of her recall signal had driven the thought clean out of Tinker's mind. He galloped back to the crate and with slightly trembling hooves carefully removed the second cylinder. Could a pack of timberwolves been waiting for her, or may be a hydra just happened across Buzz?

Tinker forced himself calm once again as he focused on the task at hoof. Carefully using his teeth, the sweating stallion removed the now spent power cell from the control panel and noted that it's green glow was gone, while the liquid inside had turned a nasty brown colour.

With as much caution as he could muster in his shaking hooves, Tinker slotted the new vial in its place and breathed a sigh of relief. Double checking all the settings were correct, Tinker turned and gave the panel a buck. He was rewarded by the time gate whining into action again. Tinker just had time to think of another ‘what if’ before the portal opened again with a "Vrumph".

Heart pounding Tinker watched as all of a sudden an orange and cream coloured blur galloped out of the portal. The blur resolved itself into a mare who took one look around with her brown eyes. He just had time to note the strange pony was a unicorn before mare grinned and embraced the shocked Tinker in a crushing hug.

"Oh Tinker it's great to see you again, I have so much to tell you about my time in Ponyville!" The voice was familiar, but this couldn’t be the same pony…. Tinker Track's vision began to grey out and he wondered if this was how his life would end, crushed in a hug by a strange pony from another time.

Finally his captor seemed to notice Tinker was turning a dangerous shade of purple and finally let him go. As Tinker began to revive he stared at the unicorn in utter confusion, "Um buzz? Is that you?" Tinker asked taking huge gasps of air.

"Well dur, of course it's me you silly colt. Who else were you expecting, Nightmare Moon?" Buzzbot rolled her eyes and only smiled wider. "I sent my recall code ahead as planned, so you should know it was me. I have come to give my report. You really need to pay more attention to your time theory studies Tinker". He looked at the new comer in total bemusement.

"Okay, who are you and what have you done with my pony-bot?" This was all getting away from Tinker as he stammered back to the bundle of energy in front of him. Peering past her shining brown eyes TInker saw Buzz’s cutie mark was still a mask, only now it was the thin black type that only covered a pony's eye line. The kind normally used by the hero's in old films like 'Mask of Sorian the wonderbolt avenger!'

Buzzbot had a confused look on her face, then gave herself a face hoof. With a little giggle a yellow glow surrounded her and with that flash of magic Buzz was back to her robot self. Tinker instantly saw how battered and worn the machine was. She had scuff marks, scratches and what looked like a set of claw marks on her flank. A couple of the cables from her tail ended in a frayed mess as if they had been bitten off.

Tinker just looked on in wonder as Buzzbot went on as if nothing was the matter, her damaged appearance of no consequence. "Oh don't be like that Tinker. I'd forgotten how silly you are when you’re confused. No matter, I need to get you up to speed," Buzzbot went on, still in her cheery voice. No hint of the robotic monotone from earlier. "Now there's a lot to tell you, so you had best sit yourself down and we can get started. We haven't got much time."

Buzzbot detected the movement of the time tunnel in a distant way, but then again she wasn't a normal pony. The machine's senses were not the same as living ponies. This was the first time the robot had been online when it had travelled this way.

The last time Buzz had been through a time portal was as a collection of parts. The future Tinker had assured her that she would get a warmer welcome as a ‘kit’ to be built.

A robot that was as independent as Buzz would have made past Tinker Track only more suspicious. Despite her reservations Buzz had gone along with the plan. She trusted her Tinker and things seemed to be working out as predicted.

Buzz didn't need to move or propel herself along the glowing tunnel before her, the robot was just pulled along by the flow of energy. It was difficult to describe how it felt, but Buzz reckoned it was how Tinker had described dreams. The rules of the world didn’t really ‘fit’. You could run for hours yet not get anywhere, or just be at your destination in an instant without moving at all.

In that strange manner Buzz came to exit to her journey, a shimmering hole cut into the world that floated a few feet above the ground. Passing through the opening Buzz felt gravity take hold of her and she half leaped, half floated down onto the wavering grass below.

She watched in fascination as waves of magical force buffeted the surrounding grass, bending it down in a wide ring like a crop circle. Now safely through, the portal vanished with a crack that sounded like thunder and Buzz simply enjoyed the night time sounds that drifted in from all around. I’m actually here, in the past where ‘it’ all happened!

Buzz looked back and forth scanning the landscape. Her camera eyes looking in different directions. All the data pointed to Buzz being in the right place and time. So far so good. She trotted about getting her bearings and reviewing her internal maps before orientating herself towards Ponyville.

The forest was as dark as it had been described to Buzz. But the historical records just didn’t compare to the real thing. They couldn’t capture the sights or the sounds, how the small critters darted away as Buzz approached. Nothing could replace the feeling of actually being there.

She doubted anything would want to make a meal of a metal pony, but it still paid to be careful. Buzz had to negotiate around trees, avoid patches of thick bracken and soon found herself within sight of the target village. Ponyville, the tiny hamlet of little thatched cottages where so much had occurred. Even compared to the town she’d seen with Tinker this place was tiny.

Stay focused Buzz. If she was any judge then Buzz had arrived in the early hours of the morning, the moon was waning in the sky above. Most of the ponies would be asleep right now so not a bad time to be sneaking around.

Double checking that no pony was about, Buzz changed herself. Taking on the form of a well travelled grey pony stallion with a map for a cutie mark. Satisfied that all was in order, Buzz threaded her way through the last of the trees and approached the village.

She took her time getting to know her way around. She made mental notes of key buildings, where the target ponies were know to have lived and the most likely places for her to stay. She did have old maps and data on old Ponyville, but it paid to be thorough. I’m just being efficient, it not that I don’t want to waste a single moment of this exciting trip.

Meanwhile in her room up at Sugar Cube Corner Pinkie Pie was awoken from a dream about Gummy tap dancing on a candy floss cloud. A new ‘shudder’ went through her, it lifted her off her bed and dumped her on the floor.

"Ooooh, never felt that combo before," Something new is gonna happen, something that had never happened before. The insistent feeling bounced around Pinkie’s muscles and she felt that odd tingle deep in her gut.

Mrs Cake was just unlocking the door to Sugar Cube Corner for the morning when she saw a cream coloured unicorn mare with orange well kept mane waiting outside, "Oh hello deary, it’s nice to see some pony up and eager at this time in the morning. The first batch of the day will be ready soon," With that Mrs Cake stepped aside to let the newcomer in.

"Thank you very much," Buzz said sweetly. "I have only just gotten into town today and was wondering if you would know where the best place to stay is?" The Unicorn asked with bright brown eyes aglow with enthusiasm. Buzz sniffed the air (more for effect than to enjoy the smell of freshly baked goods) and put on a big smile. "Plus that smells great, I haven't had breakfast yet so I hoped to solve both my problems in one go."

"Well you've come to the right place, we can help you with both of those," Mrs cake smiled. After a short time Buzz was chatting happily with the friendly baker and munching on some fresh bread.

"So, you have a room to rent? That's wonderful news," Buzz asked in the gaps when she wasn't chewing.

"Twenty bits a week, but that includes breakfast which is served at seven," Mrs Cake replied warmly. Buzz smiled and proffered her payment for the first week. Tinker would be a little annoyed that Buzz had borrowed his last few bits, but she would help him get more after this was done. Buzz had promised herself that, it was only to be right and proper. Not because she felt guilty, she couldn’t feel guilty she was just….

"I should be able to pay for the next weeks rent once I have started my new job." Buzz assured her new landmare, banishing the uneasy thoughts.

As this business was concluding there was an odd thudding sound from the upper rooms and both Buzz and Mrs Cake looked up to see the connecting door was open. There before them, in a pale pink coat, wearing her balloons cutie mark and topped off with a bubbly pink main was ‘Pinkie PIe’. The actual Pinkie Pie! Buzz felt elation well up in her chest.

The filly was struggling it seemed though. Her elbows and knees didn’t seem to want to obey, every so often they would just lock up and force Pinkie Pie to wobble stiffly down the stairs.

This strange behaviour bounced back and forth, alternating between her so limbs suddenly that Buzz was amazed that Pinkie didn’t just fall down the flight and land in a tumbled heap.

After several long, tense moments Pinkie finally reached the base of the stairs and to the surprise of every pony in the room (including her it seemed) she reared up on her back legs. Her fore legs had locked at right angles again. They were taking turns to move up and down in a way that could only be described as 'mechanical' and Buzz registered a sudden warning. She knows….

"Good morning Mrs Cake. I seem to have found a new combo-nation, I am still trying to discover what it means though," Pinkie said in a very un-Pinkie tone. The cold inflections and synthesized monotone wasn’t lost on Buzz.

She shook her head then grinned, "Hehehe, my voice went all silly did you hear it?" With that she trotted over to the counter as if nothing had happened. "I was woken by it last night and this new combo has been going on and off since then".

Pinkie Pie froze when she saw Buzz, she took a huge gasp and then spoke so fast it was hard to make out the words: "Are-you-new-and-when-did-you-get-here? I've-never-seen-you-before, that-means-you’re-new.Do-you-know-what-that-means?"

Buzz was about to answer when a shudder ran through Pinkie Pie again and her voice took on that odd quality again. Both Buzz and Mrs Cake watched as Pinkie reared up and looked to be performing some kind of stiff dance.

"Ah that combo is back and though I am still pleased to meet you new pony, however I do not know your name. Could you please tell me it," All this time Pinkie's blue eyes were still brimming with joy, completely at odds with her actions and Buzz wasn’t entirely certain that Pinkie wasn’t looking through her.

"Oh er, this is Pinkie Pie, she's our other tenant. She's a wonderful filly once you get to know her," Mrs Cake said with a little edge in her voice,

"Great to meet you Pinkie, I’m Stage Cloak," Buzz lied smoothly.

As if seeing the new pony for the first time Pinkie Pie snapped out of her strange movements and gave the unicorn a steely look that could have nailed Buzz to the wall, "That's really odd because I am getting such a Buzz off you, I was sure you would be called something else. I dunno. Stage Cloak just doesn’t seem to fit you at all."

Her face morphed into a big grin again, "Well I guess you should know your own name." Pinkie went on happily. "Anyway I’m sure were going to be great friends once I’ve welcomed you to Ponyville, in the proper manner of course." Pinkie babbled as her speech sped up once more, "Oh-this-is-gonna-be-so-much-fun!" With that she rushed off without another word.

"My, my, you took that better than the last pony who came to stay," Mrs Cake sounded impressed as she looked at 'Stage Cloak', but Buzz just smiled calmly despite the alarms going off in her head.

"Oh I’ve have heard of Pinkie Pie, news of ponies like her gets around," Buzz said with a brittle smile.

"That doesn't surprise me in the least deary," Mrs Cake replied as she dusted herself down, "So you were telling me why you came to Ponyville?"

"Well I want to make costumes you see, for the theatre. I used to be apprenticed to some of the fashion shops in Canterlot, but it was all a bit too 'rigid' for me. Then I heard of Miss ‘Rarity’, she has done some very interesting work and she sounded like just the pony to show me what to do. I heard all about the first fashion show she put on.”

Though ‘Hoity Toity’ declared the dressed were terrible, I said to myself, "Stage, that's the kind of bravery and innovative thinking you need to learn from!" Buzzbot's eyes twinkled with eagerness as she talked about the hopes and dreams of Stage Cloak, doing her utmost to ignore the strange thumps and rhythmic clunks coming from upstairs.

"Well I must admit I have never been in need of hired help before darling, but you certainly do have a very respectable resume for one so young," The white unicorn gave Buzzbot a searching look. Buzz had smartened herself up for the first introduction to Rarity, putting her hair into a more upright style to be in line with the upcoming trends.

"Thank you Miss Rarity, it's wonderful to finally meet you in person. Ever since I read what Hoity Toity wrote about your fashion show for your friend's Gala dresses I just had to come and meet you."

Rarity winced, pain evident in her blue eyes, but Buzzbot's eager smile never faltered, "Any pony that can pull off such a magnificent turn around with Hoity Toity must be a true fashion diva. All I ask is a chance to learn from you and I can be a great help around the shop." Buzz pressed on with a hopeful look in big round eyes. Be eager, but not overbearing. Flatter her just a little, that’s it.

Rarity tapped her hoof to her jaw in thought, “You’re certainly eager, I can work with that. You’re also willing to work for a far lower wage than most ponies would ask for.” Rarity’s face was a mix of expressions, but then she batted her purple/blue mane in just that way and Buzz knew she was in. “Well it couldn't hurt to give you a chance, I can’t go turning away such a well styled and passionate young artist now can I?”

Smile just a tiny bit, look oh so grateful… "Very well miss Stage Cloak, you're hired, but on a trial basis mind you." Rarity then added as a final note. "You may begin tomorrow, we open at nine and I expect to see you fifteen minutes before then. Is that understood?"

"Of course Miss Rarity, thank you so much for your generosity. I won't let you down," Buzz did a little curtsy just to sweeten the deal and saw Rarity’s nod of approval.

Buzz was halfway out the door when she stopped, "Oh and miss Rarity, Pinkie Pie is throwing me a welcome to Ponyville party this evening at about six, it would be an honour if you would be able to come." Buzzbot called back as she turned her head around to face Rarity again. It’s not that important, let her know she is welcome.

"Ah, you’re the new pony Pinkie was talking about in her invite. Well a celebration hosted by Pinkie Pie for my new student? But of course my dear I would be delighted to attend." Rarity assured and Buzz made a mental tick.

Nodding happily she made her way out of the shop and into the pleasant sunshine outside. Everything is falling into place. Pinkie was ahead of Buzzbot, having invited Rarity already and it was a good bet that she’d sent invitations to the other Element Bearers too. If you want to get every pony in one place and in a good mood, look no further Pinkamena Diane Pie.

Buzz's welcome to Ponyville party was in full swing and Buzzbot was only realising just how many ponies were focused on her. It was thrilling know she was fooling them so easily. Buzz couldn’t let up though, Pinkie Pie was swinging wildly from bouncy ‘party pony’ to ‘machine’ shudder all the time now. Surely somepony is suspicious?

But they weren’t, Buzz could hardly believe the way all the ponies about didn’t even give Pinkie Pie a second glance. In Buzz’s time if Pinkie was shaking everypony took note. It was more effective than precognition spells and Buzzbot was keenly reminded just how famous the Element Bearers were compared to here and now.

Shaking this off, Buzzbot focused on the mission; gathering the data needed from all of the ‘Elements’ at once. See how they act, their needs and weaknesses. Things that could be… Her study was interrupted as a large blindfold was placed over Buzzbot’s eyes.

Recovering quickly Buzz heard the cheerful encouragement of Pinkie Pie in her ear, “Time to pin the tail on the pony Stage Cloak!” It seemed data collection would have to wait. Buzz felt herself being spun round and round. Before long all the ponies in the room were roaring their support.

Spinning Buzz was pointless, her internal compass kept her perfectly orientated, also the blindfold wasn't truly up to the task. But she needed to play the role given her, so Buzz made a great show of stumbling into a chair before correcting her course and pinning the tail about mid way up the picture’s back. The ponies all cheered her 'valiant' effort before she was whisked away to another game.

Time and time again Buzz attempted to begin her studies of the six legends of Equestria's history, but then another aspect of the party would carry her off. This was fine, Buzz could simply… Then to her surprise Buzzbot found she was actually having fun.

Buzz couldn’t put a hoof on the exact moment, they had played a few more party games, danced and pretended she’d to eat the food. (A much more complex act for an equine that didn't really have a mouth than you would first have thought.) But despite this ‘setback’ Buzzbot was actually having fun. As the party began to wind down she pondered this strange effect.

She had all the programming to imitate laughter, a convincing smile or a cheerful pair of eyes. Yet this was different, this was coming from within her and Buzzbot wasn't aware of any lines of code that would cause her to feel anything.

She, she was having fun and she felt like laughing for real. Before Buzz knew what she was doing she felt herself laughing, it started small but grew in volume as she watched the crazy antics of Pinkie Pie entertaining Pumpkin Cake and Pound Cake, her new landmare's twin foals.

It was ridiculous, Pinkie Pie wasn’t even being that funny if Buzz was any judge. But the bubbling need to express the feelings welling up inside her wouldn’t be stopped. It had nothing to do with programming, nor did it fit into Buzz’s plan. She simply had to Laugh.

All of a sudden Buzzbot realized what she was doing and she froze. Buzz glanced about to see if anypony had noticed her odd behaviour, but the rest of the ponies in the party hadn't given her merriment a second thought. What is happening to me? All of her existence Buzz had been in full control of her thoughts and actions. It was the way she was programmed.

The emotions the robot had portrayed were just that, a portrayal and definitely not genuine. She could mimic pony emotions so well that it was second nature to her. But she had never felt for real. Had she?

Reasserting her control, Buzz looked about the room and the courtyard before her. All the ponies were having fun and enjoying themselves. Buzzbot had been so caught up in these new thoughts that she hadn't even realized that most of the Element Bearers of had already left the party.

Only Pinkie Pie remained and Buzz had missed a big chance. She hadn't even noticed. Another sensation began to well up from her core, one that was not pleasant. She understood it by the reactions she was programmed to imitate: The furrowed brow, the slight frown and she could put a name to the feeling with those actions. It was doubt.

Gift of Generosity

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"My dear Stage Cloak, you don't seem to be yourself. Is something the matter?" Rarity asked Buzz. It had been three days since the welcome to Ponyville party and Buzz was settling into her assumed role of Stage Cloak, but a nagging notion was still lurking in the back of her mind.

When did I begin to feel true emotions? Am I even meant to? She looked into her memories and tried to pinpoint it. As she worked back Buzzbot began to realize that there had been other times when she had felt emotional. Pinkie's party had just been a stronger example of what was already forming within her. These thoughts had been bouncing around her head so much that it was starting to show.

"Sorry Miss Rarity, I’ve just got a lot on my mind," Buzz replied. Rarity lifted her hoof to her mouth to hide a small chuckle.

"I can see that darling, you've been awful quiet and you’re stitching that same piece of fabric for the third time my dear," Buzz focused on what her magic was doing and realized Rarity was indeed correct. Buzz was on the third lap along the hemline of the deep blue dress before her.

"Oh Miss Rarity, I am so sorry!" Buzz let out as another wave of emotions came over her, showing up crimson on her face that had little to do with an emulated response. Embarrassment, another one to add to the list, Buzz mentally tallied. How did ponies deal with it? They were so sudden, so raw.

"It's quite alright Stage, no lasting harm done," Rarity added with a little smile. "Would you like to talk about it?" She pressed on while neatly putting down the garment she was working on, taking great care so that it wouldn't crease.

Buzz knew she should decline the offer. She wouldn't know where to begin trying to explain it all to Rarity, even if she could without blowing her cover. But part of her, the one that was becoming more and more vocal, yearned to talk to somepony. She would normally have spoken to future Tinker Track about it, but that simply wasn't an option right now.

All her programming hadn't prepared Buzzbot for this eventuality, Tinker certainly had’nt said anything about it. She was to assume roles and cast them aside, leaving the pretend feelings behind too. But as Buzz spent a greater amount of time in Ponyville and the more she learnt from real ponies, the stronger her feelings were becoming.

"Thank you Miss Rarity, it will pass. I promise I will keep my mind on my work in the future." Buzz answered, pulling herself together again. Logic, programming, that’s what is important.

Rarity didn't look convinced and gave Buzz a long stare. She looked to the overworked dress and then back up to Buzzbot before coming to a conclusion.

"Stage Cloak, I am taking you to the spa. You have been working very hard these last few days and your methods are so precise. I cannot fault your craft until today my dear. However one must take care not to wear one’s self out. You need to unwind sometimes. You have earned yourself that at least darling." Rarity said in a no nonsense tone.

Buzz opened her mouth to assure Rarity that she was fine, but before any words came out the ‘Element of Generosity’ held up her hoof, "I will not be taking no for an answer." With that Rarity lit her horn, and began packing up the day’s projects. Once things were all in order Rarity hustled Buzzbot out the door and locked up the shop with a wink of triumph.

Buzzbot didn't put up much resistance after that and let Rarity lead the way through Ponyville's streets. Well now you’re going to get some alone time with Rarity at least. Chances like this don't come about all that often and it should be jumped upon. But the now increasingly confused machine was finding it hard to know what she was supposed to do with herself. Her heart wasn't in the mission at the moment.

There were a large number of ponies on the streets, it was another fine day in Ponyville and the locals were making the most of it. Rarity wasn't slowed down as she nimbly picked her way through the throng, she was a pony on a mission. The pair arrived at the spa and ‘Lotus Blossom’ was the first to greet the spa’s best customer before Rarity led her guest inside.

"Ah Lotus, Aole! I’m here for my usual, and the same for my new friend Stage Cloak!" The blue spa pony nodded, rushed to get her sister Aloe whispering excitedly to her pink colleague.

Before Buzz really understood what was going on, she found herself resting on a comfortable couch with the beauticians fussing and pampering both her and Rarity with all the delights the spa had to offer.

"So much better. Now Stage please tell me what’s been troubling you. Ever since the party you haven't been your cheerful self I met on that first day?" Rarity asked as Lotus applied Rarity’s face mask.

Even after having two cucumber slices placed over her eyes Buzz could feel their focus on her, boring into her like a drill. Buzz was about to give into the urge to just tell Rarity everything when Aloe slapped a mask on pony-bot's face.

Unfortunately for the Buzz, the robot opened her mouth just as the mud arrived. So instead of explaining how hard it was to cope with her strong feelings and how worried she was about failing her mission all that came out was a splutter of turquoise face pack. The results of which peppered Aloe from the waist upward.

Rarity was enjoying herself too much to be worried about the details and nodded with a sigh, "I see darling and how long has this been going on then?" Aloe after a few moments shock, smiled and not wanting to upset Rarity calmly grabbed a towel and began to clean herself up.

Buzz finished clearing her mouth, then looked apologetically at Aloe who smiled back with only the slightest twitch in her eye. Buzz made sure to keep her mouth closed this time as Aloe reapplied the mud. This done, Buzz was treated to a matching set of cucumber covers equivalent to Rarity's. Only then did she try to explain once more.

By now however Rarity was in the middle of a vigorous massage being performed by one of the spa stallions and so as Buzz talked about feeling and emotions Rarity simply sighed with pleasure.

Aloe attempted to apply the next part in Stage Cloak's treatment, however when she attempted to replicate the massage that Rarity was getting Aloe simply yelped.

Buzz was shocked into silence and lifting her the cucumbers, saw Aloe glaring at her. She was cradling a now throbbing hoof and Buzz instantly realised her mistake. Can’t just look like a pony, need to be as soft as one too. How could I have forgotten?

Seeing Buzz watching her, Aloe forced a brittle smile onto her face and began (Far more softly this time) to rub and gently tap Buzzbot’s back.

"Well the thing is Rarity, um, I’m not sure how to put this I have just been very emotional these last few days, and I don't know what’s causing it. I have never been like this before and it's all a bit new to me." Buzz finally managed to get out with a little sigh.

"Just when I think I have a handle on things it slips away and... and...." Buzz was lost and Rarity looked around. She finally seemed to be listening for real this time and a knowing grin grew upon her face.

"Oh Stage, that's perfectly normal for a filly of your age, you can't be long out of school and your body will be going through some changes at this time." Rarity said sagely and Buzz suddenly felt panic grip her.

“It’s part of growing up my dear, nothing to be worried about,” Rarity assured and Buzz suddenly felt her cheeks grow hot as her mind caught up with what Rarity had said.

“Oh no I….” Buzz began only for Rarity to wave an admonishing hoof.

"These things all have their natural time and place. It won't last forever, but I do believe you will be taking a greater interest in the Stallions about now. With your looks and poise, we may have to fight them off with a stick." Rarity said, her smile growing wider every moment.

Buzz just shook her head at this, “Changes right........” Oh you have no idea how right and wrong you are Rarity.

With their massages finished the next step was the hoof and horn pampering. The two ponies were dressed in soft white robes and led to another set of comfy couches. Rarity, her blue eyes now sparkling with a playful look watched Buzz with a knowing smile. Lotus Blossom began to gently rub Rarity’s hooves with a file, smoothing off the edges and making sure they were presentable.

Rarity practically glowed with self assurance, "This is a special time for you my dear and we need to make sure you’re prepared. You already have the poise and looks as I said before, but there is so much I need to teach you about being a proper mare. Manners and being ladylike are vitally important when it comes to matters such as these.”

Buzz felt a sort of sick feeling welling up within as Rarity’s eyes sparkled, "Idea!, Oh this will be just so perfect. You could model for me! That would give us so much time to get the right look for you and will help my business no end! I've yet to find another mare to properly fill the slot after that Fluttershy/Photo Finish fiasco."

Rarity clapped her hooves together to the frustration of Lotus who was half way done with the hooficure. Buzz watched in a daze as Lotus quickly hid her annoyance with a smile almost as brittle as Aloe’s had become.

It was then that Buzz saw Aloe’s expression as she regarded Buzz’s immaculate hooves. She followed Aloe’s eyes to the file and then back to Buzz’s hooves and nodded encouragingly, far too busy with Rarity to be worried about the uncertain expression Aloe had.

"Oh Miss Rarity," Buzz put on a pleading face, "That's such a nice offer but I don't think that my talents lie in that direction."

Both she and Rarity stopped as a grinding sound was heard from below. Looking down Buzz saw Aloe holding the now blunted file in utter astonishment and Buzz’s own hooves were still totally unblemished.

The awkward moment stretched out before Rarity broke it with a chuckle, “Must have been a bad batch of files?”

Aloe’s suspicious expression vanished and she forced a twitching smile onto her muzzle, “I’m sure that’s it.”

Rairty nodded, all worries forgotten in her excitement, "But you must my dear! I could do so much with your mane, tail and your coat is simply perfect." Rarity pressed on as Lotus, giving her sister, a quizzical look moved to work on Rarity's horn. Aloe had stomped out of the room, heading for the back storage areas of the spa.

Buzz was starting to panic, she couldn't change her appearance in here and her disguise was not designed for this eventuality. The look Aloe had given her showed Buzz she meant business this time.

"Well Rarity if it means that much to you I can try for a little bit, in fact why don't we go now? I am feeling much better after our chat." Buzz quickly added. From the storage room the sounds of a power tool being revved up could be heard. "You've really convinced me Miss Rarity and I want to get started right away." Buzz almost shrieked as the sound revving became louder

"Simply marvellous, that's the excited and determined Stage Cloak I hired, it's amazing what a session at the spa can do for your mind. Come Stage we must create!" With that Rarity shrugged off the white robe she was wearing turned to Lotus Blossom to thank her for the delightful stay.

She then hustled Buzzbot out of the spa's door chatting about how Stage Cloak could give her own input with the design, helping to make the very cloths that she would be modelling. This was going to be a great partnership.

She and Buzz left through the front door just as Aloe returned from of the back room carrying a power sander. "Where did she go?" Aloe asked her sister, a slightly manic look in her eyes. Aloe revved to power sander again, “No pony leaves the spa without Aloe working her magic on them! No case of iron hard coat or steel hard hooves is going to stop me.”

"They already left, and paid us well Aloe, don't worry I am sure they’ll come back again. I know Miss Rarity, she can't stay away."

Aloe twitched again and the power sander jumped in sympathy, “Well when she does….”

The Carousel Boutique was a hurricane of activity as Rarity and Buzz threw themselves into their work. When Rarity got an 'idea' nothing would stop her and all but the most urgent projects were put on hold. Buzz was happy for the distraction and she worked as hard as her employer.

Buzz mused to herself that she could probably do a better job as a model if she were able to shape change for Rarity, but that wasn't on the cards. What am I thinking, I’m hear to study not make dresses! The work helped her focus again and though Buzz still felt the emotions at the back of her mind, they were at least not hindering her work any more.

They were well into their second day of hard effort, having drawn up plans for and made at least five outfits when a very different kind of storm swept into the shop. It started off with the sound of many trampling hooves coming from outside, then before either pony could do anything a large number of pink ponies burst in through the door.

Bouncing and spinning their way through the Boutique all the while the background chirpy sound of "Fun, Fun, Fun!" accompanied them. Both Rarity and Buzzbot stared wide eyed as a tide of Pinkie Pies flooded the room, they overturned chairs, tables and the pony manikins in their excitement.

Buzz was outraged. They had worked so hard and now an avalanche of Pinkie Pies was tearing the place apart. The hoard quickly lost interest once everything in the room was in ruins and with little encouragement left through the door, windows and one even departed up the chimney.

Rarity, one eye twitching surveyed the carnage while Buzz felt for the first time in her life real anger. It was not a pretty feeling, it was hot and rushing and Buzz was not really practised in controlling it. She felt like she was going to explode, all their hard work torn apart! All thoughts of Tinker and her mission went out of her head as her eyes narrowed.

The effect was visible right away as Buzz turned an angry shade of white, while her main and tail seemed to catch fire. Rarity stopped looking at the shop and turned to see the inferno building next to her.

"Now, now dear. We can fix this, no need to be like that," Rarity was trying hard to keep the frustration out of her own voice too. Despite Rarity's calming pleas Stage Cloak's fury continued to increase, anger pouring off her like a flame. What was more the pony seemed to shimmer.

Buzz ignored Rarity and began to head for the door of the boutique, vengeance burning in her normally brown eyes, which had become a golden yellow colour throughout. Buzz had heard of Twilight doing something similar during the whole hydra incident, but that had only lasted a few seconds. The fact that it was actually happening to her would have intrigued Buzzbot no end, had her head not been full of raging fire at this moment.

Another Pinkie Pie came to the door way, unlike the others she seemed to be out of breath. She had a very worried look in her normally cheerful eyes. Pinkie looked at Buzzbot and stopped dead.

"Okie dokie lokie, I can see you’re real busy right now I'll come back another time," With that Pinkie Pie about faced and chased after the rest of the swarming pack. Buzz now had a target for the rage in her and broke into a gallop to chase. She ignored the cries of Rarity behind her, she forgot about the shop's state and galloped after Pinkie Pie like a dragon after a beautiful gem.

The warnings echoing in Buzzbot's brain were trying to grab her attention. She was eating up her power reserves at a huge rate and would burn out if she wasn't careful. But Buzz simply didn't care. For the first time she’d really felt happy, as she and Rarity created new art together. Buzz had been able to forget the worries and troubles of the past few days, now it was like the only thing she wanted to do was punish the pony that had ruined it all.

