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Let's Do a Fun Little Project: The Imperium of Equines and The Heresy · 4:53pm Jan 18th, 2019

Now before anybody starts screaming "HERESY" or assumes I'm going to be adding another fic to my roster let me explain. This is kind of a writing exercise for me. I'm a huge Warhammer 40K fan and I've always wanted to write my own version of the Horus Heresy, my personal favorite moment in the lore. I originally just thought of making my own Primarchs and Space Marine Legions to create my own version, but then I realized it would be a dozen times more challenging (and fun) if it was ponified. More specifically, what if I replaced Terra with Equus, The Imperium of man with The Imperium Of Equines, and The God-Emperor of Man with Alicorn-Emperoress of Equines

I already have the backstory and idea of how to alternate the history to a similar one in the Pre-Crusade 40KVerse (aka Age of Strife). What I need for you guys is to create the Space Legions and The Primarchs or Primares as I will be calling them. I will pick the best ones of the lot, anybody can do one but you can only do one. Just a few rules when doing this:

1. The Primarchs have to be Mares and they must be Alicorns. The Marines themselves will also be mares but they will be of the regular three types of ponies.

2. While you can take some elements from the original Legions and Primarchs, please do not make carbon copies of them. Try to be original as you can.

3. Please nothing OP. For the love of god make them flawed. Even Sanguinius has his moments. And I refuse to have 18 legions of Papa Smurfs.

For those of you who wish to write their legion and primarch here are the guidelines:

Legion Name:

Legion Number (Feel free to suggest a number but I must change it if need be):

Legion Logo (Give a basic example via image or describe it:

Legion Battle Quote:

Legion Unicorn Percentage (How much of the legion is of Unicorn types):

Legion Earth Pony Percentage (How much of the legion is of Earth Pony types):

Legion Pegasi Percentage (How much of the legion is of Pegasus types):

Legion Battle Specialty (What is your legions specialty in battle and war):

Legion Armor Colors (Give a primary and secondary color):

Primare Name:

Primare World (What is the name of the world they landed on and describe it as much detail as possible):

Primare Description (Describe them or give an image of what they look like)

Primare Personality (Describe what their personality is like. Fillyhood, deeds on their homeworld, likes, dislikes, flaws, talents, etc)

Primare Alliance (Loyal or Disloyal during the Heresy Part? If there are too many of one side I will change some to be loyal or disloyal depending. If you don't care say you don't care)

I'll keep this going for a month or so with reminders for everyone. Have fun.

Comments ( 29 )

Hmm, color me intrigued. I've read the God Empress of Ponykind, let's see how you do

It's not going to be a fanfic, more like a blog posts styled like a wiki or one of those Warhammer 40K theories shorts

Oh, or something like the Chapter posts for the Robuttian Heresy, alright

Legion Name: Stone Hooves

Legion Number (Feel free to suggest a number but I must change it if need be): 5

Legion Logo (Give a basic example via image or describe it: A hoof crushing a rock

Legion Battle Quote: The power of the Empress is in our hooves.

Legion Unicorn Percentage (How much of the legion is of Unicorn types): 1%

Legion Earth Pony Percentage (How much of the legion is of Earth Pony types): 98%

Legion Pegasi Percentage (How much of the legion is of Pegasus types): 1%

Legion Battle Specialty (What is your legions specialty in battle and war): Close combat (specialy powerhooves)

Legion Armor Colors (Give a primary and secondary color): Brown (primary), yellow

Primare Name: Granite Shield

Primare World (What is the name of the world they landed on and describe it as much detail as possible): Calcareus: A hive world dedicated to minning. Its atmosphere is heavily polluted and its landscape is dominated by mountain ranges. The citicens are almost exclusively earth ponies, who spend almost their entire lives underground minnig ores.

Primare Description (Describe them or give an image of what they look like): An alicorn built like a draft horse, with short black hair and grey coat.

