
Viewing 161 - 180 of 204 results

[Superlong-RwR-250th!] A Tell-All Tale About What Could Have Been · 6:52am Jul 14th, 2017

In commemoration of the 250th blog and since Rain without Rainbows turned six years old this month,
I’m going to spill every secret, plan, and answer that I’ve ever held back.

So go ahead.

Read further.

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\o/ Scampy's SunFlower Shipping Contest \o/ · 1:32am Mar 9th, 2021

Art source: katevelasco

Are y'all ready for GAY???

I've been wanting to do this for a long time, and with a bunch of help from my friends it's FINALLY TIME!!

Contest details are below \o/

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Update On How Things Are Working Out · 7:15pm May 11th, 2019


Enchanted Library 2nd Anniversary - Chapter 24 · 9:05pm Feb 13th, 2017

lmao can you believe i've been working on this for two years what the heck

ANYWAY YES, EL is two years old now so I made a sappy blogpost shhhh I'm putting it under the cut because there's SPOILERS, and I'd like to quickly mention that, if you haven't read Chapter 24 yet AND skipped the interlude, please go back and read the interlude because it's linked to the chapter.

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The Changes No One Wants..... · 1:35am Jun 6th, 2017

So, I just had to go through all of my fics to see if they still look alright, since knighty has now implemented a way to change the layout of a fic between indented and double-spaced and it was switched to double-spaced for me by default.
I won’t write a blog entry now to say what I think of those new design choices (Hint: They suck.), I lack the energy, but I just wanted to write this in case anything looks off in one of my fics.

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If anyone still wonders if I exist: here I am · 4:44pm May 25th, 2023

It's a bit of a cliché to say it, but a lot can happen in a year.

I'm not going to get into most of what has happened, because it's boring. The big announcement is that I've moved home, back up to near my parents and the rest of my family, which means no more Birmingham (and no more cheap chocolate from the cadbury factory, alas).

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To Make Sisyphus Laugh · 8:56pm Sep 4th, 2021

Did you know according to Spanish law, you can exercise legitimate self-defense against a kid, but not against a cow? One day I'll do a comic about Equestrian law, and I'll make it completely accurate to reality, and it'll come off as the stupidest shit I've ever written.

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I'm so tired. · 6:22am Jul 19th, 2015

If you saw the post I put a few nights back, you'll know things haven't been going that well for me. I'm still upset and frustrated, but I've managed to get an extension on my college work and am catching up with the class. I can't go back in time and get my contest entry in like I wanted, but I'll take what I can at this point...

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B r u h · 7:39pm Aug 8th, 2020


The Pre-Jinglemas Revival · 10:08pm Dec 21st, 2015

Note to self: don't have the Cap post a teaser when we aren't even ready to be undead yet.

So. Holidays are right around the corner. And we've been busy. Quite busy. Busily busy, one could even say. So now, consequently, we've got a good string of updates for you guys, with only more to come. Consider that our kinda-sorta Jinglemas gift to you, our followers. Gotta promote that love, sharing, and peace on Earth deal, right?

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-when you realize the last time you blogged was a few days ago-(AMA) · 5:44pm Sep 12th, 2016

Ain't that nice.
So, uh, I guess this can also be an 'ask me anything' blog maybe?
Yeah, yeah sure. Ask me anything~


Most of you probably aren't wondering what I'm up to · 11:51am Nov 15th, 2016

But I'll tell you anyway because I have nothing better to do and I'm wasting my free time!

So I'll be as painfully blunt as I can be.

Basically I'm a good for nothing piece of shit that is spending way too much money on nsfw commissions.

I do nothing but become a simple consumer of Youtube videos and play video games daily, reverting back to that boring person I was before I created stories (if you can even call them that).

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The Secret to Cover Art · 4:42pm Aug 17th, 2015


A Hearth's Warming present: "A Matter of Principals" · 8:38am Dec 25th, 2019

Happy holidays! Hope the season is going well for you. I'm working a double shift tomorrow on Hearth's Warming — but I can still celebrate, by giving everyone a present!

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Humorous/insightful blogs postponed · 5:20pm Aug 7th, 2019

Not super feeling it right now, guys. Got a meeting this late afternoon/evening and another tomorrow morning, involving co-workers, a performance review and a meeting about our current product. (The performance review should, honestly, be fine, but that's not going to stop me from worrying.)

I could have typed stuff during the con, but, well - it was a wonderful convention and i want to gush about it later.

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God, There are like a million possible witty titles for this blog. And at least one story idea. · 6:21pm Dec 16th, 2015

Expectation: My ADHD pills will help me focus and get a ton of writing done!

Reality: My ADHD pills helped me masturbate for 5 straight hours!

( this is a large part of why I failed college, by the way)


I should make one of these for good news some day. Not this time though · 10:18am Apr 12th, 2016

So, I made the schedule, and I try to follow it as best as i can, otherwise I would never ever EVER have written almost 200k words, but sometimes stuff just happens.
That stuff being my group mate's loading a lot of work my way, not that I mind, I rather like doing this stuff, but it has been very time consuming, and coupled with what I think is a writer's block, I haven't written very much. I'm not going to be able to make it till Sunday. I need more time.

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How Do I Stop Caring? · 10:04pm Jun 5th, 2020

This sounds horrible, but how do I stop caring so much? Everything is just breaking my heart and I'm shutting down and also stress eating. I'm so fucking privileged yet I do jack shit with it and just watch suffering all over the world from the comfort of my unaffected fortress. I hate myself so much.

How do I stop caring?


New addition · 7:39pm Jul 9th, 2018

Quick update-refresh-whatever, wastelanders....

I've decided I wanted to add something else to the tops of the chapters.

For those who do not want to go through the previous entries again, please see the below. This is what has been shared so far.

My Dearest Subjects, here and abroad.
I never wanted to be revered. That was never my goal.

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It's A New Year (1/2022 Update) · 10:45pm Jan 1st, 2022

So, it's 2022 now. We'll have to see how this one goes--there does seem to be something of an unfortunate trend with the 2020s thus far.

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 204 results