Pinkie Pie had a good head start on Buzz but she could track her easily enough. Buzz put her 'mapping of pony Ponyville' to good use and could see that Pinkie was heading for a dead end. Buzz’s prey turned the corner and Buzz lost sight of her for just a second. Just one second.

Buzz rounded the same corner and prepared to blast the pink nuisance once and for all….but she was gone! Buzz wasn't sure how Pinkie Pie had done it, one moment she was about to catch her then Pinkie was just was gone. It made no sense. There was no way out of the alley. She looked up and saw no pegasi either that could have lifted Pinkie Pie to safety. She’d just vanished.

Buzzbot stomped out of the alley just in time to see Rarity catching her breath through a haze of error messages that fought for Buzz’s attention. She had an apprehensive look on her face and Buzz suddenly felt another emotion, stronger even the rage she had been subjected to. It didn't take Buzz long to decide she disliked this one even more and that only added to her confusion.

Buzzbot saw that Rarity was scared of her, that once again Buzz had allowed emotions get the better of her. The was feeling guilt and it felt like tons pressing down on her chest. Buzz’s heart ached and she felt stupid and angry and….

Buzz tried desperately to bring herself under control again, but everything was so mixed up. Programming warred with feelings and those feeling warred with other feelings. Buzz wasn’t sure who she was anymore. The fake ideals of Stage Cloak were pressing their needs upon her while her directives screamed for Buzz to stop this nonsense and get on with her mission.

She tried to clamp down on the rage, the confusion and fear, but it was spiralling out of Buzz’s control. "Chillax crazy mare, sure it's a Pinkie storm, dead annoying for sure but Twilight's got it covered!” Buzz looked up to see Rainbow Dash hovering over with a triumphant smile, a rain cloud heavy in her hooves.

Buzz had only a brief moment before a deluge hit her. As the cold water poured over Buzzbot’s body it turned to steam. Her white hot frame began to cool much faster than it was ever intended too and Buzz felt a small, but important, part of her robot mind "pop" with a fizzle. With a final flashing of 'ERROR' filling her vision Buzzbot, shut down as Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked at each other in confused fear.

The first thing that registered for Buzzbot was that she was lying down. The resistance of the surface under her was less than the ground she had been standing on when she was last online.

It took her now, much cooler brain, a few moments to realize that she was lying in a bed. It was richly decorated and Buzz had an odd sensation that she knew the owner but, right now it was very hard to think. Buzz tried to turn her head and jumped as a cool flannel slid off.

She went to raise herself but felt a gentle hoof pressing Buzz back down again, "Ah my dear you’re awake, we worried about you." Rarity said kindly. Her mane was a little out of sorts but there was genuine concern in her eyes.

Buzz blinked in simulated surprise as she did an internal check of her systems. Her magic circuits had taken the brunt of the punishment. A few vital connections had burnt out but more than the vital components that allowed Buzz to change her disguise were totally shot. She was trapped as 'Stage Cloak' until she could get repairs. That didn't bode well.

"I'm so, so sorry Rarity. everypony okay?" Buzz shuddered to think what she may have done to Pinkie Pie in her anger fuelled state.

Rarity smiled sadly, "Oh Stage my dear, everypony is alright, though the same can't be said about the Boutique. Between the Pinkie Pie invasion and the small fires started by your, um...... 'episode' it's a bit of a mess." Buzzbot winced at hearing this, another thing she had messed up.

Rarity flicked her mane once again, looking thoughtful and not sure what to say, "So how are you feeling now darling? You gave us all a bit of a scare there." Buzz wasn't okay, things had become a disaster, with her magic burnt out she would have no way of getting her recall signal to Tinker Track and she was stuck in her current form.

"I think I’ll be alright Miss Rarity, I just need some rest. As you said I was working myself too hard. I'll head over to Sugar Cube Corner and apologise to Pinkie Pie at once.” Buzzbot looked to Rarity, her eyes full of genuine remorse. “I was way out of order." Buzz said hardly needing to fall back on programming any more, she really felt as guilty as a foal after a temper tantrum.

"You will do no such thing Stage, you’re not going anywhere until we make sure you’re all better. You’re in no state to be up and about! Fluttershy and Twilight are downstairs and wanted to speak to you when you awoke." Rarity said in a tone that quashed any argument Buzz had thought of making.

"Also Pinkie is having a rest day too. I don't know, messing around with magic mirror pools and making copies of herself like that," Rarity shook her head as she rolled her eyes. "The amount of mischief that pony gets herself into almost rivals my little sister and her friends."

"So that's what happened then? I have to admit I was a little distracted by things, to think clearly." Buzzbot said in a tired voice as she let her head drop back down on the pillows. She didn't feel pain as it were, but could still register damage to her frame.

She gave Rarity a weak smile then saw that the unicorn was staring oddly at her. Rarity looked like she was about to ask something else, but before she could two ponies who Buzz instantly recognised, and what looked to be a nurse came into the room

Looking around the assembled faces of the other ponies, Buzzbot knew she wasn't off the hook yet. The nurse had a perplexed look, ‘Fluttershy’, her yellow face screwed up in concern looked scared and Twilight was.... well the look the purple unicorn was giving Buzz what could only be described as ‘fascinated’. Buzz shifted uncomfortably as the four ponies gazed down on her in an awkward silence. Twilight was the first one to speak using a voice with authority, but not unkindness.

"Stage Cloak we need to talk, there are some questions I need answered and the first of them is what in Celestia's name are you?"

Machines, Medicines and a whole lot of kindness

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Buzz's pupils shrunk to dots, "Wha.....what do you meant Twilight? I'm a unicorn like you!" She said with a sinking feeling. Twilight frowned and with a flick of her magical horn pinned Buzzbot in the bed. The magic was strong, but only powerful enough to keep her in place.

Twilight turned to look at ‘Redheart’ who nodded and brought out a sheet of x-ray paper. Twilight kept holding Buzz in place with her magic even as she levitated the proffered sheet up to the window. All the ponies could see what was there and Buzzbot knew what that meant, but it didn't make it any better. The image on the x-ray sheet was not of a pony, well it was pony shaped but instead of the normal bones and muscles were servos and gears.

Buzzbot had to think fast. A fault with the x-ray machine? No they'd never buy that. She couldn't tell them the truth so...... "I don't understand, what’s that an x-ray of?" She made her eyes widen in shock and feigned ignorance. If she could bluff that she was in the dark as much as the rest of the ponies in the room, there may just be a way through this. "Is... is that.....meant to be me?" Buzz went on, putting all her ingenious programming to use.

Fluttershy, Rarity and Nurse Redheart all looked to Twilight who was examining the x-ray with her back to them. If Buzzbot had needed to hold her breath she would have. Eventually Twilight turned around.

"Nurse Redheart assured me that it is, I don't know what you are Stage Cloak but you are not a pony. We double checked all the results and this is correct. So I will ask you again, what are you?" Twilight pressed on in the same tone, not harsh but very definite. Buzz would have to make this next act a good one.

"I.... I don't know what you're talking about," She let out a little sniffle and caused her eyes to water.

"She's not a changeling is she?" Fluttershy whispered in a very quiet voice. Nurse Redheart shook her head and Buzz made her eyes look pained. Oh great now they think I am some kind of emotion sucking vampire pony, that's not much better than a time travelling robot. Rarity gave a little gasp at the thought that she may had invited a changeling into her home. But Twilight put all their fears to rest:

"No, she's not a changeling. We ruled that out to start with after what happened at Shining Armour's wedding. I read up all I could on them and Stage Cloak doesn't have the tell tale signs.”

Twilight’s expression was stern, “That still doesn’t tell us what she is though, only what she isn't." Twilight's voice had taken on a fascinated tone and a small fire of hope sprung up in Buzzbot's mind, the robot could use that curiosity.

Buzz put on her best puppy dog eyes and looked imploringly at Twilight, "You mean I’m not a normal pony? Then what am I?" Look scared and alone. Be on the verge of tears. After several tense moments Twilight’s face softened.

"What's the first thing you remember?" Twilight pulled out a notebook, quill and began writing down Buzzbot's answers. Phew, could have been far worse. Buzz thought as she slipped easily into her prepared story.

"That's why I came to Ponyville," Buzzbot finished up. She’d taken great care in putting together her back history before she had even left her own time. It was a cover story that could hold up to all but the most detailed scrutiny and it would easily be enough to convince Twilight and the others that ‘Stage Cloak’ honestly believed she was real.

Buzz sugar-coated it with a sad smile, implying that she truly wanted to add more but didn't know what to say. Buzz honestly felt bad for deceiving these ponies, they were heroes of her past and their exploits were taught in schools for Celestia's sake.

But it was far more important to keep the whole of history intact than to spare their feeling when they finally did discover the truth. The cover wouldn't last forever, but hopefully long enough for Buzzbot to come up with a better plan.

Fluttershy moved up and gave Buzz a hug while Rarity gently patted her hoof. Twilight retained her studious expression while worked the feather of the quill up and down her chin. Buzz could almost see Twilight’s mind racing. Of course there had been stories of pony foals being taken and replaced with something else, but they almost always boiled down to changeling attacks. She’s never seen anything like ‘me’ before.

Buzz was something different, something new. The first thing Twilight should do was to tell some pony in authority, maybe write a letter to Celestia. That would be the wise thing to do. It was what Buzz’s Twilight would have done if there was any unknown creature in Ponyville. Buzz watched Twilight’s expression became one of determination.

"The fastest way to get to the bottom of this is to ask Celestia," Twilight announced before smiling helpfully at 'Stage Cloak'. The machine smiled back with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. One she didn't feel, but buzz was committed to this plan for good or ill so would have to follow through.

"You would? That would be wonderful......" Buzz trailed off on purpose. Gah, time to play the heart strings card again. "But what if they find out that I am something bad? What would would happen then?" Buzz summoned a few more tears into her eyes. "Can't you just give me a few days to recover, I haven't done anything wrong and I want a chance to prove that I am a whatever I am." For a moment Buzzbot feared she may have over egged it, but slowly Twilight nodded if even a little unsure.

"I guess a couple of days wouldn't hurt. The Princess is very busy and we could have a couple of ponies keep an eye on you. Plus I haven't exhausted all the books that may hold the answers we need," Twilight reasoned out loud. Buzz didn't dare add anything else. She had manipulated the ponies around her too much already.

Buzz would never have gotten away with anything like this with the full alicorn Princess Twilight. That or any of the other Element Bearers from Buzzbot's time she was sure. But these were much younger versions of themselves and though very skilled and heroic in their own ways they still had so much to learn.

The worst threat of all would have been Applejack who was said to be able to sniff out a lie from across a crowded room. Buzz thanked the Princesses Eternal for the small mercy that Applejack wasn't present. Even the younger version of the element of Honesty would have doomed her latest ploy from the word go.

"That's settled then," Twilight looked much happier now she that had a plan of action. "I'll go and see what I can read up on. There must be something about what and who you are Stage Cloak. Don't worry we'll figure this out." With that parting reassurance Twilight headed out of the door.

"Thank you all so much." Buzz said in a relieved tone. She smiled to Fluttershy who was busy changing the flannel on her forehead. Buzz then focused on Rarity who still looked uneasy, "And especially you Rarity, I don't know what I would have done without your support." This comment made Buzz’s insides turn to ice.

Rarity had done so much for her already and she was genuinely grateful for her help. Deceiving was second nature to Buzzbot yet it was getting harder and harder to keep on at it. As she grew to care for these ponies, each new lie felt more like a betrayal. The ends would justify the means Buzz told herself, plus what else could she do now but play the role she had set up?

Since her 'episode' as Rarity called it, Buzz was never left alone any more. Different ponies would take turns to watch her and it was an uncertain time for all. Neither Buzz nor her minders were sure if she was being guarded or taken care of.

With Buzz’s confinement at Rarity's home and her magic burnt out Buzz could do little about this either way. At least she could still model for Rarity. This chafed with Buzzbot but there was nothing for it but to make the best of things.

Buzzbot and Rarity were working on one of these dresses now. Rarity was just readjusting her work glasses for a particularly tricky seam when there was a quiet knock on the front door.

Rarity sighed, before putting down her work and opened the boutique’s door to reveal Fluttershy standing meekly with ‘Angel Bunny’ on her back. After some happy greetings Rarity ushered Fluttershy in and Buzz could only smile in greeting. She was busy holding a pose for Rarity’s latest creation. Having let Fluttershy in, Rarity then resumed her work, tugging at Buzz’s hem with a critical eye.

Fluttershy waited quietly as they finished last few adjustments. Finally Rarity was ready she smiled and lifted her glasses with a flash of magic before placing them neatly on her work desk.

"I'm so glad you could help Fluttershy, while I love Stage's company I must run some errands in town and Twilight insisted that Stage Cloak should not be left alone." Rarity said in a tired tone.

She hadn't slept well since Buzz had been using her bed and been forced to use the spare room. Buzz felt her heart go out to Rarity. She was giving so freely, she wasn't known as the Element of Generosity for nothing.

"Oh it's my pleasure Rarity, I wanted to check in on Stage too, she was running such a fever a couple of days ago. I also brought Angel Bunny along for some company." Fluttershy smiled at Buzz before asking. "Is your magic still not working?" Buzz shook her head sadly. "Oh dear, has Twilight or Nurse Redheart found anything to explain it?"

"Twilight hasn't found anything, I think nurse Redheart would help but her knowledge is with ponies and not, well with whatever I am," answered Buzzbot in a resigned tone. Now I am getting a bit of a taste of what Tinker Track has to go through. Without her magic Buzz was little more than an earth pony with a horn. She now had a newfound respect for the down to earth ponies of Equestria.

At the thought of Buzzbot's creator she felt a fresh surge of annoyance. Buzz had all the data she could want on Rarity and all the data she would willingly risk getting on Pinkie Pie. Buzz was worried prolonged exposure to Pinkie could cause another brain crash.

She still didn't know how Pinkie had escaped that alleyway to this day. Some things just aren't meant to be understood, just believed. Buzzbot didn't really like that idea. It seemed a bit of a cop-out to her. Buzz resolved to discover the answer to that question or ever she got the chance.

With another thankful hug from Fluttershy, followed by a sad wave to Buzz, Rarity set out on her tasks. At least Fluttershy's visit gave the machine a good chance to study the Element of Kindness so Buzz couldn't complain. Buzz had heard of Fluttershy’s legendary capacity for compassion, though now seeing the mare in the flesh Buzz found it hard to believe that this pony had faced down a fully grown dragon and even made it cry.

Buzzbot's attention turned to the little white rabbit accuponing Fluttershy. The bunny seemed to have the pegasus 'under its paw' as it were and Fluttershy clearly doted on her little ‘Angel'. After about half an hour, Buzz personally thought that ‘Angel’ was the worst name ever for the little terror.

The small rabbit had taken one look at her, then in turn Buzz at him then by some shared connection they both knew deep in their souls (assuming either of them had one, at least Buzzbot had the excuse of being a machine. But after spending most of the day with the rabbit Buzz doubted the fluffy animal did either) that they were destined not to be friends.

Not much to Buzzbot's surprise ‘Opal Essence’ (Rarity's pampered cat) and Angel Bunny already seemed to have some sort of mutual understanding, probably their common dislike of Buzz sumised. Opal had done her best to avoid Buzz any time she’d came to the Boutique. Buzzbot being stuck here all day and night hadn't aided relations with the cat.

Then again, maybe both animals recognized a fellow spoiled pet as a kindred spirit, either way they were both here and they were doing their best to make Buzzbot's stay as uncomfortable as possible.

Their first ploy was to constantly get under Buzzes hooves so that no matter where she tried to sit or stand they would accidentally be there first. Their second trick was far subtler, Angel and Opal got it into their heads to chase each other, their alliance seemingly to come to an end.

This breakdown of relations lasted just long enough for the soup that Fluttershy had just made for Buzzbot to be knocked all over Buzz. Fluttershy apologized and Buzz assured her it was fine. She could however see both the little mammals with triumphant expressions over Fluttershy’s shoulder.

Right then, that's the way we’re going to play this is it? Buzzbot had lots of practice being underhoofed herself and after the soup, it became a secret war. Any time Fluttershy wasn't watching pranks would be flying back and forth.

Opal's food got sneezing powder on it, then Buzzbot's tail got mistakenly caught in the oven door when Fluttershy was making dinner. In response Angel Bunny somehow found himself mixed up in the laundry and ended up being hung outside to dry.

Both sides were veterans of covert warfare and Fluttershy was oblivious to the petty carnage that was being wrought by both forces. Sadly however, as with all secrets, they came to light eventually and this of course happened in the most spectacular way. One that neither party would have wanted.

Fluttershy was just setting things out for dinner for when Rarity came home. A tense ceasefire had settled as Buzzbot, Angel Bunny and Opal Essence plotted their ultimate knockout blows.

"Stage Cloak would you please get us the plates then we will be ready for the main course," Buzz nodded in response to Fluttershy while keeping one eye on the pets who were looking far too innocent for her liking. She didn't buy that act for a moment.

Buzzbot stepped around Fluttershy to get the plates from the kitchen counter. With precision and skill Buzz gathered Rarity's dishes, resting them on her back and ready to carry them to the table. Meanwhile Fluttershy had with great care balanced the main serving tray with salad bowl and bread along with dips and sauces on her own back supported by her wings.

Buzzbot was putting most of her effort into making sure the plates remained on her back, but was also doing her best to keep an eye on her nemesi. A job made far simpler with independent camera eyes which can be so handy at times. This left only one eye to focus on where Buzz was going. These facts combined meant that Buzzbot didn't notice Rarity coming in the front door or that Angel Bunny was unaccounted for.

"I'm back girls and my that smells delightful!" Rarity's voice carried into the kitchen diner. She was just making her way in when the pets sprung their trap. All too late Buzzbot realized she could only see Opal Essence and that Angel Bunny was out of her vision.

The small rabbit with deft and cunning had positioned himself to trip Buzzbot up, who failed to catch herself in time and stumbled. As Buzz lost her balance the plates on her back began to totter and fall, but that wasn't the worst of it. Buzz, while trying to regain her footing, stood on Fluttershy's pink tale and she began to fall too.

It seemed almost like slow motion that plates, bread, salad and dips began to fly through the air. With comic timing Rarity's happy face came around the doorway in time to meet the airborne condiments with a 'spluck'. The smashing sound came soon after as Rarity's china met the floor. There was a final tinkle and a 'wum wum' of a spinning plate that somehow survived the journey down before all was silent.

All eyes in the room turned to Rarity who just stood there shaking with her pupils huge in her wide eyes. The mixture of sauces had covered her face, mane and most of her front legs. Rarity's shock was as nothing compared to the volcano that Buzz, Angel and Opal had awoken when Fluttershy got to her hooves. She rounded on the three participants of the fiasco and her eyes had turned dangerous.

"That-is-enough! I have let you play your little games all day and I said nothing! I let you pull those little pranks as no real harm was done! But this, Rarity has let you into her home and given you a place to stay and this is how you repay her!" Fluttershy condemned the guilty three.

The raised voice and anger was terrifying to behold from such a sweet pony, but the stare she gave them was the worst of it. Buzzbot felt like her circuits were being vaporized. All her programming was being unwritten and she was dwindling to nothing but a pile of smouldering ash at the base of an impact crater.

The two animals fared no better as Fluttershy's disapproval bored into them. With a little sound the rabbit collapsed and lay twitching on the floor with paws over his eyes. Opal having a bit more reserve just cowered before Fluttershy all her fur flattened back.

"Now, you will all clean this mess up. Then you will make your apologies to Rarity for letting her down so badly." Fluttershy's voice had lost volume, but none of its authority or impact.

It seemed like an age of the world had occurred before Buzzbot could move again and then only to hang her head in shame. Once again she’d been out of order. Buzz should never have let Angel or Opal get under her ‘skin’ like that.

With that final proclamation the normally tender Fluttershy went over to comfort Rarity. Rarity hadn't moved, just standing there as food dribbled down her muzzle. Buzz could just make out Rarity's trembling lip and occasional eye twitch before Fluttershy raced to her friend's aid.

I will never doubt the reputation of the Element Bearers ever again. Buzz promised herself. She had just assumed that Fluttershy was the push over she’d had first seemed to be. Buzzbot more than most ponies should have realized that what you see on the outside is often far from the truth.

It was also true that a pony or creature who had been on the receiving end of Fluttershy's stare would never forget the experience. There were many of theories about how certain powers such as Fluttershy's infamous 'stare' or a cockatrice's petrifying gaze could have any effect on pony-bots. Buzzbot could certainly put some of that debate to rest after getting both barrels from the irate pegasus.

What was more unsettling for the robot was how Fluttershy was back to her normal timid self so soon after unleashing the wrath of ‘Tartarus’ upon them. It was like opening a door to a blast furnace on full power, then shutting it again, leaving nothing but a burning image and the recipient with frazzled hair.

Once Buzz and the pets were performing their assigned penance Fluttershy had tended to Rarity like a saint. She was in a terrible state, but under the well practised hooves of Fluttershy, Rarity was almost back to her normal dazzling self by the time the kitchen was restored to the same state.

Fluttershy had Buzzbot, Angel Bunny and Opal Essence lined up before Rarity to beg for her forgiveness. It took some time but Rarity assured them all that it was alright. The ordeal of the 'stare' was enough punishment for them all in her opinion. They then sat down to the remains of the evening meal without complaint.

As impressive (and down right mind-numbingly scary) as Fluttershy's stare was, it was the skill at which she could comfort, forgive and help those around her which impressed Buzzbot the most. The gentle filly could be sharp when needed, but after the lesson was learnt she showed even more love.

You wanted to be a better pony around her and didn't want to let Fluttershy down. It took a pony with a special kind of mettle to walk up to a raging manticore to see how you could help it with it's troubles. This despite the fact it was ready to rip you in half a few moments previously.

Buzzbot wondered if that was why Fluttershy had such an effect when she did finally get angry. She truly seemed to believe that deep down every pony (or mythical creature for that matter) was really good at heart, that they were just letting themselves and others down when they were being mean.

Buzzbot watched as Fluttershy fluffed Angel bunny's tail and rubbed his tummy making the little rabbit's foot jiggle. Buzz had reformed her opinion of the little white rabbit somewhat, though still a tiny terror. He had room for improvement and Buzz certainly felt that she did too.

To her surprise Buzz was happy. Despite being stuck here in Ponyville with little to no chance of getting her magic back. The lessons she was learning from Equestria's past were more than she could have hoped for. Kindness was a greatly overlooked talent Buzzbot realised. She wouldn't make that same mistake again.

The next day Pinkie Pie came by to properly apologise to Rarity and Buzzbot for ruining the shop during her Pinkie invasion. She was determined to throw a 'Make it up to all of you' party and Pinkie Pie was also Buzzbot's assigned minder for the day.

Buzz was hesitant at this, she still hadn't had a chance to patch things up with Pinkie Pie either and so wasn't looking forward to having to spend the whole day with her. Plus Buzz wasn't certain that her brain could cope with prolonged exposure to her sheer 'Pinkieness'. Then again on the plus side Nurse Redheart had deemed Buzz fit to go out and about now, so if things got too much Buzz could always make a run for it.

"Okie dokie lokie. This day is gonna be so funarific! What do you wanna do?" Pinkie asked her charge. "I get to spend the whole day with you, won't that be great! We can organize the entire party together!" Pinkie was already bouncing down the street in her merry way, Buzz following with far less enthusiasm. This just caused Pinkie to double back, but nothing it seemed could annoy her as she happily leaped around Buzzbot instead. Having to keep pace with Buzz was no inconvenience for Pinkie at all.

"Um, Pinkie I just want to say how sorry I am for losing my temper the other day," Buzz finally managed to get out over the lump in her throat. Pull yourself together Buzz, you don't even have a throat. These emotions are still really hard to control.

"Aww that's already forgotten Buzz, you didn't really mean any harm and it was kinda funny to see you lit up like a Hearth Warming tree." Both Pinkie and Buzzbot stopped dead at this idle comment. Buzz's eyes full of shock and Pinkie Pie looking confused. Another shudder shook Pinkie and her voice took on that strange quality that Buzz was becoming accustomed to.

"That is very strange, I called you Buzz. But I know your name is Stage Cloak. What a very odd occurrence." Pinkie was looking at Buzz with that distant gaze again.

Pinkie then reared up once more and began that strange dance she would do around Buzzbot. It still looked far too 'robotic' for Buzz to be comfortable with. Mercifully her antics didn't draw much attention with Buzz simply hearing the occasional, “It’s just Pinkie Pie..”

The moment passed and Pinkie was her old self again. Given a thousand years I will never understand that pony. The 'Pinkie Sense' was one of the biggest conundrums for theorists of Buzzbot's time and whole schools had been set up to study this 'Chaos theory' in a safe and controlled environment (well most of the time).

The then reformed Discord attended and even taught sometimes as a special guest. There was never a dull moment at the 'College of the Totally Random' or C.T.R. No surprise Pinkie Pie was proudly C.T.R's first honours student. Buzzbot simply had to keep repeating the mantra to herself: Some things in Equestria just don't make sense. Buzz felt her brain itching and she feared that beginnings of another CPU overload.

"I'm glad you don't hold it against me Pinkie, can we have a fresh start huh?" Buzzbot smiled at Pinkie Pie who nodded.

"Yep, new folder [please type file name here] for Stage Cloak and I" Pinkie beamed and then tried to think about what she just said. Buzzbot just face hoofed, this was going to be a long day.

Staying out of History: The Great and Powerful Trixie

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Tinker Track Listened as Buzzbot excitedly recounted her time in Ponyville. She jumped from one topic to another, telling him all her thoughts, impressions and even her ‘feelings’. Buzz, seemingly without noticing, had assumed the form of Stage Cloak. Tinker was greeted by her intense smile and felt thoroughly out of his depth.

Here was a pony-bot, a machine that Tinker was coming too realize was more advanced than first surmised. Maybe too much, but when he looked into Buzz's eyes and saw brimming joy there that wavering thought winked out. This was something right, he didn't understand but that didn't make it wrong.

"So um, you got the needed data on Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity then. Still, great news Buzz," Tinker replied, trying to sound professional. Buzz just smiled softly and shook her head in a knowing manner.

"Tinker, you always get straight to the point. I love that about you," Buzz gave him a friendly chuckle and a playful hoof bump on the shoulder. Tinker winced, it felt like being bucked by fully grown stallion but Buzz was far too excited to pay that any mind. She pressed on as if nothing was amiss. "The next part you may have already heard accounts of Tinker, it's about your grandmother........."

Pinkie Pie and Buzzbot didn't make it to Sugar Cube Corner as they had planned. As the pair neared the town square Buzz saw that crowds were gathering. Something was ahoof, something was causing a stir.

"Oooo Oooo they started the party already that will save us the work!" Pinkie bounced happily. Buzz experienced an uncomfortable feeling due to the amount of raw magic in the air. Even with her ability to cast spells burnt out, her other sensors could still recognise the presence a massive amount of power being used nearby.

"Behold the now even greater and more powerful ‘Trixie’!" Buzzbot recognized that voice instantly, even if it was a far younger version than she had heard before. Buzz let her ears flatten before face hoofing.

Of course, the magical dual between Twilight and Trixie. It was an infamous event in Ponyville history and though Buzzbot had wanted to witness it herself, she was sure it would be just as cringe worthy as the stories made it sound. Pinkie looked at Buzz and cocked an eyebrow.

"Ah so you've heard of Trixie Meany Boasty Mcboast Pants then?" Pinkie asked Buzz with a concerned frown.

"I have yet to meet a pony who hasn't heard tell of the biggest show off Equestria has ever known," Buzzbot did a good impression of Trixie basking in her own self inflated ego, standing on her hind legs she spread her fore hooves out as if praising the new dawn. "You’d better get in there. They’ll need your help on this one Pinkie." Buzz advised.

"Don't be a silly filly Stage, it's just Trixi," Pinkie laughed Buzz's advice off before a quailing cry was heard over the crowds.

"You beast, this shade of brown should only be used for accents!" Buzz looked at Pinkie who shared her expression of concern. Pinkie saluted before rushing off towards Rarity's anguished call, leaving Buzz unattended for the first time in two days.

"All the best Pinkie but I really need to stay out of this one,” Buzzbot mumbled as she began to shuffle away.

Buzz knew she really should keep away. If Trixie saw her there could be any number of complications. Well maybe if I just hang back, I could see the Element Bearers in action? The chances of the power mad-pony being able to recall one face in the crowd were very slim. Even less likely under the mind warping affects the Alicorn Amulet she was wearing…

Buzz wavered before a tiny grin spread across her mouth, “I would never get over it if I missed this chance,” Buzz turned about again and trotted further into the crowd. There was Trixie in all her ‘glory’. There was that ridiculous purple cape and pointy hat covering Trixie’s blue coat, white mane streamed in the magical wind surging about herself and Twilight.

The historical account of that day's events didn't hold a candle to just how bad Trixie was, Buzz admitted to herself. The Trixie she knew didn't like to tell the tale as it was a shameful part of her life she was trying to forget.

Buzz managed got a decent view of the proceedings just in time to see Pinkie Pie's mouth removed and put in the ‘recycle bin’. It seemed even with Pinkie's mind focused on Trixie, the 'Pinkie Sense' was still trying to tell her that Buzzbot was a robot by using computer references.

Buzzbot watched as the spells flew back and forth between Twilight Sparkle and Trixie. She pretended to shiver with cold as the snow formed, covering Ponyville in an early frost before laughing with the others when Twilight gave Trixie a taste of 'number twenty five'. The vision of Trixie with that moustache would be an image Buzz always would treasure.

The happy moment faded all too soon, Buzz knew how this duel would end and the fact she knew Trixie was cheating didn't make Buzz feel any better about it. The age spell done by Trixie sealed the deal and Buzz groaned as Twilight was cast out by the power-crazed Trixie, leaving the ponies of Ponyville at the mercy of the mad filly.

Still Buzz was hugely impressed with Twilight's performance and noted how skilled she was even before her alicorn transformation. But it hadn't been enough and now Trixie was in charge of Ponyville. Buzz had held out some hope that she’d been able to do something to alter this sad event. But knowing she mustn't meddle any more than she already had in past stayed her hoof.