Primare Personality (Describe what their personality is like. Fillyhood, deeds on their homeworld, likes, dislikes, flaws, talents, etc): Resolute and level-headed, but with a tendency to dismiss the point of view and opinions of others. Found by a lowclass minnig family, she grew up valuing hard work above all else. Being among earth ponies, she learned how to use her hooves and strength the most, prefering to use them over her magic; living underground, she almost made no use of her wings. Altough she doesn't admit it. Once her ablilities as a primare started showing, and seeing the crime in the underhive, she went on to disband the numerous criminal gangs in there, as she saw them as little more than parasites. Altough the majority of this gangs willingly surrendered, this was after the primare made an example of those who resisted.

Primare Alliance (Loyal or Disloyal during the Heresy Part? If there are too many of one side I will change some to be loyal or disloyal depending. If you don't care say you don't care): Loyal. Once she was found by the Alicorn-Emperoress of Equines, she was moved by the effort this ruler was making to unify all equine worlds.

Funny how you have the White Scars as your profile pic but you give a character that’s more like Ferrus Manus

Wait, if you're putting Equus as Earth, what about the other species? Zebras, yaks, donkeys, Changelings, griffons, dragons, etc? Also, how serious are you getting on those?

Like mankind with aliens during the Age of Strife, the other races betrayed ponies, enslaved them, and ruin them. Because of this, The Empress of Equines decided that non-pony species were unworthy of friendship and that ponies will only be safe if the "Xenos" were eliminated or enslaved. However, because of these actions that the Ponies take, this drives a majority of the species to become servants of the Chaos Gods. A small population, however, will eventually form this universes version of the Tau Empire.

Name: Lawbringers
Number: 2
Logo: A set of scales, ornate versions(such as on a banner) have a sword on one side and a shield on the other
Battle Cry: Protect the Innocent, Punish the Guilty. They occasionally just use the first half when performing a defensive role, and the second when on the offensive
Composition: Generally equal across the Legion, although can vary on a company-by-company basis based on their role. (eg. A company that specializes in defending fortifications have more Earth ponies, while blitz strike companies have more pegasai)
Tactics: The Legion as a whole specializes in 2 forms of combat. The first is a defensive siege role, put these guys in a hive city and nothing less than a goddamn Exterminatus will remove them. The other is surgical black-ops strikes using stealth speed, and surprise taking down their targets before they even know they're under attack. They are capable of excelling in these two very different forms of combat by having each separate company, of which there are more, smaller ones compared to the other Legions, either specializing in one of these roles or a subset of such. Think Rainbow 6 Siege, with each company being a different character.
Colors: Dark Blue with silver, although they will swap this out for appropriate camouflage prior to embarking on stealth operations.

Name: Vigilant Knight, Vigil for short
World: The Forge World of Titanus. A mass mining operation early in the planet's history left the upper layers resembling swiss cheese. As such, the vast majority of the population lives in massive cities that occupy these abandoned mines, and even then there are mass cavern networks that remain uninhabited, save by various criminal gangs. After reintegration into the Imperium, Titanus has become one of the primary suppliers for the Adeptus Arbites.
Description: Dark blue coat, mane looks like digital urban camo, relatively slim build, but still muscled
Personality: Raised by a cop, and later rising to the lofty position of police chief by a combination of determination, work ethic, and so many arrests they had to build several new prisons, Vigil is a no nonsense pony who's drive to punish criminals(and later murder chaos cultists) is matched only by her desire to keep the citizens of the Imperium safe from harm. She prefers using diplomacy to bring new worlds into the fold, not willing to bring lethal force against those who's only crime is ignorance. But should they start shit, they get one warning before she tears into them with a ferocity and precision originally seen during her SWAT days taking down kidnappers. Civilian casualties during Lawbringer campaigns are... rare to say the absolute least. Regrettably, the fact that her adoptive father died in front of her trying to rescue her from a kidnapper instilled in her not merely a difficulty in making connections with others, no love no hurt and all that, but also a bit of a berserker rage that shows up on occasion. Not 5 seconds after killing her father, Vigil helped him to perform a rather good Champaign bottle impression, with his head being the cork. (If you want to translate this into a Red Thirst/Black Rage thing for her Legion, be my guest, as long as it set to only target enemies)
Loyalty: Chaos cultists are traitors. Treason is a crime. Vigil is not only a Loyalist, but an anti-chaos specialist.

