
Viewing 181 - 198 of 198 results

November Schedule / Something Wrong With Canterlot Winter Finale / Possible Commission Art / More Journey To Hearth's Warming and Hoodwinked · 7:01pm Nov 3rd, 2023

Yeah, we have a hyped month this November as my newest series reaches it's winter finale. That's right, Something Wrong With Canterlot will not get December posts. However, it will be returning a full month early in February rather than March like my other stuff. This is to ensure readers don't get too packed in during Journey's winter finale and another post of Stuck in Place coming that month. But that doesn't mean things will be empty on the story front, I have a few one-shots planned for

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It Takes Two. · 5:02am May 15th, 2023

Be sure to wish your sister a Happy Mother's Day...

...after all, it's partially your fault.


Hello gamers · 7:16pm May 12th

I have been so quiet lately because I have been hard at work (also, I have some important happenings irrelevant to this blog) on some updates. One of those is a brand spankin' new story for Mother's Day. It has been in the works for a few years now. That's right, ya boi wrote a normal Mother's Day story. Probably.

Catch the SFW flavor here:

TThe Depth of Motherly Love
[TEEN VERSION] The most enigmatic of monsters will not carry the ugly faces of one. A young draconequus named Discord has yet to learn this, and mortals may never do so. Oh, and the first lamia is created amidst all this turmoil.
Ice Star · 12k words  ·  17  2 · 206 views

Or the NSFW flavor here:

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The Ultimate Dinosaur Game · 7:42am Jun 8th, 2015


A break down of Online RPGs and how they work · 1:38am Dec 17th, 2016

Well to be more accurate, this is someone breaking down the game of a series and explaining why the game of the show is so bad while giving comparisons, many of which are real world (sort of), and giving a pretty detailed explanation of it all.

I would recommend this video for anyone plays MMOs, has played MMOs, is considering playing an MMO, is planning/working on a MMO.

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"It Feels Rapey" -- Three Horrible Mistakes To Avoid When Writing Romance · 9:53pm Dec 3rd, 2015


The Feel Awkward Film Of The Decade · 9:16am Sep 14th, 2021

I Know What You Two Did While I Was At The Store

Tagline: There's really no thrill in getting caught.


Cozy Glow as Mother

Starlight Glimmer as Little Sister


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Oh boy. · 3:43pm Jul 9th, 2017

Well. This is certainly a thing. Remember The Company We Keep? Y'know, that cheesy supernatural horror-comedy that I wrote with Cadance progressively going insane, but in style? And all the ghosts and stuff?

Just like Tomb of Magic it's finally gotten an updated and revised version, with some new dialogue and any errors - like continuity errors - fixed. Unlike TOM it didn't need any new scenes or anything, but there's about 2-4k* of words that weren't there before now.

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Wish for a Mother: Brown Sugar's Awesome Achievements! + Sequels in the Future · 5:08pm May 20th, 2018

Somefilly is a very happy filly right now! It's now more than three days ago that I released "Wish for a Mother" and the results have been overwhelming and breathtaking!

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FINAL Preview for Brown Sugar's fanfiction before RELEASE TOMORROW! + Title Reveal! · 4:31pm May 15th, 2018

Hello, folks!

It is finally happening. After weeks of slaving away writing full of dedication, my story for Brown Sugar, most famously known from "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and "Inspiration Manifestation", is ready for release!
It is fully edited and formatted up here on FIMFiction and just waits that I hit the Submit button!
Tomorrow, you will finally be able to read what took so long, but before that, I will torture you all with one final portion of HYPE!

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"Father Knows Beast" Review: Sludge & the Dragon Hunters · 4:10am Oct 7th, 2018

So, in this episode, there's something that intrigues me and got me thinking the most, but I'll come to that later. First, the obvious elephant dragon in the room..... Sludge. Spike's dad, or, at least what he wanted to make Spike believe he is.

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New fic is released: "Wish for a Mother" · 12:16am May 17th, 2018

And now, the moment has come. The story for Brown Sugar, an underappreciated background filly from "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils" and "Inspiration Manifestation" (among other episodes), that I teased for almost one year now, is finally released!
And after all the long wait, I don't want to make you wait even longer by talking too much about it, so I present to you:

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2018: My Pony Year in Retrospective · 9:47pm Dec 31st, 2018


Chlorine and Ladybug Kisses · 5:51pm Oct 12th, 2017

This just happened. This is real, I'm not kidding, this is an actual true story. This has changed me.

Today I woke up to my neighbor gently jacking off his dog.

I just took a nap in my new house for the first time, and my neighbor was gently jacking off his dog under my window. I got out of bed, stretched my arms, and looked at the city of Barcelona with a big smile on my face, and my neighbor was gently jacking off his dog under my window.

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Work Within Your Limitations: Make the Idea Fit the Writing (or, How I Get Away with Shitty Prose) · 5:07pm Nov 21st, 2018

Something that might surprise most of you is that, when I try to humblebrag, I barely talk about the obscene size of my penis. There is nothing humble about it. It’s just generally a great thing.

No, what I always talk about is the fact that—and this is true, fucking warped as it sounds—even though I am the dumbest motherfucker on this website? I sometimes need to put, like, real effort into convincing my readers that my prose is shit.

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Soon BookTime™ Will be Upon Y'all [IMPORTANT] · 10:48pm Nov 12th, 2022

After many delays and struggles with formatting cover art and other book-related tribulations, my first book of horse stories will soon be something y'all can buy with your real, human money! I've just ordered the test copy, so I can agonizingly take whatever red ink (it'll actually be black or blue, I don't like red pens) needs to be put to the pages before the final version is done. This means it'll likely be something you can get before the holidays. Should there be anyone in your life that

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10 Years · 4:35am Jul 25th, 2023

I am on for 10 years now. The anniversary was actually on Wednesday, July 19th, but the release of "The Sky is Gone: Acceptance" on my Patreon account made me stay up long the day before and I had to catch up on sleep, so I could not write this blog entry there. But I want to write about what happened during these 10 years.
Here is a retrospective of 10 Years on

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Things You Should Read that I Didn't Write (Shocker): Coffee Edition! · 2:24am Jan 15th, 2018

Viewing 181 - 198 of 198 results