Trixie's rule over Ponyville was short but sour. She took extra care to punish the Element Bearers, feeling that Twilight's friends were also responsible for her previous humiliation. Buzz didn't get much time to study the past heroes as Trixie made them slaves to her every whim and it sickened Buzzbot to see them so ill treated.

The one small mercy was the time the unavoidable tragedy had brought Buzz. With Twilight banished she couldn't send her message about 'Stage Cloak' to Princess Celestia, having far bigger troubles to deal with. The other ponies seemed to have relaxed their guard around Buzz too, seeing her as just another pony trapped in Trixie's snare.

Tinker Track stared wide eyed at Buzzbot. "You met her? That mare has been an embarrassment to my family all our lives. The stigma of being Trixie's grandson has caused me no end of trouble!" Tinker Track exclaimed.

“Ponies always say how much I look like her! I’ve been the butt of more 'Trixie jokes' than can I say,” Tinker double face hoofed; even though Trixie was reformed now and he loved her dearly, it was hard to hear first hoof of her previous misdeeds.

Buzzbot put a comforting hoof around Tinker Track's shoulders. "Aww, come on Tinker. It wasn't that bad." Tinker simply stared at her and Buzz shifted uncomfortably, “Alright it was that bad but ‘The Great and now Humble Trixie' has become a great force for good remember?”

“Yeah, yeah I know,” Tinker shrugged, “How she’s now head of T.C.A.P’s ‘Pony Relations Department’.”

“She’s an amazing example of how a pony can turn their life around Tinker,” Buzz assured but Tinker’s face remained sullen. A massive part of why Tinker was desperate to succeed within T.C.A.P was to prove the other ponies wrong about his family. They were good ponies and could offer much to Equestria if only given the chance.

Buzzbot couldn't help herself, the urge to spare her new friends from Trixie’s tyranny was too strong. So she had done her best to form a resistance to Trixie's oppression. Buzz motivated the ponies she met, reassuring them that even though things were hard now they would eventually get better.

A big part of her prankster side surfaced and she took every opportunity to cause trouble for the 'Great and Powerfuller' Trixie. She had begun the idea that all wheels in the town were out to get Trixie. They certainly had a habit of falling off any vehicle that Trixie attempted to ride thanks to Buzzbot's technical know-how and a small army of willing saboteurs.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were also a massive help, they had a way of causing harmless chaos just by being around and Buzz had put the idea in their heads that they could be ‘Cutie Mark Resistance Fighters’. It always got a good giggle when Trixie went to give one of her 'inspirational speeches' only to find her notes coated in sneezing powder or her drink laced with hot sauce.

As a result instead of her usual 'Trixie was the best thing to ever happen to Ponyville and they should all be grateful for her’ speech, it ended with Trixie on her back in a helpless sneezing fit. Buzz would smile at this; after all it inspired the populous more than anything the corrupted Trixie would have originally said.

Pinkie Pie, when she got a moment away from the mad overlord Trixie, was especially eager to help. Buzzbot got good advice from Rainbow Dash too, coming up with some truly ingenious schemes together.

It was amazing how Pinkie Pie was able to communicate the plan to the others of the resistance without a muzzle (Secretly Buzz wondered how she could breath but that's Pinkie Pie for you). Their latest prank was to lure Trixie out of town by tampering with the magical barrier She’d erected, whilst leaving a small 'gift' for her to find.

Buzzbot and the Cutie Mark Crusaders (C.M.C) set their trap on the outskirts of Ponyville in sight of the Ever Free forest. Once all was in place, Buzz trotted up the force field and gave it a good buck. That, of course had been where the plan began to unravel.

As Buzz struck the force field she remembered too late that she wasn't a normal pony. Being powered by magic had its downsides and was shocked as the barrier spell earthed through her body. She felt the crackling energy course up and along her legs before surging across her vision with a flash.

Several of the now hated "Error" messages flashed up and Buzzbot felt her limbs lock up as surely as if she’d been petrified. She swayed briefly before toppling sideways onto the grass. Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and Scootaloo all rushed up to her crying out in panic.

Buzz was greeted by passing blurs of white, orange and yellow as the fillies raced in and out of her limited view "Girls, girls it’s okay," Buzz called out, thanking Celestia her mouth still worked. Her charges continued to scamper about, all gabbling at once and paying no heed of Buzz’s reassuring call. "I've just had a bad….um cramp, just pull me over to those bushes before Trixie comes," Buzz called in her most soothing voice.

She attempted to gesture with her eyes in the desired direction and after a few more wails Buzz called again with more force, “Girls! Get over here and move me!”

Mercifully they snapped out of their panic and to Buzz’s great relief, finally began the task of shifting her, "Wow you’re heavier than you look Stage," Scootaloo commented, the strain evident in her voice as she pushed her back up against Buzz.

"Hey it's not nice to say that about a mare." Sweetie Belle scolded, all the while pulling on one of Buzz’s hooves.

"But it's true" Scoot snipped back.

"Rarity says even if something is true, it's not polite to point it out in public especially when it comes to a mare's weight or appearance." Sweetie Belle retorted before Scootaloo just 'snorted' in reply. Buzz began moving ever so slowly across the grass.

"Yeah, well Rarity is always pointing out things like that to Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo snapped back.

This time it was Applebloom who spoke up, "Yeah and Rarity's always sayin stuff about A.J too, why's she gets to say things like that if Scoot can't?" Buzz could only see Applebloom’s red bow from the corner of her eye.

To Buzz’s rising frustration her helpers stopped and began arguing anew. All she could do was roll her eyes madly as the foals debated the finer points of how and when to tactfully point out potential improvements in a ponies appearance. Buzzbot thought she could hear the approaching sounds of trouble and forgetting herself closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath (out of habit) she tried to keep her voice level, "Girls could you please....."

She was cut off by Sweetie Belle, "But Rarity said that it was bad manners to let some poor pony walk round with messy hair, they need to be told so they can fix it! Like, if I had something stuck in my teeth and no one told me, I would be so embarrassed."

"But ya don't do it when everypony can hear yer, ya take em to one side and talk to em in private like," Applebloom added sagely, "Applejack says it's the right use of truth, knowin when and when not ter say summit."

Buzzbot was certain the angry calls of Trixie were on the air so with nothing else for it she bellowed, "Yes I am heavy! I don't mind you telling me, now can you help move my weighty flank into the bushes before the terror that is Trixie comes to see what all the fuss is about!?"

As one the three foals turned around before their little faces slowly split into huge grins and bursts of giggles escaped them. Buzz rolled her eyes as the three finally recommenced pushing and pulling. Their task concluded just in time, as Trixie's mocking tone could be heard drawing close, "Walk faster you plebeians! Trixie wants to know who had the audacity to try and get through her force field!"

Buzz peered out of the mercifully enclosing bush and saw that Trixie was seated on a Sedan chair. The two unfortunates she was berating were Snips and Snails, her 'loyal' followers. The uneven height of the young pair (Snails being a good third taller than Snips) caused this to be a very lopsided ride for Trixie. They weaved and wobbled vaguely forward as they approached the planned “prank-site”. The awaiting large blue present sporting a yellow ribbon had been placed close within the barrier’s edge.

Buzzbot felt her limbs give a tiny bit, but they were still painfully slow. Several system checks and restarting protocols scrolled across her vision, partially obscuring Trixie as she drew near. Ignoring the occasionally whispered “Lead Flank” from the girls Buzz strained to see their prey.

Trixie paused as she caught sight of the ‘gift’, before preening herself. "What is this, a reward for the Great Trixie? At last some pony acknowledges her triumph and desires to show their gratitude!" Trixie informed the world at large.

Buzz strained to move her fore legs, the urge to face hoof was almost overpowering. It's soooo a trap you megla-mane-iack, good thing that amulet doesn't boost your brains as well as your magic. “Good thing Trixie isn’t the sharpest tool in the draw,” Buzz whispered, spearing a wicked grin to the others who were still giggling quietly.

"Minions, retrieve this bounty so that the Great and Powerful Trixie may bask in her subject’s tribute!" The two mismatched colts were only too happy to oblige her in putting the Sedan down. Looks like I’m not the only heavy pony around here. Buzz smiled to herself and finally regained control of her limbs. Shuffling about, Buzz peered to look over the girl’s shoulders as she tried to keep them quiet.

Snips and Snails trotted around before pushing the box over to the triumphant Trixie. Her eyes glinted with excitement and Buzz was certain she caught the slightest of red glows within Trixie’s pupils. Just another sign of how much things have changed, Buzz mused as Trixie began to unwrap the present with vigour.

As the bow came undone and the blue wrapping paper fell away the box inside trembled. With a "blowlp" noise a vast quantity of cake mix engulfed Trixie. “All hail 'the Great and doughy Trixie',” Buzz whispered as the pony in question fumed with anger. The girls sniggered as, with an explosion of magic, the cake mix cooked. The sizzling of cake mix turned into a roar as Trixie was swallowed in fire ball.

Snips and Snails shrank back as the glow receded to reveal and truly incandescent Trixie underneath. Mane alight and eyes burning Trixie roared her anger to the sky and several flashes of lighting played about the clearing. As many unicorns had done before her, she had transformed into an angry white pony with a flame wreathed mane and tail. “Okay, maybe that was one prank too far”, Buzz admitted as the cushions of the Sedan chair turned to ash.

Normally it took a very powerful unicorn to do what Trixie was doing, but with the Alicorn Amulet lending her strength her seemed to be up to the task. Her seat quickly followed the cushions, the wood charring and crumbling away to leave Trixie standing in a small molten crater. Snips and Snails hid their soot blackened faces as Trixie cast her burning gaze about.

"How dare you insult the Great and Powerfuler Trixie! Your misdeeds will not go unpunished!" With Trixie began to let loose blasts of red magic that burnt trees and bushes all around.

Buzz felt a trickle of ice flow through her. Trixie was systematically destroying every piece of cover in the local area, probably surmising that the culprit was watching nearby to see their handy work. It was only a matter of time before their hiding place was obliterated.

This was Buzz’s fault, they should have been long gone by the time Trixie had come, but now they were in danger and Buzz felt the horrible tendrils of guilt coiling around her insides. Glancing down at the faces of the girls, Buzz saw they were quickly coming to the same conclusion. Well you wanted her angry, guess you got your wish. Buzzbot knew she would never forgive herself if they came to the ‘Crusaders’. She felt her resolve harden even as her mouth set into a determined grimace.

"Hide here until she's gone," Buzz whispered and didn’t wait for a reply before leaping out of the bush. So much for not letting her see you Buzz, she will never forget this one. Still, better that than any of the ponies she had come to care for getting hurt. Oh well may as well go out with flair.

"Behold, it is I Stage Cloak! I am the one who has caused you so much trouble the last few days. I could not stand idly by and watch you hurt these ponies!" If this was going be her last line then she wanted it to sound brave. Trixie's eyes went wide and her pupils became red pinpoints of rage. This died down as confused look crossed her face.

"I....Who, I was sure it was one of Twilight's friends causing me trouble. You’re not one of them? The Great and Powerful Trixie finds it is just some random mare running amok?" The mad pony was totally lost for words, no doubt having planned some impressive speech to berate whichever of Element Bearers had caused Trixie so much irritation.

Buzz was actually hurt by that comment, yes she had lied to Twilight recently but she had come to think of her as a friend. Ah well can't stop now. Put my hoof in it this far so may as well go all the way. She was surprised how much she even cared about that last comment. Buzz was wildly off her original mission now, but amazingly she didn’t care.

"I am Twilight's friend!" Buzz declared with more conviction than she had planned and discovered that she really meant it. "I think it's shameful how you have treated her and the rest of Ponyville, all because you were stupid enough to make a great foal of yourself."

Trixie looked like she was going to explode but that didn't stop Buzzbot, she was riding on the wave of feelings she desperately wanted to express. "Ever since I heard of you 'oh Great and Powerful Trixie' and the foalish acts you've done. I have wanted to say this to you: Get over yourself and do something useful with your magic! You have such potential and you waste it on stupid power plays like this!"

Buzz wasn't sure if that was a bit of Tinker coming through in her programming or it was all from her own mind. Probably a bit of both were her last thoughts before Trixie's horn glowed and sent a spell crashing into Buzz.......

"Then what happened?" Tinker Track asked his eyes wide and full of wonder. Buzzbot shrugged and gazed into the distance.

"I was lucky that the ‘Crazed Trixie’ didn't have much imagination. She banished me from Ponyville too, right into the middle of the Ever Free forest. It was rough a trip but I made it through okay." The robot looked back at Tinker and smiled.

"The rest as they say is history regarding Trixie. Twilight came back after learning some important lessons about friendship and managed to outwit Trixie, finally getting her to take off that Amulet. Then your grandmother began the long road to becoming a better pony. I wish I could have been there to see that, but I had my own troubles to deal with you see."

Tinker Track agreed, "You were stuck in the Ever Free forest with no magic, but you still had your internal guidance right?" Buzzbot shook her head sadly.

"Nope between Trixie's barrier and the bodged teleport she gave me, most of my more complex systems were shot. I was alone with no idea where to go and stuck in the middle of the forest," Buzz said in an almost dismissive manner.

Tinker could only stare in surprise as this quickly changed into a triumphant grin, "I had finally gotten to speak my mind to your Grandmother though, I don't know if she understood any of what I was trying to say to her through that magical madness, let alone her normal egotistical self. But I like to think that in some small way I helped her be the better pony she is today."

Tinker Track thought of his Grandmother now, although still a bit big headed now and then, overall she seemed to have come a long way from her past self. He saw her in a new light, as a mare having overcome so much opposition (admittedly mostly self inflicted) and had become someone T.C.A.P or even Princess Twilight Sparkle looked to for advice.

Trixie knew how to work the crowd and get people interested and when pointed in the right direction that was a valuable skill set. Tinker was surprised to find himself chuckling at such a turn of events, he was almost admiring Grandma Trixie.

He smiled as he thought back over some of his grandmare's more comical moments. The time she’d mistaken…..with an effort he drew his attention back to the robot in front of him. Time for reminiscing later.

"That still doesn't explain how you got back here Buzzbot. Weren't you even further from completing your mission than ever?" Tinker pressed on, now totally taken in by Buzz’s story.

"Yep it was pretty dire, I admit that I didn't expect to be here talking with you Tinker," Buzzbot looked at the clock on the wall and nodded again. "Need to finish though, still lots to get through and as I said we’re short on time."

Of Loneliness and loyalty

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When Buzzbot regained her senses she found herself hanging upside down from a tree branch. Her head was spinning and that wasn't even the worst of it. What the Great and Powerful Trixie lacked in skill she had made up for in strength and Buzz felt like she had been fired out of a cannon. Her vision was full of angry alarms all screaming the same message, “Guh, I’m a mess….”

Looking about herself Buzzbot discovered she was a fair way up a tree. Though she could survive a fall that far to the ground, it would probably lead to some broken servos. The darkness of the Ever Free forest pressed in around her and to Buzz’s surprise she didn't know what time it was, “Great, there goes the internal clock too.”

The forest was so thick here that even if it was daytime, the light wouldn't filter through the dense canopy. Tilting her head around Buzz saw that at least her disguise was still active. A battered and dirty-looking pony with tangled mane and scuffed hooves.

“Well Buzz you're not in Ponyville no more,” Buzz joked to herself, thinking of another film quote from "Unicorn of the Emerald City." The line was overused she had to admit but seemed appropriate in her current situation.

Buzzbot twisted and turned trying to get a hold of a branch close to her head. Her tail was taking all Buzz’s weight and she was sure it wasn’t built for that. Turned out she was right as, with a nasty snapping sound, the over strained connectors attached to the end of her tail gave way.

She missed the branch she was aiming for, dropped, bounced and rattled her way down the tree. Branches snapped and a cloud of leaves chased Buzz down until she finally hit the ground with a heavy thud.

"Bah, rotten hay sticks, I sho….." The distant sounds of howling cut Buzz off mid curse and she felt a gut wrenching fear twist her insides. With mounting panic Buzz tried call up a map, a compass, anything to give some idea of where she was. All that came in reply were overlays of static and white noise.

The howls continued and Buzz fought the urge to just crawl up into a ball, “So this is fear huh?” She shook her head and wasn’t reassured by the rattling sound that came from within. It was hard to focus and as Buzz reviewed her systems she deduced one of her lesnes was badly cracked.

“Okay, asses your situation Buzz: You’re stuck somewhere in the Ever Free forest, badly damaged and have no idea what time it is. Your compass is broken and your vision is impaired. Chances of mission success is…..” Buzz frowned, as the normally dependable numbers failed.

She stood there frozen as the certainty of her goal, her trust in Tinker’s plan and pretty much everything else trembled. Right now all she was….was alone. Suddenly the trees seemed far more imposing, the shadows far darker and above all the sounds of howling were much closer now.

“Must….” Buzz began and shook with the effort, but no matter how hard she tried the smothering fear and hopelessness blocked her every attempt to think clearly. How did ponies stand it? All these conflicting feelings?

Buzz didn’t know how long she’d sat there, shaking in the darkness and cold air before finally plucking up the courage to move. She looked around, but every direction appeared just the same. In the end She just picked a direction and headed forward. It had nothing to do with the fact the howling was probably in the opposite direction, nothing at all...

Time, normally so precise seemed to flow both quickly and yet slowly at the same time. Buzz would stare up at the Moon and it hardly seemed to move at all. But if she didn’t focus on it the next time Buzz glanced upwards it had suddenly jumped.

She willed her legs to move faster, but could only manage canter. Checking her internal power Buzz was shocked to find the levels were dangerously low. That scared Buzz more than the sounds of movement behind her. She should recharge by drawing on the background magic and if that was broken then…..

Buzz broke through the tree line and almost toppled over a sudden chasm which blocked her path. Regaining her balance, Buzz heard the first timberwolf emerge from the trees behind her.

Turning around slowly Buzz saw the savage collection of branches and thorns, all hunger and instinct. It paced back and forth in front of her as if savouring Buzz’s new found fear. Its bark-like body was the shade of dead wood and its green eyes never left her own.

Yet despite all this, Buzz got the impression the wolf was confused. It would dart forward but stop short of pouncing before backing away again. Buzz watched this strange behaviour with some flicker of hope, it doesn’t know what to make of me. Maybe I smell wrong or something? If I can just...

Two new timber wolves slunk out of the forest and Buzz felt her heart sink. Both smaller that the first, they seemed to give the first wolf enough confidence to press forward. Releasing a low growl the larger wolf finally made a snap at Buzz and in sheer desperation she flailed with a hoof.

To Buzz’s astonishment she knocked the attacker back a good foot, causing the wolf to leave claw marks in the soft dirt. They all froze and Buzz could almost see the wolves fighting with the confusing situation. I’m not a pony, I’m a machine. Servos not muscles, I can do this.

Buzz’s blow had broken the oppressive spell of fear and filled her with fresh resolve, “Come on then you mismatched collection of kindling!” Her mind cleared and she felt some confidence return.

If the wolves understood what she had said they didn't give it any heed. At the signal from the pack leader, the wolf off to the right launched its attack. Buzzbot was ready for it however. She didn’t even think but simply knew what to do. Turning about she bucked the wolf squarely in the face. Buzz wasn't the biggest pony but with machine pistons and servos she could hit well above her weight.

The wolf's wooden head shattered in an explosion of bark and twigs. The rest of its wooden body collapsed and a fair amount of it tumbled over the steep drop behind Buzz. "The trouble with timber wolves isn't that you can't break them, it's keeping them down. Being made of wood and dark magic they have been known to reform bigger and stronger than before. It’s hard fight a creature that can rebuild itself with a forest’s cast offs easily to hoof." The data was flowing now and Buzz was almost joyful at it. She had whole reams of information at her disposal.

It was the turn of the other flanking wolf now. It darted in from Buzz’s side and she quickly worked out there was no time to turn and bring her back legs around so Buzz didn't even try. I’m a machine. I can do things that a real pony can’t. Remember. Buzzbot sank far lower to the ground than a normal pony would be able to without dislocating their ankles.

The wolf, unused to such flexible prey, sailed over the stooping pony and with only a little encouragement from Buzz's back hooves she redirected its leap into the gully behind her. It fell away with a whimper of surprise and Buzz was amazed she had gotten this far in the fight, but it wasn't destined to all go her way. The pack leader had been holding back, waiting for the chance to strike and before Buzz could regain her hooves the final combatant was on her.

A normal pony would have been savaged by its first strike but instead the wolf’s claws carved a deep furrow in her flank plates. With a sizzling pop her much abused disguise finally failed and Buzz reverted to her true form. Not giving the wolf a second chance she heaved as hard as she could with her front hooves trying to flip the pack leader over her back.

The wolf clung on with its jaw. Failing to get a firm purchase on the metal, its teeth slid down Buzzbot's neck, stripping a number of sensor spines from her back. A fresh storm of ‘Error’ signals erupted to cloud Buzz’s vision as she tried to rear and buck the beast from her back.

Buzz noticed with a pang of fear that the first timberwolf was starting to come back together again, she was already fighting for her life and didn't need another wolf to deal with. Quashing the fear, Buzz reversed her back legs, Twisting her joints like a yoga master and brought them around to come crashing down on the pack leader's back.

With a snap the wolf fell to pieces like the others before it and buzz had some breathing space. She turned about again to face the first wolf that had reformed with even more wood and bark drawn from the nearby trees.

Things were looking pretty grim for Buzz, she could hold these monsters off for a time, but they would just keep coming back. She was running out of options and as her internal alarms were keen to remind her, power.

The now much larger timberwolf came at Buzz again and though she turned to buck it with all her might it didn't stop it. The wolf barrelled into her and they both were carried over the lip of the gully.

The roll down the steep incline hadn't been a pleasant one. There were roots and rocks sticking out at odd angles. Thankfully the timberwolf took most of the big hits, smashing off pieces of wood as it collided with the obstacles. Finally the rolling pair fell right onto the newly reformed timberwolf at the bottom of the gully. It had a brief moment to look up and shrug before it too was broken apart again by the combined weight of Buzzbot and its pack mate.

Buzz just lay among the debris and played dead. There was no meat on her so she hoped that eh wolves would leave her be. Timberwolves are ‘arcanovores’, they feed to drain the magic of their prey.

The hard data corrected Buzz’s mistake and she finally knew what to do. It would be risky, Buzz might not have enough reserves to power up again...but being torn apart by angry timberwolves would otherwise be a certainty.

Buzz allowed her core to flutter and die, she let the sustaining magic drop to a trickle until she was barely active. After what felt an eternity Buzz sensed the wood all around her begin to rattle. She watched with dimmed eyes as the two timberwolves amalgamated into one huge monster, its bulky form only just fitting in the ravine they found themselves in.

It turned around with some effort to looked right at Buzzbot but she dared not move. She didn’t stir even as the wolf’s breath washed over her. Buzz remained dead and lifeless as with curiosity and hunger the wolf licked and gnawed on her leg.

The terror, numbing and painful surged back, yet Buzz forced herself to remain still as prodding and grinding its teeth the timberwolf finally lost interest. Buzz could have cheered as her attacker gave her one last snuffle and then began making its way along the gully.

Buzz lay there for what could have been hours. The fear of the wolf returning freezing her in place. She watched as the flashing red bar of her power core slowly dwindled, the magic that drove her very being draining away. All Buzz could do was lie there, battered and broken. She’d gambled and had lost. How could I fail? I know the future and it works out okay? Was I wrong?

The last dregs of power…..didn’t disappear. Buzz watched in fascination as the meter held stubbornly at three percent. It shouldn't be able to do that, everything Buzz understood about machines and herself told her she should be offline by now. Yet there is was, that tiny spark that refused to die.

It was then that Buzz realised the moon was now fully overhead, shining down into the gully and bathing her in its radiance. Buzz didn’t know if it was just the fevered results of misfiring connections or something else. She could almost hear the distant voice in her mind, “Everypony deserves a second chance.” The one thing she couldn’t deny was that her power gadge had changed, the reading was three and a half percent…

It was well towards morning by the time Buzz had enough power to begin moving. She cautiously got to her hooves, fearing at any moment that she would stumble, "Thanks Tinker, you’re a genius." Buzz heard her voice had dropped back into its robotic tone, all the better to save power. She sat back on her haunches and stared up into the night sky in wonder.

Luna's moon had past its apex and was even now creeping back down behind the trees, still it managed to give Buzz some comfort even though her mission was in tatters. Had she heard Luna? Truly heard her back there? Every logical thought tired to explain the voice away but somewhere, deep inside, Buzz hoped it was true.

Buzz had heard that some ponies in the past had wished on the celestial bodies of the sky, believing that the royal princesses would hear their wish and come to their aid. Well I’ve tried everything else, guess it couldn't do any harm. Buzz wasn't even convinced a robot could make wishes and felt a little foalish for even trying. Plus the Royal Sisters had never confirmed or denied that the idea had any truth to it.

Feeling foolish and a little silly, Buzz tried anyway. As it was the moon Buzz addressed the Princess of the Night. "Princess Luna, if that was you and you’re willing to help me some more I could really use a hoof here. I’m fresh out of ideas."

Buzz waited for a while, but when no cosmic event came to the rescue she turned, head drooped in dismay and began to trot slowly along the gully. She therefore missed the silhouette of a pegasus flying across the moon.

After stumbling for a time she saw a way up and out of the ravine. It was a steep path leading in a zigzag pattern up the incline. The moon still just peaked over the lip of the chasm, and Buzz trotted on in its fading pale blue sheen. “The moon, that’s it. I was able to draw enough power to restart from the radiated magic it cast.” Buzz assured herself, that made far more sense than voices in her head.

Working on this theory Buzzbot did her best not step into shadow, always keeping the moon in sight. She finally crested the summit of the gully was not at all surprised to see she was still in the woods, but now there was at least a path to follow. It was clearly cut through the trees and had clumps of stonework here and there.

With no better option coming to mind Buzzbot proceeded to trot along the path as fast as she dared. The sounds of night animals could be heard moving through the woods all around Buzz, but mercifully there was no howling anymore.

As she progressed Buzzbot noticed the path became more stone and less dirt. This raised her spirits once more. That hopefully meant she was getting closer to civilisation. She picked up her pace and found that the forest was starting to thin out a bit. Then all of a sudden she came to a tree line with another deep drop off.

Over the gap Buzz could see the ruins of a castle and she finally had a point of reference. “That must be the old castle of the princesses! She looked up at the moon once again, now almost gone, and frowned. Well if her wish hadn't worked it was certainly a great coincidence.

Her happier mood evaporated suddenly as Buzz heard something moving in the bushes behind her. She was in no state to face anything else tonight, but Buzz wouldn't go down without a fight. Not after finding a point she could navigate by.

Buzz tried to make herself look as big and threatening as possible, planting her hooves solidly and glared back at eyes reflected in the moonlight among the shadows of the trees.

"Come on, I haven't got all night!" She called out in her robotic voice.

Even though she was expecting an attack, the speed at which the shadow hit her was amazing. Buzzbot didn't have time to move before she was pinned to the ground. Buzz kicked and squirmed feebly as she saw other shadows converging on her.

"Chilax, were here, it's us Stage," the familiar voice came.

"Settle down there, you’re with friends sugar cube," Buzz knew those voices and she stopped struggling. With a flickering glow Twilight shed light onto herself, Rainbow Dash and an orange earth pony. ‘Applejack’, oh….

"Stage Cloak, thank Celestia we found you," Twilight said with a relieved smile.

"I've never been so happy to see another pony," Buzzbot said and she really meant it too. They had set up camp to wait out the last of the night. Four ponies, three flesh and blood one machine sat around a small camp fire that Applejack had kindled. "But I don't understand how did you found me? Or even knew it was me?" Buzz said in an amazed synthesized voice.

"Oh that was simple," Twilight answered, "I cast a finding spell on one of the dresses you made at Rarity's. You must’ve put a lot of yourself into it to leave such a lasting impression and we just followed where it lead us. As for how we knew it was you, I would recognize your outline anywhere, I have been studying that X-ray Nurse Redheart made of you."

Twilight looked a little uncertain with that comment. "Though it's very strange to see you like this Stage Cloak, I didn't know you could um....shed your skin?" Twilight looked a little nauseous at this idea and Buzz was quick to remove that concept from any pony's mind.

"Oh no no, nothing like that I assure you," Buzzbot waved her forelegs in an effort to dissuade that unpleasant idea. "When I got attacked by a pack of timberwolves whatever was left of my magic seems to have failed and I turned into this. I, I think it's my natural form." Buzz didn’t dare look Applejack in the eye as she lied. She still didn't trust her not to see through it.

"I can't thank you enough for coming to find me." That last one was for real, so Buzz finally looked to the orange earth pony. Applejack was smiling and though Buzz couldn't currently show it she would have been smiling too. "So I guess you sorted out Trixie then?" Buzzbot asked, overjoyed to be with her friends once again.

"Did she ever" ‘Dash’ hovered with her wings. "I didn't know Twilight had it in her, best prank ever! Of course most of it was my idea," Rainbow continued, buffing her hoof on her chest. Twilight blushed at this praise from Rainbow Dash. "Then we came out to find you of course." Dash finished with a big grin.

If Buzz could have shown it she would have been tearing up at this point. "You did, even though you hardly know me and I’m not a real pony. You still came to find me?" Even though her voice was robotic the emotion could still be heard in it.

Rainbow Dash held out a hoof. "Hey, hey, hey, Scoots told us all about how you stepped in and saved them from Trixie. That was pretty awesome of you taking the rap like that. I don't care if you really were a changeling or a whatever you are, you’re still okay in my book." Dash went on with a big grin. "Once Trixie was dealt with I was ready to fly out here by myself and find you but.....".

Applejack then cut in, "But we told her that we could find yer a whole lot faster with us working as a team." Dash just shrugged.

"I still reckon I could have found her fine by myself but hey, it all worked out alright and I wanted to make sure you guys didn't miss out on the fun." Rainbow said with a confident smile. "So spill the beans Stage, what happened to you. It looks like you picked a fight with something big out here?" Dash asked seeing how bashed up Buzzbot was. The pony-bot chuckled sadly.

"Something like that, some Timberwolves thought I would make a good dinner, almost did to be honest. But they found my true form a lot less appetizing," Buzz explained wearily, "That's the only reason I got away at all."