Author Interviewer

Have you read Archives of the Friendquisition? It's likely never going to be finished, but it's my gold standard for W40K crossovers and I'd recommend it to anyone thinking about writing one.

Not quite what you ask for, but a while back I ran an RPG at a convention that I called "Friendship is Heresy." I wrote a blog about it at the time here.


For that, I came up with my own bunch of 18 Legions


I add these for people's amusement

I can imagine an ages old Twilight leading those Tau wannabes, refusing to believe there's anyone not worthy of friendship.

I gotta ask, though, obviously Celestia is the equivalent for the Emprah:tm:, but what would Luna be?

That's too bad, I'd think you might do well if you wrote something in the vein of the stories James Swallow usually does.

As a 40k nerd, I second this.

Legion Name: unkown
Legion Number: Two
Legion Logo: sealed
Legion Battle Quote: unkown
Legion Unicorn Percentage: sealed
Legion Earth Pony Percentage: sealed
Legion Pegasi Percentage: sealed
Legion Battle Specialty: sealed
Legion Armor Colors (Give a primary and secondary color):
Primare Name: sealed
Primare World: unkown
Primare Description: sealed
Primare Personality: sealed
Primare Alliance: sealed; gone before the war

Lol, a lost Primare? Okay, why not.

Celestia isn't the Empress and neither is Luna. They're both dead

it. . . was a joke. . but ok then! How is your day going?

good to hear, and let me know if you need any more help on this or anything else! Have a fantastic day!

Hey, if it's okay I was thinking of submitting a few more Primares, including a potential Archtraitor
PS. What do you think of the Lawbringers

Has to be one per person to be fair. Also very good reminds me of the Ulramarines

I was going more for an Imperial Fists/Blood Angels blend with a dash of Knights Inductor
BTW The archtraitor I was thinking of actually started as a Slannesh traitor if you can believe it

So I know it's a bit late, but seems you are still working on this. So I have come to try and help. I've recently watched a whole bunch of Sci-Fi related videos, so I hopefully can conceive of something fun for this.

Legion Name: The Helmares

Legion Number: 06 (Optionally 666 if you want to make them a later founding Chapter.)

Legion Logo: An Ice Blue Banner with a black Frostwolf silhouette

Legion Battle Quotes: The Empresses's cold Fury has come! or Our Hearts are cold, no mercy for the (Traitors/Xenos/etc)

Legion Unicorn Percentage: 40%

Legion Earth Pony Percentage: 50%

Legion Pegasi Percentage: 10%

Legion Battle Speciality: Excellent at fighting in Arctic environments and tight City environments. They tend to avoid battles in open fields, due to fielding fewer pegasi.

Legion Armour Colours: Primary Colour is an Ice Blue, with black as a secondary colour.

Primare Name: Cold Tidings

Primare World: Hel is an Iceworld, that is notably populated with variants of life seeded from Equus. That have evolved and adapted to live in the harsh cold of the planet. Most notable is a breed of Equine (Ab-Equine/Ab-Pony? This universe's Abhuman) that populate this iceworld and later migrated to many others, after being rediscovered by the Equine Imperium. Windigo Equines, being an All Unicorn branch of Ab-equine that are immune to the effects of ice and cold, and can control this element naturally. They are constantly creating an aura of cold around themselves and are the most prevalent form of Equine encountered on Hel. Besides Windigo's other forms of life that adapted to Hel are Tazlwurms, which have become leaner tunnelling creatures, existing under ice fields and snowdrifts, ambushing prey that enter within range of the snow-traps they lay. And Frostwolves, a variant of the Timber-wolf, that is formed wholly from a type of magical permafrost located on Hel. Most of Hel's non-windigo population of Pony survive in large generator cities, which are cities built around a single massive power generator that generates the heat needed to stave off the eternal winter of Hel.

