
Viewing 161 - 180 of 424 results

Hearth's Warming Tidbit 17: Propriety Of the Alicorns · 10:30pm May 7th, 2020

Sorry, this took so long, in truth, this has been done for months now, but I had to wait for the proper time. Annoyingly enough when the proper time came my internet went down yesterday. This tidbit sums up everything I feel on the alicorns and is actually a close look at how I see immortals in general. It certainly something I plan to apply to my original work, because seeing immortals being in this way just makes so much perfect sense. Don’t just see it as my take of the alicorns, but on

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Thank You So Much! Also, For the Sake of Clarity, a Few Edits · 4:47am Dec 30th, 2021

First off, let me say I knew that the title was pretty click-baity, but even I was expecting it to become a Heated fic! I haven't had that little tag on anything I've written since 2014 (If that was even a thing back then. I just remember the fic being on the top of the box for a week). Back then, I also didn't practice thanking every favorite. Let's just say, even though I wrote this fic rather quickly so I'd have some more time to work on Electro Swing, I wasn't quite expecting the response

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Journey To Hearth Season 5 Episode List and Previews · 6:07pm Aug 3rd, 2022

Last season left off on a massive cliffhanger. This season we pick up where that left off, going into Pegasus Isles with a banger of a season. So anything to look forward to in this blog, from each episode title, to small tidbit previews of stuff to come from this season. We will also be exploring the world of the pegasi and their history. In particular their connections to the griffins and even the mysterious demonic Nuckelavee. Yes, the brand new species I unveiled last season, they too,

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Hearth's Warming Tidbit 7: Raven's Eyes · 6:45pm Apr 10th, 2019

So last week I told you all that I would be starting my own work. This however doesn't mean that my main work Journey To Hearth's Warming will still be going as a fall back in case the original works don't last. This means that tidbits still continue. I might short the amount of tidbits next season but this won't mean they will be ending any time soon. Now we get to the next tidbit, Raven's Eye. The dangerous object that drives one of our villains' motivation. But which villain am I motivating

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Sex and the Single Alicorn · 7:00am May 16th, 2015

Introduction: One question unanswered (and very likely to remain unanswered) in canon about Celestia and her sister is the issue of their sexual activity. Are they virginal, promiscuous, or somewhere in between? What is the definition of promiscuity, anyway, when one is nigh-immortal? They're semi-divine, yes, but concepts of the proper behavior of divinity vary wildly.

I. What Is Known:

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I'm BACK, everyone! · 12:05pm Aug 2nd, 2016

I know, I know, it's been a long while. A REALLY long while now that I look at it. But now that I've been bit by the writing bug again and I've looked over a few of my stories, I realize that they really REALLY need updates. So, I'm going to try to do them again!

Stories I intend to update first (not necessarily in this order)

The Creepypasta Ponies
Empress of Harmony
Blackthorn Asylum
Alicorn Construct

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Alicornyus · 1:57pm Dec 21st, 2017

Well, I completely forgot to make a blog post for my last short story. I wrote it in like ninety minutes while tired, posted it, did some after-the-fact edits because I'm stupid, then went to bed.

When I wake up it's got the #2 slot on fimfiction and over a hundred likes.


So, apparently, I struck gold with my little short story idea. Thank FanOfMostEverything for the idea. I'm going to sit and re-examine my life for a bit.

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Let's Do a Fun Little Project: The Imperium of Equines and The Heresy · 4:53pm Jan 18th, 2019


Actually, I'm Dead: Full review by Arcanum -Phantasy · 11:50pm Oct 9th, 2018

Here. This is the first review to cover the entire story.

Also, a general apology to everyone still waiting for "I, Monster". The best I can give you now is the reassurance that there's people working on it (me and 'Walker, as usual), and that there's a plan. Yet, no deadlines, or release dates. Take care.


Love Bite · 4:12am May 28th, 2022

Chrysalis is feeling mischievous and sneaks up on Mark Wells as her stallion sleeps. However, all is not what it seems and Mark is ready to turn the tables on his herdmate.

Art by RatedPonystar.


Pony Talk Episode 43-Is Sunset Celestia's Daughter? · 6:57pm May 21st, 2017

I give my thoughts on a popular theory in the Brony fandom


Oi · 11:56am Oct 31st, 2023

New chapter of Moonstruck out, fun little lewd-Luna story.
Everything else is slowly getting there.


I got some bad news, dood. · 1:58pm Jul 21st, 2015

The next five chapters of Twilight's Misadventures will contain no clop as I have deemed it 'in bad taste' to have it during the ascension process, dood.

Sorry for the inconvenience... also there will be a maintence during the time of 6:00 AM MST to 11:00 AM PST because Heavensward is too big to fix all at once and need to kill Fusion Fool's remaining game time so he can start buying game cards or use his credit card, dood.


Cleverpun's proposed collaborative story project - When They Break Away · 11:30am Apr 10th, 2017

Cleverpun came up with an idea for a collaborative story project, as noted in this post:

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My true identity (April fools) · 9:45pm Apr 1st, 2016

I've been on this site for awhile now, so I've decided to reveal who I truly am.

It may come as a bit of a shock, so if you are of a nervous disposition I'd suggest that you turn away now.

No? Really? Your choice.

Well, here goes.

In reality, I am...

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Pink Alicorn Blues Progress Report #1 · 3:56pm Jul 5th, 2018

Hi all. I know some of you are anxiously awaiting the second chapter of Pink Alicorn Blues tomorrow. I am too, to see if the confusion about what the Tartarus is going on in the story makes sense to those who are currently confused.

And no, Discord did not put me up to it.

Go away Discord!

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About to be back on schedule! · 4:21pm Jun 23rd, 2017

This took longer than expected. I'm sorry for the delayed update, but the chapter I've been working on kept going. I think it went pretty well with all the events that unfolded in it. Will it be rough to follow? Likely with how we jump from one thing to another really fast, but progression after this will be much more manageable due to being more focused. That being said, I will be writing the other chapter for the next few days. I will have to look through chapter five, so expect that to be

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To My Readers · 1:52am Jul 19th, 2019

Sorry for keeping you guys in the dark, but I had to delay the next chapter to fix some things. Currently, chapters one through six have finally been updated to my current style. Reason why is that my old style for those specific chapters gave me a headache and might turn away new readers in the future. Anyway, feel free to read those chapters or just ignore this and wait for the next one.

Oh, and here's a picture of Sun wearing a scarf for the delay. :twilightsmile:

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The Future Of The Divine Universe · 12:41pm Mar 7th, 2019


Journals, Flurry Heart, and Age of the Alicorns · 8:59pm Jan 5th, 2020

You guys may have already noticed but I have started a little something called the "Journals of the Council of Friendship". After the finale, I decided that I can still continue with a planned fanfic called "Flurry Heart's Story", but I figured to get things set up, I would make some little journal entries by the Mane Six and Spike talking about all the events in their lives that happen between "Ending of the End Part 2" and the time that FHS starts (which is about 8 years after Twilight's

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 424 results