"No kiddin sugar cube, mighty hard taking on timberwolves. I've run into em a few times, but ain't never heard of em leaving their catch alive before." Applejack moved up to Buzzbot and rapped on her damaged flank with the back of her hoof, "I ain't no smithy, but from what I see you got some right fine metal armour on yer. Do a lot of hoedowns do yer?"

This was getting uncomfortably close to matters Buzz didn't really want to talk about. She could see Applejack's mind turning things over. Earth ponies were good at practical thinking and Buzzbot was worried what conclusions the farm mare may be coming to.

"Aww ‘A.J’, she's been through enough today already without you asking her even more questions, right Stage?" Rainbow Dash jumped in again. "Plus it would have been awesome to see you taking on those timberwolves! How many were there, were they big?" Buzz knew she would have to give Rainbow a blow by blow account before she would be happy.

That was fine by Buzzbot, it had changed the direction of the conversation and she was grateful for that. Buzz still kept an eye on Applejack though as she recounted the fight with the wolves. A.J still looked thoughtful even though she was happy to see 'Stage Cloak' and that made Buzz uneasy. She couldn't say the whole truth without giving away certain facts but did her best to tell a good tale.

Twilight listened to all of this with only half an ear and Buzz could almost ‘hear’ her mind working. 'Stage Cloak' fascinated Twilight and not just because Buzz wasn't a normal pony. Buzz was certain Twilight was good at making deductions, no doubt piecing the puzzle together. All the evidence pointed to Buzz being built rather than ‘born’.

How could Twilight not see how all the parts would go together? Surly she recognized screws and bolts. Buzz knew she had herself a definite assembled look.

"Stage Cloak, um...." Twilight began but trailed off. "Never mind it's just good to see you again," Twilight smiled but shared a look with Applejack that Buzzbot couldn't miss.

Buzz offered to take first watch for the night but Rainbow was having none of it, "Nah its fine Stage, I’ll do it. You've been through a storm and need the rest, plus how could I sleep after a story like that, sooo awesome!" Rainbow began fighting imaginary wolves and if Buzz could she’d be smiling at the antics.

Applejack was already bunking down in a sleeping bag. Ever practical she’d had brought along supplies not knowing how long they would be in the forest. That’s the famous Applejack. Buzz thought happily, I’m so lucky to have this chance to see them at the start.

The next problem came when Applejack offered the said food to Buzz. She had no way of ‘eating’ it right now, “Ur no thanks I’m not hungry…”

Buzz cringed at the shocked looks the other gave her. “Really? Stuck in the woods fer nearly three days n yer ain’t the least bit hungry?” Applejack asked with another knowing look towards Twilight who shook her head. Applejack shrugged, “I guess yer know yer own body Stage Cloak.”

Buzz fidgeted before turning back to Twilight, "Um, what happens now? I don't want to head back to Ponyville looking like this. What will all the others think of me?" Twilight scrunched up her muzzle and Buzz nodded, “Exactly.”

"I know you're all okay with me, but you know me. The rest of Ponyville well...." That was only half true of course. Buzz was already walking a very fine line, the Element Bearers had some idea of what she really was and even more so now, having seen Buzz without her disguise. That had a huge potential for problems in the future. If a robot pony was seen in Ponyville's past then who knows where it would end.

"Well you can't just stay in the Ever Free forest Stage Cloak, you will have to come back some time," Twilight mused, "Plus I still think we should ask Princess Celestia if she knows anything about your past and who you are. I've looked through all the books in my library and didn't find anything on you."

Not surprising, Buzzbot thought. They were about forty years too early for even the concept of robots ponies let alone having a book about them. Twilight went on. "The closest thing I could find was the legend of pony golems. But even those descriptions were vague and those early golems were basically automatons, not independent and with no thought of their own." She looked calculatingly at Buzzbot, "Whereas you seem to have free will?"

Buzz looked even more down, despite lacking her normal disguise to show her expression. Yep they are starting to work it out, that I'm not a real pony at all. If they look under my hatch they will see 'property of Tinker Track of T.C.A.P' dated far too far in the future. The best thing to do for the whole of sapce and time is jump in a pool of molten metal. No unlikely in this day and age, may be a volcano?

Buzzbot raised her head and looked right at Twilight, "I can't go back to Ponyville, not like this. You should..." She paused before going on. "I should go, you should all just forget you even knew me." Twilight looked aghast. Time to play my final card if all went wrong. I gave it my best shot, but I won't cause the collapse of the future as I know it.

"Twilight I can't tell you the whole story, but I have been lying to you all since I got here, I do know who and what I am, but I never meant any harm to any pony. The more ponies that know the truth, the wider the ramifications could be and some of those could be huge. Thank you all for being such good friends, but it's best for everypony if you just leave and forget about me."

"Awww that's just stinking thinking," both Buzz and Twilight jumped, they had forgotten that Applejack was there. She had been so quiet they both assumed she was asleep. Applejack brushed her blond mane from her eyes and glared at Buzzbot. "Now I may not understand all the hoo ha about what’s goin on here, but there ain't no way were gonna do what ya'll are suggestin there!"

It seemed that Rainbow Dash was also listening in and added her two bits as well. "Yeah you gotta be crazy Stage Cloak, if you think were gonna just let you walk out of here like that. So you’re not a normal pony and yeah you’re made of metal. But it's not what a pony looks like or what they are made of that's important. It's what they choose to do. You've been a good friend to us and even if you can't tell us everything, you've shown you’re 'A' okay in our books." Rainbow announced in a tone that brooked no argument.

Buzz was about to debate the point, though how to convince these ponies without the whole truth would be tricky, it was hard enough to believe the full truth of the situation. "But, I...." Applejack cut her off again.

"No buts sugar cube. That's final, we're not forgettin yer nor letting yer all wonder off into the woods to be finished by them there timberwolves." To reinforce the point Applejack put her hoof to where Buzzbot's mouth would have been.

Rainbow Dash leaped in again. "Nope, no chance and that's three against one miss iron pony. You’re staying with us and we'll see you through whatever it is. It can't be so bad you need to run off and never be seen again." Buzz was moved by their support, they didn't really know what was going on, but would help their friend any way they could, even a fake pony like her. After that Buzzbot just couldn't walk out.

"That’s fine, but just one question?" Buzz asked.

Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash all looked to her with a "Yes?"

"Are you sure Luna didn't send you, because when I was down that gully.........”

The Policy of Honesty

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The three normal ponies each took turns to keep watch while the others slept. They assumed that Buzzbot would need rest and so didn't ask her to take a turn. She was grateful, didn't sleep, but was grateful nevertheless. It gave her a chance to review her thoughts in peace.

Buzz was happy that the others had stood by her, but what would happen now? Her mission was in tatters, what would the future be like now when she got back? Would she have a future to go back to?

Buzz looked to the now sleeping Twilight, she looked so odd without her wings. This younger filly didn't look all that special, though of course Buzzbot knew better. “Who knows what potential hides in every pony if given the chance?” Buzzbot chuckled to herself softly. A time travelling robot that’s seen the future I guess.

She turned her gaze to Rainbow Dash next. Dash was snoring as she slept half out of her sleeping bag, her wings out stretched either side of her. Buzz was glad to have won over Rainbow. From what Rarity and Fluttershy had told Buzz, Rainbow Dash had taken Buzz’s 'hunting' of Pinkie particularly hard.

Buzzbot assumed that was why she hadn't seen much of Rainbow Dash until tonight. Though now she thought about it she did have that sense that some pony had been following her, Buzz had put it down to always having a minder. But now she wasn't so sure.

It would make sense for Rainbow to want to keep an eye on Buzzbot after the trouble she had caused. Dash was of course renowned for her Loyalty and wouldn't let any harm come to her friends. Buzz should have counted herself lucky Rainbow hadn’t taken it into her head to do more than just watch Buzz.

Rainbow Dash was totally dedicated to the ponies she trusted, but that dedication had to be earned by action. Buzzbot chasing Pinkie Pie through the streets of Ponyville and trying to fry her with magic was a bad start to earning that trust.

Buzz would only find out later that Rainbow had been very vocal about turning Buzzbot over to the local guards. Only the tempering hooves of Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight had convinced Rainbow to give the new stranger some time to prove herself.

But there was nothing like shared adversity to bring ponies together and through the whole Trixie affair Buzz had redeemed herself in the eyes of Rainbow Dash it seemed. Buzzbot was told of how Rainbow couldn't rest until they found the lost 'Stage Cloak' once the C.M.C had told the others what had happened. Rainbow Dash could hardly be restrained once she learnt that Buzz had been zapped into the middle of the Ever Free forest.

"Can't sleep huh?" Applejack's voice carried easily over to Buzz despite it being a little over a whisper. The night almost gone now, the first hints of sunrise just peaking over the horizon. Buzz looked around and saw Applejack sitting with her back to the fire keeping a close eye on the tree line.

She saw no point in pretending so threw back her sleeping bag, trotted over to Applejack and sat down next to her. "Just not tired," Buzzbot finally replied.

Applejack nodded slightly but still didn't look away from her duty as watchpony. Buzz felt there was more to be said but wasn't sure where to start. As neither pony said anything the sounds of the forest could be heard, along with the crackling of the fire. Applejack finally did break the silence however.

"Ain't good to keep it all bottled up yer know sugar cube. I know yer got yer reasons for not telling us everything, but I can see it eating yer up from the inside." Buzzbot had feared something along the lines of a 'better out than in' talk from Applejack. Earth ponies, had that direct practical sense. It's what made them such good workers and the backbone of Equestria.

The unicorns had their horns and magic for all things mystical, the pegasus had their wings and magic over the clouds and weather. The earth ponies were the undisputed masters of tending and getting the best out of the land. It was magic at the deepest level, so natural that most ponies forgot it was actually a magic all of its own.

"Well Applejack I would tell you all the whole truth if I could, I really want to. But the truth can be hard and very dangerous. Some things are better not known," Buzzbot said, though she only half believed it herself now. There weren’t many secrets left to keep.

Applejack still didn't turn around but there was a flicker of her green eyes that told Buzz that she wanted to look her in the face for what she was going to say next, "Yer know, a huge part of friendship is trust n while you're keepin secrets from yer fiends they’re gonna find it mighty hard ta keep that trust with yer. We have so far, but that won't last forever," Applejack's voice was not accusatory, she wasn't trying to tell Buzzbot off.

It was just stating the facts as she saw them, "Mark ma words 'Iron Filly' ya will need ter lean on us some time n trying ta go it alone won’t help any pony in the end," Applejack laughed softly, "I reckon I knows about that."

Buzzbot laughed too, when doing her research on past Ponyville she had come across the 'baking-bad's' story. The hard won lessons that still hadn't been taken on by Buzzbot it seemed, but the point was made.

She’d been so worried about blowing her cover in the past that she had been trying to carry this whole mission by herself. True, Tinker Track was counting on her and the potential chaos for the future if she messed up could be catastrophic.

"Yer know when yer see Princess Celestia it's all gonna come out anyway right?" Applejack put in finally. Buzzbot knew she had a point there. Buzz had done a fine job so far of pulling the wool over the eyes of the Element Bearers, however she certainly had no chance fooling the Princesses.

"Yeah I know Applejack, but I've been keeping this inside so long. I don't know how to let it go, or if I even should? That's kind of why I thought I should just leave and let everypony forget I was here." Buzz said, trying to cry without tears, it was all getting too much again. The past couple of weeks were a bigger strain on Buzzbot than she could have imagined when she first accepted Tinker Track's assignment.

"Now just cause you've burnt yer muzzle on a hot pot don't mean y'all should keep doin it ta make sure yer learnt the lesson good," Applejack finally turned to look Buzz right in the eye to reinforce the point. Reading the confusion on a metal face with no expression was a hard feat, but the element of honesty seemed to manage it, "In other words stop beatin ya self up sugar cube, it ain't gonna help nothin." Applejack clarified.

Buzzbot laughed again, it was quiet yet still genuine, “To think I was so scared of meeting you Applejack, why didn't I come to you first I could have saved myself a whole lot of trouble.”

Buzz shook her head, "Well I think I will have to keep hold of my secrets until I’m forced to say them Applejack. Right words in the wrong place can do more harm than good.” She paused as she mulled the idea over, "Plus it's only right I tell you all the truth at once since I lied to you all."

Applejack had resumed her watch of the tree line, "Well I reckon yer know yer own business best of the hows and whens, but glad yer came to the right decision Iron Filly. Trust trust the princesses, they've been at this whole job of livin a lot longer than us n may have the right idea of what ter do."

"Thanks Applejack, I think I will, we all saw how well I managed trying to go it alone worked." Applejack put a hoof around Buzzbot's metal shoulders before replying:

"Ain't no biggie Stage, it will all work out in the end, things do when ya are honest with yerself n others." Buzzbot nodded at this sage counsel from Applejack.

"Okay....hey Applejack?" Buzz asked timidly.

A.J gave a simple, "mhm?"

"My real name is Buzzbot, but my friends call me Buzz." It felt good to her to say her real name after hiding it for so long.

"Grand ter meet yer Buzz," Applejack said with a wink, "I'm sure there's a story behind that'un huh?"

The pair’s laughter woke the other two who looked about blearily. Annoyed they had been woken and missed the joke they rolled over and drifted back off with the sounds of Buzz and Applejack chatting through what was left of the night.

The group set off before sun up and the journey out of the forest was much less eventful. The presence of four ponies put off all but the most determined beasts. The worst they encountered were some distant howls and rustling in the bracken.

They had agreed to take Buzzbot to Fluttershy's cottage instead of Ponyville, to keep a low profile. They approached the cottage just as the sun was starting to rise, the early sounds of bird song greeted them as they arrived at door. Twilight knocked smartly and after a few moments Fluttershy called out. "Just a minute!" After some sounds of movement the Fluttershy opened the door.

"Morning Fluttershy, I hope we didn't wake you?" Twilight asked with a smile.

"Oh its okay, I was already up Twilight. I thought you’d gone to look for Stage Cloak, did you find her?" Fluttershy looked hopeful.

"Yep, she was a little roughed up but we found her," With that Twilight stepped aside to show Buzzbot while saying: "Now I know she doesn't....." But before she could finish Fluttershy took one look at the robot gave out a startled 'squeak'.

"Wha....." Fluttershy trembled even as Buzzbot waved a hoof in an embarrassed but friendly fashion. Their unwilling host tried to shut the door, but Twilight was too fast for her and put a hoof in the way.

"This is Stage Cloak Fluttershy, she normally looks like that. She's still the same pony." Twilight assured

"Yeah Fluttershy, I've seen you stare down a dragon and nuzzle a raging manticore," Now you’re telling me you scared of a little metal Stage Cloak?" Rainbow Dash added helpfully.

Buzzbot rubbed her hoof on the ground feeling the blush wanting to form. This was the kind of reaction she was afraid of if she’d gone to Ponyville. To see Fluttershy, who only a few days ago was trying to nurse Buzzbot back to health, being so scared of her like this was heart breaking. Buzz wasn't sure if she should say something.

Fluttershy's manner changed instantly and she got up the courage to look properly at Buzz. "Oh Stage Cloak, what happened to you?"

Fluttershy stared at the claw marks on Buzz's flank and gasped. "What did that? Oh no Stage, does it hurt?" Fluttershy flew out of the door, all previous hesitancy gone with a pony in need of care.

"It’s fine Fluttershy really, it looks far worse than it is," Buzz spoke up for the first time since she’d arrived and Fluttershy’s face became a mask of confusion.

"Is that how you really sound?" She asked.

"Sorry f I startled you, it's really me. I just need a place to stay while Twilight sorts out a few things on my behalf," Buzz explained. She looked right at Fluttershy, "Also, my name isn't Stage Cloak. I'm so sorry I lied to you, my real name is Buzzbot. I hope you can forgive me for not telling you the truth."

"But of course you’re welcome Stage, er... Buzzbot, it’s okay, I’m sure there was a good reason why you didn't tell us all." Buzzbot felt the worry and hurt melt away at Fluttershy's kind words and would have smiled if her face could have showed it.

"Now you had best come in, would you like any food? I have some breakfast left over if you like." Buzz thanked Fluttershy for the offer of food even though she had to turn it down. With that the whole group entered the cottage. The animals that lived with Fluttershy looked up at the guests both strange and familiar before resuming their morning feed.

The only one that gave Buzzbot a second glance was Angel Bunny who seemed to recognize her opponent from the ‘prank war’ at Rarity's home despite the lack of Buzz's disguise. But the small rabbit didn't cause any trouble, no doubt still smarting from the last run in with his mistress.

The other three visitors had some breakfast too, eating quietly whilst every so often casting Buzz thoughtful glances. The meal was ‘uncomfortable’, yet Buzz felt genuine support from the ponies present.

Soon enough Rainbow and Applejack made their goodbyes, leaving Twilight to linger on and bring Fluttershy up to speed. She gasped and ‘oooed’ as Twilight told the story, frequently smiling sadly at Buzz.

All too soon however, it was time for business and Twilight got down to the job of writing to Celestia. This completed she bid them both a good day and headed off, leaving Buzz and Fluttershy alone in the cottage.

“I….er should finish my chores,” Fluttershy announced uncertainly.

“I’ll help, it’s the least I can do, “Buzz replied awkwardly.

Caring for all these animals was a daunting task and that was just Fluttershy’s own pets. Buzz quickly discovered her little home was an ad-hoc veterinarians, with ponies bringing her their troubled animals throughout the the day.

Hiding in the back, Buzz would have to wait while Fluttershy talked with the owners, only coming out when they were gone. The animals themselves were a little hesitant at first but were soon hopping around Buzz in excitement. One squirrel even offered Buzz an acorn which made her chuckle sadly.

"Thanks little guy, but you keep it. Unfortunately I can't eat acorns," Buzz told the small critter who looked crestfallen, before it gave Buzz a little hug instead and scampered off once more. Fluttershy smiled at this heartwarming scene but didn't say anything.

Fluttershy’s smile only grew as slowly but surely the collective group accepted the strange pony in their midsts. The rest of the morning passed in a pleasant way, both ponies not saying much but simply enjoying each other’s company.

Twilight came back around lunch time, and informed Buzzbot and Fluttershy that the Princesses would be sending somepony to pick up Buzzbot soon. She could see that Twilight had so many questions she wanted to ask her, but Buzz insisted that she would only reveal all when the time was right. Twilight was practically bursting with suppressed curiosity when the collection party arrived in the early evening.

Fluttershy answered the knock on the door which turned out to be a pair of bat ponies. Buzz peeked out to see Luna's guards with their bat wings and cat like eyes. Both had the dark grey coats typical of their breed and more surprisingly wore protective goggles on their foreheads.

Buzz’s memory leapt to the fore again: Negasi don't care for sun light so when out and about during daylight hours they wore protective eye gear. They both smiled uncertainly, revealing their sharp fanged teeth.

"Miss Flutter-Shy is it? We’re here for the one called Buzzbot?" Fluttershy ‘mewped’ before moving aside to fully reveal the two guards who then stepped smartly into the suddenly crowded cottage.

“I’m Sergeant ‘Night Blade’ and this is corporal Shadow Guard,” The older of the two dark ponies announced, his deep blue mane showing a little grey at it’s roots. Night Blade smiled, "Ah Miss Sparkle you're here also, that's good the princesses were hoping you could come along as well, you and all the Element Bearers."

Their smiles faded when they caught sight of Buzzbot however, "You must be the stranger Miss Sparkle mentioned in her letter." Night Blade confirmed and Buzz nodded, becoming almost as timid as Fluttershy.

"Yes sir that's me" Buzz affirmed and Night Blade cocked an eyebrow.

"Very good, the princesses extend their warmest greetings to you and ask if you will accompany us to the palace. There are things that need to be discussed in a more private setting," Shadow Guard added in a formal tone.

Without further ado the two guards led Buzz and Twilight out of the cottage with Fluttershy following close behind. Buzz was shocked to see Princess Luna herself was waiting for them, standing before two large chariots. Both were decorated in a gothic style, with bat wing carvings along with several crescent moons showing to whom they belonged.

Luna herself was tall, a darker blue against the night sky and to Buzz’s surprise was fidgeting with, excitement. She looked so young. Her wings ruffled even as she regarded Buzz with intense turquoise eyes. She had a big grin lighting up her face while a faint glow emanated from her horn. Seeing them arrive, Luna waved and the ponies bowed at the sight of her. Luna quickly motioned for them to rise.

"Ah Miss Sparkle and dear Fluttershy, it pleases me to see you again! It hath been too long!” Luna’s eyes narrowed, this must be our visitor?" The alicorn finished with a more serious tone.

"We see thou didn't embellish on the details Miss Sparkle, a most strange creature." The Princess caught herself. "I mean Buzz is really as you said she was Twilight, that's um really interesting?" Luna looked to her guards for approval and they all nodded.

"I would like you to ride with me Buzzbot, I have much to ask, you." Luna requested in a polite way and Buzzbot nodded.

"I would like that too Princess Luna, but I don't want to answer any questions until I can tell everypony at once, if that is okay?" Buzzbot asked. Luna raised an eyebrow but nodded at this.

"Very well Buzz. But don't hold out on us too long or we may lose our patience, remember you are a guest in our land and you'd do well to remember who rules here." Luna said not unkindly but with authority. The emphasis she’d put on guest implied that the word could easily be replaced with a harsher one if Buzz proved to be a threat.

"Thank you for your understanding Princess, I promise I will tell you everything as soon as I can," Buzzbot replied as she mounted the chariot beside Luna. Yet again, Buzz was amazed at how Luna looked, she was a much younger princess than in Buzz's time.

In the future Luna looked far more like Celestia, taller, powerful and regal. A star strewn mane that showed the night sky on a clear evening. The Princess now before Buzz, though impressive was but a shadow of her future self. The Luna Buzz remembered certainly didn't need to look to her guards to make sure she was using appropriate language.

Night Blade and Shadow Guard hitched themselves up to the Princess's chariot while Twilight and Fluttershy climbed aboard its fellow. Their chariot was pulled by a bat pony and normal pegasus, mares both. With a flourish Luna signaled their departure.

Buzzbot had never travelled this way before and she could instantly see the appeal as the chariots got airborne. The sun was sinking smoothly and cast the whole seen in a warm glow, the long shadows of trees and buildings stretching out below.

"Princess Luna, thank you for coming to collect me yourself, though I didn't think I would merit a royal escort," Buzz commented in a polite tone. Luna smiled a knowing smile before answering.

"Well Miss Buzz, I must admit that I didn't need to come, but by the way Twilight described you I was fascinated. A totally metal pony with independent thought who could change her appearance. You sounded like a statue come to life or like one of the golems I remember before I.....came back.” Luna’s face creased up for a moment, “I wanted a good look at you before we decide how to proceed. If all goes to plan we will arrive during dusk where both Celestia and I will be available."

Buzzbot could see the thinking behind that choice, but also felt a flutter of unease at, "Decide how to proceed?." She was under no illusion that if the Princesses deemed Buzz a real threat to their kingdom or their ponies then her stay would not end well. But these feelings quickly died down as Luna smiled again.

"Plus I love a good mystery and you Buzzbot, are the best I have seen in over a thousand years," Luna chuckled and Buzz joined in, more for the look of the thing.

"I'll my best not to disappoint your highness,” faint spasms of unease rearing their ugly head at Luna’s tone.

Buzz’s concerns were unfounded it seemed. Past Equestria was a much simpler place. She marvelled at the changes that had yet to occur to bring it to the state as she knew it. There were far more fields and open spaces here as the population of ponies was smaller. Luna saw Buzz's focus on the lands below and grinned.

"It is something magical, is it not? To see the land from above like this. Celestia has done such a wonderful job of keeping the kingdom safe and united. I am very proud of her and grateful that now we can share it together," Luna informed Buzzbot with vigor, "Ah, we now come to the palace!"

As if racing up to meet them Buzz saw the glittering towers of Canterlot drawing ever nearer. Their tall spires and decorated turrets breathtakingly impressive in the starlight. What struck Buzz was just how quiet it looked. Not dull, just far more ‘mundane’ than she was used to.

Her attention was drawn back to Luna and she felt happiness welling up again. Luna, had presented Canterlot with such a dramatic flourish and enthusiasm that it made Tinker Track's displays seem half-hearted. Luna really loved her home and was eager to show it. A thousand years away certainly helped you see what was really important.

As the group landed in the castle grounds it was clear they had arrived during the shift change. Ponies of both the ‘Day Guard’ and ‘Night Guard’ filled the castle with activity.

"Now my dear friends I must attend to my duties, but will meet you in the throne room once the moon is up, I wouldn't miss this tale for the whole of Equestria,” Luna almost gabled, “Don’t you dare start it without me!" She unfurled her wings and soared up to a distant tower without another word.

As for Buzz, Twilight and Fluttershy, they found themselves ushered into a waiting room and provided with light refreshments. Buzz noted the guards all giving her curious stares. They didn’t seem terribly surprised to see a pony-bot within the halls of Canterlot. Well with everything else they get to see here I guess I’m not that amazing.

Buzz took the chance to look around the old style decorations of Canterlot and was surprised to see they were, well the same. She’d never seen inside the palace during her own time, but from what Tinker had showed Buzz she had a fair idea of the layout.

To see that it was the same in Buzz’s past as those future pictures was impressive. The white pillars, the red and gold carpets. It leant the castle an air of the ‘eternal’. Timeless and enduring just like Celestia and Luna themselves.

A voice that could only belong to Applejack broke Buzz from her revery, “Them bat winged fools don’t know one end of a cart from the other!” A disgruntled Applejack trotted into the hall, quickly followed by a concerned looking Rarity and a chuckling Rainbow Dash.

"Oh darling you look dreadful, I know that Rainbow said you had been through the mill, but my dear!" Rarity rushed over to Buzz and gave her another huge hug before leaning back and giving the robot an appraising look "And you're beautiful mane and tail, your coat! Oh no this white, black and silver doesn't suite you at all Sta.... er Buzzbot"

"Oh Miss Rarity, I’m not at my best it's true but I’ll be okay," Buzzbot managed to look sheepish despite having fixed features.

"I-knew-it-I-knew-it-I-knew-it!" All the ponies looked around to see a juddering pink blur. Pinkie Pie was so excited that she was trembling all over. Pinkie was slipping in and out of her 'Robot combo' so fast that she was a jumble of flailing limbs and frizzy hair. "Who-would-have-thought-you-were-really-called-BUZZ!" Pinkie managed to get out through her antics.

A gentle laugh was heard from the other end of the room and Princess Celestia appeared in all her glory. Buzz saw she was trying her best to keep a regal look on her face, but Pinkie Pie's actions were putting her resolve to the test.

"Oh my little ponies, it's good to see you all again. I'm sorry I couldn't deal with this issue sooner, but I do have a whole kingdom to watch over. I was confident that my prize student and her friends could keep an eye on this ‘Buzzbot situation’ until then."

The alicorn dominated the room without even trying, a slight glow coming from white her coat and her wavering multi-hued mane wafting in it own magical breeze. Now she looks like the princess that I remember. Celestia was a constant it seemed and over fifty years was nothing to one such as her. Buzz shouldn't have been surprised by this on reflection.

"Now it’s best if we head into the main chamber where we can give this whole dilemma the proper attention it deserves," With that Princess Celestia led the way into her main audience chamber.

The fear was back and Buzz fought to keep her limbs from shaking. She found herself in Celestia's council chamber, a private audience. It seemed Princesses were honouring Buzz’s request for the smallest number of ponies to be present. There were no guards, just the Element Bearers, Celestia and a very excited Luna.

"Now Buzzbot, you have the floor and we are all eager to hear the reasons for you coming to our land," Celestia announced. "You have done many things, things that are from what we have heard very underhoofed and do not encourage our trust. But we have allowed you this chance to explain yourself, largely thanks to the reports of my loyal subjects who say that you have caused no harm to our ponies."

Celestia’s face was impossible to read, Buzz had no idea if she was angry, interested or ambivalent, "Now I want you to tell us the truth then let Luna and I decide what is to be done.”

Taking another deep breath out of habit, Buzzbot began her story. The Princesses and six ponies all sat and listened intently as Buzz recounted her mission, how she was to go back in time and learn of the Elements Bearers. She took care to avoid a large number of ‘spoilers’ on future events, but explained what she could, only that which was pertinent to her mission.

Twilight and the others went through various states, from surprise to wonder and then onto suspicion. Luna and Celestia just watched Buzz however, even Luna’s excitement had died back to be replaced by the inscrutable mask of a serious ruler.

Buzzbot told them how she’d discovered real emotions and how she was terribly sorry for any harm she had caused while struggling to control them. Buzz looked almost pleadingly at Celestia and Luna as told them how her magic was shot, how her plans to gather the needed data and be away before anypony was an the wiser had come crashing down.

Buzzbot was careful to stress the importance that her visit couldn’t be widely known. That history needed to be preserved. She offered to help in anyway to fix the mistakes she had already made by failing in her mission so badly. This last offer got a raised eyebrow from Luna who looked to Celestia who still wore no readable expression.

Buzz felt the burden of keeping the truth in falling away as she honestly told these ponies what she had done and why. Soon enough the tale was done, it had taken less time than Buzz would have guessed, but felt longer than she would have believed.

To Buzz’s surprise neither the Royal Sisters or the Element Bearers had asked for any clarification on what she had said. Buzz finally bowed her head and asked for forgiveness for intruding into their time and to humbly ask for their aid.

After an awkward pause Buzz dared to turn her eyes up to the Royal Pony Sisters, where to her relief they had dropped their stern expressions and replaced them with small smiles.

"I have but one question," Princess Celestia declared. "Why didn't you just come right out and ask us? Why all this clandestine action? I am sure our little ponies would be happy to help you learn important lessons about how to be a better pony?"

Buzzbot was taken aback by the question, in all her plans and what Tinker Track had told her it had never once occurred to her that she could have just asked for the information.

"But the risk to history and......" Princess Celestia raised a hoof. "My little metal pony, time isn't so fragile that you can break it on a whim. Don’t get me wrong, there are many rules that must be respected, Star Swirl the Bearded studied the idea of time travel in depth even managed a few spells." At this Twilight's ears flattened and Buzz saw her cheeks redden.