The initial colonists of Hel were scientists and engineers that had been trying to artificially warm the planet, using these generators to create a garden world. This failed and they were left stranded on the planet, by a xenos raiding party that destroyed their ships in orbit and on the surface. Using the remains of their vessel and one of the first completed generators, the ponies managed to survive and create settlements around them, that eventually grew into tightly packed cities. Over time other generators were re-activated and the slowly growing populations of equine moved to occupy the areas around them. Their wasn't always room for everyone, and many equines chose to leave or were forced out of the cities, forced to survive in the wintery magical hell. Presumably resulting in the evolution of the windigo's. The few pegasi that were with the initial colonists were an elite class, for their ability to create storm clouds and generate electricity from them, though the planet's harsh weather meant they could not fly very high. Though they were a very small minority of the city population, and were only found within the cities, providing storm clouds for the local city council. The cities on Hel were each run as their own independent state, with occasional raids for resources occurring between them or from windigo raiding parties. Trading caravans between the cities were run independently from the cities themselves, and were allowed access to any and all cities, whether they were Generator cities, or the near-mythical glittering ice palaces of the Windigo.

Primare Description: They are large and sturdy, built more like an earth pony in terms of their physique. Numerous small scars cover her face and forelegs. Their horn is jagged and curved. They have white spiral tattoos on their forelegs, due to events in her past. Their coat is an ice blue, like their legion. And her eyes are grey.

Primare Personality: Cold and harsh like the world she was brought up on. Cold Tidings was discovered outside one of the Generator Cities, by a group of ponies, that operated a trading caravan between the cities. She grew quickly, and was seen as a mutant, similar to the local ab-equines. She was trained to help protect the trading caravan. She gained numerous small scars, in her youth, fighting and killing Frostwolves, that harassed the caravan and various bandit clans that would setup ambushes. She later became the leader of her caravan, and began to collaborate with other caravans to form small militias and wipe out bandit encampments, rather than wait for the cities to do so. She gained a reputation for hunting down bandit clans and successfully wiped out forty two clans. She would be sought out to train the garrisons of the various cities, where she would gain the loyalty and respect of the ponies and their soldiers. She eventually used her clout, to force the cities into a single unified force, after wiping out the last of the bandit clans. Her magical prowess particularly forming ice walls and infusing her bullets with ice, drew the attention of the windigo, who sought her out and would bring her to their ice cities to learn how to further harness the ice. She also learned to tame the vicious frostwolves that used to plague her caravan while studying with the windigo and would incorporate them into the lives of the equines as loyal servants and guard dogs. After studying under the windigo and learning their culture she took a ritual to become an honorary member of their people, their ice-cold magics piercing her skin and tattooing the spiral patterns, marking her as one of their own. With this new status, she would eventually defeat the leaders of various Windigo cities and bring them into alignment with the generator cities she was already controlling. This took years of hard fights on frosty plains, and in tight city environments when they refused honour duels. But Cold Tidings eventually controlled every city on the planet. When the Imperium arrived to reclaim the iceworld, they would find a united world. Unified in equine friendship, forged in battle and with perseverance. Cold Tidings bowed her head to the Empresses when they came to find their lost daughter, who immediately recognised them as her mothers.

Primare Alliance: Loyalist. They were present in the final battles, their Primaire opposed splitting the legions vehemently.

Differences from other legions: The Helmares use a lot of ice-related weaponry and arcano-tech. Frostbite rounds explode inside of a enemy combtatant and them form sharp piercing spikes of ice, that freeze their opponents innards. They also wield power-weapons that can create ice and freeze their enemies. They also train and breed massive Frostwolves to use as living weapons. Given they will repeatedly reform themselves, they are excellent for surprise attacks. But if reduced in size enough, they will permanently die. Windigo's though not suited to becoming legionnaires, assist the legion in producing their arcano-tech and breeding their Frostwolves. Almost all of the Helmares has a Frostwolf bond partner, that they care for, during their training.

Apologies if this one is kinda all over the place, I know I didn't put in enough negatives for the primare, personality. And it's all kinda hodge-podge. But I hope you like some of the ideas I suggested.

Well there is one weakeness, they are better suited towards colder nature worlds then warmer ones like a desert. This is good and I'll keep it.


Glad to help, I'll provide another. ^^

Legion Name: The Dustmares

Legion Number : 10

Legion Logo: An atomic Mushroom cloud, against a dark green background

Legion Battle Quote: Through Fire and Flame!