Celestia continued on, "I have come to find that time has normally taken into account your efforts before you even start your journey and the little blunders you may do are already foreseen. Do you really think you’re the first to try Buzzbot? You certainly won’t be the last. I have seen many brilliant, if a little unwise ponies, try to do what you and Tinker Track have attempted."

Princess Celestia had a resigned look in her eyes now, "Do you not think if I could go back to fix or change things I would not have? Ponies will make their own choices one way or another. No matter how hard or often we try, history usually has a way of working itself out. Often not how we would want it."

Princess Celestia gave a sorrowful look to Luna who hung her head. "That is why any spells to do with time travel have been secured in my library."

Celestia had taken on a teacher's tone, "The most important thing we have learned in all our years in regard to time and ponies, is that the whole event seldom does more than only change the pony who does the time travelling. My faithful student Twilight can tell you about that. She tried so hard to change the future, but only really ended up learning important lessons for herself."

The co-rulers of Equestria chuckled gently, no doubt recalling other antics that ponies had gotten up to, before finishing the lecture. "So Buzzbot don't worry about time, it will take care of itself. Ponies must learn their own lessons and trying to change them with time travel normally changes the traveller far more than the intended target," Celestia reiterated.

She then moved to the point at hoof. "What we need to do now is work out what we are to do with you? The knowledge of your creation is not all that common in this time. Few would even know where to start in repairing you or sending you back to your own time. However we may be able to help you nevertheless."

Princess Celestia arose and trotted forward her horn aglow. Buzz didn't dare move. The power flowed into her as Celestia’s horn touched Buzz’s head. She felt hundreds of vital tiny changes take place all across her body before Celestia stood tall once more with a knowing smile on her face.

It took a few moments for Buzzbot to realize she could feel the magic at her core! It wasn't just giving her power, but she could move it too. Celestia had fixed her! As she reviewed her form, she discovered it wasn’t a complete repair, but enough for her to be able to disguise herself once more and to be able to send the collection signal back to Tinker Track. Buzz took great joy in assuming her guise of Stage Cloak again and even greater joy at being able to smile for real once again.

Chaos the Great Question

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Buzzbot could feel her magic flowing through the repaired circuits! Before she could stop herself Buzz bounced up and down with excitement. She looked up to Celestia and Luna with a huge grin on her face.

Completely forgetting herself Buzz dived forward and hugged the surprised Celestia’s foreleg. Luna gave a little laugh, quickly joined by the rest of the room before Buzz looked up into Celestia’s gentle eyes and felt her return the hug tenderly.

”Now my little pony, I have returned enough of your abilities to make sure you can get back to your own time and so you can move among my ponies without causing alarm. You can only assume this one disguise until you’re fully repaired. The rest of your damage is a reminder of the lessons you had to learn here. Show them to Tinker Track when you get back, so he can see the troubles he caused and it might put him off trying something like this again."

Buzzbot nodded in understanding, but then a thought came to her. "Does this mean I don't have to leave right away?" Luna nodded this time and smiled as Buzz made a sound of pure joy and did a little happy dance.

"From what I understand, you still have some more things to learn from our little ponies here before you report back to Tinker Track. I would hate for your assignment to be incomplete. You can now go about and learn with Luna’s and my consent. I want you to take everything you have gained here and help Tinker Track. From what you have told me he's a very lonely stallion and could use some lessons on making friends along with their importance."

Buzzbot could hardly believe her ears. She could spend some time with her new friends before she headed back! Buzz could achieve her mission and she could do it while being herself! It was more than she dared have hope for.

There were so many ideas and things she wanted to ask the 'Heroes of Equestria' that she couldn't decide which to do first. Buzz looked around to the other six ponies with tears welling in her eyes and rushed up to give them hugs too before quickly finding herself at the bottom of a pony pile.

The group had permission to leave, and as the doors closed behind them Luna turned to Celestia with a little smile on her face. "I remember all the trouble Star Swirl got into with those time spells of his."

Celestia chuckled too and replied. "He was on his third time round his own time loop when you and I had to step in."

"One of these days ponies will stop trying to rewrite their past and work to making their future better. Thank you for showing me that Celestia," Luna added with a pensive smile. Celestia moved over to her younger sister and embraced her warmly with a wing.

"You’re most welcome Luna. You know I would have gone back and stopped the whole ‘Nightmare Moon’ event if I could have," Celestia said with a melancholy tone.

"I would not have listened to you sister, sometimes ponies have to go through their own mistakes or they will never become better. If we could learn from others and avoid their mistakes that would be best, but you know how we ponies can be. Often we choose a tougher path in life, harder than it needs be, but as long as we learn from it and become better it's worth it. Thank you and I know you would have come back for me, that's what counts." Luna reassured Celestia.

The time spent in the past was now a joy to Buzzbot rather than just an assignment. The Princesses were true to their word and Buzz was allowed to gather first hoof accounts of so many special events in equestrian history.

She listened intently to Rainbow Dash and her account of the Wonderbolt Academy and laughed heartily at the whole silly mix up at the Equestria games held that year at the Crystal Empire. Buzzbot made sure she took no major part in these events, simply observing them firsthoof. Her only small bending of this resolve was with Discord.

Buzzbot had kept well out of events when Discord was released again. She only risked meeting the draconequus after it was reformed, well mostly. Nopony really believed they could totally re-educate him, but then he wouldn't be Discord if they could.

But once Fluttershy had worked her special brand of magic on the wayward creature, Buzzbot took a chance to go see him. The 'safer' beast of chaos was still mad by normal pony standards, but he had curbed his more destructive tendencies and now was happy to just do some background mischief.

Discord had found some areas where he could be a great help. Celestia had given him some 'official' office space in a heavily magically warded section of Canterlot. There he could rent out his 'particular' brand of fun to the ponies of Equestria.

Discord had gotten quite a following with the younger and more eccentric ponies. They saw him as the ultimate prankster and spending time with him was a good way to blow off steam after a hard day. Often in a literal way with Discord. It was all monitored of course and had been a real hit with the locals.

This wasn't all, the way Discord could think his way around a corkscrew gave him an edge in the asylum wards at the Ponyville and Canterlot hospitals. There he really put the adage of 'takes one to know one' through the ringer, helping interpret what the mentally ill were going through.

He even had some of more disturbed ponies working for him as personal assistants. They could be as crazy as the liked in his buildings as long as they didn't hurt anypony or themselves. It was kind of like a fun holiday for them, this seemed to be working as they were totally lucid the rest of the time when out in ‘normal’ society.

Buzz's first meeting with Discord was not what she expected (then again nothing ever was with Discord). Pinkie Pie was going to ask if he could bring some chocolate rain for a party she was planning and had invited Buzz along.

Discord was pretty much allowed to have things run the way he liked within his work space so once Pinkie and Buzzbot climbed in through the decorated window (the building was upside down today) they were given a warm welcome.

Buzz looked at the mad thing before her: Serpentine body with mishmash of limbs topped with a rolling pair of yellow eyes that sent a shiver down Buzz’s spine. Upon seeing Pinkie Pie Discord coiled and snaked his way through the mismatched furniture of his ‘office’ and bowed before her.

"So good to see my favourite pony, how are things going Pinkie Pie? Discord extended a lion’s paw to Pinkie who shook it without a second glance.

“So glad you came to see me and who's your friend? Do I sense another outcast brought into the fold?” Discord proceeded to study Buzz closely, filling her vision with his goat like face and odd horns. Buzz leaned back only to meet Discord’s eagle claw barring her retreat.

“You simply must come in and make yourselves at home!” Discord declared before ushering Pinkie and Buzz around the chandelier that hung upside down from the floor. No, Buzz saw as she looked up in confusion, the ceiling.

Discord lead his lopsided way around the desks, his hoof and dragon claw feet making an alternating ‘clicks and thomps’ on the plaster ‘ground’. His progress lead past a giant marshmallow to his own impressive workstation. Ponies with various distant expressions watched Buzz as she followed Discord, and the general sense of madness hung heavily in the air.

They were all smiling, in a creepy kind of way, a dreamy/happy look on their faces that didn’t feel quite right. Buzz tried to ignore stallions playing with small pies, coconuts and cheese wheels and instead focused on keeping her eyes straight ahead.

"Hi ya Discy, this is my friend Buzzbot, she's not from around here," Pinkie Pie introduced and in a flash Discord disappeared. The next thing Buzz knew there was a ‘clinking’ as Discord tapped her side. Buzz thought she caught a knowing look in his yellow and red eyes.

"Hmm how odd, Seems your friend is had a bad case of ‘tinny-itus.’ You should really get that seen too you know," Buzz looked around only to find Discord had gone again. Before she knew what was happening the draconequus was sliding along between her hooves using his odd wings to push himself along.

"Such a good disguise too. I’d love to take a look under the hood," Discord added before sliding backwards. Buzzbot tried to follow him with her eyes, ending up looking between her fore hooves, to her underside where Discord had opened her mid section and was rooting around inside her! "Well that explains it all." He said with conviction, rubbing his paw and claw together with glee.

Pinkie Pie's head zipped into view looking at them both from behind Buzzbot's orange tail. "So Discy I wanted to hire you. We’ve got 'The Equestria Games go to the Crystal Empire party' and I was hoping you could fly over a few chocolate rain clouds, it would make it super duper fun."

Discord frowned before snapping his fingers and the hatch that was on Buzzbot's chest disappeared. He then sank into the ceiling, leaving a mosaic of himself flowing in a ring around the chandelier

"Now, now Pinkie Pie you know I can't do the same trick twice. If word got out that I was getting predictable where would it end? It's bad enough that Celestia has me doing a desk job." Discord stepped out from behind a curtain that hadn't been there a few seconds ago and waved a paw over to where his table was set out for business.

Disordered pens and a ‘ruler’ without a single straight edge were the prominent objects amongst the clutter. Behind the desk was a picture of Discord giving Fluttershy friendly noogie, the frame hung at a crooked angle. Discord then flapped his wings, inverted on his axis so that his hoof and dragon claw were on the 'floor' before looking Pinkie Pie right in the eye.

"You know I ensure that my works are all original, the whole idea of repeating..." He raised his claw to his forehead with a dramatic cry of dismay. " I'm sorry Pinkie Pie I just can't do it, I have my reputation to maintain."

"Awwwww, can't you do it just this once old Discy? It would mean so much to us all." Pinkie Pie gave him the biggest puppy eyes she could manage but to no avail.

"Now, now Pinkie Pie," Discord said with waving both his lion and eagle index claws back and forth at opposite directions. "Fluttershy tried the eye trick on me before and you know how well that worked out."

Pinkie Pie looked crestfallen. "Well then I guess I can't give you this then?" Pinkie was suddenly holding a solved Rubik's cube.

Discord looked hungrily at the proffered item, before he covered his eyes and looked away. "Oh Pinkie Pie you had to go and pull out the big guns didn't you. Tell you what I'll make it raspberry flavour flakes instead?" Buzz could only glance back and forth between Pinkie and Discord in mounting confusion.

"Okie, dokie, lokie, Discy. Make the clouds cherry flavoured and you've got a deal," With that she tossed the small toy to the waiting Discord with a grin to Buzzbot. Watching in fascination Buzz saw Discord make short work of it, the colours were mixed up with blurring speed before the cube transformed into a small tea cosy and Discord sighed contently.

"Oh Pinkie Pie, you know how to twist a creature’s horns, one order of cherry clouds and raspberry flakes for your party, i’ll even throw in some sugar sprinkles," Discord proclaimed with a twirl of his antler and blue horn. He then turned his attention back to Buzz.

"Now what can I do for your companion, Buzzbot was it?" Discord asked with a glint in his eye.

"Oh I don't want anything. I’m just keeping Pinkie Pie company," Buzz assured.

"Come now, one free gift on the house, a new customer and all that?" Discord said in a friendly way. Buzz had no idea what to ask for, or if she really should. Even though Discord was technically reformed she had heard lots of stories about his 'gifts'.

"Oooo Oooo, I know a river of custard, or no wait a real gingerbread house?" Pinkie Pie began rattling off all the crazy things she could possibly want, Buzz only half listened. If she was able to ask for one thing for herself, what would it be?

"Does this offer have to be taken up now?" Buzzbot asked with a thoughtful expression "Or can I save it for a better time?" Discord wiggled a finger in his ear, causing his eyes to spin vertically.

"Well my dear, I can't be sure. You know how things get when you’re never in the same shape or state of mind one moment to the next. You could try your luck but I don't promise anything," Discord replied in a philosophical tone.

"I think I will Discy," Buzz decided, picking up Pinkie's nickname for him. It was better to think this one through before making a choice. With their task completed Pinkie and Buzz retraced their steps back towards the window. Discord went back to un-sorting his paperwork but as the two ponies were about to step out it seemed Discord wasn't done.

"I wouldn't leave it too long Buzz. I have been known to change my mind, it would be such a shame to miss out on some reformed chaos time!" With that Buzz shut the window and headed after Pinkie Pie deep in thought.

The question of what to ask Discord for wouldn't leave Buzzbot alone. It rattled around her head until the small hours of the night. For the first time Buzz could think about what she wanted, not what she was programmed to do. The idea was kind of scary and fun at the same time.

Her report to Tinker Track was pretty much ready to go, she had spent as much time with the Element Bearers as she could have wanted. Twilight had even offered to teach her a revised version of a memory spell, so if she needed Buzzbot could let Tinker Track see all Buzzbot had witnessed firsthoof.

She’d planned to stay just long enough to attend the coronation of Twilight Sparkle. Any day now the Princesses would give the unicorn her final test and Twilight would become an alicorn. Yet again it was one of those private events that Buzzbot didn't dare intrude on.

The robot had sensed in a way she couldn't explain that she had to make up her mind and do it soon. Certainly before she went back to the future. So that only gave her a couple more days to decide. Buzzbot pushed this thought to the back of her mind, get the report ready then work it out.

But as Buzz mentally thought back over the last few weeks and of all the things that had happened to her the question persisted. Then in a moment of inspiration she realized what she wanted, it was a small thing but it would make her whole mission to the past complete and would help answer a lot of other questions she had. Her mind made up Buzzbot let herself out of her room and headed for the warded sections of Canterlot.

Buzzbot knocked on the cellar doors to Discord's office, the building was currently submerged under the streets tonight. After a few moments they swung open to show small a lilac pony with a tangled mane that had purple and white stripes running through it. She just stood there staring at Buzz. No, Buzz discovered. The lilac pony floated with a little propeller hat on her head and Buzzbot began to doubt her plan, “Maybe this was a bad idea after all.”

"Oh, hello, you must be Buzz" The obviously unhinged pony said in that happy way of a pony that knows something wonderfully funny but can't tell anyone. "Daddy has been expecting you," With that the strange pony bounced down the stairs

The offices were totally different from when Buzz was here yesterday. The floor was being put to its proper use again but was now tiled different shades of orange and blue. There were now giant playing cards lining the walls, but at least the floor was where it should be.

Buzz saw that the crazy ponies from before were still present. They were all smiling and a couple even gave her little waves of recognition. They all seemed to be expecting her return and Buzz wasn't sure if she should be worried about that.

"It's good to have those ponies that can see my skills in their true light," Buzzbot jumped as Discord appeared behind her. "Well my dear I see you’re back once again, sooner than I had anticipated. I was hoping to have the spinners installed, but this will have to do. So you have decided what you would like me to do for you?"

Buzz had another uneasy feeling and didn't dare ask what the mysterious 'spinners' were. She was still unsure if what she was about to ask for was what she really wanted. She looked over to the ponies all with their smiles. It was more than a little creepy. Discord followed Buzzbot's gaze as it returned to the staff in his office and shook his head sadly.

"Don't worry, they are quite happy here. I can let them have a break from the world outside that they find so hard to understand. When they step out again they are more prepared to deal with it," Discord said in a slightly sad tone.

Discord, to Buzzbot's surprise, kept explaining, "You know I used to think that the most fun would be to share my chaos with everyone, whether they needed or even wanted it. But I always found myself empty after, oh I had a good laugh but it would never last. Then, a certain yellow pegasus of our mutual acquaintance showed me that there was so much more to my chaos when used the right way."

Discord looked at the picture of him and Fluttershy, which hung totally upside down now. "She looked past the outside and saw what I was missing and made sure I found it. Now I have more friends than I could ever hope for. Once they are cured of their illnesses they can go out into the world knowing that I helped them. I can know I helped them and that's a feeling that lasts and lasts."

"My silly little ways help fix them and they will always appreciate that and even come to visit. So now that happiness can keep on going." As far as Buzz could tell there were genuine tears of joy in Discord's eyes. She still didn't trust Discord and with good reason but she now felt it was worth a try.

"Why are you telling me this Discord?" Buzzbot asked honestly. She couldn't even begin to try to understand the creature and whatever answer he gave would be suspect. But curiosity compelled her to ask anyway.

The draconequus smiled, coughed a little embarrassed and then quickly changed the subject. "Why you’re a pony looking for your centre. A reason to do more than just exist? To understand why you are the way you are? Am I right?”

Buzzbot raised an eyebrow, “And you can give me that?”

Discord grinned widely, “Of course not, what a load of mumbo jumbo.” He lowered his head to her level, “It’s your choice, what would you have me do?”

Buzz whispered in his ear and Discord's eyes went wide with surprise, "You really want me to do that to you, it could be very dangerous, very few normal ponies can take that kind of knowledge and with your logical programmed mind it could...." Discord's warning never finished when confronted by Buzzbot's determined stare. Her resolve tempered into something stronger than steel.

"I want to know, I want to understand," Buzz confirmed and Discord shrugged.

"You understand that you will probably never be able to tell anypony about it you know, should you even survive the experience," He cautioned.

Buzzbot still nodded, "I've got a back up information core if I fail. I would never rest easy if I didn't at least try." Buzz smiled, she was being so reckless and it was fun and terrifying all at the same time. She didn't know what had gotten into her. She would never have done this when she first came to the past. But here, in this place, it felt like just the right thing to do.

Buzzbot then related something she heard another tell her only a little while ago, "It would be such a shame to miss out on some reformed chaos time." She said in such good replica of Discord's voice that he clapped his paws/claws and chuckled to himself.

"Well said, well said. I'm eager to find out what will come of this and admire your gumption Buzz," With that Discord dropped his odd sized eyes and looked right into Buzz's determined brown ones. Then with a snap of his lion paw the world went white for Buzzbot and she got her wish.

A way away Pinkie Pie felt a shudder run through her spine, spun around and did one final 'robot' dance before the 'combo' resolved itself. She knew deep down whatever had been causing it was resolved. Something magical had just happened, some mystical answer had been gained and something learned by those who mattered. Shrugging Pinkie smiled all the wider and went on consuming the muffins she had started.

"Is she broken Daddy?" came the first voice through the haze of Buzzbot's mind. It was a young mare's and Buzz knew she should recognize it, but her thoughts were moving in strange ways.

"Well ‘broken’ is such a subjective term my dear, is she in full working order? No. Is it in need of repair? Yes. But she didn't explode so that must count for something," a second voice came in reply, a male voice that was full of interest.

"Awww but that would have been so pretty, woomf-boom-balooga!" The first voice said in a disappointed tone.

"Now now Screwball, remember the one rule here in my office," The second voice reminded the first.

"No hurting other ponies or wishing them harm or thinking of harming them or 'playing' too rough with them or......" The male voice cut the filly's off at this point.

“Yes, yes there were so many sub-clauses to rule number one. Now be a good girl, now go and watch the door again while I see to this pony."

Buzzbot's vision was coming back and she focused about the room until finally focusing on Discord who was looking at her with a mixture of admiration and interest. She paused for a moment before a little grin crept onto her face. It all made sense now! Buzz looked up into Discord’s face and the grin only grew wider.

"Is it really that simple?" Buzz inquired with a note of surprise. Discord just nodded and gave a little round of applause. "But no pony would get it if I tried to explain it to them would they?" Buzz continued, half to herself as she went about exploring the new concept in her mind. Buzzbot's thoughts were jumping and skipping with joy.

"Well you came through that rather well I thought, last time I gave somepony a similar wish they didn't move for three days," Discord rubbed his chin with his paw, "You knew what you have learnt would be of little use, no pony would believe you even if you tried to explain it." Discord went on. "So what did you hope to gain from me revealing that little morsel to you?"

"It's a thing for me and no other pony. Everything I have done up to now has been to follow my directive. What you have taught me today, I am happy to know it. I wanted it because I wanted to know for myself, not from any programmed drive or compelled order. It's my own little bit of truth and I don't have to share it if I don't want to."

She screwed up her face, “I don’t know if I’m making much sense?”

Discord grinned, “Of course you can’t prove that you’re more than just a machine by performing acts beyond your programming.”

Buzzbot smiled again in a knowing way before giving Discord a huge hug. He stiffened and actually looked embarrassed, "Thanks Discy, you've given me something that is truly mine and have proved to me that I’m more than just a metal shell with some clever circuits. I couldn’t have put it better myself."

Discord tried to shrug again, except Buzzbot's hooves were wrapped around him making it difficult to do so. "We aim to please in the strangest manna possible here," Discord vanished out of Buzz's grip and returned the hug with a cheerful nooige of his own. "You know the fact that you were having feelings, real ones, already proved you were already more than just a machine right? You didn't have to go through this to prove it," Discord informed Buzzbot.

"Yeah, but where’s the fun in that?” Buzzbot finished with a smile so big it threatened to remove the top of her head.

Discord raised an eyebrow so that it floated above his head, "Indeed. Well now you've had your own little taste of chaos, you can never go back," Discord announced as he dropped Buzz and then went on with a dramatic flourish: "Now you had best go out there and see what this new chaotic world holds for you!"

Buzz left ‘chaos central’ and after a short time Screwball wobbled up to Discord before asking, "Well Daddy she seemed pleased with her gift. But I still don't know what you gave her?" Discord patted Screwball on the head and chuckled softly.

"I gave her a little of what she needed and a lot of what she asked for," He informed his most dedicated follower. Screwball wasn't satisfied with that response and pressed Discord further.

"Awww please Daddy, I really want to know," Discord looked down into Screwball's spinning eyes and his heart melted.

"Oh fine," He rolled his eyes in opposite directions. "I gave Buzz something that few ponies have ever dared ask for. I let her understand the mystery that is Pinkamena Diane Pie."

“Really Daddy?” Screwball asked in surprise,“ and her head didn’t explode?”

“Funny thing,” Discord said almost absently, “It was quite a mess in there already, almost as if I had….” Shrugging Discord went back to his work.

That most elusive Element: Magic

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“So, what you going to do now Stage?”

Buzz was shaken away from watching scenery zipping past the train window by the question. After taking a moment to come back to the here and now she smiled back at Pinkie Pie. Buzz had hardly registered their short journey back to the Canterlot train station, her head full of possibilities.

Time was more stable than Tinker had guessed and Buzz felt like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She could stay in the past and do it just for fun. She could watch history unfold and be there for it to happen. It was liberating in the extreme and Buzz could hardly believe the sense of peace now flooding her systems.

She looked at Pinkie with new eyes, all of those enigmas and contradictions wrapped up in a harmless looking soft pink body and saw her as if for the first time. Buzz tried to put it into words, but as Discord had warned it was just unexplainable. Like trying to describe colours to those without eyes or the flavour of sugar to a pony without taste. Buzz understood Pinkie now, but try as she might the words just wouldn’t come.

Snapping back Buzz realised she’d been grinning at Pinkie in a distant manner and still hadn’t answered her question, “I think I’d like to visit some of the sights, chat with ponies and generally be a tourist for once.” Buzz smiled in a knowing way and felt her mind firing in new and pleasant ways.

Pinkie simply nodded in response, “I understand.”

“Now, now, Stage. You still have a job to do remember,” Twilight whispered eyeing the batpony guard who had accompanied them on the return journey. Remembering herself Buzz nodded, this was now a working vacation. She still needed data on Twilight, nor was she completely free of supervision either.

Buzz wasn’t surprised that the Princesses would send someone to keep tabs on things, but looking at the roughed up stallion in question she began to have second thoughts. Shadow Guard had slunk onto the train with a gloomy air, the protective shades he wore failing to hide a nasty shiner that looked suspiciously like the shape one of Applejack’s sturdy hooves, raising several eyebrows.

If he was truly meant to be her minder then he was doing a terrible job of it, curling up in the darkest corner of the carriage before drifting off to sleep. Buzz looked through her own accounts on Applejack and grinned. Ah, a story for another time.

“I still have lots of tests to run on you as well,” Twilight’s enthusiasm cutting through Buzz’s revery again and she felt a slight pang of unease. Ah yes that, still have to be somewhat careful.

“Well it seems only fair that if I learn about you then you get to know a few things about me,” Buzz murmured half heartedly. “But nothing too um...futurey alright. Best not push our luck huh?”

“Of course,” Twilight added with a look that Buzz didn’t like one bit.

Once the train arrived at Ponyville station the group were greeted by Spike, whose young slitted eyes lit up when he saw them, "Twilight your back, how did it go in Canterlot?" the baby dragon asked as he gave Twilight a big hug.

Buzz had to do a double take when she saw the little purple dragon, his green eyes aglow with youth. He was tiny. Buzz could hardly believe that this little ball of scales would one day darken the sky with his mighty wings, have talons the size of a pony and...and…. it was just mind boggling.

"It went fine, we saw the princesses and got everything all sorted out. Stage Cloak will be staying with us a few more days before she goes home." Twilight looked over to Buzz and shared a knowing smile. Twilight hadn’t shared the truth of Buzzbot with Spike, the smaller number of people who that knew the truth the better.

"Dash said that you had some trouble with timberwolves in the forest? But you managed to fight em off all by yourself?" Spike asked holding his little claws up to his cute little nose.

Buzz could only blink in astonishment, "Well I wouldn't say I fought them off, more held them at bay Spike." Buzz said staring wide eyed at the chubby cheeked reptile before shaking her head with tiny smile.

"Yeah but they learnt not to mess with us ponies again!" Dash said. Buzzbot was cheered by the support.

"I had best head over to Sugar Cube Corner," Buzz noted, "I still owe the Cakes last week’s rent."

"But ‘Stagie’, you didn't even go back there for the last week?" Pinkie asked in confusion. It was true, with all that had happened with Trixie and her short visit to the Ever Free forest, Buzz hadn't set hoof in the Cakes home for about six days.

"Yeah but they still held the room for me all that time, I wouldn't want to leave em hanging," Buzz looked at Rainbow Dash and Applejack who both nodded at the sentiment.

"Yep, gotta pay your dues," Applejack confirmed and to Buzz’s surprise looked back to the train with a pained expression. Shadow Guard was just gettin stepping onto the platform.

Buzz looked to Applejack with a curious expression only for her to blush, "I'll tell y’all later, let’s just say I’m making up fer summit." Applejack’s face shone as she saw a big red stallion and….no it couldn’t be…. that pink bow in her mane and that yellow coat. Buzz blinked, not believing that it was actually Applebloom.

She hardly noticed Applejack introducing Shadow to her siblings, Buzz’s attention riveted to the little foal who would become arguably the best….. Buzz shook her head, no not the time.

"I'll cover you Stage, you've been through enough and the outfits you helped me make were more popular than expected, consider it a pay raise," Rarity added, drawing Buzzbot's attention back to her own conversation. "Plus I think you're wanted by Twilight, she has a lot of questions she’s eager to ask you."

Rarity finished by tilting her head towards Twilight. Buzzbot couldn't say she was all that happy to fall into the clutches of Twilight's endless curiosity, but what else could she do? She owed her at least some answers.

"Thank you Rarity, but I would....." Rarity held up a hoof to Buzzbot, stalling any argument.

"I insist Stage, my duty as a lady compels me to aid those who have fallen on harder times," She added batting her mane in that way she did. With her last excuse countered, Buzz nodded thankfully before following Twilight to the Golden Oaks Library.

Twilight lead Buzzbot down into the basement while Spike went into the kitchen to start making dinner, “I don’t see why you had to leave me behind Twilight, I could have been of help,” Spike scolded and Buzz couldn’t help but smile, he’s so cute.

“I needed you to keep an eye on things here Spike,” Twilight replied with a knowing look at Buzz before she ushered her down the stairs.

“ that’s right!” Spike saluted and Buzz just shook her head in disbelief before Twilight closed the door and continued downwards.

The room below was full of all sorts of analytical equipment. Some Buzzbot recognized as precursors to the machines she had seen in the future. Even at this point of history Twilight was at the very pinnacle of technological advancement. It made Buzzbot smile. Oh Miss Sparkle, if you only knew.

Once they were settled in, Twilight went to work. "I hope you don't mind Buzz but I would love to get some data on you. How you were made, what you’re made of, how you even work. This is so exciting!" Buzz grimaced, afraid that this very thing would happen. Giving Twilight a little information had only increased her curiosity rather than satisfy her.

Is this where Twilight first got the idea for T.C.A.P and other machines like me? The thought was sudden and Buzz thought back to Celestia’s explanation about time travel. Was Buzz simply being here leading Equestria down a path of mechanical advancement it was never meant to have? Or was that the very thing that made the future as she knew it happen? After this I’m done with time travel, it’s too complicated.

In the end Buzzbot guessed that Twilight knew too much already and it wouldn't hurt to know a little more and therefore let Twilight take her readings. She found herself hooked up to lots of archaic devices. Well to me they’re very olden day, Twilight probably thinks they’re top notch and modern.

"Sooo, you’re made of metal and you’re powered by magic, Interesting....." Twilight cantered around the room checking dials and readouts. "I am guessing that your shape shifting powers are based on changeling concepts right?"

Before Buzz could respond Twilight's questions took off on another tangent, "How do you keep yourself charged? How do you even think for yourself?" Buzz could only begin to answer some of these questions before Twilight rammed a head monitor on her that looked suspiciously like a colander with blinking multi-coloured lights attached.

"Hmmm you don't have a brain like other ponies, well that's to be expected too I guess." Twilight mused as she read the results. She was taking notes at such a pace that Buzz feared the paper might smoulder then catch fire from the friction.

The next probing found Buzz being subjected to the tender attention of a large set of callipers, which Twilight used to measure Buzzbot's head size, width of her eyes and the length of her jaw. It went on and on. After her initial burst of enthusiasm Twilight finally calmed down somewhat.

“Remembered I’m a pony and not just a test subject huh?” Buzz asked a little harsher than she’d intended.