Legion Unicorn Percentage: 40%

Legion Earth Pony Percentage: 30%

Legion Pegasi Percentage:30%

Legion Battle Speciality: Fighting in environments, actively hostile to Equine life, such as the vacuum of space. Nuclear/Radioactive Wastes, Volcanic worlds etc.

Legion Armor Colors:Dark Green Primarily, with brown secondary colours

Primare Name: Dust Cloud

Primare Worlds: The Dustmares hail from a small collection of colonised worlds, within a single solar system. The first is Dustbowl, a planet that was ravaged by radioactive weapons, with the population surviving below the surface in vast underground cities. The surface is coated in vast deserts of radioactive dust. Populated by horrific mutated life, that occasionally tries to burrow down to snack on the tasty equine populace. Their population carries gasmasks and protective clothing at all times, in the event of an unexpected breach. Causing radioactive contamination to their cities, forcing intense cleansing to be performed by Unicorn magi.

The Molten Rock is a former penal colony, located upon the planet closest to the sun. The prison and convicts were abandoned during the war that ravaged Dustbowl, they learned to operate the equipment needed to survive, and over time the vast penal colony population, evolved into a culture of metallurigists and weapon makers. Their planet breeds the finest weaponsmiths, and churns out weapons in massive manufactorum complexes daily.

The Deathball is a spherical spacestation, that hovers over Dustbowl as an artificial moon. And helped regulate the tides, back when the planet was closer to a garden/eden world. The small planetoid also served as a defence platform, and a colony. Unfortunately the Deathball's own means of creating oxygen were damaged during the destruction of Dustbowl, and it slowly lost the capacity to support life. Many of the colonists were forced to move to Dustbowl, out of the system, or to the Molten Rock. It's original purpose was forgotten with the survivors, having to carefully recycle what air they had, it took a brilliant mechanist from The Molten Rock to begin repairing and restoring the Deathball, during Dust Cloud's campaign to conquer the system.

Fortuna is the last inhabited world, and while small it is a close match to equus and ideal for housing equine life. The planet was a privately owned world, run by aristocracy, who shut off contact with the other worlds, hoarding the riches and bounties of their world, until Dust Cloud's campaign annihilated them. Fortuna is the main recruitment world for the legion, with legionnaires also coming from the other worlds.

Primare Description: The Primaire is quite jovial, and somewhat excitable, often eager to invent a new weapon, or try out a new strategy in combat. This trait is passed onto their Legion, who are considered, highly innovative amongst other legions.

Primare Personality: Dust Cloud was raised on Dustbowl, where she discovered her talent in controlling the radioactive dust of her world and neutralising its effects. This talent allowed her to rise in the ransk ,and help expand the cities of dustbowl. Her inventiveness would shine through, devising a magical field to repel native wildlife, she lead Dustbowl to prosperity through her genius and innovation. And later through her battlefield prowess when the population became too great and they needed to claim the spaceports on the surface. Reclaiming and using her magical fields to protect them. They tried to colonise the deathball at first, but moved on to the molten rock, battling mutated wildlife and deranged ponies on dustbowl had left Dust cloud somewhat combat capable. She forged an alliance with Molten Rock and later the ponies of Deathball to takeover the one other habitable world, Fortuna. Fortuna was a prolonged campaign, dueto the nobility being well-entrenched and with decades of controlling the lower castes, Dust CLoud would eventually unite these ponies under her own cause and destroy the noble houses, followed by a week of celebrations, and putting resources into Fortuna to farm food, and provide oxygen to begin making Deathball habitable once more.

Primare Alliance: Loyal though this legion was primarily defending their own worlds during the heresy. And could not aid in the final battle.

It’s one per person. I have to take your first one only

Ah no worries. Well you could always use this chapter for a later founding. ^^ If you plan to do that much.

Any plans to do a similar list, but for Imperial Guard equivalents? 40k has some great IG Regiments, like the Death Korps of Krieg, Maccabian Janissaries, Mordian Iron Guard, Tanith First and only, Cathican Jungle Warriors, Cadian Guard etc.

Might be a good idea to post a link to this in the 40k group. By the way, since I can't post a new legion, mind if I put together some datasheets for both my Primare and the others? And some special units if they have any.

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