Twilight gave a little cough before continuing, "So this Tinker Track, he sounds like a very skilled pony. I mean you told us he made you so he must be well versed in engineering?" Ah, another hard question, Buzzbot shook her head a little thankful that Twilight was too engrossed in her notes to see Buzz’s dismay.

"The Tinker Track that made me is a very good pony, probably the best worker of his age when it comes to ponies like me. But the last Tinker Track I last saw had a few more lessons to learn," Buzz finished diplomatically.

Twilight scribbled down the last few details before unhooking Buzz’s head gear. Buzzbot had to admit Twilight lived up to her reputation for magical power. The whole laboratory was sizzling with arcane might and Twilight was at the centre of it all, moving things about with almost no effort it seemed.

"So um, just what exactly did Tinker expect you to do in the past? Surely you could have just talked to us in the future and saved yourself a whole lot of trouble?" Twilight pointed out.

"Things haven't been all that good between Tinker and yourselves in the future; a few disagreements over policy and..." Buzz trailed off as she had come dangerously close to revealing some ‘spoilers’ about the future.

"He thought the subtle approach would be best, and if I am being honest he was desperate to try out his time machine," Buzz finished with a little laugh. If Twilight was aware of this small deflection onto firmer ground by Buzz then she didn't show it.

"I've had a little practice at time travel, it was hard and didn't last anywhere near as long as you have been here. I would love to know how you managed it," Twilight asked longingly.

Buzzbot had to call it there. "Sorry Twilight that's a big spoiler. I told you I can't go around telling ponies all about the future."

She saw Twilight’s lip tremble but Buzz was sure it was for the best. "All good things come to those who wait," She smiled in return. "But I can assure you it isn't dull," Buzz concluded. Twilight simply frowned.

Buzzbot changed the topic before Twilight could have a chance to question her again, "So you have an adapted version of your memory spell right? You’re willing teach it to me?"

Twilight looked more than a little put out that she didn't get told what she wanted and now Buzz was asking for information from her in turn. Seeing her face fall Buzz chuckled, "Aww don't be like that, I let you have your scans and tests didn't I? Fair's fair?"

"Yeah you're right, I just really don't like not being able to understand something." Twilight agreed with a little smile.

"You and I both, but I promise that you will do in time," Buzz assured Twilight who glanced suspiciously at Buzzbot again.

"Right...." Twilight replied, but her eyes told Buzzbot her mind was turning over all Buzz had said. No doubt trying to decipher the clues she’d been able to wring out of Buzz’s guarded answers.

After dinner was finished Spike disappeared upstairs with a simple, “Good night,” and left Buzz and Twilight practising the memory spell. Twilight was a good, if a little impatient, teacher. Even though Buzz was put together differently the process by which she applied her magical talent was similar to that of unicorns.

Once Buzzbot had the basic concept they trained by using flash cards. Each pony, one alive and one machine, would write down a number on a card then try to give that knowledge to the other by magic. Not by words but by taking the memory from their own mind and showing it to the other.

It was hard work for Twilight, even with more practice in this kind of magic. The memories would often come through only partially or not at all. Buzzbot had it worse, but for very different reasons. The idea of moving data from one 'mind' to another wasn't new for her.

She had linked up with stand alone vessels of knowledge before, now the trouble was knowing when to stop and only give what was intended. The fact that Twilight was 'more curious than a cat' as Applejack would put it for the knowledge of the future didn't help. Twilight’s mind practically screamed for the information.

Buzzbot was thinking she had gotten the hang of the spell when a call from up the stairs of "Whooo!" announced the arrival of Owlowiscious, Twilight’s pet owl. Buzz's concentration slipped and she gave Twilight more memory than intended. Gah hayseed, what has she let slip? She checked through the lines of code and her mind froze.

Oh no not that. It was only a little image, but Twilight's mind had caught it and pulled it in like a timber wolf with a free meal. It was a simple drawing of the four famous alicorns of Equestria. It was only the silhouette, each pony in a different colours, white, dark blue, pink and of course purple. But the implication of that picture was clear, at the moment there were only three well known alicorns in the land. This image showed there were four.

Twilight blinked and fell back on her haunches with her mouth open, "Whu....what?" Buzzbot glared at Owlowiscious even though she knew it wasn't his fault. The owl just watched the pair of ponies without comment.

"I think that's enough for today," Buzz announced quickly before Twilight could ask about the information now in her mind. Buzz then made a fast move towards the stairs up to the main floor of Golden Oaks.

Buzz wasn't going to get away that easily, "Oh no, you can't let me see something like that and then just go!" Twilight almost shouted with a mix of shock and confusion once she had recovered.

With a flash of magic she had placed herself between the door and Buzzbot. "Four! Four alicorns, what aren't you telling me!" Her raised voice caused Owlowiscious to take off from his perch to fly around the room in agitation.

"Twilight what’s going on down there?" Spike's worried call came.

Buzzbot face hoofe,. "Twilight you weren't meant to see that, best you just forget about it." Buzz needed to stop this before it got out of hoof. "It's just a little foal's drawing that I came across and isn't important." The robot half lied, but she could see that it wasn't working on Twilight.

"Oh no you’re not worming your way outta this one Buzz, that's something really big you’re not telling me, and I want to know!" Twilight just wasn’t giving up.

Both Twilight and Buzz heard a knock on the door upstairs and Twilight's attention wavered. "Spike get the door!" Twilight shouted and Buzzbot seized her chance. Before Twilight could complete any spell or bar her further Buzz was out and had closed the door.

"I can't Twilight I’m in the bath!" Spike called back as Buzzbot quickly looked about for a way out. There was a window open above Twilight's bed (Probably how Owlowiscious came in). Using her now restored magic Buzzbot took just a moment to wedge the door with a handy chair before racing up stairs. The knocking on the door came louder this time and mixed with Twilight's battering hooves on own her workshop's door.

Thinking quickly Buzz dismissed the window and instead headed for the front door. Wrenching it open she quickly barged past the awaiting mail pony and tore off into the night. So intent was she to get away that Buzz didn’t give a second thought to why a message was being delivered to Twilight at this late hour.

She therfore didn’t see an angry Twilight appear before the startled delivery pony and practically snatch the packet from his surprised hooves. Nor the book and letter that were revealed and the instant effect it had on Twilight.

Dear Twilight,

The spell contained on the last page of this book is Star Swirl The Bearded's unfinished masterpiece.......”

Buzzbot galloped as fast she could to Sugar Cube Corner. That was too close, thankfully Mrs Cake was only just locking up when Buzz came into view.

"Ah deary I heard you were back in town, my is something the matter?" She asked but Buzz shook her head before smiling. The happy mask back in place and all the worry gone from her brown eyes.

"No Mrs Cake, I was just worried I wouldn't have gotten back in time before you closed up," Buzz cringed inside at the ease with which she slipped back into lying. Not the lie itself, but more that it was required, just how natural it was to do again. It had been so good to be truthful for the last few days and it hurt to revert to covert methods once more.

"Ah that's alright then deary, you're in plenty of time Stage and there's even some cakes left over from today if you'd like," She smiled warmly as Buzzbot trotted through the door. "Oh and miss Rarity came by and paid the rent, I would give her a big thank you if I were you Stage."

"Thank you Mrs Cake, I’ll sort it tomorrow," Buzz answered in a tired voice, before heading off to her room. She threw herself on the bed and covered her head with her pillow before letting out a short scream of frustration. Just when things were going so well!

Buzzbot turned over and stared at the wall as she reviewed the latest slip up. Time is tougher than you think Celestia had told her. "I really hope she's right, I may have just let slip one of the biggest events in Equestrian history," Buzz told the wall in frustration, all she could do now was wait and see.

Only a few doors down Pinkie Pie didn't sleep well, her mind was full of the sounds of chickens, cows and the images of drain pipes that needed fixing. There was a tiny flash from her flank that had become uncovered by her tossing and turning. Where she had previously had three party balloons there were now three red apples.

Buzzbot was feeling more at ease by the morning, Twilight thankfully hadn't tried to force her way into Sugar Cube Corner. Buzz was just beginning to hope she’d gotten away with her last slip up. Making sure her disguise was properly in place Buzz opened her door to find Pinkie Pie was already up and about. This surprised Buzz as it was very early and the sun was only just coming up.

"Morning Pinkie Pie, sleep well?" Buzzbot asked.

Pinkie gave her a bemused look before answering, "Well I reckon I did, but I think I slept in. My chores will be needing doing"

Buzzbot blinked, that was Pinkie's voice and Pinkie's face, but the words didn't match up. "Um Pinkie, what chores?" Buzz also noticed that the normally curly mane of her friend was straight and missing its fuzziness, not a good sign at all.

"Well dur," Pinkie said as if that was a silly question. "On the farm of course, chickens need feeding and trees bucking you know?" Buzzbot's eyes went wide and her pupils grew to fill the whites of her eyes. What happened to Pinkie Pie? Surely if I had messed up that badly the effects wouldn’t be felt this soon?

"Pinkie you don't work on a farm, you’re a baker and a party pony?" Buzz corrected quietly.

"Since when?" It was Pinkie's turn to look confused, "I've been working on Sweet Apple Acres since my cutie mark appeared Buzz, you're such a silly filly sometimes." With that Pinkie Pie turned and began trotting down the stairs, but not before Buzzbot caught sight of her cutie mark.

Buzz was stunned for a few moments before it sunk in. That's today?! She had totally lost track of what day it was. Well even if she had let slip about the impending fact that a new alicorn was soon to be found in Equestria, it seemed time had pre-empted her once again.

Feeling a huge surge of relief she followed Pinkie Pie down the stairs. Today was going to be a little crazy and having caused enough trouble already Buzzbot decided it was best to wait this event out.

It was interesting to see some of the mayhem caused by switching the roles of major ponies of Ponyville, even if only for a day. She sat in Sugar Cube Corner as Fluttershy, now showing Pinkie's balloons cutie mark tried to make the crowd laugh with no success.

It melted Buzz's heart to see her struggle so, but she mustn't involve herself. A pony couldn't step outside and not see what the weather was doing either. A checkerboard pattern covered the sky as Rarity did her best to arrange the clouds in a pretty pattern. It was very odd to be hit by snow and blazing sunshine at the same time.

Buzzbot looked in on Applejack trying to make dresses. it was a sight to move the heart all but the most hardened pony. Though she longed to help, once again Buzz had to take a back seat. Twilight needed to solve this problem herself. She waited in the bushes near Carousel Boutique until Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash came to save the day.

Making sure she was hidden from sight Buzz then followed a safe distance behind the growing group. By the time they had come to 'fix' Pinkie Pie, Buzzbot had mixed in with the crowds so she could see the feats the future princess pulled off.

Buzz cheered with all her voice along with the rest of the ponies when Pinkie got up with silly nose and glasses on. The happy mood was back in Ponyville and celebrations were in order. But that was just the start.

As the six element bearers made their way back to the Golden Oaks library dusk was falling. Buzzbot was outside peeking in through a window as Twilight finished a journey she had started so long ago and vanished in a sphere of light.

Buzz felt privileged to be able to see such history in action, but this was a moment for these ponies and not her. Soon the good news would be all over Equestria and with a slightly sad feeling Buzzbot realized her own time in the past was fast coming to an end.

The coronation of Princess Twilight Sparkle taught in history books was a pale shadow in comparison to attending it in person. Buzz found a place near the back of the main palace state room where such events as Shining Armour's wedding had taken place.

However this event was for the youngest Sparkle family member this time. Once Princess Celestia had finished her announcement, Buzzbot watched with delight as Twilight, her new wings and all came in escorted by guards and banner bearers. Now that's more like the Princess that I know. Everypony was so proud of Twilight, she really had earned this reward and Buzzbot knew it was only the start of many great and beautiful things in store for Equestria.

As the royal party moved out onto the balcony Buzzbot let the enthusiastic ponies follow their new princess, herself hanging back. She was contented with all she’d gotten to see, if a little melancholy.

"Well she does make a fine sight with those wings and all, should have known the unicorn had great things ahead of her after defeating me," Buzzbot turned around and to her amusement saw Discord's head poking around a pillar. He stepped out along with a lilac filly with a cheery expression. Buzz didn't recognise her at first and it took seeing the little propeller hat to let the penny drop.

It was Screwball, but the madness was mostly absent from the ponies pale blue eyes and her mane was well kept. Discord continued with his musings, "Well I may have guessed it after restoring Luna to her lovely, if much duller self, but you never can tell with ponies like Twilight now can you."

"I'm surprised the Princesses let you out Discy," Buzzbot commented still watching the events resolving on the castle balcony ahead.

Discord actually looked hurt by that, "My dear Buzzbot, I’m now a reformed member of Equestrian society. I am allowed all the privileges of any other pony while in the Royal Sister's lands." Discord grinned to himself before dropping the pained expression before and going on, "Plus I am actually here in an official capacity, events like this bring out the best and how should I say it, most ‘mischievous’ side of ponies."

Buzzbot grinned back. "Well I can't wait to hear what fun you have planned, all above board of course?"

It was Screwball who answered this time. Her voice abnormally well toned with a slightly musical quality, "Yes Buzz, there are a number of 'after the main celebration' parties that we're catering for."

Buzzbot nodded, and was pleased to see that Discord’s way of helping mentally disturbed ponies seemed to be working for Screwball. There was only a tiny hint in the way she looked at you, otherwise you would never know she was Discord's number one assistant at his clinic. A job she was very proud of it seemed.

Screwball beamed with a happy grin as Discord picked up the conversation again, "So how's it all working out with Pinkie Pie having a permanent place in your head my dear Buzz? I couldn't miss the chance to see you and check up on your progress."

Discord then sighed and with a flick of his eagle's claw produced five bits which he handed to Screwball, "Well my dear Screwball seems you’ve won this round". Buzzbot raised an inquisitive eyebrow at this.

"I was betting with daddy Discord that you would be fine, he reckoned you would have melted by now, or at least been joining us at work. Shame really I think you would make a great addition to the team," Screwball informed Buzzbot with a slight frown. Buzz laughed in an uncertain way, not sure if she was happy about the idea.

"Don't take it too hard Discy there is still time huh?" Buzzbot consoled, trying to cover the worry in her mind.

"Indeed, and speaking of time when are you heading back to your own my dear?" Discord asked. Buzz didn't ask how the creature knew of her plans, but he'd had ample opportunity to rummage in her brain so his knowledge didn't surprise her all that much.

"Once the main coronation is done," Buzz told the pair, "I only really have my 'farewells' to make, and to get the Element Bearers promise that they won’t breathe a word of me being here to anypony."

"Well I wish you a safe trip little Buzzbot, I don't think me attending your farewell would be a good plan. Plus you know how it is now, busy, busy, busy." Discord extended his lion’s paw to Buzz who took it with a little smile.

"See you in about say fifty years?" Buzzbot said and nodded to Screwball who gave a little wave good bye.

"Oh I’m not going anywhere my dear, I’m far too involved now and just can't step away. So much organised chaos to sow," Even Discord had to laugh at the absurdity of that. He went on after his chuckle died down. "So you may count on it Buzzbot, I hope to earn a few more bits next we meet so do your best to let things run wild in that little head of yours huh?" Discord gave a slight bow and with a snap of his tail the draconequus and Screwball were gone.

It was evening before all the Element Bearers and the Royal Pony sisters could get away from the busy events of the day. They met in the small council room and Buzzbot was a little sheepish when Twilight came in, they still hadn't resolved the issues from a few days ago.

It turned out Buzz needn't have worried. She bowed to the new alicorn but Twilight just gave her a big smile. Without waiting for Buzzbot to regain her hooves Twilight rushed over.

"Buzz, I was worried you had missed everything!" She closed the distance and gave Buzzbot a hug. Twilight wobbled a bit, not used to the extra weight of her wings. But with Rainbow Dash, the other princesses and a little help from Fluttershy meant she would get the hang of them in no time.

"What and miss you getting your wings? No chance." Buzz assured her, "Sorry about the other day, you know I couldn't tell you but it seems everypony knows the good news now." Buzzbot saw Celestia wink over Twilight's shoulder and Luna laughed softly. The tender moment done Twilight released Buzz. With a timid smile Twilight moved and stood alongside Luna who was the next pony to speak, this time with an official tone:

"Buzzbot, visitor to our time, we assume you have gotten all that you came for?" Buzz nodded and bowed once again to the alicorns both old and new.

"I have, your majesties thank you so much for letting me complete my assignment. I hope that I have not intruded too much upon you all." Buzzbot raised herself up and looked into the eyes of the other ponies in the chamber. Their smiles and expressions told her that she hadn’t. "You know I have one more thing to request before I leave," Princess Celestia raised a hoof, saving Buzz the trouble of asking it.

"We understand Buzzbot, the events of you coming to our time need to be kept just between us until the right moment. I have said before that time is a much more stable force than most ponies give it credit for. Still it's best not to rock the boat without good cause. Therefore we will tell no one of these events until you deem it right for us to do so."

Celestia glanced to Pinkie Pie and grinned, "Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye!" They all promised in unison. This was done with varying degrees of solemnity. From Applejack and Pinkie Pie who were totally serious to Luna and Rainbow Dash who's eyes were tearing up with the effort of not laughing.

Buzzbot let out a long, genuine laugh and moved to hug each pony in turn. "Thank you all so much, you don't know how much this means to me! I look forward to seeing you all when I get back."

With all the formal parts of the meeting concluded Buzz moved back to the centre of the room. She gave a little wave before she ignited her horn and sent the recall signal to Tinker Track. Almost instantly a distortion formed above her and Buzz was lifted into the air before with final, "Take care of yourselves!" she was gone.

The room was quiet for a few moments before Rainbow Dash piped up, "I still say we should have asked her the results for the next few Wonderbolt derbies. We could have made a fortune!" The laughter that came from the chamber startled some of the birds outside and caused the guards on the door to look at each other then shrug.

Putting things right, which once were wrong.

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Tinker Track just sat there dumbfounded, a slight tick in his left eye. Buzz could almost hear his mind struggling to take it all in. It was a tall tale; making friends with Discord, the Element Bearers and all the other fantastic events. If I hadn’t done it myself I don’t think even I’d believe it.

"So you failed then? I am still here, stuck in an old storage unit and T.C.A.P security will probably be here any minute to arrest me for meddling in time! You've ruined me Buzz!" Tinker's shock turned to anger. “What was his future self playing at sending him such a defective robot who’d make such a huge mess of things?”

Buzzbot couldn’t shake the image of a little colt throwing a tantrum when he didn’t get his way, "Oh Tinker, have you learnt nothing from what I have told you? Time travel really isn't your thing is it? If you were going to be in serious trouble and be arrested it would have happened by now. For you, all the consequences of my little trip would already be in effect. Just stop and think about that for a bit huh?"

Buzz quickly glanced at the clock again, I’ve been back and forth half a century, you’d think I could have timed this better. Oh well here goes, "Tinker, Princess Twilight and Pinkie Pie are going to be knocking on your door in about five minutes. It's about the T.C.A.P council. They will want an apology for the harsh things said and if you play your cards right this could be the start of something wonderful for you and lots of other ponies."

Tinker was turning a deep shade of purple and a vein was starting to throb on his forehead as Buzzbot continued, "Now I know you don't want to hear this but you need to get over your massive ego and be nice. Twilight has never had it in for you. Your ideas though good, need some refinement before they can be put into practice."

There I told him, needed to be said and I didn't want to be the pony to do it, but it's done now. Buzzbot let out a breath, not just for effect but because it felt right. Even though she knew the future Tinker Track and the great stallion he was, she still didn't fully trust all this cause and effect stuff. She could have just made the biggest error in her entire life.

He seemed to swell with rage. Buzzbot saw Tinker's eyes bulge, then he took in a huge breath and Buzz just knew what was coming. She decided that after all she’d been through she just couldn't deal with Tinker losing it.

Ah well sometimes you need to give a machine a good buck before it worked right. I was hoping we could do this the easy way. Buzzbot told herself and ignited her horn. She pressed it against Tinker Track's brow and cast the adjusted memory spell that Twilight had taught her.

Tinker Track's eyes, now slightly crossed, went even wider and his pupils grew to fill the whole eye. That was the outward effects, inside Tinker Track saw and felt Buzzbot's mission firsthoof.

He saw how Buzzbot saw the Element Bearers, the great things they did and the friends they were to his mechanical servant. He lived the first meeting with Pinkie Pie, and the massive generosity of Rarity along the loyal friendship of Rainbow dash. It all washed over him and Buzz felt his mind rebel, pause and finally bow with acceptance. He could now feel a lot of what Buzzbot felt towards these ponies.

What Tinker Track mostly gained was perspective. He saw his own actions in a new light, how stubborn he had been and how unwilling to accept Twilight's constructive advice over his own self delusions. It is a hard lesson to learn, seeing how you are truly viewed by other ponies. Twilight had been very specific, she didn’t want Buzz to rewrite Tinker’s mind, simply offer him another option and a fresh look at himself.

Buzz felt a bit cruel doing things this way. It laid bare a lot of things you didn't want to know about yourself, but also showed the things you did right. It gave Tinker a chance to see himself objectively, maybe the first time in his life. A gift and a curse all in one.

Tinker blinked a few times, his eyes crossed further before finally toppling over with a vacant expression on his face. Buzzbot closed her eyes and shook her head a little sadly, as if on cue, a knock sounded on the door to Tinker Track's 'secret' workshop. Buzz carefully stepped over the twitching Tinker, ignoring his spinning eyes and mouth half open with a little drool coming out of the corner.

"I did try to warn you silly colt, but you had to make me do it the hard way," Buzz sighed, moving to the door controls. She pulled the lever and waited as the door cycled through its opening sequence. Oh Tinker, always the dramatic. Even you doors have to show off.

Buzz waited as heavy bolts slid, cogs whirred and with final thud the door eventually began to open…..very….slowly. It was worth the wait however as Buzz finally caught sight of her friends. Princess Twilight and Pinkie Pie; one looking dubious the other radiating cheerfulness.

“"I told you, my Pinkie sense is never wrong!" Pinkie Pie, dear Pinkie, was bouncy as ever, even with the years that had passed for her. What had been mere minutes for Buzz had been years for them and even forewarned it took Buzz’s breath away to see how much older Pinkie looked. She wasn’t past her prime, but her filly years were certainly behind her.

Princess Twilight on the other hoof had simply grown into her new role. She was tall but not really in a physical sense but more in bearing. Her eyes spoke of the years, but when she caught sight of Buzz the youthful spark returned.

"Oh Buzz it's been too long, I see you made it back in more or less once piece." The Princess said in a formal tone at odds with her expression. Buzzbot bowed, but Twilight moved quickly to give her a hug, "Oh come on Buzz it's me, you know I don't like all that formal stuff, just makes me feel silly." Pinkie Pie giggled as Buzz got back to her hooves.

"The years have been good to you both. Please come in, we've been expecting you," Buzzbot said giving them an approving look. She stepped back to make room before waving and enthusiastic hoof to show them in. Twilight cocked an eyebrow at Pinkie Pie before peering back to Buzz, a suspicious expression forming as she crossed the threshold to Tinker Tracks workshop.

"Okay I give up. How did you know we would be here Buzz? I was in the middle of an important calibration when Pinkie Pie bounces into my lab (which was locked down with some very powerful spells I might add) and says it's time to go. Then when I get here I find that you have been expecting me all along." Twilight was giving the place the once over, it was hard to tell if she was impressed or just annoyed. “I admit Tinker Track has done some fantastic things with what is effectively ‘junk’.”

"Well I could tell you that I have been about a lot in time or that Pinkie and I planned this, would that help? It’s far more impressive than the truth of course," Buzzbot replied with forced playfulness. Tinker Track, still out cold on the floor, and a small mote of worry was dancing in Buzz’s chest.

She did her best to make Tinker comfortable, grabbing his pillow and sleeping bag from his make-shift bed, "He could be like this for a little while but that's fine, it gives us a chance to catch up." Please oh please just get along when you wake up.

When Tinker Track came round the first thing he heard was laughter. He looked about in confusion, his last memories floating in a haze. Buzzbot had cast a spell on him? He was in his workshop and...

Tinker saw Buzz. She was laughing and chatting with a pink earth mare and Princess Twilight! Tinker pulled the sleeping bag up to his muzzle and gave a little 'mewp' noise. This was lost over the sounds of merriment which Tinker was very thankful for. What had that conniving machine done now? Buzzbot had let Princess Twilight into his secret lab! Then the new memories flooded back.

They weren’t as overpowering as the last time, they sat neatly in his head and showed him all Buzz had learnt and done for him. He saw Twilight as the little unicorn from the past and his heart did an odd thing. Tinker felt happy about her.

After all Twilight had done to him, turning down his work and getting in his way. Tinker Track was actually glad to see Twilight Sparkle. No, she had corrected him and directed him to be better. Gah where did that thought come from? Tinker wondered. It seemed this line of reasoning wasn't done though.

The Princess had seen potential in him and been tough when needed (which with Tinker Track was far too often if he was honest with himself) and he’d thrown that correction back in her face. What’s she done to me?! These aren’t my thoughts! Why aren’t I thinking like normal? Tinker Track paused with the sudden realisation that the three other ponies were looking at him.

"I see you have awoken Tinker, please come join us," Twilight said in a voice that was friendly, but didn't match her hesitant expression.

"Hi Tinkie, Buzz was telling us all about you!" Pinkie Pie added. She at least seemed genuinely happy to see him.

Buzzbot had the good manners to look a little embarrassed at this pronouncement. She waved to a vacant seat and Tinker caught a wiff of what may have been hot chocolate. Tinker dropped the sleeping bag from his face and tried to look dignified as he arose.

"" Was all that came out of Tinker's mouth. He’d been on the verge of demanding they all leave his workshop right this moment or he would unleash the full might of it’s defences on them. Tinker looked around for his tools but sadly only saw a large mop and a bucket of tepid water in one corner.

“I took the liberty of removing any sharp objects,” Buzz added, “I didn’t know how you’d react when you woke up.”

Tinker found himself nodding and stopped himself quickly. I should be angry, no I should be furious! But…. Tinker’s thoughts were going in directions he wasn't used to. What had Buzz done to him?

Grabbing what was left of his meager supplies, Tinker thrust his mop at the three ponies, "Right, that's it. I want to know what’s going on here!? Also I want to know what you did to me you backstabbing bucket of bolts!" The three mares all sat there for a moment, then all bust out into giggles. Tinker didn't have to take this kind of treatment in his own lab.

"You're so right Buzz, he really is like that when he sleeps!" Pinkie Pie was laughing so hard she was nearly falling off her chair. Tinker glared with growing annoyance and confusion.

Buzz smiled sheepishly, "It's alright Tinker, I was just catching up with my friends. So much has happened since I last saw them and as you were a little out of it I took the opportunity to get up to speed.” She watched the mop with an amused expression, “As to what I did to you, that's a little more complicated. Nothing bad I assure you."

Tinker had just finished working out what Pinkie Pie had said, "What do I do in my sleep?!" He asked part mortified and part curious despite himself before coming back to the matter at hoof again. "No, never mind. What did you do to my head?"

Buzz sighed, “You can lead a pony to the sweet shop, but can't make him eat the candy,” She replied in a resigned manner. "I see you're not gonna drop it. I think I should let Twilight explain, she's the one that taught me the spell," Buzzbot looked to Twilight who nodded before slipping into that ‘lecture voice’ that Tinker was all too familiar with:

"Well Tinker Track, the spell I taught Buzzbot was an adaptation of a memory spell I used to help my friends during the first Discord encounter. It was first meant to help a pony recover what he or she already knew but had forgotten. But I found another book that showed how it could be used to help teach others by imparting memories and knowledge right into another pony's mind," Tinker, still pointing his mop at them, listened with a deepening frown.

"It wasn't used all that much because of the difficulty of choosing which information was passed across, ” Twilight continued. “That and a few side effects.

Tinker wilted, “Side effects?”

Twilight paused, “Well it’s hard to move such memories without a little emotional transference. Bound to happen, you get a little of the feelings behind the memories too.”

"And that crazy robot used that on me?" Tinker Track was starting to panic. That would explain the odd ways he was thinking and feeling. He was getting a little of Buzzbot's emotions stuck in his own along with Buzz's imparted memories.

Twilight gave him a patient look, "Tinker, the side effects are not to be worried about. You may have some odd feelings and thoughts for a while but that will fade. The process doesn't stop you from making your own choices or take away your free will or anything. You're still Tinker Track and always will be."

Tinker Track just snorted, “Of course you’d say that.”

"What you’ve been given is a personal version of Buzzbot's experiences. What you choose to do with them is still up to you." Twilight turned once more Buzz who shuffled in her seat, "I thought I told you to only use it if you had no other choice Buzz."

"Well he was getting all worked up and I thought he could do with some rest. Plus I knew you would be here soon and I so wanted Tinker to behave and make up with you. I....I’m sorry Twilight I just got a little carried away again." Buzzbot said in a quiet voice, her head hanging down in a submissive manner.

Tinker Track looked back and forth as these ponies casually talked about rooting around in his head. How can I trust my own judgement? He mused. Plus the question of what he did in his sleep wasn't going away. The three mare's giggles had been very off putting.

Tinker looked to Twilight who pressed on, "So the question now is what do we do? Buzz has assured me that you would want to make things right between us. I would happily discuss how to do so now, if you’re feeling up to it.”

Twilight smiled tolerantly, “But I also understand that a bit of mind dabbling would be unsettling for anypony and if you want we can discuss this later.” She looked about the workspace with a frown, “Either way, I can't leave you here in this unsanctioned work area." Twilight’s voice had taken on a regal tone, one of a ruler with her subjects.

Tinker Track wasn't sure what to do. It seemed all his plans were in ruins and his head was still spinning. Then a memory, Tinker wasn't sure if it was from Buzzbot's or his own mind surfaced once again. "The future Tinker informed me that he didn't trust you enough to be able to give me direct orders. I am however to ensure that your ideas will get approved so I will act in your best interests," echoed in his skull.

Suspicion bloomed in his heart and Tinker narrowed his eyes at Buzz, “That was your mission all along wasn’t it? You weren’t here to change my past, you were here to change me.”

Buzz coughed, “To teach you how to be a better you.”

Tinker should have been angry again, but that ‘note’ of reason twanged in his heart. If his future self didn't trust him was Tinker trustworthy? Was he as competent and bright as he thought he was? On the other hoof should he trust Buzzbot at all? Was this just some big trap set for him by T.C.A.P?

Tinker Track remembered all the wonderful things Buzzbot had found out about the Element Bearers. The sweet fillies they had been, he couldn't see Twilight letting that sort of subversive behavior happen in T.C.A.P. The more he thought about it, the more paranoid his own actions appeared. Then again, was that just what T.C.A.P wanted him to think?

Tinker Track felt the battle within. He recognised the way he’d thought before all this had happened. How lonely he was and how irrationally he’d acted. Had he been alienating himself?

He relived the times as a young colt, where the other foals had teased him, laughed at him. It was cruel as only little children can be, but now Tinker knew what laughter could be. The true expression of joy within, it didn’t have to make sense, but simply ‘be’ and feel good for it.

He saw how he’d struck out at offered assistance, a gentle hoof of support. Failing to see the love shown, blinded by his own pride and sense of self importance. He didn’t want to be seen as weak. But kindness wasn’t weakness, just strength shown in a humble way.

The more he reviewed his life, the more of Tinker’s past decisions now seemed suspect when viewed in the new light of understanding. He thought back to many times Twilight and others had come to him with reasonable insight and suggestions, generously giving him chances to change. He’d turned them away.

Tinker thought back to those times when good natured colleagues had pointed out his flaws in private. Being honest with him in an effort point Tinker in the right direction. But Tinker had shouted them away.

Trixie had pushed for Tinker to be able to join T.C.A.P, had been patient with him and had even covered the consequences his faulty designs had caused. She’d saved Tinker from the fallout of so many bad decisions and all Tinker had done was resent her for being an embarrassment to him. She understood loyalty, gained from experience and repentance.

Trixie had gone from infamous to famous, rival of Twilight to fast friend and Tinker suddenly felt the guilt well up within him. All the opportunities had been there for him and what had he done? Hidden himself away and let those hurts fester. How could he even begin to make up for what he’d done?

I was having faulty thinking.,Tinker Track realized and that fact nearly floored him as badly as the spell Buzz had cast. The thoughts I had then, they weren't what was really true, just my perception of things. This new concept pressed itself to the front of his mind, screaming for his attention. He could change, he wanted to change and if he could only...

"Tinker Track, do you have an answer to my question?" The Princess began before Pinkie Pie and Buzzbot both shushed her. They could see Tinker was having a ‘light bulb’ moment and didn't want Twilight to interrupt. Tinker Track looked up at Twilight with new eyes.

"Thank you Twilight for your offer, I think that I'd like a little time." After all he’d been through, asking for some time seemed deeply poetic, "Just to get my head around things." These revelations scared Tinker Track, mostly because of what he could have done if Buzzbot hadn't stepped in when she did and corrected his faltering course.

Buzzbot nodded, "Well I know just the place Tinker, it's a lot of fun and great for helping ponies unwind. Plus the creature who runs it is a good friend of mine who I haven't seen in far too long.” Tinker Track closed his eyes and slipped peacefully into unconsciousness, “I wonder if Discord still has that bet running?

"Twilight, what a delight it is to see you again, I knew it was only a matter of time before you would need my services!" Discord was overjoyed to see Twilight. His offices were now in a popular part of Canterlot, along with branches in all the other major towns and cities of Equestria.

The four ponies, three walking while the last one was carried in Twilight's magic, entered the Ponyville branch. Through some strange magic Discord managed to be at all the clinics at once. So they were sure to run into him here.

"So what is it in your little head that needs fixing? You're worried you're gonna turn into a bookworm for real, a Celestia complex? Oh, oh, let me guess you finally want to face your terrible childhood nightmares about magic kindergarden!" Discord went through a number of transformations to help illustrate his points. Buzzbot thought the 'Celestia complex' was particularly interesting.

Buzz wasn't at all shocked to see that Discord hadn't physically aged a bit since she last saw him, although there was a bit more of a happy look in his mad eyes. True happiness. He had a peaceful bliss about him that simply wasn't there before.

Apparently poking around in mad ponies’ heads was just what he needed and Buzz was amazed at the foresight of Celestia taking such unique steps to reform the draconequus. Twilight rolled her eyes at Discord's odd manner, but smiled all the same.

"Hello Dr. Discord, I'm fine thank you, in fact I’m here to bring a friend to see you," Twilight corrected.

"Ah wonderful Buzzbot has finally cracked! I knew she couldn't 'hack it' with that wish of hers. Tell me, has she starting throwing random parties? Oh or maybe talking to turnips and piles of rocks?" Discord had a triumphant look in his red and yellow eyes.

"Sorry Discy still 'A okay' in the noggin, but I’m glad you still care for me," Buzzbot chuckled as she replied tapping her head.

Discord looked a little crestfallen, "Oh well that's another fifty bits I owe Screwball along with twenty five for Screw Loose. Buzzbot you're gonna bankrupt me if you keep this up." He pulled two empty pockets from his hips and shook his head in lamentation.

"Plus there's still plenty of time for that later Discy," Pinkie Pie added helpfully. "Remember that Buzz has only been through a few days compared with our years," Discord nodded then returned to the reason for their visit.

"So it's for the blue one then?" He vanished in a flash and reappeared next to the unconscious Tinker Track. This time he was wearing a white doctor's lab coat, a pair of very thick glasses and a headband adorned with mirror on it. The other noticeable point was that Discord was now smaller than a parasprite.

The tiny Discord climbed into Tinker Track's left ear and soon the sound of power tools could be heard, "Awww and I was hoping for a challenge. I see you have done some work in here already Buzz, bit sloppy, no long term damage and in fact you may have done some good."

With another flash a full sized Discord was once more before them and he had a small black beard, monocle and a clip board, "Vell it seemz he haz zer case of paranoia, a touch of zer narcissism und zer light sprinklin of zer fishstickz," Discord announced in a strange accent along with a sad little shake of his head.

Buzzbot couldn't help but notice that Discord was drawing a picture, which seemed to be a grapefruit with an attached speech bubble on his clipboard before he whisked it away with a final flash of magic. A thunderclap later Discord was back to his ‘abnormal’ self.

"Well he isn't the worst pony I have seen with these problems, he won't be on my long term staff or anything. I may have to see him what, twice a month just to keep an eye on him?" Discord sighed again while one of his eyes rolled around on Tinker's back. It tumbled off, bouncing once before reappearing in its proper place in Discord's head.

Tinker Track finally came out of his latest swoon and was clearly not happy with the site that greeted him. A looming Discord with a big grin shocked Tinker into full wakefulness and he yelped before skittering backwards, “Where have you crazy mares taken me now?” Buzz winced as Tinker’s pupils shrunk to pinpoints, "D...Dis.....Discord?" Tinker Track asked.

"Just Doctor.D. if you please. I am happy to report that even though you have some background syndromes I can declare you fit for work and whatnot. There will some boring paperwork of course, but I feel confident you’re on the road to recovery," Discord waved his eagle’s claw in a general way, "Not a candle to your grandmother, though you do take after her somewhat. I guess 'meglo-mane-ia' runs in the family with blue coated ponies it seems."

Discord took on a thoughtful, "Hmmm maybe I should see Rainbow Dash about that, she has never did let me poke around in her noggin, but she does have some of the classic signs? Anyway just stamp your hoof Twilight, or whichever pony wants to sign off his treatment here." Discord snapped his fingers and a small form materialised.

Twilight raised a suspicious eyebrow, "Since when have you been one for formal paperwork Discord?" She asked and took a closer look at the form, "This isn't a treatment form Discord, it's a permission slip to fill all the roads in Canterlot with custard. Along with some very small print of how you get one day a week to force every unicorn wear a beret by royal order."

"Ooopsie," Disocrd said innocently, "That's a future application of mine, how did I mix those up?" Both Pinkie Pie and Buzz snickered as, with another flash, the form was gone. "You are of course right Princess, I never was one for paperwork. Fine, Tinker Track is fit enough not to need my special treatment and is competent to make his own decisions and so on and so forth." Discord pronounced with a bow.

"You had me committed!?" Tinker Track was trembling with shock about the whole thing.

"Not so much committed as had a consultation," Buzzbot corrected him, "You can keep doing your normal job and get better at the same time as long as you keep up the appointments."

Twilight nodded, but clearly had something else on her mind, "Buzz, you never did tell me how you knew Pinkie and I were coming over." Buzz didn’t doubt that Twilight would hound her till the ends of time about that, yet still didn’t reply right away.

Twilight continued to press her after they signed out at the main desk to 'Dr. Discords Centre for Interesting Ponies' in Ponyville, "Well Buzz?"

"Aww it's not all that interesting honest," Buzzbot waved her off. Secretly she didn't want to share how she had been given the tour of how Pinkie's mind worked. It was her little bit of know how after all.

But this was Princess Twilight Sparkle, not the unicorn of yesteryear. Buzz did kind of owe her fealty. She motioned Twilight to come closer so that only she could hear what was said. As Buzzbot whispered in Twilight's ear her eyes went wide with surprise.

"It’s as simple as that huh? Doesn't make much sense, then again it kinda does I guess." They both looked at Pinkie Pie who simlpy beamed at them. "She can really do that? I knew she had some skills but even then how did you.....?" Buzzbot shushed Twilight and whispered again.

Tinker Track was finding this all very annoying. He was tired of being the only pony not ‘in the know’. A look of comprehension spread across Twilight's face and she nodded. "Fine that settles that then, I don't get most of it but I guess we can go forward for now," With that she proceeded to lead them all back to T.C.A.P.

Tinker Track looked to Pinkie Pie with pleading as Twilight and Buzz walked off ahead, "Could you please tell me what that was all about?"

"Oh sure that's easy," Pinkie Pie told him as if it was the simplest thing in Equestria to understand, "Discord gave Buzz a little understanding of how my Pinkie sense works." Tinker Track, still in the dark, shrugged.

"So, how does that explain anything?" He asked in a dismayed tone.

Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes. "Oh silly colt, Buzzbot knew that my Pinkie sense would tell me that she arrived back in this time, then I would go tell Twilight and come right over to see you both."

"Wha...." Tinker's eyes were losing their focus, the words coming out of Pinkie Pie's mouth were all right they just didn't seem to belong with each other.

Pinkie Pie drew Tinker into a conspiratorial embrace. "I'm gonna tell you a big secret Tinker and you have to ‘Pinkie Promise’ that you will keep it?" At this point Tinker Track was game for almost anything and so went through the motions and words of the Pinkie Promise. Pinkie now satisfied, leaned in closer and whispered five words with solemnity: “Pickle Barrel, Chimmy Cherry Chunga.”

Tinker Track did a double take and then stared at Pinkie in utter confusion. Having shared her valued insight and wisdom with Tinker, Pinkie happily bounced off after the other two. Tinker simply shook his head, more bewildered than before.

All of a suddenly Tinker realized the others were leaving him behind with in a crowd of Discord’s other patients, all watching him with distant happy smiles. After an awkward pause where one or two waved in welcome Tinker fled before anything else could happen.

Taking the time to allow the side effects of the memory spell to fade, Tinker was eager to attend the arranged meeting with the T.C.A.P council. He had some ponies to say apologise to, it was time to make things right.

The hearing was to take place in one of the higher domes of T.C.A.P, much higher than the trade levels Tinker and Buzz had visited what seemed so long ago. Tinker was to have an advocate, in fact the council had insisted on such after his outburst last time.

This worked out well as with only a little bit of repair work Buzzbot was able to assume different roles once more. For this duty she took on the form of a brown stallion with black mane and tail. The guise's cutie mark was a pair of scales and Buzz topped off the whole persona with a heavy, confident Manehatten accent. Armed with the assurance of Tinker's fitness for work from Discord they were as ready as they could be.

The council consisted of high ranking ponies from all departments of T.C.A.P, headed by Twilight Sparkle herself. Trixie would normally have been included in these proceedings, but as it was her grandson's employment being reviewed she had voluntarily stepped aside so there was no conflict of interests. She was however able to stay and observe.

It was early afternoon when the meeting began. The sunshine flowed through the glass dome all around and another testament to the advancements was that the room still felt nice and cool, just like being outside. Twilight was at the apex of the curve of a horseshoe shaped table. The rest of the ponies followed the outer line, meaning that Tinker found himself surrounded on three sides by senior scientist and engineer ponies.

Buzzbot in her new disguise was seated a little further back behind a small table of her own. Tinker Track looked across all the counsellors and smiled weakly at Twilight. It was her task to begin proceedings.

Tinker thought he caught a slight nod from Twilight before she began her address, "Fillies and gentlecolts, we are here today to discuss the matter of Tinker Track's continued employment with T.C.A.P. This aspiring engineer has created some machines and devices that could have caused serious harm to Equestria and/or its ponies. Now this in itself is not against policy, that Tinker Track failed to rectify these concerns when brought before this council is however."

A number of the ponies present shuddered at being reminded about the last time Tinker Track was pulled up by the council. It was surprising that the dome's glass hadn't blackened and the floor caught fire with the venom and bile Tinker Track had spurted out on that occasion. Tinker was mortified to recall how totally totally deranged he must have appeared. Harsh words had been yelled on both sides and with no shortage of curses on his part.

"We have reconvened so that we can decide what is to be done about Tinker Track and to give him another chance to change our minds and so be raised back to full employment. Now I understand that Tinker Track has an advocate to speak on his behalf? We open the floor so that they may plead his case."

Buzzbot started to rise but Tinker took a deep breath and stood forestalled her. He was eager to show that he’d reformed that he was going to be a productive member of society. I need to do this.

Tinker gave a little shake of his head and ignoring the look of sudden panic on Buzz’s face opened his mouth, "T.C.A.P council members, first of all I would like to apologize unreservedly for my behaviour last time I was before you. I know that I was totally out of order and you were right to censure me. In fact I feel that you were all very lenient uder the circumstances and I thank you for that."

He looked about and saw many of the board were sitting with astonished expressions, one or two even removing their preemptive hooves from their ears. That got their attention. "That being said, I wish to thank you all for this opportunity to come before you once again and hope that you will give me an opportunity to further make amends. I will of course adhere to your decision and any conditions you see fit to place upon me."

If the ponies were stunned before, now they were at totally amazed and several whispers went back and forth between them. Twilight just sat there with a warm smile letting her fellow council members talk it through. In the end a white unicorn mare with glasses who was seated to Twilight's right raised the first question in response to Tinker Track’s speech,

‘Glasses’ expression was cold and stern, "How do we know you're being honest with us? You showed yourself to be very unstable last time. As far as we know you could be just telling us what we want to hear and when we let you loose on the world again you will fall back into your old ways? I find it very hard to believe that a pony can change so much in such a short period of time."

This was not an unreasonable question to ask and Tinker Track paused before responding. Old habits die hard and so taking a breath he fought down the urge to snap back. Several of the watchers readed their hooves just in case, "Yes, it is true that I am prone to outbursts. But I have taken time and measures to make sure that I curb them. I have it on good authority that I am fit for work."

Buzzbot, who’d been sitting there with her mouth open, shook herself and rose to her hooves. She presented Discord's certificate to Twilight who made made a show of reading it before informing the rest of the council its contents.

"It seems that Tinker Track has been certified as fit for work by Dr. Discord himself. If any creature in Equestria knows the mind of unstable ponies I would say it was him. The fact that Tinker has taken steps to seek help speaks in his favour."

If there was shock before it was as nothing now; to have the personal approval of Discord, the leading mind in pony psychology caused a great stir. Tinker was happy to see that almost all the council looked to him with new respect, or at least tolerance. See I didn’t explode, you can take you hooves away from your ears now.

Despite the seriousness of the situation Tinker was actually enjoying this, to turn the council’s fears into pleasant surprise. Glasses looked at him with a frown, she along with those close to her still didn't seem convinced. "Surely that just shows you truly are an unstable pony," She reasoned while her followers nodded in agreement.

Twilight smiled at this and then admonished the mare, "Now, now ‘Clinical Precision’, if we turned out every pony that showed the least hint of instability then T.C.A.P would be practically empty. I have often heard it said that the line between genius and madness was a thin one. In fact I happen to know that a number of us present here today have been in Discord's very capable care at one time or another and when treated and corrected have gone on to make a valuable contribution."

Twilight glanced at Trixie who gave a nod of approval. The princess’ gaze then moved back to Clinical Precision, “I understand that someponies here have suffered from various syndromes such as O.C.D and the like.”

Clinical Precision shuffled slightly in her seat, absentmindedly straightening her notes. "Many of T.C.A.P's proudest achievements have come from ponies deemed crazy by some and Equestria is a better place for us giving them a chance." Twilight concluded.

“Well yes, but not all of them were as dangerous or….” Clinical began before being cut off.

“The point is anypony can change for the better and we have a duty to give them a chance to do so,” Twilight added, “Tinker’s work has yielded many unexpected developments.”
Twilight looked past Tinker to the still astonished Buzz before continuing, “So with the evidence presented here, Tinkers potential value, his eloquent apology and with Doctor Discord’s assurances I move that Tinker be reinstated for a trial period of three months.”

Tinker felt a small knot form in his gut as Twilight concluded, “That should be sufficient time for Tinker to prove he has reformed properly?” He knew a life line when it was offered to him and Tinker bowed. “Very well, to the vote then. All those in favour of Tinker being reinstated?”

To Tinker’s surprise and joy several hooves shot up instantly, these were followed by others and even the smarting Clinical Precision eventually followed suit. It was a close call, Tinker realised as he counted, just under three quarters giving their support.

“Then it’s decided, this matter is adjourned for three months,” Twilight finished and Tinker felt himself relax. Leaving the boardroom behind them Tinker was ‘assaulted’ by his grandmare.

"The Great and Totally Humble Trixie is so proud of you! She knew you wouldn't let her down!" Tinker reeled as Trixie’s hooves crushed him in a warm embrace and was quickly smothered in happy kisses on both cheeks.

“Please ‘Gran’, you’re embarrassing me,” Tinker tried but Trixie was having none of it. The affection continued and between hugs and bright magical flashes from Trixie’s horn Tinker saw Twilight and Buzz watching him them with wide smiles.

Trixie finally finished before rounding on Buzz, "And you! Call yourself supporting council! Trixie's dear grandson had to do all the work while you just sat there!”

Buzz, shuffled ‘his’ hooves, "Mrs Trixie, I had instructed Mr Tinker Track well enough before we entered, I was confident his natural charm would win them over and felt no need to add more." Buzzbot said in her best Manehatten voice.

Trixie snorted at this, but the flattery seemed to work nevertheless and she gave Tinker another hug and a, "Well done my boy, Trixie is so proud," In his ear before relenting.

Twilight finally emerged from the boardroom, saying farewell to a few other council members before greeting the happy smiles of Tinker and Buzzbot with one of her own, "Well even though that didn't go exactly as everypony planned I think we can all agree it was a fantastic result.”

"Yes princess thank you for your support and help. I am so sorry I ever doubted you," Tinker Track said.

Twilight gave a little laugh and looked to the retreating Trixie. "Aww think nothing of it Tinker, you’re not the first pony from your family to take a dislike to me. I'm just glad we managed to get you on the right track too." She looked Tinker Track right in the eye before going on.

"You know I wasn't exaggerating in there Tinker, you do have great potential and once we have refined some of your latest works I think they will be very helpful and of great benefit. We can both see how well Buzz turned out and if that's any indication I think your future here at T.C.A.P will be a bright and exciting one."

"I will do my best not to let you down Princess," Tinker replied as Buzzbot blushed at Twilight's praise of her.

Twilight’s smile faded a little, “Still mustn't be complacent, the future won’t make itself. Be good, both of you.” The serious moment lasted just long enough for Tinker to feel uncomfortable before Twilight grinned all the wider, “Come on, we’ve got lots to do and all the time in the world to do it.”

From history, to the Now and Beyond

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The last few days of Buzz's stay were mostly taken up with finalising loose ends. For one thing there was the time gate. Twilight had insisted that it be moved to T.C.A.P's experimental wing to be stored along with some of the other more exotic creations. It would not do to have something like that left unprotected, plus its technology was still ahead of its time.

The other main event which Pinkie Pie insisted on was of course the 'Tinker's got his job back' party. The celebration was held at Sweet Apple Acres, one of the last 'All Natural' farms about these days and the food produced there was now a household name. Their success meant that the farm was far larger, allowing the Apple family to comfortably host the event among the flourishing trees.

Buzz therefore found herself swept along one of the lantern lit paths by throng of guests, ponies of all shades, colours and breeds made their way towards a massive pavilion. Buzz looked about at the other merry makers and admired the minor dynasty that had resulted.

The Element Bearers had been busy in the years Buzz had been away. Life had moved apace and each had found love and companionship, all but Twilight it seemed. The invitations had said friends and family, that had been the plan but that simple phrase encompassed a staggering number of ponies.

Buzz caught sight of Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Applebloom. All had grown into fine mares and had finally gotten their cutie marks. The image of those three little foals was still fresh in her mind and it took a quick double take to recognise them all grown up.

Buzz found herself absentmindedly humming one of Sweetie Belle’s tunes. Now a highly regarded singer, Sweetie’s talents on the stage were recognised across the all the major cities of Equestria. Even now Sweetie was showing off a dazzling frock, no doubt one of Rarity's sought after designs.

By her side was a nondescript stallion called ‘Smooth Plane’, a humble builder and construction pony with a tanned coat and darker mane. He was tucked into a snappy suit and wore a lost expression on his gentle face, much like a fish out of water and Buzz suspected he wasn’t used to such ‘high society’ gatherings.

Rumor was they’d first met during a charity build. Smooth Plane using his talents to put up a new schoolhouse. It was all over Canterlot gossip circles for months how they thought Sweetie had married beneath her status. It was generally believed Sweetie Belle could have had her pick of the crowd and had left many confusedly muttering at her choice. Sweetie Belle being Sweetie Belle didn't care one bit, much to the delight of all who knew her well.

Coming up behind in no small hurry was Scootaloo. Of the three original C.M.C members she was the only one still single, claiming that to get tied down would only hold her in back stated goal to climb the ranks of the Wonderbolts. She had turned down more than a few stallions that had shown an serious interest in her.

A talented stunt performer in her own right, Scootaloo pursued her dreams with even more vigour than Rainbow Dash had shown to get into the Wonderbolts and her ambition didn’t end there: She aimed to be their team captain. Buzzbot wasn't alone in hoping she would find the right stallion some day and there was time yet. If Rainbow could settle down then there was definite hope for Scootaloo.

Oh and here was Applebloom, Striding forward with assurance and purpose. Buzz smiled to see the confident mare she’d become. Her creative talents had led Applebloom firmly into the hooves of T.C.A.P. Engineer and all around tinkerer she’d helped lay the foundations for the new institute, making several of the first magic driven machines for the ‘new science’. Precursors to some of the components that made up Buzz herself were Appebloom’s work.

Applebloom had her sister's stubborn streak though so despite her looks and talents, Applebloom had found it hard to find a suitable stallion to settle down with. In the end it had been the little 'Pipsqueak' (well not so little now) who had finally won her heart over.

Buzz watched the mottled white and brown stallion deep in conversation with his wife, no doubt talking about some project or another. ‘Pip’ was bit of odd job pony himself and they complimented each other well. Various high minded theoretical science projects would never have become a reality without the down to earth practicality and hard work of these two.

It still shocked Buzz to be reminded of such changes, seeing them all grown up themselves, with foals of their own, made Buzz feel uneasy. They had become something more, still running the C.M.C which had now matured along with its founders into a charity organisation: Helping any filly or colt to find their special talent and also offer advice to overcome bullies and problems at school.

Her unsettled feeling continued to grow as Buzz looked to the Element Bearers themselves mingled within the throng. Dear, sweet Fluttershy had fallen for the strong but quiet Bigmac and they had three lovely foals. Their first named ‘Forest Breeze’ and was a beautiful orange pegasus mare that had turned a lot of heads. Some of the said heads quickly became ‘sore heads’ from Bigmac's sometimes overprotective nature from what Buzz could recall.

Their second was a pale brown earth stallion called ‘Tender Wood’ who took a lot after his father in both manner and size. Buzz could see him even now playing with his pet timberwolf, what was it’s name again? ‘Scratches’? Not only well know on account of his famous mother, Tender had quite the reputation for taking in exotic creatures and trying (with mixed success) to tame them.

He obviously had the talent for it as no one gave Scratches a second glance. The wolf’s fearsome reputation was somewhat dulled by the happy yipping he gave as Daisy rubbed him behind his twig-like ears. Buzz on the otherhoof still had raw memories from her own time in Ever Free to all that comfortable with the presence of the beast.

Yet while watching Fluttershy’s third child, a mare called ‘Daisy Chain’, playing with Scratches Buzz could begin to forget that memory. Daisy was an earth pony, the spitting image of Fluttershy expect lacking wings and having Bigmac's green eyes. But unlike her parents she was the life of the party and very outgoing, eagerly chatting with guests all around her with a huge grin on her muzzle.

Buzz felt that pang of unease again as yet even more foals, Fluttershy’s and Bigmac’s grandchildren came into view. She saw that everypony made way for the group as if by some unspoken command. Though none of her posterity had yet shown the power of the 'Stare', word quickly got about and woe betide anyone who got on the wrong side of her family.

Next in line was Rarity, accompanied by a small entourage of retainers and press. She strutted along the path like royalty, a handsome crystal earth pony by her side and both seemed to be enjoying the attention. ‘Honest Buck’ was from the crystal empire and Rarity was ever eager to tell how the two of them met at one of the C.M.C charity events.

Buzz’s memory called up the article from ‘Which Horse’: “Oh she’s the most precious gem this world has to offer,” Honest Buck stated at his reception today. The event was held at the opening of Rarity’s third outlet, this time in Manehatten.

“I saw his generous nature and simply couldn’t resist,” Rarity always insisted Honest was a great step up from Prince BlueBlood, a controversial proclamation that from the rising fashion star. Yet when I see these two together I can almost believe it! Both of them only finding love after a long search and we can only wish them all the best in their new lives together.

All the best huh? Buzz thought with a little melancholy. The sad discovery that Honest and Rarity couldn’t have foals of their own was the rough truth of their marriage. They didn't let this get them down though and Buzz watched as even now several adopted children scurried about the pair.

Buzz smiled, “Just like Rarity to be so giving.” She remembered the unicorn opening her home to Buzz when she was in need and could easily imagine the busy home where the sounds of children’s laughter mixed with the deep roars of 'Uncle Spike'.

Rarity and Honest Buck both had thriving businesses and could well afford to be foster parents to even more children and their home was always now full of the sound of little hooves. Through the C.M.C, Rarity and Honest came into contact with many foals that needed new homes. Although not blessed with their own children the happy couple had more than enough young ponies in their life to keep them contented and busy.

Spike, Buzz looked about but the party was tellingly devoid of any dragons. There was little chance of missing Spike these days, he towered over his pony friends and even over many of the larger buildings in Ponyville. The fact he wasn’t here was clear for all to see, no doubt on some assignment, being the envoy to the Dragon Kingdoms is bound to keep him busy.

Spike could no longer live with Twilight, his massive frame wouldn't fit into average pony made homes. His friends had rallied around him, most of all Twilight who had used her significant influence to procure a tract of land near Ponyville where they had built the dragon a home.

Buzz could see it from here, looming in the distance. The finest jewels and gemstones adorning its walls, catching the moonlight like a land-bound constellation. Spike had even helped in its construction, where his size and strength cane##me in use for once rather than holding him back as before. Spike’s home was now a well known tourist attraction of Ponyville and was often referred to as the most valuable landmark in the city.

“Time just keeps moving on”, Buzzbot told herself. So much had happened to her friends yet here she was, unchanged and feeling in many ways left behind. She was just one of those creatures that seemed to be outside the norm, “Probably why I can understand Pinkie Pie without my brain melting”, Buzz told herself with a rye little chuckle.

The pony in question was chatting animatedly to her husband. One of Applejack's long term hired hooves, a grey stallion called Happy Harvest who was laughing out loud at Pinkie Pie's retelling of the whole 'Poisoned Joke' tale with accompanying actions and voices

He certainly had more patience than Buzz did, never tiring of his wife's voluble humor and quirky ways. Their two children ‘Sweet Cherry’, a red earth stallion and ‘Sugar Cube’ a white unicorn mare both were regarding their mother with tolerant expressions.

Both Pinkie Pie's foals had also grown up strong and healthy. Neither had as yet shown any "Pinkie Sense," but Sugar Cube had certainly inherited her mother's liking for treats and was a great cook. To the surprise of ponies, Sweet Cherry was a very serious stallion and Buzzbot had yet to see him smile at all that evening.

Buzz marvelled at how genetics worked, a white unicorn from a grey stallion and pink mare, Earth ponies both. However, if any couple were going to have unusual foal she would guess it would have been Pinkie Pie and her husband. These sorts of things were not unheard of, the Cake family being a prime example.

Stepping into the pavilion proper, Buzzbot's attention was drawn to Rainbow Dash who was exhibiting her flying skills to the foals old and new. Even with the passing of so much time and one child later Rainbow was still an amazing athlete. Now tempered with some life experience she was a much sought after coach for anypony wanting to train in sports.

Buzz grinned as she saw Dash telling exaggerated stories that Applejack had to keep bringing back down to reality, while Applejack's husband, none other than the batpony knight called Shadow Guard kept diplomatically out of things. Rainbow Dash's husband, a yellow pegasus called Lightning Strike followed Shadow’s lead. Both Stallions wisely keeping out of A.J and R.D's competition for their own safety.

Fame followed the Element Bearers and Rainbow Dash was no different. Having snagged an up and coming flight ace from Appleloosa. He being one of the few pegasi stallions to nearly beat her in a race. Though it was often said that Rainbow didn't try all that hard to win on this occasion as he was quite a good looking guy by all accounts. More importantly for Rainbow, Lighting had a huge heart with room enough for the larger than life mare that was Rainbow Dash. Never do anything by halves huh Rainbow?

Buzz saw why Scootaloo was in such a hurry now, having quickly left the others behind she raced up to Rainbow’s only child. A warm green pegasus stallion they had named ‘Wind Racer’, he shared his mother's rainbow mane and a lot of her competitive drive too. Buzz had heard talk that Wind Racer was a good bet to win during the Wonderbolt derbies and was already a strong member of the flight team.

He was also a leading contender it seemed for the Wonderbolt captaincy, a fact that clashed with Scootaloo's plans for the team and led to no end of 'friendly' competition between the two ponies. Scootaloo was even now berating him in a jovial manner and Buzz chuckled at the sight.

Rainbow Dash often joked that it was Scoot's turn to take a pony under her wing like Dash had done for her as a filly. Scootaloo clearly failed to see the funny side of that, but did her best to 'advise' Wind Racer but without helping him too much. Buzzbot laughed again, Scootaloo really wants that captain's spot.

Applejack's choice of husband had surprised almost every other pony, having only met Shadow briefly on the flight over to Canterlot, the same flight where Shadow had gotten a nasty buck from Applejack. “Guess Applejack made a much bigger impression on you than just her hoof print,” Buzzbot chuckled to herself.

Applejack’s own foals were quickly drawn into the growing debate between Scootaloo and Wind Racer. Buzz could make out the three of them, one stallion and a mare each joining separate sides while the third stallion held back .

‘Star Oak’ eagerly hovered by Scootaloo with his batlike wings, his light brown coat and teal eyes picked out in the lamp light. ‘Sky Petal’, a pale grey batpony with bleached blond mane, stubbornly stood firm beside Wind Racer.

It seemed the happy mood was about to sour before the middle foal, ‘Evening Glade’, loomed behind the escalating struggle and quickly pushed both Scootaloo and Wind Racer apart with his massive hooves. The two sides were quickly cowed by the hefty jet-black earth pony with yellow slitted eyes.

There was a tense moment before all of them began to laugh and Buzz let out a breath she’d didn’t know she was holding. All of Applejack’s foals shared the same pointed teeth of their father, clearly glinting in the lights all around and Buzz was struck by just how amazing love and family could be. To see such different ponies together and happy brought joy to her heart, but also a slight pang of longing.

Then it struck her just what was so painful for her to see: These families along with a number of others were all happily playing, having fun together. It should have made her heart glow, it was a joy to behold. Buzzbot was so happy for her friends but it did bring some sad thoughts too. They had all changed so much while she hadn't. They had each other, a promise of a future, but what did Buzz have?

"Everypony takes their own path, we’re all different so it’s not surprising that we all travel differently," Buzz was pulled out of her musings and was startled to see Twilight standing beside her. She was watching the others with an impassive face and Buzz found it hard to read her.

Twilight, now there was the pony who (despite her fame and recorded deeds) Buzz suddenly realised she knew very little about. She’d spent some time with past Twilight, even caught up a bit with her as a princess now. But deep down Buzz realised she didn’t know much about the pony Twilight had become. Tinker didn’t talk about her all.

"You’ve got extra sneaky along with that pair of wings I see," Buzzbot said, trying to put some humour into the sudden blossoming of unease she felt. Twilight simply continued to watch the unfolding mayhem of ponies at play.

The moment drew out, not uncomfortably but just like a pause before a curtain goes up. Finally Buzz tried to put into words what she was feeling now, "How do Celestia and Luna stand it?" She turned to look right at Twilight and watched as her mouth twitched to form a small melancholy smile.

“I don’t know why I should be asking you, you’re not a full royal alicorn so you didn't share the same timeless nature that Celestia and Luna do, but I guess you’d have some insight,” Buzz struggled to voice what was really bothering her.

Twilight finally replied, looking at Buzz for the first time since she’d arrived, "Well the Princesses know a few things we don't. For one thing, they know what happens after our time in this life and it's always cheered them up from what I hear. If they’re not worried about it, then I think we can safely say it's something good and can keep doing our best here."

Twilight paused again with and with a calculating look in her eyes said, “But that’s not what you’re really asking is it?”

Buzz shuffled her hooves before trying again,"I just think they must miss their friends? There must be ponies they have a soft spot for, even love, all those ponies who have been before and those that will be?" Buzzbot pressed on, “I guess what I’m asking is….”

Twilight put a wing around Buzz’s shoulders, "Well I am sure they do. With their lives, they must have seen numberless ponies who have come and gone." Twilight looked up to the stars, "They tell me to think of it this way, those ponies have died have moved to another land where you can't be with them right now, but one day you will go and see them again yourself." She smiled , “You’re wondering if you will be able to cope with the world passing by aren’t you?”

Buzz paused, it felt strangely better to hear somepony else put it that way, “Yeah I don’t know how long I’ll ‘live’ for. With proper repairs and maintenance I could last, well I don’t know how long.”

Twilight nodded, "Timeless or temporary, Celestia and Luna have always told me it's nothing to worry about. We should be working on the here and now and if we do what’s right today, tomorrow will take care of itself."

Buzz scrunched up her nose at this, "It's not like you to be vague about things Twilight." Buzz found her gaze going over Twilight again. If Buzz didn’t know better she’d never have guessed that fifty years had passed for Twilight at all.

"But….” Buzz tried again, the question yawning huge in her soul.

"Buzz, I don’t have all the answers. As for Luna and Celestia? From what I understand of it, which isn't all that much by the way, for beings such as they it isn't such a long journey for them. They can visit their friends, go see them where ever it is they go. They can see and be with all those ponies they miss before returning to their duties here."

That just left one last problem for Buzz, "But where do I fit in that? I’m not real am I?" It was a situation that Buzz had never truly considered until this point. How would things all turn out for her?

"Well Buzz I....." Twilight was cut off by a bellowing cry.

"Stage Cloak! Trixie would know that pony anywhere! The Great and Totally Humble Trixie still has a bone to pick with you!" Both Twilight and Buzz turned about to see Trixie glaring at Buzzbot from up the path leading to Sweet Apple Acres. Nor was she alone, several others, no doubt family had just arrived.

Buzz caught sight of Tinker Track was with his parents, a grey earth pony called ‘Cog Works’ and Trixie's pale daughter, a unicorn ‘Great Display’ who both stood by cringing. Trixie's husband the long suffering dark purple unicorn called ‘Focal Balance’ suddenly found the stars very interesting (even whilst blocked by the pavilion's ceiling).Buzz was on firmer ground with Tinker’s family, she knew Trixie had met ‘Balance’ not long after the whole ‘Alicorn Amulet’ incident.

"Now my dear remember your manners, this is Tinker's party and this is one of his friends," Balance tried his best to calm Trixie down, she was having none of it. Trixie marched right up to Buzzbot with little flashes of magic sparking dangerously from her horn.

"How dare you disappear like that without giving the Great and Totally Humble Trixie a chance to apologize!" Before Buzz could respond Trixie knelt down before her and pleaded for her forgiveness. After all it had been the power crazed Trixie wearing the Alicorn Amulet that had sent Buzzbot into the middle of the Everfree forest with most of her systems shot. Not sure what else to do 'Stage Cloak' reached out a hoof and patted Trixie on the head gently.

"Um it’s fine really, in fact it all worked out for the best," Buzz tried to reassure Trixie who’s tears were now streaming down her face and her distraught wails were drawing attention. Trixie looked up to her with hopeful eyes and just as Buzz was about to say something more Trixie leaped up again.

"Oh Trixie is so happy that she has been forgiven, I really am the most humble equine that has ever lived!" She proceeded to shoot off a few fireworks from her horn and gave Buzz a huge hug. With her apology accomplished Trixie released Buzzbot and the whole family moved off to join the rest of the party goers, sheepish smiles on their faces.

"Now there is a pony that takes narcissism to an impressive level, one of my greatest achievements of rehabilitation if I do say so myself. Still has a few kinks to work out, but we have come miles," Discord, tall and terrible appeared in a flash of lightning.

Both Twilight and Buzz turned to see the draconequus standing there with a 'mile-ometer', the numbers counting up and up. Next to him was Screwball all dressed up for a night out, Buzz saw that unsurprisingly she had grown up too and was every inch the refined lady.

Screwball was wearing one of Rarity's famous evening gowns for the occasion, dark blue and heavy on the sequins. What impressed Buzz the most was that Screwball looked positively normal. Her well kept mane and even managed to make the little propeller hat she wore somehow work with the whole ensemble. She came across as, striking in some uneasy way and Buzz felt just the tiniest of shivers run down her spine.

But then again why should I be surprised with Discord as her guardian? Well I guess there is somepony for everypony out there Buzzbot reasoned. Discord was decked out in full tux and multi-coloured bowtie, which was of course spinning and he completed the outfit with cane and top hat.

"Charmed to see you both again," Screwball said with a kind smile. Her voice was mature and steady with that slightly singsong quality which had only improved with her age. She was like a one of those deceptive paintings that look perfectly harmless until you realise the dimensions or scale is all wrong. There, in the eyes. Not bad per say but just, off.

"You too Screwball, still working hard for Discord?" Buzz asked, shaking the underlying sense of unease.

"Best job in all of Equestria, where else would I want to work?" Screwball said in a totally serious manner, " Oh and thank you for the fifty bits by the way, I knew you would be all right," Buzz wasn't sure how to reply to that so settled on something simple.

"Urm, you're welcome Screwball?" Ponies betting on how long Buzz would remain sane was something that she was obviously going to have to learn to live with.

Screwball smiled and at that pulled Discord's arm, "Come father you said you were so looking forward to seeing Fluttershy once again and giving your predictions on her next grandfoal," Discord was lead away with a little wave of his lion's paw and began to mingle.

Godfather to Fluttershy’s little ones, Discord certainly knew how to keep the colts and fillies laughing. Buzzbot heard a great cheer come from the children (young and old) when they saw him and not just from Fluttershy and Bigmac's family either. Discord really did have an army of fans now it seemed.

"You know I wonder if Screwball actually wants to be cured?" Twilight asked out loud. "She seems happy enough the way she is. She hasn't made the progress the other ponies being treated have and she's never seen without her little hat." Twilight said with a slight shake of her head, "I think she now understands that Discord isn't really her father you know, but she loves him as such and Discord dotes on her like a daughter all the same."

Twilight shook her head before turning a consolatory face to Buzz, "Buzzbot you're something special, despite of all the magic I have come across I have never found anything that can fully explain you. We can make pony robots that follow commands and even have some very good programming. Making an independent self thinking robot, that's just within the world of reality.”

"But one that feels and has emotions like you do? It's beyond me," Twilight paused for breath, "Celestia and Luna have seen some very odd things, but even they appear to be in the dark about you. What would happen to you if you were to eventually 'die' I can't say, but what I can promise you is that I’ll do all I can to find out."

Although not a complete answer it was at least comforting for Buzz. There would be answers out there somewhere and until then Buzz would have to keep on going the best she could. It didn't change what she had to do now. With these thoughts moved aside for another time she followed Twilight into the party proper. Once there Buzzbot had the time of her life, welcomed in by friends new and old and loving every moment of it.

All too soon it was time for Buzz to leave again. She’d accomplished all she had set out to do in regards to future Tinker Track's orders and history was resolved the way it was meant to be. Buzz had toyed with the idea of staying and seeing how they all got on.

It would only be a few years until she caught up with her own time. There would be good times and hard times, life always throws these things a pony's way. The best thing was, she could watch it all. But then the longing for her home, her time and her Tinker Track would resurface. No matter how close it was to Buzz’s own time, this still wasn’t it.

Her resolve reinforced Buzz stepped with determination, she’d come this far and needed to see it through. She was greeted by Tinker Track, the Element Bearers along with Luna and Celestia who were waiting in the very same council room Buzz had gotten to know so well.

There, centre stage as it were, was the time gate. It looked far more ‘completed’ now and Buzz realised she shouldn’t be surprised, with proper T.C.A.P support the portal could only be improved upon. The one thing that couldn’t be replaced was that final power cell, which Tinker was even now slotting into place.

Tinker was looking better than he had done in weeks. His mane was clean, though still looked like a scruffy firework. He had a cheerfulness that simply hadn’t been there before. Buzz was reminded of Discord in many ways, a reformed character that’s finally come to understand what life can be for those who have friends and are friends in turn.

Slowly but with many assurances Buzzbot took the time to give each of the Elements a hug in turn and thank them all again for what they had taught her. The lessons of friendship were now safely nestled in Buzz’s memory and more importantly in her ‘heart’.

Even knowing she’d see them again it was hard to let go each time and it only got harder as she moved to each pony in turn. Soon they all little tears in their eyes and by the time Buzz got to Pinkie Pie she her friend was gushing fountains onto the floor.

Now slightly damp, Buzz finally came to Tinker Track and instead of a hug she shook him by the hoof, “You be good alright?” Tinker nodded with only the slightest tremble on his lips before, to Buzz’s surprise, hugged her tightly anyway.

Then it was time for the Royal Pony Sisters. Now standing before Luna Buzz could see that she carried herself with much more confidence than before. She acted far more like the Luna Buzzbot knew from her time, her eye’s no longer hid a sorrow that they once did and she gave Buzz a simple nod in return for her bow.

Tall and imposing, Celestia was the final pony and Buzz felt her seemingly all knowing gaze fall upon her, “Well Buzzbot, you’ve done all that you were sent to do and so it’s time to go.”

Buzz looked up to Celestia not sure how to respond, the mere presence of these two beings was humbling and uplifting all at the same time. Power and majesty seemed to flow effortlessly from Celestia and Buzz suddenly felt the bold urge to ask just one more question, “Princess, I was….”

Celestia smiled, before with a knowing expression leaned her head down until her muzzle was level with Buzz’s ear. She whispered so quietly that Buzz struggled to hear her words, but as she understood them a joy filled her very being. Buzz felt like she could glow with happiness and by the time Celestia had finished Buzz couldn’t hold back the tears any longer.

She heard the whine of the time gate time starting up tried her to wipe away the tears running down her cheeks. I’m so happy I’m crying, well that makes no sense. Pulling herself together Buzz waited as the power built within the gate. Far smoother this time and with a lot less fanfare, although control panel still needed a good buck to finish its startup, which Tinker provided while giving her a small wink.

The tears still coming, Buzz made her way up the short ramp before turning. She saw her friends, some waving others with approving smiles but all far more composed than Buzz felt right now. She would see them all again of course and very soon by her standards but it didn't make it any easier to leave them. They would all be changed so much again.

But the whispered promise of Celestia was still in her mind and Buzz swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat. Silly filly you don't really have a throat, let alone a limp Buzzbot told herself as she turned again and with another flash stepped out of her past and into her present.

Celestia's words echoed in Buzzbot's mind as she travelled to her own time and friends: "I know you’re going to miss this time but better ones are ahead of you, mostly because you did what you needed now. If everypony would do the right thing then the future would always be bright, no matter what challenges come our way. I have looked into you my little pony and have seen what the others only guessed at. You are a real pony, even if crafted out of metal and magic, we're all just flesh and magic after all. The magic that makes up all the ponies in this land is the same as in you. Be assured that every creature that can act for itself, that can make it's own choices has a spirit or what some call a soul. They will be welcomed in the life to come and be rewarded for all the good that they do. When that time comes I will visit you as often as I can Buzzbot. Goodbye my little pony until next time."

There would be plenty of time for all that Celestia had told her to eventually happen, but until then Buzzbot would keep on doing her part to make ponies lives better wherever or whenever she was.


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Buzzbot's landing in the future was far softer than her jump into the past and she floated down before landing on the metal flooring with a clatter. She looked about the dials, flashing lights and all the amenities of home. Home, I’m home!

Buzz felt contentment settle in her core as she drank in the nostalgia, I never knew how much I missed that simple feeling of belonging. Powerlines, glowing displays and the gentle hum of magical lamps greeted Buzz like an old friend. Tinker Track, her Tinker Track was standing behind a control panel with a proud smile on his face. There he was, older, wiser and so far removed from the troubled pony of his past. By the faint light of the moon filtering in from above Tinker looked slightly ethereal, as if not quite real and for one moment Buzz almost feared he wasn’t.

"Ah, Buzz great to have you back. I trust it all went well in the end?" Buzzbot’s core felt like it would burst with joy and she realised just how much she missed his voice. With happy tears welling in her eyes Buzz galloped up to Tinker and threw her hooves about him.

Buzz buried her nose in his warm chest, enjoying the familiar smells and sense of family. Tinker laughed softly and Buzz looked up into his sparkling yellow eyes, "I'll take that as a yes then? You would have never given me a hug before you went so I guess I can call your trip a great success,” He ruffled Buzz’s mane playfully before smiling all the wider.

"You would not believe it! I got to see Twilight’s coronation! Ponyville was so small and rustic, there were real candles and, and….” Buzz felt like she would burst with the effort of trying to explain everything that she’d done and discovered while in the past.

"Of course I do, I was there for some of it wasn’t I? Please tell me any way, it’s great to see you like this," Tinker Track chuckled again, “To see you so alive and happy is more than I could of hoped for.”

Buzzbot excitedly reported all she had done and Tinker nodded with enthusiasm while watching her with admiration. She told him about the fight with timber wolves, about how Tinker had been so young and silly and all the time Tinker just continued to ruffle Buzz’s mane and nod every so often.

As her tale wound onwards Buzz felt, something new, it was warm and fuzzy and just felt like everything was right in the world. Contentment that was it, for the first time Buzz felt contented. It felt like hours, just talking and explaining all that had happened to her before suddenly her report was done and Tinker continued to beam happily.

"You’ve grown up so well and made wonderful friends. I of course couldn’t be sure you’d turn out right, but I can see that it was just me being overprotective,” Tinker patted her again on the head before his face became serious, “Now let’s have a look inside. There are few things that I still don’t understand my dear.”

Obediently Buzz dropped her disguise and became the true machine beneath, "Tinker? You made me? What don’t you understand?"

With great care Tinker ran his hoof over Buzz’s dented flank, closely examined the stripped sensors and peered into Buzz’s cracked eye lense. Producing a delicate looking tool, he began to adjust and finally undo the top of Buzz’s head, “How come you feel, after all these years I still don’t know how that happened. We want to examine your processor and see if there are any more clues about when you became alive.”

Buzz frowned, “We?”

"Tinker wasn’t the only pony who worked on you and that's not the half of it," Buzz had to fight not to turn her head to see Twilight step cautiously into the workshop. "I had a little hoof in your creation as well Buzz, so yes ‘we’ want to get proper data form as close to the event as we can."

Buzzbot’s world tilted, “Twilight helped build me too? I thought that only Tinker….” A horrible suspicion began to form in her mind, “You’re not going to tell me I’m some sort crazy
experiment where you’ve crossed pony DNA with machines or something? That I’m somehow your daughter and….”

Both Twilight and Tinker froze for a moment before they both burst out laughing. Buzz just stood there, her head open to the world as Twilight wiped a few tears from her eye, "Oh Buzzbot, nothing as odd as that."

She grinned at Tinker before fighting a fit of giggles again, "I'm fond of Tinker as a great friend but we aren't a couple or anything. I just lent a hoof in some of your programming with my magic. Plus how do you think he was able to pack you with those books that haven't 'officially' been written?" Twilight winked.

Buzz nodded. Most knowledge could be found in data cores now, mostly in interests of space, thousands of years of history took up a lot of paper. Although some more exotic texts such as those packed with Buzz were kept off digital form to limit their availability, generally speaking paper copies were considered an extravagance.

Although relieved, Buzz felt oddly sad about their response. For a moment she thought she had a…. Tinker took a breath before explaining, "Only and I mean only in a very, very, metaphorical way Buzz could we be called your ‘parents’. Twilight helped me with your design, the notes she took all those years ago were very handy and gave us just enough insight to make some prototypes.

"But that still doesn't explain how you came to have feelings and ideas of your own," Twilight continued, "We tried our best to duplicate what we knew of you in the past. To have you blend into history well enough to fool even the Royal Sisters if needed, to this day we still don't know if it would have worked but we did hope.”

Twilight’s face became one of immense pride, "To be totally honest Buzz we still don't fully understand you even to this day. As you know, some things in Equestria just need to be believed in not understood."

Buzzbot felt her world tremble again, so much to take in, "I understand why Tinker Track would want to build me. But why you Twilight? Was I such a good friend that you had to help build me too? Why didn't you tell me you’d helped? Was I just made to ensure history worked out right?"

Buzz struggled to keep track of all the thoughts and feelings inside, she was real and alive, but no pony seemed to know how. Twilight had helped create her and even she didn’t understand how this had happened. Buzz bounced from joy to sorrow and worry faster than she’d have thought possible.

Twilight continued with her important lesson, "It’s all about time loops. We built you because it had already happened, therefore it’s self-fulfilling. On a personal note if I hadn't built you then I would never have met you and would never have been inspired to create all this.” Twilight waved a hoof at the technological marvels all around them.”

Buzz paused for a moment, “I.….understand?” It had all made sense in what felt a lifetime ago, but Buzz had the nagging feeling there was still more to it all. Before it had seemed all logical and sensible but now, now Buzz didn’t like the idea of self-fulfilling time loops at all. It felt like she was just a puppet, a marionette that danced to someone else’s tune. “I er, guess that’s okay I…”

“What’s wrong Buzz?” Tinker asked with concern, “I thought you’d be happy to finally know a bit more about yourself?”

Twilight’s smile became a serious frown and she spread her wings to out either side, looking impressive and almost angelic, "Of course you weren't built just to save the future, the world would have been a much darker place if we hadn’t I’m sure, but that’s not the only reason. I wouldn’t have know what I missing in you or Tinker, I’m just glad that it all worked out.”

The worry wouldn’t fade though, “But if, I, what if? You can’t expect me live with it ‘just is because it is’?”

Twilight put her wing around Buzz’s shoulder, "Buzz, so grown up and yet still so young," Twilight said. "Those sort of questions pull at the strings of reality. I’m not saying there is no answer, I’m just telling you that sometimes those answers have to wait. Until I learn otherwise, I’ll keep trying my best and let the consequences follow and I advise you to do the same. One day we will understand everything, at least that’s what Celestia tells me.”

Buzz felt a little better at least, “Well, you can at least tell me why you didn’t let on about your involvement in my creation until now?”

Twilight’s smile returned, "Well, once I got a proper chance to chat with Tinker Track in your absence it became clear that you had no clue about my part in your beginning. So we thought it best to keep it that way. No point in rocking the boat huh? Plus it makes it an even better surprise for you now."

Tinker finished linking Buzz’s memory to a data store and she felt the familiar sense of knowledge being copied, "So we're all done then? No more time travel?"

Twilight nodded, "No more planned. After this we’ll seal up the time gate so that only the Royal Princesses have access to it. Time travel is almost always more trouble than it's worth in my opinion, best left to Celestia and Luna who know what they are doing." Twilight concluded with feeling.

"Now you can get to actually living your life Buzz. You have done all we could have asked for and have earned a bit of a holiday," Tinker track added, "You can go out and be yourself, not according to rules we programmed into you, but from what you have learnt yourself."

Buzz felt the download complete and TInker closed her head with a snap, “So are there any more like me? Do I have brothers and sisters somewhere?"

Both Tinker Track and Twilight looked at each other in a meaningful way. Tinker was the first to speak, "No Buzz sorry, you’re the only prototype that worked out." Buzz's eyes narrowed and the whole sci-fi horror lab idea was coming back to her again.

Buzz felt disappointment warring with a sudden anger, "What? don't tell me there are a whole load of failed 'Buzzbots' lurking somewhere in the basement of T.C.A.P like some freak show?"

"Buzz how could you even think that? Of course we don't have anything like that. We haven't become monsters while you were in the past. Yet another reason to send you back, we could never have fully guessed what a derailed Tinker Track may have gotten up to." Twilight reassured while Tinker cringed apologetically.

"No it's more accurate to say you’re the first robot ever to become alive, with feelings of your own. It was never a programmed part of you, but a part we took great care to nurture once it became apparent you were something different.”

We realised you had to be the pony-bot we met in the past and took steps to make sure you came out right," Twilight assured Buzz. "As I said before we don't know what caused it to happen and we still don't to this day. That's what makes this so fascinating."

"We will be of course happy to help explore this with you, but even when we have tried to replicate the exact circumstances of making you, still nothing. There just never was that certain ‘spark’," Tinker Track confirmed.

Relieved to know her friends and creators weren't so obsessed that they would have an army of failed monsters hiding under T.C.A.P Buzz still felt a pang of loneliness. Sad that she was one of a kind. This must have shown on her face as Both Tinker Track and Twilight moved to comfort her.

There was a tender moment before Buzz said, "You know it wouldn't be so bad to have you both as a mum and dad, you're both pretty special, even if you aren't a couple or anything," Buzzbot felt both the other ponies tense up at this point.

"You know Twilight, that wouldn't be such a bad thing now would it?" Tinker Track asked.

"Don't you be getting any funny ideas about it, it’s bad for co-workers to date you know that," Twilight replied but there was still a little hitch in her voice.

"Who said anything about dating, we know each other well already, why don't I just pop the...." Tinker Track was cut off by a hoof in his mouth, Twilight's hoof.

"Now let’s not get ahead of ourselves here Tinker a working friendship is one thing, plus you do know how much older than you I am?"

Pulling Twilight’s hoof away Tinker beamed mischievously, "Well stranger things have happened Princess."

"Well Mr Tinker Track, being a co-guardian of the world’s first living pony-bot will have to do for now."

Buzzbot felt that things could have been a lot worse and that they all had everything to play for. There was one thing that still bothered her though, "Um potential mum and dad I have just one question? Er, I will most likely have a lot more in time but just one for now," Buzzbot asked as assumed her Stage Cloak disguise once more, batting her brown eyes and pouting her lips.

"What?" They both asked.

"Why am I called Buzzbot? You never did tell me," Both Tinker and Twilight chuckled at this.

"Well Buzz it was the first time we knew there was something different about you. All the while we thought some bug had gotten into the lab, spent three days trying to find it. Turns out your cortex was making the buzzing sound we could hear,” Twilight said with a little grin. "Tinker Track spent almost the three days harassing the building's designers about the intrusion as the laboratory was meant to be an air tight system where nothing can get in."

Tinker’s eyes took on the distant glaze of memory, "Yeah I gave the ponies down at resources a real headache with my complaining. Of course I was so very sorry for doubting their work when it became apparent it was actually you Buzz." The three ponies stood there and hugged for a while before they broke apart and began talking about their future.

On the roof of the lab's dome three figures were standing, though no other ponies could see them. They looked down and watched the happy threesome with fondness, "Well that worked out well, better than I could have hoped for them."

"Well you don't often take such an interest in the lives of many ponies sister, but I can see why you would make an exception for your most faithful student," The second replied.

"Well she is such a bookish pony, even after all these years I was afraid she would never meet the right stallion. But I assure you that wasn't my primary intention," The first added.

"And you tell me I meddle too much and now I see that you’re just as bad Celestia," The third figure snapped in a peevish manner.

"Well I did help you make your first ever friend Discord along with hundreds of other ponies over the years your reformed magic has helped too," Celestia pointed out.

"Yeah and look at all the friendship trouble that has gotten me into," Discord snapped in mock annoyance. He gave Celestia an accusing look, "You're the one who is playing matchmaker with them. I try helping fix the messes in their heads, not make ponies worse with all this 'special somepony stuff'." Discord insisted, but there was a slight grin on his lips that hinted he thought otherwise.

Celestia looked to the other two and took on a serious note, " I was merely ensuring that a massive pony robot war was avoided. We have held off these sorts of inventions for some time, but our charges are growing up. They would have discovered technology at some point and it would be wrong of us to hold them back. They were halfway there when Buzzbot stepped back into the past, you both know the machines Twilight was working on."

Luna nodded in approval, "We can't keep them in the dark about what potentials this life has forever. I was just glad we could guide it in such a way that it worked out for the best for everyone. I shudder to think of the catastrophe that could have unfolded had we not stepped in."

Celestia took on a more cheery playful tone, "That my best student and fellow alicorn may have found her very special somepony was a pleasing side effect. I try not to meddle in matters of the heart, as some wise little fillies once said, nopony can make any other pony be together."

"That doesn't mean you can't arrange things so they keep bumping into each other though?" Luna said with a slight smirk.

Celestia's stern bluff was totally gone now and was replaced by a big smile as a gagging sound came from Discord, "I guess I'm to blame also, I should never have let you talk me into putting a little more life into that robot brain they were building,"

With a flash Discord was suddenly wearing Celestia’s royal armour, "Oh it will be so much fun Discord. A little bit of chaos in a totally ordered, logical brain, even you can see the funny side in that.” He quickly resumed his usual form, “Had I known what you had really been planning I would have run for the hills. Now I see that I have been duped in helping them discover that friendship really is magic and often leads to something greater. I should never have trusted you Celestia, you wanting to play a little prank was too good to be true," Discord began gagging for real.

Luna’s eyes twinkled, “That does also mean Buzz is kind of you niecie, you did help make her,” Discord went pale and Luna suppressed a little chuckle, "Why Discord you look positively dreadful."

"Thank you," Discord responded, his words muffled between his fingers.

"No we mean really ill," Celestia added.

"I know, all this 'friendshiping' is making me feel like I’m gonna hurl," Discord finished.

"Well I for one wish them all the best, that along with a long and happy future," Luna finished, lying down and peering into the dome below. She was quickly followed by Celestia and both sisters happily watched the unfolding scene below.

With a bang Discord let out a cloud of party streamers and glitter, "Gah I never thought I would do that again. Look what you ponies drive me to..."

Buzzbot thought she caught the sound of a party cannon going off somewhere up above and looked up to see a small cloud of confetti covering the top of the dome. The small particles settled down before being blown away in the light night breeze. Neither Twilight nor Tinker had noticed, too busy talking about how's and what's of being the legal guardians of the first ever 'living' pony-bot.

Buzzbot shrugged at the unexpected sound, this day had enough to deal with apart from pranks probably pulled by some pegasi out having a bit of fun of a night. The sounds of Tinker and Twilight talking grew less distinct as they headed out of the laboratory still deep in conversation. Buzz had a family now, an odd one admittedly, but one that she could work with. True Twilight and Tinker hadn't officially tied the knot, but Buzz felt she had a few ideas about how encourage them along.

Pausing to look up at the moon Buzz wished for the second time in her life. She first thanked Luna for all her help, for getting her through all she had been up against. Then she wished with all her heart that her new family and friends would be safe and happy. In the end, that’s about the most important thing there was.

With her task done Buzzbot turned about and trotted after the couple. She could hear the sounds of what would probably be the first of many heated debates, both Twilight and Tinker were very independently minded ponies, but that didn't worry her and she joyfully went to see what life would hold for her next.

The End.